Crawfordville advocate. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 189?-1???, December 06, 1895, Image 1
71 * J ^ r i X p 11 ± i «i VOL. Ill TRANSPIRING EVENTS - Social atlG Personal Happen mgs. Local Cotton Market. Middling. : : 7 1-2 Strict Middling, : 7 5-8 Good Middling, 7 .1-4 Tone steady. W’e are glad to see Rev. It. K. L Harris able to get out again. Mr. L. A. Brake, of Powelton, was in town Tuesday. For J. B. Sword’s Corn Whiskey, go to W. R. Reid. $2.00 per gallon. Mr. T. C. Holden, of White Plains, was in our town Sunday and Monday. We will have a new liverv stable in Crawfordviile after the 15th of this month. Mr. Geo. IT. Rocker, of Hancock county, has moved into our county.— We extend to him a hearty welcome. Job Printing neatly and promptly executed at this oflice. Give us a trial. Seven freight cars were derailed a! Baruott yesterday, causing a delay of all passenger trains. ( ol. Cloud, a young lawyer of Mc¬ Duffie county, was in our town Tuesday with a view of locating with us. We hope he will decide to come. The best Kentucky Rye Whiskies and imported (.Pin, at W. R. Reid’s 1 Crawfordviile, (ra¬ il r. W. R. Reid had the misfortune to sprain the instep of his right foot very severely last Saturday, in getting off of a barrell. There is an opening in Crawfordviile forja good Doctor. A negro man who lived about four miles from, here died a few cays ago wuhout havn,.. any meuieai .-I’.'e; .n ■ ” ' physician* tmleu. We supfm • n because they were all too for the pay would ivave -oecft certaim* If you want to buy the best Whiskey for the least money, go to W. R. Reid, Crawfordviile The Georgia Railroad is doing its share of the transportation of passen¬ gers to the exposition. Every regular passenger train for the past two weeks has had from ten to twelve coaches, and several specials spliced in in to carry the crowds. At the Mass Meeting of the People’s Party, held at Crawfordviile on last Tuesday, air. S. H. Rhodes was elected Chairman of the County Executive Committee, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. J. A. Wood all, who had served as Chairman since the organization of the party, during whose tetm such splendid victories had beeu (von. Mr. Bhndes, we confident, will fill the position as well as did his predesessor. Thc new game law- has many revis¬ ions but this does not alter its severity. If auything the changes give the law a more emphatic expression. Here it is: “Book agents may be killed from Au¬ gust 1st to October 1st; spring poets from March to July; scandal mongeis from January to December 31st inclu¬ sive; umbrella borrowers from ary 1st to May 1st and from August 1st to December 1st Open season all year round on life insurance agents fellows who borrow their paper. Lx. To Our Subscribers. We trust our numerous subscribers who are indebted to us for this year, will not forget as when they seU their cotton. We have waited patiently on all those indebted to us »•* «* *“> as we have stretched our credit some in oidei to carry oui subscribers this year, and we have bills against us r **• met ' “• lar tfiat vou owe us may seem sman, but you must bear in mind that you are only one among hundreds who owe us. and a dollar from all means much t0 us. So please don't put this off, Dut send or bring us the money, and by relieve our embarrassment. Leave your subscription with either of the following gentlemen; Messrs. W. C. Chapman at the Alliance Store, S. n. Rhodes, Crawfordviile; C. L, Bagby, Sharon. ’ FRIDAY, DECEMBER <5. isnr.. MASS MKKTING. Tn response to a cal! of ,1. A. TV ood all, the