The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, January 19, 1894, Image 1
The People's Advocate, Established lt*f>2 > The Crawlordville Consolidated Democrat 6, ” 1893. !«'(> J 1 Oct. GJ. II. NINON. T. S. DAN FORTH . J\ T ixoij Dqqfopflv COTTON FACTORS. No’s. 3 and 4 Warrej Block Augusta - - Orsi Personal and undivided attention given to the weighing and Selling of Cotton. Liberal cash advances Made on consignments, THE FARMERS Fire-PPOOf WAREHOUSE 739 Reynolds Street, Augusta ■ We especially solicit the planters trade: Do strictly a commission business. Charge low iu conformity with the times. Bagging and ties tarnished at lowest market price Write to us for terms. Cash advances on cotton try wagon or railroad CRANSTON & STOVALL. 739 Reynolds Street. Augusta, Ga , 4tets$i» & Aitsiftio* COTTON FACTORS Ko. 727 Reynolds £i, Augusta Ga Strict Personal attention jriven to all Business. Liberal Advances on consignments of cotton. DAVISON. FARGO Cotton Factors aud Commission Merchants. -pJ K . .jcoiner JteVWjWs anil jAtkSfi.o-Sttw.te, ■A . Oppcitle Ooon Excliang* Augusta ■ Bagging: and Ties at the lowest market price Persona! atten¬ tion Given to all business The Advocate-Democrat ADVERTISING RATES: SPACE. | ONE MONTH | THKEEMON8 | SIX MONTHS | 12 MONTH. One Inch 81 50 S3 00 84 50 $7 00 Two Inches 2 00 4 00 6 50 0 00 Three inches 3 00 5 00 8 00 12 00 Four, Inches 4 00 6 00 10 00 17 00 Five Inches 5 00 8 00 12 00 20 00 One-Half Col. 7 50 12 00 24 oo 35 00 One Column 10 00 28 00 40 00 60 00 Local Notices 5 and 10 cents per line each insertion. Business ads. to run li s than one mouth 81 per inch tor first insertion, subsequent insertions, 50c. Bills due after first insertion of the Advertisement,. CHAS, L. SMITH. Manager. Crawfordville, Georgia. Eli FINE WHISKIES. BARBECUE, SUNSET, $1.50 $3.SO GALLON. GALLON. s LIBERTY, PURITY, H ps $ 2.00 ill' $4 00 GALLON. GALLON. : Red g DIXIE, Front, ! . $2.50 $5 00 GALLON. m GALLON. ROYAL, a PREMIER, $3.00 3-- $6 OO OALLON. GALLON. = ; ; A-W- STULL GrCo ’’RED FRONT“ Cor. Bro-duaj and Campbell St., Augusta, Oa. r«<j. ATt. Fiee Trial. \\TEAK MEN Sufferers from youthful errors. io«s of manly vipor, Vari crs-cle. etc. Nervine Fills will effect a *p**edy cuie. By ite use, thousands of s -av'S of the very worst kind and of lore "tsndinv bt-en re"tored to l*xrf*et L#*a]th. 15 ,000 testimonials from ait over the world. Price per package «i, six f-.r 85. Trial package scut securely sealed lor 1 « cen-s postage. Address, The Gould Remedial th Agency. N. W. Cor Wsbash Ave. an I 12 fet . Mention this j aper. Chicago, III. Piles ! Piles ' Piles Can be cured. Trv !{.-«*’ German salve when everything else ha- faile.1, Sold and w riantcd by Db. R. J. Btin. THE ADVOCATE-DEM(1C 11 AT. <in;irante«*«l Cure. -elTlJ^Kire'^New DrioTi-ry^rfMNin- Colds, this sumption, Cougiis and upon condition. If you aie afflicted with > leouth, Culd or a 3 y Lung, throat reraed.jas or Clu-st di" trouble, and will use this reet^d, giving i a f'dr tiial, ana rionce no you rr.ay return the bottle end ha»e your money refunded, We ci-ulii not make this offer did »e w4 kuow Dr Kings New **. "gf FTuPsDrog »tor-. Large size vjc and ?l. 2 Ts Your Hair Falling Out or Tum ng Gray. If so try Beggs’ Hair Benewec The effe-t i- w-ntenub Hold and warranted hy Db, K, J. Itcii*. AN ADVOCATE OF JEFFERSONIAN PRINCIPLES- CKAWFOi'vDYILLE.CiA. FR IDAY, JANUAR Y 19. 1894. VOL i~M). Hi ' * * v LOCAL NEWS The grippe lias not entirely died out yet. Cloaks atNew York Cost. Armor Brcs Mr- A. D. McDonald went to Way uesborro Tuesday. Fresh, fancy and plain caudh s sold by Mrs. M. C. Trope. Mr. Zachary tire seed grower of North Carolina passed through last d/onday. 85 shoes at ?3 50 Armor Bros, ltev. Joseph Sailo’s of Tyrone, Ga., was in the city this week. The cheapest and most complete store in this section is, U. Bergstrom’s. Mr. Ed Golucke, of J/adisou cauie down last Sunday. f3 shoos at 1. 