Newspaper Page Text
j lu l{{0 Parker has issued a signed
statement in which holays ex-Se'nator
Hill was not opposed to his nomina
tion for Governor of New York. On
Iho other hnnd ho says ex-Scnator
Hill urged him to accept the nomina
tion, but that ho declined, and reqnes
tod Hill to seo that ho wasn’t nomina
ted at Saratoga, No doubt this state
ment is absolutely truo, aud that Sen
ator Hill has l>eon done great injustice
in this matter in many newspapers.
Hill's fatal mistake was his coal plank.
Hevond that blunder, he seems to
Lave done all ho could to achieve suc
cess. It is truly a national calamity
that a man of such superb ability
should allow himself to havo been
dominated by William R. Hearst, the
erratic young yellow journalist, in
incorporating Hearst’s pet theory, the
government ownership of coal mines,
in the state platform.
land of desolation
Country Ruined by Recent
Volcanic Outburst.
Famine Prevails and People Are Flee,
ing—Government Unable to Relieve
Distress and Suffering—Country on
Verge of a Revolution.
A special judiciary committee of the
house has reported favorably on tho
hill to increase tho salaries of judges
..f the superior court to St,000 a year.
Our judges nro certainly not over
paid and tho salary of the Chief Ex
ecutive of tho state is too small by far.
A poor man could hardly afford to
occupy the position, ns it requires
more than tho snlary paid him to sup
port his family and entertain in
manner that tho dignity of tho posi
tion requires. The State of Georgia
certainly should not be niggardly in
the matter of salaries.
A Thanksgiving Dinner-
Heavy eating la nsually the first cause
of Indigestion. Repeated attacks in
ti une the mucous membranes lining the
stomach, producing swelling after eat
ing, heartburn, headaehe, sour risings
and finally catarrh of the stomach.
Ivodol relieves the iitlimmatlon, pro
tects the nerves sad cures the catarrh.
Kodol onres Indigestion, dyspepsia, alt
stomach troubles by cleansing and sweet
Ing the glands ol the stomach. W. A
The expulsion of William I’otter, a
painter of New York State, from his
local union because ho was a niomber
of the State Guard, promises to be
come a national issue. Unions are all
right when they stay with their rights,
but when they resort to such mens
ures ns this because of opposition, to
citizen soldiery, they aro treading on
dangerous ground. No organization
can afford it in the face of tho Consti
tution of tho conntry.—Nashvillo
He Could Hardly Get Dp.
P. H. Duty of Ashley, ni„ writes,
"This Is to certify that 1 have taken two
bottles of Foley’a Kidney Cure and It
has helped me more than any other med
icine. I tried many advortleed romedloa,
but none of thorn gave me any relief.
My druggist teeommended Foley's Kid
ney Cure and It bas cured me. Before
commencing i i use I was in such a
shape that I could bsrdly get up when
once down." John R, Hudson.
One would think that the only rea
sonable objection that could bo raised
iu any quartor against Mr. Harvio
Jordan’s proposition would relate to
the matter of cost to tbo state. Cer
tainly nothing could bo moro desir
able than an agricultural and indus
trial school, with experiment station
attached, in each congressional dis
trict.—Macon Telegraph.
New Orleans. Nov. 22.—The Pica
yune this morning prints the follow
ing letter:
Port Barrios, Guatemala, Nov. 16.
Refugees who have arrived here this
week from western Gautemala report
a terrible state of affairs as a result
of the eruption of the Santa .Maria
The country for a radius of over 30
miles has been made a desolate waste,
and every vestige of life destroyed.
The Iocs of life is estimated at over
'.000, the great majority of tho vie
tlms being Indians. Ten Indian vil
lages. each with a population of from
50 to 5,000 inhabitants, were wiped
out, the rude huts being burled be
neath tons of volcanic debris. Ail
of the coffee plantations in the vol
canic zone are ruined, and their own
ers left penniless. The coffee plan
tations In this region were the most
valuablo in tho country and their de
struction Is a severe blow to tho re
Trying to Conceal Facts.
