The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, December 22, 1893, Image 4
advocate-democrat .ytmilMll ll I.VI Ht I MIMA Enttrcd at the Print Office at Crawfnrd Go, as il (.fin** Mail JtfoBtr. THK OFKii !.U. O! (•N <>F THE GitEKNK AND TALIFRKIIO COUNTY FARMERS Al l.I A NCR AND tINDUS* TIM AT 1 NRlN, AI*o lt'<’ Ofllr I <1 nigiis ol I’m 111 f t* ■"#•«» • €>»* *| f . rAt'L Is. SMI't II. Kuitor. 9 C'awf >rdv lJe F*i b»v, If c. 2«, 1 h^ rt. •c EDITORIAL \0TRS Kxct'fSK the eii toii.d i uge for * Tort of rc.'oling t '..tier tuli fed. c jjlor is sick H ith t« grippe. 'I uk only met* im < ongrem l mw «xa< tly ^wbero ibey ore nt ▼hat thev ate flu rti for, * to the I i sfr. Just HOW I li» too old s.c , ,.gh ., "V 1 • *«: i>t mm i.. n-i - ....... - Vi, .Ijite Clearly »how. llial the “ 5 o\mnor was m»bv ib cUulVmt couut sdoat, Nalfonal nib.liman, In view of Dm recent i orrujit »enu tori id dn lion in Virginia il is -hid meetings will be held throughout Stale demanding ilia sdeciion of ntors h.V pn|iu!nr linllol. T h dmdrme seem* h. hob U P whenever a needed rcfoitn i. We advise the di nn-cracy of \ In be careful nnd not alia,! nor form a» <hoy did the Sfat® ofilc* ji faJL—Ntilonnl Wucbman. ■•WAtSON ON rill: MESSAGE ” ’I he Iasi act of Harrison’* (jon was to pul a stop to the street plot, to fore, more bond*. II i* astounding itiai (be first lai tin s -u e of Grover ( lei eland demand Loin <’orgies" a more authority to issue bonds. to November, lWfit, the expenses tI k- government extended it* * 7 , 000 , 000 . “Rigid Lenin my’ ot ibis soil gives us jaw-in I,e. 'I)n m il J. Shi r a Morton has u;« n a plan to save the country. ||e wants the gi vernmeiit to tending si ed to the farmers. Itt * very tender-fsioteo way Mv Oltvidind recotiiends, ns a lucioiire, a small tax upon the 1 f 11 riiiin corporation investn > tits, He timidly euggt *t« that those OflJJ be “rmilticd v betu var Itie ueccs •iiy f<ir thflr iiupDulVion no fXlnU,’* lluw diffcraiit t* flil- trimtdoux from 'he impriino* 1 Hire With he declared war Upon Free Silver. C lirtTininjr (i(*< i|)4 lo I v MU ••We are bn m I up for mum \; " the inn in* .ax ; \u rttoimhd j. t ;i f nnd) m , laid in? j onuby nj ( ou a ft w < i irporation invcMniCtits t lit if tbe * o» j or.di* » kl* K v 1 1 \ bard we will *j;bi in’ and remit Uie Ib*. ’ With tin ii.cciuc tax hod mi corp.i ii.tlotts, '.vlili tin 1 undrrMHiiditig they "ere 1 tih 'cicpoiniv mut txiuld be ri tniticil nt anii nuc, w nH ... be a ghd'ioit* * ’ a; 4 • to g T cam 1 U’u tK>odie from I he t o orations by t t Iv ?igr* ring that tb* mnottM **h i«l be m;nle j’oot! to lb* tu b\ a reiulsah»u (*! tin ir tax* ? a on, H<* iv* nbf not 1 < ed any tnojc V.tii Al* io* t They could get U the th* y t eiitlrd out v»f the e**rj U-n * \ h;ius.