Newspaper Page Text
*CL.„OOP»»»..T. U .T«. MADEAW | L0 DA S|)
lion Thu* Honors an Americus
:i' Citizen,
iricns bas been honored bytheBzp-
nvention;in many wstb. We have
a onr midst many of the most
distinguished divines and chnrch peo
ple of this denomination in the state
•ndljt has been a pleasure to meet and
mingle with these Christian men and
iromon.'Among other honor conferred
upon onr city and her citizenship the
Tlmcs-Kecorder desires to mate es
pecial mention that Hon. F, A. Hoop
er, onr able and popular solicitor gen
eral* who has made himself felt in edu
cational and religious matters as well
as in matters of state,lhas keen honored
by being elected a trustee of Mercer
University. The Times-Recorder con
gratulates Mr. Hooper and Mercer
University npon this wise selection.
Six Prisoners Made Assault
On Jailer.
Jailer Brown Assaulted and Severely
Choked By Six Desperate Pris
oners In Unsuccessful Attempt to
Escape Prison.
One Minute Cough Cure.
Utbh only harmless cough core that
elves quick relief. Cures Coughs, Colds,
Croupj' Bronchitis, Whooping Cough
Pnomnonla, Asthma, LaOrlppe and all
Throat, Cheat and Luug troubles, I got
soaked by rain, saya Gertrude E. Fen
ner, Monels, Ind., and contracted a se
vere cold and cough. I failed rapidly;
lost <18 lbs. My druggists recommended
One Minute Cough Cure, The first bot
tle brought relief; several cured me.
aril back to my old weight, 148 lbs. One
. Jtlnuto Cough Cure outs the phlegm, re
lieves the cough at once, draws out In-
, Simulation, curca croup. An ideal
remedy for children, W, A. Rombort,
Nogroot Have a Clash at the Plains
«, Yestorday.
Capid Tondee is in jail in Amerione,
and in superior court next week will
answer to the eharge of assault to mur
der, if not the crime of murder itself.
Out at The Plains yesterday morning
Odpid Tondee and “Stump” Jefferson
bad e wordy war over a dollar debt,
bnt separated, Oupld Tondee walking
away.' He soon returned, boweyer,
armed with a shotgnn, and at a dis
tance of a dozen paces shot the filling
out of Jefferson’s jaw teeth, the load
of shot cutting away a slice of the ne
gro’s face, including an eye. Ur.
Wiso attenped Jefferson. The negro
is in a precarious condition and may
die from the tsrrible gunshot wonnd.
. d ,i
Chamberlain’s Stomach and liver
| t> -ioib j Tablets.
Try them
When you feel dull after eating.
When you have no appetite.
: When you have a bad taste iu the
When yonr liver is torpid.
When your bowels are constipated.
When you have a headache:
When you feel billoas,
..They j will Improve your appetite,
cleanse and invigorate your etomaoh
and regulate vour liver and bowels. For
sate by 'all druggists.
fa wuo<
Who Aided Jailer Brown
.waiiv Friday,
'Pomp Walker it was, instead of
George Trotter, who nobly came to the
assistance of Jailer Brown when that
otf&erwaaassaulted by aix desparate
negro prisoners in the jail corrider Fri
day morning. Pomp Walker lannder
life sontonce, awaiting the result of ap
plication for new trial, and has been
an exemplary prisoner. There is no
each prisoner in jail as George Trotter,
Ijdor haft there been. Walker deserves
some consideration for hia brave act
r \n defending Jailer Brown.
For a Bad Cold.
[f you have a bad cold yon need a
1 'll!able medicine like Chamber-
ongh Bemedy to loosen and ro-
i and to allay the Irritation and
Inflammation of the throat and lung*,
j^r sale by all druggists.
lie vhs — ~~“
Wcllknown Y.oung Man at Georgia
— Warehouse.
. Mr. Ralph Ansley, one of the best
known young men of Smithville and
several years ago a resident of Bnmter
county, is to be looated here, having
seeepted a position at L. U. Counoil's
warchonso. Mr. Ansley has many
friends in Americne who are glad to
K vn that he will now be here per-
Americas came near having a whole
sale jail delivery on Friday morning
and, bnt for the courage, grit and
plnck of Jailer Bonny Brown, the
doable murderer Monroe Adams and
five other negro prisoners would have
left the barred castle.
A ferocious and murderous attack
was made npon Jailer Brown,
Bnt, wrenching himself from the
grasp of the desperadoes, he finally
succeeded in training his pistol npon
them and ordered the gang back to
their cells.
