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,, vml shown
„"v t, M ami s ra ? n .i.d.
Fur any want <»f loyaHjr
Tn day" f»**t y»u have ahmvn fur m«*. j
\ h<*iv al*o!vc your jM*n«Ity. j
No watt«»r who did win your ant He
Wljal light o* love your iie*rt beguile,
I kn«»w you loved me all th** while.
I know fKlHIC day you'll noftly wicnl.
And, kneeling hy my aide. r*'T«al
The <Sd*»p regret and pwn you f**e
I „ntv »»* I. mar not b*
When I';- >.: !, ■...- •»!«»•
AS.I wntth .2 eye* »•> tm-.r.- i»»» " •
Bnt If It -h -•'<1 *- "" **""•
It* **t - *».»• of
-Juliet V atrsnss In lodtonwolls J«nr
_........ _
Ilf \H Tiir |: J nm^lirWT 1)1/- tr» 1 Ufl! nHLL I At Ur
r J ni
POhT , n.-rmn ;S -ill fin. nrr
Far back from the <«!g«' “f the crowd.
w. *pnii'« voice, sweet stul Jirill Biol
* out with M
piercing, soar**! up and rang
cruel music over nil ttie d.-p-r upronr.
“I 'ru-ify Mm! Crucify him!'
The elear vibration of lli<- woman » <■>>
acid like a strange eliarm to stimulate
afresh the already feverish ex. dtemcof nf
()„ A frenzied hubbub • tt« osi
eh nick*, y-lls. groan* arid hi*—- »■’! d the
air till the mn*- 1 .-c:ine- uhieon'ely d-'t
cuing, and I’ilute. «««h "" angry and m>
pcrioii* g« *ture. sudd, nly i -w »«’• <••' -'
th- nodi Advancing to the front of :,i
iti «*, lie lift.*! up lii* hand noth -I itativ.
|v to .xMtinuuid silence tjrnfimii'y the din
decree*. .1, dying ..ff In little grow
ling thuds of sound down to a f.-w
krait.lildc muttering-, though l.-for- n-t
ual atilinee restored, the sweet so
nffllto v ot ft* riiDif forth iigain nod idi- tj.!i
broken h> a tiirlilding ripple ,,f biugiiter,
nar.Tbba** aarteih Tiiat silvery Inngh
*t ruck t<» Id* L. heart coldly and made him
uliiver *ucxd> he tout heard an ei ho <»<
me h scornful tnirtji hefore? It s.undcd
Bitterly fatnil ar. 1‘d.ite's keen .•> e- H i-ll
« vain see oti for tin- uus—o apenkrr
tloni, tnrnstfiC toward* the wtoli- with an
wl r ..f imeiffe diffufc’V- !»<• JemamleilI;
Why, but edl hit til he
Thi* simple *fn****fe*ti whm evidently iff
t.mod. and had a disastrous effret 'Ikr
aole answer !•> M »•* a hell .wing ronr of
< f'Dl H.' >H‘ 'll tliond.ron* .’tiruo.r of wild
I tlo* wall*
mK** that H*M’ine<! t’* *4uike very
of the Tribtiwtl. M**n, w *nimn mn\ IHth*
H»ih1r**n alike Join***! in the rlienw <4
Vueifs him! FruHfy b- n»! r* a ml rhf* wi'
ftkfu refrain vmm even ei angbt up by tl»**
ilifffl’i prk-Ml*, ehkra ami avrib**#. wtm, in
tlit-ir varion* <lb»tm«Tiv«* «»*lnrm*a nml
with t!w*ir or ratal albaniant* witi* Kr*»ni*
ret tufldod ........... the j’td-'io.nt dies
l-ikile hennl them, and knitting torn. !>■» .1 ^linrpri Iirewc
round, a dark frown
Galnphns, (he ctd.-f priest, met Id* eve*
with a ldattfi sntlie, ami repentrel under
|,j» l.nnth -xtnoi'fy liim!” «• tliougli It
were a pleasing augg.'stiisi
“Of a truth fl were well he should file
the dreihh." tnnrmurre! Annas, his portly
tailleague, easting a furtive glmo e nt I’i¬
late from under Ms pale eyelashes ••*riu
ws.rthy 1 J.iveroor s.“ 1 rneSlt to hesitate, yet
verily this traitor i* no friend of
t Vo-sar's"
I'llnte vomhc.ifret no answer save a
bs*i. t.f • T erne and utt. r 1*. Phi UB
liQIj i rb m. t 4d* m* EVt*Nfl hiuk»*4(,
nt d 1 lotw; Hil tan** ally at ||«<*
fk'i're^ veil oe * it op !y a^1***4, <»f>m* r wii«<
avll rtatihl taulf) b*» di'l Wna th* *» mis*
tn vllatieiw*, any liwe ,,f (raatitery on
tlv** open beaut\ of llwtl fait* aiul UiattiH***
eotmteiMiiiee? No, feAiletic-iM and tenth
were eloquently derlared in every fottifiu**.