*‘ IVUTKAl NOUS. lit t t D Tin* M • rat e party l» bcnitiig k a l.mtel al. The |*tr*i«l*‘tt|’s UJCH'ft; t- n o-t h ug minded i » I’t'ittiium p* o| if The OeUi win IU p , ty is at mu : \%UhftxH* iu\* mat*» at <»f «*v*» \ frh! \ A 'hr»»i!nia^ fkUl c an** hi d find pn ilumft di^iit«te eof illltril dtiattClallV <«! m ir hnssHv employ* d t iii'v ng itot« fiiot concur *d 1 At MdilKU chief MiKinWv bill. I \* i) hhouW read the Fieri* dcrl > ivjfssxg*? Hint itt'dd** f* i hii»***ll what flic lit an Tdition of the fmiii* 11 > nil! Ih dMlu' g the feign **! tills ih't*<l Me, of Use South, a«c Hi favor of uaJ lit. If England or «*>v 1 1 > HI Ht I V C \ manufacture gomK a here rb^jvi than *nn tl<* ‘Ijtlk, ttt AH y H hr r do it, hj* Vk(*uld ttw kernel the r cHucnsk. T»*c atway> have at v»\ ‘ v ti wher** t J oy ca? nut bijtjt^t i the Wa^t tnoi*o> tilVf lie !,e Kl. at «i*vs * f | ‘ o(>l. e T. & ;; intw»l % Ybt Ht 'V e w the S wixb *ofM while the Hint nJh>ws thr * law !Sfefl> it • WhM Ol tYa3*UC« tie *P Dr«i(*cin \\ by biiVv y«*u ey t a II** th iv h yx*u ’ U vT w * l t-i ill Hi Jlf tti ti m U v a> wh*t i developed? Won't they he as * to the people today as two months Are'nt the people, the dear people, anxious (or tli r i -taldisliiuent as were two or Utiri- moniiis ago ' Wuii they w<.rk a* well !«day at limy Iwo or month* ago’ Why, oh! j this Ktl«wee? Don’t you know tint mysterious or ihsserihm Midi a great i.-uv will tiring sou anil ! | party to diatrua*. hy the jeirpte? you know that *u<4i an art can not , 1 coi.(id. nee? It i* tun*, and yet you lint seem to I !>■ 11 fin* people closely watching you and your awl don’t you forget it. •lust why the pepi ■ P e pw r hires' 1 hi*>< rln ’ periple, continue to t *i ;..vv «jH<*U lip ill • jM.iith'i.itiA * windier* with H*» if vg’i tru*t ng inferr-t* iit Uif i*H j m i • iiii’ii, th* gr « n* mfi***, v. , s rau not t*t*<l»*r**lf»ti 1 This on from y«*;*i t'i v ar: lh#» l, o . "H rot. Inis!" i .,»• faiti’i in m-*ii'y it» f«*M u u te ptofninent in the ♦*)♦•*» of ail ddodnl p '-dde It i» lfie, it Is 1 still prop i* wi’l no- not even innkc to t ia < t luftltn s. i ii*uinj when nl! I borrr* ail Uwa- o in* think ntMtiiF HMii an l vote mm ohm man f >1 •' I'l-tf rij,-! t“ to ui . ^ iit * \ riviieg«'s i : r.rmr. • «»IM MM !«»,« "W ,111111 irillfil » Slitvp ..list. ......... "‘’r. 1 ; 1 f,,r , ' v * -,r'i. , i rotund .,U ' p * ■ ■ I ,, U(TY A1FnH , I KOI t.h > / .1 /f / i ii. a 11 j July A^unl I«r.*. (n Sotiunnl >' n.mi(i n ot 4. Kir*,,—We demand * national emu in - wife, *mn it *rnl Ib slbte, u-m-d i.v 'I • -o',‘ a", "p.'ra and mat wiiliun. .1,- -» ....... " ,, , ri ,u„n*, n Ju*i. .ooin-'i- «n<i mcansof dlstrii-'dinii 'irect to the .t.ux M c <- ■■ ng»<-r r-ni per > " ,| H * ' i !, “ * * ( , . ubirf-in j ' ( ' iiiict’ "r wmi»* b-'M< r *>y»» itu a *o nv i'u % * tttrti'fi In of ••hlltftifion** for H,.o „.1,-’V.. <|-.... I ■ !'.(. frernii t on limflfit co(»m«i* of * *1 , vii a ml » i .t old i . i tirufO’ftUoyal ihII n of t f » i f > 1. T ib<t—-!tV# d«*fti54fnl <bftt tM* iitimtiut o t}»<* r*lr 'ilntin ■! iitMilbim b * *'»•«• fir b» to not t«»s* ‘bait ‘’uvlta. K* .1 l'.