Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, December 05, 1902, Image 2

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- THE AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMKg-RECORDEK: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1902. SEVEN MEN KILLED, FIFTEEN ARE INJURED Frightful Boiler Explosion In th oago. 6EVERAL PERSONS MISSING. Accident Occurred .In the Electric Plant of Swift <£. Co.'s Packing Es- tablishment- at the Stock Yards. Grewsome Sights After Explosion. Cfiieago, Nov. 29.—Seven men were killed and 13 seriously Injured at 10:3(1 o'clock this morning by the explosion of a boiler in the electric plant >f Swift & Co.'s packing establishment at the stock yards. It is positively as serted that two others were buried under the debris and it Is feared there are even more than that lying dead under the wreckage. Two bodie were recovered Immediately after tie accident and taken to the morgue ' The identified dead are: Oeorge Tait, fireman. John Owens, water tender. Edward Wright, negro, fireman. Two other men, M. XV. Welsh and M. T. Ash. are Known to have been in the building and diligent search up to noon had failed to discover any one who had seen them leave the huildin It is asserted that they were not among (he injured removed to the hospital. The scene Immediately after the explosion was a grewsome one. The injured men had been scalded and many of them were unconscious when carried to the ambulances. Several of them, it is feared, win die. The accident is one of the most serious that lias afflicted the stock yards in ypars. Thousands of people crowded about the wrecked building and po- lico bad a difficult time of it in keep ing them at a distance sufficient ta allow rescuers to work unhandlenppel. BIG BOILER EXPLODES. Engineer Rogers and Walton Taylor, Negro, Torn to Pieces. Macon, Ga., Nov. 29.—By the ex plosion of a boiler used with a station ary engine at Lizella, a small station 10 ipilcs from the city, this afternoon at 6 o’clock, two men were instantly killed and two wounded, one of them, according to the latest information from the scene of the disaster, being now in a critical condition. The dead are: Paul Rogers. Walton Taylor. The injured are: James Wltham, whoso back is sup posed to have been broken and whose skull was probably fractured. An unknown colored man. The engine was used in a saw mill belonging to the Rogers brothers, and was in no way defective, so those In position to know assert. It was handled by Paul Rogers, one of tlie owners of the mill, who had been dis charging the duties * of an engineer for a long time and who was consider ed not only capable, but an adept The day had been a rushing one in order to fill the demands upon the mill and overtime had to be done by the crew. Shortly after 6 o’clock the engine was stopped and the crew gath ered about Engineer Rogers. The men were drawing off their overalls and discussing the day’s work, when suddenly a terrific explosion came. For miles around the noise was heard, whilo the earth trembled from the ^reat force of the explosion. Build ings near by rocked as thouab shaken •«>r an earthquake. Windows were broken into atoms and doors were torn from their hinges. The building In which the engine and boiler were located was split asunder and practically demolished. Pieces of the immense machinery were thrown hundreds of feet through the air, falling upon the earth with force sufficient to drive tbemstfeep into the ground. Consternation throughout the village was the result, and as soon as the people recovered from their fright willing hands rushed to the mill to ascertain the trouble and to render what assistance there was In their power. It Is the Impression, howeer, so the man who brought the new* to the city says, that the water In the boiler had run low and that Rogers was attempt ing to replenish it when the disaster came. It Is thought he was turning cold water into a hot boiler, with the Inevitable result. It Is the Impression, so the city by a resident of the place, who came In to notify Rogers’ brother who Is a guard to the county convicts. The brother, William Rogers, left at for TJrAlla NO RIGHT TO ENJOIN. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM .. ..... hull. growth. ...... J<R«tore Gray J' it* Youthful^Color. rucidiU CS% CHiCHCSTCR‘3 ENGLISH ciimLhestek'k \lu KKI> and Gold mci-f d with bl«w ribbon. Take n j) I*u«irrrour*ubatltiJtl will. inolish ♦“•■•is. scaled Itrfuefl id Imlta- 11 Krllvf for Irittr, by re* im Mall. fO.OtMMretlmrolalt. s4tby ’•«>*«». fhlrtieatrr Chemical <’oi station l», I’JilIu.. 1’a. 2 \ Every Woman V V ’ \\ \ 1* Interested and should know \ a bout the wonderful . % ' , MARVEL Whirling Spray i Sf-;: Tl.e.,cwv ; ,,r..^ /,, ‘J C§. aa- ■—-» Ves. Yes. Ids. les. Yes, Yes, Those decorated Dinner Sets are genuine Haviland China. Our own importation. The “White” will cross “The Tide” in Nov. We have the finest Lamps shown in Georgia, but they are the cheapest, 15c to $20.00. Those Lounges and Chairs are covered with real leather, and frames are quartered oak. Yes, Yes, Our Cut-Glass have the thickest blanks, deepest cut, most ar tistic patterns, and most brilliant sheen that, can be secured. Our stock of Chamber 5uits, Side Boards, China Closets Ex. tension Tables, Diners, Odd Chairs and Tables is the most complete and attractive we have ever shown. We stili have large stock of graceful and elegant shapes in Odd Pieces in French China, Vases, Cups and Saucers and other articles suitable for presents or home use. Our stock of Housefurnishings can supply all your wants. It is true goods were bought for CASH and that we can and will give full value for every dollar spent with us. imp for 11- ... alef • .uli particulars and <1 ... jh. York. ►•l-4.ll giTM id r1;re< tl<>n> I,.- NHIUKI.CO., OR. A S. DYAR & CO riiytlciiiiiH ami Specialist*. 34 1-2 Peaohtreo Street Atlanta, Ga. Chronic Nervous and Private ff Diseases Our Specialty. We (rent ivltli greatest succe.silll form.of H'FVfltlC Debility, SperinatorrtHKi, H wti I UUd Seminal Losses. Nleht kmla- Mon. Loss of Vital Power. Sltcelessneai, Despordency, Loss ot Memory, Confusion of Ideas, I.assltufie,Gloominess. Depression of ‘ lly I ' tiiouminess. uepression oi bpirlls, Aversion to Socl.-ty. Easily Dlscour- aged. Lack ot Contldcnce Dull, Listless, Un lit for Study or Muslncss. ami finds life abur- vatki S ycurkd PE11M * nentlyand PB1 ‘ Judge Decision Handed Down by Toney of Kentucky. Louisville, Ky.. Nov.. 29.—Judge Sterling B. Toney, sitting In chancery today decided tha( & chancery court bad no right to enjoin the commission •f a felony. The decision has a bearing on the Young Corbett-McGovern glove COB- test which waa called off here some ■weeks ago. end Is In effect that a pro posed boxing match Is not nn lnjune- teblo matter. The court says the remedy ), at coqwon law, and Is a matter for crimiaal process. The ease came to Judge Toney on a de cision from Jhe court ot appeals, sus taining a motion fo an Injunction to PT«r-ut thoMcGovyn t*st echqduledfor Oct fi may he rahher appeilsd. BLOOD AND SKIN gft®---***'■ -—7-- ’us, a (Uncase most liorrlblc In Its results, completely eradicated without the use of mercury. or Iodides of HOtflMh. I’alna (n Iho Head mil llnneu Ct-tthlll. "‘mum iuu use ui iiitTi uiv. or louiues oi Potash, Pains In the Head and Hones,Syphlll tic Sore Throat. Mouth and Tongue, Catarrh PKRM ANKRTbY CURED WHEN others have failed. URINARY, Kidney and B idder Trou „ , •■■■■ ■ 1 bier. Weak Back, Burning Urine, Frequency of Urinating, Urine high- It colored or * ith milky sediment on stand • ■ U..IVICU Ui w mi luiia; FCUllllCUVUU aiduu log, Gonorrhae, Gleet.cystitis, Etc., prompt ly and aafeiy cured. Charges reasonable. To Young Men and Middle Aged Men A. W. Cor. Jackson and Forsyth Sts. «■ Americus, Ga. ....Hudson’s Drug Store.... 