Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, November 28, 1902, Image 1
The Sickest Man is Not Always in Bed. {MEMPHIS IS SCENE The meanest kftdlff ^rtkness is just to be ablel ^ ^ILY TRAGEDY to attend to duties and yet not feel equal to the task. Tail °r Kills His Wife In Pres- The eternal grind keeps many in the traces who I enco of Daughter, ought to be in bed. - I w«.rtn«s» lorough course of Johnson’s Chili and Fever I '* '• 8ald Th.tli^7, m i ly Rela tion. Tonic would give a new lease on life to such peoDle ZT N °‘ Plea,an ‘’ and Tha * th * It tones UD the thp u/lmfo .I v ^ ’ w fe Had Recent, y Instituted Suit tunes up me me whole digestive apparatus. Puts For Dlvor «- the Liver in the be«t condition possible. Gives a Momphla ’ N ’ ov - 2C - —A terrible trag- splendid appetite. Penpu/c .. , ® d * occurred herc ‘°day when sam k Kenevvs strength and restores r 11 tor ’ a tallor - aged 42 years, shot vitality. I and killed* r.imain m<ii a *. li. Office of J. R. LASSITER. Mr A n Hendsonville. 8. C, Sept 2, 1S96. k. A. B. Girardeau, Savannah, Ga. iue saw miH nn^S 16 years , 1 °I' erateda float- nilU on , th . e Savannah River. My base of operations was being constantly changed, and mv ilfflnon Wer ° T ll " ay ? exposed t0 the "'"ret malarial and tho I employed over one hundred hands, out of ft Pn C ° nducte .' 1 88 much « wat er as out of it. For this reason, in August and Sentem- £*■» great l08S of time aud business, ou account of sickuess among the workers. „ , alt ention was then called to Johnson's Chill mwn«f ver T° D \°’ ? nd 1 determined 3 give the medicine a trial. I procured it, and those who were sick were put on this treatment, and those who were feeling badly were at once given the Tonic. In a short time every one of the onehund-ed hands ^ at, d reported for duty; and from that time °?* d , n °tbing else but Johnson’s Tonic, and never had another case of fever. Yours very truly, J. R. LASSITER. ana killed’ Gussle Miller, his wife, in j the presence ol their young daughter. I Miller came to Memphis five years I ago and opened a tailoring establish- I ment at 41 Main street. About a year ago ho went to Kansas City, leaving Inis wlfo and daughter in Memphis. It is said that tha family relations I were not pleasant, and Mis. Miller I recently Instituted suit for divorce. The police department yesterday received a tolegram from the chief of *>!!<*> ° r City, saying that Miller had left for Memphis, and be- I fore his departure ho had publicly I stated that be Intended to kill his wife upon arrival there. Two detect ives were sent to the depot last night but Miller, It Is claimed, shaved oft his beard, and thus eluded the officers. This morning Miller entered the I tailoring etoro and, according to the wlUM>ut warning, shot Mrs. Miller flvw times, killing her Instantly Miller, when arrested, stated that his I wife tried to kill him with a revolver and- ho fired In self defense. GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. Limit of Tax Rate Fxed by Ways and Means Committee. Atlanta, Nov. 26.—The attendance o n the house has begun to dwindle . , _ somewhat. In fact there were so A m.v. l, n . many vacant chairs yesterday that AKroa » °*» Taken by Gang Of | every bill to which there was any op-1 S a f e R] nw „,. q position whatever, was tabled On mo-1 ° IUe ■ BIOweis * tion of its author, for fear that it I , could not get a constitutional major- AUL Ity. | BOLD ATTEMPT IS MADE TO ROB BANK TELEPHONE WIRES CUT. ^ RELIABLE /• l * , Tfio first measure to find its way to I Effort Waa M * de to Dynamite 8afe of toe table was the police patrol bill I ^h*"™ n.-o ■...> «■—■—•— I ey Mr. Blackburn, of Pulton. There brlef debate, short speeches . BUP a<le for and against tho bill, I whlallr. Blackburn said-: “Mr. Speak. I I PRESIDENT'S THANKSGIVING. SULLIVAN’S Latest. I have just received by Express a shipment of the latest designs in Jewelry, namely: Stick Pins, Baby Pins, Cuff Buttons and_Brodies. Just the thing for a beautiful present. 