Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, November 30, 1925, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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MONDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 30. 1925 f * I Society U. D.C’S WILL MEET TUESDAY AFTERNOON The U. D. C. Chapter will be en tertained on Tuesday afternoon at three-thirty at the home of Mrs. G. R. Ellis on Taylor street. Mrs. El lis and Mrs. Davenport acting as joint hostesses. The following interesting program has been arranged and will be rend ered: “Liberty Hall” the home of Alexander Stephens, will be given Joy Mrs, Medford; “Ancestral Homes” by Henry Van Dyke, Mrs. Frank Cato. Song, Mrs. James Lott, ac companied by Mrs. H. O. Jones. PROF. MATHIS ENTERTAINS OLD FIRE DEPARTMENT Professor Mathis was host on Sat urday evening at a beautiful turkey dinner at his home on Lee street, in honor of Mr. George Sirine, of Greenville, S C. and the surviving nembers of the old Americus firt department. The home was decorated through out with lovely chrysanthemums and autumn leaves. In the dining room a pink and white color note was carried out, a' basket of lovely pink roses being hi the center of the table. 4* Covers were placed for the follow ing. Mr. George Sirene, Mr. Arthur Rylander, Mr. Coot Stanfield. Mr. John Shiver, Mr. Leci Tower, Mr. R. L. McMath, Mr. R. J. Perry, Mr. J. A Davenport and Prof Mathis. •« » , NELLIE WORTHY SOCIETY TO HOLD BAZAAR. Circle No. 2, of the Nellie Worthy Missionary Society of the First Baptist church will hold a Christ mas Bazaar at the La Rose Beauty Shop, Saturday, December 5. • All kinds of Christmas things al so cakes and candies will be for sale. Mr. Lee Hansford is ill at his home with an attack of influenza Mr. Hansford has been ill for sever al days to the regret of his friends. Mrs. C. B. Chipman and daughter Miss Vivian and Mrs. B. I. Wright have returned to their home in Sa vannah,after spending the Thanks giving holidays very pleasantly with Mrs.W. L. Swain at her home on Elm Ave. Misses Rut.. Bailey and Francis Reaves spent Thanksgiving with Miss Louise Reeves at G. S. C. W. Mil ledgeville, Ga. Mrs. C. J. Reeves has returned home after spending several days in Milledgeville, the guest of her daugh ter, Louise, a strident of G S. C. W. Mr. Allen McNeil is visiting his parents on Brown street. Miss Celeste Howard has return ed home after a visit to Dawson and Prestdn. . i Mr. Alpheus Castellow of Macon spent Sunday with his mother, on Church street. Mr. Cliff Wheatley, editor of “Two Bells,” the organ of the Geor gia Railway and Power Co., of At lanta was a week-end visitor in the city. Miss Martha English spent Sunday with her mother on Taylor street. Rev. Joe M. Branch is in Lak eland, Ga., where he is conducting a two days meeting in the Baptist Church of that place. Rev. Branch will be back in the city for Prayer f consecutive >^Sx\'' ' \v y a* e AutomtMe Shows ‘Xgxt’LAgain Buick hat won first place in the motor ryj fZ' car industry. Thia year, at in every one of tlus I \Jiiw ,ll preceding eeven, the public hat invested more I dollart in Buick automobiles than in other \ vsp~'-A *•" built by any member of the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce. 1 o have won the lion’s share of public prefer ence, year after year, for so long, conclueivafy shows superior merit in the Buick product. BUICK MOTOR CO., KLINT. MICHIGAN l>»lu» at Qaaaral Mesws CergwaMm W. G. Turpin & Co. ImnrUnned I i ’ML/ . I i Mi® ! ■ j - ", Kansas City humane society offi c> is had to bready a door to rescue 6- year-old Marion Cartwright from a house in which her parents had k ;pt her for six months without letiing her go out of doors once. When Iley left the house, she said, she was !■ ek ed in a closet and the nouse as ' often allowed to grow cold. The pa rents are being sought. meeting Wednesday evening at which time he will lecture on The First Baptist Church at Antioch. • Miss Margaret Jones of Americus, has been spending a winter vacation at the Park View Hotel at Hollywood by-the-sea, new resort city of Flor ida, between Palm Beach and Miami. Mrs. W. Henry Daniels and two sons Elkin and Wilson, of Hot Springs, Ark., are visiting Rev. and Mrs. Joe Branch at their home 401 South Lee street. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jackson, W. K. Jr., and Virginia have returned from Cordele where they spent the week-end. i Mrs. M. H. Wheeler is the guest of friends in Atlanta. I Mr. Frank Marsh of Atlanta, is the guest of his parents on South Jack son street. Mrs. S. M. Smith is improving af ter a recent illness at her home on Barlow street. / Rev. and Mrs. Silas Johnson of Savannah are the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Pittman while in the city Rey. Johnson was former pastor of the Lee street Methodist Church and is receiving a cordial welcome from his many friends. j i Mrs. W. H. Bowers and Harry Bowers have returned from a weeks visit to Mr. and Mrs. E. L.Almand at Seabring, Fla. Mrs. J. E. Hightower has return ed from I Athens, after a delightful visit to her; parents, Mr. and Mrs. •W. J. Thornton. j Perhaps spring is the time of wed dings because summer clother don’t cost as much xs winter clothes. i Radio fans do more buzzing about their business that electric fans. 1 Many a married man stays home at night because he has the house all to