Newspaper Page Text
P tition for Incorporation A
• i tiv
• II the lam'i* iMdonif-
i.kavktohkll. j
GEORGIA—Bumtkr County. i Wh«*r«*n*. J. m #
To the Huperior Court rf mint County: , t"ei'Htnieol .'-••Hi
The petition of U It liar oi l, II. II. pIIchHoii
John-.n, W. K Murph. y ami .1. it Frtuer, ii.« to hhIJestate,
all of ft* t*ald Cou»i\v miiJ .vht, r»-», «m*i- * I lieseare the. rf*
ruily shows that th* > anils Kli oth*r t« r , all parties e«»iM**n
sou* as ina v tNH-oine !»►**>*• i»tfe*. with tln in. i ereolloi**. to show usiuhi? on or '»*-iore me
•test re to Im* Incor'siratetl umler l he laws of [ April »** r m of the t’ourf of Ordinary ol
the mate of <i-oi k|h, nnd**i - the roruotHM* Hut'ifer .louuty, to b«- held on the first
««me, ••Ainerleus IdnnilnatlnK ami Power I Monday In aprll next, why said petition
Company.’• ]'heobjee; .in-i purposeso; ihelr ; hIioii d not he uranteda-pray* .', to*,
association re t.» in Ike «aln and henetit ; NMtm-s my hand and official signature,
for themselves by the niiinti fact ere and | tills, 2d day *«f Msreli, l&M.
sale of gas light and ele.drlr liijht and other j
lljrhtn 1 •»r 111 it in i mtt .iiij Hfoti*, iilhit* ,
la „nd and p-lvat- hn'ldln-rs. 1
and by *-up|»l\ Ina and •reeling nil n •<*•»>- I APPLICATION
Nary fixtures no ilio«o purposes; and also i\
by ma •iifiteturiiiu and suppiyiui; eteelric <»KOHGl * -KUMTKHt
lot i vc power to eolisuinerK. j Whereas, J. C Mat hr
Tll» place of dolin' bil-l
In t !ie etl v ol A Miericus
the par
t lie\
• will be uith-
h ml
i*:ob<;i *
>.f the estate of
upplieitiion for !*•
Strange and MyiUrioa* Wsrnlspi Hcoded
In Time to |-^h«|i« Death.
“I want to tell you a *tory,” said Dr.
Moliem, a well known physician, “rm
not superstitious man, nor <lo I believe
in dreams,but for the third or fourth tune
in my life I was saved by a premonition.
Igotalnxird car No. 81, oa the Sutter
street line, at tin* fern’, to ride up to tny
office. Ah usual I walked to the forward
end of the car, took a scat in lh«* n»nF*r
with my l>ack to tlie driver , and, pulling
, was soon deeply
Suddenly sotne-
- the other end of
be I
lilack, has i
*<* I I he wild !
is ill** laiiuiMCUirum ol 11J
.•I, tin*l and other t’Hk In ; li«-
s.aiui supplying the slrci
•mi*' all nec.-ssary IIx-
ittaiif icture and hirnish
cr to cudo*m rs asulore-
!• hundred lioiisaiid dollars, t
rep re-
c and ml moil
n'j parties concerned, whether klndr.-d r
creditors, to allow ca .hi* on or before the
April form or ti e . o-irt of r 'rdln:irv of
Hiiinter county toi.elild the first Mon
••ay hi .\pr I next, why said petition
should not t»e granted as priced f*»r
Given umler my hand and official signa
ture, this 2nd day of March, laid.
L IjKTTKKH of administration.
a pajKT fr«
engrossed in the
I thing said to me
j the ear.’
i “Acting o:i I uhanged my
■ w.*i, and m rapid v. cro my movements
i that tiie other paoseng* . in tii«* car
I noticed t iciu. riemeni’*>•:*. i was mi ting
j in the first place with my buck to the
1 river. I wa« paying no attention hi
Favorite at Ilarvanl.