Populists of Taliaferro county met in. mass meeting at the Court house on December the 3rd. 1805. The following list of delegates were elected to attend the Stale Convention to he held in Atlanta on December the 18th, 1895: (iOlst Dist., S. II. Rhodes, white, Joseph Turner, col. (502ud Dist.. W. C. Rhodes, white, Tim Combs, col, 003rd Dist.. K. T. Kendrick, white, Sherman Edwards, co!. fi04lh Dist., G. T. Edwards, white, Allan Edwards, co). (505li; Dist., G. M. Toss, white, Geo. Billingsley, col. (500th Dist , Jim Sisson, white, Henry Atkinson Sr., col. 007th Dist., D. A. Saggus, white, Golden Stewart, col. 608ih Dist., W. A. Carey, white, Shi p Peek, col. 172nd Dist., W. A. Stone Sr., white, Henry Baker, col. From the County At Large, J. J. Moore and W. C. Chapman. In case any delegate tiuds he cannot attend the Convention, he is requested to appoint an alternate who will go. Mr. J. A. Woodall resigned his po¬ sition as Chairman of the County Ex¬ ecutive Committee, anil Mr. S. II. Rhodes was elected to (ill his place. Mr. \V. C. Chapman, was elected Sec retary of the County Executive Com mittee. The District Executive Committees will be elected some time, in the future, each District acting separately in this election. No other business, the meeting ad jouroed. T. L. Chapman, Ch mu. W. C. Chapman, Sec ty. A Five Speech. ^ ^ ndjounmI M( . Walk ,. r „ m%id a/'d . .i 1 gave bis news on and „„ thc fl . ^ ^ ^ 1]js 8 cch was ful , of good, sound, Populist doctrine, iu tenspersed with a flue chauce of wit and humor. We are always glad to have Mr. Walker to speak for us. and hope he will come this way oftener. A Faith Cure. The Alma Record gives the following account of a case cured by faith—or imagination: A great deal of fuss is being made over Francis Schlatter, the alleged faith cure “healer.’’ It reminds us of a case of “mental healing” that occurred m Alma several years ago when a young physician accompanied a lady to the theatre one night. The cuitaiu was late m rising and the lady complained of feeling faint. The doctor gave her a cheerlu! smile and took something front his vest pocket and told his corn pauioti to keep the “tablet” in nei mouth but not to swallow it. 8he felt better immediately and when the show was over she slipped the Indissolvable substance into her glove, being curious to examing the article which had given her so much reliet. When alone tn her room she pulled off the glove and discovered an ordinary pants button! ___------ [From the Sharon Department] Mr. J. F. Hubert, of near Barnett, W |H move to Hai.eni another year. We KUess u r0 . Hubert will be missed in community .especially in old Salem Raptist Church, for twenty yeats he has been a leading member and ( Lurch clerk, and also Superintendent of the Sunday School the most ->f the time. Notice Notice is hereby given that during the present session of the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, application wili be made tor the '“-S'- Uw ,. An Ac t to establish a system of Public Schools for the town of Craw fordville, to provide for a Board of KSSfS'MTS! ty'Z! “i! | eet a f (>r ^be support and main tenance thereof, to authorize County school Commissioner of Tafia schorl, luTh nlrt‘oMl'i'slaS Fund as may be the just pro j-ata shares of said town, and for other ^ purposes.” 