75. Armor Rros. Lets all work for Crawfordville and old Taliaferro tins year. 4 cats of cooking and heating stoves very cheap at Armor Bros., The merchants here report trade as a little more brisk last Saturday than usual. Bead tliisl Go to C. Bergstrom’s for supplies of all kinds, such as meat, meal, sugar, lard, flour etc., etc., Thai' Blue Mark next to your name means that your subscription lms expired. Come up and renew. Big stock shot guns rifles etc. being closi d at a very final! price, Ai mor Bros In spite of the hard times a num¬ ber of improvements are going on in and around our city. Window shades, house furnishing etc , buy only at Armor Bros. Why don’t you heed;the advice of the X opposite your name. 6 solid cars of furniture from the targe t facto ries of Hie West,being hurled off at a song by Armor Bros. Another week with some very dis¬ agreeable wealhet, consequently news items very is scarce. * Mrs. IU. C. Trope is in the lead with latest millinery goods and everything in that line. Local adds in this paper will pay admliseis handsomely every pop, G»|.* u oUrp tH Viutr. Try |T? i* **' 4 ""* Miss Maude Leg wen entertained a number of friends with ‘coin party” last Tuesday evening. Those who at t< nded report a very pleasant time. 820,000 worth of clothing to be sold by January 1st if you need It you will find It to y< uv interest to call on Armor Bros at once Messrs. W. R. Reid and .1, F. Hol¬ den went to Atlanta last week and brought back with them a tine lot of Indiana horses. Attend Stanley’s Business College, Thomasville, tia. Every worthy graduate in good paying position. jaO, ly Messrs. J. IV McCord and C. C. Caidwtll, went to Atlanta the first ot the week to purchase some flue liorses. Young man, If you intend to marry you ean buy your furniture from C. Bergstrom and your luturo wife will bless you. Carpets, mattings, rugs, art squares mats etc. at a very low price. These goods must b- turned into money. Armor Bros Boots and big stock of clothing at fac¬ tory cost. Ai mor Bros The Spring term of the Stephens High School opened last Mo iday. Capt. J. It. Anthony holds the key of authority. I)r. Peirce’s Pleasant Pellets cure con¬ stipation, biliousness and derangement of stomach, liver and bowels. If F rtneeand China go to war, the smashing of crockery might affect the price. Come around to C. Bergstrom’s and get the best cbina ware at the lowest fltrures now. IFfly wouIJ’nt it be a good Idea to organize a land company to p remote immigiation to this section of the country; It would advance our coun¬ ty wonderfully. Why wouldn’t it lie a good idea to oTsendig raise all our fine horses af^ritm at home instead or sending off o.t arter uiero. Wecan we i an raise as fine a horse here and a Freat deal cheaper tba-i Urn residents of Illinois can The Herald-Journal __ of Greenes wo made a tquare hit on the poaeible fraudulency of the Nattona. Banking ststen. We are sorrv “time and type” Y will not allow us to give it to our tea lers this week. More Marriages. At Prospect chun-h last Sunday I wo couple wire married by Rev. J. IL 7he contiacting parties were: Mr * llur.ih t t„ Mi Miss a iisi.p Ha-tier a aid I * a .Swain to Miss Barker, all of War r( - n couuiy. Y eMenl»y 3 fThur-dav. ’ was also the ■ of Union , or Mr. J. h. Uagby to MihR C ’ L - Krrckur, of Barnett. Mr. T. J. Gumming officiated in this rnarna ? p - Tha Advocate Demo* hat extends congratulation 1 ! to all, am! wishes for them a harpy and prosperous life. Will You Ta /> Stock. (From People,'i arty Paper,) , "’’l 1 In another columi ’** *'*'•* lie found a call for^i <s;:ription to uiv Daily Paper. Many friends in u. in * n<e forward to tills step (so a 1 isoi u ‘ly necessary to our Party.) have a ™''d me they would not only stibet *’ a ^' ir t * 1 *’ F |t P fr hut would take si iu tlie enter pr se. By the terms off, subscribers, as you will see by rwUj?