ntpmtvpr, there wna In the ab
lent pr«%H ne»» *»f tbe pHoiaMT that randr
Ftkile tm*iiilih‘ aomethlug unw)etkeit yet
{eM « nmt my alary that
***1 to Miirroiuat and Invent Him with a
iwvt all iOm* noth? ti*rHlb* Imm auw*
d* k *'i»!y hiihbai. And wJrfle tlie trmtl»U*«l
pro*meat<»r Ktiidb*d J!i>* «*alin and *ba r tiituMi
b«*«riii 4 », (iit*t wnJrt’rtl doubtfully what
oMiiw ii w«*to bi’f*t to punnr*. IVh rubba*
fm*m hlii odfn of vantafft* enjn*rl>
in the an me dir etthm. jirow iua more and
lie M'n eotme-iuiiN of an UfilMUot till*) flll«»
p*ther \v«*m|prfnl fajmdnatiofi in tin* «a
|m%I <tf ihi* man the |*»Miple eontrlM 1“
•An y And |»r**»**ii1ly hi* vivid eurtoalty
r«ve lum uoumir t*i ihMviwi «me of th*
•oMier* iumi r him
tell me. wtiat taptive Kittfi
atateU f* 1
Tliv **x»ldi( v t\ Hh(»r1 i iiutt'tn\itw«\t*>
t a noli “Khitf! .\y t ay! I!«* *aU** liiniwdf
KbiK of tin* it worry b*r which
hia life will | mi * forfeit lie i# nauifbt hut
a «Mtr*iM*jifer‘** h«m», known an J«v*ti<« «*f
Nafutvltt He tiat Klittvd up rein Hum
and penmndeth the mo\» \\y divdn'y hiw
Nfeaen-r be w uti ti,*- low eat
ra«(*aJ'>‘ tlih'Vi*# and puldbaiM nml »*i«
nett* He fiatti « <ertjuiii akillin **oujiirl«i^
tie* fM«n»le my he ean di*«app««U' amblmtly
yy lii'ii m«***t «oti|*fit fur Hut he made «n*
iHmttjM to d**ap|*ear ki«t nijfht. for w*“
traplMMl him eciMily, c)<Md* hy t iet!n*«*tuan**
t hte «*f lti» own (olbwvwhi Mntyt*,! Mm
Ham** tfietv le «lit» *k*»*m hint mad •rttnr
«n he Jjnth a devil |h*vil ,»r l»<k, !»e is
enuc^it .at ka«t ami uniat eurely dk* ’*
IWtrnblknM he-nt'l viu itM^rednhniN anmfe
meflt IhtU royal IV*nnMMij;r n ear
jaiiter’i* a**!* V ewmu««i workman van,
am! HA** of (lie dt'wjiiwql Naanouu'** No,
m»! it was ikiI |M««toiil*!e! 'Hifiu by di-irivw.
h** l****rau to remember that l*ef*»r»» he,
Har,ihlHi«i had Ins w*f inf*' for
nddwry an*! ttninW tlierr !»«.! Iwru
•traiqre mm*>r> atUit 1 tlie €H»uiitry of
Judae, oHKYruim *m»«' Jmuu, a tuiru* 1
n**rker, win* went aU»ut healing the sick
«nd the unfirm, giving; «i»Ait to the bkuid
a»d proaebtni? a new r*di|?i«»ti h* alie pmr.
It woe even a*Kestv<«| that He |*«ul oik ,uu*
OCxvwmi mis* -1 a mati named a rue
from the d«a*l, after tl»i>*** days* burial
In Hi*' ground. but tlas .miunn-lau* p pet
was ppmnp'ly supprvwMHl aiel o<guv tortv
by trilM* in JertiMk'tli, win*
ma»b* fkrtnwlv*** getw H!y r*'sj***tnj*it*,}«'
ft*r ctw etimvit » TI** oaiutri !**•**
pie wf?>‘ known to U* vgiitwvmt and nu
|Ml*RtitkHii>, hik! cuqrtme wfut-t
woa **?il5e*i “tii* gift **f healiug." m pts*\
aval w !a»r** all manniHYr of b« atxawANU*
l*hy « k Y*U*i nbmudetl. illd *d*trtin ut)
due ajid aitmatf au|M*maiurai influ x
mer ihe mi«emble xa«t An* tv uoid it in
haltitisavta Vet mirvdy i -via Man
1 !** of * thorn rumor a|>»*keti, Hu*
Hh*»v M* ftu <vl no tty *k>ubt the
Ulith **f He' mira* ub*n». attril-uie-l
to Hm lie lliuim’K MCI rilillMriM^i
mimeie. And wi mt v» «w Hu* jv>w< r> *(?{
ually ? M ng
the ta me Jleaua «d Nauuiredb. of
IbraMnut twisi di«r,ixsot re*>*
Hi* ettgtiteeM lie mi 1 <vT !!nf»re*oai*!K- fmd
f44itemt«\i many t fr>*m l«s m mory.