4ts. ov - Now isthe time to plant your holiday advertisements and this paper is the proper place to plant them if you to insure a good crop of purchasers, SHARON DEPARTMENT C. L. V.AGBY, Kwok. Plenty of tipple wagons in our vicinity this week. Mr. T. ,T. Flynt will occupy the MeKeon place near town, another vear* W’e see several new tenant houses going up on the Battle plantation. pleasant trip. * A nice party C 8bi ot young 1CnCe folks U met 1 ^ ni'du ° 8 rCtjl ' ' "* dav ' a ' U1J? * ‘ Mr. Howell Cosby has moved to his new home in our midst, and we come him as one of our neighbors, Soine of a dozen or more of our mutiitv mele and f, male vwitetL exposition last week and report a time anil a big show iliey seen. last ,# Killing of the porkers for the ten (lavs or more haa been in order and some very line ones have been salted down in our community. ; Mr. W O."Stewart and family tyill lie our neighbors auothei year. Wo ex¬ tend a hearty welcome to this couple. Mr. C. <Carrol will commence cut ting mil rock steps for our court house y Crawfordviile next week, Mr. John p. has the contract and has epr ployed Mr. Carrol to cut'the rock.. Mjss Missoun;l IJagby haH been on a yisU (0 j, Uu . , )a8t week and came back hoiue very uuwe ll with a severe cold. 4 Mr. L. S, Jackson is navmg thc new department to his slote painted. Mr. Fouehe, our painter, is doing the wgrk. Cluulotou Stephens, son of old Bob Stephens, a body servant of A. , IL Stephens, died last Friday night at Level Hill, this county, a buried . •V’ •' •.X Mr. IL X. Gilbert is toteing his "xi ; skillet now, and anybody that like n they can lump it, that is lis proelamatiou. A little negro boy was arrested las. Friday in our ,own for robbing Mr. W P. MeKeon money box. He was give seventy-live dollars or go to jail. Hie boy was about fourteen years old and has beeu guilty of such tricks lore. Mr. W. J.. .Jackson, c>f Jacksonville, is behiud the counters of Mr. J.. S. Jackson now, and would be glad for all his friends to call in and see him; he will take a delight in waiting on them. Be sure and call on (J. L. Bagby, the Tinner, Sharon, Ga., when you need his services. Everybody that wants Christmas goods will do well and get good bar¬ gains at L. S. Jackson’s stole. He is a live merchant and comes to stay. Mr. Thomas Hubert and bis little brother of Athens, visited their near Barnett last Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Hubert is (Express lm ssenger on the Athens Branch Ga. Railroad, and liis little brother Frank is going to school in Athens. We learn that Supervisor Jackson the Georgia Railroad will occupy Lawrence Battle residence at Barnett another year. Mr. J. L. Turner, another one , iarnclt . 8 ciliz(!n s, will leave that place ,. <)m j, Jir yea r, and will occupy the 0 ui Matt Darden plantation, in VVarren coun ty. Mr. Edward C’roake has been unwell i 1 and very feeble the past week, but better at this writing. lion. S. A. Walker’s speech on last Tuesday at Crawfordviile, was ver_\ He not. ov!y made a good sp< but preached a good, piaelical sermon. Vf Tailor visited bis last week, reports that his father is w m | )(J good news to Mr. ' . .. . ,, - , . . .A family where he is much needed. There bas been ginri'-d in Sharon » urroun 'Ii“ tf ^n.mutiii', lif.cen bales of cotton, and MXieen and twenty-nine bam "hipped Sharon depot up to November 50ih Last year there »vas shipped Sharon depot nineu <n hundred forty five up to - irne date, making shortage of three hundred and bales. 