Americus weekly recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 18??-1891, March 27, 1891, Image 2

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Tn ub!e Brewi-ui i i fr**igt)t on oio An Awful Sure Limb Flesh a Mans of Disease. Condition Hopeless. Cured by tho Cutlcura Remedies. • threo year* I wa< almost rrippK-d with ;.:j I *oro Uk from dowu to rny ankh , kin was ciiUreJj fine, mid tho llefh wait . of dii*<-:ii«*. Home ])hy»iiiim» pronoiimu'd it U*.'It Imd diminished al*out one thir.l (!. Recorder ^ORG^ THE RECORDER i of Sumter County. i iheo.'llcin! or^a Ct. I '-{ en Seeds t" • I n derided rli i:,. - !.d Of two ft. ml - I W.,. i v.n ]>urilii >1, mu! t' MARCH 27. 1801. 'I 7.i-tu-n for Competitive rated. *\ lv .|. i,i* t ijm f ,i j*. . ■: < i:iion Heir* 1 as commenced—first pomes, flr-t served. All ••••w that MALI keeps the best of everything—dou get left! Call at mf iUu Kverybody knows where it is Bad Eczema Cured Th» Ct'Tici’RA Remedies wrought m wonderfu are on mo. I w.i« troubled greatly with id after receiving little id h. -••commend the Of tod surest euro for U . NKLa’ON •d tho disease had left K i lt* Kemkihes a* the ben ill di-ea-e* of the akin. I’ll A MBKltLA YXK, Concord,Va Cuticura Resolvent , ond purest and Forrester Hou.-t LEESBURG. GA. Mrs. J. IV. Ferrester, F opriel css. itst e'nxx necorrtnonnllniiH and polite Knights of Honor Hie new niood and Hkln I’nrifie •••-t <.f Humor Itemedie*. clennseii thob'lood of »l mpuritie* and poisonous clement*, and thu* •e. "Idle C'UTJCl'KA, tho great Hkin ■ ' ••vt’BA Soap, an exquisite Hkin I’uri ml 1 Van tiller, clear the akin of every CirriCTIlA it E MLl> 1 k. -• disease and humor of tho akin, sculp, and , w ith loss of Lair, from pimples to scrofula. Id everywhere. Price, CmrrRA, 60c.; Ft .. KK.soi.yr.ST, ?1. Prepared by the 1'otteh " * w ' ,> Ciikmu ai. Cokpokatio.s, Boston. The I/Otlge in Amori-un lanvcr ten years* Insures for AMnensmentH light Hafeat and rhenpesl life iumirance. For 1>. K. MUNSON, Health is Wealth. !>r. K. t*. lVi“t inetit. u gu irunt Neuruligiu. He Pure () d A»; *, either H*x, ertimtorrliMV Involuntary I... rd,rough,chapped,and HOW MY BACK ACHES! Hack Ache, Kidney I’alna, and Weak Soreness, Lameness, Strains, ano minute by the Pain relieved In Ciitlrtim Antl.Pain Piaster. U'at oud only UiiUnUuifom pain killer plustc v e [j TO THE AFFLICTED. One of tho luo-d euriwu.-t natural pro ductions of the West Indies is the famed vegetable fly, an insect a!suit the .size* and color »-f a drone lxv, hut without wings. In the month of May it bnries itwlf in the earth and tagitiH to vegetate. By the beginning of June a sprout has issued from the creature's back and made its appearance above the surface of the ground. By the end of July the tiny tree, known on the inlands as the fly tree, has attained its full size, being then about three inches high, but a perfect tree in every particular, much resem bling a delicate coral branch. Pods ap- pear on its 1/ranches as soon as it ar rives at its full growth; these ripen and drop off in August Instead of containing seeds, as ono would naturally suppose, these pods have from three to sixsmall, hard worms upon their interior. The 1**1 soon shrivels up in the hot sun and bursts open on about the third day after becoming detached from the parent stem. The little worms roll out and bun’ themselves in t he sand, and after undergoing the change inci dent to all caterpillars become flies, which, when the proper time comes, bury themselves in the ground to furnish nour ishment for another miniature “fly tree.” I)r. Martinique, of the Royal institute, who has received several Ik>x<» of there flies upon which he lias made repeated xperiments, gives a long scientific ex planation for the seeming impossibilities attributed to this insect, which is, at host, wholly unsatisfactory to the general , even though his coworkers in that branch <*f science may consider