Tho govermuent has been making
tho most strenuous efforts to conceal
the facts concerning tho catastrophe,
but they aro gradually reaching the
towns on tho western coast througa
the refugees who aro fleeing from
the country. All cable messages con
taining reference to tho eruption of
tho volcano are rigorously censored
and oven the malls are closely in
spected by tho government officials.
The government hopes by concealing
the facts to prevent Gautcmala's
credit from being damaged abroad.
The effort to minimize the disaster
abroad, however, has failed to relievo
tho situation at home. The greatest
distress prevails throughout tho cen
tral and western portions of the requb-
lie, and even on the eastern coast tho
effects are felt In the scarcity ol
money and tho rise In exchange.
Famine at Quetzaltenango.
A famine prevails at Quetzaltenan
go, and 10,000 people are starving.
Even In GautemalaCIty, the capital,
the inhabitants are suffering for food.
Flour Is selling In Gautemala City
for $25 a barrel In gold, and rlco ol
an Inferior quality. Is quoted at 20
cents n pound In gold. The govern
ment Is utterly unablo to relievo tho
distress and suffering, and tho people
are on the verge of a revolution. The
only thing needed to start a formid
able uprising Is the appearance of a
Senor Herrera Telia of Horror.
Mfictann. I «- -» - Diseased Hn»G and Scratches In hoi*
mustang Liniment ses mules auJcattlo. Farmers try ru
A toad under
a harrow
suffers no moro than tho faithful horso
that is tortured with Spavins, Swinney, Harness
Sores, Sprains, etc. Most horso owners know this
ami apply tho kind of sympathy that heals, knowu
far aud wide ns
Never fails—not even in tho most apyrravated eases."
Cures cakeil udder in cows quicker than any known
remedy. Hardly a tliseaso peculiar to muscle, skin
or joints that cannot ho cured by it.
Mexican htho host remedy on tho market for
| . . - fVind Galls, Sprains and fikin Lumps,
mustang Liniment It Ltxqis hon^-b and mules in condition.
Quail Are in Sight, and Ducks are Coming,
^miinWltK 0 f them and is
ready and waiting to fix you for them
lam better prepared to
serve the jtport^raen than
ever before with a large
assortment of High-Grade
Gunn and Ammunition at
prices to suit your pocket-
Mydiue of single^Brcech-Loaders cannot be beaten on quality oi;
price, and my High-Qmde^Hammer aud Hammcrless Double-Barrel
Breech Loaders cannot be duplicated anywhere at the prices.
Perflrio Herrera, who owned a val
uablo plantation 7 miles from the
Santa Marls, volcano, was among the
refugees who arrived hero today and
sailed for Nicaragua. Senor Herrera
In an Interview describing the situa
tion, said:
‘‘I was In Guatemala City looking
after my buslnoss Interests when the
terrible eruption of Nov. 6 occurred.
The shocks from tho explosion were
plainly felt In the capital, causing
great excitement among the people.
The next day tho nows of the fright
ful havoc wrought by tho Santa Miv
rla reached this city, and l started at
once for my plantation. I reached a
point 4 miles from my homo on Nov.
6, but I was unable to go any furthef
on account of tho stifling fumes and
gases from the volcano which wai
still active, and emitting huge col
umns of fire and ashes.
His Plantation In Ruins.
‘The eruption ceased on tho morning
of Nov. 0. when I ventured to my plan,
tatlon and found It burled beneath
ten feet of ashes, mud and sand burl
ed from the volcano. Everything oa
the place was In ruins. My residence
was destroyed, and out of 112 labor
ers employed on tho plantation, all
except seven perished. The seven
who escaped happened to be visiting
For the Next 30 Days
If tho Georgia legislature continues
to tinkor with tho temperance question | a farm g miles further from the vol-
anil levy taxes on the legitimate sale
of liquor, tho i>oint will be reached
after awhile when every man who
wants his dram will keep his own dis
Judge Spencer Atkinson, chnirman
of the state railrond commission, will
not seek re-election, and it is said
tho Hon. Warner Hill will take his
place as a member of the commission.
Former Capt. Carter will be released
from Fort Leavenworth prison next
year, good behavior having secured
a reduction of his five-year sentence,
He may begin talking then.