and \* h« t h* had ckWSj bnK«lal up*t) In
’ia* di>*ary dungvMX) had b«vu hie own ut
ter mitoery am! the twtuiaif tvooUeetkMi
of one fair woman’* f«<e. N.n\ Mrwngt'
It* Max tie rt*uld find it** ft*r any
thought Him at wfiMni a!!, aav# hia the xuq*em!;ug fate of j
*«i e ye* x*« ac*' fixes! Ar
la tie looked, 't aoenxo.* *«» hsn ia *it *U
auxkk 'ui? Tim* judgnijoiij loaii e\paxH!«al ]
bugriy osh! »»xm neuul m a eirvle of
bngbt flame Hiiamgb wh,.*b lu* saw th«x
angelic white Figure aftua fxxrth with « )
ft* mm i>i ra dm ?>**us of lighter tig hke J
*1«ryA f I in* rry «.f fern# Hr.** from
hta lip-. -No, no! No. I toil yout Yon <*n
v.m ,U .Ur* n.d . n. Jfy IUm! Vondor
, V «... man . -Tlooked so 11*
him fierofly <m
“F^d. )*• wb*nt! Wilt th/ni, t>o,
Ih* «»n<* of hi* diHcipjr**?”
WiiiHnjf with fMiiii, BarnM** atrore to
soul; no lit taf Mag Wt ever given Mm
„ M , instantly eompwhemeve and
. - With a fjiniek, ro-klerer*.
U- tbniM himself near, to t»r-
7" „ ’ f f ,, ’ u . ,. ruy ,i * to l .Min £ • rJLTnl ,-Um-r vw-w
, , Mm
A Mm jmsskmole to rmdi impuloe mmm t*. ot aWf widfli ^ n " of , J
the iiflJi, «nd ftiiur hinmelf all tu* roMKb
brute Mtrmiifiii in front of thin in-w found
I-Vh lid to ^*rv« as a human buckler of
l4 . f( , ^ Ilfit hn»t«n*
A r ' V * rnmmled ‘ to i^tun Jim, a* tiiat
’• ' || }(<fl
,,f f tiM .. p,.. ' • ,* Jt l*"’ 1fl J ; a
l,j, „, iri i.iti..,. i„ M.l-r.*.|..r« In th* , «- ns rs.mcnt. of priest* p» ^ sod r -
on the platform.
.h.|, ..nfol.ling a patv*nsmt scroll. Wan
to t-ild in a lmmotonou* '»« tlm viirlei .
I,,,...I, „f the ............ «gai.«.t He- *<•
.1.-1 A gi*.s*t at ill in* ot now reign.-l In
,,{ ti,,. ..r.vHoua upniar; a deep hush
.....,.,.. and at...Idas., m .........-
-.-."bled n.ol. to wait ami pan.
U I'll eip«-lat*ai. as a I-rooming 'S ' 11
and |»u,tw for its antioijMbd pr<-y
IMate list.vietl frowMngly, one Imnd cot
... mg Ida •■).* During the w-aakmal
I,..** in tie- acrile-'s reading, the nolw
..f truffle ' hi tli#* on, *»<!•• »*,<» ny
, f nudiMe 'Hi** »ki*m
sta« ihn,ugh tie- lofty
n-s H four......* ay
wiu.lows of the Jielgincnt ball. It Is-annsl
||„. enn..I l« . lid «... harrier with ir
.I. K.ent fins....... color, now flashing »n
a r***j kffHiU*! tym* up a wo
mnn** Itnir, or ou the glittering
M eel e*»n«le! of a,.r-s
alHIu the Tribmwil ilwelf w#i# left In <*4*\
niel liuiltmmK^J it4*ir<*liev<4 <Mily
by tin* velvet. h*ili»oii«w |*erlii<niii<f Ur it,
whieli in their sombre ptiniln tint
ifewb il lb*- fjii'-inu fnbli* of a funernJ pa1i.
rii<- il a'biiLf of tin- tafVatn»Mi!
I*iInl.• ^till remniniw! silent fur «K-rae inJn
, i f a * Tlieii, lifting hi# bntul from hi* eve*.
h<» «urve)’e<l, natirtenlly, hi*
................ k. authority.
