Americus weekly times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1902-1907, December 12, 1902, Image 8

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The Christmas Selling Begins,
And it begins right. Begins with (and every section fully fortified
meet the demands of the gift givers and who is not a gift giver
Christmas?) To tell you about this big stock is the obiectof this “ad
Can’t tell you about all of it by any means; can only suggest to you the
strength of some of its most prominent features, a hint here and there
to guide yon in your buying. A visit to the store will do the rest, and
that visit you are cordially invited to make at as early a date as pos
sible. You’ll find the Christmas spirit pervading every nook and
corner of the store.
All Sorts of Leather Goods.
Suit cases, satchels, shopping
bags, pocket books, bill books, purses; all make; useful and
appreciated presents.
Just received a large variety of
purses at 25c.
A large assortment of Wrist
Bags in seal and alligator leather
at 35c, 60c, 65c, 75c and SI each.
Special SaleSilk Dress Skirts
$15.00 Silk Dress Skirt reduced
to $12. U0.
910.00 Silk Dress Skirt now
914.50 Silk Dress Skirt 'i
911.50 Silk Dress Skirt now $8.
$1.50 Knit Petticoats at $1
You can buy knitted Petticoats
we sell regularly at $1.50; this
week at 91.00. Germantown wool
jersey ribbed, gray, pink, blue,
black, white and red, with rainbow
stripes around bottom
Another special value knitted
Petticoats at 50c, regularly sold at
75c; fine quality, jersey ribbed, in
gray with pink, blue and red
stripes around bottom.
Special Sale of Umbrellas.
Ladies’ Mercerized Umbrellas,
steel rod and paragon frame, worth
$1 at 75c.
Ladies’ 26-inch Silk Gloria Cloth
Umbrellas, steel rod and paragon
frame, worth $1.60at $1.00.
LadieB’ Silk Gloria Cloth Um
brellas, paragon frame, steel rod,
fancy pearl handle, worth 92.00,
special at $1.50.
$2.50 Gray Blankets at $1.75
100 11-4 Gray Blankets with
fancy borders, “Cornwall,” worth
$2.50 at $1.75.
Special Sale Handkerchiefs.
We’ve provided ior the wants of
Handkerchief buyers as never be
fore. More than double the selling
space. Done everything towards
making choosing easy.
Ladies’ hemstitched and em
broidered Handkerchiefs, worth
Joe, special 10c.
Ladies’ all-linen fine embroider
ed and hemstitched Handkerchiefs,
regular price 35c, special this week
at 25c.
Ladies’ Silk Handkerchiefs, hem
stitched, worth 50c; special at 25c.
Ladies’ and Gent’s Silk Hand
kerchiefs, with initials, worth 76c;
special at 50c.
Special Sale of Ladies Belts.
Jnst received a large assortment
of ladies’ Belte in black and fancy
colors at 25c, 50c, 75c and $1.
Young Llfo Came to a Close Yester
day Morning.
Barely bas the death of anyone here
aronsed deeper sorrow than does that
of Uiss Winnie Bragg, which occurred
at 5 o’clock yesterday morning, the re
sult of boros received the day before
while standing osar an open grate, her
elotbing having become ignited.
The end came at the hoar stated after
a night of interne pain.
Mies Winnie Bragg was the eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Bragg, the idol of both and loved as
well by hundreds r.f friends.
J ust bndding into yonng womanhood,
this beautiful young girl of sixteen
stood upon the threshold of a bright
aud happy future. Fair io fotm and
featnre, o! snnny disposition, she won
the hearts of all and her tragio death
bas cast a gloom upon the city.
In the darkened home, in tho c'ass
room, everywhere is there sorrow,
deep and heartfelt.
The fnneral services will bo conduct
ed at 0 o'clock this morning from the
family residence, 101 Lee street, near
Leeton. Bevs. B. E. Neighbor and B.
L. Bivins will officiate, Friendaof the
Nuptial* of Mis* Lilia Johnson and |
Mr. Norman Miller.
family, aud especially the classmates
of the deceased, will attend.
Foils a Deadly Attack.
“My wife was so ill that good physl-
claua were enable to bolp her,” write*
M. M. Austin, cf Winchester. Ind.,
“but was completely oared by Dr,
King’s New Life Pills,”. They work
wonders in stomach and liver troubles.
Cures constipation,sick headache, 25c.
