Newspaper Page Text
tv. !,. VI.EH.tKR, Kdltor.
Official Organ or Webster founty.
Mr. Carlisle's opinions have nev
er been concealed. They are now.
howevei, wore than ever before a
matter of general interest, lieforc
his name was brought forward se
riously as a candidate for speaker
ship, lie said: K In the broad and
sweeping sense which the use of
the term generally implies, J am
not a free trader. Of course, that
is understood. At least it should
be. 1 will add in my judgment it
will be years yet before anything
in the nature of free trade would
be wise or praclicble for tlm United
States. When we speak of this
subject we r for to approximate free
trade, which has no idea of crip-
plinglho growth ofhomcindustries,
but simply of scaling down the inn
quities of the tarill schedule where
they are utterly out of proportion
to the demands of that growth. Af
ter we have calmly stood by and
allowed monopolies to grow fat we
should not be asked to make them
bloated. Our enormous surplus
revenues are illogical and oppies-
sive. It is entirely un-Democratie
to continue these burdens on the
people tor years and years after
the requirements of protection have
been met and the representatives
of these industries have become
incriisted with wealth. This is the
general proposition on which I
stand. Tho rest is mere matter of
letaii, to be settled with judgment,
.tiscretion and caution, but at the
same timo in a perfectly fearless
spirit. There Ims not been a time
in twenty years when the people
were so thoroughly aroused on this
subject, and it is tbc true policy
of tlm Democratic party to make
its appeal to the voting musses nnd
meet this hydra-headed monopoly
in solid phalanx.
The annual message of the Pres
ident was delivered to Congress on
Tuesday. It is mainly' a synopsis
of department reports and contains
A Washington special says: ‘'Gen
eral Superintendent Thompson, of
the railway' mail service, lias gone
to Florid:: to make such changes i
the mail service in that State as '
but few recommendations as to leg- j may be necessary to meet the wants
islation. In reference to financial ’ of the’large number ol winter visi
Heat. Poultry, I'lsll and Fruits Kept
Fresh and Delicate by a Sen
‘[Cor. Detroit Free Press.]
To eat turkeys in midsummer tiial
were frozen last November, anil yet are
, as fresh as if thev were sacrificed res-
tors from the North ! b-*day, was one of the novelties of our
the whole tale. Tile I ost-ofhee Lie- seaside menu, and since our arrival in
partment dispatches a special ofli- j IJoston wo have taken great pleasure in
adairs he lias the following to say: '
“The estimated receipts of pub
lic funds for the present fiscal year g er to Florida to look after mail j visiting the extensiv
are $343,000,000. The estimated i conveniences for the Yankee visi-
expenditures for the same time arc . tors to that region, fining aceus-
$25*,000,000. Amount due sink- at home to the he-.t m ul la-
, I o,.. ... „„ . • cilities, they wdl not he deprived
mg fund ,4a,81 <>,4 < 1.07, Leaving ! of t j |Ciri w | 1( . ri they go abroad-, and
a surplus ol $3!),183,-258.93. If the I'ostinastcr-Geueral Gresham sends
revenue for the fiscal year, which ' a man down to see that they have
une 30, 1883, be esti. j "» cause for grumbling ordis-atis-
1 faction. But the people resident
w ill end on
mated upon the basis of existing
laws, the secretary is of the opinion
in the South are compelled to pin,! t- 1 ® superintendent;
.rehouse of I k;
Cold Storage company, to learn soite-
tiring of the way in which meat, poultry,
fish, fruits, etc., are preserved by this
new process. The building, which is
of brick, and 1(15 feet long and eight"
feet wide, consists of four stories and a
basement, with corridor^ in the centre,
and freezing rooms occupying the on- space on each side.
