Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, December 12, 1902, Image 3

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the value of a mechanic. Tin' South hits more raw material of a diversified character than any other portion of the globe. Besides, it grows every crop needed for the snstenance ,.f man or beast. It stands at the oi>en in^' doors of the world's commerce,and van supply at - low rates almos , wry necess'.y of tho human family There neTe. was such a theatre for in t, llih’ent human endeavor as tho South presents. It is the high duty of tho -late governments of the South, of its municipalities, and of its public Bpirit- . .1 citizens, to provide tho means to educate that portion of the imputation that gives tho greatest promiso of the most fritful outcome to the country. A trained, educated mechanic is tho most powerful factor in tho progross of na tions. Such a man thinks, provides for tho unexpected, multiplies his forces and dares tho world to meet him. Southern boys would make such leaders if educated in industrial schools.—Southern Farm Magazine. AMERICUS WEEKLY TIMES- Dodson’s Pharmacy, Meet Me at Dodson!s!* Cure a Cold. Which? A lean and potash-hungry ** wasted teed, waited labor and f< gins-A MORTOAdE. Or, plenty Potash RECORDER: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12 1902. *T0 WATER’S E06E STEAMER IS BURNEO | Saxon Takes Fire at Her Phil* delphia Pier. | FIREMAN DEAD; ONE MIS8I.NG. In the fertiliser, many bales and a busy gin—A BANK ACCOUNT. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE. Tho President’s message to tho sec ond session of the Fifty-sovvnth Con- gress contiins nothing of especial in terest or an nnusual character. On the question of most interest nnd im portance he repeats substantially his former views and recommendations, lie holds that the revision of the tariff is a question apart from the regulation of the trusts, and as to the trusts he insists that care shonld be taken to do no injury to “the great enterprises which have legitimately reduced the cost of production," He still urges reciprocity with Cuba. It is a mossage which does not particularly call for the usual editorial roview, and as there is nothing in it on which we desire to comment at present wo pass it to onr l eaders with the suggestion that they read it themselves—if they have time. Use Laxative Cold Quinine Tablets. They are the sur est and best remedy. They relieve the cold aud also the fcverisl'"comlition and headache, which are usu ally associated v.ith colds. The second or tHrd dose will move the bowels well within 8 or 10 hours when tho cold will lie cr-ed. In treating colds it veay im portant that the bowels should move we", this preparation moves the Inwels gently, without griping, anil arouses the liver and all the recrea tion to action. Price 2 c per box. HORSE SENSE. A speaker at an Irish Land League meeting in Boston gayo liis hoarers bad advice. Ho said: “Mako your children good Irishmen.” What he should hove said is: “Teach your children to be good Americans.” If a man wants to bo a “good Irishman,” let him go to Ireland and bo as good as it pleases him to bo. Each citizen in this country can find tho full meas ure of his timo filled, after his labor for the support of his family is done, in being a good American and in liv ing np to the lofty ideals that that term implies. Irishmen for Ireland and Americans for America is a very good motto, and it may ho carried to snit every nationality withont impair ing its applicability. Why tva Recommend Godson* a Couyh ffialsam. We have known men to bay large farms and go in debt for a part of them. We have known this and have known same, but not many, to pnll through and dear off the entire debt. Itscems that some are stimulated and helped by debt. Others are pressed down by it and rained. It la an individual mat ter. It shonld bo remembered that os a rale it is very difficult to farm suc cessfully in these days withont capital. It is almost always better to have the small farm well tilled than the big one on whioh laud has to lie idle.