* u '“ "ii’ice. they will own one-!: t ' ie stock* °r *50,000. Of the remaining * * 000, 1 will take *10.000. The balaucA is "««red; for sale, in shares of *1' * ‘ If you will le 1 »>e of this stock, write me to® And send me a cheque, draft, nq -der or postal note for one-halt- •lie amount you sohscrilie for. This one-half pal you subscribe will show with cr\ a! ‘h arness that you mean business Toe other half wib s called for when your Board of Diip -ors decide that we need it. If I don’t pul>11 * I P paper, I will return the money But if you wi k UP, as i be¬ lieve you will, the Panor will be pub¬ lished. And it will be i ROcoess. And your Inver ut will turn out to have been no dy a Bbund piece of patriotism, bi 1, a Bound piece of business. Try It. A..d trust Urn rest to mo, Address. Ta ,'- 0 . E. Watson Thomson, Ga. To Down Spooks. A wealthy bachelor declared that a horrid hag had Klaieil-t* r - him through the night. Ills friends laughed at him buthe ln-Bted that the house \v r * haunted. He grew ill,complaining <4 extreme heaviness iu the stomach, hi» 'epfwttte failed, t\y grew sallow, eiuan . and de v / jident» iKItt-yeirig le w**- lo4ie. Ym-Tmt (Mritioe. a a a (feeUrej i»o could he* funeru. bells rbig’iog in his ears, and even hinted at siucld A friend endue* -d him to u,-.- Di Pieiee’ Holden Med¬ ical Discovery, and lie rapidly grew v*<-l 1 spooks and all kis distressing symptom disapearing. A torpid liver slid dlspepsla causing Ids sufferings and the medicine cured hoth. The *‘i>e*covery’ Is the only remedy for bldousne > and Indigestion, or dy.spcysla, so certain ip Its eurative action as lo warrant its sal on trial. A guar¬ antee, in print, wiap very bottle. ON THE EVE OF WAR. Some of the European Countriefe About to cl yh Mankind can eng tge In different kind of warfare. On d the most com¬ mon contests in this mniry is the just light against high Ices, This is be tig successtully wi |ul in Greenes burn Ga., by Mr. J. Storpy. F.verv oneacknov. leges Mr Moreys prices on all goods in stock, to be the lowest in Middle. Georgia. Go and see for yourself, LOST A large amount of Money is lost an nualy by parties put k-ing worthless fruit tree- r o*es and et i i»et them Iron* firm that grows their own tree-, tends out nothing but g"od stock and tills at rea¬ souahle prices. d's want the address of xvery farmer nr gardener in your section nd will make, you r. bWsI offer, write for particulars and prices at onci , send starep fi r ilc-crqdiv* Uatahfue. Agent "anted everywhere. Addiers, Cherochn- Niner* Oo. tVaverr— -Ga. A boat * yesrago I t*ok a violent attack of la grippe. I coughed riajr and night for «”oat t(|at i six try week- Ghainlterlaln my w ,f~. ' Cough then suggest rem-dy. At first I jould see no dtlfwence, but still kept uktug It, and soorv f.*unit that it was what I needed. If. got no relief from one dose I took another, and it was only a f< . w ,„ yMint „ , was rrc- from the cough j th k ought t« kl»0w the value of th u r emdy.snd f take In ae knimledglug the benefit Mustard,Otway f have l "cel Ohio. red from It. Madi-oo fo7 gs and 50cent bottle* »*h: by. Dr. It, J. Ueid Druggist. I Awarded Highest Honors-World’s Fair. D-PRICES Powder. The only Pure C ream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia, No Alum. Ustd in Millia is of Homes—40 Years the Standard. Fluker Items t nv vox. Colds, L-» C rlppe. Had weather for sowing outs, A few more years of hog and hom¬ iny "ill sH*fanners nllright hilt w'lml of other proicsaion*. Madame Humor says there are severa marriages looked for, in tin' vicinity. We are glad lo heir Mrs. Caroline nukeraud G. M. I’oss who have been quite sick are eonvalecing Miss Ida Huff