Newspaper Page Text
m e ni.w' 1 '............
Social and Personal Happen¬
Mrs. J. W. Timberlake was quite
sick last week, bUt she is better now.
Miss Bov!and and Miss Tappan of
White Plains, &Ye visiting Miss Janie
Mr. John Mann, of Atlanta, visited
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Maun,
Oi this county last week.
&r. Paul Chapman, telegraph opera¬
tor at Rutledge, is visiting relatives
and friends at Crawfordville.
Master Glynn Legwen who has been
sick, is better at time (Wednesday af¬
Mrs.Janie Howard,of Nicholson,Ga.,
is visiting iter mother Mrs, Dr. L. A.
Mr. B. R. Lannean, of Charleston,
S. C.,is visiting his mother, Mrs. 15.
M. Lannean.
The Raytown baseball club played
the Sharon baseball club last \\ edues
Uay, and won the game.
Mr. Angus Richards has been quite
sick, but is better at this writing ( Wed¬
nesday afternoon).
Prof. L. A. McLaughlin, the newly
elected principal of the Stephens High
School, has arrived at Crawfordville.
Mrs. II. II. Flvnt, accompanied by
her daughters, visited Covington some
time ago. She stayed about two weeks.
Miss Cattie Parmer, who had been vis¬
iting relatives in Oglethorpe county for
about two months, returned home last
John Wanaraaker says “to discon¬
tinue advertising is like taking down
your sign. If you want to do business
you must let the people know it.”
Mr. J. A. Hart is filled ltev. R. E. I*.
, Harris’ appointment at the Liacolnton
Baptist church last Sunday aud
s un day night.
yMSg# 'They
Daniel’* Spring list Stuklsiy. ■
were highly entertained while at the
Miss Maud Legwen returned home
last Friday afteruoou after an extended
visit to her sister, Mrs. Dr. Forrest
Phillips, of Harlem.
. Rev. Mr. Burgess tilled his regular
appointment last Sunday by preaching
an excellent sermou. He also assisted
Mr. Harris in conducting the protracted
meeting. Stephens
Read the advertisement of
High School found elsewhere iu this
issue. The Fall Session commences
September 2, and eoniiuues four
Small insects, resembling a chicken
mite, have attacked the cotton ot Mr.
Thomas Colelough, of this county, and
are doing great damage. Nobody
knows anything about the natural his¬
tory of the iusoet.
The Crawfordville colored baseball
club played a colored club from the
cou ntry last Wednesday week at Craw¬
fordville, and won the game easily.
The Crawfordville colored club also
played the Sparta colored baseball club
at Crawfordville last Friday, aud won
the game by a score of 3t> to 15. The
Sparta colored baseball club aud the
Sharon colored baseball club played al
Sharon last Thursday, aud the game
• V resulted in a tie, the score being 6 to 0.
G. N. & I. College
All young ladies of Taliaferro county,
lushing to attteud the above named
State Institution are requested Saturday to ap¬
pear at Crawfordville on Aug.
10th, at 0 o’clock to stand the entrance
examination, as required by law. The
examination will include elementary
English branches, viz: Arithmetic,
English Grammar, Geography and
History. The next session of the Col¬
lege begins on Wednesday, Sept. 11th,
Eot full information concerning the
institution, write fora catalogue to J.
Harris Chappell, I'rest., Milledgeviile
Wm. T. FlynT, C. s: C. T. C.
, h d’vdle, „ „ Ga., ,, has . shipped ..... 106
ariOcini: .U‘ vv i a9t Saturday, '
% ,20” to ... 1,800 per
ijx up lwto the hun
dreds of thousands of dollars.
Advertise in this paper.
TF? Atlanta Exposition.
TV.o '“S«ehti*e Americnn”, than
which no newspaper in this country
stand hiirhei, dovtites ah article nearly
every week to the Atlanta Exposition
that is to he held the, latter part of this
year . Tlie northern press and people.
evidently think that the Atlanta Expo¬
sition will be the greatest ever held in
the South.
Tbs Protracted Meeting.
pile protracted meeting it the Bap¬
tist church slid continues. He' R. »• fj.
Ilan is ha; noth...! much C ance in
conducted it. J. M. Rrittai 1 aii,I
Rev. Mr. Burgess, helped him some.
Considerable interest is being shown
in the services. There h-ave been a
few additions to the church. The
meeting will probably close next feun
day night.
An Incident at Church.
A short while ago in this county
protracted meetitnr Was iu progress at
a certain place on a certain occasion.
