Newspaper Page Text
Boiled Down to Four Lines
and Bunched.
BEGINS session,
I'arge Attendance of Work
ers Yesterday.
Happenings in Tho City and Suburbs ,
of Local Interest to Be Perused at I Add ‘ 053 of Wo,co '»e By Mrs. Worthy
and Response By Mrs. Tift-Presi-
Dodson's Pharmacy.
"Meet Me at Dodson's."
Leisure While Your Coffee is Slowly
For Books, Periodicals, Pictures and
frames, fluo stationery, eneravinp, toys
and fancy goods—headquarters st M
S. Holliday’s.
Americas will hardly see the Harris
Nickel Plajo show as, after playing
Cordele it will go into winter quarters
at Valdosta.
Steve Wooten, the well known bag
gage transfer man, is now critically ill,
and it is feared that he may succumb
to typhoid fever.
Americus is going to have a splendid
fire record this year. So far there has
not been a building destroyed, and few
tires of any kind.
The delayed chicken got hero in
time. A rhipment of several hundred
from north Georgia came to local
dealers yesterday.
There was quite an improvement in
the cotton market yesterday. The
“king” is now recuperating and will
soon be himself again.
Butter, egg*, chickens and turkeys
are more plentiful just now. But the
chickens will play fearful odds in com
ing to town next week.
The average citizen is already plan
ning for Thanksgiving Day. Various
sports and amusements will serve to
while away the day here.
Seven and a half cents for flue cot
ton seems a bit cheap for the article,
but the increase in the yield more than
makes up the difference.
dent Northen Addressed Hie Mis- i
slonary Union Last Night.
The campaign for the city offices
waxes warmer as the date of election
draws nearer. Americus has rarely
seen a tighter little race,
Americas is eDjoying the glorious
Indian Summer. The weather is as
balmy as that of May the roses bio jm
and all nature seems glad.
Thousands of gallons of now cano
syrup will be hermetically sealed in
bottles by Americas people as this pro
cess keeps the syrup fresh.
Amerious’ warehouse receipts now
total 35,000 bales. The crop here
about is turning out better than any
one expeoted a month ago.
The Baptist delegatea wero greatly
pleased with their visit yesterday to
the cemetery at Andersonville, where
13,700 soldiers are buried.
Supt. Montgomery was forced to
suspend work upon tho Methodist
Church yesterday, the supply of
pressed brick having run out.
Hirby Jones, having nothing human
to lavish his young affections upon,
caught a chameleon yesterday in the
basement of the Allen House.
The twentieth annual meeting of the
Woman’s Baptist Missionary Union,
auxiliary to the Georgia Baptist Con
vention, was convened at Furlow
Lawn Baptist Church at 9 o’clock yes
terday morning with a largo number
of delegates in attendance.
Devotional exercises w.-re led by
'lrs. B. E. Neighbor. Mrs. B. H.
Worthy delivered the address of wel
come, to which response was made by
Mrs. H. H. Tift, of Tifton, Ga.
Miss M. E. Wright, of Augusts,
president of the Union, delivered the
annual address, which commanded the
wrapt attention of the large assemblage
and was an eteqaent and inspiring
tribute to woman’s woik.
The meeting yesterday consisted of
morning and afternoon sessions, the
enrollment committee submitting Nts
report in the morning.
An unique and beautiful feature of
the morning session was the presonta-
tition of a bouquet of white roses and
violets, symbolio of purity and modes
ty, from Mrs. H. H. Tift, of Tifton, on
behalf of the.women of Georgia to tho
women of Amerious. It was graceful
ly accepted by Mrs. B. H. Worthy.
Tho afternoon session was made
most helpful by a missionary talk by
Mrs. Todd, of Macon, a returned mic
sionary from China. Fresident Nor
then addressed the union last night
on orphans home work.
Thi. man who Insures tils life!,
wise for his family.
The man who Insures his beam
is wise both for his family auo
You may Insure health by guard
ing It. It Is worth guarding.
At the first attack of disease
which generally approaches
through the LIVER and mani
fests itself In Innumerable ways
Ms Pills
And saveyour health.
Several Bales Cotton and Cotton
seed Are Lost
As the resnlt of aoeldent, Mr. J. L.
Chambliss snflera the loss of his gin-
honse and contents by fire. The fltmes
originated st the gin, probably dne to
friction or n match in the cotton, and
quickly spread sll over the yinhonse.
This bonding, together with the sngsr
mill near by, wss totally oonsnmed
together with several bales of seed cot
ton and large qnantity of cottonseed
stored In the home. The loss la not
known, bnt will be very considerable
The Best Bemedr For Croup
[From the Atchtnson, Kan., Dally Ulobc.J
This Is tbe re son when tbe woman
who knows tbe best remedies for croup
is in demind In eveiy neighborhood.