—Home nnd Farm. The Atlanta Journal correctly re marks that the top crop of cotton hav- been ent off by frost, the boars and'mill men are now trying to make it appear that southern cotton planters havo million or so bales hid sway on the farms. Any old cry to keep the prico down; but there is a sod awakening for these people when they can find noth ing elso with which to fool themselves. First of all, we recommend it because we know just what is in it, and know that it is the best kind of a cough cure for family r'.s. Second, wo recommend it be came our customers come back and tcP ns that it does more good, is quicker in effect, aDd can be relied on more implicitly, than can any other cough medicine which they have ever used. And third, we recommend it, because we believe that it is the safest and best cough remedy that you can get for treating Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, Bronchial Irritation and Inflamed Cmditions of the Air Passages, TP*oat and Lugs. You will not make a mistake if you select this one. Price 25c and. 60c bottle. I They Had Entered the Hold to Fight the Flames, When Vestel Lurched and They Were Caught by Ruth of Water. OEMUN KALI women 03 Ni K.w York DR. A S. DYAR & CO. Physicians and Sperl II.Is. 34 1-2 Poaohtreo Street Atlanta, Ga. Chronic Philadelphia, Dec. 6.—One fireman was drowned, another missing and two others were taken to a hospital overcome by smoke as the result of the fire which broke out on tho Bos ton and Philadelphia Steamship com pany's Saxon early this morning. The steamship lies In 20 feet of wator at tho foot of Pine street, burned to the water's edge. The dead fireman Is William Se ville. who went Into the hold of the vessel to fight the flames. Before he could reach tho deck of tho Saxon the vessel gave a lurch and Seville was caught In tho rush of water and drowned.' Another fireman who was In the hold Is missing, and It Is fear ed. too, was drowned. All other NprvnilC nnrf flrcmen have been accounted for. neiVUUb ana | The flro was not extinguished . til 9 o'clock this morning. Divers Private arc ln the hold of the vessel searching 'for the bodies of Seville and the n , _ | other fireman. It Is not known how Diseases Our tho flre or| * inate <'- tho loss on the Saxon Is about $60,000. She came In - . *, | yesterday afternoon and had dlocharg- Jpecialty. ed "early a" Of her corgo. ^ I She was on a regular lino to Philo- We treat with greatest success mil form, of I delphia from Providence and FUI Rlv. NERVOUS SmYsMBSttB "■ W8S built in 1862 and had a not ■ion, Lom of vital Power, sirepieMneM. I tonnage of 938 and a gross tonnage of * Memory, Confusion of 11 993 ton* eulon o f j-ptscom Sho was 200 feet long, 30 feet beam nt for Study or ituslness, and tlnd. lltcabijr-1 an<l f"et deep. Tho Soxon was 111,1 I owned by the Boston and Philadelphia BLOOD AMD SKIN horrible in Its results completely eradicated I - - DOLLY PRITCHARD PARDONED. tic Sore Throat. Mouth and Tongue, Catarrh Klc. PERMANF.RTuY CURED WHEN. «... _ , tl others Have failed.* Wii Central .Figure In Remarkable URINARY Kulnev and Diadder Trnu-1 - Criminal Case. u"ne ?"qu’, n cV.'f t^UuTuriM* Atlanta. Dec. 4.-DolIy Pritchard, the lng°OoMrrhar! Glee!!«:r»ptilL 1 K?c.°prn t n.iit I cen 'ra' "Rare In one of tho most re. ly and safely cured, charges reasonable c I markable cases In the crlmina 1 annals To Yonng Men and Middle Aged Men. I of the state. Is a free woman. She was A SURE CURE pardoned by Governor Terrell yestor- brlngi organic weakness, destroying botn I day, upon recommendation of tho prls. on commission. . The young girl was URETHRAL STRICTURE from Cherokee county and was serv- Cured, Removal complete, neltbei knife. I *“* a "te sentence In the penitentiary, Pr^Vx^iubfe" 1 itboutpam or injury, having ben convicted in the fall of np DYAR Addresses those wbo bare 1900 of the crime of Infanticide, un. Sisn Impaired tbcinselve. bylin- Tn proper indulge'^u“e"e« r w^JSuarT I In recommending that the pardon b« which ruin Uth body and mind. uMKt'ng granted the pardon board sot forth the them for business, stuly or marriage. following reasons: MARRIKDMEN, or tho*e<n:cringon that I <4 _. . . . . .. . happy life, aware of physical tie* 1 ity. quick-1 The evidence upon which the do- ly assisted. fendant was convicted was wholly clr* THOUSANDS CURED* I cumstantlal, and, while It was sufil- Our newsystem of mail treatment ejsbles I olently strong to Justify the verdict of u<4 to treat patients at their o*n home as| m .