Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, November 21, 1902, Image 4

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I ^:,£Daify'and j Weekly.
Tiyb \4 nr j M tatim, -5,;
TiiE.AMi-iic is Tims*. Bui till
Consolidated. April, I *®i.}
Incorporate 1. J tuaarv. I
DAILY, one year .- 56.00
DAILY, one month SO
WEEKLY, one year | .00
WEEKLY, six months SO
AdtlrdM :t!i let'er* . it tut 'make rcmlt~
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Telephone UU.
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Ofll.iul Orgstu ot
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Official Organ o'
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Ofll -l.\I Organ «>:
*C T GO a n t J.
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ComtUMi'jfl cf
Ge jrgl t f->r th
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LjuI District
NOV. 21. 1902
will 6e maintained at an annual ex- of Wilkes—To repeal an act establish-
pense of 13,000, this money to be se- ’ ing dispensary In the city of Wash-
eured from the fees derived from the Ington. In Wilkes county,
inspection of fertilizers. | By Mr. Bush of e-iller—To establish
Tbeie was another Important gener- and maintain a dispensary In the town
al bill adopted by the senate. Th's - of Colquitt, In Miller county,
was by Senator Snead, of the twenty-1 By Mr. Steed of Taylor—To provide
ninth, which permits farmers through- for the better protection of confederate!
out the state to purchase in bulk the veterans mentioned In an act approved
various materials to be used in the Dee. 9, 1897.
manufacture of fertilizers. | In the Senate.
Important Resolution Provides For Tire senate yesterday passed three
Book Commission. I bil,s - ,w0 of which were of a general
Atlanta. Nov. 17. Aj Important and character. One was by Senator Lee,
Interesting resolution was introduced of tIle fourteenth district, to abolish
In the Saturday by Messrs.! ,he °® ce of special agent of the West-
West. i: Lowndes, and' Mitchell, of crn and- Atlantic railroad, another by
Thomas. This re 0 tlcn provides Senator Sweat, of the fifth district, pro.
for the appointment of a commission hl,)it s the adulteration of spirits of
to ievt£tiga:t* iiie matter of introduc
ing uniform text books into the com
mon schools of floor;
Air. Dozier, of Tro
interesting measure in the house pro
viding that judgment shall be ren
turpentine, while the third, by Sena
tor Worsham, of the twenty-second,
provides for the incorporation of the
introduced an F°Wth school district in Monroe coun-
ty. |
Two papers having reference to tho
During the Past Week'Care
fully Reported.
Though Little Business of Impoitancc
Has Been Accomplished Thus Far
During Term- Days Doings Told In
Flood of New Bills Introduced—Wran
pie Over Rules.
Atlanta, Nov. IB.—A llood of new
bills and resolutions reached tho
clerk’s desk yesterday for a first read
ing. Many of them were purely lo
cal measures, hut some of them pro
pose Interesting legislation.
Mr. Candler, of DcKalb, Introduced
by request a bill to appropriate $6,00*0,
or so much thereof as may be neces
sary for the laying of a water mam
from tho city to the Confererate Sol
diers’ home, an improvement which
tho trustees have not been ablo to
make with their present means.
Mr. Calvin, of Richmond, Introduced
a bill which proposes to cut down the
fees of notaries public and others who
protest notes nmWdrafts by more than
one half. His hill provides that tho
charge for such service shall not bo
more than 31.50 in each case.
Mr. Fields, of Dooly, Introduced
bill which proposes to Increase tho
salaries of judges of the superior
courts of the state to 33,000. There
Is already pending a measure for In
creasing these salaries to 32,500, In
troduced by Mr. Stone, of Fulton.
Mr. Henry, of Murray, In a bill
Which he Introduced, proposes to rs-
peal the present registration laws of
the state, and Mr. Calvin, of Richmond,
Is the author of a measure which Is de.
signed to permit confederate veterans
to enter the real estate, renting, bro
kerage or commission business with
out paying a license charged to others.
Mr.- Reid, of Campbell, Introduced
three bills to amend sections 767, 719
and 780 of the code so as to require
all corporations doing business In the
state to return their franchisee for
taxation tho same as other property,
whenever such franchises add to the
value of their stocks or physical prop
erty. These amendments, if adopted,
would have practically the same effect
as the passage of a franchise tax bill.
Such a bill is now pending before the
The house passed by a voto of 103
to 0 the bill by Mr. Field, of Spalding,
to amend section 2lV5 of the code so
as to better fix tho venue of suite
against Insurance companies,
A resolution by Mr. Kelly, of Glas
cock, to make bis Australian ballot
bill the special order for next Wednes
day Immediately after the reading of
the Journal, was referred to tho com
mittee on rules.