212 Forsyth St., ’Phone 98. Drugs and Medicines. We have the prettiest ami most complete drug store in the city, our stock is fresh and complete. We are reliable druggists,and uevei substitute. We fill your doctor’s prescriptions just us he writes them. Hot and Cold Soda Water. Sole agent for HUYLER’S CANDIES. D. PEARLMAN. 311 Lamar Street, Look To Your Interest, Read Carefully, Act Promptly. THE BIGGEST. THE BEST. A iUfiE RllRF rhe awful effects .. « *ur.c ounc Early . Vice, which , . ii.lljr «1CC. WHICH bring, organic weakness, destroying both mind and body, with all tin dreadful Ills, ucrmtnmtly cured, URETHRAL STRICTURE Cured, Removal complete, neltbei knife, caosUcnor dilation; wht “■ *-* Proof Indisputable. rlibout pain or Injury DR DYAR Addretfes those who hare Impaired themselves by im ... impaired cacmneivcs oy im- oroper indulgendes and solitary habits which ruin Loth body and mind, unfitting them for business, stuly or marrl -go.; MARRIED MEN, or those tittering on tbat ;aiacuiity, ', quick happy life, awareof physic ly assisted. TH0USAND3 CUBED Our newsyatem of mall treatment ea.blea u, to treat pailenu at their own home as successfully as by a personal interview, S snd for perfect question list. Call on or ddrci. DR, A. S DYAR & CO. 34 J-2jPenchtree Street, Uetwteu Marietta and Walton .Streets, ATI.SNTS, GA. KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dis eases. 10 KIDNEY CURE It a Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the vest for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICB 50c. and Jl.00. MONEY LOANED! Farm loans negotiated any where ia Southwest Gcoigia at low rates and on easy terms Save money by see mg me. *G. R. .ELLIS. Americus, Ga. an Morphine nod WhUkey babititreated without pain or confinement. Cnreguar- •nteed at SaniuHaaor no *~'gr Uthia Spring* Cure > — — » *r wuua sprinfc* wot Pvswer A. AnstelLCa. Uomegrcatmestaei if prefened. CorrespositacestticffyconfideaUf Autumn Festival and Elks Carnival, ALBANY, GEORGIA. December 1,2,3, 4,5,6 One Fare on all Railroads, We mean business and for the next ten days we offer to to the people of Sumter and adjoining counties the Greatest Slaughter Sale of the Season Figures speak louder than ment. Come ana bring your family and friends. FARM LOANS NE60TIATED. Clothing. Hens’ Suits. $15.00 Suits Going afc $9.s0 i2.00 “ •» “ 8.00 .10.00 “ “ “ 7.00 800 “ “ '« 5.5O * 6.00 “ “ *• 4.00 , 4.oo “ . “ 2,5o Pants, $5.oo Pants Going at £ (A O 4.00 “ “ « 3.00 = 2.00 “ «• 1.SO If you want money on yonr farm I have arrangements with New York parties through whom I can get it for vou at Lowest Possible Cost. J. J. HANESLEY, Room No. 5 Barlow Block, - - Americus, Ga, J. W. SHEFFIELD,.President FRANK SHEFFIELD, Vico-President . E. D. .SUEFFIEID, Cashier, Bank of Commerce, AMERICUS, gGEORGIA. A geueral banking business transacted and all consistent courtesies extended to patrons. Certificates of deposit issued bearing interest For Sale. Lands. Stores, Dwellings. Fire Insurance by M. CALLAWAY, Americus Ga. Ladies’ Shoes. $2.50 Shoes Going at $1.75 2.00 I.60 1-25 l.oo I.50 *25 95 7o Mens’ Shoes. 3.50 *• 2.50 2.00 1,7s 1,2s 2-75 200 1.50 i,25 95 and ladies underwear, ladies capes and walking jackets and m fact everything in our immense stock wUl be put to the knife, We hope ail our former patrons and railroad friends will take advantage of this sale by coming forward at once as we only offer these inducements for the next ten days, D. PEARLMANS 311 Lamar Street, Americus, Ga. i There’s Plenty to Drink on the Corner Now! ...ARTESIAN SALOON. New Place, and the Beat Line of Liquors Sold in the City. » Original Stone Mountain Corn, Hawthorne Club. Baltimore Hunter. Three Feathers, are among our popular brands of fine liquors. . miy^VoU^na ^ b ° pW to ARTESIAN SALOON, w. N . Booker, Prop.