E. J. E'dndge’s drug store.
The marriage last evening of Miss
Lilia Johnson and Mr. Norman O.
Miller, thoDgb solemnized a i thousand
milesaway, was none the less an occa
sion of greatest interest in Americas
and many were the congratulatory
telegrams sent the yonng couple last
The marriage rites were solemnized
at 0 o’clock at the residence of Mbs
Eugenia Graham, in Chicago, where
Miss Johnson was visiting.
Quite an assemblage of friends wit
nessed the nuptials, among the atten.
dants being Mr. Henry Johnson Jr.
eldest brother of the fair bride. Short
ly after the coromnny Mr. and Mrs.
Miller left upon a short bridal trip,
which includes Niagara Falls aud New
They will return to Americns in two
weeks and will be “at home” at the
residence ol tho bride's parents, Col.
and Mrs. Henry B. Johnson.
The bride is one of Americns* fairest,
most talented and enltnred yonng wo
men whose accomplishments have
long sinoe endeared her to a host of
friends here and elsewhere, and the
annonneement of her marriage will be
of greatest interest throughout the
Prof. Miller can also be claimed a
resident of Amerions, where be has
many friends. He is well known as an
educator and nntil recently was prin
cipal of the Amerions pnblio sohools
for several years.
Friends of the Mlselng Agent Contln
ue Searoh.
Mr. J. W, Jackson, formerly In Ibe
Central’s offloe in Amerions. la still ao
ting agent of the company at Ella
villa In the absence of Agent G. E.
Bobinson, who mysteriously disap
peared from Ellaville one week ago
today. Agent Bobinson left catena!
bly for Albany, but no trees of him
could be found there or elsewhere,
though hie friends hays made dili
gent rearch. M-. Bobinson lhas been
agent for the road at Eilat Ule for
number of years and is held in highest
esteem. Hie accounts, it is eald, are
all correct as far as oan be aaoertalned,
and his disappearance is indeed a mys
tery, A wife and four little children
are distressed at the absence of hus
band and father, and fear that he has
been foully dealt with. The disap
pearance of Agent Bobinson is still
the seniation in EUavUle, and hie
friends will oontlnne the search for
the missing man.
Bella Letter Boxea and Colleots In
Americas may be viaited shortly by
a smooth swindler who caught many
citizens ol Borne by hie little game.
The fellow, who is bandsomoly dressod
and has pleasing mannerr, hat been
going from house to honse selling mail
boxes to be pnt np at gates or doors.
He says the government regnlation*
are that every home mnet have a letter
box. After making hia ta'k and show
ing his credentials, the fellow says the
mail box mnit be paid for in adranor,
and generally ha colleots 50 oenta. A
number of eases have been reported.
This is the season for the "smooth
goods” to come along and Amerions
will bays many of them.
Incendiary's Toroh Result* In Consld
erablo Los*.
An unknown incendiary bnrned the
large ginhonse on Oapt. M. B, Conn
oil’s plantation, near Amerions, San
day morning, entailing a lose of 83,000
whioh was total, as there was no In
surance on building or contents. Be
sides tho bnllding end its fine equip
ment of oosily maobinery, there were
six bales of ootton and 6,000 bnabela
cottonseed in the honse, all of which
went np in smoke. The cottonseed
alone were worth $1,600 at current
prieee and will prove a severe loss to
OapL Connoll. The honse waa fired at
midnight. There bad been no work
done in the building for several days,
which faot points dearly to the origin
of the fire.
Martlago In Savannah of Interest In
Change In Offloe Hours
I will be in my offloe fiom 0 a. m. to
Ip. m., but will have no afternoon
hsnre. (tw) Dn. Hobiwe.
Mr. anl Mrs. Edward Cecil Madden
Gabbett annonnoe the engagement
ol their daughter, Leonora Epping
Gabbett, to Mr. Henry Ltndsley
Backus, the marriage to take
plaoe on Wednesday evening, Deo.
24tb, at 6 o’clock, at St. John’s
ohnreb, Savannah. This announce
ment ia of mnoh interest in America*,
the home of Major and Mra. Gabbett
for several years, and many friends of
the fair bride-elect are reserving oon
giatnlations. Both Misa Gabbett and
Mr. Baokna are prominent in eooiety
eirdea of Savannah and their marriage
will be an ooeaalon of mnoh interest in
that oity and throughout the state.