it j FLOWERS BRING MONEY. HERE IS AN INDUSTRY WORTH WHILE FOR WOMEN TO PURSUE. A Va mad • ii£ Wa»tiingtoii Woman Tulls About Siicciiiw Iii Cultivating unit •M—Thry Require I.title Labor J'rlnz I.arg** Returns. >\wr culture in a small way can be to pay even by an amateur who cho- '-*•'* t>> pursue it iu a painstaking and inmir r-'iit way,” said a young woman. ••Tiv • \ ; rs <igo I l>onght a little farm near Am»cosiia, called it ’Kore* Acres,’ and started in merely for arnns**ment' sake with a few rose bushes and some other plant.?. I love flowers dearly, am I expanded uixrn them was well We are now prepared tohhv WHOLESALE IIIU'GS, nncl as deuce, call and exuiume .stock and 1*. ices. As to UK hill xt: nr.. , wc will ,;ivc MOHR and CLOSER nt'emion ■ , it ti, : ,., KVEH UKKou®’ MO ItK UHSiiriiIK everyone of competent, courteous and prompt aUcPtion TH del i V«*re<l In IIIIV luirt ul i 1... i<ih> . i.O i .» . 111,11 tho la Maori and the S. i . <»/ ilii- jdi^. iri2sro- r s i ROYAL GERfiiETUE ■i ■■j >• A i ) 'i .1 by i.lulls'.- elf-abuNCorover n Each b/.v o>tiUalo« one nwnfhs t *!.<"-* OK t.r Mix lK»x * for ?>.<» , wilt I mall, i, on receipt of pmv. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES T«* rlure any cumo. With enrdi order revel •Miipaneul wll vlll s n.I t!io p. ••fend the in nii.i.t d inot etf.-.-t « rnr. ssniddonlv by I) \’ENI*« ■‘ole A gen Is, Ann th* ;s (i.i. ni y Ir tlio VI r.iu-H Dressed Lumber. ” .ii *' by i*ar '.n-l. I.ii'Iim, Flooring .••'ttii <! Wenther-l/oKr.lliuon Imiul .uiftr-. siilnj:!i*s and Rough TIiiiIkt 'jii't’ili y. S. M. Jonk? o’v> ?FEHEES OF: Youthful Errors Lost Manhood, Early Decay, etc., etc., can secure a iiorue treatise free bv addr-' dug a fellow Hutlerer, C. W. Leek, P. O. Box fllti, Uoanoke, y\’ Tin’?!. O' iKMJOR HABrrT mnuPfe worn mate /surro/ncune 0*HAIlfES GOLDEN SPECIFIC. ' It ran bt given In coffer*, tea, or In article* of food, wltnont thn knowledge of |»atlent If necetAary\ It is abar lutely harmtesa and will eir«ct a |wrma- nent and aj>eedy cure, whether the natlent la • ni«*deratedrinkeroran alcoholic wreck. IT NF.V. KU FAILS. 11 operate* so quietly and with aucb effected. 44 |»age book free. To be had of For nale by Dr. |E. J. Klrirldge Americus, Ga. P EACOCK,: HOUSE ELLAVILLE GEORGIA NEW : HOUSE,: NEW : FURNITURE Good aamplu aud sleeping roorna for commercial men und the public. Firat-Claai fare and Natlafactlou guar antee J, C. I» PK ACOCK, Proprietor. IIIBI.II in) i.iii wt*, I,ciin, nrii«iic ler*. aud Medicine Samplc-a Free. Write now. I»r. Itrldguiau, :<TI Broadway, N. Y. RFATTY r‘*Boa , n DCHI I I 13.-,. Daniel F. Be tncton, N. J. xjilauatory and Louis Republic. elusive.—Cor. St. Something* About Coal. It makes the present g.*n*.ration smile to read tho accounts which have come down to us concerning the prejutlices which wore formerly entertained against certain articles which nro of everyday consumption. For instance, it is said that when coal I was first used in Knglan.l the prejudico j against it was so strong that the house I of commons petitioned the king to pro- I hibit the Yiso of the “noxious” luel. J A royal proclamation having failed to j abate the nuisance, a commission w:w | issued to sisccrtain who burned coal j within the city of London and its neigh- I borhiHvl, to ptmisli them by force for the first offense, and ;»y the demolition of their furnaces if tney i>crt,isU*d in repaid by the pleasnre of it. but after a while I found that it would produce money also. So I planted more and jnore, until at present I have ls*tween three and four thousand rose hushes of the choicest varieties. A skilled gar dener told me the other <1 • y that my col lection of hybrid i/erjH'tuals is probably the finest in this country. On the day before Decoration Day I picked and sold 5,000 roses from my own place “I am extravagantly fond of roses, bnt violets are more profitable. On the day lief ore Christmas I picked