Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, December 09, 1891, Image 3
1 J* > THE AMEliXOUb DAILY TIMES-RECOKDER: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBEK 9, 1891 COURT HOUSE SQUARE, americus, ga. 1891 lbw-t WILL m YOU GOOD GOODS AT THE PRICE OF INFERIOR. ' ! fN*,! 1 ' - I' 1 "." T»V"4^ iwuil CIU ; Nice Oak Suits at - $25.00 Parlor Suits at - - 35-°° Plush Rockers • * • 4-oo Side-boards, • $15.00 to $250.00 China Dinner and Tea Sets, • • $7-5° to $75-oo Picture and Room Moulding, Picture Frames. Pictures, Easels, Cords and Hangings—all on a basis of 6c. Cotton. Why do .the people with one voice say that D. B Hill keeps the best good? ? BECAUSE Theyjhave used our furniture and it never cracked, blistered or fell down; used our crock ery, chi ery, cftina and glassware, and found it as represented; lit our lamps and hhd good light; used our silverware and sounded its praise; bought our clocks and never got left; bought our window-shades when they didn’t need them; bought curtain poles for themselves and Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes s Suits, BURIAL SLIPPERS AND GLOVES. poor kin because they were so cheap; used our knives and forks and piaised the butcher; bought our pictures and got credit for lots of good taste; hung our wall paper and didn’t know the old house. This branch of our business is replete with all that is new and RELIABLE. Every improvement has our pa tronage. Nothing escapes us. Our stock of Koyal Worcester, Doulton and Dresden China, Huoga- EMBALMING done by EXPERIENCED Embalmers. rian, Faience and other holiday goods will repay your inspection. Mr. L. S. Tower will answer night calls. Residence in front of Methodist Church. * m • • CUBES STPHItlSI RRP. P. P. P. Cures rheumatism CURES mm MALARIA Jff ywjSS TZ> C5 JD JL • A • A • Cures dyspepsia ZJPPMAH BROS., Proprietor*, Dnggiitey Lippmsn's Block, BAVABB AH, GA# An t plsoda «f Nebra.ka Ufa. I met n gentleman at the Union depot the other night who had just retm-ned from Kearneyconnty. He said: “Itook up a eluini three weeka ago anil built my shanty with more care than is usually taken with them. X bnilt a bedstead of boards in the corner and laid in a stock of canned good* and dried meat. The first night after it was completed I crawled into lied and fell Into a deep sleep. Almnt midnight X was awakened by a half dozen mde jolts, some one cracked a whip, yelled ‘Git up!’ and I straightway felt the motion of a heavy wagon. 1 was bnt half awake, lint I re alized that my bed was tipped to an angle of 45 degs. and that everything was moving. I realized that my shanty, snpposed to he imoconpied, was being stolen with the in it. I grasped my re-, volver and emptied it at the walls nnd in answer heard the sound of scattering feet. X crawled ont of the small win dow-anti drove back almnt 100 ^ the sits of the hohse. where 1 made horses fast and posted myself nnder the wagon. Tbs next day I drove twoihiles to my nearest neighbor and soon had his opinion and that of several other fann ers. They nil said the horses and wagon were mine beyond donbt, ns no one wonlil ever claim them.”—Kntisas City rimes. Going- Homo to a Wife He Has Never Seen. Wong Sie Kie came from Hong-Kong to America three years ago. He tarried not at San Francisco or New York, bnt selected Hartford as his abiding place. Immediately he hegau washing clothes, and his attention to business and his good tutored “Hello” to all visitors brought him many customers. He pros- crwd so well that he thinks he has now ua<1e enongh to justify hie return to China. * For sale by the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY, Americas, Ga. Heal ii 8 MM jKSgJSftSgSftgOtlH w* GUARANTOR BBC BOXES v!U send the purchaser out ....wu trthatmtmmt dixs not «f- CURE X°t PXlea of whatever "““Jptj-Kainiil, Internal, Blind Itchisg, Chronic, Recent or fM$ »box| 6 boxes, $5.00. prepaid, on reoeipt of prloe, *WbSraSSuS? pBpo *■riwftm. obtained, and all Pat Uoi. or Photo., with dee crip- obl * I “ Psimls." with tost “'«}• in roar