The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, December 29, 1893, Image 1
THE ADVOeftTE-HEMOCKAl _ 1 • 'flu* I Vo pie V Advocate, Established > The i-ravviordvdle Democrat ” 1S7*>, s*.C HA W FOKl > VILLES^ ALLIANCE STORE! Our Motto: Honest Goods for Honest Money! Head yhat WO Jiavc to say before YOU' Imy your Fall and Winter goods. wcj liave sold goods for cash this year and are therefore in a condition to give you bargains throughout our entire stock. we have no bad debts that we will try to make gO< ><l at our customers expense. i 1 -,. 1 0 ..»5 na l *ktll IbirtmiDni £»**■■■’ I I \ » V larffC » stock of factory »• 0'H1S Jitwavs j (> | ”* ® *■*'*' ' ; hand; Winch . have tile: Oil among we heaviest . checks , - ever sold it* i n this 1*1 place. ; High Shoals 1 shirting O at oc. per i vard. o « Jeans! Jeans! Jeans! Wc liave a large stock of jeans Yvhich selling ... low. . ise to , get , we arc very sur(‘ your part of the bargains xve are otter ing in 9 oz. Atliens jeans before it is all gone. Hoots and Shoes. We desire to call special 1 attention to OIU* Stock ()1 lllCllS and bovs boots ; see them before you buy. The best line of children shoes in stock, we have ever bad. Young Men. See our gents furnishing goods, latest style hats and gents underwear before J you purchase. Promiscuous. YVt! keep on hand it good supply ot the following* goods; on which we guarantee prices, Sugar, coffei, lard, tncJ, Ilouiyffteal, salt, bagging, ties, syrup, m olasses vinegar, oil, uailf plows, Dixie plows, and exit a points, rope, noise collars, horse shoes, broom.- leather, tobacco, cigars, cD.vkery, -Vamps yfUtssware, tinware., cheese, cracker-', c tuned g tmb, staple drugs, and other things too numerous to mention. IFiien in town le sure to to give us a ea!! and sec what we are do ng. W C'Oiiapman, Blsr TIE PLACE Til BEY YOI When You Yonic U> Orccncsboro KIMBROUGH,BICKERS&CO the House to I 5 uy From. We invite the b 'ood people of 1 aliafeir.r County, to come and see us. We have th ; best line of goods at as low a price as they < an be sold. carry in stock an elej? gant line oi Dress goods mid trimming, ladies cloaks, shoes of all kinds, clothing, hats, furni¬ ture, crockery, hardware, domestics ol all kinds al the lowest prices If you cant come send us your orders. They will have our prompt attention. V/nen you visit Greenesboro be sure to call on Kimbroughs Bicker s & Co. Heard-Geissler Block f WeRSOKIAH AH ADVGCATE OF ; PRINCIPLES- CR AWFOllDVILliRGAf FRIDAY, DF.CFMRFJ - 29 , 1893 . YOI, l-i\ 0 . 13 . aBtanmamaim 3 mmamBamtMBSEaess^mt m i COHRESl’Oit DENTS. Barnett Ripples. Bt Jack t'rnAT EAST WEEKS ITEMS. 'nyeurolim is rapidly* draw " ^inist, paying your « ^ flH '*' fct u,eedlt ' jr il>u u> are exceedingly pleased to see llEtnvoE^B-DEMoeuAn T'pape’i “«£; S?*. w ° W A good many of of our farmers this fall are protttv well prepared for an other year as to incat. .nil bread If they 014,1 uail " a 8 e keep the sheriff off ot their premises. At this time of year moat any one’s emipanj, when business, is more enjoyable and taiuiu* amu tnesi.erirs or constables. The man who runs» county .»