• \ v j,|,v«* bneuciit me thi# rr»«t» on one
Hunt |Mwv.-rf .-tli the issiple,” he s.i d ngai»t slow
ty. ■ What «.* iisiiUoii l.ri/ig ye
i 'ajniihtt* and Anttfui. who we#
vi.-pi.-i.lont of the Hmih-drim, ex
lutiig.xl and halfiu.llgnani
; i n,.-. *, I 'iiinilly. < 'ait.plum, w ith an ex of I.ffcndrel digtiity, l.s.krel ap
l„ nHngly nje-n hi* rsutipeor
“Snr.-'ly ye have nil heard the indict
niMd,” lut -aid, ’•and the wortiry lluvni
„ r ’ M a»***!i**th but vwin in tlii^
mailer what tierel we of further wit
U, If yonder man wienot a male
fa, lor n-.Mlial we have I,relight liltn hi th
.r? lie liiilli Msaplutoixsl; for last night
we did wtleimily adjure Mm Itl the name
of th,. lining Gt«l, to .1 vlare ulitO U*
v\‘lM*tlM , r Im* w«*r<* tin* 1 liritrt, liu - Hon <»f
th** iii»J 1m aij*Nv«*r«Mi bo|(lly «mi
!u»l 1 nm! Ami bvwftftvr yt*
tltd* Suit *>f Mmi wttijtf <m th* rhd»t hand
of l'mvif ami <3(>ttiiiiff In thi* cloud* »rf
Iv m * *ai!’ W lfdit H»tkk y **'! J# ho tKrt
w of MU 1 * % f
Sfi murmur of aw** at
uul the w rtl'rirtd*' <*f rti# iNfotta tttui
th X rt * o * 'vi - T - fffv111 r« *» r
« - *»rt t nfllfM. HI*! | ll»mu U»m*x< lf iwfhvMtiy
b't k ff(n* jixlgnmtii *«t
**Ya talk m para!>ltM», am) do pvndrtx
the «*udrt *»f juHlitT If bv lwm«N*lf Maxtti
I id in ilu* of Man, how tk» ye make
Mm *i|it to Id- the Sun of Urtcl?"
t ala jit ia* fltndted «u uiqpry ml, aivd wft*
a lam t to mak«* eutiu* retort, hut on a mo
inont * redeHiuji, aupprenMiHl his ftM'ling*
04MI |wo»'«M'de*l, Mttaiiliiir eyuieitlJy:
“t if a truth thon art ill merciful tu<»od,
I'ihite. and tidne JCtn|H*r<U' will not hi urn
t1u*e for too iitiiHi Mwerity of rule! In our
law, iIm* •inner Unit himiphomoih ah nll
imivly .he V* t iif b aaphwiy Ih* not a
erime in thy judgment, YY^Jflt «»f tfrt«*< ii?
WiltKMi’H there «»*,. w(to *wt*ar that thi*
man hath enid it ih n*»t lawful to *five
tribute unto < >*»e**ir; moreover lie is an
•■vil for he hath arsMgiuitly «b*
iMied Miai he \x ilj destroy th** llolj
I \ «mi. verily, ven unto the Ibd.v
t<f lio'ieM itwdf. Jm* saith he will <|»itr«»>,
ho t!u|t not "tii 1 *t<Hie *4iall tv main upon
another, and in t^je*- daya, wdttkoitf the
help of tiainlet, to* will build up a new wml
itivnter t»lH*ruadp! Sm*h mnd mutiny;
<hd1i eAulti* tile militia of the ]Hiptihi<H* to
in*1m*1Uo*». iiior<M»ver, le* «U*»M*iverti the
, *V“' "f th*' ' uiifur and uni net meted b>
feigning to pre-form mini,Ira wlicn
' ' i* but treokuev mot «t .ssitnulatka,. i io
ally . bo hath exit.asst .Icrnaabmi in state
as a Ktujfhe turtwil to Iiie c*>l
league in oftlee '’lliou. A tut jin, -
•.-Mil 3 ,.f (iiu for ii, ..I wert dm 'i.i « *-.hi
,u . ' ' M, ** M *\* | ' .
\ 11 * 1 jic. thiiA d t<». moved a lit tie
nwwanl. pr»*^s4ng Ins hand* tofetler. and
..sting down hi* i«l<> ixfiorch trmMierett*
r\ t>M \\ till a deferential air of npologetfe i
“IVuJ.v it would s«*«Mii that u |Mv»tilenoe
in Min* mall's *hn 4 *e doth walk abroad to
Jeritdale amt disnfTeet the |w>»wince," oak)
he. “for 1 ntYedf h«*h*4d tlw* |»eople,
wluHt thin tvtlt**r entered the city by the
rtsid of Itetlqiaire tutd H tim\y, ruah f*rth
to lores him «irtt a.vla nm tioaa, strewing
palm bra..|.b,c, ok.rels.ugtis, «n.t even
Hr ir 1 civ garme nts in his |«iih. as
thou*di he wen* a univrawNl tamqtietMr of
uaMi. Vnd tdeiut* of triumph rent the air.
tW multittale mHoed him l*oth as
pro)4u*t atnl ktiij{ . 'Ilosauua!