SUIT, count,, or -srmurec, Address, C iA.SN°W&CO. ^ p «*«i owes. wuais|t.». a. e. Wong will leave Hartford for San Francisco, from which port he will take Immediate passage for Ids beloved Hong- Kong. He lisa sold ont his bnslness to a cousin, who has taken charge. His savings and the money he got for bis laundry amount to' $3,000, representing hit net profit after bis living expenses have been deducted from three years of laondrying. Wong saya his father and mother are living, and that he has brothers and sisters. . Besides, he has a wife in China, to whom he has been married since he came to America. His imperfect English prevented a Incid ex- planation of how this marriage occurred. —Hartford Conrant. A Successor of Nswtos. Sir George Gabriel Stokes, who is till he.retires senior member for Cambridge nnivenity, is one of the most distin guished mathematicians of the day. He is an old man in the “seventies," below the medium height, with snow white hair and a very high forehead. Sir George is president of the Royal society, an office which was held by the fatuous Sir Isaac Newton, who was also member for the Univenlty of Cambridge. These two positions, which have never been held by one Individual since the time of Newton, are now, after the lapse of up ward of two centuries, happily combined In Sir George. To carry the analogy further, Newton never once spoke in parliament, while Sir George, although on assiduous sitter ont of debates, has during his five years of parliamentary life addressed the honse on two or three occasions only. It is not generally known that Sir George Stokes is an Irishman. His father, a distinguished graduate of Trinltjr col lege, was rector of Screen, about seven miles from the town of Sligo.—London Star. Tu Our Patrons. Wo will collect all bills due ue for job work weekly. This will make payments easier for you, and help us materially, as our expenses are payable Meekly. -, | » ' ' I 1 * - Times Ptraiiemxo Company. The Immigration to this country Which passes through the port of New York amounts roughly stated, to 1,000 a day. THE FIRST SYMPTOMS OF DEATH. Tired feeling, dull headaohe, pains In various parts of the body, sinking at the pit of the etomaob, loss of appetite, feverishness, pimples or sores, are all positive evidence of poisoned blood. No matter bow It became poisoned it must be purified to avoid death. Dr. Acker’s English Blood Elixir has never failed to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poison. Sold under positive guarantee. For Bale by Fleetwood & Russell, Americus, Ga. . 4 Th« Bib e o> th« Fhy.lclu In It we are told that be should be honored above all. Dr. R. M Burger, of Ivor. Va., writes that In all bis obser vation be has found nothing so simple and effective as Taylor’s Cherokee Rem edy of Sweet Gum and Mullein for conghs, colds and consumption. A harness that looks luminous in the dark has bien Invented. It is Intended to prevent collisions st night. Wbat measures are you taking to stop that cough? Lot us suggest De Witt’s Cough and Consumption Cure. It Is Infallible. The Davenport Drug Com pany. . The most recent steel nils have a higher percentage of carbon and the steel produced Is harder. You don’t want a torpid liver. You don’t want a bad complexion. You don't want a bad breath. You don’t want a headache. Then use De Witt’* Little Early Risen, the famous little pills. Tha Davenport Drug Company. ' Colognes, extraots, toilet waters and all toilet articles at Dn. Eldbidbb’b OUR VERY BEST PEOPLE Confirm our statement when we say that Dr. Acker’s English Remedy Is In every way superior to any and all other pre parations for the Throat aqd Lungs. In Whooping Cough and Croup, It is magic and relieves at once. We offeryou o' sample boitle free. Remember, this reined v Is sold’on a positive guarantee. Forsale by Fleetwood & Russell, Ameri- cus, Ga. v 8 For Rheumatism, Malaria and SypbUls, P. F. P. (Priekly Aeb, Poke Root and Potassium) Is ’the best known remedy. deel-dl2t-w2t “£,” is the most frequently used