« \\A\m' has m >re demantla to meet, more w " iinsi C14 ' ,,,,li0,,s ‘ m ' fi,n f stopl ^ se , »y ami egousnto contend with, more discouraging criticism for a certain ar , ic i e or editorial, man a., y man who [ i v < ‘‘ , ^ , e ;^ h llie nau:di ““ of llfe l " h e e Ii t The campaign of ’94 U already under headway, and beyond all doubts, will be owe of intense interest. Are you one of those Reformers who will be known as au active worker? If you ate, make those neewsary pre|>aMtl.»ns which will fir, you for work. Ktlucite yourself, inform yourself S) as to ho M ’ e, ’ r! ’ moss back. If you are not one of them try to work yourself up to where you want to be active worker, for the ups building «.f your count y. Mr. James Gregory will soon move to Pea - Ridge neighborhood, mr. 11. M. Allen vill move where Mr. Gregory now lives. “Jack 8prat” Is under many and lasting obligations to tlm Augusta Lumi er Company lor one of their c, tn bine phpeicutters and envelope npeuers nolliing atsiveis Ins |--urpo»es betttr. Our deiitoi8 always send their ‘'duns’’ sealed and this instrument d-v’iitelms the work of getting to the in fbe envelope with ease. Misses Maggie and L’xgetl R»ek r after an expended visit to friends and TrialSvts near Harnett, teturned home near Cnmak Ga last Tbuisday. Sharon Dots, Our town this we-k is almost, in a flying condition, most everybody is sober and merry. Mr. A. T. Gilbert was deputized to assist the town Marshal but we’re glad that such good older open tlm streets b»s not required the service of an officer, notwithstanding, a huge crowd here during Christmas. Mr. Jim. I*’. Ifi’ikins brought to town lust week a turnip winch weighs six pounds. led Several ladies anil gentlemen attend' tin* reception at the home of Mr. 1 ami Mrs. S. 15. Chapman, last We i' j nesd.ay evi ning, given in honor of the marriage of their daughter Miss I Mamie to Mi. Ruben A. Doz’er. Mis** Mattie 1 ”y, of Wasliington, spent a few days with friends in Sha¬ ron this week. Mr. Joe O’Brien and sister, Miss Marie, visited Misses Delta and lJelle Kendrick last Sunday evening. ,, £v ... ,, r,, „ ™,„,ij„-. .....i w. iu.....h wir,,. ................... Messrs. J. A. Uinke, J. M. and R. A. Davidson, Augustas swells, to ... onto,, enjov <jn auta i a cl Claus am «, i 11 , their mamas, Christmas. O ,i te a number a.; of I idle? lb,* and gdu ■ 'it'}’town , ,.f s at academy last Timsday night. , A n entertainment was giver, :u , MrgF „ , | K-mlrick’s Monday evening and ,1. A . ; people was enjoyed in by most all tbije yoUog j town. The fm.iressioit is that Mr. I-. T i Monte is dsgss 1 dp lo jo off on A 1 visit; but it’s a mistake; he’s ru> long -r I the ginnee ftiid cotton seed buyer blit hbe druggist, qgccessor to Geo. IV Brown, T*,at’« -why be wears "ijaa • biled shirf and fried collar eb’ry day.” Miss IjoJBb Jobi on is visiting her cousin, Miss Nora Kendrick, this we, k. The buys at the Convent enjoyed an j exeellent display of fireworks f.’brist mas night. j Mr. J ,die Overton was In town Tuesday last. Mr. F. M. Johnson is spending some pleas ut days about home Ibis week. Mr. E. 15. Moore made a business I trip to Norwood last Tuesday. Jtfisjes Leila and Ju’ia !Iaek,,ey j’ed 3/,s. R. 11. Jacks',u this week. i Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powdet WorWT Fair Kl*he»t A».rd. .