6. T. SULLIVAN. Jeweler. Next to Ladfe*' Entrance Wlndaor Hotel. | Feature of Dinner Will Be V-Pound Chestnut-Fed Turkey, Washington, Nov. 26.—When tho President and Mrs. Roosevelt alt down I to their Thanksgiving dinner tomor- I row they will be surrounded by prac- I tically gll the members of their im mediate family. All the children will be present except Kermet, who is at | school at Groton, Mass. In addition Exchange Bank, but the Explosion Aroused Citizene—Many Shots Ex changed—Burglars Fled. % StoTbll. ‘be I mo ™' n °^ a ° a '^no 2 o7^Sera«e quest waa granted. . I attempt to rob tho Exchange bank. Tho next Important measure to Th<) tow “ w “ vlalted by a gang of meet the same fate was tho bill ap-| aa teblowere at 2:30 o'clock. Tho rob- proprlatlng 111,500 for the purpose of I bera captured and bound the two bbullddng a new dormitory at the nl * a watchers ami cut all the tele- Georgia School for tho Deaf, at Cave I ptumo wires leading out of the local Springs. This bill was taken up |„ ® xcbaB *®- They had bound and gag- committee of the whole, where some I eed a Physician, whose office Is in the little opposition developed, and efforts I aam ® block with the bank, were made by Mr. Bower, of Decs-1 The drst explosion of dynamite at tur, and others to reduce the amount I tbe bank ar °u.ed the citizens who to $7,500. Mr. Hawes, of Elbert, the hastened to the scene with firearms, author of the bill, said $7,500 would UaD 7 ,hot * were exchanged, but the brt Ahunlnffll* n. a | A .. .v_ . I mhTwxrsa nimsiuui < n . « POWDER Absolutely PurQT THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE BOSH OF HOT METAL TAKES MEN’S LIVES naoe, Birmingham, Ala. I MOLTEN IRON COVERED BODIES, udden Break In •ater—General .Manager Edwards Overtaken by Flow of Metal and Burned to Death. Birmingham, Ala., Nor. 20.—A sod. For Sale. Lands. Stores, Dwellings. Fire Insurance by M. CALLAWAY, Amerlcus Qa. Ident and Mrs. Roosevelt will dlno with tho family. It Is not unlikely that three or four other Intimate friends of tho president and Mrs Roosovolt will be at dinner. The feature of the president's din ner will be a 32-pound chestnut-fed turkey which reached the White House test night. It was sent by Horace Vose, of Westerly, R. I„ who for a quarter of a century has supplied a fine specimen of the noble Ameri can bird for the Thanksgiving dinner of the presidents of the United States. comptroller general. In fixing the rate cannot go, Is .2 mills below that fixed PI _ for l*st year. the sdVeral house guests of the pres- TEe b,IIa Passed by the house were Ident and Mrs. Roosevelt will aim* as follows: — —• *•“«* "in, saia ,/.ouu would ' were exonangea, out mel - ----- — —. . —, be absolutely useless to the school, I robbers escaped In a stolen buggy I a» the building could not bo con-1 without any booty. The bank hulll-1 Fatality at Williams On Fur Etructed for that amount Mr. Bow- ,ag w*. badly wrecked. I ers' effort to amend the bill so ss to I make the Institution free only to -BURGLAR8 KILL POSTMASTER, tkofie who were unable to pay fori "■ * imwuiiiN im their tuition and maintenance, was I '’ vero Caught In Attempt to Dynamite I also defeated. Bank 8afe. Sudden Break In Furnace Caused DIs- Tho committee of the wholo mode Warren, Mich., Nov. 26.—Clint B. a favorable report on the measure, I Osborne, assistant postmaster, and and it waa about to go on its passage I Proprietor of the general store Id this when, on motion of the author. It wax I village, was. shot early today by one u “? d ' I ol a gang of robbers that entered the, . .. .. The ways and means committee of Warren bank and blew open tha safe. I “rmdngham, Ala., Nor. 26.—A end the house, of which Mr. Reid, of I Tho erploelon aroused Osborne who 1 46,1 ln the furnace of the Wll- Campbell, Is chairman, has fixed the telephoned to one at hla nolghbor* I bhnison Iron company on S\>urteonth limit of the tax rate for 1808 at 5 that he thought robbers were at work I Ftreet this morning caused a n*<*^ at mills. This Is exclusive of the cate * n either the bank or postoffice. I molten iron to gush forth. i* 10 .?; 000 .,.