The favorite inode of torment seems to
be to make a mnu go out tin l Hell Home-
thing, or perform Home manual lalior in
the *tre<*ts. Not long ago n student who
was very mucli in lo«e with a pretty
Cambridge girl was eumpfdied to go to
the home of hvr parents with a Jew jK*d-
dler’rf pack ami well all the members of
the family the cheap handkerchiefs and
atrocious br.vs jewelry with which he
was load”*l d->wn. The ior ten w«w not
broken off, but there was a frigid cool
ness i:i that house until fh? real object
of tin* vi.rir win nf‘ Twnrd explained.
Another rich and immaculate voting
swell w;u *red into a uitch where
some Italian, \.v.*v digging in the main
street of Cauibridg 1 into it ho went
with j ick aid shmvi, civl iuadteon
suit, whim was made part of the com-
$50,00 to $500,00. . - $25.00 to S200 00.
RniilsT 1 loots,:
ul.-’e r and a fur i
anything but my nvwr.jjap.'r, and the j are frequently ordered on a vietin
, both real nn*l per*
necessary or convenient loi
• of It- business; to |ssiii
dine in H'Mount HeMiuKrc-
all of
or deed of I riMf on
d irauehiscs; nil I with
Itv iiutliorlties of sai<l
city to Jay its mains mid pipes throii. Ii l ho
streets, and si Icy* and vide-wi'lksof th**
city of A merlcus: to supply gas fixtures mid
electric IIglil fixtures upon rtui-ouable
to*ms («• ns customers; cud uerivrally to
have, * red nn*l o*»n all such necessary ap
pliances snd fixtiir* s hs may b<* needful for
the purposes and objects as heretofore
suited; am. the powei io make terms with
llrtctist* tilers; io turn or shut oil - at the
pleasure <>f the corporation, any or all ipis,
electi le liclit or electric power from any
consumer oreoiisiiui' rs for sufficient esuse.
\\ iien fore|a-tdloners pray that an order
l*e passed lucorp .ratlni: them, their asso.
elates ami ►u<*ces or-*, for the full term of
i the prlv lege of renewal
• f that time.
>N, rilTTi A TIMtiN,
Petitioner’s Attorney s.
:n. C. S. i
i ll part it * c
ere. hors, ♦*
•pill tern
«,fifrtlnary of
Id OM SIM' II >t
,’h.v said petl-
•e •'ranted ns prated f*-r.
y hand and oft clai slj?o:i-
• y nf !•'•■-bmary, iHfd.
A. C.Hfeki:, Ordinary.
I'PMC.t t ION,
tie Itonis
- allln;s.
fo* letter*
ndinlnlst nt b'
of di unlsrdon, from sold estate.
J GEOKUlA—Sumtrr County.
William Hicks, j I.lbcl for Divorce In
Caroline Hicks. $ Rurnter Superior Court.
It nppcnrlnkto the Court from*110 return
of the MherinTu the ttlxiN O stated case that
ttie defendant, Caroline Hicks, does not
live in suid county and It further appear-
Ing satisfact'-rlly to the court that said de
fendant does not reside In the State of
Georgia. It Is therefore o dt*r«d find ai-
Jtldired t»y the e«»urt that flu* defemlant lie
nerved by publishing this order twice h
mouth for two months in the AMtlilcrs
Rkcokukk. a newspaper .•uhllshe 1 ill said
<x>unty In wnleh the Sherttr* sales are nd-
verlls«*d, liefore the next term of this court,
and ttie said defendant Is hereby required
bi be and appear at the next term of this
court to show cause, it any she has, why n
total divorce should not fie granted, said
William Hleks as prayed for.
.!. H. r. H. W. C.
ON. I’lalnti.r's Alt’:
A trueextrae* o mini’tea of Sum
ter Superior C March?. IHU|.
2 m J. II. ALLEN,Clerk.
granted t
Witness 1
this -Ith day
the Court of<irditr«r> *d Mini-
o • e held O.I tlie first Mond *y
, v. by si,hi litters should not
• prayi *1 for.
iv bund and official sigmiture,
»f IVlirunry, MU.
A. C. si’kkk, Ordinary,
O GEOH«> I A—Sumtkk County.
