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Jears, Mas borne the signature ot
"°' lal «"lSKS5 infancy”
AU Counterfeits. Imltatto^^^^^JS
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
infants and ChUdren-Experience agai^t ExpeSn?
Baptist Convention Has Finished
All Business.
Regulates the Liver, Stomach. Bowels and Kidneyi
l-’or billionanese, constipation and malaria.
For indigestion, aiok and nervous headache.
For sleeplessness, nervousness, heart failure and nervons prostration, r
For fever, chills, debility and kidney diseases, take Lemon EUxiaiornim
Ladies, for natnral and thorough organic regulation take Lemon Elixir. j
SO oents and S1.00 bottle at druggists. *-'°t
Prepared only by Dr, H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga.
What is CASTOR!A
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
ond Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tlio
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Pauaccar-Tlio Mother’s Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The KM You Have Always Bought
Session in Americus Was a Harmonious and Successful
One. State and For Institutionn Nqt Disired. Pro
ceedings of Yesterday’s Meetings Were Full of Inter
est. Visitors Say Farewell.
in Use For Over 30 Years.
Twr ccNTAun company, t» Murray strcct. i
Cotton Factor
GOAL # Fertilizers.
Mv coal is the oelebratod Biooton Lamp and Jellioc,
concedel the finest domestio coal sold in this market.
All orders for ooal promptly dolivered. My prices as low
as the lowest .
I make liberal cash advances on cotton in store at
very low rate of interest.
Telephone No. 38.,
The Georgia Baptist convention: convened at 0:80 o'clock Saturday morn
ing and devotional exercises were held prior to entering upon the dntiee of tbe
day. The report of committee on representation in tlio Southern Baptist con'
rention, to be bold at Savannah, reported. Among the delegates named ,wts
Gov. Joseph^M. Terrell.
The report on woman’s work was presented by Rev, J. T. Jenkins, of Mari
etts, and elcqnent speeches commendatory of tbe report were made by Rev. J.
T. Jenkins, of Marietta, D. B. Hamilton, of Rome, R. W. Anthony, of An-
gnats, J. B, Jordan, of eavannab, W, D. Upshaw, of Forsytb, and Ohas, Good
Tbe report of tbe committee on Orphan i Rome was read by Dr. T. P. Bell,
of Atlanta.
President Nortben made an earnest, elcqnent and forcible address, telling
of his personal observation of the work being done at the Orphans Home at
Hapeville, and for tbe benefit of tbe convention, gave a concise and interesting
description „of bow the orphans lived in the borne that was built for them ly
tbe Baptists of Georgia.
Mr. Walker Dnnson, chairman of the Finance Committee of the homr,
spoke of the financial condition of that institution.
The property now belonging to the homo ie worth about 850,000, and the
institution owes 81,500. Oue hundred and ten children are being cared for at
tbe home.
Rev. J. B. Tajlor, tinvelitg agent of tbe Homr, also made a short ad
dress. •
The Education Commission presented its report, which was read by Dr, P.
D. Pollock, president ol the commission. The various meetings of the com
mission which have been held since the convention at Rome last spring, and
tne clllial iranssctions of ihe commission were gone into in detail.
Daring the coming year un effort will bo made toraiso funds for tbe follow-
ing{pnrposes: Emergency Fund, Improvement Fund and Endowment Fnnd.
No school under lha commission receives any support from state schools ncr
bandies any state funds.
Since the last conveutlon invitations have been extended to Shorter College
at Rome, and .Monroe Female College at Forsytb, to oome in under tbe com'
mission, and these schools have accepted the offer, and from hence forward will
be operated under the direotion and in co-operation with tbe Education Com
mission of the Georgia Baptist Convention.
The representatives of the convention on the board for Shorter College ae-
lected yesterday ate; E. II..Callaway, Angnsta; C. B. Gibson, of Atlanta; B. E,
Willingham, of Macon; J. F. Cooper, of Rome; W. W. Landrum, of Atlanta
J. B. Jordan, of Savannah, and J. L. Bass, of Romo.
The Southern'.Femalo College, of LaGrango, was invited to eome in under
the commission, hut owing to local conditions the proposition oonld not be ao
The commission endorsed W, D. Upshaw as agent for tbe endowment of
Monre College, and he will aid in the work of securing tbe $10,000 endowmi nt
which is to bejraised during the coming year. Tbe Rev. L. R. Gwaltney, of
Shorter Female College,was endorsed as Unauoial agent for tbe institution, and
will be aided in bis efforts to raise 850,000 for tbat institution.