Phynciani Prescribe It.
Many broad minded physicians pre
scribe Foley’a Hon ey land Tar, aa they
have never found ao safe and reliable a
remrdy for tbroit and lung troubles aa
'bis greet medicine. John B. Hudson.
Sympathy is the only charitable gift
of tome people.,
cano that day, and when, they saw tho
danger, took refuge with a lot of oth
ers in a cave. My family was In Gau-
temala City, and therefore escaped
>ho terrible fate which befell those
left at home. Tho blast from tho vol
cano destroyed the foliage on the
trees. On tho trip to my plantation
I passed a number of other coffc*
farms which had shared tho same fata
Frightful Scenea Along Highway.
“Along tho road was frightful
scene*. Dead bodies of Indians an!
animals who had been sufllocated bv
merless Guns. If you aro not ready[to buy, bring your old gun here
andThave it repaired and cleaned by ^practical and experienced gun
smiths. Shells loaded to order on sb'ort’notice, and special and prompt
attention given to mailorders.
Dyspepsia Cure
the deadly fumes were visible every
where and tho stench was awful. 1
passed through one Indian village j;|.00(0 Aftei";* YOUI"' Gfate.
where 350 had- perished. All of the
bodies had their hands to their nos
trils, showing plainly what caused
death. The features were horribly dis
torted. and the suffering of the unfor
tunates must have been terrible. The
damage to the country Is beyond re
Two new craters-have been formed
In the mountain side, and were in
eruption at last account. Many years
will elapse before the land can be re
claimed and placed In cultlvatljn
again. I hare given up my eaUte,
and will fry my fortune In NIcara.
gua.” .
Digests what you eat.
This preparation contains all of the
dlgcstants and digests all kinds of
food. Itglveslnstantrellcfand never
fills to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. Tbo most sensitive
stomachs can take it. By Us use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. It
prevents formation of gas on the stom-
acb, relieving alt distress after eating.
Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take.
It can't help
but do you good
Prepared only by E.O. DeWittS: Co., Chicago
The $L buttle contain* 8)4 tones the Me. toe.
BW- A. Humbert,{Americas, Ga
500 seres 4j miles of reiltosd, 100
seres in saw timber. Only (3 aero
Eery payments.
1,400 teres, with large framed resi
dence, soiled largely for grazing.
Only $3 sore. Tbit is s tnsp if yon
wsnt farm or grazing ltnd.
200 acres, one mile of Americas, 75
seres in forest on which there is S1,5<X)
worth of wood. $10 sore, half cash,
balance one and two years.
C. C. HAWKINS. M’g’r
We pay special attention to our
Undertaking Department. Our ML
J. H. Bcanl is the only, graduate
embalmer in the city, and gives SSSN; n p d , r c e Yn r i‘«q g i on 0,e,r ““
personal attention as director of
funerals. Residence, Mrs. Ford’s,
(»97 Church street.
for;private or profession
al USE
onr Organs are superior. Some are
apeoially invented, designed and built
tor anditorinmv, churches, tohools, etc.
Others, snd these are in the majority,
are for home nee.
All these inetrnments ere models of
perfect construction. Built to with
stand all olimatio changes. They are
of rich, tweet tone end of nnuanel
soopo sed power.
Under Windsor Hotel.
Application for Charter.
GEORGIA -Semin Cocsrr.
To Ue Superior Court of .aid county: The
petition of a. tv. Smith J. E. Gyles ana Kd.
i A r.drews, sit of said Slat- and county,
respectfully shows the following:
1st. That they for themsel—
successors and assh
poraled and made a - .
laws of said State, under thecorpurate name
and style of “The A. W. Smith Put
2nd. That the term for which they
to he Incorporated Is for twenty year*
- prim
s ine lonowing:
or themselves, associates,
sslgn* desire to be Incor-
■ a body politic under the
'liege of
at the end of that time with the
renewal If so desired.