«, UXU l NEWS* After t'hrf' A>as is over. Irish glut t '. Bergstrom's. That Ul 1 Mark next to ymr ttnme menu it hat your subset ipt ion j'ome up and renew. t Armor Bros. Mr.Oft.IH Men is spending Chr, st , ArmorIll ,, 9 . xou« «,«. va«k by ",m' ont ‘.amt ’ * i EVm'vOo'l''t’com,* .Via Maude -*ry is spending Xmas at home. j J - I5iiy your sin *- af Kimbrough, Ilickcrs A t 'o. , IIi ei'iic 'la'in. ■ Don’t forget Hut subscription before lte SewP»f, till to ftr g-tricu’s for orni kerv, chituiware. etc. y“te. Mr. duo. Tin'mpson, U of Augusta is among the visit to our city. ltlg stoyk shot l cults rith-s etc. being closed ftf H vciJl* *, Armor Bins 5 -» Why <lon t >-/W 9 tho Rdvics ot the X oppiHit* iifur mime. Ovth*r your V'JovIs from Kfmbfougb BieUers Co. O* \ •oosboro, ba, Mrs. Apt hoi irpi umeil from ;i visit to Washingtoi jdnmlay. Win low shad, lhou-e fiirulaliliiR. etc., buy only at Arm | Rr • . Mr. Kd DolucUe w;,s in the city for a short Xmas vi^t. You rail buy tai <*\ ■ only at the Atlt anee .8ture fm lOe. peril). Just tliink of ! .lust opeiuul anoiyier shipment of indies Cloaks. esboro. l\iinV)inU”jb Bickers Si Co. Green linn J. If. n j, l\»|)i)lisl i\,prosi‘ut at: vo from W 'ti poO.ity, was in town for a short f’bilo .Monday. Mr. (!, ncrusti oll'ii- / 1 ouv city tins ft s|it(,mini stork, notli,n\ . i-uUs, rlntblmt, lm(s. sliors, o', Wbon in town po nrmm I unit -tic I'lni. Mr. Will fJubPii tin* It. It. operator heir, spent n nntti (ft of days in Con yi-ts. Inst wonlt, $20,900 worth of t. to bo s<jl<I hv Jtytumt) tst li yi - »u will tbul ft to your n*i. , -i i • A tb ivs „iix ntitTl Wlmro ai',: fy 1 ." fft, niekei-t * (Jo (ii'i-iatosUino, in. I!rid flu I* till*)? Tlm livliiMt, iHtlulipS in Miilillc Gil. News comes Uialj Mr. Henning Milts den is quite sick iiii’h that awful I. ft Gupp, We extend <oii syinpaUiv and hope for id:n a speedy recovery. The best fanejr and plain candies, nifties, nut.s liuitA* ole., are to bo bought from Mrs. M Trope. Hoc. it s surreys, p* imtiais, bin'ktio.nils road carts, ete. to be -tangbtereil for the 11 .• xI. 3(1 days. Armor Bros, Mr. Clem G. Moot-’ " f Stephens, (In , a former editor of i be ('rawfordville !>em»crat, Is vhu in? r*dot v **s in section. Mr, Moore’s lualtti. we an* glad to state, isV. iV lUoidi improved. Tiocsil whig i«» t.hi jm|m r tic pay ridvtutlsertf bnixls *mely ( Vcy ))U|>. Only ms ()<*(' Mm*. fy It Bin Jo! of fin- i 1 U nt 1ht* AHhumu j Store which *«»t be H’ bfi in t <• m*xt, /’(*w | <1(1 V 8. Mrs. M. K Brooke, ore, unpntiled by her d:,nglit"r M ms A mile. left for Ray [town 'J’ui-day. -t they will probably hpeml flic remaining I did: ■, and in ablition several inontbs. Carpets, mails i re"*, I squares mats inutt ete. be torne at a v.jr I ft.tom -i my. Armor h-se goods llnm. ! Go to C. Bergstrom's to get any |t , ,i,« e * . ...... ' , . , . , visit. Ve say tu » ' V j bu t t be evidence g<»#e t<> .iv it was , s mu inim. |( , m ijy i, v . the. ctv. ’ ’ Coin-soon aglln r <VUW **»*»• "* ; ; ! I»r«gs. Winm-. <»* ' ’*• Vi f.,. ’ i cl,Hut ware sml ,-M.nt f. 15., U„e screen n q», * i j Ifr®## . ( ; . j latest . (J ^ |(?f)s (f) m ;„ in<i y * ■* ‘ ». veral davs t.bift , week at home j ag'l > B'*ng his friends here. Much ad he regretted to leave. tt,e eufrancftig klihcesor apalr of,lark eyes, his lues la* t’tiled 1„m back to Atlanta ft f>D»aks at No ft Y«;rk (,ff - Armor Br< Xi'-e