and sold 3,300 violets at two cents apiece; that is $04 worth. They were worth the high est price then, lmt they never bring less than one cent apiece. To raise them is quite easy. I have 320 glass sashes un der which the violets bloom all winter long. In May I have a lot of fresh ground plowed and prepared, and in it I plant nil my violets, taken from beneath the sashes Dr the purpose. Then I sim ply take up the sashes and cover the newly plante/1 violets with them aud the work is done. In October they be gin to bloom, and con tin tv* all through the winter, so that 1 can pick them every day and send the flowers to market. ALWAYS A MARKET. All of my violet plants come from one little jK>t that I bought at the Center market fl\e years ago. The/are made to multiply b) dividing the roots, so that a single plant taken up in the spring will supply a score or more. 11111 my flowers by sending them to th** florists in Washington or very oft u n i:i New York. Prices aAi high**r in New York, go that it usually pays to express them on. “There is always a market for flowers and there is never any difficulty m dis posin',' of them. Any florist is glad to buy them if they are good on**s ami in prim > condi'ion. Those which I send | to New York are delivered early th** next morning. I expressed r.< er originally on iq/eeul.ation inime liat-* replies praising tin irooitH delivi*i**-*d lo any part of the eity. aud fre** on bo ar d t |J ( . We otter n large meek, for Aim-rleuR, of u, e toMnwIng nrti.ri.-i IN PATENT AND PROPRIETARY ARTICES. * S - K - S - ' l’err.v Davis’Pain Killer, S sizes. 1*. I>. ii. ii. Ii. C. 0. c. it. K K W. W. 0. D. L>. G. Scolt’s Kmulsiou. Brown's Iron Kilters, Bearsfoot anil Sarsaparilla. Lemon Elixir, \1 sl/.ts. T. M. Blacking. Hod's Malt Extract. King's Discovery, 1! sizes Simmons' l.ivi r It-gulator. I 'iiI ieura Keme<il,.s, Tull’s Pills, Garter's Lilli- Liver Pills. Demin Lotion, 1’sizes. Stone's (,'O'i Liver Oil. Horsforrt's Ael-I I'liospliale. Bul ker’s Horse and Cattle Powders, Warner’s Safe Cure. King's It >yal Germatuer, Cox's Gelt tine. Malt Ale. IN RUBBER GOODS Fountain Syringes holding from pint lo half gallon. A Good Family Syringe, from Ton. to if-.oO. Water Bottles holding pint lo half gallon. Nipples. Nursing Bottle Fittings. Crah App! La Hi ill- C IN PERFUMERY. “• ' j L imljorg’s 1 i. I S: eniiil.; I Edeinn. Swiss Lilac. K *"- Goya Lily. iOAPS. A very Large A — ir’ineiii of Pears’ and Kel’i iOsACO, 5»NUFF, CIGARS AND MATCH! S. IIQUORS. I Liquor.-* THERMOMETERS. n'onetors, Crluopioters, r.aetn.neters, “Old Probahilities” Fit-1.! aini Fl»»vver rit GARDEE SEED. ■d, Onion .S-ts, S ed Irish Potatoes $4.75 per. bid. 1*1 1 gn usd : mon*. Tin A 1;. in Ul-- ing it n c.ipiu'd ofT-nsc t*> burn co*»I id only prrmitlivg it to be used by forges in tiie vicinity. It Ls stated that among the records in tho : tower <»f I./n il'll a document *vas found *»cc« vdiug to which auvtn v.Ttr !*. **v; 1 in ' tiie time of Kdw;ip*l I for no other crime than havic ; b* t*n caught burning coal. ' It took thr **' centuries to entirely efface the prejudice.—Texas Siftings. l>.: picked always in the came otherwise tin*/ i*>.*e Thou they must Iv sm*u in the evenin : fnrshipair p*;w, which most j* >j* aft*-: , 1>»- their p-rf*] alie. ill ’ get the very finest po with. From Juu- sibl liis latitude. I -* p *ed to begin August I pick ! the • fiftv I^-a PAINTS, Mixvd Paints, Wliile Lead, Oils, Varnishes, Colors in (HI, l'aint Hrnsiies TOILET .ARTICLES. Brushes,Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes Fact* Powder*. POCKET KNIVES, SC’SSORS. EYE-GLASSFS. We bottle 1 .*:*•«»<• Iy Color: Faiegorie, fiaudamiiii. Spin (from best beans, am! many IU*«pectftillv, \V—'lm. f’nstor Oil. < 'ainph.»r,K 'iC'.e B.