The preacher who was conducting the
service made a proposition, inviting all
Who acceded to the proposition to come
forward and extend to him their hands.
A certalu small hoy in the congregation
among others went forward, hut as
some larger boys were in front <f him
the preacher did hot see him:
so he said to the preacher, “Mr. ,
here is my hand.
Uncalled for Letters.
The following is a list of letters
maining uncalled for in the postoftice
at Crawfordville:
James Ammons,
Ruck Comute,
Mrs. W. B. Ilairis,
Roban .Tones,
Mabry Moss,
James L. Smith, (2)
Steve Shorter, col..
CJ. H. E.uiMtiK, R M.
ss V
Jtiry Lists.
The following is ths lists of Jurors
drawn for August Term 18bo, Talia¬
ferro Superior Court:
P G Yeartey, I) S Stewart,
S J Jones Sr., W A Legwin,
John F Holden, Silas J Johnson,
D A Rerkins, A L Hillman,
L S Jackson, John Johnson,
S A Chapman, James R Holliday
J \V Asbury, Titus Richards,
Geo. T Rhodes, 11 J Mann,
W L Kendnck, S M Marchman,
Geo. W Brown T A Clemmons,
W II Moore, \V T Chapman,
John II Stone, Owen 1> Moore,
S T Oglctree, J T Cooper,
J W Fainter, E II McCauley,
R T Jones, L H Jadksou.
A S Lunceford, W C Andrews,
W li Alurden, J R Akins,
Ileilry li Partwood, W T Combs,
T N Chapman. W A Stone, Jr
T L Bentleyi, J C Lunceford,
J B Sim moils, T F Kendrick,
P G Lucas, R L Ycaacy,
W B Kendrick; W A Cary,
J Ruff Kendrick, II T Beckwith,
L P Lunceford, J At Kendrick,
W A Garrard, J II Jackson,
Thos E Kendrick, D N Asbury,
W E Arnett, John R Nash,
A G Beazley, A II Stewart,
John Burke, F B Taylor,
J T Heard, J A Kendrick;
Jesse Taylor, WR Taylor,
T J Partwood, W B Jones.
The weekly p jvroil or the arm fa
turing industric at Fort Valley aggre
gate $1,800.
The old song “Darling I am growing
old; there’s silver threads among the
gold,” was written with the idea that
that 16 to I is right.
Sf^o^choler^The"condUimTof^tock with
j s good all over the state, and no
drawback this state will import but lit
should be a sellar of meat arid not a
buyer, and I believe the day is near at
handwhensuch will be the case. When
raising her own meat and bread, aud
manufacturing her own cotton crop in
her own mills, she will in,deed and in
truth merit her name of “Empire State
of the South.
Advertise in this paper, it
Will pay yoti.
Dots on the Road.
Mr. 0. I). Moore virile,1 Anuria
Tine',-in. la.t Saterio, »J Son ay
which was greatly needed.
Mr. Howell Cosby, of Raytown, vis¬
ited Washington last week on business.
Mr. Tom Flvnt raised some of the
finest watermelons we have seen this
year in Taliaferro county.
Air. Edward Keaton, of Sharon com¬
uiuuity was made proud on Tuesday
morning of Iasi week—another bounc
ing baby boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Croake return
ed home last Saturday from there New
York visit. They are in good health.
Mr. David Cosby, of Wilkes county,
visited his father’s family at Raytown
last week.
Mrs. Betsy Moore, of Sharon.return¬
ed home last, Friday on the sick list.
Mr. J. A. Kendrick has bought him¬
self a handsome carriage.
Rev. Mr. Simpson filled his regular
appointment at the Presbyterian
Church in Sharon.
Mr. Park Carlton, .Tt\, of Union
Point, was visiting relatives in Sharon
last Week.
We spent, one night last week with
judfi Taylor, of Ravtown District,and
enjoyed ourself finely.
Mr. John O'KYefc returned home
fast Wednesday evening after several
dttvs absence. He is in fine health and
good Spirits.
Mrs. I.)r. A. C. Davidson visited her
daughter Mis. Dr. L. R. Brown in
McDuffie county last week. Mr.
Robert Davidson accompanied his
Shtfron and Sparta colored base hall
clubs cross bats last Thursday evening
in Sharon. It was a tie game, and it
is said to be the best game played in
seayon. l ‘ A - *v, -
Idle protracted meeting at Raytown
Baptist Church closed last Thursday
night. From what we can learn they
had a good meeting aud good congre¬
Mr. T. E. Kendrick, of near Sharon
brought in a twin cauteloupe which at
traded considerable attention. It was
quite a curiosity.
