Newspaper Page Text
The Sickest Man is Not Always in Bed,
The meanest kind of sickness Js just to be able
to attend to duties and yet not feel equal to the task
The eternal grind keeps many in the traces who
ought to be in bed.
A thorough course of Johnson’s Chill and Fever
Tonic would give a new lease on life to such people.
It tones up the the whole digestive apparatus. Puts
the Liver in the best condition possible. Gives a
splendid appetite. Renews strength and restores
vitality. •
Office of J. B. LASSITER.
a b Hendsonviixk, 8. C,Sept. 2, 1890.
■“* R * A* Girardeau, Savannah, Ga.
. d *-arSir:—Some years ago I operated a float
ing saw-mill on the Savannah Biver. My base of
operations was being constantly changed, and my
hands were always exposed to the worst malarial
influences. I employed over one hundred hands,
and the work was conducted as much in water as
out of it. For this reason, in August and Septem
ber there was great loss of time and business, on
account of sickness among the workers.
My attention was then called to Johnson’s Chill
and Fever Tonic, and I determined to give the
medicine a trial. I procured it, and those who
were sick were put on this treatment, and those who
were feeling badly were at once given the Tonic.
In a short time every one of the one hundred hands
was well and reported for duty; and from that time
on I used nothing else but Johnson’s Tonic, and
never had another case of fever.
' Yours very truly,
N. C. & St. I-. Suffered Greatly
Fran Storm.
Between Paducah Junction and Mar
tin, Tenn., Much Distress la Report
ed on Account of the Inundation of
Homes In Flood’s Path.
Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 17.—The rail
roads are still badly crippled- because
of serious flood conditions that have
prevailed in western Tennessee for
three days. More trains arrived this
No “Paoiflc Blockade” Is Ex-
8tate of War, Says Premier, Actually
Exists With Venezuela and Notifi
cation of Blockade Will Shortly Bo
Given Powers.
aura Fort or spam, Trinidad, corre
spondent, denies the report that they
have Joined common cause with Cas
tro against the allies.
On the contrary, according to re
ports received, the government troops
under General Velutlnl. have been
twice defeated by the revolutionists,
flrst at Guay Ira and second at El Chi
co, where they were completely rooted
and fled in disorder.
Moreover, it la reported from Alta
Gracia that Oeneral Rolando, at the
head of 6,000 revolutionist!, Is march-
lug-on Caracas with the object of cap
turing the city and overthrowing Cas
The rebels In Trindad believe that
morning than at any other time since I A * tate of wi
Sunday. | Venezuela and an Intimation of the
The Nashville, Chattanooga and St.
a h^se°of™ m- p^TT
Smsrxsst&ls rIS ™
A state of war actually exfsted with
| T "«'uv*iie. vnaiianooga ana tit. wouId ehortIy be given to I President Castro’s Attitude Approved.
Louis railway will be one of the great- the oower *- I Monroe Doctrina Rldlculerfv
est losers. Between Murray and Pa- f** tour added that the block- s«n Jose, Costa rUca” Dec 17—The
ducah it Is announced that 1.600 yards **» wouldl b ® carri . ed with «» little Costa Rican government wlil not dis-
of track has been- washed awsy. Be- th® Venezuelan situation, but it
tween Somerville and Hickory Withe I Nothing definite had occurred with can be said on good- authority that
there la also a stretch of ruined track the arbitration proposals the ministers favor President Castro’s
where the waters of the same river ® nco Ma Previous statement on the attitude.