lot of pants jp*t s *ei fit %Uq Aldan* c Store rftl,g;„g4'» ptiee hOm OH* * bp. If tlm eiheiman MD f|;.d n<M Imen r- [moled . Ibe dullne-H Iwlifiint wouhl ImVe been alt, hub-,: (by the administration erg;'! to Ibis fact. But since it is repe geif' fe siijqiosi they w )l throw the I, >»■ -Iff the fact jj iat Qi iee r, ■ ■> rletbroned mon a ich. our50c uulaun r irt at the Ai* l iunc .Store. SotUinu' add* no fmi f Coration ot a room an a Ijeaut H hi T. B. of GreenenUor > < (supply you at ,- i.ive bim a * al. Do you won! tlio People's 1‘iii'iy Paper one war, Tin: Ahvoi a rr-1 >i: m.-.'three months. and take ehutwes to , help , m . the laudable undertaking of building a monument .in honor of the ox-lTesidcul of the National Alliance? If vou do, send your dollar lo S. II. Rhodes, (.’rawfordville, (la. A well assorted Stock of furniture, EektbtEnT^E^VVeoEstw'n,^ m m a just ns “ 'J s ^ ,’, > Eo ,l to , aH r ^r8uw\V s^h as flu.r, meal, meat, sugar, etc . ‘ s ,’ lU ' p 'live sons'ui Ham. Jack Copelun got cut putty severely at n party 8iitiiiil.iv night. • At the same time and , hu'c John Moure was km eked in tlm bead by n rook from the handsof one ot tbele ligercits, T'heshei ilf had lo h ive a hand m the fun so he slapped several in b" :,ii hls ''art of the prograi... Taken uR together though it is a very ‘I'tn t t In isl m is. *» solid curs t»t fm nit«ue tmui Die hi i ;'c t lacl * ii *s of I ho Wosl, hejng Inuletj ( ,n* nt a song by .Armor Ibos’. 4 cam ofcoiUing an l lie.vting stoves very .‘heap at Armor Bros.. Now (h it iiDme\ is eoniimr in how about l’ ;,in,i "« v, " ,r Nulling cvhlcuccs 'supply 1’’j,'!.n..t.’ wilii ’all V «tV.o’• 1.!• s’ , M „ yon eolor.i amt qualities of painl- lie al-o har.illes glass, putty ami ne. Tim impressible mischief nf the CrHwfordvilltj boy is proverbial, as missing gates, overturned out, houses, missing signs and mi&im in ouiumus phiecti dm ing the hint few nig/ils tesiU fy. Also, will t.cefify to the same e!^ feet, u eenam young man from the gate eitV, who called upon a certain one of our fair eilizms and who r«* turumg‘ aBer Uu* e, ill” was beset I v a hotdeof mischief workeis i nil who, made dcMpetvde by tlm pr ivokiug :ihs saults, drew bD revolver and l.jing rigid and left, (scattered the crowd. < Ini*tmas is almost here amt t ie tiiuii vvhu wauls ui get lull value, for his mul\ey wi'l hu> bis candy, raisin*’, or in »c”, aps jil'-s, eocoimutM^ie |pt the TrI'#* B"^' end hig v s(4fck flint*. of e^#th4^F a»tn lory e e. Annul Even in the plucky lin si) of (ireeii eshoro o c would |r*rdj\ < vpeel to ttnd a drug Ht/oro ho complete in itsappointiueMts Its slock *{.» full and fredi, and in every way a 11 ctuss store, as Urn Drug Store of Mr. T. il Uh*e. D would easily Yank litat m i tV i (i ■ a til v i . K Very body admires and palnnilzes lire ami Imimiuchs like d< der. »Sm*h an one i- Ua* dtuggist, Mr. T. B. Klee ol (Jtwueslmi t>, (ii,, The Drug SStore ot Mi's go,it,<t man Inis lately been icpamted and now liai.iA as iiesli as the interim Mr ltiee can supply you with anything in die ill ng idle* I Pilvs ! Piles ! Pill’s ! (,\m ne eUM’d. I rv BfieiiiMD Saiye when eveiyihiiijtf '.l-< Duh iaih'd .Sold and waiiant-ed by Du ).’ .I RDio. A Bud A *:c i <J * * n t . I;u , wununy muni in - .V2 1 Uw-I' MuiRt*.. iv ,h su'cnb Dl ly hi Ot by Ml. JjUthti Hhosb'K. )I \hH In i IiIIill,Du p.tiiy Ufi(i v^ils WrtlklDL? no I i lit ill of V( J ItlDItirh Who WU ♦ ri l, >ii* w Dm» Dm* khh ol Dm I.iDmc »v;n d> <*'i u :»■<! Ihe i »,iil nf I iv • hlni m(io I iluiij^ <11 <;t umlcr Dm* !»* ( dim *»( Jt<»^*<*r .lunbui, i>F. B. K. Itiinici of Union IVnni u.< Inn! Hy huh, tijiwvl to nl'rtnl wounded buy, V\ Inb* Du w>M((t<l in s» j lourt il in not t i inij^bi ii bo iimiial. --- Two Liven HilVO'F Ear 1 every enmpHidy emeu m-r and Mm .• n * it saved her lip.. Mr Tho-. Kggo -, Khiililu street, miii l''ranc.i-co, snlli-i i-d ’M-P''<«'e|.i.,g Con stmijHlon, tried without r—ult in-i jtl,Ing else, u-mglit on- h.,ui,. ol It, K mg' i S oSi.n.Ai ,‘Z be,' Tt',’ Irlil I I. » M ,,,. , { ,, jl. p, ,u> p, t ,, ,,,,. l Ri%ularsiz-Wc .imt ■’> - — | NOTI'K OF CIIA.XGB ...... {Of Dale for Holding Cou tty Alliance Mielli-ui ' ‘ Gie, ne County -- »« or , r , ' ” the ndT.-ie r. county dhinnwH of f hn ana hh il wimhl j : i*€ bnjKMi(u<flt*. »»» .i t thin Unvti all th(i county aHiatnu 1 w itt4 l oil Um* m ^ii ; iiii dale I *riv<- n*n.ic# that. U.e rm-' ! mi: of dryetw county mIMhiicc h eUn /i-d to the lltb day of Januaiy tuxt. i<* . meet ai shilob. 1>», not negbet l>ri-Lb' r«-n, t(,♦? ai pinnlmMit ol delegates to this meeting. J. 11. Me" HOUTKfi. President G. '’. V a, A f F. i Gresbamville, Dec. JtJU, 1K'.C5. i Is Your Hair Falling Out. or Turning Gray. If «<» try Herr^s Hair lh*n<jw«r. Th<* «»lT**ct 1-* won<D?r?til. Hold h:»«I V. arrarit**<l by I>u, R. J, Hfciu. j A A E\V V KAli’S ! RESOLVE. One That. You Can Make and Keep-Somcthing About a Merchant Who Will Help You Keep It. — .--t. As you 'a inch out oil die future of a new von ■ you should re-olve to live i^Ei!' " ,!s dm ‘ il! 'VlaTlnol'lm"-’ ‘ "" New lo ceoiioti ir.o, you will wi-U to make. oyeiy dollar stretch ns far us when you pttrehnso thi ise go, ds you are compelled to Uave. Right tiere is where we. wish to assist you mid we soberly 'mi and calmly claim llial we call saw ■ iiieiu immi'i than any house , i.i Middle l if ■!'!.'i.i. I ait «is explain ourselves and you will see. we ore ;d)!e (o do Ibis. ,h! ■•mLi!'’proE' i oH Tnl Erne lather ib;in . ruinuUM pioiilsolJ t 15| , v oi ibe feiv." 'I 'be higli-prieed llieieli illts illi* crying u i Uo>i u. I lie n asou, \oil can jn.l- *. Wc arc proving how low *'' il " 1,1 M ’ 1 ' 1 '"" l l '" ,,rKi "' ' itbious prulit;- into "smitlieienes." This ipiesiion eoiuiniiiilh suesis ilse (; "Will the pefiple npiu’etnde un.l pa romw Ibis .. eiimt . , on oui ,, pait , . , b» l.ieak down high prnvsV” Wc an* liu> bn ■ that they will; Ht , far lb* . have, !»ut wc wouul iml j,j (bis; \n«- u i Ii to draw tlm trade of -.ill tint sui'ii'itii'lhi^ viimiliiv). \w lavn, for us In ( ,uili nut u sltcutijaful fit’ll, nguiii't liiih joi.