Mr. A. Sriabman , will leave Sharon
for New York on August the tilth,
where he will make his future home.
His many friends wish him good luck
wherever he goes.
Uncle Billie Moore, Sharon’s miller
is off on a month’s visit to relatives
and friends in Hancock county, We
wish him a pleasant trip and a safe re¬
Mr. Thomas Brown, of Warren
county died at his home near EbeneZer
Church on the evening of the 2fhh of
.July. Mr. Brown was an old citizen
Warren. lie was the father of Mrs. J.
R. Kendrick and Mrs. X. I. Bracey,
and also a half brother to Mr. G. W.
Brown of Sharon community. We ex¬
tend our sympathies to the relatives
and friends of the deceased.
Mr. G. W. Brown brought us a half
dozen of his onions last week, they
were about an average of his crop.—
The six weighed over three pounds.—
Mr. Brown tells us that if it had not
been for the present drouth which has
been on hand for the last three weeks,
his crop of onion would have been
much better. We think they are as
firle onions on an average as we ever
saw brought from abroad to this mar
We attended the barbecue at Mr. I.
Flynt’s ,esidence last
and must say we enjoyed ourself finely.
Everything passed off quietly, aQ d
plenty on the ground to feed every
body that attended. Jhe meats were
nicely cooked and well seasoned.—
visitors were present from
Wilkes, W arfen andMcDuffie counties,
and we are happy to state that theie
was n0 <lrunkness that th ° gr0Un mloxicat- ‘!’ ,l
fact we saw no one was
e ,i at all. We suppose there were at
leGSt tW0huDdrC<i Pe01>le ° n lhe gr ° UDd
Here is a chunk of wisdom from the
M , drim Guildion : “No matter how
much the , newspapers differ editorially
thev should at least try to tell the truth
in lhe ir news columns.”
Subscribe for this paper;
only one dollar a year.
M '.Attv SYrAt.
TSc M , errt „ 1s „ g , w
<* ”“ ,i '
Local politics are warming up a lit
The tax returns of our State up to
date is the strongest argument that
can be produced against the gold
standard theory.
In our las, communication we stated
that Mr. Je- .sc Taylor had relumed
from the stele Asyluqi, hut the state
ment has proven to he incorrect. We
were iufom.ed that lie had returned,
aJ)( j s0 slat( .j j n our items. However
we hope hi Will soon be able to return
home. . fc -mu
Mr. A. R j Jarrells is out with' his
threshing I’t'uchiuery.
A conti-a if is draiVn by the Coming
Nation, between private owned tail
roads and tie United States mail ser
vice.- A gentleman in Salida, Colo.,
shipped l.iDO pounds of household and
kitchen furniture to Kansas City, at, a
cost of $67 Ny, while the same amount
is earned (Trough the U. S, mail al a
cost of $!:>«$». This is the beauty ahd
the'.between owning a rail¬
road for private gains, and running it
for public I cn(?tl(. Remove the cause
for robbir'g and Justice stands less
fettered b* the iron hand of des¬
potism. H
Onc of our Barnett citizens speaks
of going ini# the fruit industry another
year. He jstiy s there is a fortune in
the fruit business. We .believe it our¬
selves. Bat who gets the fortune.
Oh, Selahli
Mrs. Mjj^mtin and family, from
near Burnett,, are visiting Mr. Jacob
Rocker’s fjfavily, near Klim, in War¬
ren county,. ♦'
The Gu. 1L R., had a wreck at Bar*
nett last Monday, # teariug to pieces one
frefe*’ •
■ Since • Sm writings wT have had
nice seasoJo/and ?■ ' crops are generally
. i
The annual meeting of the Metho¬
dist Church pt Barnett, is now in pro¬
gress, conducted by the pastor, Rev.
J. II. McClesky.
Jenning’s Chapel.
Subscribe for The Advocate and
support your county enterprise.
Mr. Sammie Gunn and wife visited
Mrs. Gunn’s father in Wilkes county
last Sunday.
Mrs. Jane Nelson, the wife of Mr.
Joe Nelson, deceased, visited Mr. W.
C. Rhodes’ family this week.
Miss Annie Brooke has a full school
and is liked as a teacher in this com¬
Mrs. Willie Edwards who lias been
sick is better at this writing.
Mrs. Jackson Chapman, who has
been sick, wc tire glad to slate is better
at this time.
Mr. Dozier Bentley passed through
this week bn his way to Texas, where
he expects to make his future home.
Messrs. T, L. Bentley and R.