One of tbe most terrible things lu tie
world ia to be awakened iu tbe middle
of tbe night by a whoupfrom one of the
children, Tbe oroup remedies are al
most as sure to be lost, in case of croup,
as a revolver is sure to be lost In case
of buiglare. There used to be an old-
fashioned remedy for oroup, known ns
hive syrup and toln, but eome modern
mother's say that Chamberlain’s Cough
Remedy Is better, and does not oost so
much. It causes the patient to "thrqw
up tbe pblegm” quicker, and gives ro
lief In a shorter time. Give this remedy
asaoou • tbe eroupy cough appeal sand
It will pre.ent tbe a’.laok. It never
falls aad is pleasant and safo to take,
for sale hr all drugglata.
•/'or that Cough,
A conght is a little thing
when it begins. This is
the time to stop it. The
longer you put if off the
harder it is to cure. The
longer it lasts the more
severe it becomes. Let it
run oil and there is no no
telliDg what tho end will
be. The worse case of
corsnmptiou was a little
cough once. Dodson’s
Cough Balsam will stop
any cough when it begins.
It will stop almost all
coughs after they get bad.
But the best way is to
take it at the first sign of
a cold. Dodson’s Cough
Balsam is the best remedy
for coughs, colds, hoarse
ness and all diseases of the
throat and lungs. Price
25c and 50c.
People Who Came or Went
Away Yesterday
Your Own Name or That of a Friend
May Be Found Below In The Long
List of Yeeterday’s Visitors Who
Came Here.
The best
at one-half price
Jaft*&*• **"*11™?*?**
! Ballon. We sell two Ballou (or StoutuSmuff
I tbatover and remember that
.... denier at
lYNEIL If as
' ' on every
A.7- atr.iii ******* v TO * * uu rememoer mac
endwree you the dealers* enormous profltAThars why
f® ,IMeowr *QWter of s million satisfied cus-
lomen. Thais why YOU should try Ik Your money back If you^re not " ‘ ‘
S’or 2/our Vooth.
store decayed teeth. It won't stop
the toothache. But it will make
your teeth white and gums healthy.
It will do this in cases where other
preparations fail. Price 25c.
Did Excellent Work Last
At lOo’oIook last night fire waa dis
covered in row of old wooden buildings
on Forsyth street, below the oonrt-
honse, and ere the alarm coaid be
glyen throe homes were in flames.
The fire appeared to have started in
a small negro restaurant.
This was wedged between two two
etory buildings and the fire ran up the
walls of.these and secured a firm hold
upon the ehinge roofs.
Tbe department was quickly upon
the eeene and two or three well-direc
ted streams soon extingalshed the
blazing roofs bnt not before the build-
ings wore considerably damaged.
The stock of grooeries of Ben Philips
was damaged by water, as was that of
other colored ooonpanta of the ssV'
eral email stores.
H. T. McIntyre, St, Paul, Minn,,who
has been troubled with a disordered
stomach, says, "Chamberlain's Stom-
toh, and Liver Tablets done me more
goad than anything I have ovor taken."
For sale by all druggists.
tho mar-healing aalva In the world-
Chamberlain’s Stomach and,. Liver
Try them
When you feel dull after ca’iae.
When you have no appetite.
When you have a bid taste lu the
When your liver I* torpid. ~
When your bowels are eonstipated.
When you hare a headaohe:
When you feat bilious,
They will Improve your appetite,
eleaaas and Invigorate jfcur stomaoh
and rsgnlata your liver and bowels. For
•ale by all druggists.
Sympathy ia tbe only obarilable gift
of eomo people.
J’br tho /Rath,
the most popular in the world. It
is said that fifty per cent of the
most fastidious and exqusite wo
men confine themselves to this
odor. Our Violet Ammonia im
parts this delightfnl odor to the
bath and at the same time has all
the refreshing properties of am
monia, without the iritating prop
erties of ordinary ammonia. Price
25c for fall ten ounce bottie with
spunkle top.
•/or /Rough Chin.
is an exqnsite preparation. “Best
thing out for chapped hands and
any roughness of the skin” say
those that use it. It is absorbed
quickly, and does not soil gloves
or any fabric when worn immedi
ately after its application. It helps
to make tbe skin soft and smooth,
and is a fine addition to anybody’s
toilet. Price 25c.
Jnnt reoeived: Freeh sbipmaut .f
Huylet’a Candies at Hndeou’a drag
Mies Myrta Hill, of Brouwood, la
visiting her sister, Mrs. 8. A. Gyles,
on Leo street.
Senator Thomas G. Hudson return
ed to Atlanta yesterday morning after
spending a day here.
President P. D. Pollock, of Merctr
University, is ths gnest of Col. and
Mrs. Frank A, Hooper.
