Newspaper Page Text
Bill Passed .to .Rrorfa-iize Military
Forces of State
Atlanta, Dec. 11.—With but one dis
senting voto the house jeslere'ia;
ed the bill to reor^anizo the : _ .y
forces of the etate. h e
by Senator Mcrltt. ot the tv.-eat-eib
district, an! n-e.s passed by the u. ,;t.
bouse of the general assembly soon
days ago. It now goes to the gov
ernor for his approval.
The passage of the bill was marked
by practically no discussion. The com
tnlttoeon rules In Its report, which v.-o f
adopted early in the morning session,
placed the military bill for special con-
slderation at the conclusion of action
on local and special measures. When
Foul Crime In Mississippi Arouses
Great Indignation,
Laurel, Miss., Dec. 11.—The remains
of William Lawrence, the young white
man from Jonesboro, Ga., who was
murdered at the camp of Eastman,
parder & Co., 12 miles west of Laurel,
last Saturday, have been carried to
Jonesboro for interment by the fath
er of the murdered man.
This city and section is greatiy ex
citedi over the murder and the affair
will be thoroughly Investigated.
J. C. McCormick, Albert Johnson, W
A. Harpe, all prominent officials of
Eastman. Carder & Co., and Albert
McGee, a negro barber, are under ar-
lt came up for passage Mr. Cann, of j refi t charged with being implicated In
Chatham, who had the bill placed on I '- 1(1 crime
the calendar, explained its provisions
and it was passedi by a vote of 104
to 1.
The following bills were passed:
By Mr. Singletary of Thomas (by re
quest by the house)—To Incorporate
the Hopeful school district, in Mitch
ell county.
By Mr. Howard of Baldwin—To pro.
vide for the maintenance of a dispen
sary In the city of Mllledgerllle, In
Baldwin county.
By Messrs. Howard and Hicks of
Laurens—To create the city court of
In the Senate.
The senate waded right through the
general^ appropriations hill in short
order yesterday. Few of the items in
the bill created any considerable dis
cussion, though now and then there
was brief debate. The bill was passed
at the morning session by a vote of
81 to G.
The senate voted the state sanitari
um 8310,000, the amount originally
asked for by the trustees before the
house committee, in addition to which
It provided, as stated, that tho salary
of the superintendent and other expen
ses should not come out of this fund.
This is tantamount to an appropria
tion of 8315,000 to the asylum.
The senate, by a vote of 21 to 18,
'put back the appropriation to the Con
federate Soldiers’ home to 815,000. The
house gave the home 812.500, a cut of
82,500 from the amount given last year.
The senate committee made a still
further cut, giving the home only 810,
Senator Sneed, of the twnety-ninth,
offered the amendment increasing the
amount to 815,000, and made an elo
quent appeal for the old soldiers. The
general assembly, having accepted the
home, was under an obligation amount
Ing practically fo a contract to givo
the home this amount, he said.
The following hills were passed by
tho senate:
By Senator McMIchael of the twenty-
fourth—To authorize street and sub
urban railroadrs in counties contiguous
to the state line, to extend their lines
Into adjoining states.
By Senator McMIchael of the Twen-
ty-fourth—-To authorize str.eot railway
companies in Georgia to Increase theft
capital stock, and to Issue preferred
stock to take up outstanding securities.
By Mr. Thompson, of Hall—To pro
vide for the removal of obstructions
from the creeks and running streams
of Hall county
Tile trial here of these men Is set
for today.
An autopsy on the body of the dead
man was made by Drs. Johnson, Hep-
ard and Hamsey. The result of the
analysis of the brain and stomach has
not been made public, hut, It is said,
the testimony of these physicians will
be sensational.
There will be about GO witnesses,
and the trial will likely consume con
siderable time. Miller and Beskin,
of Meridian, and It. E. Halsell, of Lau-
rel, will prosecute, while N. C. Hill,
of Hittsburg, B. W. Sclrarbrough, of
Paulding, and Shannon and Street will
represent the defense. Lawrence was
shot in tpo hack abopt 3 o'clock Satur.
day afternoon and died about
o'clock that night. It is said d-rugs
were used to finish the atrocious deed
One of the eyes had been removed
and poison inserted In the brain, it
Is claimed. Eastman, Garder & Co.
are assisting the officers in every way
possible, and- tho guilty parties will
surely be found and made lo suffer
for the hellish crime. The city is
crowded with people from the sur
rounding country and excitement runs
Seeing Is Believing.