himself. Bandit Gang Terrorizes Town - 4 ■■ ■ > Bill ?; ; wlw fe BIE I wild ' ■ s -- 'S% V .A’ sSfo? ■’ • •-''•***•* .wx, ' •<. ...: .b; _ J The town vi was under the sway of four bandits for three hours while the criminals i made a desperate but futile attempt to blow the safe in the First Nation al Bank. Driving every one of the streets with shots, the yset off six BIEWESa xl ■■ L- Jjtfe’ T f /fl. i» is*/' Florence vigor and edward everett horton in the DARAMOUNT PICTURE ‘MARRY ME/' A JAMES CRUZE PRODUCTION “BE YOURSELF!” IS FILM STAR’S SUCCESS RECIPE Edward Everett Horton, stage ai?d screen star, who is one of the chief laugh-provokers in James Cruze's latest Paramount comedy, “Marry Me!’’ now playing at Dudley’s today and Tuesday, confesses to having many pet aversions, chief of whieh is affected people. “I just can’t talk to them,” ad- IF I —You are interested in buying or selling a Farm, home and lot, or vacant lot, come to see me. Bargains every day. FOR RENT S-Room house Felder street, $16.00 per month. P. B. WILLIFORD Office in Windsor Hotel Before You Buy That — RADIO! JBe sure you have tried the Murdock in your Tome. That’s the way we demonstrate our •ets. Let us place a Murdock in your home on dem onstration and that will convince you of real Radio quality in the Murdock set / • 4 . .4 , . ’ . > Chappell Machinery Co. AMERICUS, GA. AMERICUS TIMES-RECORDER v..». n v w ... , iiuuny fled I without getting anything besides ' $4(10 in postage stamps. Above shows how the front of the bank was wrecked by their explosoin; below, how the interior suffered. i 7 .mits Horton, “and when I come in contact with them and they start acting, as it were, I am tempted tc WHOOPING COUGH No “cure”—but helps to re duce paroxysms of coughing. i VICKS W VARORUB Ovt 17 Million Jara Uaad Yearljf sound the clarion call and yell: “Be yourself, you are among friends! “It seems so unnecessary,” adds Horton, “for the greatest charm in the world and the surest recipe for success to my way of thinking, is naturalness.” Horton’s own career bears elo quent testimony to the truth of what he preaches. His rapid rise in pop ularity and prestige with the picture going public has been due to his lack of affection and the sincerity with which he portrays every role en entrusted to him. In “Marry Me!” he plays the part of a chronic dyspeptic whose zealous I'florts in the cause of pure food in volve him in a delightful romance with a small-town school teacher. Florence Vidor, John Roche and Helen Jerome Eddy are also fea tured. On Campus « i iWI«r 4 if i > ’ i :■ fl r;-Ww ! | .Iwfel ? M > 'fe • VrjL ' h u j Leage it to the collegians to think lof something new! At the Universi | ty Oregon, Eugene, Ore., the girls ! are wearing sweaters with gay scenes | painte don the back. This co-ed | No Cold Fever neadache or grippes Colds break in a day for the millions who use Hill s. Headache and fever stop. La Grippe is checked. All in away so reliable that druggists guarantee results. Colds are too important to treat in lesser ways. All druggUta Price 30c , Get Red Box with portrait --. >^<Z ; ,s< •- -. <••' : - ■- • : ■'" '■'■ -■"■; '■■'■ .. ••>..••>■7' <. v -■•. . ■ ■..• ■ I >. •■■«;> ' , ■'■■•''■'•■'• ■'■ • ■’■'■'■ •.•' : i'-,‘■'•■•'■ • — ~ *wTn . ; Better Than Mother g Made! % Mother's bread 'was good—there s no doubt about it- 7/// You enjoyed eating the bread she produced. It was the [y • best you could get then. 7 It is different today. The bakers who make our breaZ are experts, carefully trained in that *’’*■ lr L ,anitarv shop contains equipment which has made bak- k- .ng a science. With such a combination our bread is oar excellence, and we believe, even better than mother used to make. Try a loaf today. ■ I MODEL BREAD CO. H —<r > j»- ._. i A STORY WITHOUT WORDS S W;'x -. 'J , (■; . >. jyAV'». > ' » ’’ ■ •v ' 1 J ’"•‘X <7l . j wfW •■ > lb \ x j t.V maintains that the sCen ■ on the back of hers represents the spirit of the campus. SUFFERED . TWO YEARS Finally Relieved by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound, Says Mrs. Anderson Rangeley, Maine. “Lydia E.Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound helped me greatly for pains in the sides and back, headaches and tired feelings. I suffered twoyears and it seemed as though I could not get my work done from one day to the next. After reading letters from others who had taken the Ve getable Comjxiund < 1 decided to try it and now 1 can do all kinds of work sewing, washing, ironing and sweeping. 1 live on a farm and have five in tne family so am busy most of the time. I recommend the Vegetable Compound to my friends and hope my letter will help some one to take your medicine/’ Mrs.WALTER E.ANDERSON, Box 270, Rangeley, Maine. Over 200,000 women have so far re plied to our question, “Have you received benefit from taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Comjxiund?” 98 out of every 100 of the replies say “Yes,’’and because the Vegeta ble Compound has been helping other women it should help you. For salt by druggists everywhere. j « sat?a;■* ■ e Jife 11 ' I THE 6yslN£sl WORLD I It stretches before 1 v]] the young men grad- | nates of cur classes a>«a ? like a vast garden of Lj |p potential success. fn , yy ( . equip you for a X high place in busi- Kl jP ness. n yW Prepare here for Success | , j 01 AMERICUS Li nr business rs LJ COLLEGE Lj PAGE FIVE