|ia v „ successfully as by a p ruonal interview, I ®U“ty» o*d not necessarily demand tha Send for perfect question list. Call on or I Game nor remove every doubt of her 1 guilt. Sddreis DR, A. S DYAR & CO. 34 l-2.Peachtrco Street, Between Marietta-and Walton Street, Arr.iNTA, 6a. Chapped ZRough Shin. Since the Georgia legislature con. voned, two representatives and ono senator havo died and two senators are now in tho sanitarinm for treatment, Saeh conditions seem to indicate that the legislative proceeding are rather tough on the average Georgian. Hr. Candler’s tax franchise measure has passed the house by a vote of 134 to 17. The indications are it will pass the senate and become a law. The grand jury of Leo county has recommended tho working of public roads by convicts. Every bole of good cotton is worth 3 cents, and no turner shonld sell fora fraction less. Carnation Toilet Cream is an ex- qusito preparation. “Best thing out for chapped hands, face, and any roughness of the skin,” say those that use it. It <s absorbed quickly, and does not soil gloves or any fabric when worn immedi ately alter its application. It help; to make the skin soft and smooth aud is certainly a fine addition to any lady's toilet. Price, 26 cents. The grand Jury which indicted her, the trial jury which convicted her, the county officers of Cherokee county and several hundred cltlsens of that coun ty, urged that executive clemency be extended, while the Judge who presld. ed at the trial and the assistant atate't counssl—the solicitor general who rep resented tho prosocutlon being dead- joined In this wish for pardon. While scaring her sentence daring the past two years she has been at the prison farm at Mllledgevllle. Her case has created widespread Interest throughout the state, and many Inflii. ential people Interested themselves In her behalf. She was charged a=1 convicted of killing her baby, and the evidence In ths case was of a remark able character, tending to prove, if It was true, that she whs a girl possess :d of unusual physical endurance. Something good for Christmas HAYNER WHISKEY PURE SEVEN-YEAR-OLD RYE 4 FULL $ft20 EXPRESS QUARTS O QUARTS PREPAID in s plain scaled cash with no marks or brands lo Indicate eoSSmS. _ S2f , £!*i Oak. OoL. Idaho. Mont. Nov., N. Mox.. Ora. Utah. Wash. Prepiu'd r FREE four. raincincaujr'printcd tScrcom ^ Writs our uearest oQce and do it NOw7 THE HAYNER OISTILLINQ COMPANY ATLANTA! GA. 0AYT0N, OHIO gT.L0UIS,Ha 8T. PAUL NINN. us Dmousr, teot. a ur quirt order wo wtU send free one eold-tlppod whiskey '“'•HS 1 **-, If youwlih to oond on order to s friend, ss wo wUl enr oso with the shipment an elegant souvenir Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. food. Itglvcs Instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows you to eat all tbe food you want The moetscnsitlvs stomachs can take it. By its usetmany thousands of dyspeptics havo been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on tho stom ach, relic Ing all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can'4 help buf do you good Sumter Sheriff Sales. Will be sold before tbe court bouse door In the city of Amerlcus. Sumter county Georgia, between tbe legal bourn of sale, on •he first Tue.dav la Jinuary, ISIS, tbe following deacrlbed properly, to-wll: 1 have under and by virtue of tbe law In auch oaw, made aud provided, II,I, day. levied tbe wltbtn execution on tbe following real proptrtr, to-wnt: tot of land number — •“"bred and forty-three: tbe south half- if la* - This preparation contains all of tha eight, sad twentj-flve"scruoff tbV nor.’t- dlgcstants and digests all kinds Of weat corner of lofr aa tte property of Jackson Carter to _ _ atlufy au execution luued (tom Sumter Prepared only by RO. .On\ViTT&Oo.,Ohlpamj M-perlor court In favor of J. w. Rtiiseli The (1. IxjUIo c;uf4tlns 'iVt tluicstho toe. slsu, ‘acison Carter. Property p not*d out W A. R mbert, Americut. Ga GOLDEN ACE ram old . LINCOLN CO. WHISKEY WE, THK OISTIttERS, guaraoteo theeo (nods to bo pure and Treats old. None better at any price. We will ihlp In plain boxes to any address, exprem pre paid at tbe following die- tiller’, prleest B Full BottlOS, $3.4 0 10 Full Bottlos, 6.BB 12 Full Bottles, 7.00 IB Full Bottlos, 0.70 Tour money beck If not os repreMUtwl. A inmplo H pint by exprem prepaid, for SOo in stAniDSe AMERICAN SUPPLY CO., Distillers, Ot lot of land number one I undred and U(ty- elgbt, and tw-enty-ave acre, oil tbe uor.h- west corner of lot of land number one hund red and fiirtv-four.all eltuated. lying and be- inglntheFlilecntbClsirletofSumter coun- ly31a. said pr<.