* 01, th ® rigMng ,.. AU the teIe P honeB ln the village Thomas J. Edwards, general mana- ftmd. which Is .23 mills. Itemized, the ’f»re connected st night, and It is gar, who was standing near b» iJir limit of the tax rate fop next year It thought that the craclUmen heard the I in» to a rmtm nt y 1.82 mills tor the common fund, and beU the bank ring, and listened to I death hi> ^ *** bu 7 w4 3.18 mills for the general fund. This the conversation. Osborne then start-1 moiren ui? b ° d 1 y . ® ovcred with limit over which the govern^ and •<» d ®wn the street sadHJLiSX?'Y'ITT Jamc8 F'“ 1 c * comDtroller »n».i m e-.„ -v a short distance when one ofthe rob-1 r, «. BtOTeman .* aa fatally bore, acting as an outside guard burnc<1 : ** waa 81,0 Allen Mow, a him ln the face with a charge of’ buck ^rt?' tt ' dryn *® n ' chnrles Simpson, shot, killing him InsJ^iZit ^ °' ^ C ° mPany * ••curing anything from the safe, the n - burglars fled. I_v_ _. a re P?. that two atrangors By Mr. Barclay, of Richmond—To require any person seeking a writ of ■certiorari to correct the Judgment oi recorder's courts to give bond trader certain conditions. By Mr. Hayes, of Macon—To amend section 892 of the code so ss to add Montezuma, In Macon county, to the list of places In which state deposito ries may be designated by the govenv or. By Mr. Underwood’, of White—To amend section 187 of the code, relat ing to embezzlement of public funds, records, etc. By Mr. Underwood, of White—To Burglars Loot Postofflee. Colfax, Ind., Nov. 26.—The postof- flee at Clarks Hill was entered cftSj this morning and the safe dynamited. About |300 worth of stamps were ta ken. There Is no clue to the robbers, FEATHERY FLAKES FALL. who were talking to General Manager Edwards st the time of the break, are missing, and may be buried under , th® debris and molten iron, which has since hardened. Edwards was very prominent as*au iron manufacturer. He and those ln ' the group about him fled when the ! accident took place, hut the molten metal overtook them. Whiskeys FT1 E issue an illustrated liquor catalogue in which are IAS quoted prices of Wines, Whiskeys, Brandies, Beers, etc. This catalogue is sent free to all who write for it. To order from us enables you to buy all Whiskeys at wholesale prices and places at your command the resources of one of the largest liquor stores in the country. All goods are packed in plain cases and no mark to indicate contents. We ship everything subject to approval and can be returned to us at our expense if found un desirable and unsatisfactory. wmm l [L ,_ w w a iurco rower, a » plonoer wh0 4164 one year Strenglh Tart Record Broken. New York. Nov. 26.—With a total of 2 049 point. Prank 8. Shaw. a tor In tho Oohnnhia School of Applied Om mtfvKlty I!— recor4 of 1.918 points trade by Nelson W. Wlltard ulri RYE WHISKEYS if. O. WUo Private Stock— A pure 1-Jtur - old copper distilled Kjre Whiskey. Quarts. $1.00; gallon. S3.SO JV* Special Reserve Rye ...............v.rladlMandagtd . sons. Quarts, $1.60; gallon ss. oo Jacobs* Monogram Rye Whiskey A verr tine dfiuble-copper distilled Rye Whiskey; Is distilled fromse* lected home-grown rye, with moun tain spring water, and Is distin guished for Its absolute purity, del* lcacy and remarkable bouquet; S years old. Quart. $1.36; gallon... 94.00 Rob Roy Rye Whiskey—* years old, . •straight Kentucky Rye Whiskey, distilled ln oopper and aged In S and Is a leader among whls- if similar priee. Quart, no.; XXXX Monongaheta Rye Whit* key—2 years old, the best obtain* able for the price. Quart, We.; gal- •on SB*Rye Whiskey—Distilled In )root but pure. Price $1.60 1001; low proof gallon; Hgalli —it pure. Ion smallest quantity Jacobs’/To. 6 Rye Whls key-A 3- year-old Rye, aged in wood and la a very superior grade of whiskey for tha price. Quart, 00c.; gal.... **.