I that caused* the damage to tho South* I •°bject. s I
Absolutely: Purer
—m. B v w vuw uuuur I - . i Public feeling here is bitter against
ern railway near Grand Junction are ™ I >remier also the operations the British and German action The I
| responsible for the damage. The r ** a « t “ tly undertaken, not to re- United States is much criticised and Population Is
idi Chattanooga I °° ver debts, but after a long and pa-1 the Monroe doctrine rMimtine in-.i I ”
icaponsiDie ior tue damage. Tne uuuwuuien, not to re* united Btatee is much criticised and
trains from Nashville andi Chattanooga “ver debts, but after a long and pa-1 the Monroe doctrine Is ridiculed. Final-1 nr.,,
are arriving over the Illinois Central |“ #nt delay - to recover conpensatlon-l ly President Castro Is looked unon as I With
tracks from Paducah Junction. J*® r a88auItB on British subjects and setting a good example to Spanish I ...t. ,
Between Paducah Junction and Mar-1** 1 ® ® 6 * ,ure of British veeeclz. I America. | FATXLITIE8
tin, Tenn., much 'distress Is reported. I Mr - concluded his statement I
The water baa partially Inundated wlth “T 1 "* he could make no an- They 8hout For Venezuela. I Food and Clothing Are Being Sent to
I tlrtllnnanwHia a. *«. —.I. uk it., .aa.. I ( Tv ass • I *
me water naa partially Inundated COUM * maKO an- ,no r onoul for Venezuela. Food and Clothing Are Being Sent to
many cabins and outhouses, and ln h° uneonront as to whether the offer Guayaquil, Ecuador, Dec. 17.—A par th6 Unfortun .,« r
I dome Instances the negro occupants 1°* arbitration from Venezuela would I trlotic demonstration took place here „ Unfortuna,e Inhabitants From
I are appealing for arslatance. Much I** by Great Britain. I l*te Sunday. A lam» nnmw I" Other Towns—Wrecked Citv Had
I lire stock is reported destroyed.
- —u.cofc unuuii, I kte Sunday. A large number of peo- j
The statement wae made In reply I P 1 ® who had attended a meeting went I
to the desire of tho Liberal leader, to <h«W Venezuelan and to the other
flip Hftnw re.—-v.n rv - - » I South ATrurrlnnn, a* I
Other Towns—Wrecked City Had
Population of 30,000.
Ashkabad, Russian Turkestan, Tues-
Condltlons are steadily Improving In to **0 dealra of tho Liberal leader, I to th^ Venezuelan and to the other I ... .
Arkansas. Trains are arriving late Slr H ®nry Campbell-Bannerman, for 8011 th American consulates shouting: Ashkabad, Russian Turkestan, Tues-
but all lines were reported open ’ I Information on the Venezuelan situs-1 “Long live Castro!’’ “Long live Ven. D® 0, 16—The town of Andijan,
Itlon. After reiterating Lord Lans- eauela!' 1 and “Long live the South I Fenvhana government, was totally do-
BAinsmi isi *■■■ I flnviM’d otatAmant In t1> n L..... I Amorirnn AAimiMoaIII mi,. _i I EtrOVGfl hv an AnHhmialrn t'/utotr
For X’mas Shoppers.
Chemically 8prayed Hyaelntha Death
to Florida Cattle. .. _
Palatka, Fla., Dec. 17.—Considerable 15L Qrettt Britaln ®n<
excitement prevails among stockmen d,Bei! ® nt portions of the coast and
on Rice creek, who, within the last though the two fleets will have the
on Rice creek, who, within the last
day or two, -have found some 25 or 30
head of cattle dead from eating hyn
tlon. After reiterating Lord Lane-■ — >—- „ ....
downs’* statement in the house of I American countries!’’ The partlcl- Btroy ® d hy an earthquake today,
commons yesterday, the premier con-1 Paats in the demonstration before dls-1 The number of fatalities Is nc. ...
eluded: parsing adopted a resolution flaking I aacertalned. The population is threat-
“The blockade wlil be carried out I PveMdent Pla to protest against' the I® nodl wl ‘h starvation. Shocks were
by Great Britain and Germany along 46110,1 of the allied powers. f “ n *" M “” ”*—*■-’*
— “ * the coast and 1
felt in New Margholan and surround
ing villages, and a railway at Andi
jan was destroyed for a considerable
- Castro la Sustained. ■— —
objects, they will not act as one New York, Dec. 17.—The consul dl * ton ««
. We never bad any Intention of general of Venezuela In this city today Food and clothing are being sent to
dntha that have been sprayed with a I ,an<Und troops in Venezuela or of oc- rec ® ,Ted the following cablegram: Andijan. Andijan is a town.of Rue-
View to their destruction by the gov-1 cupjrln “ territory even temporarily. “Caracas, Dec. 17—Bankers, bar, com-1 f ,aa central Asia, 76 miles from Kho-
ornmept boat Le Reve. I We do not' think it desirable on either I merc «, society and clergy constituted I “hand. It had-a population of about
| It Is reported That 12 head of cat-1 y ' or other grounds. All the ,n commute approve the government’a 30,000 ®° ula '
nrt,!« ,„„IC_ I — l -li tIe wer ® foll, > d 'lead Saturday and 16 p ondl t|®ns governing such a blockade I (tritude and offer President Castro
I Ills Sl0r6 Has SflV6l1|9p6CiaI atldlwl Sunday hy people Who went out to in-| have been carefully considered, and I toeir aid unreservedly. (Signed)
° ' Ivestlgate. will be published In due time for the Torres ~—-
. . j . • t £ r, ... , John W. Gllsson, who has lost sev-1 * n f° rmat| on of the neutrals. The lder.t.”