Will be sold before tiie court house door
I11 AinvrlcuH, Sun. cr /minty. Georgia, be
r • *«**>
described pri .
Lot <-f land xn • I/cr two I undrei! and
twenty 22e ,eoiihD/lng two hiiu ired and
two and one half aeies, and the west
half of lot. tiutiilM'iylvlv hundred and
hundred Hiid
A> r t L TJOP ,
containing In t\J- nggregM*' three liiindred
and turee and/hr* o-f "ii\hs acres,
In the 2Hh dist/iet of r-«u.tvroanty.iieor-
Kla. Levied <fn and to he sAJil as the prop
erty of MarWA. Me Math, tolattUfy a morl
gage ll fa issued from suikt^r Suiwrlor
tJourtln November ndjournedkerm. held In
Ketiruary, lSU, In favor or KraW W. Sian-
ley, vs. said Mary A, MeMsth, returnable
GEORGIA—Hcmteh County.
Will be sold beforanhe Court IIouso door
In Lite city of Ainetleus, Sumter county,
Georgia, between t b* legal hours of sale, on
the first .^Tuesday hi April, l«t|, the fol
lowing des*nribed paincrty to-wft:
A certain house ainl lot situated in the
eastern por< l«m of i he city of Americas,
anti bounded ns follows: on the north by
Hlinet*u Je».k 1 nx, yfc the chsi py the street
running >»v 11»- neW cemetery, or Danville
roa»l. on the south l»jr esUi«,of Ibdmri E.
Cobb, and on the wen^by KosX.j\aUle,said
lot containing iWiammwu«|i,« l i v««g/ •»* *
more or less, levied oh and to be aold
the pro|a*rty or Fayette Wilson to safhirv 11
mortgage tl la issfied froniwumter Superior
Court. In Noveniper adjoprued term, held
In FYbrua-y, isttil in ftvof ofSallie L. Max
well. vs. said Fmvette Wllsok, returnabe
t* May term of /abl court, MU. v'hla March
2, I Hill. \I. II. FoKI* sT. Sliei itrs. C
Kpne-halfTtJj) acres.
Gi*. HUilA—sumtkhCounty.
W|*t tw* sold tsMo -e the court house «I.»or
In .he *»ltv of \merle s, of said county, l>e
One one-horse wagon, and one plded Tex
as |Mi'tv, levlett on and to Is* sold in the
property of J. C. Ohearn to sat sfv one
mortgage fi fa in favor of E. Taylor .V ‘•on,
VS. J. c. Onearii, Tills Mart’ll «tli, fiWI.
Also, nt the same time and place, will he
hay Horse about eight years oid,
> hay mare mule
W. F. I, 11 let.
fi fa, issued fi
ler county, t»;
Hon, x s. U,e*.:i
IMtlut'-d out ll
»n to satisfy a rouut.i court
• m the enmity court of Sum*
1, In Favor of K. Tavlor X
dd W . K. LUtleto'i. Property
1 Mild fi in. This March 7th,
Conn, Riilfifi*County Court.
' \TION*
A ri’Lir
GKOUOI a-Sumtvi: i’i.un rv.
Whereas. Mrs. St * I la «». Hniiuhv, nd-
mini-tiBtrtx on the e-titeoflt. *t. Brum
by deceased, has ma le apt ilention for
I>•«*.«• to s«*l* three -hares of 1 be e-ip|«al
stock of the I uternuf Lmal Med.cine Com*
pan v, of Americas, «la.
t Iicm* mv t In-refo** to cite an.I ndmonUU
all parties concerned, whother kindred or
erV ilors, t , show cause «»n or I a.-fore Vprll
term of ih** «'. »•. dot OrdM.ry • »f Surue*r
cot • , y,!o»*e fit on tin* fir-' M *nday in
April ;ie\». why m!iI apolleatmti sh'ou d
1»|>- be grant—! a» pmyel for
Wltiie-s my hand nod *»tfi<*Ial signature,
fhl- frli day of r* brunrv, !**fd.
A. C. suKKit,Ordinary.
4 I’l’MC iTMN.
GEORG! A —Rumtick County.