The committee report was adopted nnanimonaly and without disonssion by
the convention.
Car Load of Buggies!
W E have just received a car load of the celebrat
ed “ROCK HILL” BUddlES. The buggy
that is equaled by few and sut passed by none. Has
the famous “Long-Winded’’ axle. If you don’t
want to be worried to death by oiling your buggy
every few days, why get a “Rock Hill.” It don’t
cost a cent more in the long run to get a good than
does a cheap one. The “Long-Winded” axles have
beeu known to run 2,035 miles with one oiling. All
“Rock Hill Buggies are fitted with these axles, in
fact we say to you that for durability, easy riding
and neatness the “Rock Hill” is by far the best
buggy on the market.
•A Little Higher in Price But-
Sheffield=Huntington Co.
“Our Aim”
Shoes, Clothing, Underwear, Neckwear, Fay’s
Stockings, Hats, Caps, Jet Trimmings and
Overalls. Prices is the MASTER of COMPE
TITION, and we have got them lot you at
E. D. Sheffield Co.
The leport of the committee on co-operation was read and the followirg
earns of money are to be raised by tbe Baptists of Georgia during ;tho ensuing
year. Foreign Missions, 885,000; home missions, 830,000; state missions, $35,
000; orpbanslbome,1810,000; ministerial education, 835,000; miniaterial relief,
88,000; Monroe Female College, snob part of 830,000 as may be necessary,
Dr. Landrnm of Atlanta, in support of tbe report of tbe committee, msde
one of tbe-ablest speeches heard daring tbe convention. Dr. Landrnm is one
of tbe strongest and most ixflaential men in tbe stats, and bad marked atten
tion bj.tbelconvention.
The;report of tbe special oommittee on tbe report of tbe Trustees of Meroer
University was read by Rev. Carl W. Minor, who addressed the Cooavention,
He was followed by Dr. Pollock, president of Mercer, Rev. JH. B. Bernard,
Rev. I. Y. Walker and Rey. J. H. Boliomon.
Dr. Pollock’s address was scholarly and able, and a strong presentation of
tbe elaims of Meroer University on tbe Baptists of Georgia. His every sentenoe
was clear,’.logical and foroible. Under bis oharge Meroer University has been
more prosperous than ever in its history, and has done better work.
Tbe report of tbe aommitteon Meroer University was nnanimonaly adopted.
Hon. Frank A. Hooper of Amerions won announced os a member of tbe board
of Trustees of Mercer University.
&Ae jCumbot floater
| Commerce
Phone Nos:
CptownlOfflce No 127.
ttovqh ana *Drt*s*d Xumitr
£aikt,\Shlnfitl, €t».
Warehouse No.:ll7. IicBMencel.No.lOT
Cores Blood, 8kin Troubles, Cancer,
Blood Poison. Greatest Blood
Purifier Free.
’ h\ '■<! I> Impure, thin, diseased,
hot or full of humors, If yon have blood
poison, oanoer. oerbnnoles, eating eorea
scrofula, eczema, Itching, risings and
lampi, scabby, pimply skin, bone pains,
catarrn, rheumatism, or any blood or
skin disease, take Botonlo Blood Balm
(B. B. B ) according to dlreotloni. Soon
all sores heal, aches and pains atop, tbe
blood ie made pure and rioh, leaving the
ekin free from every ernptlon. and giv*
iog tbe rich glow of perfeot health to
tbe akin. At tbe earno Ume, B, B. B.
Improves the digeation, ourcs dyspopsla,
strengthens weak kidneys. Just the
medicine for old pecple, as it gives them
new, vigorcus blood. Druggist, 81 per
large bottle, with directions for home
care. Sample free and prepaid by writ
ing Blood Balm Oo., Atlanta, Go. De
scribe trouble and special free medical
advice also tent In sealed letter. B. B.