tlOll 10 the purchase Of a beautiful «™> ^h cows f»u poisoned hya . wvemment I. most anxious that In r ALeONlfl Tn vlalT
r I dnths, telegraphed to Governor Jen-1 operations, the necessity fori FALC0NI ° TO VI8IT SAVANNAH.
. I ntnire n.lrlnn. *V.•, ..... 1 ... . I which W(1 dOCnlv WIPNlf (tin.. .V.
i Cardenas, secretary of the pres-1 ~
| Deadly Work Done by Gat Tank In
New Jersey,
l emtns, telegraphed to Governor Jen-1 wperauons, tne necessity fori • -
. a I • e j ,, ,, . I nlngs asking that steps be taken to I '’hich we deeply regret, there should I Catholic* Will Be Honored by Apostol
ana useful line Of QTOOuS SUitahle fOrl stoI> th ® further operations of the Le| b0 18 l , t1 !® '“cohvemence to neutrals I Ic Delegate.
° . I Reve, and came to Palatka to lay the 1 18 I>09Bl,) ‘e. No difference will be I Savannah, Ga., Dec. 17.—The Cath-| ™ umuiauy ameoi ana
I matter before the government officer I mado between the vessels of tho vavl-1 °Hcs of Savannah are to be especially hla wlf ® »°-®«riou»Iy Injured that her
’ I In charge of the work. | ous neutral powers. I think It Is I honored during the Christmas holl-1 recover y Is despaired of.
Fort Lee, N. J., Dec. 17.—By the ex-
plogion of a gas tank the residence
of John PuglughI was demolished,
his five children Instantly killed and
I In charge of the work. __
I Mr. Gllsson says he has received In-15*” 11 ® * ,ke, y lh e United States will
I formation that stock Is dying on Black “‘““ that there cannot be such a thing
I creek In the same manner, the hya-1 a h 40 *®? blockade,” and I, person-
I .Mk -i— ^—.— ■ j ally, take the same view. Evidently,
7. ... * vu.iui i. I Uli
.!.£ the Unlted States will j days by an official visit from the I
* American representative of Pope Leo
1 XII. 1
The dead are;
elnth poisoning process having been tak ® 0,6 “*> view. Evident!
In progress there a short time ago. I * blockade Involves a state of war.”
He says that the iFmotoms.liMllentAI —_
to Hen. Our line of Smoking: Jack
ets at $7.50, $8.50 and $10.00, and
Bath Robes at $3.50 to $10.00 are
very desirable
He says that the symptoms.Indicate
I arsenic poison, and It Is supposed that
■ Most Rev. Diomede Falconlo, apes-1
tollc delegate to the United States,
accompanied by the secretary to the
Ida PuglughI, aged- 14 years, rv
Tllljr, aged 12 years. ,!
Irene, 10 year*. ,
Adeline, 7 years.
Georgs, • years.
The mother was found 200 feet from
papal delegation at Washington, Rev. P 10 motter was found 2°° feet from
this Is one of the principal Ingredients „ * p - z - Rsoker, will reach Savannah the I“? r ® ***• ®*P |o Mon took place, her
of the fluhl being used. I ° 8rman y Asked to Define What Is I morning of Dec. 24 on an official vis-1 arm nImo ®t torn from her body.