If you will call and SEE our STOCK, you will BELIEVE and say that
we offer the most varied and elegant collection of
Christmas Goods
Married In a Buggy.
Statesboro, Ala., Dec. 13.—Isaac W,
•Bynum and Miss Josephine Cunning-, were united la marriage while
seated in a buggy on the public square.
The ceremony was performed by Jus
tice W. I. Kirk while the rain came
down in torrents. My Bynum is a
well known citizen of Maynard's Cove
and- Miss Cunningham Is a daughter
of Mrs. Nancy Cunningham, of Tupe-
Comment on Anglo-German .Interven
tion In Venezuela,
New York, Dec. 13.—Referring to
the Anglo-Oerman intervention in Ven
ezuela, the Buenos Ayres correspo
ndent of The Herald says all the news
papers there see In It a danger for all
South American republics, as It tends
to establish a precedent endangering
their sovereignty. The general opin
ion Is that the Investment of foreign
capital, though desirable for the devel
opment of the countries, cannot give
foreigners special rights. Some pa
pers compare actual Intervention with
recent events In China.
The Prenza says:
"The Anglo-German military action
has violated the rights and disregards
tho sovereignty of South American re
It adds that the German claims as a
public debt are without precedent In
the history of South America.
The Prenza attributes the whole af
fair to European imperialists, who are
Inspired with hostile intentions against
the Increasing Influence of the United
States, and urges 8outh American
diplomats to watch developments.
The government, organ at Rio Ja
neiro declares, according to a Herald
dispatch, that AngloGerman action
tends to modify the relations between
Europe and America and that the firm
and noble attitude of President Castro
cannot but be admired by all true
In Panama, says The Herald corre
spondent, the forcible seizure and use-
less sinking of the Venezuelan gun
boats has caused great excitement and
indignation, and has made an unpleas
ant impression upon Colombians In
general and isthmians In particular,
who are opposed to the coercive meth
ods of European governments.
The Human Lottery
"AH. If only 1 were beautiful
How Happy life would be.'*
Many a.forlorn maid has said this as shfl
looked into the mirror. It is the one pos
session in the lottery of human life which
woman would not refuse.
F emale Regulator
for young girls on the threshold of woman
hood is invaluable. When they bccoml
v * wuau uvvlu ^jvi tuua uuu paiw
ful menses, and their systems generally
run down, they need a tonic, building uj
ind their blood cleansed.
Brad Held's Female Regulator for women
is particularly valuable and jseful owing
to its tonic properties and as a regulator
of the menstrual flows. Painful, obstruct
ed and suppressed menstruation is perma
nently relieved and all diseases peculiai
to her genital organs are cured by it
Regulatordearstliecomplexion, bright
eus the eye, sharpens the appetite, re
moves muddy and blotched conditions of
tlie skin and cures sick headache at ones
Of druggists at 81,00 per bottle. t
••Perfect Health for Women" cm
be had free by sending us your address,
ever shown in Americus, or in the State
These goods were selected in person, with assistance of Mr. E. Y
Andrews, who had special thought for his little friends of the 10 and 25
cent counters. The articles are too varied to specify, but embrace' the best
that Eight of the largest Importers in New York could furnish, and pres
ent an unequaled display of
Cut-Glass* French China* | hand painted, | Barvarian and Austrian
China, Teplitz, Bohemian, Crystal and Gold Vases. Havifands Dinner
Sets. French and German Cups and Saucers. Japanese Jardiniers and
Pedestals, and a spread of Salads, Cake Plates, Chop Dishes, Comb
and Brush Trays, Celeries, Fruits and Olives* which will bring forth an
with many exclamation points.
Our stock of Side Boards, China Closets, Suits, Tables, Chairs, Leather
Lounges and Chairs, Bed Lounges and Couches in Velour is fit to go with
tnem. ,
Our stock of Lamps and Toilet Sets speak for themselves. ’Sectional Book
Cases make a nice present.