Through the courtesy of X. CVPikr*,
up with an indifferent service in aii nt isw
e escorted
t! >rough this evtGnsive warehouse. The
that for that, year the receipts will j particulars.—Macan Telegraph.
exceed by $80,000,000 the ordinary
expenditures, including the amount
devoted to the sinking fund. Ilith- 1
One reason why the mail sorvie
is no p. or in tlie South is becausi
Southern people
I 1'iu'l
! nearly three fi
are of concrete
j The temperature
and and take it. ’ on this floor was
erto the surplus, as rapidly as it If they would rise up and protest
has accumulated has been devoted against it, it would lie reformed. I
to the reduction of the national : To show what a little lively “kick
debt. As a result the only bonds j ing” will do, we mention tlie fact
now outstanding which are redeem
able at the pleasure of tiic govern
ment arc tlie 3 percent, amounting
to about $303,000,000. The 4[- per
cents, amounting to $230,000,000,
and tlie $737,000,000 of 4 percents
are not payable until 1801 and 1007
respectively. If the surplus shall I
hereafter he as large as the treasury
walk thrr
that the Hkcorher reduced the
post-aflico iiox rents in Americas
iroin $0 to $4 per year, and got, a |
free express delivery. There is j in the h
nothing like a vigorous protest to j ^'"i'-‘ l j
stir up government officials and i ,,' V
chartered corporations. j fare re
here were stored imn:e
fruits of all kin Is. oraii
dates, etc. Aset: ding
tin: tern; erature was t\v
and iiere were rooms lil
ceiling with package
ter. if was a posit
Absolutely Pure.
T U powder in*,or vnrh.*'. A mirve! of purity
strength an l wh.dnrinert
than the ordinary Ki'icl-,
! I'oiupction
1 Alight, nl'
r phi,
it udo of t<
t er. New York. oerilyj.
A bale of'cot ton rcccntlv opened I
.. - 1 t"'-r
ugh these delightfully cool
s. Air boxes convey the j
upward, where it is purified !
loft in tU- topof the building,
currents of air are conducted i
a- cold air boxes into tlie dif- I
ns are riling to tlie tempera- j
nl, which is regulated by a
Five thousand tons of
liy provided for this pur-
estimates now indicate, tlie 4 per j at the Sliawside Mill, at Crompton,
Those Democratic protectionists
who have been seeking to alarm
the people by proclaiming that
Carlisle's election as Speaker meant
a general tearing up ol tilings and
wild mid unpractical legislation
might to feel relieved after reading
tho following extract from Mr.
Carlisle’s speech upon assuming the
office of Speaker. It will be seen
that he favors careful and con
servative action in all matters of
legislation and no sudden and radi
cal changes. 1 f the Democrats in
Congress shall peraue tlie policy
outlined in Mr. Carlisle’s speech
they will make no mistakes and
will win the confidence of the peo
1 am sure, gentlemen, that all
matters ol legislation presented
during this Congress will receive
from you such careful consideration
as the magnitude mid character of
the interests involved require, and
that your action upon them will lie
wise, conservative and patriotic.
Sudden and radical changes in laws
and regulations atlecling the com
mercial ami industrial interests of
tho people ought never to he made,
unless imperatively demanded by
some public emergency, and, in tuv
opinion, under existing circum
stances, .such changes would not
lie favorably received by any con
siderable umnberof those who have
given serious attention to the sub
ject. [Applause.J Many reforms
are undoubtedly necestnry, and it
will lie your duty, after a careful
consideration of the whole subject
in all its bearings, to decide how
thr they should extend, and when
and in wlial manner they should be
made. [Applause.] It there be
any who feur that your aetion on
this or any other subject will actual
ly be injurious to any interest, or
even afford reasonable cause for
alarm, 1 am quite sure that they
will be agreeably disappointed.
[Applause.] What the country
has a right to expect is strict
economy in the administration of
every department of the govern
ment, just nml equal taxation for
public purposes, the faithful ob
servance of the limitations of the
ccnslitulion, scrupulous regard for
the rights and interests of the great
body ot the people, in order that
they may be protected as far as
cent, bonds may all be redeemed
at least four years before any of
the 41; per cents can be called in.