ItLivsaret j. Is- (hat re.mcth in the iiauic <-f
!!„• I.tol’ H.ssMMto In » Wtmrrat
I imirvWlet! irrontljr. amt lanimt ttambUnl
in mm*!, rNurvud unto l\<via|dMis to tcil
him s’r.n^htn ay th xs.» thinga whir'll 1
h.i»l aes4i h tal heard ‘Ti* an uii*aa'm>y pae
a*'ii *>f tiie \ ulKar <*» thus aaktu* with
novai hou«*r tMie of the aocumod N« x,t
* !« i«> :i truftl n N i rar*vi**. “ ijujmp tl
*IH* Of the «»!den» sutkirtihr with a *lu
« air 1 ' ** h«n\l »t *«Aid t!w*I h**
xv x* vn Hethb‘b«m of Jinbw. ami that
1.**'« hnw Hep*! w.o ?*4d of certain
tuDtvi'k at h»s kdtrth '*
An lie iuu m ' tuterrupt***! Annas
W e t**ofc him tvefora the tatmrv^i
y eidernight wtvejv. had ho choank he
yK! have ma»\e T v*a *wu d«*!'<Mw F**r
Herod »di\l !att* iy <tmsDtMna which
Ite *.tl«l no* 'W wms’d iu»t anmwr, ttU fte
n».K*h 4 U Areh’a tatiwsx' failing, he aotit
him *»« f«* Ihlate t e exiloical He is
kmov of \ i re! !\ for h»e parents
bave Hrvrluatte a »*! rtitk'ic in tb** viliage
>*. id miHung He
" -v* ill wt rtis*- IV atatcuK'iitw of Cmm
jidias aju! A i s **eiHoi ! » him « nr i>‘
Ut*4»'e «\f w itrsks widmut mtvHKug He
atirely tp;nv«(d to ttic iiH*n»lto*ra of
nm. h* knew they were tueu
u h«» chiefly p> Might *ti<**r *" n intcr»‘>? and
*ik! be ale* knew that the
uauae M th« n haxiug *bxiou?5c*a! the
ailed >rvg%het of NauuvTh." vna*
fear fear of having thrir fheorie* sbakva
nv» qtjeaftood. and their aolhm
-over the *Wn *vt He saw in the
bgcufled prlaooer !v*f»*rc him. mx*. who.
« ■hatever He vm. or wherever He <w»e
from. tor MmW «*«r<- Urt-ra.m? t imcerdotml
tyranny t!« Ul«rty of tfc.utfrt.-notJlinK
m re ■ t!.:,n frredmn of rear
J u ,-Lani to even 1 ”k at 1h* Na/a.;en«.
*' r -2sisz£3r£
jtatliurly pondered ln« t*«.tr«- !>«« •>“»*■
)«-.«»■.! th-- H»iJ«olri»u council were he
: n g iorperjerg -1... was at ki- »®
,„ «.-t and spe.k, and ehnrly tune
bar Z round in his .-heir fully confronted th.
»! a, th* same iusUnt Kftml
Ills nohle h-so! and met *»
«. r .■r.-ard of lii. jaw *** •"
, n „ %u l^>k <*f aiki
u%»U>.nx** * * 41 <?
but aw»ti. («r<4ng tumw-lf to
«» air of frigid <->«W*mi\r+, be
y M . Jl!h; Heirest «i^u
A A,^w*-rest r V'; i n//fjatig? witjMw*cd witnra*«l
— , M-w nmu.v tilings 1...M are are irv w,tn««.
tin* t
Then and only th<-n. t!.« tro- .