Jailer|Brown was inside the corri
dor, on the first floor, admitting the
negro bicycle thief, Charles Motley,
when Monroe Adams, the double mar
derer, and five other prisoners who
wereltaking their weekly exeroiso in
the corridor, jumped on him.
Monroe Adams clntched Mr. Brown’s
throat with both hand;, attempting to
choke him to death, while others as-
sanlted him.
It £was a terrible straggle, one
white man against six desperate black
Upon entering the jail Mr, Brown
looked the outside, or street door, be
hind him, and put the key away. But
for this several of the gang, who later
made a holt for the door, would have
escaped easily.
Pompey Walker, a life eentenco oon
viot, but who was not of the party at
tempting^ escape, was called npon
by Jailer Brown for help. And be it
said to the credit of Walker ha re
sponded ^quickly and pulled one or
two negroea away from the prostrate
Thus freed,^Jailer Brown pulled his
gun and was master of tho situation.
I Leveling it at the desperadoes, they
fell npon their knees and begged the
jailer not to shoot Mon Adams was
the first one to go slinking baek to his
steel cell.
The; others followed, wherenpon
Jailer Brown fired one shot in the air
as a signal for help. Tjils quickly
brought Sheriff Bell and others to the
resoue and the six demons were looked
up in their cages secure and fast.
It was a desperate and daring at
tempt, and.ibnt for the conrage and
plnck of Jailer Brown, with the aid of
Pompey Walker, Bnmter might have
had a jail delivery of large proportions.
A positive, permanent, and safe cure for Malaria.
Chills and Fevsr. Contains no poison. The best
Tonic, Anti-Periodic, Appetiser, and Strength*
ener for pale, sickly females and children known.
Brings the glow to faded cheeks; makes weak
children fat and hearty.
Tablet form; tasteless; easy to take.
Price 50 els. Trial Size, 25 cts.
Dr. Alexander's Liver Regulator cures Billons*
ness, Torpid Liver, Constipation, Sick Hcadacho
Price 25 Cents. For sale bf
Seat by mail on 'receipt o! price, by E. J
EltLudge, sole agent Americus,Ga
What People In That Thrifty Tgwn
rs Doing.
Plains, Ga. Nov. 20.—Oar people
are rejoicing over the nice rain; with
bnt one regret aud that is, it may turn
cold in a few days and kill all the
Plsins will soon have a telephone as
the work is progressing rapidly.
The chief amusement of the yoang
people is straw rides to the cane mills.
Plains will be well represented at
the Baptist Convention this week.g
Mr. George Tharp and wife, Mrs.
Barnett and Mr. Ben Tharp, from
Bibb connty are visiting Mr. A. Chap
pell’s family on their way to Americas
Miss Flora Taylor, one of onr most
accomplished yoang ladies, left today
for Hawkinsville. She will take charge
of a school near there.
Messrs. Windsor Gresham and
Clinton Timmerman spent the day in
Plains Snnday.
Mr. Earnest Wellons came home to
day from Cuthbert where bas been ja’
tending school.
Unanimously Re-elected by
Labor Federation.
The Best Bemedy For Croup.
(From the Atchlnson, Kan., Dally Globe.]
This is tho reason when the woman
who knows the best remedies for oronp
in demand in every neighborhood.
One of the most terrible things In tie
world is to be awakened in the middle
of the night by a whoop from ono of the
children. The oroup remedies are al
most as sure to be lost, in case of croup,
as a revolver Is saro to be lost in caso
of burglars. There nsed to be an old-
fashioned remedy for oroup, known os
hive syrup and tolu, bnt some modern
mother’s say that Chamberlain's Cough
Bemedy is better, and does not coat so
much. It causes the patient to “throw
up the phlegm” quicker, and gives re
lief In a shorter time. Give this remedy
ns soon as the oroupy cough appeal b and
it will prevent the attack. It. never
fails and la pleasant and safe to take,
for sale by all druggists.
Americus Neighbor Will Have Groat
Our sister oity, Albany, iB to have
an Antnmn Festival and Carnival, be
ginning Dee. 1st. and lasting nntil the
6th. The pluck of Albany is well-
known and it is needless to Bay that
the carnival will be a success, for the
Artesian City never makeB failures iu
such undertakings. The Albany Lodge
of Elks is one of the most progres
sive and enthnslastio in the state.
This lodge is building a beantifal
home of its own, and with the inspir
ation in view the oarnival promises to
bo managed admirably. The sooial
features of the week will be especially
attractive, for the hospitality of Al
bany knows no bounds. The Times-
Recorder wishes the Albany ElkB
financial anccess, and Ameriona will,
no doubt, contribute her share if
patronage to the week’s festivities.
Anxious Moments.
Some of the most anxlr us hours of a
mother’s; life are thoao when the little
ones of the household have the oronp.