The latter at the same rate of ac
cumulating of surplus can be paid
at maturity, and the moneys re
quisite for the redemption oi the 4
per cents will lie in the treasury
many years before those obligations
become payable. There are cogent
rensons, however, why the national
indebtedness should not lie thus
rapidity extinguished. Chief among
them is tlie fact that only by ex
cessive tnxation is such rapidity
In n communication to congress
at its last session, I recommended
that all excise taxes lie abolished,
except tliese relating to distilled
spirits, nnd that substantial re
ductions be also made in the re
venues from customs. A statute
lias since been enacted by which
the annual tax and tarill receipts of
tho government have been cut
down to tlie extent ot at least fifty
or sixty millions of dollars. While
I liavcjno doubt tliat^still further
reductions may be wisely made, I
do not advise the adoption at this
session of any large diminution of
the national revenues. Tlie results
of the legislation of the last session
of the congress have not as yet be
come sufficiently apparent to justify
nny rational or sweeping u odifi-
entions of the existing law. In the
interval which must elapse before
tlie rllccts of tho act ot March 3.
1883, can be definitely ascertained,
a portion, at least, of the surplus
revenue may be wisely applied to
tlie long-neglected necessity of
rehabilitating our navy and provid
ing coast defense for the protection
of our harbors. This is a matter
to which I shall again advert.”
The 1’rcsidcnt opposes the gov
ernment assuming control of tlie
telegraph, but thinks it should ex
ercise some supervision over inter
state telegraphic communication.
He approves the workings ot the
civil service commission.
He recommends additional legis
lation in relation to the presiden
tial succession, and asks for an
amendment t* the constitution,
which shall allow the l'rcsidcnt to
approve such portions of appro
priation bills as he thinks advisa
ble, and veto other portions.
lie winds up by recommending
legislation that shall carry out the
principles of the civil rights bill
recently declared unconstitutional.
near Oldham, England, contained
a live chambered revolver. If any
of our readers have lost such a
treasure out of their pocket while
“walking” cotton in the press box,
they should file a claim with the
United States Minister at London,
and tlie case will be referred back
to the grand jury for further inves
ic to tlie third
-dure of thirty
::;t to draw our
Here the store-
large consign*
lied the free/.*
loveity of ail.
opened it ni
ru.iry atmov
being only
o sides of tlie
Washington, December 3 Gov.
Underwood, of Ohio, u personal
Iriend and neighbor of Mr. Carlisle,
had a long interview with the
gentleman, in which lie (Carlisle)
very freely expressed his views as
to the policy that should be pur
sued hy the majority in the house.
He said lie recognized the fact that,
it was the principle of which he
was the representative that had
elected him, and it was som tiling
to lie thankful for that the denied
cratio party had at last realized
that a principle aifecting ilm great
majority of the people was vastly
more important to the party and
country, than the success of any
man. lie interpreted his elections
te mean that, from this time forth
the democratic party would go to
tlie people with an aggressive and
definite policy, and adhere to it be
euiiso it was riglr, and deserved to
win. Ho said that tlie committees
would be organized with u view
solely to the fitness of tlie mercers
for the various subjects of legisla
tion that would command the at
tention of congress, and without
undue regard to their relations to
him in the recent contest.
ending a stain
floor we found a tetiq
six degrees, ami we beg:
wraps closer around us.
rooms were devoted to
ments of butter and
along tiie corridor we re
ing room, tlie greatest
Tlie moment tin: doorw:
like an inhalation of Fi
pin-re, tho temperate:'
twenty-two degrees. T
room were lined with large gulvnuizi
iron cylinders filled with ieo and salt.
Hero were turkeys, eiiickens, quail,
duek, etc., frozen as stiff as they eoiilii
lie in the cnldigt winter weather. About
twenty-four hours aro required to thaw
them sufficiently for cooking.