|>erty:ievltd the property of MaryE. West d, fendant (o execution to artisfv an execu'lon Inurd from Sumter euperlor ourtln favor of Johtson a Harrold v f. M-rylc. Wiab Properly point! d out by n-li.iln , attorney a»d tenant In poueaelan noiided In terms of the law. Tol.Scddayof ttcember, 1»J», .queneror lot or land No. IS’.lu tberitb Diet let of eumter county, oa containing nfty acre,, more or lean. Levied Bussell ts. . . —, r ...t<d out by J 'o5*F.* * , * orn *T si"* tenant In nt stavlon n • lined in t rmsul tbe law Tbla May rib, AJro at the lame time and piece will be told, a c* TIMn boos ai d lot, containing one i ere more nr less, situated on tbe corner of J .ckspn and Pain non si reels. In tbe city of Ac eilcus. eumte county, oa„ and bounded a* (oi'ows: norib by P-tterror, street, on tbo writ by Jackson rtreet, south by lands form erly owned by Monday Mltabcll. east by lot of Mere* Mlicbell. Levied on as tbe r ui mere* Hiicneu. n-cvici on as the prop* eriy of Joe Allen. I l a Youog and Bcasle Merer* oaatlsty an execution liuued from the Justice Court ol tbe jasib UMrlnt.G. M, In,favor ot W. II. Scarborough rs. Joe Mien, F.lla koung aid lles-le elevens. Property pointed oui by plalotlS's attorney an<Tten ant In possession no tiled In terma or tbe law. a evr made br W. M Ragan. L C. and r«tur ltd tome. This Dec. I, L II S. *. L UP.Ll, sheriff. KIDNEY DISEASES are the most fatal of all dls* eases. Application for Charter. GEORGIA -South. Cooktv. * 'lo Hie -- u;erlor Court of said county. . Th 'f'J , ' on ol J - French, J. S Porres- ler. W. U Srann and Waller Dear e. a'l of I kid state and county, respecunlly shorn; 1st, That they desire for tbi mseiyes, tkelr associates, tuccetsore and,ass:gns. to become DM “ J&arr/s jCithia Water is a perfect natural prescription for all diseases ofthe Kidneys, Liver and Bladder. Put np in half gal Ion bottlos at 35c a boitlo or 3 bot- t'cs for 11.00. Dodson’s Pharmacv. "MeetMe at Dodson's." FIT FOR THE ANGELS. This dcscription'sonndr'alittlosobil mental, bat It waa applied lo one ol onr E. P. Carpenter Orgene by an en- thoiiaatio admirer We know that theee inetromeeli ore eirtalnly fit for morlalt Tbry are mtde by expert bnmtn bends operated by intelligent bnmtn minde to give pleasure to edneated hnman ears. QWe offer organs in a variety of etylee aid tiiee and at every price. A. L. DENT PIANO CO. GOULD AND HARRIMAN FIGHT. FOLEY’S r idney cure V I Passenger Traffic " MUa I W H0OTDI8I0 HBOBOJ Under Windsor Hotel. For Sale. 210 and 212 r Pilnce strict, ?'so 326 Forsyth stre it, and other city homes (or one-fifth cub, balance injlOO monthly payments. Buy the Coleman piopsity ou Lee street, 4 acres Cal' on or address H. T. DAVENPORT, R: l Ettae Agent’ Whiskey My. A H. VUL Maa'gr %3SSZ&£g&\ Trareeentlnental Passenger Trafflo War May Be Precipitated. New Orleans. Dec. 6.—A transconti nental passenger traffic war I* likely to be precipitated at New Orleans by the latest move of the Southern Pa cific railroad In Joining In a anion depot plan with the Illinois Central railroad, cutting out the Louisville and Nashville crossing. This action, It Is believed, will result In the Louis, vlllo and Nashville and the Texas and Pacific Joining In an agreement to handle transcontinental traffic. This will likely be done unices tbe Louis- vlllo and Nashville Is forced to entsr the union depot on Jon. 1, when the Southern Pacific goes In aa the Queen and Orescent Is included-In the plan. Tbe fight between the Gould and Harriman Interests to further accen- tested by tbe action of tbe South era Pacific In routing Its business from New York to north Texas via New Or leans and tbe Shreveport and Red River Valley railroad instead of the Texas and Pacific. In furtherance of fts scheme of cot onlzatlon of-southwest Louisiana and Texas the