*5 BOURBON WHISKEYS Kentucky Bourbon Whiskey— An Ideally perfect whiskey, stored and aged in wood tor fl years, fully mi- tured and entirely free from fusil oil. Quart, $1.00; gallon S3.SO Lincoln County Bourbon—4 year* old. Quart, 79c.; gallon SQ.1S CORN WHISKEY Jacobs’ Private StockCern—This we believe to be the very best whis key made; certainly everything that tireless energy and equipment could accomplish has been done to make this a perfect whiskey; aged In wood for 0 years. Quart, $l.oO; ** llo ° Uncle Remus Corn Whiskey — 4 year* old, absolutely pure; a splen did stimulant and superior whis key for medical and family use. Quart, 76c., gallon $2.30 Ble£•tg Nut Mountain Corn Whiskey—A white whiskey, made of the most select corn, over open Area, aged ln wood for two years. Quart, 60c., gallon $ Jacobs’ Hand •made Corn-New goods, not high proof, not sold ln less than H gullor *“ *-7; %v romme rouna creaa. New York, Nov. 26.—Richard Power •aid to be ono of the heirs re “ r - ywvrwooo, or Wblte—To 18,000.000 fortune In Loo An»l«.*1,»!'. , ® ct “ m 642 of the code «o aa been found dead In hie JodctaU h^l rev“^ e J£!i* th ? r ° natural cb,w — wye a Times dispatch from Bref™ ^ ® x,wnM ® ‘“toent to the birth — I j™. nephew ^Pteroe”a c *^® ®f .uch a child. Gsllf/vmla t()B g enj|tei During the leas Ion of the senate yesterday, one bill—• local bouae measure—waa passed, white tour new Mils and a Joint resolution were In traduced for a first reading. The bill which passed waa that by Mr. Wise, of Payette, which provides tor the payment of fees to the ehertff and clerk of the superior court of Fay- e*te county. There was no opposition to the measure, and it received unanimous vote. The reaolutlon Introduced waa by Senator Perry, of the thlrtyuthlnd, and provided that the state'* representa tives ln congresa be urged to secure a refund of money paid by Georgia to state troops ln 1638 for cooperation with the government soldiers In effect Ing the transfer of the Cherokee In dians across the Mississippi river. In executive session tho senate con firmed tho appointment by the gov ernor, of Hon. Warner Hill, of Meri wether county, as state railroad com missioner to succeed Judge Spencer R. Atkinson at the expiration of his term of office. The appointment was tor the term of six years, beginning October 16, 1903. A number of house blllt were read for a first and second time. LOSS BY FIRE 13 $150,000. lion lot,; per sal.. -S/.SO Rabbit Corm WbUkoy—Tha •ale 6n Hit. whisker Is without doubt double any similar priced whlikeyInthUmarket., clearly lu great value; two yearn old. Quart 60c.; gallon **.eo Jacob.' *too.t Math Corn Whit, kn — h perfectly pure wJii.ley. quart, TSe.; gallon 91.7* Jacobs’ Pharmacy Atlanta, Georgia Th* crownln joy woman hood is mother hood and the crowninj joy mother hood is to have children. But there can be no'joy *!n motherhood without health, and without health for the mother there can be no health for the child. It is of vital importance for women to know that the health of mother ant is in general entirely within wo control. The thousands of women wuo have used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription when expecting motherhood, have testified that it made them healthy and happy in the days of waiting, made the baby's advent practically painless, and gave them health to give their chil dren. Mr, W. J. Kidder, of Hill Dale Perm (Km* buritCcuter), Enoaburg, Vt„ writca: -During the pa« year I found myaclf rapectlnir maternity and In rapidly falling health. I .uffered dr" .& fully from bfoatinx aud urinary difficult, r wa. growing perceptibly weaker each day and ■ulTcrcd much .harp pain at timea. I fctf that •omclhlny mutt be done. I aought your advice ami received a prompt reply. Took twelve battle, ol Doctor Pierce", Favorite Preactiptlon and also followed voor Instruction., f treaii to improve Immecfutcly, my health became excellent, and I could do all my own work (we live on a good aiied Arm). I walked and rode all I could, ami euioyed it. I had a abort, mv confinement and have a healthy baby boy.