letter in the alphabet; then comes “T.” The laws of health are taught In the schools; but not in a way to ne of mnoh practicable benefit, and are never Illus trated by living examples, which In many cases might easily be done. If soihe scholar, who had just contracted a cold, was brought before the school, "so that all conld hear the dry, loud cough and know Us significance; see the thin white coating on the tongue, and later, as the cold developed, see the profuse watery expectoration and thin watery discharge fromthe nose, not oncof them would ever forget what the first symp toms of a cold were. The soholar should then be given Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy freely, that all'might see that even a severe oold could bo cured In one or two days, or at least greatly miti gated, when properly treated as soon os the first symptoms appear. This remedy Is famous for it’s cures of eoughs, colds and oroup. It Is made especially for these diseases and Is the.most prompt and moat reliable medicine known for the purpose. 50 cent bottles for sole by W. C. Russell, Ainerious, Ga. The finger nails grow between one and a halfland two Inches In length yearly, The refuse of one crop from an acre of tomatoes contains more fertilizing material than similar remains of a other crop*. ' Ignorance of the merits of De Witt's Little Early Risers If a. misfortune. These little ptlh repU^the Hvs^, curt stipatio!f’an<f*?({idusness. Tbe haven- port Drag Company. Wlna riiewxaaCbM, decried far Caslorl*. I HIM, shs do* to Outer!*. How Main* Firman Bu»|t4. The firemen of Caribou, Me., were colled upon to perform a feat rather out of the usual line of duty. The bridge across the Aroostook river connecting the two sections of the village burned, and although the adjacent buildings in thd maiii village were saved those on the opposite side of the river, near the end of the bridge, took fire and were threatened with destruction. Ail of the fire apparatus was in the main village, the bridge was destroyed and there were no boats at hand. Accordingly the bnt swimmers in the fire compeny were selected to swim the river with a line of hose. They accomplished the feat and got acron just in time to pre vent thn destruction of $80,000 worth of property.—Philadelphia Ledger. Isn’t it about time tu look about for Christmas presents? Celt and ice what an elegant line we have. 2ams* Fbickkb A Bbo. From the vital statistics of tbs large olties in this country It appears tbstat least 10,000 children starve to death every year. “An honest pill is the noblest work of tlie apothecary." DeWltt’e Little Early Risers cure constipation, billloninetsana slek headache. Tie Davenport Drag Company. The onion originally came from Egypt. A son of Mr. M. D. Fusser, a merchant of Gibraltar, N. C, waa so badly afflict ed with rheumatism for a year or more, aa to be unable to work or go to achool. Hia father concluded to try Chamber- lain’* Pain Balm on the boy. It soon cured him and haa since walked onfe and a half miles to school snd back every school day. CO cent bottles for sale by W. C. Russell, Americus, Ga. Syphilis, Scrofula, Blood Poison and Rheumatism are cured by . P.' P. P. - - - id! (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium) The mall train I* seldom late, but the train of a female Is always behind.— Glens Falls Republican. Partis of Modern Ufa. Contacts with electrio wires, railroad accidents, broken car and elevator cables, explosions of steam, natural gas and ebemleals. poisons In adulterated food and and drink, are a few; but all theiedan^snt combined do hot kill as slow and sure consumption rate, however, from con- ont down since given sumption is being yearly ont down sin Dr. Pierce of Buffalo, N. Y, has glvi to the world' his celebrated “Goldqq Medical Discovery,” a cure for consump tion arid throat and lung troubles that lead to consumption, it taken in time and given a fair trial The time to cure consumption, (whloh Is nothing morn nor less than lung-scrofula), Is in the Drat stages, A