~~VV,- flrtiiiudd R l’ j«an lux. Fifth.—\V<* b**lb vn tbfit t!i«* I In* comit iv ^ftf'ulil hf* kept imi-’h im««lbl«* In Itu* liRtid** of I!«•» h«*nr<* wt (Ifiimntl itmt nil maf»* »ii'* Uona! ruvi*f}ut'"# sb.iI) ii»‘ Io tiptiisiiiiy i*xpt iiMM m’ Mid M<ivi*r fill n't'iffiofifirtn iiy i*fftl litn i si i) mhiih i tto «, Filth*—Wii ttcmaiut ttiwt jHMitttt huvli<n I link h In* rt-*litl)INhrtl bv tli»*. hit ihp MU4* tb’l Dvlit of ilHM'HI tjilf)U8 ol III* | Vlip'(! IMl 1 to ,i Alt* 11 »!;;>•, fr'vvvih Tii*a n'lfni hithtii » of t* fha Du;** mol i* }»u;>lU* nwowlly, I'Vt-riMU <t|t vft* I f *1 Vl HI I t* flu* 111 ‘ of th« JMTiphl . Kiuhih.—TJia f«»J<Tjrnph him! tho u*lo j»bmj 0 , Jik*> ibo j»-M olJirt** *i» bt bi|f iirtcrttinit) for trnnr»m|v*h n of nowH Hhoiiht oivilrt-'f {iu*f oj>i•, .’ft’.J by UuVOrli iiHTitiii Hut inti*rrtnt «*f tlu* jH*op!y. Nh Ui - i t**' IhiuI* to ill Mu* iiftt Ulilt in .Ml J .v* w *»f w***»Uh is I ho boiiti»C>* '•f nil tlii* pooji’.o amt fthotih! u*»t t*o uu* for ■|»»*c«l«tlve jMirja^rs, ami ilkn owDfii. iilu < f** n’iou|d lm 4 hUiU*».t All 1.Mid H I* III* Id It? MlUroHli nnd “tie r * »rporttti«ns in ex<*» . f their tieiual need’*, and all lands now owned b aliens should be nr IhI no* I o\ the Uneern meld and held fui actual s**ttlerso vh Vivo I li "He wbo ba»>. n*. it Dr KIur’»Xcwt iHscoVi rv k»»o*v Ifa va ! ne, u* *t tin Wlif have not, J. ......... it ii [***«♦. < all amt c a 1 ib* i .• »n.i a.Mu-** t.. il. F i’i.cnV-.« < ■>, and e» f n s*>iuij)l<* box of Hr KNt w Idfe Plbe, P;« < . .0 nrJJ as n pv ot tinhle to 11 **tt It Ii am* H ms* I.old Insii lie tor* Free. A IS of which l* jffuar’* anttH*fl tortu vum «*hhI and u*a»t j«u noth tun 0 t 4 U J U. Id *•» Ufuu More- » Crawfordville Alliance l 1 La emb er 2 yl. i i v timt 411 itu (lit g has In i it ! an ,.i, ih,. 1... ,j. Fooitb Suiula* I’ '> or B,fgs Utile Giant Ml*. I.Vib-v* II* H*fnt lu* < vtijlllfi o», Tf \ lh**»w- Fold and variant*<1 by Uu, lb J. Kfei io You Kt.ow That times an* hunt and i'UrUtn*.*** Is ifmIv h.*it* li*» uiu know ft!-' * *Ib iS j I t Uic» |ia> ll»c ikfioat cb*i*Diit Hu l hiirtUk V M r t n* * * 1 *‘v "I O- t : r» . 1 ' ' *uU **f Ua* 1 ? Hi'. i f***! >i*H-k t*l in I ;m i;Jv * kl. ur pun? dttt \V v . a.* Tiuiy, l . :> i;i< F. tir.w Dr. Price *5 Raking Fowdet Hk^id « f d u 1 r 1 ' t % * I work Ui 4 * St I’ v a i f v F%* ix \\ * MONTHLY TALK WITH THE ; riViPGf A t'4 «iwri« 1 ■ j of General Interest Per q b Subject# taming to tiia Farm and Garden--Good Atlvics. A ':}<!< U.T li * I. brr A RTMEST. A 11 a. Doe, 1., 1*>93. . mouth of the In this, cliwitig year, tb«f» i» much that rail tie done on the nmthora farm, and whenever the wantbar jwinmU lha plown, if po*«iV»*, ibhoTihl bo Thin wark \% tanportant, moth *r> than inorffc fanout realize, and it i« maintained by cent hr their auc. ». that deep [dowi m if and MHhurjirf wit b gt*<nn (raps I IK.unl of <omm .