Dr. W, W. Landrum, ths prominent
Atlanta divine, ia stopping at Hon
Thornton Wheatleys.
Mrs. H. H. Tift, of Tifton, ia the
gneal of Mrs. E. D. Sheffield at her
home on Taylor street.
Miaa Clemente, of Richland,
visiting Mre. M. 8. Hollidayjat her
Uome.ou Furlow a‘"eot.
Mrs. John B. 8haw, of Atlauta, is .
guest at tbe home of her father, Capt
W. Felder, this week.
Mrs. Carrie Brannon Williams, of
Savannah, will be the guest of Mrs
Merrel Oallaway tots wook.
Col. George Thornton came over
from Preston yesterday to mingle with
hie friends and the delegates.
Col. B. F. Abbott, of Atlanta, Is tbe
guest of Mr. Thornton Wheatley while
attending tbe Baptist convention.
Bev. G. A. NuunalIy,7prosldont cf
tbe Southern Female College of La
Grange, ia a prominent visitor in
Misses Hattie and Amzle Daniel re
turned to their home near Friendship
yesterday after a very pleasant visit in
Miss Sadie Morris, the charming
gnest of ths Misses Hollis for some
time, returned to ber home in Atlanta
Miss Minnie Bagtey leaves at noon
today for Burlington, N. O. where an
excellent position as teaober has been
tendered ber.
After a pleasant visit of some length
in Jackson, Ga. Mies Marie Lamar re
turned home yesterday to tbe delight
of ber friends.
Mrs. L. D. Lockhart, after a stay of
several months in north Georgia and
mare reoently in Atlanta, returned
home last night.
Mrs. Willingham, of Atlanta, is the
gnest of Mias Alioe Wheatley while
attending tbe session of the Woman’s
Miaaionary Union.
Mrs. JnlianJOlarke, of Albany, ar
rived yesterday upon a visit to ber
mother, Mrs. Willie Smith, and anal,
Mrs. James Dodson.
Miss Alma Gllok, one of the moat
beautiful of the season's visitors bore,
the gnest of Miff Shipp, retnrned to 1
Tuscaloosa, Ala.ioday.
Mr. and Mrs. B. 8, Wslksr, of Mon
roe, Ga. are gnesta of their daughter,
Mrs. Frank Harrold, while attending
tbe Baptist Convention,
Bev. A. B. Campbell and Mrs.
Campbell are again among their
Americas friends, gneatiofMr. and
Mrs. G, Morgan Eldridge.
President O, O, Cox, of Cox College,
A. A. Orson, of Oolnmbns, Dr. J. K.
Pace and Dr. J. F. Parser, of Atlsnte,
are with Bev.' B. L. Bivins.
Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Harrold will en
tertain President and Mrs. W. J,
Northen] daring tbe Baptist Conven
tion. Mrs. Northen came yesterday.
Direct from our distillery to YOU
Sava* Daalars' Prof Ita I Pravanf $ Adulteration I
t * ^ Ien BCn< * ^back at our expense your 13.20
Write our nearest oOoe aad do It NOW.
Atlanta* qa. dayton, ohio st, lows, mo, st. paui, mink,
Oistillxbt, Trot, o. establuuied ISM
Stove Wooten, Prominent Negro,
■ Died Yesterday.
In the dedth of Steve Wooten Ameri
cas sustains ths loss of one of her
most reipeeled and very worthy color
ed oitizens who for nearly a score of
years has been engaged In business
here. The end came yesterday afters
long illness from typhoid fever. For
many years Woolen has conduoted n
baggage transfer business here, and
there is tot a oitizen of Americas or a
traveling msn in Georgia whom be has
not faithfnlly served. He was honest,
coorteona and ever obliging, having
tbe perfect confidence and respect of
every oitizen of Americas, end his
place it one that cannot be filled. His
death is very sincerely monrned, and
the funeral cervices this afternoon will
be largely attended by white friends
end oolored a'fke.
Dodson’s Pharmacv,
"Meet Me ai}Dodson's."
Remedy for Nervous Exhaustion.
Are yon weakened and exhausted by
overwork, worry or disease. The My s
tio Life Benewesr will qniokly renew
your strength and vitality. It ia tbe
Greatest Nerve Builder known. It is
a marvelous vitalizer and atrengthener
It qniokly and osrtalnly cores Lots of
Appetite, Indigestion, Nervous Weak
ness, Palpitation of the Heart and fall
ing health. It Is indeed a wonderful
Life Benower and Life Btrongthener.