An adjoining apartment contained
quantities of venison which bad been
frozen sinco last December. Mounting
another staircase, we readied the fourth
story, and as I paced tim long corridor
I could scarcely realize that I was walk
ing under 5,000 tons of ice. Tlie ice in
tiie loft is twenty feet thick, and is eov
cred with boards, then a layer of hair
felt, and fifteen inches of mill shavings,
allowing a spaeo of five feet for a cir
culation of air between it and tho roof
of the building. A branch of tlie Union
Freight railroad runs into the yard.
makiut;u connection with every licpo
in tlie die. [a front of tlie door stood
a refrigerator car, filled with bu;
tur, awaiting removal to tho cold sUir
ago rooms.' bouses lu tho 'i'ratio.
308 MARKET ST., Philad'o.
»* rito to liiu for xiamo of .nearest Ayeut.
Acsigneo’a Sals.
* *°J'I l*<e highest bidder, «•. public out-
n th- l« g:tl hours • ' Nile before llm Our
In AmtoiciiH, Sumter count?, <Jn..
>1 J'ucmIhv In .January, 18S4, the follow
f Mslirnurtit from sold Jewell
I, 17th April, 1*83, t,-w|t: All
Ivinjt nnd I dm In the
1, known In the plan
that tract of laud ultnat
county of Mumt,
tweiity-ela-hth district, „„
, e«.i lent*, Lems the land formerly
' twelve hun*
el by f
<! r iV 'lT'Va "* ! Y"* .*° : ***nir the land*
, :>«•* of H. If. Daniel and Mile# Haw mid
j ohensnnd kno\yn by the f..l!mvl tltf m,infers, to
I wit. I hreehiirobed nnd four (3f‘4j. three hundred
nml ( 0.) , t :reo hundred nnd ftflytw* »*.*»*),
! ,: rVn®3>.«tree ImmlreJ
! J l, 5 “ n, i Iw ° *' M,, dre.i and dahty-
1 eUMiM., n 1884 logo
* pureliu:
Novemhfr *.’■
• w. Di iion i*:.
o, 1883. t(l Asvi^nce:
A Valuable Farm for Fale.
• for .Mile mj
elicit* Oil till
ling 410 Hen-*,
There is a Twilight Club in New
\ork city consisting of a bright
lot ol men witlt little tuoiiev to
spend. They meet once a week at
a down-town restaurant, and pav :i
dollar apiece fortheir dinner. Their
principles are ns follows: "No dues,
no debts, no by-laws, no President,
no constitution, nocouveniionulity,
no salaries, no initiation fee, tio
full dress, no lute hours, no gam
bling and dudes.” VVliat they don't
"No” evidently is not worth tioin<*.
A Aewstioy's Trick.: rg
[Boston Budget.]
linize went out of tho Park theatre
tiie other night botweeu tlie acts, ii 1,.
not necessary to say at this time what
lie went for. All that the reader need
know is. that in coming back lie met
a little boy, with a bundle of paper,
under his arm, crying bitterly. “ Whal's
tho matter, sonny?” said Baize, wiio
was full of the milk of human kindness,
combined, perhaps,’with a liquid of »
more substantial character. ••]'„;
stuck,” answered the boy, -“and
my father will lick me when
1 go home if I do not sell all of mv
papers. “Too bad, too bad.” replied
Baize, sympathetically; “what will von
take for tiio whole lot?” “'l’wentv in,.
rents.” said the boy, drving his'cM-i
and wiping bis iiose’oq tlie sleeve of'iiis
‘shirt. "All right,” rejoined tlie bene-,
lent man; “give them to me.” ibo.
took the papers anil threw thorn into
the street, and tiie boy took tlie quarter
and disappeared suddenly round the
corner. An hour later,'when I'aize
was leafing the playhouse with Mr-
Baize he saw that identical newsboy
with those identical newspapers, whin
ing [ “Please buy a paper, mister ? Urn
am 1,”
II III mil (rood.. All Hill.
n 3|niii|n< to
Apply lo tht
Public Sale.