-rmsl f. itbizerBo this •n ft mar, co*nj>ot#fr.t ehcm;-vts a ure U# Zur'--nt‘ > ! crop* <>( th'iu'iiiids of Ti is D;.n« true, why ah' u„l rho Mrm-r In tate to onhmk thenalmii'"’.-tor.-b I'ut the jdow iu >1 • [i and bring the fulfil to the surtax w/ it can b; . dire tiy ectrst upon h.v *un, air and win j Urrii ,„, and thus undergo the ix-c-s »»ry<ocm i.alclmng.» If you am in | I, oil, the effe. 4;in« U. of to dep tb« stiTring Mirfnc« of the the ami ,r oiuHJur vh . Ui t*r clown to Ixt j re h din u , , ry muthmla. „ a h „ tbrrre i 1 " l< tr “’ -^nsidomhlo w*«ilng , it .*4.1 of h cut dowa, n,i l>. • r i <N ru aim r*wl clay t»-ing hrou ;ii> o , - Niirf ic i tu lii»t pro ce*o j,» rt, o» thin was into * ..flirt, put much re ^ or cm-l. cim dug a stmt ~ T 'iT'o'trt w , rti phir*. But M wm ( )oi tJ n the gram, rye, was sou,. » .• «t In jout ho.e.tht wu ■ **o irtvinl^r, < n /tii the mi;.... • -u^ruotcmi drop or* rm #v]J o , . • r/ec.i<u > a\> on tu*> eu tiro | t ru wan 4 Ktxxi ‘utaml,'' but n i-'Mt Hu ) drouth, mu) »l v , ithn phiuls. except on »*i>* oHreiwfl »nd »ocmi«?u Vf here t ho true had smcl wuh h v vi<l ^reen, mi 1 fit* ’i ff* to M**y. t *.ih tint outy vrheft* th • hoi bod ) p* ly 'b*K« but as» It for ur<M(*ntfvl out -*• • l on t»ir<»wu. SU- to the Hurion i l mu * trai t my dtltoaliou, uiul am --*• . A+* to thorausM, with tb Jt !im ftta vhL Tmu ly rami rariVi:- roopm# f'TAdt*. all now 1 . « m one siw>t can Htill Ikj «li§ UU^II Mi . om \ih Hurrunnihnip* by the llUifki U run'.?' r d larger growth. Co>tf’o6T. A 00 M 1 1 t work which shunM r .1 110 ,v )h th** Hulking ot ami prm »in:> <1 brt.ips. To prevent 1 I 1 “fuu mg' witii 11 so often in hofttoi (but til" m ’Uir." Iiai in t, its prineiiiul Hint 1 ;-e t v ilii'tW" oiotu. nt . n good fuan is to i. >t nrntrarw frnm cow. snoop ami . < a th clui ( b» ii e i f ;lly pack d. Th yarj iuijii li** , td i( [d wter. kaiait or *'Vt*U ait ■ .r b eau Ik* added tlw dan f(nC ot o caiiug ami loss is still fur thiT ' it* J lie l If the heaps are under h|i Iter, mb tint bettor, but ii that uni on topa layer of oarlh. tilloivdtg tltn p-oateet li "i({bt m Ilia con tr>- thai t. c lo may slant towards the dig < an. sboul pa < dowu that firmly. Tim will sit nttuon Is. such no water ui 1 . Iiy using bedding and ru tilty mg nil the manure, it is na toi.M hmif how uiuch can bo an munbitetl in a ft* v mouthn. it is our most perfect, a.* w< b «*» our Nuf' Nt fortib^ i. amt if our tar«toei>» would more Kouerally turutlmir atti’totfon to Ntoppiiitf this, which ii lioth litf rally an I fitfumtivcly one of the bi^ ^rt«t * , }c^4k * , ’ oil *mr furiiH, it would not be long low lieforo they would real la ' how uhk'Ji u wasted in tins one item, ami th *.um lye* I tKuUio it h Wdriuent a«i H. To allow th" mnoutlt and vitlne of the 1 ! i vp i it station, ii • i" j glrwi thi#aubjectth* ehamt study and attention, nuu while, as he navs, the | value of the immure dejw ntls much on the eharftidor of the food, nud also th * 1 # porpuso (ov which tho ruimia] is X in*d, theso figuroa will servo M au illu«tr 4 tHUi, and will, i hop?', aet many a farmer to thinking arid nrttuif? who In* heretofore ?K*on iu <1 dfereut. 