Sold by E. J. Eldridge, druggist, Am
•nous. ^
Stepped Against a Hot Stoye,
A obild of Mrs. Geo. T. Bonson, when
getting his usual Saturday night bath,
stepped book against a hot store whloh
burned him severely. The ehlld waa In
great agony and bis mother could do
nothing to paclty him. Remembering
that she had a britla of t Chamberlain's
Pain Balm In lbs bouse, aha thought
»be would try It In less ibsn half an
hoar after applying It the ehlld was
qntf t and asleep, and In less than two
weeks waa well. Mr*. Benson Isa weU
known resident of Kellar, \’a. Pain
Balm la an antlieptloqllnlment and espe
cially valuablo for barns, oats, braises
and sprain*. For sals by all druggists.
Growth of Amarlous Demands Suoh
an Institution.
When Americus enter* upon tbe new
year tbe oouaoit should begin to de
vise waya and means of providing an
inatitatlon tbe need of wbleh has long
betn apparent—a city market. Tbe
growth of tbe city render* aneb an en
terprise a necessity, and there are
many reasons for ita establishment and
not one to tbe contrary. Besides prov
ing a source of revenue to tbe olty, it
would to a great extant consolidate tbe
sale of meats, flab, vegetables and anob
perishables and prove a convenience to
housekeepers. It is a snbjeet upon
wbleh tbe eolonr, present and prospee
live, may begin to ponder.
Though Loglslatuio ,'Has Accomplish
ed But Little,
With yesterday tbe Legislature ccm-
pleted tbe first half of the session,
tbongh comparatively little business
has been traneaeted np to date. The
senate, of oonrae, is well op with its
work, bnt in tho honao only one gen
eral bill of importaneo has been con
sidered and the calendar Ib becoming
heavily burdened. Three days last
week were devoted to discussing pro
posed changes in the rales of the house
and discussing points of order. Some
of the members are already beginning
togst anxious about their measures,
and any farther attempt to waste time
in debate over trivial matters will most
likely meet with tbe disapproval of a
majority of tho honse.
Hot Chocolate, Tomato, Beef, Clam,
Celery and many others at
Rxini cm's Dana Store.
You Know Whet You Are Taking.
When yon taka Grove’s Tasteless
Chill Tonie .became the formnla Is
plainly printed on every bottle show
ing that it ia simply Iran and Quinine
in a tasteless form. No cure. No pay,
Saponaceous Tooth Powder
/ 7 ' '
Is a psrfeot dentifrioe that cleanser,
brightens, beautifies and saves the'
tselb, neutralizing and removing un
healthy aolds. Ita antlseptlo qualities
arrest and prevents deesy. 28 cents-
Rembert’s Drug Store,
Next PostoSQce
A positive, permanent, and safeenre for Malaria.
Chilli and Peter. Contains no potion. The beet
Tonic, Antl-Fcriodte. Appetizer, and Strength,
cner for pale, sickly female* and children known.
Cringe (he glow to faded cheeks | makes weak
children fat and hearty.
Tablet form | tasteless i caay to take.
Price 50 cti. Trial Sin, 25 cte.
Or. Alexander’s Liver ItogiilalorcurMSIllonj. ■
new, Torpid Liver, Constipation, Sick Headache
Price 25 Centi. For rale by
Fresh twice a week Nannally’s candy
00 cents pound.
RniiDiiiT’a Pncu Btobe.
. Local Legislation.
. Notice in hereby given that a bin wtii *>»
Introduced at the next SsSEnof tueiSLffi
laiureenUtledw act to amend the charter
Parmer Near Amerious to Plant Valua
ble Crop.
Mr. G. T, Broadfield, one of Saut
ter's progressive farmers, is going to
pat an adre ot land in genaang, one of
ths most valnabla crops that can be
prodneed, tbe root* selling at (7 ti $10
per pound. Gensaog grows in a wild
state bare, bnt it will ba more profit
able to cultivate it,-Mr. Broadfield
relates the experience of s Missonri
farmer who last year cold from ono
acre in genaang (18,000 worth of tho
roots, and from tbe same aero this
year sold seed to the value of $28,000.
A valuable crop Indeed..
The fools' paradise lacks a lot of be
ing eternal.
Asit bjr.’mul<m':recelpt olSprtce, by E.
EUndge sole ageatdAmertcua, Ga
GEORGIA—Wedsizd Counit.
ulll-.i-lu, xur me purnoae
of distribution. Said appllcatloa will be
heard at the regular term of the Court of
ordinary .for said county to be held on the
Drat Monday in December, 1W* This Nov.
3rd, 182. GEO, if THORNTON,
Administrator upon estate V'.O, Jones.
•N ^TbeCountj'oMVctwtVn ' ur
Notice is hereby given that a bill will be
Introduced at the nest session of the Gener
al Assembly oi Georgia to create a County
Dispensary for the sale of all spirituous and
malt liquors In the County of Webaterot said
state, ueline Its powers end liabilities and
for other purposes, and to repeal all laws of
wamcuo ‘ there -