I.KjliO!!*, ntiAIts
ThFir pootli# list
: td with cun*, ilt»
; is and ilu-;
r been fclcct* :
r u»*ortnient :
aim to aoll :
rfbfcdtble :
They want :
ICE l.v Ike POUND or CAIf LOAD !
\c.vt door to Hank of Anicriciift,
, G«.. Scpl. 1441**3.
Groceries, Provisions,
General Merchandise
full *ti.vk *.f| ftood good*, wh!cb
riffp. Hu t8 not yiv?u to blowing,
fqauro buaincM and plte tuck
cu#lf»ipfrt tliRt they will couie
‘ * 111*1,1111.1101 IOI
J. M. Kiliolt, Ctwvmu
. v U'J-I ''Giiif 'll county of Huutvr. known
lot No j., i,tb «li!»tru’t, ct-nta nlng ^ U'j nen
mure ur It'*?. I erinn .such on U .y of «aU*.
.i , , . 4 .i. hLLiorr,
AOmlnii'lratori of of .1. M. Kltiott.
i?f tin., November 1.
Admittlstralriv Sale.
iE'iltlllA-M«mi..r County.
Ordinary of Snmterc
i.7 Bui/.,
The courts have taken cognizance
of Cal Wagner’s minstrels. One
Frank D. Turner asked and was
granted an injunction restraining
the manager and treasurer of the
tYc Pant Hip Courage of Cniivirtiim.
I.oultvflta I'uurior-.lourMul (Deni),
Tlie Republican policy is admit
ted to be perpetually high taxation.
That policy can always be over
thrown by a party of low taxation
which lias thee.>urageofconviction.
Leaders with the courage of con-
viction and a cause can win the peo
“I had a rousing time this morn
ing,” said , the small boy, whose
father hauled him feet foremost out
of bed at 6 o’clock.—New York
IVIiut Ik
lBoston < .
Ill its lust sons-,* siai'n siu
to j;»*t ut the truth hv llu» shortci
roiitcs. It may in»t always dr tlii*
«l»voi\m*ly, but, noiu* t:•«• it
ally manap's-to got tlunv. Shine i>
tin* su'orn enemy of einuruioeutiou nnil
periphrasis. It believes tiiut in liter
ature. as in pfoometi v. :i straight lino
the shortest distaiice between two
points. As it almost invariably ori^*
nates amrnpr uu«».»iu:itevl }ieop!e this is
quite a stri]q»im? away
01 the dry husks ot* tl ;;*gs* to get the
quieklier a: <he kernel. It is an un-
eonsciouH striving to attaiik to the
and esseneen df things—it is.
. . common wav, u blind
reacher after what Mr. Carl vie loi)*
loftily calls the “eternal veracities.”
'"‘-N vorn, lodilcT, yrup,
i, " '’*ip j Hu nt*, aiml t,alf lalenst in
t if \ " ild kitchen lurid
' v’vi h'b ca*h.-' A.Il.WKIUt.
HANovsK'fl sn.ciKir.
y «’ ««•** fnrXiTVmw 1)
”t Vitality nml Vitfn
An iiii'ailbii* nnd
Illy il l Wftvknos
••rvoan I'roatrntlon
•f liidi*.
I Alci-li#!, ’robot
•x of lOOjiill*,
in its lowlv
company from receiving money j we find it charming when we are
from entertainments on the ground i the objects.
A Senator’n Helpmate.
[Boston Budget]
[ Mrs.’Senator Logan is a model con-
—— | gresamau’s wife. Klieisa fine, matr.mlv
Wc censure the inconstanbv of womau, with siiow-white laiir.
women when wc are the victims;;
% not.
f«l M i oni.* forward
thorrisc they wili
doilN if. COKKR.
Teaolisr Wanted.
T. t-ikv i h»-i:r of it Srhool of Irmly Hv. «
lerty «!h„lar,, llvr mllM North Anu rltu., f.