01100 ho mv>nc'\l unit tin r is *-mom y at it." wo shall seomor* attention uivou to tho keeping of live I at ot’it, Htu!, as a natural sequence, to the ! il anting of g mui erojHi, and then fob owi the divemtif* ! agneultdiP®, which ! must l*e oar hojn* f»*r the fnttire. j I Auinmla which are not producing any ' thing, tm milk or young, and are not —iVSftSJSS!?ISVSt ^ • 11 • j> ! c cows 111 im ^ p-. . nt. v . i.ijmu elves 1 x wry lirg.. «monnt of the mmiurial, at i of tin. milk which ««vt.UiM l!i< ••». AV ui.. tb. , • o. u- • HVI* V vat* us m 1 ur Tin* qanvitUy ot itiftntm* pro luo^l ymnv by 1 •• v ; ions r,:'w , of animals ww ccdiiantc*d by IkTU-feian^ault as fol¬ lows: Ton* Id jH'r year. : Ib»rNf» IX**; \hfii liqii* h, r le IVnvs ., tumid#, 2 *MKXI l ( sv V'Uth, s D--H T.i is*.;! <t rli. uniinmH key-t ut the l mver* tv Ivi v*- , t-> , l exiUHt to 4* w.attuv Hntmftis. uikmu two ihirvfs of w»r. u wore cattle ami on*> thir»Hu>i>-tei. Uk* ruu WM m coiN*rel bat * v (rt an ? no »« \K Every :• lY;i s VT t Hiid ibt •ViTHgC WCgh k! XV.i * months’ l-;-:^** .H. S**v H 1 v'dlLUi * proaUc* 1 *! tons, or a trine over ken tan* per gpttnal. neei A fnirlv literal nmonnt rt beJJtns wan * ‘"..I is included la thn above- Iu M 47 full grown DU., oial* ' 9 M t* !>r»*i . • ..n » few pea: t..a-.ure tu fivomooth* rhe I.) lAtire as t«e* rr WAS kept iu a ,wared wrl. a t th.* tme , vV » \ . w »* ’ '1 , titer to.) lin» anl • „, u»! than th~ wx*r» . a kw y>; . > * H'AS {,d TO KK S S Dr. Pike’s Cream Baking Pow der I W*vrW? Fair 0iplcm*. * * I' C./ ® j —' “—J j»|i( ts'' -—- 0 — . AS USUAL 1 Our great- house gronas hieuth the multi¬ tude of ■Wonderful Kargains That «U every inch of space from basement a ( J 0 t,|(» 11 tukCNS Casl’. Hllll U slirOWd bllVCT * snatch tlieSe rare values from the great 3I <lll Ml .. ciCTUl*Ol c ii ilC XvOl V’.id III )■ lAw-t H l VI i 0 f the 11,1 rocksiaiid I tlx un-tutu the a best buyers v that en a lOieCI 1 a| UU- fif.lfj *U-IU this NOUSOH nt <t *. i,uu,,u NOtllllUT b I1(‘W 1 ' . <1 * IH.t 1 ll»>« , , i. m ,m __ m > » ■ ». »rnr aa..vCT.A;»aA.a _ ' ^ m to o 154* m T, M T h u> S- T 4 W** $ 20/;00 in clothing alone; full .suits f otn 7 to $ 50 . Every Hi'.agirahle lal rid tl'oin tin; looms of tin- woiId We hallenge any dealer to show our $10 business or dress suit for Jess thflrn $ 13.50 to $ 15 . Our Dress Goods, Silks and Tnimuing Departmen' reminds one of the ineorrpartible "Midway r’aisttnee.” For here you (.we tin* late.importations of France, Faigland, Ireland, Scotland and Gennauy, C Luna, In¬ dia an«r Japan: we show smooth finish * iouble Width hem iettas at 12 Jo, real 20 t* values-; 50 novelty patterns reduced froin^S 15 , $ 12 . 