There Is no other medlolne so efleotive
In this terrible malady as Foley’s Honey
and Tar, It is a household favorite for
throat and lung troubles, and as it con
tains no opiates or other poisons It oan
bs lately given, John R. Hudson.
Desirable Plnoe Near Americus Sold
Ordination Services of Interest to
Americus People.
Rev. Athalia Johnson Irwin will bo
ordained in the church at Pensacola,
Fla. next Sunday, Rev. D. V, Mc-
Glanflin, pastor of First Universalist
ehnreb of Atlanta will perform the act
of ordination. Rev. Dr. Q. H. Shinn,
southern missionary, will preach the
ordination sermon. They will be as
sisted in tho service by Rev. Eierett
Green, of Ala.
Mr. J. O. McArthur purchased
yesterday the Hooks farm, or Hudson
place? aar it was known, three miles
east ofJ’Amcricns. The place con
tains, besides a dwelling, and improve
ments, |800; acres of fine land. The
pnrohase price was six-tbonsand dol
lars, or(820 per acre. It is a pretty
farm home, and Mr. McArthnrwill go
to reside there in the near fntnre.
A Policeman's Testimony.
J. N. Patterson, night policeman of
Nashua,la., wilfs, “Last winter I had
a bad cold on my . lungs, and tried at
least h If dozen advertised cough medi
cines and had treatment from two phys
icians without getting any profit, A
friend recommended Foley's Honey and
Tar and two thirds of a bottle cured me.
I consider it the ereatettcough.and lung
medicine in tbe world.” Jobn R. Hud
The Formula tells the story:
Grove's Chronic Chill Cure
Not a patent medicine: a thin spirituous liquid, of a pleasant bitter taste, made of
Fluid Extract PERUVIAN BARK Fluid Extract POPLAR BARK
Fluid Extract BLACK ROOT Fluid Extract PRICKLY ASH BARK
Fluid Extract DOG WOOD BARK Fluid Extract SARSAPARILLA
It Cures the Chills that other Chill Tonics Don’t Cure.
- TB Best General Tonic. No Cure, No Pay. Price. 50c.
Resolution to Increase Members of the
Executive Council From .Nine to
Eleven Reported Adversely by Com
mittee on Law.
New Orleans, Nov. 22.—A resolu
tion was Introduced by pelegate Ber
ger to Increase the members of the
executive council from nine to 11 anil
reported adversely by the committed
on Jaw Iu the labor convention this
morning. Delegate H. N. Randall, of
Birmingham, Ala., spoke strongly In
favor of enlarging the number for the
reason that the south and southeast
was not reported on the board, and ho
believed It was entitled to it John P.
Rees, of the mine workers, spoke in
favor of the report, as did Charles
Sherman, of Chicago, of tho metal
workers. The report of the committee
was adopted. The report of tho griev
ance committee, which was unfinished
last night, was then taken up. It re
lated to Internal affairs of local unions
for the most part. Its sections were
approved almost without debate.
The election of officers was the sp-
clal program at 10 o’clock, and it was
promptly taken up at that hour. Del
egates Kramer, of the Machinists’ un
ion, nominated President Gompers for
re-election. There were no other nom
inations, and upon motion of W. D.
Ryan, of the mine workers, the secre
tary of the convention was instrticted
to cast the unanimous vote of the con
vention for Mr. Gompers. This was
done, and he was declared duly elect,
ed. The applause that greeted the an.
nouncement was flattering in tho ex
treme, and It was long before Mr. Gom-
pers could make himself heard when
he rose to thank the delegates for me
honor bestowed upon him. He spoke
at considerable length, promising to
attempt as much for trades unionism
in the future as he had in tho past.
For first vice-president, Delegate
Feruseth nominated for re-clection
James Duncan. Delegate Swift moved
that the secretary bo Instructed to cast
the unanimous vote of the convention
for Mr. Duncan. This motion was car.
rled. and Vice-President Duncan was
For second vice-president, Delegate
Driscoll, of Boston, nominated John
Mitchell, who was elected unanimous
For third vice-president Delegato
Mahon nominated James O'Connell,
who was unanimously re-elected. For
fourth vice-president Delegate Murphy
nominated for re-election Max Morris,
who was also chosen without opposi
tion. For fifth vice-president Delegata
Donnell nominated Thomas I. Kidd for
re-election. Delegate Bohner nomi
nated Frank Duffy, of the Brotherhood
of Carpenters.
The strained relations between the
Woodworkers reported by Kidd, and
the carpenters, to which Duffy lie-
loqgs. lent decided interest to the
vote, which resulted in an overwhelm
ing victory for Kidd, he having 7,590
votes, against 1,603 for Duffy. Out
side of his own organization Duffy se
cured but 803 votes.