Iladaway left this week to visit in Hart
county where they tire thinking of iiv
ing next year.
The time a at hand when the one
word sho 'd he spoken to the
cars and the beau of all the people
l [ lul t {, e y should work for the salvation
of the nation with the same seal and
S elf sacrifice that they now work for
thc salvalioI) of thc indivi(jua i. U
t j nie> n ow,fo save the whole people
from the incarnate demon of lawless
am | )ition arid the inordinate worship of
t ] )(; „ nf j () f >»old. Every one has an in
f ] ividua | work to perform in this direc
l j on No one is exempt from duty.
s ; n 0 j- eommission is as great as asin of
commission. If we arc ever saved as
a nation it must be done l.y the great
pj a j n peop ^ e as Mr. Lincoln used to
( . a ,| thc weallh pro d ucin? da-es.
—Anna Weaver.
The heavy falling off in the aggre
n gate tax returns will no doubt result] iu
in the tax rate. .... J he right
an increase
eour-,. to take, however would he a
reduction in public expenditures. It
is going to he necessary to reduce sala-;
ries,meager asthdy noware.—Ishtnae
ifte: ;
Madison will have a hnby show and
23 rents admission will he charged,
which will go to <t church fund.
Wm. Wallace, an Augusta boy wt s
killed in (’olnmbia mill, :tt. Columbia,
.3. O , by an elevator last Saturday.
Mis. Johnston wife of ltev. W. E.
iohnston died last Mon lay evening of
..... ............. * ''‘pie-ibHi.
The Southern 1 Pine Company .of
Georgia with a capital of $1,230,000,
was organised at Savannah on Monday
„) lM a
A farther In Washington county rais
i d such large hams that lie timls diffi¬
culty in marketing them. They aver¬
age in weight thirty pomi Is apiece.
The Milledgeviile Chronicle, which
was Miss Ellen Dortch's paper, and
which suspended publication several
months ago, is to be re-established by
ex-governor John L. Bennington, of
Augusta popple are complaining
about the abort weights of the Con¬
sumers Ice Delivery Company. They
say that they are given a block of ice
claimed to weigh 200 pounds but when
weighed turns out only about 170
Will Green, who killed J. T. Estes,
of Morgan County last spring, and
twenty minutes later married the dead
Chin's daughter, Cora Estes,was arrest¬
ed iii Macon on last Thursday. Estes
was on the point of leaving for Texas,
lie has been hiding on an uncle’s farm
forty miles front tile scene of Ilia t rage¬
dy ever since. Grech's young wife is
loyal to him, and wanted to start w ith
him to Texas.
While plowing, a hoy near Chign
mauga found a big hag of gold. When
he was plowing along It is plow struck a
stump, of course, the usual “cuss”
words fell from his mouth. But when
the rotten pieces of the stump fell apart
and disclosed a big bag of gold, the
Wt HM ** ** ehan-cd to happy
!u,m,h * ,he hov lcfL thu hc (1 lhcn
and there, arid has not been hack since.
He has found his fortune, no doubt, it
seems to him. There is much specu¬
lation as to how the gold happened to
be in the old stump.
Mr. W. E. Hinton, a law-abiding
farmer of the upper edge of Lincoln
county, had the misfortune to have, one
of his horses taken from the stable and
carried off some distance from his
house, tied to a pine tree, and its throat
cut last Friday night, it is supposed
that the fiend that did this dirty job
had a grudge against Mr. Hinton and
was not man enough to come to his
face, but cowardly went to his stable
while he was asleep and thought to de¬
stroy his horse. He evidently left the
horse for dead, hut it is still alive.
An exchange says a Tifton citizen,
returning from a trip through Irwin
county a day or so ago, says the people
over there have about decided to build
cribs around their cornfields as they
stand, as the crop is now iu about as
small compass as it can he put when
gathered. lie lias been a farmer all Ids
life,, but says these are the, finest crops
of corn lie has ever seen except on
hammock land. lion. T. B. Young
has thirty-five acres that will average
fifty-fite bushels to the acre, while
Captain Henry Hotelier has something
less than a 4‘J0 acre lot (at least 100
acres),that will average forty bushels
to the acre.
A telegram was received at Coving¬
ton. (la on Monday <>f this week, stating
that Postmaster S. M. M. Sullivan com¬
mitted suicide a few miles from Char
lolte, N. C. on that day.