50 . $ 10 , $ 8.50 and $7 at 3 .T 0 to (i 50 to make room for new arrivals. Otir* //(-packings, /’lain hllVvcnl and Storm Surge, (’anl.meres, Henriettas, silk warp IleirjiettHS, (iilhert Suitings,Betiga ]ines,«Laded Surahs, Crystal Benga lines, -Hrmonrs, Plaid Soires, Tafetos, Grogi-nitel Divnasetrs, etc , cannot he ltmtch ed by <ui \\t.iil dealer ares’-Uing south < f like Mason wildfire, and tiespgoods rush, Call A b; morning to avoid the great The cst complete stock of) //osieiy, (llo v es, J a\ fs, Corsi fs, Belts, Braids, Edg* mgs. IusurtloTBF Eaces, Km broideries, t iimjts, Nets, wheels,^Pn-ssa merfteriea, etc ■ * we have ever before carried. Our Artistic Milliner, f Miss Juba Thomas, leads the trade with the grandest and most beautiful array ol Paris styles yet seen in our eity. She never fails ti> produce just w\u t a person wants. |for sales aiie immense if cotton is cheap. can come n.urcr making u dollar stretch he < 5 niece of rubber than anybody. She is ' t * anxious for a larger trade from Taliaferro County. 40 and 50c Hi drive in all wool flannels; k;oods bein;*; knocked off at‘-20c; how’s that! ^(‘E*>k»r |!ros. $8 shoes at ^1.75. % / 46 shoes at $ 1.50. There is nptliiug in shoes flint we can not *ho\v. We keepeverytliiug mid want your trade, . ! . to , lrom .« I 1010 — 4 o»> 1-3 save you . * promising : ^*ii t )0 IkTH'VO ,, WO Will SefUl’C it. , j n .. 1 " ’ WO ' Yours to serve. ARMOR BROS! Cjk’rcriu^boro, m 4 V A V / A XT ED—(•'**«? Sicctei A go Or Gi.iwfi rdv il : ** at>d f, u the Orditmrv fApautmeul of Mttii i'olitMi Lite Insurance f s v York. G*kkI Territory ixcs'tent ccntmct-W right man. O’. Ooi.b, t’alwnixs & «*“*» A ’ Ua * ----- J Notice tO Svtw _ A k ^ 1 1 The fi.-st qiiHtterlj Biet-lmg _ .*• tj »h i^reeno i'outUY iVIlisbce ’ ‘ « " th tfee lodje ’ at Shi’.o. {l»m a.I G.e , . ll.eie . -c dtlcgute* , 1 • rt 1 •. Tt.e ••nt: tear «*t!l lw - . Ul0 u.. t fer Pnr pnne; , • : uct Oicn willbe rk J 11 Mt " "<>****■ , • o. v. c A , . . r p. < ib'tirrheea Jtalsttm. V*‘> 4 . iii*. Diisirhoea, ard Dyx u:. y, 4»s \ v * Mipi ’y t. ha:''** and ' anauted hy 1 *k. K. UK 10 5 DOLLARS TO PER DAY 20 Easily Made. we want m»y men, women, boy*, nnd fW*«. wort for us a fvw h*>ur* daily, ri^thl inandaroond j ttor^wa h«BW The b«w«**ss is easy. pktNiit, ' wrietlrbon able, and pay s than any other Yoa ^ M .»! no competition. Kxp*ri<eac«* *i><f spociAi ^iiitynn neoentary. So m>itnl r* .uired. w, equip you with eTerrthiug thnt yoa need, tmt yon well. *0-1 betp voo to exra ten time, oclinury wage*. w .. n : , » wet: ,. ... iti t* y* nod glrlt ouk^■;*■’■ p«: • a *; »’•**- endothn Vi-weeed w .wonrptainnnd Ub h 1 ' ;i ’ ' ' * ^ * ! » ’V*"' * urr!? lrin * voa a rrv*»: dvsj of move*'. Eventloug ** wv n->J to *"*» *«’»'• *».