After some routine business the
house spent the greater part of tho
day yesterday In wrangling over pro
posed changes In the rules, a feature
which has already consumed consider,
ablo time this session.
In the Senate.
By a unanimous vote the senate
yesterday morning passed tho house
bill by Messrs. Slaton. Houston and
Blackburn, of Fulton, which provides
that councilmen or aldermen in cities
with a population of more than 80,00(1
Inhabitants shall be eligible for the po
sition of mayor or other municipal of
fice by first resigning their present
The senate also passed the hill by
Senator Jordan, of the twenty-eighth
district, which provides for the crea
tion of a commission to Investigate
tho feasibility of locating an agricul
tural -and Industrial school In each
congressional district of tho state.
According to tho measure the com
mission Is to be composed of twelve
members—the governor to be chair
man of tho board. He is authorised
to appoint the remaining eleven mem
bers, one from each district By the
terms of the bill tho commissioners
ere empowered to receive propos-us
tfom the various districts (or dona
tions of land and building* for these
which, after «ishii«t>use
derc-d against all parties convicted convict system were introduced. Ono t
We have secured two hundred
pieces, 2,000 yards, of fine all Silk
Ribbon that sells regularly at 25c to
35c, to sell at 15c, and they are the
very kind of ribbon that are in de
mand now. They are new and abso
lutely perfect goods just from one of
New York’s greatest ribbon houses—
As these ribbons are far below
wholesale prices, there.will be millin-
of larceny, embezzlement, cheating these was a bill by Senator Middle* 20c to 35c Taffeta Ribbons at 15c Yard.
and swindling and like crimes for the brooks, of the twenty-soventii district,!
amount of the property stolen or fraud. * Providing that one-half of tho felony
ulently obtained. The bill provides' convicts should bo leased out at the
that the value of the property so end of the present contract for a term
stolen shall be included In the fine ® ve years, and that the other one*
against the defendant or he shall bo half should be loaned to the various
required to work it out as a part of counties to construct country roads,
his sentence. After this Is done, it 1 According to the provisions of this
is provided that a warrant for the measure the proceeds from the hire of
value of the property shall be drawn one-half of tho felony convicts is to be
on the county treasurer in favor of, U8e d In defraying the expenses of
the party from whom th<? property was sending the other half to the different
stolen in case such property is not re*' counties for road work, and whatever
turned to him. i balance may remain is to go to the. o A(x t _ ,
Another Interesting measure was byj public school fund. Any counties de* WlClinS 41/, OU 3110 oil, 3X IOC yu.
Mr. Ayres, of Polk, which provides siring convicts to work the roads may
for the trial of felony cases In tho' secure them by making a request of
city courts of Atlanta and Savannah ' the prison commission, the counties re* f
and other like courts in the state, ex*| celving the work of -the convicts to J
cept where the defendant is liable to supply the necessary barracks, food ‘efS aild Ollt of town merchants inter
the death penalty. This requires an' a &d the like. j . *
amendment to. the constitution and " “ |CSlCCIj IOT SUCH as those and Others
was referred to the committee having Anti-Pass Bill Meets Death by Vote of who can use w hole pieces, We make
charge of such measures. 68 to 70. I ^ „-4.«n i ct At- •
Mr. Peyton, of Habersham, wants to j Atlanta, Nov. 19.—'The house yester* ’ Still lower, 4)1.25 per piece.
better equalize the work of judges of day decided that it wanted a continu*
superior courts fn the state. Ho ia*! atlon °* free passes. It killed the' AA n „ , _ #
troduced a bill providing for the for* aaU-free pass bill by Mr. Hall, of Bibb, 1201) UOZ. ffleO S Lllieil COlIafS it 5UC BflZ
rnation of the circuits of the state In* af ter a brief but pointed discussion.'
to divisions of threo or more circuits The voto was 68 to 70 against it, the
each, and requiring tho Judges to ro-| measure lacking 20 votes of a consti- They are Called SeCOtldS blit V’OU
tate In Hio circuits within their ro-! tutional majority. L_„». + „ti
spoctive divisions. Tho measure came up as the spe-j®®^ ^ tell them from the first (JUality,
. A bill to provide for a state hoalihj clal order for the day after a number nothing more than a dropped thread
officer at a salary of 32,000 a year, of of unanimous consents had boon d!s-l_ro „ ■
which Mr. Whitley, of Douglas, Is the' posed of. It provided that no rail- Occasionally. -Very One W3S made
author, made Its appearance in the! road, telephone, telegraph, express or to Sell for 12}Ac each, and they are
house. It provides that 33,000 shall: 8 l e ®Plng ear company should issue to. .~ f/ ,, J ...