For Sale or Rent.
The plantation in Webster county,
known se J. D. Sheppard’s place, near
Preston. With the plaee can be
bought (took and implement* on place.
Eight-horse farm. Possession given
after Dee. 1st. Apply to Bank of
Southwestern Georgia.
Chipped hands and
Bembert’s drag store.
face cared.
Moro Recruits Aro Sont to the Front
In superior conrt yesterday John
Copeland, the Zulu behind the gun in
recent shooting tonrnament, was
sentenced to four years in the pen for
assanlt with intent to mnrder another
brother in black.
Copeland, it ia said, also at the same
time and plaoe shot a bay male to see
him jump. He will be jumped for that
offense later.
Will Mathis, a member of a gang
charged with ear breaking, was nr.
Mathis, it was alleged, robbed ears
in the Central Baitway yards here
reeently and earned away a lot of pro
visions. Some of the loot exhibited
daring trial was alleged to have been
fonnd concc-alod in hia eastle.
At a late bonr in tho afternoon the
jury waa atili deliberating upon the
Mathis case.
Will Engrain was tried for aBsanlt
with intent to kill, the crime having
been ooremitted some time ego. En
grain emigrated in the interim and was
only reoently harpooned by the aherifi.
The jury was ont on his ease at a late
hoar yesterday.
"If you want to know what smartly dressed men will wear
this season, ask to see Fechheimer-Fishel Smart Clothes."
|rue Economy
in Clothes Buying
£^OES rot ccmist in buying
ilotfces at a low price. Real otly practiced wh«n
you buy the best clothes that can
poseibly be made at a /air price.
WeJrecommend the
Fechheimer-Fishel Co
Smart Clothes,
because even if they cost a trifle
more^tban the ordlnarj[reedy-me<?e,
the intnnsic’valce that you get in
comparably greater. You cannot
buy'as good ready-to wear clothes
as Fechbeimer-Fisbtl Co. make at
any’price. SA good"custom tailor can
make-tc-your-measure clo’hes as
good, but at more than double Fechheimer-Fishel Co’s
Fechheimer-Fishel Co’s Smart Suits and Overcoats-
$10.00 and Upwards,
"live Fullmore"
A Million Voices
Could hardly express the thanks of
Homer Hal), of West Point, la. Listen
why: A severe eold bad settled on hie
lunge, oanslug a most obstinate oougb.
Several pbyslolans laid he bad consump
tion, bat oould not help him, When all
thought he was doomed he began to use
Dr. King’s New Discovery for Oonsnmp- j _ _ . - . - , _ _
Hon and writes: "It complete!) oared BOVS Kll68 PHIlt SlljtS, $1 50 tO $7.50.
me and saved my life. I now weigh 227 #
lbs," It’s positively guranteed fori
Coughs,Colds’ond Lang troubles. Prloe I
50o. end 81.60, Trial bottles free at |
E. J. Eldrldge’s drug store.
Boys’ Overcoats. $2.50 to $12.50,
Boys’ Knee Trousers, 25c to $1.50.
Cold Weather Necessaries.
Ladies’ Under vests and Pants, 25c to $1.
Ladies’ Union Suits, 35c to $150.
Children’s Vests and l’ants from 15c to 75c a garment
Heayy Hosiery for Ladies’, Misses and Children, 10c
Cares Cancer and Blood Poison.
If vou have blood poison producing
eruptions, pimples, nloers, swollen
glands, bnmps and risings, horning,
Itohlng skin, copper-colored spots
rash on the skin, mnoons patobea
month or throat, falling hair,bone pains,
old rheumatism or fool catarrh, take
Botanlo Blood Balm (B. B. B.)
kills the poison In the blood; toon all
sores, eruptions beat, bard swelling sob-
aide, acbea and pa.ns stop and a perfeot
euro la made of the worst eases of Blood
For cancers, tumors, swellings, eating
sores, ngty nloers, persistent pimple* of
*11 kinds, take B. B. B. It destroys the
cancer poison In the blood, heals cancer
of all kind*, oures the worst humors or
■upperatlng swellings, Thousands cured
by B. B B. after all else fails. B. B,
B. compostd of pora bomanto Ingredl
onts. Improves tbe digestion, makes
the blood pare and rich, stops the awful
itohlng and all • harp, shooting,
pains, Thorongbly tested for thirty
yean. Druggist*, 81 per bottle, with
complete directions for home euro
Sample free and prepaid by writing
Blood Balm Co. Atlanta, Gs, Deserlbe
trouble and free medical advice also
eut In sealed letter.