To whom It may concern:
Where 'S, I. H. Black, administrator of
the estate of Mary F*. Clarke. d*-oensed
Laving tiled Ida a plication for letters of
dismission Ironi said ♦•state.
These ere 'herefore to cite »nd admonish
all part lea concerned, whether k I ml red or
creditors,to show enuso on or before the
May Term of th** Court of Ordinary of
Sumter Countv, to be held * n the first
Monday In Mnv next, why mid |H*tl-
t ton should not be granted as prayed for.
Hi algnntur
a/cThVk E it, Ordl miry.
Gkokuia-suiitkii County:
Wln reas. Mrs. Ffilen If H'dpes, widow
of C. C. Snipes, deceased, ha-mml. appli
cation lor t welve months support for her-
thelr reiurr..
These are therefore to el e and ndmouisli
all parties concerned whether him!red or
creditors, to sho» cause on or before the
A prll term of the court of Ordinary of Hiim-
fer county, to bo held on the first Monday
in Anrll next, why said petition should not
he /rant* d as oral —I tor
Witness my official signature,this 13th
F’ebrunry, iswi.
I'll Kl.Vb MONTHS xUTokT.
Wlmreas, Fannie WII i imslm- made ap
plication loruvelv* months support from
the estate of Cure v Will am**, dec* used.
These itr»* therefore to cite and admonish
all . urtles concerned, whether kindred or
creditors, to show cause on or before the
May term of court of Ordinary of Sumter
Joseph McMnth, l». I*. Holt and others
have made application for a second-class
public road, described as beginning at the
Oglethorpe road In the neighborhood of
Hlilloh church. In the New 2Htli District,
ami lending south C-rough the bin ts of ll.
I*. Hnrv» y, H. J. Jordan, I*. K Rooks, c. C.
Hhepherd, Joe McMnth. and Chninbll*s
Bros., crossing Muckalee creek at the old
McMnth bridge place, south through Jos.
Fa*ker’s land to the road leading from
Amerlcus to F'rlendshlp, which has been
marked out by the Commissioners and a
report thcieof made 0*1 oath by them,
All persons are notified that said new
road will, on and alter the first Monday in
April next, by the ( ominlssloncrs of Ho ids
nud Revenues «d said county, be finally
granted If* o new cause be shown to the
contrary This 2nd day of March, lM*l.
J. W. W11 KATI KY,
Clerk County Commltfrinuers
tiu., between the legal hours of »n; .
first Tuesday In April, next, the following
described land, to-wlt: One undivided
half interest in lot of land number lifiy-
I'lne, (60), In the eighteenth (18) district of
Webster County, fold as tlu> property of J
JosluhThrower. Hkason a. Hrll. i
Executor. I
GFUfUGlA-Hum ri 1: county.
Will benoIU before the emit house door
In \ m erh us, Hu in t* r count y, Gtorgla, be- j
twet 11 the It *mI hours id s»»ie. •>.* the first j
Tuesday In May, iM»l. the i« Lowing de
scribed pr«.|eriy, to-wlt:
I,ots Nos. i and 5, in ihu city «»f \ ineriei s.
front in g on Jsekpon street, ecnt'dioiig «*nc-
fourth*erc, lumeor less, la> inded on the
north by 1 ml of M:. Balpl
IiroiMotiitioti, if I may so call it,
ii"t have rame from any outbid - itiflu-
rnce, such H*rin^appprgu*hiii(? dati»:**r;
lmt, air, I b’.*i not lx*c*!i in iny new' f .it
Wore t!iau five seconds when ®i*- tongue
of a heavy load*-! wa^oti cr* - )*• l tiiroti^li
the ride of l iu; car jtiaf where I had boon
hr:! »••?.: i, r.nd had I r.«.t eh..*:^**] nv
K*a.t my lark wen Id have l icon broken
by th” wapim lotiym*.