coughJgenerally sounds the alarm, and you should take the “Discovery" at once. There fe a time when it Is too late. Aa many aa 1,000 people are said to be "lynched" In thrf United States yearly. “Now by the gods I pity his misfor tune" for 'tie a woeful eight to see a strong man bowed with pain, limping through the great world at such a weary pace. Pll help him to a better mood, I’ll tell him to rub with Salvation Oil. A woman at Sabinsvllle, Fa., counted the stitches as she knitted aquilt. There were nearly 000,000. It is an established fact that De Witt’s Little Early Risers have an enormpus ‘ , and why? Simply because tbeyare in taking and happy in results. A pUl for the multitude. The Davenport Drag Company. From'observation on the transit of Mercury recently taken st the Lick Ob servatory, the diameter of that planet la given at 2,900 miles. ' # A trial convinces the most skeptical. Carefully prepared, pleasant to the taste. De Witt’s Cough ana Consumption Care it a valuable remedy. The Davenport Drug Company. It 1* proposed to Introduce reinde<r from Siberia to Alaaka to be utilized by the native# as beasts of harden. Dr. John Boll'* Worm Destroy ers taste good and quickly remove worm* from children and grown people, restoring the weak and puny to robust health. Try them. No other wonn medicine In so safe and sure. Price 26 cents at drag stores, or sent by mall by John D Park* Sons Co, 175 and 177 Sycamore street, Cincinnati, O. deal dAwly Oar experience coven many Ills, many plUs and many bills. Our ills are smaller our pills are smaller and our bills are smiuler when we use De Witt’s Little Early Risen. The Davenport Drag Compeny. If you want your house painted with paint that le guaranteed to be more durable and more economical than other peinta, buy L. * M. paints, sold by Dn. Xldbidox Tax bollce. Thai books are now ready, and until further notice I will be In my office for the purpose of collecting the taxes from 0 o’clock a. m. to 8 o'clock p. m. every day, except Sunday. J. B. Dunn, octlO Tax Collector. Tbo phonograph has been applied to the telephone, so that any conversation coming over the wires during the day may be readily reproduced. Treble end Boss. “Twinkle; twinkle, little star. How 1 wonder what yon are,” In treble sweet pi rd little Grace. crowded dear p«pa in lo-ve.t bass. When papa reads this he will learn how to get rid of the pest. By Its mild, healing, antiseptic, and cleansing proper ties, Dr Sage’s Catarrh Romedy Cures tbe worst cases. This infallible remedy doej not, like tbe poisonous, irritating snuffs, creams’ and strong caustic solu tions with which the public have been so long humbugged, simply palliate for a short time, or drive the disease to the longs. It produces a perfect and perma nent cure of the worst cases of Chronlo Catarrh. “Cold In the Head" cured with a few applications. Catarrhal Headache relieved and oured as if by magic. It removes offensive breath, loss or impairment of sense of tnste, smell or hearing, watering or weakness of the eyes, and Impaired memory, when resulting from catarrh Only 50 cents, by druggists. PROFESSIONAL CARDS T a. kluttz, ARCHITECT AND BUPKRINTENDKfT, * Americus, Georgia. Lamar street—Murphey Building. 2-1-ly I Me K. J Olflrej Hunting WKHT BROOK, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND 817ROEON. . and residence, next house to O.A iuiitlnitton, Church street. feb7t; I A, FORT M. J>. I Oltlce at Or. Kldrldge’s drug store. Can J be found at night In his room, over •ldrldge’- diug store, Barlow Block, ten fc-91-tf . KENNEDY, M. D. D r. t# j. ] PHY8IC1AN ANii HUROEON. Office at Dr. Kldrldge’a Drug Htore. Can be fonnd at nigut In his office room over Kid ridge's drugstore, Barlow block, febi^lj DOCTORS J. B. AJiDA. B. HINKLE Have one of the best furnished and beet equipped doctor’s offices in the Booth, No, 811 Jackson street, Americas, Ga. General Burger/ and treatment of the Eye. Ear, Throat and Nose A Specialty. C HAB. A. BROOKS. M. D. (Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medleal