«” r^P bfe ‘ circaUar. Mtirfotw t'm onormxticu. No aann 4 V XUA if JXHI cv>»vi^dv not to go on with th« George Stinson&Co., Box 483, PORTLAND, MAINE. NOTICE TAXES. t « i;J he at the following named places on dates below. Please meet me promptly and pay your tale*. Raytown. J •' Ht. Craw fortlvil'.e, 1ST. 2d. Battery, tJOsth District Dec. tth. Crawfordville, Deo. 3tli. Lyneville, Dec. 6th. 802 District court ground, Dec. 7th. Sharon, Dec. 8th. Crawfordville, Dec. 9tb. Raytown, Dec. 11th. Fiukt-r. 605th D'btrlet Dec. 12 th. 607 District, comt ground Dec, 13th. Crawfordville, Dec 14th. Battery, 6u*th District Dec. lsth. From the istli to the 20th of December I w ill he in C’lawfordvilie. My books must close on December 20th, 1893. iseapecriaiiy, G. i. liD .i mid*. Tax Collector Taliaferro Ccuuty. LlM A large amount <f Money is b»t an «„«!, i, r .-ties purc:.^,.- ....... . f>u>l tree* roses and elc. Get them from (] rm /hat gr avs tbeir ovvi. t^ees sfndsout “"**»«** b «f a^i »‘<»ek #*«i «.» s «. «* sonable pnees. He want tee address ot every farmer or gardener iu your section nd wilt make you a liberal .fiftr, write f,, r particulars and roici s at *.nci ■ send stun p o r d<*cr [ nc n Caia. 0 ue. A . f¥ _ r i , o 0 wanted everywhere. Aiders, Chenchce Xurs. ry Co. Legal AdyertisementS Citation. G BORGIA -Tapia pep bo Coi.nit. To all wti. m it may concern: s. u. r.hod.*, administrator of Mrs. Rebecca Harper, deceased, basin due form applied the to lands the belonging undersigned the for leave of to said sell de¬ to estate ceased, and sa:d application will be heard on the first Monday in January next, at 10 o'eloeK ; n my office, in the Court House of said county. GEO. II. M1TCHFLL, Dec. 6. 1893. Ordinary Citation. /~t EDRt.'IA—T auaFkrko ( 'ockit. R. \JT J. Mai n rnd Charlie Mann as ex<c utnrs of Hie estate of John T. Mann, has « u y made applieation to the undersigned for leave to ell the lands of said estate; and 1 wil pa s upon said application on the fir-t Monday in Janui ry next in mv office io I ourt House of said county. Said land consists of a tract of land containing three hundred and eighty-five ac;e-, more or less, in said Charlie county, Mann, adjoining John public nad, a .ids Luneefnrd of Hol¬ den , J. C. and others. .GEORGE MlTt Ordinary. HELL, I < ( Al. CCTTOK MAI KET. Good il iddling Ttrict Middling - Middling 7 f iTlni CnUliCllES crawfordville. Baptist church, Rev. IL E. L. Harris pastor. Preaching on first and second Sundays In month at 11a. rn. a ml 7 :ii0 p. m. Sunday School at 9 a. 111 . Pray or meeting Wednesday night, M. E. Church. Rev. J. IL Lewis pastor. Preaching on fourth Sunday in month at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. ni. Sun day school at 4 p. m. SHARON. Methodist Church, Rev, A. Ilugcs Pastor. Preaching 4th. Sunday at 11 o’clock a. in. Prayer mooting Fri¬ day nights, Sunday 3 o’ch ck P. M. on Sunday. South Liberty Presbyterian. Rev, F. T. Simpson, pastor. Preacb ng on tliird Sundays at 11 »’clock. Prayer n.eettug every Sunday night Sunday sctiool 9:30. Puri,ication church. Rroian Paths olic. Rev. A. J. Sernrues, pastor. Services on Sundays at 10 a. in. On