Southern Pacific yesterday carried through New Orleans 1600 home seekers, tho »«rd large partv of agriculturists recently brought In to this section by tho Sratlfera Pacific. or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the Best lor Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and $1.00. •TIE Windsor Hotel. AMkMlCUh-.litOMijl* mswhv u, (tSrt' Irnrrl-I,. A PPLICATHJN zx- TWKLVK MONTHS SUPPORT. Georgia—wEmits Court?. Whereas, Lucy If. It. having made applies- ll- n lor twelve montns support out of the Jeff Be". *nd appValser. duly ap- ij'nted toset apatt the name h .ting eted .hclrteturnr. * ’ihc.sars therefore to dte and admonish all persona concerned, whether kindred or r realtors, to show cause on or he fore the Jannarv term of the Court of Ordinary to held on the Orel Mun.lay In January, . vhvslid tiffifftlnn ghnt.lrl neve k. w nfia oQtue Dial MubiUj |q January IPS, why said petition should hot be granted a* prayed for. Witness my hand anil om-la signature, this the Istday of D^e£hw"it\ T. J. TuaKP, Ordlnuy. - Japanese Political Situation. New York, Dec. 2.—Tho Jupanen political situation Is still undctci- mined according to a Times dispatch from Toklo by way of London. Ths Marquis Ito and, tho Marquis Yams, gata are endeavoring to discover line; on which a compromise can bo reached and tho resignation of the cabinet thereby avoided. , Administrator’s Sale. GEORGIA—WnSTSfl COCBTT. tn order of tbe Court of Or- Sto BS96SS/& S°ZVry p . u !:" 3 0 ,a Webster county. 25 wit. kart hall of lot of land No. SI. ana tb# undivided one half Interest ih lot of land «?'- nh.15 11 tetofland No. us all in the ISt District of ealii county, gold for the f urpnse of-dl.trib tinn amone the helrA enn, cash. Thiqr>ec.*nd. INK. L Ad‘'7n.T~ geo. E, THORNTON. ^.ili!,'i Utr tor of t * ut * of V. o, Jonee deceased. . “Hard words break no bones,” but they do break hearts.; Incorrorat. d uud.! the name end etyie of “THIS FHENCU--PANN COMPANY." tod The term for which petlUoners ark t> he Incorporate! Is twenty years, with tha prjv lere of ret ewal at tbe end of that time, ntrd t The capital s-ork of the corporation la to be Twenty Thousand Ddlata, dltidcd Into anarea of one hundred dollars each. Petitioners, however, ask the privilege of Increasing aald capital stock from time to {{.Xa^d^rri 1 ^ lQ 4ih. Ths whole of said capital stock of tweoty theuaand dollars has been actually paid la. sth. 1 ha object of tbe proposed corpora tion la pecuniary proat and-gain to Its stock holders. Petlib/neia propose to carry one E eneral mercantile, supply, cotton and ware- nuae business; either or all: dealing at wholesale or retail, or both, aa t" - w. icwi. - . uwB, h they may sea ot and proper: buying and setting for cash r r on credit, all such tblnya aa are usually embraced In aald business or businesses, and acts, which pertain to or may he connect! therewith. . etb, Petitioners pray that thty may bay, aril, lease or rent real eatata as may be of It tern t to tbemselres and tbe business tney shall carry on;that they maymakesnch rules rrrnlatlo a, er by-laws aa they may aee 8% for the carrying on of aald business not to couOlctwlth tho charter here sought, nor with the laws of the state, and that they may aua and be sued plead and be Implead - ed under eiid corporate name of “THIS a RKNCH-UPaNN COMPANY." Ttn. Too stockholders ol eala cotprraUoi 'hall be liable ter be "ails ot the save In the amount of ttock witch they have enb- - crlbcd. uth. Tbe irlncipslcBct and p'acsof bus'- trasof thrproposrdco.p ration will be In Ihetown of Pl.lns, said State and county, out petition no ask IBs rnvllege of esub. Ilsblog branch oBcea and buslnea-es at inch other places, within and withont this State as they may aee at. Wherefore petitioners pray to be made a and Immunities, and sub ea axed by law. Tbla I mma. GRAHAM FORRESTER, Petitioners Attorney, o ^ORGIA—StmTKR COCRTT..mWI I hereby certify that the above ts a tree opy ot the orl. Inal aa taken from the nfnutce of Sumter Superior cou-t. _j . WOOD, lerkS. C Deputy Clerk 8. a CMONEY LOANED! I Farm loans negotiated any where ia Southwest Georgia at low rates and on easy tiims. Save money - ' 1 by see ing ma Q. R. ELLIS. Amerlcus, Ga. The eh ief burden of a woman’s 1 her neighbors.