M ® an » hy Peaceful Blockade. it and wilt remain here until the Sat-1 Just r * tunK!d from school, the dill-
Manufaeturlno Pott.™ m..i P? 1 v! _ ® ecretary Hay ur ^y after Christmas. dren were at the lunch table when
| ha9 cabled to_ Ambassador Tower at| He will celebrate mass at the Cathe-[
Pltteburg ,etU I>J? P °17 l -N^rW onn I «> Amoaceador Tower at | «® will celebrate mass at the Cathe-1 1 “" ®“P' 0 «°n occurred. Tho roof and
manufacturing potters are I ?* r n ’ MrB Tb ® World’s correepon-1 dri »i °f St. John the Baptist the morn- •*£*• of th ® house were blown out. An
city toT^?eV r ant at WMWn « too - 10 ask thoGer- ln* of Dec. 26. There will be roZTn H^ 18 * co “ ad ® was also partially
fort to r^hl aLZit i, *° deflne for this I Pootlflcal mass at the Catheldrai of| de f°/ ed - Th ® debris Immediately
which have been demoralized fnr I ^ 0Unt,T art ***y what Is meant by a I et - Jolu > the Baptist on that morning took flre an< * ^e bodies of the dead
|^aStofl^«on T TnTa , b^ II » > 12 0M^| ^ *“ the I ‘het’tbeV^'llc'd.J^.'te Vni'b^toe Iwas waUingTn the “chTl^at
Our line of'Suits and] Overcoats F..con.o come. „ aLSTUSait
a I fy- vannah upon the invitation of Blshon ‘ he road ' The father was away from
k...eH L ■ — - ■ — 1 This Inquiry was decided upon at Kell ®y- A series of entertainments I home - The tank which oiplodod was
the cabinet meeting where It was dls- will be arranged for the pleasure of ,n the cellar and supplied the lllumln-
cussed fully. I the archbishop. The morning of Dec I aUn,: *•* for th ® building.
Although It has not yet been put 28 ■“ Informal reception will be ten-
lnt0 Puhllo expression, this feovern-1 der e d th e visitors at the bishop’s rosl-
are well tailored and shapely, and the
“Swell Young Fellows” are very par-
w w * I - | ~~~ v-jr.woiuu, mis goyern-i ui uie ounop’i resl*i * ---- ■« •« vnnn? ru«uut.
45_| a At- ■ ... * _ <• _ Riley’s fanner is the very picture of a I mont contenris that there Is no such I d®”*®- There will be an oretcr ro»«t I — ■ 11
tial to them, lhey have a distinc-1 m»n «dy.nced m yan, yet in the enjoy- thing a* a “peaceful blockade." | al Tybee In the afternoon and at ,mport5 From Japan and Chlna Re-
_ a * t * t ® of war doe# not exist, n, 6 h t the Knights of Columbus will I •P 0 " ,lble F °r Dlacase In Honolulu.
tiveness all their own, that *yOU dor ,8 ^n 8 «he d chief faSi in I ^“^erument contends at the prop-l entcrtaln the visitor. LJl hl f B ! 0 ’_ D ?J 1T - Adv,ca * !“•* re-
not see in Clothing bought
"/sleep well enough at night,
And the hlamedest appetite
Ever mortal man possessed
Riley’s farmer is the very picture of n
□an adv * * ’ “ *
other stores.
Our line of Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs and
’Vluffers are beautiful in pattern and rich in design,
Don’t make your Holiday purchases until you have
vigorous old age.
Life is sustained
by food, when it is
properly digested
ana assimilated.
When digestion
e«!ve<l from Honolulu show that In
vestigation proves that foodstuffs
shipped to Honolulu from Japan and
hlna via San Francisco are respon-
— nor cues not exist, I rwnignis c
this government contends at the prop-1 entc rta!n the visitor,
cr tme that United States ships must p„, t „
be allowed to pass I _ Porl Collector Sets Precedent ■
The test will come when the Red . „ P ! ranclsco ' H® 6 - H —Collector
D line steamiW Caracas arrives at La- hlsTroc^lol?^ that Undcr
Onayra, probably next Saturday If . r ^ celv ®' 1 ’ from Commla-1 slble for the cases of plague recently
f .. -,v ;— I that shin goes through, as It Is exnect- ^ Der ^ Imm g ?' a,Ion 8»rgent, he will appearing there, says a special to The
oTmitrition'whlcJi ** 11 w,,, • °t her 8,1 Ips from other na-1 mlT. l ° perm,t tb ® transfer of the Chronicle from Sin Francisco,
cuonthows itedf t,on * wln aI *> demand to go through, Arah^ro 'th? tbe aUamcr A “““her of Japanese on nearby
in physical weak- amI lb e "peaceful blockade" will be- £?, bt w* ^* h *<eamer SUnley plsntaUon* were Uken with the plague
ness, nervousness, | eome a farce. * uojiar. ait. Stratton *i«n wtti *>»«.-1 *- - » •* - • * —
sleeplessness, etc.