eek days at 6:15 a. a:. COLUMBIAN PRIZE WINNERS. CONOVER PIANOS CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGANS WERE GIVEN Highest Awa r d s At the World’s Exposition for excellent manufacture, quality, uniformity and volume of tone, elasticity of touch, artistic cases, materials and workman¬ ship of highest grade. CATAUOOUE3 O* APPLICATION PN*C. CHICIGO COTTAGE ORGAN CO. CHICAGO, ILL. UR6EST iiMFiCTUSEfiS OF flfiguS *Nu unSIWo niue IU II TUC tHt uiqni nufiLU. n Notice _ Teachers. I will be ready on Thursday, Dec. 'JIM to make a payment to the teachers the VfH! 1?93. All teachers who have not seut in their reports are re’ to do so at once. Respect full? W T. Flru ?. C. S . C Your Time -x*f> 2S& When it need; repairing eau lie profit* ably placed in my band.*. My long i x penenoe as a Practical Jeweler Evades me to do all kinds of work per* tabling to tin* Jewelry Trade in a profi went manner. When yourelock or watch, ; , r ,. a *ty;in or ring, or jewelry of any de* -cription needs repairing, or anything "you in that line give me a trial. When wish anything in the jewelry lice made anew 1 can do it, aud satisfaction and price;, Respectfully, A. S. Laramore, | Crawfordville, Ga. Office iu Alliance Store. Notice to Debtors 51 utlCred¬ itors GEORGIA—Taliafeno County. All p<rsonsindebted to the Estate of W. M. Tappan, late of said county de* ceased, are h quested t« make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said Estate are ?tquested in to tenns pre¬ sent same to the undersigned of the law. I’m pe A. Tappan. Executrix. iVbite Plains, Ga., Xcv. 20, 1893. Bargains! Bargains! Geo. W: Brown, Sharon, Ga., will sell out at cost all goods for the next Thirty Days! All persons indebted to me, either by note or account, will make satisfactory arrange¬ ments to settle or the same will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. Dec. i ith, 1893 . LUMBER! Good, seasoned lumber cl all description for sale. When you want anything in the lum¬ ber line call on or write to EOBT. SMITH, Philomath, Qa. TO TIIE PUBLIC! I desire to state io my old patror.s as well as to my new friends, that 1 am back in Greenesboro at my old trade, blacksmithing, with Mr. C. H. Finch, back of Armor Bros, store. JNO. IRWIN. dWPtr X# 0 SE BUY NONE BUT THE GENUINE. .3,000 iMerchauts sell R/, WEE£ $ PERT/I CL U 2,000 of them trim]led other Spec¬ tacles without Success. Th€s.; Fanuus Clasps ate Fitted t® the Eye at Dr. R. J. REIDS. Crawfordville, * - Georgia. J. H. MONCRIEF. -- BeSldeilt B CreenesToro, Ca l wish t > rcturri ray thao4u» Iy a ^cner ous public for past favors, and to armjiuica rapt I have the “New and Improved vfethaT’ for orcratioaa in filling k-eia Am pieparev* to serve you in \ #atisUcV*My ma’iner at all times. JAMES DAVISON — aXtturney at Law.- Geene*tcro Georgia LOANS NEGOTIATED. 1 iff-..-,).;*•> Wil, [-ra - tic* in *.j. icing countie* Subscribe to the .4 dvoeate-I dem¬ ocrat.