1 visit to the Hon. George Tells Of His Visit fd The aig liliow. u. Enrroit: Tuesday the l!)lh iust. being set irt for George's day at the great ’ ton States and International Expose n at Atlanta, 1 thought the authori ■S (thougli they did not give roe a «eml invitation) fnllv expected roe to mSe important place on the program of the day, so I decided (in order l() rjs| . auy chance of a ( | isa ppoint merit) to hoard the cars the day before, wo as to reach Atlanta in good time. Well, nothing of interest transpired in route, except that before we reached G|, e (tale (City, each coach was packed ^e so many boxes of sardines. On rival the f,,n Wl! w< r : soon herded and driven from under the ensiled like so many hogs or cattle; of course I was not expecting that kind of i()n . , mosl km . w in rea sun, thcre would be a tine carriage in wait ing and a special committee to escort me to the Kimball or Aragon, for did they not meet Mr. (’ and hi.-, Crowd ? but my expectation did not inaterialf/.e, you see I made a slight mistake by not writing to them Indore hand, and had to hustle around to sc cure supper and lodging for the night, hut I did not go to thc Kimball ov Aragon. I’ll know better next time. Through some mismanagement I found lhal 1 vva8 ovor1 ' o!i, <1 an ' 1 loft off "" P ro » n,n,n,c for lla Y> *“* lh, n> was nothing for me to do, but to take in the-great show. Early next, morn trig lound me landed within the gates, fof gom0 lime , slood i, cw U<U-is:U and aamu ., u tllc ,. xlcriuU surroundings be & , )ig ghow jtw , r> ]n lhe cCI(U . r ol jh e erounds was a lovely lake, dotted vilh boats and bordered with many 1( - n inu th bui dings. Everything far ., j <eell‘ d inv most,sanguine eviieciuiiun d, after steading myself and my net veu became quiet, (don’t iiuscon me and think I was tight) i 1 Wended my way to the Feinisylvunia [building, where I reverently and pa triotieally laid my hand (hut did not kiss) oil the famous old Liberty Bell. 1 t<iok myself to the Govern¬ ment building, here I was perfectly carried away with the sights; every¬ thing most that I could conceive ol was before my eyes. The (ish exhibit was very attractive and beautiful — While looking at them, I had our Ts tiiguished Buzzard Roost Fisherman in my mind, know he enjoyed and was delighted with tins part of the show. I could have spent days in this building v.i h profit, but time would not permit. Thu next was the Florida building, tiete I saw everything in the way of tropical fruits and a great many ibings 1 never he'anl of before. The next was the Geoigia building, the ngricul tunil, forestry and mineral display was very line. Near this building was tin old Lg cabin that was moved from the Chi“kstmauga battle field, with its many wai .dies which were very interesting. The aext was the Woman’s building, here be crowd was so dense I could see bui, little. From this place I went to the Negro building ; the exhibits here iar surpassed my expectation,and 1 thm , does great credit to the race.— I v.sited other buildings which were very ii teresting and instructive, The electric display and (ire works at night were p nfeclly grand, the scene is in describie, must be seen to be appre¬ ciated. Knotting that the Anti-barroom . . , i>:ti 1> would lie up for discussion next day, 1 went to the . Slate . House r, earlj i ,tlunki _ I mijrlit ue of much service to tin (Mends el the measure, . but I , suppose bv Horne means, it leaked out that I was Secret of Beauty is healt i. The secret ofhealth is ‘’ , P^rto digest and , ass.m c »ate a proper quamty ot lOOd. This CRD flcVCT be done when l,ver . , I_)0 V( d KttO^V Lsl IS 4 ~ Tlllt S l.'VCT Pills 3,rC 3fl 3bso l utecur f or sick headache, dys pepsta, stomach . malaria, constipat >n, torpid liver, piles, jaundice, bilious fever, bilious ness and kindred diseases. I Jv£f PlllS ^ . , » —— — 11) v hnd 11,0 consideration of the Bill pc»t P°;'P> th,! "°, xt vv ‘ Well