For sixth vice-president, Delegata
Rosenburg nominated for re-election
Dennis A. Sayes, who was chosen
unanimously. For treasurer, Delegata
Relchers nominated for re-election
John B. Lennon, who was elected with,
out a dissenting vote. For secretary,
Delegate Garrett nominated for re-elec
tion Frank Morrison, who was elected
unanimously. For fraternal delegata
to the next labor convention of Great
Britain, Andrew Feruseth and Max
Hayes were nominated. The former
announced thr.t It would be Impossible
for him to serve, and withdrew bll
name. Hayes was then elected unan
Ingalls, With General Miles on Board,
Strikes a Reef,
Manila, Nov. 22.—The United States
transport Ingalls, with General Miles
on board, struck a reef while entering
the harbor of Le Gaspi, province of Al-
bay, southeast Luzon, today, and s
still aground. She Is not In any dan
ger, however. The weather Is calm,
and It is expected that the steamer
will float the next high tide. Commu
nication with the ahore Is maintained.
If tho Ingalls does not float at high
water, relief will be dispatched to her
from this city.
Run on French Savings Bank.
New York, Nov. 22.—Tho quiet mil
on French ordinary savings banka
continues, says a Paris dispatch to The
Times by way of London. Withdraw
als since tho beginning of the year
amount to 821,000,000. No satisfactory
explanation, has been given, and the
correspondent remarks that the the
ory that it is revenge for the expul
sion of the nuns. Is untenable.
Train Service Demoralized.
Fort Worth, Tex., Nov. 22.—The en
tire railroad train service of the state
Is demoralized by the recent heavy
rains. There has been no Texas and
Pacific trains to this city from tho
east since yeaterday. AH other roads
are delayed many hours by soft tracks.
Tho 'Frisco lines from here to Sher
man has not been used for two days.
James Flicker & Bro.
g... ,..
3409 Jackson Street, Americus, Ga
'Carry in stock, besides'their regular line, a fulljassortment of
TTfusical instruments
of all kinds; a very fine line of Pocket Knives, Razors, in
cluding the Star Safety, Scissors, Waterman, and Other
Fountain Pens, Fine Silk Umbrellas, Pocket Books and
Purses, Sewing Machine Needles, Oil and Attachments,
Headquarters for Spectacles and Eye-Glasses
carrying the largest line in the city, anil guaranteeing a fit in every in
stance or no sale. Eyes examined Free whether you buy of us or not.
Watch,’Clock, and Jewelry|Kepairing Done
in the best possible manner, and'fully guaranteed. Fine aud artistic
engraving a specialty. Goods we sell engraved free.
Call and see our extensive stock, and bring ns your work. Prices
the very lowest consistent witli’good goods and good work.
Choose Wisely*.♦♦
when you buy a SEWING MACHINE* You’ll find all sorts acd kinds at
corresponding prices* But if you want a reputable serviceable Machine* then take
25 vsars experience has enabled us :a
frin<* out a HANDS0M5 ...
ti'i .i.T.IZ'x’l-liCAL and VELL-BUILT
-*-■ PibCDUCT, combining la It, ill the good point! common o
bra jrii: machines ltd others tiir* arc
iouaJcnlyoa the VljTH—ler ia-tcnce,
our T— , Cl Oil INDICATOR, a device
that siinw-i the tendon at a glance. But
this is not all, v/e have othrm that spp eel
to careful buyers. Vl *>"-* T C-fi auo BOTxnv
1 SH-JTT-.S • TTLliS.
~—0ur Elegant II, 7. Catalogues
give full particulars, free.
White Sewing Machine Co., cle oh1’o, nd '
For Sale By F. G. OLVER, Americus, Ga,
...Pure Delight Rye...
Guaranteed 8 Tears Old.
QL Rich and Mellow
4 Full Quarts,
8 Full Quarts,
i2 Full Quarts,
Direct frcm*,Di»tillery
$3 25
^ r p§nid n in < dKmeVuc^m t T Cla111 ' A,BO a ,lne “ ,leof CognacVrand?
G. A. SCOTT & CO.,
315 Lamar St. ; : : : Americus, Ga
My stock is overflowing with the latest and richest novelties from
the best fashion centers, everything new and novel, beautiful and ar
tistic, that goes to make a complete millinery store will be found here.
Prices as usual on that SMALL PROFIT BASIS that has gained
me reputation as giver of best values.
SPECIAL.—Hats for young and old in black and white felt—all
the styles this season. Newest things for bridal and birthday presents.
Call at