Money to Lend.
I have aboni 62,000 or 62,500 to
lend. Security must be absolutely
first class. Interest low.
B, E. Lee,
Offloe 14 and 16 Planters Bank Bldg,
Dog Lost.
Pointer pappy, almost grown, with
large liver colored apot*. Findtr will
retnrn to this office and receive reward,
"The best advice in—don't give iny
away,” don’t take mnoh more.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Toie Laxative Bromo Quinine Toilets. /!(%£,
Cures Crip to Two Days. ■, This Signature,
on every
box. 25c.
Former Amerious Lady Passes Away |
Belatives in Amerions received tele-1
grams yesterday morning conveying
the very rad intelligence of the death
of Mrs. Baas Harper which occurred | to 60c per pair,
at her home in Biohmond, Va. on
Monday. The announcement was not
wholly nnexpooted, as Mrs. Harper
had been very seriously ill for some
time. Tho deoeaeed was reared in
Amerions and as Miss Jennie Staple
ton waa (beloved by all here and where
ever known. She was in the prime of
yonng womanhood and her untimely
death is a eevere blow to all of her business in this department we have
many loved ones and parlionlarly to the
stricken young husband and four little ever had before. The principal rea-
children. The very serious illness of *
Mr. George Stapleton prevents her v ' 0n Ior
Knit Petticoats from 50c to $1.50 each
Sateen Petticoats, 60c to $3.50.
Ladies’ Tailor-Made Suits and Jackets.
S j far we] have had the largest
this ip we have a stock
<- tu. p»t of <■»
The cold weather is now upon us
and it is absolutely imperative with
you that you do not defer longer mak*
ing your purchases. Come now while
you can find what you want and be
Foley’s Honi-y ini Tar roiltlvely
oures all throat and Inng diseases. Be-
fuse substitutes. John B, Hudson.
New Pastor of Presbyterian Church
Will Coma Then.
Bev. J. Logan Irvin, of Vanoebnrg,
Ky. who quite recently was called to
tho pastorate of tho Presbyterian
Ohnreb here, win reach Amerions P»i-1 and prices ranging from $1 to $15 each!
day next and will at once eeenme hie *’ ° 6 v ^
new duties here. Mr. Irvin ia a very Walking and Dress Skirts in a tremendous
eloquent, talented and foroefnl yonng stv ] e3 .-j ;
minister, and daring a sojourn of two | y ana pnces *
weeks here reoently made many
friends who will join the people of
Amerions generally in extending him
a hearty weleome to bis new field of |
fitted. Prices guaranteed satisfactory in every instance.
Large line of Children’s Coats and Jackets of all sizes
variety of
A kidney or bladder trouble eon
always be eared by ailng Foley’s Kidney
Core In lime. Jcha R. Hudson.
Wellknown Citizen of Sumter Has
Passed Away.
Mr. W. J. Parker died with eanoer of
the fees, at his home near Leslie lest
Tuesday. The interment took place at
Pleasant Grove Cemetery Wednesday
' llo’olook, Bov. A. B. Hawkes con
ducting the faneral servicer. He]
leaves a wife, five children, several
grand children and a host of relatives
and friends to mourn hie Bad death.
He was 52 years of age, and lived the
last 85 year* of bis life a devoted mem
ber of tho Baptist church ver ready
to falfil his Christian daly toward all.
Blankets and Comfortables.
In a large variety of styles and prices, ranging from
the cheapest to the finest.
Carpets. Rugs. Etc.
II you have Carpets, Rugs and Curtains to buy do not
put It off longer. We are showing the best line we have
ever caraied and we bought them to sell,
All grades of Inggains from the cheapest to the finest.
Brussels 50c, 65c, 75c, 85c, $1 per yard.
Velvets from $1 to $1.50 per yd.
Mattings from 15c to 60c per yd.
Rugs and Art Squares, all grades, sizes and prices.
Itch on human cored in 30 minntei
by Wollford’a Sanitary Lotion. Thii
never faili. Bold by E. J, Eldridge,
druggist, Amcrtone, Ga 1
Cough cared. Syfap of Pine
Bembcrt’* drag store.
2-3 0.1