“A« i paid," contintaal the <hx.-t<*r “I
nm n<»t M:j» r>tiLioiH. but the incident 1
have ju.»t 1 e In ted, Liken i* ( connect i<ti
with oth r im idents of a i.itnihir natiio*
occurring in my life, make me ladicvc in
Hpite « my:*'*!t that there i:* a ‘divinity
that rdajsxs our ends, rotmlj-hew them
i of term time, and tlie}
1 on him whenever he nppeu
is room. Cambridge, like
tl mini
paries, and
niton tlie
Ice u lunatic
for a <
i.dle/'ft society.—New York .Star.
Moor Laths.
The moor bath:-, or which much is
now heard, and which are provide! at
many Austrian and ( eTinKn healtli re
sorts, were fiist tised at Fraimmsbad. In
lHJ.'l Dr. Pos'-hmann, a physician there,
>n ; Isdievd that he had found in them a
new curative medium, and they have
it ' since b s*on:e popular. Sopie phy.-ieians
n- still cjn*-sf ton their ehie wy, while others
[•«. | in Austria and Germany rely upon th.ern
>n to render s<>rvice in many maladies.
1- Thou^ii the is comp.)s<-‘l of p.*at or
•»1 moor earth to which enough water has
been add***1 t > !nak«* a thick paste of the
k* ' mtkss, yet tii«i peat is different from that
r, ' which is extracted from a bot? in Ireland
a j or .Scotland.
it In both Ireland uml Scotland the jieat
ic is vaed as fuel; at Fnvuwnsbiid tlus min-
€Tuli:x*d jH-at will not servo such n pur-
I>ose. The bog 1 from which it is extract-
hot. Suddenly tiiere came 1 ed has been fs-iturat* d throughout count-
monition of danger, and loss ages with mineral water, and the
Diamond and TVutoh Clubs, one to five dollars per week. lv; t
in clubs less tbuu spot cash to the regular Jeweler, whose expease
increase the profits. Handsome Gold Watches (or $25.00.
Dollar per week. Ladies or Gent’s.
Fleetwood & Ru s ell Corner.
1:: a:i.<vr* r t » a ipiestlott a • to w
inu-ir wamirig or pretnotiitioit of r
h>: h;kl cv r receive,’. Dr. X*<1
il, or." tine* I was riding
the Mi, Iiigun Central rcilro;*!. k •
a bitter cold night, and v. he:i I cn!u
the ear n»y fe-4 tut-m* d fr* *:*n. I v rd'r.^i
forward and took a seat next to the*
stove in the forward pm; cf the car,
putting uy feet on tlm fender. In a
short time a gentleman c!iang.?d hit at-at
and came and sat la vide me. The
train was running at a high note of Hpeed,
mid the draught noon made the heater in
the car
to me
tnniir.g to my comjianioa I said: Tf wt: product is a strong chemical compound
should mee t with an accident, a collision, j Thus a moor bath is u mineral bath in a
/or instance*, you and I would be in a bad concentrated form, and effects arc pro-
placc. We would certainly be hnrlctl on j duced upon tlie system by Liking a
that red lot riovc.' course of these hutlis which cannot be
“At the name instant, and liefore my producoil, according to exja*r!s, by any
Heat mate could reply, tlie impulse to mineral water.—Blackwo’xVs Magazine.
grasp the end of the seat came upoti me ——- j
ho strong I could not resist it. and hard* f int rcBaa in England,
ly ha*! my Hug* it closed upon the rail of I IIow m.utv unibiullas are manufact-
the seat when tlu re came n era:.!;, and nred in this country u.mmallv? There
the c;tr we wcr«* in was thrown violently
from the track. I clung to tlie seat, and
my companion, when thrown forward,
narrowly mi*sod the stove. My position
in tlie scat was such that had I been
pitched headlong as he was I could not
have missed tlie heater. A broken rail
caused the accident, but what caused me
togriisp tin* scat us I did I would like to
know.”—.Sari Francisco Chronicle.
Tin* Sulky Man.