of Oconee and Mi-s Mattie Griffith of Wilkes are visiting relatives in our neighborhood Mr. J. II. \V right lias opened a store in Woodstock and competition is so lively that goods can he bought {here as cheap as on the railraod. Mr. Well, Luuecford and .Miss Mattie ttjeso were married oil till inst, They received man / nice and useful presents from friends. They have the best wishes ot “Yo Scribe” in our Mass Meeting let us be sure to be united, pass by all wlio are seek¬ ing office and select the ablest and most conservative men. Wo think the plan outlined in Hie People’s Party Paper the best of any we ever knew: by a dopling it we will be sure to know wind the people, want. Can Any On« Account for Tlilnf An Auburn physician in his ninny years of practice line noted that few people are born on the l7ih of tlio month. lit' waH Born that day him self, und being <>f an olmerving turn of notice.—L**isbm mind lias taken jiarticuluj Journal. A ICrpIy of T lunyian'lit Some years ago a certain press agency wrote to the laureate offering him u supply of cuttings as to his works. His reply wan brief, “Toni Tennyson dona not care to pay for gnat bites New York Tribune. Yellow hi. tiff is used largely by the Canadian French girls, who compose a majority of thw employees iu the cotton mills ull over Mm United 8tat«s, particularly in New KngluiA **——r fiv r v p n sewV It may not ht> generally known that Queen Victoria onee had poetic aspiv ntioiis and carried them no far lists write a book of verses. She sent ibis tc a publisher under a nom do plume and had the pleasure well known to Rome humbler folk of having it promptly “returned with thanks.’*— Lilieugo Herald. HON, T. E. WATSON Will Probably Address the Populists at Greenesboro on tho 20th Instant. We urs in receipt of a letter from Mr, R. K. Davison of \v... . ivllleeoti (ainiug the above informal ion. Ev¬ eryone Is mvlted to come out. Tin I’opulists of adjoining counties are esptdaily included in this Invitation, It would is) more than folly to Iiy lo expatiate on t lie Mr. ui soii’h political carter or Ids qualities as a speaker; everybody knows him too well. Como one and all. It* member the time is the third Saturday. The 20th of this month. For pain In the idlest there I* nothing better than a (1 m i *• loth saturated with Chamberlains Fain lla ill and bound on over Ihe seat of pain, for sale by Dr. It. J. Bled Druggist A Pleasant Occasion. In spite of Hu- gloomy weather here lately Ihe young people have been in joying themselves In a sociable way. One of the most pleasant of these oCea sinus oi-i uri-d at the home of Miss Lilia Norton last Friday evening at which a few friends partook of the hospitably of the charming young hostess in !hc enjoyment of the coin game. xhe little folks also had a sociable it •’ who w-re • present report the occasion as one >f t f ie genuine pleasure to all. -------- - - Rbeumatlstn. Headache, Emachi*, Tooth mM , N -,. ura iria, are onlv sever., re. mimb r* that your -u.maeh liver and kb! - v*^e nmm ,w.L- wtR p, ir tft.-r and It lined directly Msk.- mi ( M, ltw ly do this as arts warranted the vital parts. Every bottle by Du It, J 1 lit"* CORRESPONDENTS DOTS ON TI1H ROAD. Iiy Traveler. Some very bad weather last week. Mr. James Elliott, of Wat von spent the day with us recently. Come again we will bo glad to see you. Miss Claude Battle is v.