B. ie especially advised for ohronlc,
deep-seated ease* of impure blood and
akin disease, and oares after all else'
When capid visits Boston be dfc-
es a
cards bis bow and arrow and aaes
The Only Guaranteed Kidney Cnre
is Smith’s Sore Sidney Coro. Yonr
druggist will rerand yonr money if
after taking one brttle yon are not
satisfied with results, CO.cents,
State of Ohio, oity of Toledo,)
Lvcvh County, j
Psank J. Cheney makes oath be Is
senior partner Of tbe firm of F. J,
Cheney &■ Co., doing business In the
Olty of Toledo, County of State afore
said, and that said firm will pay the sum
e&oh and every case of Catabbh tbat
oanaot be oared by tbe ase of Hall’s
Oatarbh Cube.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this Otn. day of December
A. D. 1880.
(^,) A. W. GLEASON,
seal y Notary Panllc.
Hall’s Catarrh Care Is taken internal
ly, sue acta directly an tbe blood and
maooas surfaces of the system. Send
for teetimonlaie, free.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75o.
Hall’s Family Fills are tbe beat.
If her heart is in tbe right plaee it
matters not whether> woman is young
er or older than she looks.
Forth 10{) to yon to cure child
adult v-kvu. 0 j incontinence 0 f
water daring sleep “Anti-Diaretio”
■tops it immediately. 81. Bold by E,
J. Eidridge, druggist.
•Paradoxical ss it may seem, stronge
aagnage weakens]' n argument.
If Ton Suffer From Kidney Tronblei
Use Smith’s Sore Kidney Care, Noth
ing like it for diseased kidneys. G0o,
I have been a great sufferer from dyspepsia for about fifteen ye
trouble being my liver, stomach and bowels, with terrible headaches. Lea.
Elixir cared me. My appetite is good, and I am well. I had taken a barrel J
other medioine, that done me on good. CHARLES GIBHAE
No. 1515 Jefferson St., Louisville, Ky.
Cares all Congbs, Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseoeia and Bronchitis, 35cenl
at Druggists.
fOur Shoes Fit
Hfw 97r
obuoj u
t tiwlel
1/07 buM
Lots of women in this town are hobbling 0 .;^!
about in tight shoes simply because theft's?™
struck the wrong store.
We make a specialty of womens
shoes that are built to fit—shoes thaBT
support and hold up the instep and touch"*- 1 ™,
every spot without binding. i«
They’ll cost you $3.00, $3.50 or $4.0ifcoaa^
here, but the satisfaction of wearing-
shoes like these arq worth double thef|3^
amount in added comfort.
Have you seen our “Stetson” J$3.00
Hat ? Tis a thing of beauty.
Rvlander Shoe Go;
7 aox
Gffl J'j
uiifi faoni
Planters Bank Building
Near Court House, •
a , shoot
- : Americus, Qa.
•»9iq O.t
ai*itsv toI
>fif. Us Ini:
Saturday and Mond&l
liiifq bet
t u5? diioi
30x00 Smyrna Ruga, with long
fringe and good quality, $2
value at $1.25
50 Men’s All-Wool Sidta. the
pick of onr $8.00 Suftij*your
choice for $5.00.
30x00 All-wool Smyrna Rugs,
$3.00 value, at 1.98
nob 001
Boys Ivtieo Punts Suits,,7</» 10.1
our $2.50 Suits, choice for $1.98
30x00 Moquett Rugs, fine
quality, $3.50 value, at $1.98
Men’s Overcoats for (
30x72 Moquett Rugs, best
quality, $5.00 value, at.....$3.50
Boys Overcoats for..JJi;«$2J9#>
.LI- Tislll'JOl
1 case best and heavy Cotton
Flannel, 12Jc grade; a limited
quantity, at 10c yd
All the latest things
ready-to-wear Hats, from'fcOirttr
1 case Cotton Flannel, fair
quality, at per yard 5c
Ladies Heavy Cottoq
fleeced lined, at....
Ladies’ heavy Union Suits,
worth 50c; while they last...25c
Childrens and Misses Heavy
Ribbed Hose, a good oue 10c
Wolfe Bros. SchoolJSliocs for
children; the best in tnd world
at 75c to $1.25
Yard wide best 2 Sheeting,
weighs 3 yards to the lb, at 5c.
Queen Bess Shoes for ladies;
the best shoe on tlie - marked
King Bee Shoe for i
Large Bed Comforts....,...$98o,; all styles, at..$3.60
— -Hi— ' " '
! m
Planters B.ank Building,