®P 0 y^- e fker you ybu or not, a courteous welcome awaits you and you will
os repaid by whit you see tor time given.
A. W.
Cor. Jackson and Forsyth Sts.
Americus, Ga.
F ! s“
re. *m!p diwiT* Kifr fid
fly.and fl.n) at I>niCTlitj
Heavy Fire Lota at Scranton, Pa.
Scranton, Pa., Dec. 12.—The large
five atory structure occupied by J. L.
Connell L Co., wholesale grocers, was
destroyed by Are today, together with
the contents of the building. Four
firemen were slightly injured. The
loss Is estimated at 8175,000, fully In-
To Exclude Foreign Crews,
London, Dec. IS.—At a mooting of
tho Hsmiy regatta committee this af
ternoon it was decided by IS to S votes
to exclude foreign
^»n HKD >*4 Gold metallic ben*. mM
f® 4 M yftwjyj't bum, by r»
jw Matts IMII tmtwulgiV M4hp
Every Woman
Id Interested an<l should know
about lb* wonderful
Dr. Wllll.m,' Indian Pile Olalmtat la pre
parr.l to cure Plies and DOES IT In ebon
order. Easy to apply, every box guaranteed
Me. and II.on Airdruegleu or by mall.
WILLIAMS M'K’ULO., Cleveland, Onto.
Sold by Eldrldge drove tores.
— and Whiskey
treated without pain
or confinement. Cnrtguar-
antecd at Sanitarium or no
!an'gr I.ithla Springs Cure
pay. 0. H. vi;ai«, Man’gr luma springs Cure
Co., Drawer A, Austell,Oa. Ilome.'treat men t sent
i preferred. Corwyiu*nuestrictlycottfidcnttr >
W. W. DEWS, Manager.
Americus, Qa. |
No. 218 Cotton Avenue,
We taie pleasure in annourcirg to the people
of Ameiicus and surroundirg territory that we have
opened a buggy repository In the Alien House block
and we invite your inspection oi our line of
Buggies, Surreys, Runabouts,
Road-wagons, Etc.
The very best vehicles that goed material and
skilled workmanship can produce is what we pro
pose to tffer our customers, and at Moderate Prices.
All our vehicles will be equipped with solid
rubber tires at a reasonable extra charge.
We will also handle the best makes of one and
two-horse Farm Wagons, and also carry a full line
of Harness, Whips, Poles, etc.
1 am handling cotton seed meal in con
nection with my cotton seed business.
Will sell or exchange meal for seed.
W. W. DEWS, Manager
y a mil line A
nager. |
The King of Society
Is Good Clothes ^
And you can find them at E, D. Sheffield Co, in Men,
Women and Childrens Shoes, Odd Pant^, Novelties in Neck,
wear, Shirts and Collars. Up-to-date Clothing for Men,
Youths and Children, Specialties in Hats and Caps, Carhart
Overalls for you, So come and be fitted up by
....Hudson’s Drug Store.... p - SHEFFIELD CO.
113 Colton Av®.
212 Forsyth St.. ’Phanel98.
Drugs and Medicines.
We hare the prettiest and most complete drag store in the city,
our stock is fresh and complete. We are reliable druggists ,and nevci
substitute. We fill your doctor’s prescriptions just as he writes them.
Hot and Cold Soda Water.
Sole agent for HUYLER’S CANDIES.
If you want"money on your farm I have arrang
i New York parties through.whom I can get it f<
with r
at Lowest Possible Cost.
f ements
or' you
Rcom No. 5 Barlow Block, - - Americus, Qa,
Mixed Sweet Peas.
First Selection.
Now is the Best time to plant, to insure deep
rooting against the coming Dry and Hot weather.
They bear longer time and blooms are richer when
planted at this season. Our new stock of Choice
Mixed have arrived and we wish to supply you.
Eldrldge Drug Stores.
J. W. SHEFFIELD, Frc.ld.nt FBANK SHEFFIELD, Vlco-Preild.n t
EQD. 8UEFF1EID, Ca.hler,
Bank of Commerce,
■ii I! ^general banking business transacted and all consistent courtesies
extended to patrons. Certificates of deposit issued bearing interest