-li-man'h Droj*s, Lemon, '’vtract Vanilla aioots. \\,. M . ■.11, patronage. DAVENPORT DRUG CO- jig ALLSKIN/>n°BLo6d DISEASES. The Best Household Medicine. Onco or twico each year tho sys tem needs purging of the Impuri ties which clo^ the blood. Fron childhood to old a^e, no remedj meets all cases with the same cer tainty of good results as BOTANIC HL00R BALM, w. . - - McOauhry, \\’el*h City, Ark., writrx B. B, B. has done me m*-re k«mh! and for Irai money than an/ other Mood purifier I ever used I ow« the comfort of mv life to It." P. A, Shephcr *. * ..r.'oJk, Va., Aucust to, iES8 hcpl . _ w write*i **l aep*-nj on IJ. It *' f• -r the prcarAati* f my health. I have had it in my family now nearly two year< v and in all that time have rot hac The llitnri Kim, Tho of tho hand i.s undoubtedly ancient, and tberuforo is not derived from that of tho lips, but probably the converse is true. The baud kiss is loosely averted to Ik* *K*y p._*i from aervilo obeisancos in which ihj earth, tho foot and the garments were kissed, tho hand and cheek succeeding in order of time and approach to equality of rank. But it is doubtful if that wits the actual order, aud it is certain that sit the time when hand kissing liegan there were leas numerous gradations of rank than at a later stag**. Kissing of the hands between men i* mention'd in the 01*1 Testament, ais.» by Jlomer, Pliny and Lucian. The kb-* w;um applied reverentially to sacred ob jects, such as statues of the gods, as is show'u by ancient works of art, and also among numerous etymologies by that of tho Latin word “adoro,” and it was also metaphorically applied by the in ferior or worshiper kissing his own hand and throwing the salute to the superior or statue.—Popular Science Monthly. hun tin'* l, so that they are leaily tin* most profitable of my flowers. They requiro but little care. 1 plant tho seeds in tho spring in open ground, aliout four inches* deep, and as tho plants grow the earth is kept hilb*d up around them. Then posts ar * stuck in along the rows with strings arranged so that the vines are trained iq/on them. I had one-sixteenth of an aero s*-t out with sweet, and it brought in a clear $2»M) from tin wile of i,MIY Mi tullis & McLendon DEALERS IN the bb* HARDWARE! STOVES AND Best Qualities of Paints, Oils and Builders’ Material A|;i iits for tlio Celobratvil HAUVEST STOVES And GRATES A ileitis for tiie Celebrated Whe. ler & Wilron Sewing Machine. have a d<xtuc.’' ^Wlt-forjHiMtra^ ”Dook of WonJer* vmtu. Oa. Rent free. wmakey Habiv. HHINGLES -AND- ■■■If ErrcraorEseeiaca in Older Yeu^ ^5S^^KK5«KKl'..:Kttrtys, 1 ; « msajsseszartsuz ^'■H^IKed^uFMtSraSi .«.v LUMBER HavingJuat ftnlsh«*il mi outfit to tonnu- facture the miniw iiMined article*, uc are prepared to furnish (hem on •.hort notice. Batlafaetfon KuaranU*e*L Will deilv.-i nt Parkern Htation, ten ml Ira fr»»m A iii-rli-na, on K. A.AM. R. H. Ad*lre«« it** at L>H«* Gh. It. A. WILSON .v i O BV THE OR LOAD LOIS. INE SHOW CASES TORVMSrcKffiSU™. The beat Hhlnglea turtle at the loweat prlcea ever known before. Addrea* H. M.JoNKs, Americu*, Ga. D.C. JojiKs, I>e».|le Ga. feb. Ill—2m. Shingles. When in need of shingle*, by the car load or by smaller quantities, call ou or oddree u*. We make the beet ablnglea in the mar- I kit. WICKHNB A HERNDON. fet&Mm. I California's Gold Treuaurv. Nt'verin any other country has a change in tho i/oliticxil dominion been followed so promptly by so marvelous nn increase of wealth and population, of productive industry and general intelligence. Never did a pr./vince n*|wky new uiusUth more liberally for th«*ir trouble in its aoptisi- tion, nor did any other conquer.