Srd. That the amount of capital stdek of
said corporation Is to be the sum of
Thousand (ft,(M» Dollars, divided Into
shares ol file each with the rlahtand privi
lege ol -aid corporation to Increase Its capl-
tti stock when so desired to Twenty Thous
and itoMOU) Dollars.
tth. That all of said capital stock of ft,MO
has already subscribed and actually paid lu.
Mh. That the principal omce and place of
business of said corpnraUoa is to be In Urn
* •',*>
city of americus, Ga.. said county, with the'
right and privilege to establish and main- ,
tain a branch office wherever desired and
nth. That the object of said desired cor
poration la for pecuniary gain and proa t for
its shareholders.
7th. That the prlnclpvl business to be car
ried on is to conduct a general furniture,
crockery, glassware, cnt-glass, silverware
and underiaktnr business; to bay and sell
furniture, crockery, glassware, cut-glass-
silverware of every description and charac
ter. and to carry on a general undertaking •
business: to carry on, buy, sell and deal In
every article bought, sold andiaept and
money .ana
gage; to buy. own and sell real estate and
personal property of all kinds and character
Incident to their aald business, and to enjoy
all the rights, privileges and Immunities
necessary for carrying on the said business
of the corporation: ana to enjoy all property,
real and personal or mixed that may be ne
cessary or convenient for the purpose of
point oacera and agents for the manage.
carrying on of their corporation: to
t be sued, and to hare ana to enjoy all
privileges and Immunities aa are by
tot this State conferred upon cor
ns of like character.
Wherefore petitioners pray that they be
made a body politic under the laws of said
State with the name and privileges afore
mentioned, and that they may be entitled to
all the rights, privileges and Immunities
conferred by law upon similar corporations
and be subject to the liabilities as Used by
law. This the lath day of Octobsr, taez.
Petitioners Attorney.
I certify that the foregoing la a true ex
tract from the minutes or Sumter Superior
Thla the 18th day of October, 1KB.
Deputy Clerk of Superior Court, 8. a
Sumter Sheriff Sales.
Will be sold before the coart bouse doo
In ttie city of Americus. Sumter county
Georgia, between the legal hours of sale, on
tbe ili>t Tuesday In December, 1MB, the
following described property, to-wit:
Fifty acres of land off of lot of land No, PL
In the Old anti district of Sumter county, On m
Lcviruonas tbe property of J. E. Pilcher
and Mr*. Anna Pilch# r. to satisfy an execu
tion ln*ued from the 88lth districts. M of
Sumter c« unty, Ga., In McGee
vs. J. E. Pilcher and Mrs. anna Pilcher. -
Property pointed out by plaintiffs attorney
and tenant In possemdon notified in terms of / ;
tne law. Levy made Mr J. J. Dozier. L. C.
and returned to me. Tb s Oct 13th, 1901.
fc. L. BtfLL, Sheriff.
Administrator's Sale.
Will be sold before the courthouse door In
Americus, Bumter county. Oa., on the first
Tut#day In December 11H/2, between the legal
hours of sale tbe following described real
estate belonging to the estst: of Mattie R.
Hurlce. late of i».bbcounty. Ga.. deceased, to
wn: A one fifth Interest in a tract of land
located In Americus, Sumter county. Ua..
more particularly described as follows;
Fourteen acres of land, more or less, bound
ed hounded on the north *by Dodson street:
east bv Kim Avenue, west by Lee street, and property of A. M. Ledlle, and a lot
of Mrs. C. O. uoodwyn. being all of the forty- 1
seven lots, except lot No, 8 on Dodson street,
ae surveyed and platted by Wliliamaon and
Earl, civil engineers, map of said track re
corded in clerk's office, Sumter Superior
court, in book "AA.” page 011. Said real
estate Is to be sold for the purpose of raying
the debts of said estate, and for distribution
among tbe heirs.
Ad'mr estate Mattie K, Burke, deceased,
Whereas, Thornton Wheatley, administra
tor upon tbe estate of Judson A Kendrick,
late of said .county, deceased, having filed
his petition for letters of dismission from
■ala estate,
The e are therefore to cite and admonish
all persons concerned, whether kindred or
creditors, to show cause on or before the
December term of the C *
be neld on the first M
I9W, why said petition a]
as rr- ytd for. Witness my hand and of-
oc, *'.;r * ,ur iH'Si sus&r
1 ber, I
Henry CIayFlour[,
Ripe Peach.Tobacco"
Jones' Lever Binders,
Mowers and Rakes.