"' xt ’S'kulwtlr Jour, No.,, hut . xprrl.uct-l
IMdm» With coo l rt fri m „ w ,l \ „
eroa-rroil. Apply t, l hr Truttm,
N. A. RAY.
T, F. ES1ERI.1N,
w. ii mex'.s.
tliat he had loaned the manager $1,-
000 and was to receive one-fourth
UODgress has power to protect them °f the profits, but .•«>uld neither get ; genuine, article nnd do not expend toi
against encroachment from every i h' 8 money nor a s.ght of the ledger ! ; , .' 1 ' nn ' 1 . 00 vile (jusb. SSriffer's India
against encroachment from every , Uls “oncy
direction. Whulevcr can he done i 01 the concern
under the circumstances surround-j - —^
ing us to meet this cxpecuttion ,_V cn " , w '? IL I’arsons, who in
i our
vile tru
Vermifuge is guumutced it'uktu ataiord-
iug to ike directions.
clear hazel
I school-girt, and the to
| a mother. Ms
; exercises a pow.'it im’iionco uv. r the
1 scuator. an.l does mnch to increase ids'
personal'ity. .S!, 0 v.Hie* lib
I letters, coi reds til
i speeches, franks ids
distributes his garden
proof of hit-
.loonmoots, afi,r
scetls with rare
Considerable money has 1>,
ought to be done,injny judgment, j i «.» «rk gold and"
for the Lieutenant Governorship of -:i ver m\no* in
From the Washington correspon-1 IHir w% *“ -—* ** i —
inois, recently sent from his farm,
denee of the Atlanta Conslitutiou ! near H° ra ‘ direct to the New \ork
learn that Congressman Crisp I ™ a , rk « t ’ fo ': 8bi l’™ en ‘ Euro l«
. . * „ ’ * lil steers trom a herd of ox-er 400
secured an exceptionally good posi- on his fann . The shipmcntyielded
“”“ n >n the drawing of seats. J him nearly $13,000 act profit.
The constant fooling of fc* ing • pi.
out” nnd “used up” can readily bt
moved by nsiog Ayer s Sar*aprtri!!rt
part ol
boon k:s
«»V. H»*il and It Jack.’
icimmti 1'n.piii-er.]
ja tlie least destructible
bodies. In Egypt it li:c
0^nrvivo 4,h 0 >ears. an..
• o*.
'olerldifo, WV,
»f.. Pry.Ip ,:»<* , UcPih. 70p.
p.. Iliad nnd Odv*»ey,
* , 40 *.. Mpri*.
n*. 6'v. Pop*. :,(V..
iluntlou before pay*
f filth. t'aUiOSHtf fie,..
A M.\Tt\ IX S\FK. good os new, for
lo c!.» t n. Apply M
%prda2tf JOHN M. COKKR
A MC*.\T1I nntl Hoard f„r 2 llv
i*. \V. ZlMi.I.KK Jk CO
Boston has 2,100 barroms/ | the known shades.
A Good Horse for Sale Cheap.
Agents Wanted for tlie New Book,
Deedsof Daring
nl nd««nituri']i
i rnont thrilling person-
•%rli«n c
oil Kith’S during the OreatCivil
‘ nt l ‘* r, 1 stl "f H<vo v nt or oxpioiu
stoat** Nt,d *|.I«*f, lorlont hupc*, heroic bnverv.
**«irl»reedih c.vapo*, romantic
II OuTIfirl, ! h tl l , lf0 ‘ N “ •? ,I, T kook U .11 Ilk,.
^SShCS.'S? 1 AdJ ‘”'“ SAMUEL &
Old Hxtht RrtrwrJ. ?£
CtmUn. E. J. KNOWLTON, Ann Arbor. Rich.
Wrieit n.tvcn i*.»nn.i*. Adju*ub>.
Xulwf. C'laepMt, Best.
**Cletnlines* is next to Godliness.'*
•ct!7 ly
Farm for Sale at a Sacrifice.
> n, re %<t« In \\>b»ter
•oek end near Bnt?ford,
well Imprcretl and
iHb 14*1*4