Mr. Suiltvan ieft Saturday, telhng ins
' ,n ". y ' , ' lt " IS !° iU ■ ."/ 1 V
1, '’ n 011,1,1 10,1 l "" 1 - 1,u ' ‘ 1 Ml
' ul lv;in r<:: “ >»’d there Mom ay and
u, ‘ f r ‘ v< " r v ' il ‘ v ' mi f
; lWil ’’’ He went direct to the grave of
/*,' ” 1
‘ 1 n ' Ml 1 1 ,c l( a( ** “ xt.i.-i. ' M ’- v .
o • • * '
* lu ,ir< ‘ tears a o. . ° <aii « is
known in Covington lor Ins suicide,
which was a great surprise.
Ow-ns s*pt. i*. I’tw- fmildink*.
■.M«r-worV, Gvini.a.iuin ■ toil
, ;.d*;;nt»a< in Elegant
Mt . rV atory >. move
*uL a V °K*kk«”?n?
.non, free.
jiLiiih ..n«un»i Pupils i. Mest bovrd social with Faculty **ur
roumllnzs. in
Rufus W. SmitL, Free., Lagrraage.Ca
NO. 30
Crawfordville, Ga.
—b •//’. V/i -jT/. •+—
Fall Session begillS Sfipt. 2
Md oontinues Four inonths.
—f*•/» un z/r. «f~
A school unsurpassed for thorough
methods, iirm discipline, and earnest
Tt'tTJi'N l’F.R MONTH :
First, Grade, $1.30.
Second Grade, 2.00.
Third tirade, ‘2.30.
Fouith Grade, 3.00.
had .
Hoard can In; very cheap with
the J’rihcipiU. Tuition collected
Barents having hoyv and girls to
educate please correspond with
l, a. McLaughlin »
Hits Them Hard.
O I bate a scandal-monitor from the
bottom of my heart, for he starts his
little story, and it ouly needs u start,
and it speedily < nlargcs aa it inarches
in the rotit! ; and it become;, from less
than nothing, a full lumber wagon
load. Someone hits h vague suspicion
wholly groundless like as not, hut lie
Hilda it his mission to enlarge upon the
thought. And lie tells his nearest
neighbor the conclusions he has drawn,
and it doesn't take much labor to pen
pel the slander on. And iho further it
travels the more spirited its force ; not
a one the skein unravels -old age, mid¬
dle age and youth—and they feed the
flames by blowing till a lie. becomes
the truth, o the slimy tongue of slan ¬
der, how it runs the world along—and
delights alone to pander to the ones
whose hearts are wrong • to tlioV/olfiii
“southdown” clothing, who, would
scarcely take your purse’ but 1 want to
soy wit li loathing, that, his deeds are
tch thiicfi wWe. Were i hut a few
years younger, with a fine athletic mold,
f would Catch tlie scandal monger and
secure an undcrhold ; and with strength
I would impel him no more characters
to wreck, and I’d struggle, should 1
fell him, tuft to fitil to bleak his neck.—
f^oliliule is thu salt,"of thought.
Poverty pistilveri/ed prosperity.
Diplomacy is not a science hut up art .
(iooil advice is heller to take than had.
Love is ail hilhdtn capacity for suffering.
’The worry of the day is a had hed fellow
Babies are the best cdueators of women.
A man's affection is regulated by ids di¬
Talk moves fast tf/beti the burden of
thought is light,
Love, is simple in seuti me ill and complex
in ad ion.
Women talk better than men because
they have more practice.
Ibrc beaut y of pain is not in the tiling it
self hilt tin; way it, is borne.
What, an admirable receipt for happness
to know how to do without tilings.
It is because a women doesn’t know
what, to do with a secret, slur can’t keep it
The mere accident, of relationship does
not give one the right to he insulting.
Cf feu instances are i lie rulers of t lie weak \
they are hut the instruments of the wise.
A lawyer is a man who makes his living
by attending to other people’s business
Ignorance is field that rascality best
thrives in.
Labor produces all wealth, but good
sound horse sense a cumulates it.
The hankers are in favor of any kind of
money the people will have to borrow.
It isn’t so hard to lind the road to success
as it is to keep within its borders.
The big watermelon has reappeared
j„ It .. V(!i hw , *7 pounds and
was sent to Govcnor McKinley, who
had to pay N2.50 express charges on it.
^ wafJ a case whcre thc recipient
W f )U i,l have been justified in advocat
protection—from his friends, says
the Boston Herald.
; ib+i^e ,4 BV Way THL
to '■SC]
and^n/e Ijirr) l i
D.r ' _
IVchenors Antiseptic
iii/fjeo be i&hfovblecl Wi+I> oi*
RPTfi ftwll! positively cure.