will h®' Boltor. , ifc. Stratton also win deny I and died In a hospital in Honolufu!
if Oeimany Insists on Its right to ,n ‘ A “ exanijDallon ,°f ‘heir effects was
: and rcfua ® 10 'et I to re™ “ ade ’ bu ‘ °f th® Form was
Doctor Pierce's blockade peaceably and refune iT, cIu<Ung that expected foe
Golden Medical I American shins throiurh ', et to form the crew of the new steamer
of the* aI --y,^ wfliTe’ b<> a
rtem.cti nndrtw I «*««•» to convey the Amerteen .k. a -l aI, ..the imrtles Interested have been
stomach*and oflfer e,ueIa to fonvey the American ships SUmbba ef rt »k* ,nt ® r f ated have been
omns of digestion I through the German and English lines I ° l tb ® poalt,on ‘he collector
®ue nutritimL It | Admiral Dewey has been told to -
together. The reason Wisconsin Has Not 8alled.
i b “* ke * ,hl *- d emand | San Francisco, Dec. 17.—Order*
strengthens the
body In the
body In the only
way possible,—by
enabling the as
similation of the
nutrition extracted
from food.
Medical Discovery
Mid acvcnl vials of
Us -Plcaaont Pellet*'
TJ/ie 97/en's Outfittery
Allen House Corner,
end have Tiad no trouble with indi
writes Mr. W. T. Thon»i*on. c. .
Broadwater Ca, Montana. • Words £».. w
bow thankful X am for the relieC as I bad mu-
ferrd so much and it seemed that th* doctors
could do me no food. X got down in weight to
133 pounds, and won not able to work at all.
Now I weigh nearly i6oand can do a day's work
on the farm. X have recommended your medi
cine to several, and shall always have a good
word to My for Dr. Pierce and his medicines.*
The Common Setue Hfdkai Advlacr,
iooS pages, in paper covers, h cent free
PrM . , . >«*«. wiuanu can rrenciBco, uec. 17.—Orders
in'* ihL* ber * u,e 11 ha* In writ from Washington which would hare
ZtxJZJftfalrL! he „ fUl,fS * n ak * n ae WlsC0M,n 10 s«L bound for
Vo-erueia ' rl i,™ * l8tent,OD » «n Bremerton dock on Puget sound, have
from England* h Th° b at at®ment been cancelled, and Lieutenant Com-
tha^omA were sh e rZ* P, ° ma, t 1“* Mayo, temporarily In com-
m,v. t ehrewd enough to maud, awaits further/ instructions
make only a verbal statement of In-1 from the navy department.
The ndini . eon for cancelling the original order*
* aw<uu,1 «r Oer- Is not known here, but the office™ of
situation ’Is Bnxlet y- The tho vessel expect still to go to Bre-
situation -Is now more critical, than I morion within a tow davs
It haa been since the trouble began
discovered until thorough testa had
been mode of eome of the Japanese
groceries found In the house. Tlieso
food* under the microscope showed a
trace of the plague germs, and fur
ther examinations made of oriental
stuffs showed that the diagnosis was
correct It was learned also that the
foodstuffs had been Imported at San
Francisco and re-shlppod to Honolulu.
_ | on receipt of at one-ccnt stamp* to pay
AmeriCUS, Ua, expense of mailing only. Address Dr.
I R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y,
Bookkeeper Defrauds Bank.
Berlin, Dec. 17.—The Darmstardtor
bank has been defrauded out of 3175,-
000 owing to false entries In tho books
by the bookkeeper, Nessler, who had
charge of deposits. Nessler has been
missing slnco Sunday.
6lx Thousand Revolutionists Said To
Be Marching on ~
New York, Dec. 17,
agent In this Island
rsf*rs Ha ' r Vi 3 OT ^
' Er m Keep your own hair. Get
\^M more. Have a clean scalp.
Restore the color.