-ry much improved in health since her ret ill'll home at Barnett, from Grovetowu. D r. J. J. Coo|a-r has been quite sick recently but is la-tier at this writing. Capt, J. J. Battle was quite sick a few days ago but was better at the last account. Mr. G. It, Gregory and wife spent the day with us last Sunday. We wore glad to meet Mr. Tout Akins on the streets again I. st we. k we hope he will entirely recover fro a his late sickness. Mr. \V. M. It Miki r, of Barn -tt f*-t lion has moved to Ouivcitou an I ae copied a situation with Mr. Chatlos Rocker, we wish him much suee.e s. Mis. Toole, an old lady id Williams creek settle men t, died I e t week. Mrs. Ci>at Elliott has returned fioui a two weeks stay iu IPairen county. Mi. Lee Davis, of Atlanta was on a visit to relatives lo tins county recent Five manmges reported iu Warren county last Sunday, that is il t ig busi¬ ness in tlml line tor one day in one county. Mr. .1 E. Bag by and Miss I, t Rocker intended the niairiago of Mi Lee llarils and Miss Mara Harper ot Williams creek on the II h instant. Uncle Tommie Ilynds who died re cently in this comity was a good clevei old gentlemen ami everybody liked him that knew him. lie was always in u good liuiiior and had a pleasant word Inr everybody, Peace to Ids remains whei;e they sleep in -loath. dm I! other cu i i spniidenl. ill Wnod vlllv, wrote In such glowing tortus of the prosperity of Ins town and coin inanity generally, flint we ham .iIiimmI Jo jw■ ve^lU_U.' re mid cos'. out let will. I he people Of that wide-awake and industrious town we have spent, a many happy day up there in days gone by Sharon Dots, News mid credit mu hoi’ scare e dls week in our town. things show ter Iveii up a’t -r it while. Mr. Gluts. I. Smith managing edi¬ tor of the A DVOt'A'i i-D emocuat was lu Sharon Wednesday last week de¬ liver mg Home first class job woi k. Misses Nora Moore mid EbhIo Ntoiie, two of Baytown’s molt excellent young ladles vislicrl tlio daughters of Mr If T. Kendrick last, Friday until Sunday. Mi. A. A. Mershon Inis retbed to his home in the country where bo fit-ill this year. J. A. Ki.'idtlck has just received n lug lot of good Flour which is for salt* at 83..50 per lild. and better. Mr. .1. Ruff Kendrick and slater Miss Love went to Washington Wed¬ nesday to attend a wedding. Little J«e, «on of Mr. A. D. Moore star ted lo M-.lneil tins week, bo’s only four years old, unlike his papa lie’s low up and high round. Little hoys are, great possilidites and early 1 ra'n ing prepares them for grand acln-avs Blent. Misses DaniuriS Moore and Ella IFoodruff were in town shopping, Tuesday. Mr. T. E. Kendrick has retired to his country, though In- pays us a cordial visit occasionally. Mr. (). M. Kmith of Washington and Mr. Fred Brown from Atlanta alighted from the cars at our depot last Holiday a. in. They dld’ut say u ,,. y |„ v isit(?) Iher*i to 1m* h grunt unuHHinfHH the people, they’re afraid the Pulpit Is loosing It’s saving power and the Hunday schools are not made 1Ilt e,esHng ......... and the Fiaye, meetings are aim ist neglected. Certainly something is wrong with the church folks, It cant be pove, ly because that would make Hern sties cUme l( , UlH l/0rf1> natllrit i a p,.earanee . It hn t t w , scatter,,' „„r t olllles umon .a ,o the ’ i„- old Satan who has implanted Ms diabolical . . . i r envy and strife in the hearts ot [be people and discoid and hatred to sep aratfe*friend* anil Urutli #w». Oli letd a, way with Ihofte k- di.TerenoHi and be united in one brotliertiood battling Tor h« rne Peauj h i ! fleaven. The persi -tent cotig i wh Icli ii-ually follows an attack of the grip can be per inantiy cured by taking ChAud erlaln s Gmigh Ki-nusly. W. A McGuire of Me j Kay, Ohio. sr.\s: "I,a Grippe left with me a severe cough. Aft* r using several dllf *r eni medicines wiihmt r.-llcf I tried Ghatuberla u’s * oug i Reiuely, which et feetid a psrmanaot care. 1 have | found it to tie without an equal tor ehil | dren, when troubled whit colds nr j 25 and 50 cent S*oUles fo* sale by Dr. J, Held Druggist. SUBSCRIBE FOR WATSON’S PAPER And Help Build Polk’s Monument. Mr. S. it. ltholes is a contestant for the 820 gold prize offered by the People's Party Paper, and makes this proposition to the public: For one dollar be will give you the People’s Party Pap vr one year aud The j and Advocate Democrat three months, I il lie gets the prize you who have | subscribed through him will have a* sisted iu building the monument to the memory of our lamented Polk. Bring or send your dsllar to S. H. RHODES, ( r.i vfonlville, Ga. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powdet World's l air Highest Award. HUSINES$ NOTICE . All persons indebted tothcAnvo r.vri: Dmoii-at for subscription or advertising will pay the same to (’. L. Siniili, th present publisher of the paper. Fait L. Smith. liuckleiis A in lea Salve. Tlio b.'-t sitlvc In the world for Cut* Bruise-*, Sore-, Ulnars, Halt Rheum. Fever Sores, Teller, 1 1 x)>i**-iI M ind *, Chilblains turns, Mii.l all.Skin Kruptlons, mill po«l ilvulj rw - I’ll*-, or no p:iy required. It Is giitumdec d Biulvt; pciiort siitlsfuetlon or money i-efutnli*il. Price '2‘- cents p -,r bo*. For -nle liv l>r .it. J. Kelt). BOCA I. CO I ION MARKET (food Middling t;», Vlrlct Middling - Middling Voung Wives Who are for the first tlmo to undergo woman’s severest trial wo offer “Mothers Friend” A remedy which, If used a* directed a few week* before confinement, rolw it of it* PAIN, HORROR AND RISK TO LIFE of both mother and child, an thousands who have used it testify. *t ««M two hottlM ef MnTHras FaiENnwith marvelous roaulta, a»<l wlsh ewry woman w f„) |,,, H to pavi through tlwordesil FwiHlMOf of child-birth Rlew to know H th»*y will dm MOTHER* of and u-ffks it will mix nnhneiwmt futn imMnsur* snfely to lift of mother ana child* Mrs. Sam Iiamilton, Montgoimiy City,Mo. Bont by firpr^ff, rharg©* pfryald, on receipt of », !jo r U«. #1 in pfrtwttln Sold by *11 druggist*. Doo* Mothor* malVed 1tm. Co., Atlanta, .... Oa. liaAUkliaD KiaiULArgii Mass Meeting. A mass meeting of the I’opulista of Taliaferro county Is called to meet in (Iraw ford villa January 20, 191)4. Ev‘« ei)l)udy Invited to come; business of importance to be transacted. J. A. H’oOBAf.r,, ( lialrmin Executive Com. Nonpareil air Curler. Will keep the llalr In curt the dampest Du¬ ll. weather. J. Kicin. Every liottle m:whP v i’ I'.it MHIM1 Itli'TION I. AW"; Few readers of pup it folly undei" stand the laws governing subscript ioih. I he decisions of the United Statis Court on this subject are; 1 Hubscribers w!io do not give ex piesa notice to the contrary are con aider* d as wishing to renew their sub¬ scriptions. 2. If subscribers order the discon* llnuunce of their p< rlodlcals, the pub¬ lisher may continue to send them un¬ til all aireaiugcs are paid, 3. If Bubrcnbers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals front the posU I 111 ;e to which they are directed, tbey ;ti *• responsible until they have settled their bills and ordered them discontin¬ ued. » If subsenbers move ... to other places * without informing the publishers, and naners aie m-nt to the former ad • they ^ -ire held responsible 1 ,le 3 tills have il .1 j r . Uk « i'ericHeals from the of ,l< ”’ or removing and leave them u - -fled for, is kacje evidence of Inteutional fraud, ft «• o It subscribers suhsenners pay pav In in advance, advance they are bound to give notice at tho end of the time if they do not wish to continue takiux il; otherwise tho pub ia auUi -r y .*\ lo oond it, and the siiUscrilwr Wit! bj r*sponsible until an tx •t^ta notice, with payment of all arrearage*, is sent to the publiiher. The latest postal laws are such that 1 newspaper publishers can arrest anyone j 0( . f ra , 1( ] who takes a paper and refus ; es to pay for it. Under this law the j 1 who allows It is subscription to ! man j run along for same time unpaid, and i then otders tt discontinued, or orders : \ the post master to mark it "refused,” j and have a postal card sent notifying t | ie publisher, leaves himself liable to I arres *. alui lilie llie Jim . as for theft *