.,n!e v. bite r- -tad tigure sttrre. , aw
adv«i..-mg ■'■ it5 » md •*'
,„„«.hed I'ilM* uer* ...wHy, sUH k-*.ng
a , One bright ray of the rtaeo a tin
fell slant hi gly thraigli a aide-window and
•,• ! star like n the u-on/,. told of
rt -h wThi* Irnir tlmr ebiat.-red In Buck
waves upon nut brow, > and a. He kept
His dO nteg *7 '"• »k pard-n#
«m,^d a ein before *er.e,ejy haanng .ten ^ It* ^ O.mfw Trolcm —on- Hnt iwt
no p*e*«l His li|»i I*liate nmoiled,
an i'*y nliilbfl blood in him
vdw involuntarily h« r<He. vud f«H
soi.e-tMng &rrtstA m '< ! ,£ jkts
that ««*> Sl.ape buat mtc! niie .1
hi* ~>ul with dread. «»id #ugg«*t*d to hi*
miml old mytiu. anil legend* of «i<- pa*t,
when Deity appearing suddenly b> m'n.
bad .sswiim-d them in a hnwth with the
light Of great, glory And that, one
Id Time .glory when Ih- atood thus face to
., I. , th- levin.- ,. ... ^ ^*T TvTThim *enm*d to
Ion, an -i-.nut;, All un >!» v< 1} hi
„ If hi* cimts-nanoe paled to a gliaatiy
Iinggaidtnwe. an*l aonrc-ly knowing what
Iw did. lie raised his lumda api*»ling)y as
fftoiifflCt to avert nrul rrnahimf
bb*w. Tlie l*<u*neJ Jew* wtvu were pr<mp
him aUir*#l at bin terrm -utrick
on attitude in wonderment, and #x
'fame**! jrlnte'*** of vexatton «r»d
while on- of the ..I.Wts, a dark-eyed, einf
t> viwig* .1 nirtn. I.wned tor ward ha-oily
nml touched Min on the shoulder, snyirig
In ft hw tone
“Wh« nils Use, I’ilate? Surely ttom
art amDten with palsy, or some delusion
titinJs) thy w-na>«! Iluaten, we b-wtorft
ti...... to pron.uinee seulenee, f.w the hours
w-onr on spare-, nml at tlda scaaon ,.f the
l’.t* •' v, ''were well and seemly llM|t
thou alwuldst give the multitude their
will Whfti ** tlwU* malefnctor to tluw*?
Is-t him he crudfifsl, for he is guilty of
tr*«»ssi. since Ms cnlla Mnwalf *ktog hull
I w !! Mom I. newest we have Ite k 3 but
Ga.rear, yet yonder fellow l'-!dly th he
him, _ tfbelli
| ia king of tlie Jews (juration
; it «.r no h- (Mill boasted falssly of pow
I’ilate ga/,. d round at. hi* ruWiser he
wlihl<‘rvdi4y h« 4 Mt <i» <tb»mfcb b»* wwc
,'atutigbul in tin* of flu oval dixuun
j wht*n* flanUMw v hl*p<*w»l dttrk hints of
j tmvoftkxl hornet. cniw’*. iv* y»»i SU-k foaJ<***d «ml tl*«f <^jtl bo L» inu>it t !ia
vary ^ pvk^Mav
* m*k** hu rffort to **H«ppa(pato lii*
' *«r a* lu wa« bkbk'tv
1)7*5? ^ Xf‘~ 1
f*|aHti8r tin* n*<vja<anr query, albeit hAa aa
ivtihi w«v *•*> f h mt ni»:l iui«ky n>» h» be*
tv«*ijr ftiHlibb* “Art thmi tto king of
the JowwV”
Alt Intense «Hen*‘e full owed, 'Hem h
fiill. msi.erating vunv, sweeter than tile
NH’wtiMt murtie, atiirriMl the air.
““st th*»u fhi* Uiing* thyaelf, or
dhl others t*\’l it thee of mi 1 ?"
Fi’a-to'* fiaca flushed, ami hia hand
irniH|iai t:Ju* Iwiek of lii* eh-ilr owivtilsvcdy.
|j 4 . IV ,. rt ^^fure of itiq>«tieiiee, and
atvmwrtMl alanttly, yet tremubuiHly,
“Am I a Jew? 'riiine own nation and
th,. ohiot have delivoreil thee unto try';
wtwvt bant thou done?’