he appropriated annually for tho ox- any official of Georgia, state, county. DeiLcr 111 an ITIOSL Collars. All
ponses of tho health department, and - or municipal, any free pass or frank-[are perfectly fresh and Clean Packed
that the health officer, who shall ho' leg privilege under penalty of 31,00o j . . . ,
appointed by the governor, shall hold! and that any such official accept-, Olle UOZen in a DOX and and SOld Only
office for a term of four years. Siml- j In g any of these courtesies should be by the dozen 50c
lar legislation has been proposed be- deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and
fore former general assemblies. j punished as provided In section 1033
Tho house, by a voto of 77 to 25, of tho code,
killed tho resolution by Mr. Pereton, I The bill evoked much discussion,
of Jasper, providing that 175 copies | and some of tho members Indulged in
of each general bill favorably reported ! n little fun as Its expense,
by committocs he printed for tho uso ’ The state sanatorium will get an in-
of members of tho house. Speaker! crea se In its maintenance fund cf
Morris ruled that this resolution did 340,000 this year, if the recommends-
not contemplate a change In the rules Hon of the appropriations committee
and that action could be taken by a of tho house—to bo embodied In the
majority vote. * | general appropriations bill—Is adopt-
The house adopted the resolution by ed by the general assembly. This was
Mr. Kelly, of Glascock, making his decided during a meeting of the com-
Australian ballot bill the special or- mittee yesterday after considerable
dor for next Wednesday morning Im- discussion. The report of the com-
mediately after the reading of the Jour-1 mittee will carry a maintenance fund
nal. It Is provided, however, that for the Institution of 3330,000.
It shall not Interfere with the general!
appropriations bill or the general tax!
act. |
A resolution by Mr. Black-burn, of
Fulton, to mako his bill providing for!
n police patrol In each militia district |
of the state the
50 Dozen Men’s all linen cuffs,
straight links and reversible af 10c
per pair.
Blockade at Corro Raised.
Washington, Nov. 19.—A cablegram
'"Ived at tho stato department to*
/ from Minister Bowen, at Car
, , . , . can, dated yesterday, states that he
_ . . special order for. has been notified by the Venezuelan
Thursday morning after the conflrma. gOTernment that lt has occupled ^
tlon of the Journal was referred to po rt of co rro and has raised the block.
Men’s Percale Shirts $U
the committee on rules
ade there.
House Catches Up With All Business Noted Artillerist Killed.
on Calendar. j Toledo, vi„ Nov. 19.—Colonel O. J.
Atlanta, Nov. 18.—The house caught Hopkins, of Toledo, a noted artillerist
up with all the business on its calen- and an authority on Gatling gun tac-
dar yesterday, but there was nothing tics, was killed by a street car at Co*
done of unusual Interest. Several new lumbus last night
bills were Introduced, a number of lo-! —
C -1 and unimportant bills wore passed OW*
and the remainder of the session was 1
devoted to reading bills a second time.
Among the new bills there appeared
one to provide for a new lease of the 1 Slow healing sores are unsightly, pain-
labor of state convicts; one measure 1 f“l » n <l dangerous. They are a constant
e°v MS two Btat, i b6arJ ° f Ph T Da '! h“Hng 7
cy t° hold two sessions a year and an. [ quently the after effects of some long
other to prohibit tho appointment on debilitating aicknesa that leaves the corn
such board of a graduate of any school' stitution weakened and the blood in a
of pharmacy In the state; a bill to re-i polluted, run down condition, when l
peat the law providing for tho commit-' 8cratch - c . ut * • i . n 'P ,e , boil or bruise, be-
ment of certain classes of children to' “*?** a ffrlul looking ulcer that growl
simn J a^7 la tlt n t| U8trlal h nn° aB<1 *“ t0 spite^rJthing'tES
similar institutions; a bill to provide, can be done to check its progress* Old
for the location of tho lines of the [ people whose blood is below the standard
Georgia troops In the fitting around and the circulation sluggish, ore often
Vicksburg,- Miss., and several other 1 t orme nted with face sores, snd indolent,
measures of special interest l “cUy looking ulcers upon the limbs that
The bills to provide for a roster of «*£ s»d\o'^ ° “° meDt ’ S ^ ff °“
Georgia soldiers and sailors and for Ordinary sorei Purify tll6 BlOOd
a board of tax assessors to assess for are liable to be- *
taxation tho property of all corpora- 1 come chronic Heal the S0P6.