-i’s till', people nui. J Kiiittil to us, Vi o urn sinnilino in ilium (ivory ilnv, ns iv« snvo ibrin from In to 33 1-3 jiur I’l-nt on j>no I- |nnvlt!is,’<l from us. Malm III, at Now Year's irsoliT, to live eeononiiettlly by dealing with Ibe, full and complete mercantile (.ousts ot Yi’iiis truly, .1, . stop. - Y, D- ’» Cofflinissio.'ier Nesbitt’s [rONTIM i l> I tool I.,l O' WEEK. ) TtiiS nun citol* in Georgia this year will bo larger than for many years, an I I regar I ibis us one j of tin* hlVo’ng.nt i v„l nr, s of our reinm lug prosperity. i ; ii have 'Idsoi born peas,gnnind- provided, jioas and qaiiai i 'i l condition, and the lined pork,us only ai Util,* . m goo Vo imrden 'In* a eorn iiimh 11 tie* w ,tlier permit, betor it is ulWnj’H boiler to kill, ii p ,-:.i: le, * < ’hn 1 mss. I,olh im III’ 1-011111 ol lie- > * piano ol keeping tlm bogs up and lie i anse the moat, ry* p in ran I ■ ion "p t tonal cases, lias i beM.'i' IJU'H'O Of I'Urnig. I InVi- 11-1(11*1 ’ .m 1 m*; it jK'rtn to be Vo kill as >ud\ VSri mv>niBn4 da y«>v v,iDI", in oi ler, u there uro a oiM'ddorn Die number «>' le»t.<» jjel llj • • ill ml , hjuvimI and liehtly »ttll/-tJ le by niRut , A Her elenntug, < ot on l w tin unit, .n Ft ill warm; hvj' (M<’b \»i« Until b» tin,I Kprihlile. on Hilt.; ImVc UionUULf. win n nil uninntl heal* will iuiv* ui .»j» j>e U"d t tli’ ii mU tUoroueJdy with hBv, and piti'k in ix>x< < oi b.HTf*!'i. h»iiR« fil t,id« t hint., ii* oi >■> it ; «’ov*m ;iu i Jeuve unid i idy to be miioV d. 'Hn* ! followii»K in. by all oddn, ID" U ! eudlwxl in the many l ha < «*u tiiftl for rimiNU II AMs. Trim hd "oh . , HvoMiiD;; i(n }]"m in tho RohIi; ini * "•> t)i b » t nt. Dr? Untom , joint below Cm la, 0, and also tlm small I laam that connects thorn; tinat with salt tho hhiijo hh <lir*'f o- i for tho ot.hor fiM'fit. After packing in t h i It, allow t he bams to Miami for a day nr two to draw out | Urn blood. To each Inn 11*. nf ham use eight or b-n immnls of sal' two ounees ! gallons of v/.itnr, mix thoroughly pour over the hams, which must 1st pin v )ou*ly packed in tight i-asks or barrels, allowing tlm brim, just t.....verthebftin* wo )| ,,|„, n u weight on ton to keep ni ,,,„ r . Judore js.iirlng it on. t- Im i -- \m ^ wrrKfj »» tlm brim and the, hang by tlm skin at of the leg and smoke gently for several weeks with hickory wood until dry «»•’. blown. F-, “ga windy d-wf.^Tlm e the i bams down and. lost the fly may have deposi;, 1 seal! ea, I, Ham mi i place in tlm wind to dry, Is then <■-onvenient. wrap in pa]Mir, and if buy or protection, striw this asa.imr,, |s*rfe.-t wrap I lien put ,“ brtWgi" ),U i‘mk * — r.v tie , K „ MI needed. sint-D Irvine thin wijm* I huv« never UrfuA any otti» r. uu<l flw bscuu im ft«6 * ^ 1 ujm ur«, Awardul Highest Honors—World's Fair. OR j , £ tK^Powder The only 1’ure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammot’a; No Alum, Used iu Millions of Homes —40 Y&ns the Staji-lari | That Blue Mark. S.i.ys t hat you are behind with your subscript ion. You should pay up ami renew. May In- you live so far that you can't cone right away ami pay up. Ami also, you may not know exact - !> how much you owe us. Vow we will give you a remedy for these oi.j.otions. You can send us (he money by mail, and deduct from amount you owe us "* H 1 *? f <"' "'amps or money order. Do you see? We agree to pay for the sending if you will semi u Nod, to dub,., i to the object (or, I don't know how much 1 owe the paper.” J We'll tell you, just send along one dollar and we wul put it to your 1 hack din s the remainder will tie placed j as subsei iplb n paid in advance. J You’ll get your dollars worth. J - So send in your dollar. II it more Ihmi pays your hack dues you will be |cicditcil paid in advance. and