V liuj'ht n«K of some inward Hr** irra Hat
,m| the do-*p luatmUM «*>«•« of thy '*N»UMi
re*v*; M a ,lr«*aniy. m«*litnth<* *mi)e parted
|{h )i)M ljonkinjt an, hip) emlHiiir thtw,
llin ifKiriiMt* u^wv*t iua<de the aUcnco «*!<>•
ijuent. •!»*! 1*1 lute’* a»Mhorit&tlve denmnd,
“What lMst thou ifewM'?” ***»Miu‘d anewer
without npreafti aa If he car id:
“U lmt have ! done? 1 have naide life
swe»*f. rum! ndd'ied d«*nth <»f liiWerne*«*;
th**re \* honor for men and temVrrneta for
wtvnieii; Morn* ia for all, HtMiven for
all. (k«l for «U' and the ie«*on of love,
love divine f**r ever thnmjfh My Naim*!'*
J|„t <lwv.-- gr.-at fio-ts remaned unut
terxsl,* for. aw .et they wore ts-yoioi mop
t»! ami xvitb the faint
• lr*A«mv re? MBiilp Mtill xnviiu.- « i.„ t.uiguoi i ., M kr
1* , '. "*!’ 0 V 4 w y , ' .«* of IIm ootm
ct\ »’ix the t A 00 test'd niww«rifil slowly,
'( v kingdom is not of this world. If
my ktnjphmi svw »»f thi* world then
wouWl my aervaivta figiit that 1 should m»t
Sc dviltrcr. fi to tho .lows Rut u-nv is n\v I I
kingikmi mu fmm hctire'" |
Amt. ilrawlng HU majestic figure up to
its full heicdtl. He ntM His head and ,
bM*ke*l tq* towxmla tin* !oftuM«t wlltdov of
Mu* the Hall, now -tinted jelHterinir of diamood-lik# swiftly in ] !
rays the »*- 1
i'«n»Unit sun. Hi* silitude wtUi so yuy
trrand and mi|W*MM|re of ptr m B T ,
that I State again mwiW. with ttett sack >
entng ta-twe »»f he!pl.«a tenrx-r elutehinr it* i
hi* tosxrt anew. He atixle a furtive an<i ;
{inner at rtv»* eJiief priMtR ami j
who ^,'s**' ieaaiitjj forward on ttwir
Whiohea bsteiunj; attentively. ('aiapha* i
stmlefi sariri.wlly ami ex.’fetntfefi a *i<te
w-hjsjs-t- with Annas, hut otherwise no j
’«<•' ' to q«»l - gm**.
l%,ate -euunuel lua e\amtttati *<i.
- • tfninir an uno m ■ ■ he waa fnv ft»m !
ft'eUngr, be ,i>Wd hia next qu*ati»Mi haif
eurelej«*dy, half
A t'i thou a K i uj?. t hen T'
With a subUnw* ireaturc. the Accuaed
flashed «*ne bnrt»ii|? gkuu'e up‘n all who
'VAit*x! H{**\t*hN'eK*y ff*r His reply, th«m
‘ ,H *kol atmiclvtly aiwl sitw*bly. full itvt*»
Pilate's* »*v "Them say eat !’*
Vil*! as be utter***! the words, the ana.
limb;n*: to the htpmost arch of the
;*oMite wiijd*»w, tHaitwd thnmgh it in a
round Idaxe of gbvry. and fl ssled the jud
mewt hall with npph'a of g*4*l and crinr
•on. ewcUiig the lbvin*' Ivnows wi h a glit
ttibh*fe rsvb inw y* though
very heav*ai» laid s«>f th« r tmn
sigtu't u|kyo the iq>lo a Truth re
% ealed!
l.llllMB HattflVs MarHaft.
Now York. Jan 21 Miss Lillian Rue
*«sU. the comic opersi que*Hi« wax married
th» momibit at 11 o'clock to M* Jidm
OhatteHoii. known *»n the Ktage aa S gaei
Perugtnt tupho ana perfortnol
by Jtukce Mode** in Hoh"kct
dinner was given t.Miight at Mrs. Oh
tertoti'i* r*‘*»«b'i>'*t Duruig t day Mr.
and Mrs ChatlcftXMi h my oarers
vx-h** twtue ro teenier their ;g wiu!a;.o:xa
Tb a!res tn Spam have no pcugragis.
Tbi> «v the ,os** exea be for* th* anarch*
*e«s*n intrtwfnciiig their nnexpecte*!
K n T I [ i U fi V- L 1 | ,'S Tmil/UTl * J j* R N T
uLlt . ?" HULL. Hi 1 1 r
' •
a ,,*«
I.™*..., *
5 ^ f sung tb'i wen*
,. r . i!U -le, led u hi h* of ItrrrJtiyn 1air
. !>*»■ , -Wrn't MO .
Art:. »: < f W
I ot on thy . a k i, • .... .
1£< . v Or Talt»»>' l, ‘"
. «
fy.UA lii i.t - the tell
b|lf<4 ^ Mth made
It * * ; f akesi*
read * £ * i ilTeatil away u>
that r have ^nr-U r^n- m my
my <w/umgo up ffa I.-aiali, '****■ -
the the ov«r—i evang.-En ^ Cw,U,* - from it. »■
juwl«t>. ot - -■ . fi“ * ,
, J ;r 1 ie« on!. J .i ie ... W.^Z'iL T , *«
*Th"e '' to '/l
J U v'&vJV, are arm V - i-e of spwoh. Lmlt
" f|Kf, i" TTto
w ,.„ r
IVN^I , ts-1 . a iien they warn
burden J ar lift a ape Is
ut off the "^■.-ua-el. >al battle, toe.,
at ,l wtuo a «s in -r.