I was not honored By the acquaintance of Governor Atkinson or the President of the Exposition Company, but had a very interview with .Fudge Howard Palmer, one of the directors. Well Mr. Editor; I am back hotue again safe and sound, but my trio was »»d stmlj the exhi nls L can onh ihink ot what I saw as a line panorama «»V vision, with nothing indelibly fixed upon mv mind. Were 1 a young man and possessed ot ambition and genius, 1 would try and spend several weeks there examining and studying the exhibits which 1 bc lieve would be equal to several years schooling and would result m much benefit in after life, ”<’*• f;,col:(lK Dr. It. H. Green of Gainesville re reived an order from a linn in Mow¬ foundland for (55,000 pounds of factory thread. It will require about 125 bales of cotton to make this amount. . - - — Thomas ville Euler prise: The n( ,„,. )M . s „r Georgia return, appvoxi n ,mely, $13,001),DUO worth of property t ), i.s year. How’s that for progress? -V bat Bottle - Co . * one si it . :v iwi ft ii ■: L - l£ ' II Efild W E31S m 1 . Iml OPlf iMitlle will do will |lv« wwwww* *■■■ i w ieww——w. you t* U.arty oppetitr hicrratcd will ..inil you on m cure loi dy ip^piiii will difipti ntrvoui nrf,» 4n*1 tow •ptrif* will ttite lieu «•»'(£’•» NbJ U*j|ul»cl»r* will m»i<r lit© climim i.ivr.lid enjoy new life—will ward oil cJnil* «r.i1 tnrtc.i fevers I'ovi will ©ml Makes (hut blood will You iti'(ii(tQen tvMk woo » W'ltl f N* t*. ' • ’I' ( I h Strong c far aal W r View* free. K \ic.\l Co Everybody in this Vicinity Should Visit The EXPOSITION AT ATLANTA THE GLORGf/i RAILROAD j t T« selling Round Trip Tickets at very tow rales. See the A^-nt at (your nearest station for l.lie low rates. siioulil go and take yonr family, they will w jjj j (( , y,. i(ts t,. * f,, r * - you and i have another such opr ortunity. The sights to he seen at the Kxposition wili y , m f„ny for nMi’s tin; expendi- 1 tore, and hi as good children, as a ?I1< and or world more of schooling for your wife. a knowledge for your It, i v a duty you owe yourself and family. Perform ii. Jok. W. Wan k, A. G. Jackso.v, T. P. A. (;. p. a. lT^A'^(»aT! wh ?lE,i OiV&HifA D^Tichan or^ Antiseptic attbliKe at charffL IT vv/»II curfe.Coiic,Creimp5 tAcrlvbv HuX. (hoUra, in 5eh it. Advertise in this paper. It I will pay you. NO. : <r ea 5.1 m ess> S3 ea© Ms $ 5P ■ •■•j s B I have been a midwife for many years, and in each case where “MOTH" ERS' FfiiENU' was used il ancomplishsd Vton t t . , . , . - for that, alone. Mrs. M.M. Brewster, Montgomery, Ala. Sont by boltie. or mail, on receipt of price. 91.0t(|H*r Hook “To Mother., " mailed tree. bradfield reoui.ator co., Atlanta, oa. BOI.Ti lvr ai.t* drugoistb. liKOUGlA- I’.tii.kB rro (’ouiity. 'i't' all whom it may *-oncertt: J Oi;\T. COOPKU uud \V. T. XeUou leaving in proper fonu, aj>l>lied tovtn* for permanent, loiters of administralion on tin estate of Joseph F. Koisoji, lute «said county, this is to cite all mi l singular the era*1 1 tors and m \i. of kin of Joseph 1 Nelson to l>e amt appear at my olhee wifliin the. time allowed hy 1 > v .v, and show t if any they ean. why periimio nt admin>> nation should imf he granted to John I - ('ooper and Yt r . T. N> lr>on on the first Mon¬ day in iftmuaty 18:Hi on Joseph T. Nelson’s ♦•.state. AVitimus my hand oid ofiieial signature, this 4th day of December bS!>u. ilFOUOK U M lTFII I'LL. Ordinary, 'raliafe.rro emuity, (iFOJUil A, Talijifi-rrn ( lunity. Vo wliniu it mjjy cuncern: A ItM'k I’lu/.irr 1) • , in dni form applied to tin' umi< rsi^neil for pcniruncnt lcffcrs <»l adminFt ration t o Uu* ( State li-iuic. Kru/icr, bit** of comity (Incc soti and to I»<* appointed permuiioril, adtiiiai.'stratnr nn Biiid fstsii • , and 1 will pa.. , nptm sai»l application t»n fit.