College. N. Y„ twice graduate of N. Y. Recent calculations show that tbe electromotive force of a bolt of lightning produces an energy of upward of 3,000 000 liorse-power THE KING C0U8H CURES; DOCTOR “ MBERbS Sold in England fo. Is. IKd., mad in Artidrica for U cent# a bottlo. IT TA8TE8 GOOD. Dr. Acker’s English Fills Cor* SickBMs aad Headache. Bmmlh pleMOtmUm fkrmrHo with lb. W. B. HOOXIR*&>„ NIW TORE. ■naaeeaieoaasaasatnw aaanaassessa••••••# For sale by W. C. RUSSELL. To Peddlers. & for the count: licence for Hie count* «re for the enn of one year; for the .tate, only forlhe lineal tear. If any person, except a dlubieil KliUer of thl.clale, (and he mu*t mister every veer) ■Middles without first obtaining such III ■■■■■ME Icen.e, d.hall forfeit to tbe county on Any officer orlax p.yernfthisconnty may exhibit bis license, and require a peddler to exhibit hi. license, am X n failure or refusal no to ex titbit, tbe peit- ' forfeit. ZV00—one-half to the Informer, the other to the county. Ify- order of Commleeloiier. oc2l If J. B. BUNN, Tox i olleclor For sale by the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY Americas, Gs. DOMESTIC - COAL 1 Per Sait tbit Stum. 1 .ball be prepaired to furnish a high grade Lump Cool for Grate purposes, in any quantity this;fall and winter. . b. R. SIMS. Sapt. 8, tf gg REWARD. A reward of ($50) fifty tellare tor the arrest with proof to qoaTlet. person not aotborisod lorextlafu sblnj i. or any It I ox, re- PoMt OrrfduutoMedical 8chool,( hlef 8urte<__ B A.M. R K«etn.) OifcmhlaprofeMlonalMar- vice* aft a general practltouer to the citlaana of AmcrlciiHHtifi Burroundlngrountry. Hpe- • IhI attention given In operative «nrgery, including the treatment of hemorrhoids, flt- tula,stricture, catarrh and all dineanea of Anufl, Rectum, Genitourinary tyBtem and nore huU throat. Office in Murphey building Lamar Ht. Connected by Niteai'lng tube with tildrldge's Drug Store. Calls should be #*ll <*r telephoned there during tbe day. At night call at residence on Lee 8L or tele* phone No. 77. ttprfJWf E A. HAWKINS, AITOkNKY at law. * Office up stairs on Granberry corner. W. V. WALLIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Americus, Ga. Will practice In all courts. Office over National Bank. T. LANE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Americas, Ga. Prompt attention gtren to all baeiaees plaoed W. 1 Prom], in my hands. Office in Barlow bloca, room f. Feb.f ' . 0, tf A* HIXON, ATTORNEY AT LAW * American, Ga. office In Baxley building, opposite the Con?* House. Prompt attention given to all buslnei InnS-tf. AirSLXY 4k AMSLMY, __ jily, „ arL inthe' Hu preroe Court, and the United Btate* t'oart. C. MATHEWS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, * 221% Forsyth street, Americus, Ga. Will practice in all the Coans,aod in the Comi ty Coart for the next twelve months. 12-24 dAwly. Wi LLBOR* F. Clarke. Fbavk A. Hoopbk. CLABKE & HOOPER, ttorneys at Daw AMERICU8, ..... GEORGIA roarW-d-w-iy Walter K. Wheatley, J. B. Fitzorbald Wheatley ft Fitsgereld, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office: 406 Jackson St., Up Stairs, AMERICUS, i GEORGIA Jan7-tf K. G. SIMMONS, W. H. KIMBROUGH SIMMONS ft KIMBBOU3H, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Harlow Block, Room 4* Will practice la both State and Federal Coarte. Strict attention paid to all business entrusted ta them. Telephone No. 105. 12-155511 >ABL A NEFF, Civil and hanitart Bhoinbbbs. Plane and estimates for water ra|qdy r sewerage and general engineering wont* Construction —^ * specialty. Office eneral engineering wonu iperlntended, sewerage a 48 Lee street, Americui^ Ga G. L MORRMAN, ARCHITECT. Plana and speelflcatkma tarnished lor bnlldlnga of all descriptions —pnblle btufi* Inga especially. ComannlcatlAos by aaaU to either offioe will meet with proaspt at tention. Wm.Hall, BnparlnteadeBiAmarT office. Lime, Cement, Brick. Platter Paris, Hair, Laths. Fur ml. Ibreasbby A. J. H A M I L, 121 Cotton a venae, |New Haas !|Rm 1121b S sspffitUl Jaal *