tIon$ now returned to tho comptroller "'ben ‘be blood
genera! were tabled in tho absence of “ *°° weak , t0 throw off the germs and
t., ssssixssiSEzssz
^ a aro mm ,Q u VCf * t0 k'row worse and worse, and many
tlgate conditions at tho Soldiers homo times terminate in that most horrible ol
was passed. I all human maladies, Cancer,
The house passed the following bills: | S. S. S. cures slow healing sorea by
By Mr. Beachamp of Butts—To ra- P u , rif y in K , and . Invigorating the germ-
real the act establishing a county b!oo . d a “ d p V, rgin «
court for Hutto mimtv I *y 8 t em of aI l corrupt matter, thus stnk-
court for uutts county. | ing at the real cause and removing every
B> Mr. underwood of White—To hindrance to a rapid cure, and thla is the
amend section 151, volume 8, of the only possible way to reach these deeply
code, defining rotbljery, so as to include
within the term the sudden snatching
of money or any other property by one
person from another, without consent
of the owner. |
By Mr. McCurry of Hart—To amepd
section 982 of the ^ode so a* to in
clude the town of Hartwell in the lilt
of cities and towns in which state fie*'
posltorie* may be designated by the
governor, |
Bv. Me*sra Alexander .amt Bi«mA
The demand from white grounds
with black stripes and figures is al
most universal this season, and so
we have provided abundant quanti
ties of exactly the styles of shirts you
want. The shirts are made in the
best manner; comfortable sizes, per
fect fit, excellent workmanship
throughout. Price $1.
r oo Dozen Ladies Fast Black Hose
high spliced heels and toes. Never
before offered foe l;ss than 12%c;
here Monday and Tuesday at 6>4c
per pair.
rooted, dangerous places, S. S. S.
strengthens and tones up the circulation,
and supplies rich,
nutritious blood foi
the rebuilding of the
constitution and
a,*, —j. healing the sore,
when yon get rid ol
the old plague spot for all time.
If you have a alow healing, stubborn
sore, write us about it, and our Pbysiciani
will advise you without charge, o
The Swift Spccifio Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Boys heavy bicycle ribbed Hose,
double knee spliced heels and toes;
equal to most of 20c hose; here Mon
day and Tuesday at loc per puir.
loo Dozen Beiding Bros, spool
Silk, 5o yard spools, white and colors,
regularly sold everywhere for 5c; here
Monday and Tuesday at 3c spool.
l,ooo Yards extra heevy grade
white Canton Flannel; regularly sold
at 12}£c, here Monday and Tuesday
only at 6^4c yd.
l,ooo Yards full standard Per
cales, great variety of patterns, regu
larly sold at loc and I2%c; here Mon
day and Tuesday at 8c yd, •
Fifty dozen children’s heavy win
ter ribbed vest, full line of sizes;
regularly sold at 25c; here] Monday
and Tuesday only at loc each.
On Dressing' the Boys.
Dress them serviceably, suitably,
stylishly. Dress them with due regard to
your pochet. A happy combination is
found here, whatever is the price, ti'or
high priced is never dear—when low pile-
ed it is never poor. You’re safe either way.
Boys double-breasted suits in various
shades of Cheviots, Serges, etc. 8 to 16
years $2 to J5.
•' Embroideries at Half Price.
We have placed on special counters
over fifteen hundred yards of Embroidery
short lengths and slightly soiled pieces,
ranging in value from 10c to 25c yd. They
are priced for Monday and Tuesday’s sell
ing at 5c, 7£c and 10c yd.
R. & G. Empire Corset 50c.
We have just received another lot of
the famous R. & G. Empire 75c Corsets,
strictly first quality and new styles Mon
day and Tuesday at 60c each.
Amoskeag 12 l=2c Outing at 8 l=2c Yd.
Two cases of Amoskeag Outing in
light and dark shades, full regular width,
regularly 12Jc. Here Monday and Tuesday
at 8jc per yard.
Dress Goods Remnants.
Many new additions make this collec
tion of dress goods remnants powerfully
attractive. There is an answer in it for
practically every dress goods, including
Cheviots, Poplins, Prunellas, Granite
Suitings m black and colors m desirable
lengths for women’s waists and skirts, or
children’s school dresses.
New Waist Flannels at 63c Pattern.
Over five hundred patterns in this col
lection, plain colors and figures. We will
sell them in 2 1-2 yard patterns. Price
for the pattern 63c.
Men’s $5 Vici Shoes for $3.50.
Here are excellent shoes made to sell
for $5, and they are worth every cent of
that price if any pair of shoes you ever
bought was worth $5. New Iresh goods
just from the factory, $3 60.
10 Yard Dress Pattern 25c.
We will place on sale Mocday morn
ing 200 fall Wrapper patterns; not over
- one to a customer; 10 yds Monday and
Tuesday for 25c.
Men’s 50c Necties for 25c.
Reversible Four-in-Hand Ties of
excellent quality of silks, and the pat
terns are neat, rich, distinctive and
In dignified colorings. Regularly sold
at 50c, now at 25c each,
115 and ii7SForsyth Street, John R. Shaw’s Old Stand.