BaglerlBlock. (Courthouse
000 acres, 4 miles oat, 100 acre* in
original forest, oak, hickory and nine,
400 acre* open, running water. Boat
13 bale* cotton. Only 18 acre to quick
130 acrea balf mile of thriving rail
road station, churches and school*.
Rent *250. Price (2,000.
Winter is hand and your
grate needs attention. West-
heitner’s Patent Grate, with
adjustable bottom, is what
you need. Cost to replace is
only ont-third cost of a new
patentee, and let him put a
new bottom in your grate and
save vnu the cost of a new one.
Come to sea me If yon are intereated
in oily or conntry property.
103 Cotton Avenue.
One of The Most Desirable Resi
dences in The City.
On the Brat Tuesday In December I will
of America., my rc.ldence No. ni Lee atrect
grate. See Tom Westheimer, The , * m ' " ‘ - lw -" ,tor ' wn - roon! —
eoxrtDteo there good, to ba
pur. aad I jeer. old. Non.
bettor et any price.
a plain boa
wilt ship In
any address, express pro.
paid at the following dis
tiller’s prices:
0 Full Bottles, 93.48
10 Full Bottloa, 0.00
12 Full Bottlos, 7.90
10 Full Bottles, 9.70
Tour money back If not as
represented. A sample K
pint by expreu prepaid,
for 50o in stamps
n.i. hl, u.-phu, T...,
debt.' of his restate! we,“the*underJignelf will
offer for .ale before i ■ — *-
•eld coun-y. on I
ber. neat, within the legal hour* of sale the
following described property, belonging to
said estate, to-wlt: Cota 104, K», M* Su7.*9,
nn nn «ij ntn -r.i ..... .. \
JI0, ail,ll»,ai.,aod_part.oMota.17 anAue
e.sthal of lot III In the lath district.
lots 4, 17, is, ai d ao scree of lot I, and M
acres of lot MX », In tbe 18th district said
land, constituting the ■ Isolation known aa
theJarrett place, containing In the aggre-
........ — _ ,n.
gate 2.81, acres, more or leas. Terms cash
Executors of S. M. Carter, deceased.
, *
Whereas, the return of the aprratsers, set
ting apart twelve mouth, support to the
fsmfir • f IkeTIppens, a,ceased,baying been
ttled to my omce.
These are theref're to cite and admonish
all persons cor cerned, whether kindred er
creditors, to show cause on or before the 1
December term of the Court of Oraina
December term of the Caortof Ordinary to
be held on the first Monday In Decemoer,
1801, why said peUUon should not be granted
1 for Witness my band xua official
as prayedf.. ,
signature, this Novembers..,
THOS. M. ALLEN. Ordinary.
Whereas, John M McGarrab, M. u. Pick
ett and Ross McGarrab, Executors of tie
estate .of Samuel McGarrab, have applied,
as executors lor Ue probate in -comm-m
form of the last will and teaument of .p
Samuel McUarrah, of said county, they
are those of the law of said Samuel
McGarrab are hereby required
A 1 ,,
heard at Ue
first Mviiu.1 ,u ... mi ai
*rd, 1901. OEO, B THORNTON.
Administrator upon estato V,o, Jones.
dat Ue regular term of the Court of
nary for said county to be held on Ue
Monday In December, 1912. This Nov.
appear at Ue Court
G KORG1A—Stnrrru couxtt.
Whereas. Laura Brown, having made id-
plication for twelve months support out of
thessute of Peter Brown. andT appraisers
duly appointed fo set apart Ue same har-
lns filed their returns •
Thesearathereto!e toe!to aad oiumssii
December farm of Ue court of
be held on the first Monday
- aftaaUi
lm * wky said petition ahould not be grub
as prayed for. Wttnesssny handaadomci
signature, thtothe Ird ^ofNovemtorJ,