- The People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, a book containing 100S pages, is given away. Send si one-ccnt stamps for expense of mailing only, tor the book in .paper covers, or31 stamps for the volume bound in doth. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. a — — -W* Many Sections of Country Visited by First Snow of Season. I look, as if winter had ^Sf^iD Monlvn, i“ “* *** hoa *° bo ™ earnest The weather bureau reports and h^r* h ?i t y after 11 o’clock jmow all around In the SyT£ “ tJn * Ui ** 2 tb ® Crosse, though not heavy. .^ed ,Ix ® t ° p ®" w®re do- Whlte Thanksgiving. *** 4epartm ®“ t . Bloomington, Ill., Nov 26 —Thank*. I ** 1 waa thou ^ t that giving will bd whltHn cehtrai nib ^ w^ld^Lf 0 * 1 ^ bCyon4 COTKro '- aols. At Pontiac, two inches of snow aftor aa town * ba <J fallen up to noon, ^ «t^ 0 " a "15 UCk had i * c '’ a 1 I , Tbo bto *o origlnatod behind tfio Enow Falla In lawa IS? 8 °" 4bo OP® 1 * houae, where a neighborhood of 6150.000, which | only partially covered by Inturan BONDS DECLARED LEGAL. Dedelon Rendered In Alabama 8anf« tary Sewer Caee. Birmingham, Ala., Nor. 26.—Chan- Negro Pays Death Penalty. Ltncolnton, N. C., Nov. 26.—Calvin Elliott, a negro, was hanged her* yesterday for assaulting Mrs. Caleb Brown, near here about two months •go. When the crime was committed several unsuccessful attempts were made to lynch tho negro, but after a promise of a speedy trial the citizen* submitted to the tew taking Its course. A special session of court wa* called and the negro found guilty as charged. The death sentence was pronounced which culminated In Ms execution. Dfllonts Condition Improves Chicago. Nov. 26.—John Dillon, tfie Irish leader in parliament, who was removed from his hotel to the Mer- cy hospital yesterday with in-Wo.«— t of pneumonia. Is reported today In • much Improved condition, with tem perature nearly normal. Hla pbyil- ctaas vuvw believe film to ho out of of the state. 8now In New York. Torb - Nov. 26.—Snow fell to. day throughout tho state. i„ , omo Place# it turned Into sleet snd rain. MeOovera-Corbett Fight i —oia., nor. 26.—Chan- -a m’ Not ' 26—Roprescnta- collor J - C. Carmichael has rendered McGovern and Young 1 8 decre « dismissing tho suit of Mads- , have opened In this city bids 1 1 n ®-Feuno against the Jefferson woiib- b" > “. ne flrhi ,or 4,10 f°athcr-1 coun *V Mnltary commission, whlr'i weight chtmsionshlp. It was anncunc-1 wa< fl,cd *cvera| days ago. !r o. Si H ? res VaI,e f Athletic club Th ® ,ult *«* brought for the pue ,^™ nCBCO bad offered 60 perl PJ*®. of *e*tlng the const!tutlonallfy L 01 :'**™' receipts tor the bat- of the to « oI bonds for the con- Ue and bad. posted 85,000 forfeit til •* n, etlon of the trunk sanitary aawa* SEP? «** tte fl8ht wou« ■ e there Sa*beon Pulled off. It was determined to hold tttl6 donbt bht w!mt the bonds litaht 0 * 6 ! 'S a , b ?L ance un,U ^“rday S ,n 1,10 Loutovlllo litigation it expected. Union Thanksgiving Service New York. Nov. 26.-?robabIy for •h® flr “f i f'® 0 ln history, a Hebrew snd a Christian copgregation will hold i^anUsglvIng servlcea on Im . k , T n r' mornln< - This event will tr.:e place f n Patterson N J 8 J* oni Presbyterian chu'rcn,' Wiilch has been holding services In the ‘synagogue of the congregation B’nai ■ —* uuuui valid, It was thought best to • test case. Tfie case will be carried to the su preme court Immediately. Mangled By Engine Wheels. 8partanburg, S. C., Nov. an— R appears that an evil fato overhung tho fast mall No. 86, which was Wn ed Kero. One of the survivors of , wreck, Ike McDowell, was klllod a 1 hours later by being ground the wheel* of an engine. Mcl got on train No. 89, the ioutj leaves tor Atlanta, at 10.10 a m reached hers that McDowell : this . , — —o* v R asu UU ij nai -xiary 1 ? win^Ha**" 0 4r ® 01 Feb ' remcaea nero that McDowell war here o'’ Z”*^***-1W “« W,,e4 ab o«t Easley. S. ~~ ~ - ?— -h<Iure_after^leavlpr^tM«^ What would you do the next time you j have a hard cold if you couldn’t get Ayer’s | Cherry Pectoral? Think it over.