- t\r i Monday in .lanuiiry next. All [mtsoilh mv required to l;o w eaiise 'ii or before tin* Monday in Jan¬ uary in xt why said application should nor, be j.p, ililcd. Tiii.sFb D •<* 181 fa. GKO. II. MITFMKLL, <) id in ary TaJmle; m <’•». Ga. (IKutUilA, TiiUatetvo r„unty. To all whom it may concern: / 1 P. Ijt'tl AS, t.aviuR in proper tom ap V.T plied h. me for pormaue it letters of ailministnitlon on the estate ef t ints I', t ne-.s, li.te ..t . Titta ., I ee.. all and singular, the i veiiitors and te st of kin of Clms. T. Lucas to be allotted and ftpptuu law, at my oliiee wlttiin 1 tie time by and show cause, if any they should ean, why per¬ manent administration not lie Kranted on the llrst Monday in .l.umary IHOii to (J. P. tan as <>u Elms. T. talers' es¬ tate. Witness my hand anil oiiieial signa¬ ture, this 4th day of l incumber, tstta. GKOKGEII. MrTCJTELL, Ordinary. Citation. OKOKCIA, Taliaf.irro (Ii .inty; \\f VV lfItlfBAS, Titus Iticbiirds, Ailminis tvvilur of t'ivuRU*/ lihss't , rcpr**H(*nts to flu* (>»urf in liin pf* * it ion duly filed and <*n ft red on r.icord, that !»'• has fully adminis¬ tered Fannie Down ’s Kstatv: ThiA is tlu iv foro to citv all persons concerned, kind rod and creditor . to show ran <■, should if nriy they can, why said Adininisiruior not 1 »h disi harged fr*mi his administration, uud receive, letters of disuiissiou on the first Monday in March Jw>. GKOIHJK II. MITGHD’LXa, Ordinary. GKOKOIA, Taliaferro D’ounty. UMi W KliEAS, ii. S. Jiu l xm, AJmiui^tr, - tor ofCstale ol A;iron Jackson, repn Kents to 1ho Court, in his petit ion,July filed ami eiitcrsd on record, that he has fully ad ministered estate ol Aaron Jackson: This in therefore to eite all persons / 011 - eevned, kindred and creditors, to show i-ause if any tin y can. why said Adininis tratnr sln.iilil not bo <iischargi;d from liis admiulstroilou, and rrcnivi- letters of dis¬ mission on tin; first Momiav in January !«!»!. Oct. 1st, mi. f.EO- if. MlTCHKLL, Ordinary. 0 CAVEATS COPYRIGHTS. .TRADEMARKS 1 OltTAlN A PATFNT? Pars prompt Nl ana*rer and «n hor»e«t nearlyHfty opfnton, trr’tt; to I NN tV HI., who hive tint! Cou.'niunica* years* exfsjriPrice In confWentia). the fmfenfc Lusinesfl. A H willMMik of )n tlons strictly 1'nfenM n and bow to oh- 1 formation concerning tain rhera sent free. A1 <> u. catalogue of 'JuecUau Jtjnl and scientific books sent Ire ?. Co. receive J'atents taken through Munri & sru ciaJ notion tn the Aiitpricnn, -and thus are brought widely before the public with¬ out rout, to the inventor. This splendid farther ptper. Issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, has by tho taivcst eircuiatioo of any scientific wor*. free. in wor.M. $2 a vear. Sample <*«.-rdca sent HuildiRv Kd'ltioD, monthly, $}h0b year. Sinifie copies, cent-. colors, Kvery and number phot•/graph* contains ot beau¬ tiful plates, in show new houses, with pinna, enabling ruilders to the iatawt d«*sI»rriH and secure contracts. Ulif. Bit Address AiU-N'N 4 (JO., NiCW VOUK, oa h ,va y. THE ATLANTA BUSINESS COLLEGE. The Advanced Business School. Book-keeiling, Banking, Shorthand, Penmanship, Mathmatics, Elocution, und all flie Commercial and English Branches Taught by Practical, and Pro fessionaily Trained Teachers, Students wav enter at any time. For full information, and Catalogue write to, Atlanta Business College Whitehall St. Atlanta Ga. Advertise in this,paper, it will pay you.