If the t -r.pcr is a sullen or sulky one,
its malignant character is apparent;
probably lie has some little cause for
taking offense, or he has at least an op
portunity for imagining that ho has been
slighted. He persuade!* himself tlmt
some one has K*en wanting i:i the affec
tion or resp<*ct which is hiu due. He feels
himself instilte<l, injure*!; and he lias not
magnanimity enough to pass over the
m.'itter without taking care that the
slight offered should Ik* expiated by suf
fering. His Kjlf love demands that some
one should suffer; and the suffering of
the victim—alt hough ho might be si locked
to think so and might refuse to lielievc
are no official return.* giving the number
in this country, though in the United
State's it is calculated that one umbrella
is made annually for every six persons.
If we apply this prujiortion to the popu
lation of the United Kingdom—now cal
culated, in round number©, at u8,UOO,UOo
—over fi,(HIO,(i00 umbrolLis are made a;
nually. Upward of 2,500,000 uiubrelhi
were imjairted by sua into CalcutLi i
the year and the yearly exports
ol umbrellas from thin country are valued
at £531,000. In Franco, in 1830, urn
hrelkut were manufactured by ICO makers
to the value of £280.01)0: in 1847, £405,000
worth by 303 nmkers; in 1882 their value
wjis £1,180,000, and 800 manufacturers.
Price averaged four francs each. There
were thus made in France in 1882 7,500,-
0(H) umbivllas, or nearly one for each in
habited—London Tit-Bits.
How 01*1 Sjt|(l(*r« Live*.
Old spiders, which have neither web
nor tin* materials to make one, often
hunt nlaint to find out the webs of other
spiders, younger and weaker than them-
selves, with whom they venture battle,
it— affords him a certain saiirtfaclioa and 1 The invader generally succeeds, and the
a certain pleasure. ! younger spider is driven out to make a
When the o&Ynder has been made to new web, and the old spider remains
feel tlmt it is no light matter t j neglect! in possession until u stroiiger spider in-
the comfort of the ill tempered man, or i vadeu the web and drives it out. When
to prefer any other interests to his. when thus dispossessed tlie spider seldom ven-
he or she lias been made thoroughly tures another attack, but tries to subsist
» i.y Jan
I tlu» '
or Mr. It. I*. Mr
of Mouthern>! ami Lumber i'o
t le* pro peri
A p
I’FLIC vt: »n.
GMoiLil A—SL’xru'
To 'VitoM ir May Conokv.
Wm-r*****. Mr*. Marti-a Majors,
tratrix of thi*-state of David Ma
im; .i -.1 her anpl «
ally livi-v
••r«sfi>re tocll**
ill. I a-ImortUli
:**r .;!• .Ir.-.l or
■*, t.» sho’rcauH# <»:• orb**f«*rt» the
••rn* o r th* t'enrt *'f Orrlin**ry «»f
*• oounty. to »a* li'-M <>n tin* fir-*'
'in Awrll n**xf, why taiJ appll**.*!-
praveo for
tbU'Jtl Jay of MaTlj.ncfi.
i'rii, K 'I.
W. IX. Co Mr, Ordiaary,
miserable, the sulky man is upja-as^xl; he
is iH*rliaps even penitent: his demon has
been gratified, and is no longer hungrj*.
The fact that the bad temper, with its
symptoms of black looks or harsh words
or sullen hiloncc, was maintained until
the suffering of the victim been me evi
dent is etiourh to show that snlkhietw i 41
really u much worst* kind of fault than
people generally imagine. —Cham I K*rs
Ctttiinw ITdflity.
We are wont to regard the d<>g ms the
jierfect eiubodinieut of lkMity, and on
the whole the good opiaioa of his ehar-
actcr has la-o-.i justi(L*'l. i’i:.* saying of
the German pessimist that he would
cease to Weli**ve in truth but for tin* hs-
surmice of his dog's eye is a striking
tribute to the species. But even Ouidn
hersoH, ono snpposcd, wouid hardly
claim t.iis excellence for every member
of the canine family. We are apt to
forget that tlie instinc t of attachment
was devehiped comparatively late in the
historx- of the si»eci»*s. Tl»e dog is by
nature unattached and vagrant, and onh
becomes uttm b**j and faithful by an in
fusion of human grace. Hence the comi
cal spectacle "..** sometimes sees in the
streets—a v/**il meaning but misguided
youth attempting to keep a l(H>sely in
clined pup to his heels. And not
a few’ memb ra of ti.«* sjx-cies r \ p ar t »
remain in this umvgeneraD* Mat? in
mature yea pi.—Cornhiil arr *rire.
upon the few insects that may fall acci
dentally into its clutches, nud eventually
dies cf hunger.—Loudon Standard.