*-.! terri tory ever receive greater 1/enefit from conquest. Tiie most notable instances in history of triumphant invasions re- ward«**l with gn*at sums of pnecions metal wen* those of IkibyUmia by Cyrus, of Persia by Alexander, of Mexico by Oortez, and of Peru by Pizarro—all pop ulous empires. with wealth accumulated through centuries of prosperity. Yet not one of them yielded to its contju**rors, within a generation, n» tntteh tre;isur«* ns did desolate Caiiloruia to the Americans. —John S. Ilittell in Oenttzrv. dahlias. “Another flower I am very successful with is the single dahlia, which is very much handsomer than the double dahlia, you know. I pfimt tho bull*, which I propagate myself, tho last of I May, aMii tho plants U*gin to flower ■ about tho last of Anifiist. keopinx- on ! fjrZf--. . _ until frost. I manage to keop them go-1 *■ * dUCl’ Vw Qjg-QJJQ i..g for »» t™ Uter tbM vnxMl WAGON AND BUGGY MA I ERIALS- In this way f gut them over llio first i AND A SPECIAL LINE OF CUTLERY, WOOD AND WILLOWWARE. ETC frosty spell, after which there is nsnally j w * Bpeclally Invite the traillnir public to call and examine our goods a season of <initc warm weather, no that . J*. . " " Keep the beet, as well aa the cheapest l-ooiIh in this frequently my dahlias are blooming ' market » UU( i w *•* give our customers the value of their money. 1/eautifully up to the end of November. I I try to make the flowers I grow alter- • nate, so that when one sort stops hlooin- Thtt riy ll*Ml the Ncrvr. Allan Forman, the publisher of 'Hie New York Journalist, went out one day not long ago to take lunch with a friend This friend had a glass eye, a calamity Mr. Forman knew nothing about. When they had finished their meal they walked up to the casitier's deak to settle. Aa the gentleman was paying the checks the newspaper lean notic'd a fly calmly, coolly and deliberately walking across the '/all of his friend's eye. That indi vidual seemed not iu the least disturbed, and when Forman spoke to him aliout it he said, “Oh, that's nothing.” Forman, naturally astonished, said in reply, “Well, by gracious, you most l*ave a nerve.” “Oh, no,” answered his friend, 'it’s the fly that has the nenre,”—A.*kan- nv Traveler. ing another begins. My violets are flowenug from tiie last of Sejiteinber to the end of April; then come the roses through the summer, and the sweet pease, with dahlias iu the fall and violets again until spring. You can fierce)ve that my way of growing flowers does not make necessary any large investment iu green houses or otherwise. Of course there are some expenses. I have two men to help me, though one of them I should have to keep auy way for other purposes. There is a great deal in the proper pack ing of flowers for market. “For example, violets must be placed in bunches in pasteboard boxes, with waxtd puper folded loosely around them. They mast not be touched with water, because to do so will take away their sweety**. 1 consider my own flower growing enterprise as only begun thus far; some day I hope to become a mill ionaire by selling violets aud sweet pease. At all events there is money in the busi ness, properly pursued, and more women ought to go into it.”—Washington Star. Tullis old Stand, 433 and 435 Cotton Ave. AMERICUS. ga. Can This Ha So? "Nothin# wcarir* a railroad traveler more tlmu a straight track," nays an old railroad man. "Any road with tlfty milca of straight track would be shunned for one with three or four curves In that distmou. I know legion, of people who pnt themselves ont to go by road, which wind and curve and give a new bit of scenery every few minutes.-—Detroit Free Press. *a CMhJt t hto u/.'OJo ■gBgsae^a: v THE BEST POROUS BLASTERS IN THE WORLD * - RHEUMATISM, KIDNEY PAINS j!M BACK, fa. I* (lltOWTKXOIt Sc lUtTMKDK. ll.Han, Ms... Will 'nBtantljrprl' all j>.ii l i a* 25 erutN at I>ru^v BOILING WATER OR MILK It is a fact not generally known that Missouri furnishes better cavalry Iwwf than any other state in the Union. Tlib Missouri borso is sturdy and short back ed, end is now much in demand by cav alry officers. EPPS’S GBATEFUL-COMFORTING. OOOOA LABELLED 1-2 La TINS ONLY- I r, *om | “Wun r ABBOTT’S -v cor Ns ^s a^PEeDiLvAf ^Unions t^N^^wiTHo'OT. 4 «0 PAIN. 4INDE TO WEAK m I I I ’’hick; ■can who is bwtms sat CbllllsUJU 1 ^ 1 ”* Prof. F.C. FOWLEB, Hoodns, Coa* itpMAN £-05 Ct ;; } pp.ap* w m