receipted lor subscripti a S< ml in i hat d dlrtr l i Pa tronizc Ho,ne 1 ndustry By tying your !i<»rw t >Hmnc\v hitching , «t Ju«t put uji at the AI dance Store. --«► # KleHrir Hilters. This remmty Is becoming so w«»H lujown and so popular a* to need no upecinl mm: lion. Ali wlm lmv-' used Electric Jhtthrs sing the s imp song of praiHe. A purer medlcim* dees not exist, and P is guar** indeed to no all tbnl. is elahnmi. Eb etiic Uiiteis win euro all disease* of the Fiver and Kidio'vs, will remove Pttuple**, Boils, s , , |If Kh. inn and other uflecli.iiiH caused hy impui'* blood. Will dtlve Malaria from Ihe system mid provnt, as well as euro al! .Mu lai ial levci s I '.ncure ol I lead it Id*, 1 mill ip itii.n amt b diucsimu try Kleeta <■ Bitters entire -'iitisra/tioii guaranteed or money lefumhu}. Price flrte and $1 par boBb* at Ur U .1 Bcid's Drugstore. U Hard Times. If you in nvoid feollng tin 1 "Imril tbnrs" liny jinn Xnms Riiotls at tho Al iluiii'i, .Morn vvln’ii* a tittlu moiwy wilt Iniyaliln pile of uomts. A 11 ianco Rally. On tlm ninth nf next .January the Alliance of Taltafeiro will hold w meeting at, ''rawfordville. This i* Urn day set |>v »h« l’R - iffpit. ftW^JSsC's irefnv, aT tin* InstV'inUon of The TJv Ing Issmis, while the regular fniutlng Will bo bold with 1 ’hih Grnvo Alliance yot overy alliHiicetnttii B'muld attend thin nno. A lect urer from a distance will ml,lio,“a tl o poople. f.'iuuo one and all and start f.lm tmll rolling fur H04; a year that will bo fanimitt in history NtM/wi'il Hair Cur hr. Will kci*|» Mu* Ift.itr In curl the Rauiuvst vvdhIId’F. !hvri y DolMu wai r.iutcd hy JJ H • Hi id. Sociuty Notes. 1 III \V f r Ol*«l V i 11<9 HOOIilH to hi* fliuillitue UJI in 1 he MM'i.iDie line. On Momiay ninht, i tut yoiui^ |it<|i#*M hijiI |*t iiii»!imjti l of oUf vlty, ut. a l tU« Iddud ot Mr, W.J. Norton. AfiJ-i pl.'iyinjf ami i-njoy^ ii»H IiD'inwl v(*a Hoiiennly, until a late hour thu whole Dunne.* thou went •eronudinu;. Although 1h‘‘y iliftfitt'b *‘l Die *tS Dnb» rn of ucivi ly eveiviiic lit town no one j e .j>ontD <i wlDi Ihe nhi limn **wlui* rind < ikfi" ai i, inimh* hath not eimriiH. Tuendny ni«lit iho children had a sucia id ui the rr udeneo of Mr ami Mrs 1 VV. O, lloldiMl Nuiiu*'<iuh y inn*H w»*rt* pkiyptl, ufft'r whbHi, uinbroabutml miku w*»rum»rv*vi Tin- yotiLtf p»‘«r(»l<* roport thin ah !li<;nro\v» - >- t f u r;i,rlslmna Jollltlw. Mrs. ib.Dlon sn h D > ( ^ i»4i Imuiiy All ixfu^l tVilrn -ulav evening, a miaiber ot young people , bad , quit,- ft pb-ft-aut . , time ... . 111 tlift ; in joy i.i#*i»l. of ii coin p.tity, nt Mr*. \\ r • D. s llolfbuiV fbtfrcwli menu wnrfi fwtv kl at ?i Auiiahl^ Muu* au<l sill U*ft f****ii*»ti that a - for her -in-*'-c -fid endeavors In mitertftlii' ■ pj^, t|,<, i-,ow,t ' i A 1*01 S IKK “Mamma, limy vv<* jihiy at kwptng a < 1 ore In “V* . Dut you must l»f* v»*rv, ' »*ty *|uh*t." ii»( wise Toiu wo’iJ |m 11 (< ini we don I mlvettine, — Ex Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder Most Perfect Made. Not i CD to Applicants. There will be an examination of ] applicant* for license to teach on Saturdav. January fi, 18!»l, beginning fl.’fc'i o’clock a. m. Parties ruuat furnish tlm requisite certificates. 15y 1 | of the Stale (school ComraiS' hdim.k W'm, F. Fuvnt* •• C. >S. O.