It is a mistake to suppose that tho
knots or warts which are very common
on some s|>ecies of forest trees are due to
insects, fungus, or accident, «,r are in
any way unnatural growths. They de
velop art results neither of the li -alth nor
disease of the tree, nor of such condi
tions as special kinds of soil or situa
The first crematorium in the United
States was erected at Washington, I*a.,
by Dr. F. J. Le Moine at acostof $1,C<J0.
The first body to be cremated was that
of Baron do Palm, Dec. G, 181G. The
time occupied in reducing tho laxly to
ashes was two hours and ten minutes.
Macaulay was 48 when ho i>stu*d the
first and second volumes of his “History
of England," and tlie third and fourth
did not api>eur until he was 55. Good us
are the essays of iiis early tnauhood they
juily wik n compared with tuo work of
his maturer yearn.
W Clark Russell, whose sea stories
have such remarkable dasli, breeziness
and out of door freedom, has long been
a hopt-k.-s and well nigh helpkn-s invalid,
chaimxl to an indoor existence in an in
land town.
\\ If you are one of those more j\
ia cultured souk, who in the «|
•^ beauty and the fragrance of f|
‘ sweet flowers, take an interest-
in their care you find a pleasure
then this little "ad” is for you
& and for you alone. We have
just received at the Artesian
k Corner an assortment of the
|a celebrated "Ivy Leaf” flower
'A pots. We have them Here both
large u,.id small, painted and
a plain, with saucers and with-
^out. in regular shapes, or in
novel shapes and decorations
which are oddly beautiful
These range in price from 5c to
50c. and combine the beauty
of Terraline ware with the cost 1
of Terra Cotta.
We haven't many of them—’
they won’t last long.
’ Gz^xvrViimimhii^^
Groceries, Provisions, Country Produce
\Yc Roll fit u >harc of tin* patronage of the tra-llng public, guaranteeing Kitbfactii
low prices, an*l ko*h1 «‘hh|*. We deliver good*anywhere In tho city. Call and see u«.
I* HO 1* It IK TO It.
lictsoi Street, Under Alice £ors>
Ordsn for C&h: of all Suds Promptly Filled! 3rd ud Caka Wagoa Qms cat
Country Merchant! lupplled with bread at wholenale prlneii
Sole Agent or tie Ceelratei CU 'Stun Sjr’Jf Keatncir WMelr.
»*I and for mile a !*»rg«* «>t
Brick, Shingles, Lumber
A guaranteed Caro for Pile* of whatever |
kind or d**groo—External, Internal, Blind
or Blocdiug, Itching, Chronic, Rocout or
llcroditary. $100 n box; 0 boxes, $5.00. !
d«nb by mail, prepaid, on receipt of prico. I
We gu-'.r-ir'o'i to ary ca*»o of Pilos. 1
Guanctcea nn.l to’.d only by
. D.WENl’OKT’ IJItUti COMPAji Y, |
V>>iir»R**s»m*«* f By.
F. L AuiWK. 721 Hij.I'o-* »v
Fori men at U'lpiicn'« Trm< F.iib
Highest of alt in Leavening Power.—U, S. Gov’t Report, Aug. 17, xSSg.
Kv.-.-ylioUy ,1,0
■ tlielr houses jiapered.
The Celebrated Royal Bakin r P»-«
K D AN’S.,f Y
And other dealer** in Hf«rb Ulr**
J. jOI. .
Conlractor and Builder, and Dealer in Builders Material'
3Et> 'T 8 -
I u>-urance Placed on City find Country Property,
flice on Jackeou Rtreet, twe i , ^ora north of Telegraph Office.