hia vleece* ll WaiflBfl-.- ’ m*i fwindne*. r- !1» ,.x up
™r ’“f f W our
• - { aS^SSSm.< ,g ■ ; • „ d ,„ our fa
that most of
**. , v ^ j t off and thnrr
iiH .wdhmrlj H JlBb Almighty .Tot as
we > llm b UlB
t f j bl|t
hareKiuwilder, to e of lljs Iy.rd pits
h arh ma.l«> inaoM^amiv -The
Notliing the^BreNWri* arm.”
j iH j, , +uln ™ gf. me in the
m t ,1,1, » «J» M fM
«- r ve of power. Wher.. is such a re
bolt* H* Mian lie ovrl ha.i ; iuut more thunder light
than | ha* w#*trib.itetl, g thmg. more
)t a( jfh more Mile
He has overarched
h 1iaa ,-nff-n than that wilil
f j &#• lUted the which graa*. He more 1ms
burnished rtnl a,s lU*. wi* with
r,-v.--cnee from I sav it
never half b.ur tried in«u. 1 y I onu W «ee, (rod has
Tireffl A -
. of Toll. „ .
You know ,i .«•
of tfw, nuMt eiahSl a* 1 do that mauj
dustries of our Mi- affldi feive oxpiinaive in.
ploycti in twon ^rn
nf tho time time rrifhiirU light. Half
the stars hath! i* dark. The moon
lint as- tnatreman’t their glorious uses. they
are failures. They ,.f iiiummation
read a book ur' .<v il: nut- allow you to
vour great >vtio*. the rufliau sm of
h.uui pertriatenfiy lad not the darkness
ficial mektn*. the m ight back by arti
terj.rises would the orilve lMt of halted tfiu world's half the en
time, while muni
cipiljlies w.aihl ft of our great
rnmpknt a u#- till o’ half tihe tiiw. run
inventions for m-l iked; ht-kice an the
fflun the flint a ng artificial light,
"oWarie* past tori •* against steel in
trl'-at mnmifnctolu dynamo of our elec
numbi>S I. ecu..-*. Wfmi urn oulited
tzgiiut in u I io it e ■■ml' t! - - - i
mid fixtures sipnoiieiiers and lamps
where light shall wires and batteries
Whiteli light titf made or along which
shall |»!*e! toil-- IM ton or i'l'P- where light
hune.n • > • .t'-iie
Limns are very creation l«*
liglit and its 0 ill - .
1 .«.rk th nr. u*. 't<- all 'he
■t,,p* ,rf ■( ’*»• Sitineii's
p. .no
to* their u.oB Ian. ' - »-••»«- tie -wniub
Htif #.*» hoar won 1MI made the light!
He did not ionite'i hi his arm; he did
iwt even pwi for til. Hid robed arm’. H<
did not lift a»» -t»to Si as a flnger. The
flint out of wbi- h t- .,rn.dt th*. noonday
vva s tin w id “l.vght.” ‘‘i..-t there
be light!” I him (id not see the son un
til tfie fourth dav though the sun
was create^ >*> »<■ ft day. it took its
rays from the firs ! Hu, fourth day
to work through tie h use mass of fluids
hy which this was Di.1
you ever M •milling so easy »*
that? So uni "fit »f a word came
the hlasinc w t; .UtM* of flowors
wel warm ’ r au*t light Gut of a word
Imildipg a fireplace for ill nations of the
earth to warm 'lu wives by. ten
•even ntw I” ’• of TOCtii Hire,
eeivrtblv -i.irfe t imu our own and <J
asteroid*, t world* on a smaller .scale,
The w,H !. «mt ligl.t tor thus great
hrotlierh greite s stwbood. great
family of worlds S7 larger
firefji#<*e worid*, nil frrnn t hut one miMailncent
imul » j t of the one word
“Liffhf,*’ Tiu> mm R*<!.hB 0 miles in diain
eter! I do m* kn w nr h. >v much prandi r
a ftoht* system fLid vonld Ksvv«i weatw
if He h^d pot |r«rth Hitt Tolled arm. t-o
sav nothin!-' »f « i anu made Iwre! But
this I know tfm? our noonday sun wa*
a epark straok Iroca Hte “Ligiht.” anvil of one
word, and that one word
“But" *a yn some ono, “do you not
think that in nuikin* th* machinery of I
the timver*d, of which mir nokur system
is .focb , small wheel working
j nto wfieeia. it must have
caused (\ ‘
of an arm, Hther eobfs! or an arm itkade
lain*?** No. We are diatinetjy told other
wi*«». TTid auidkitlcry ?iis of a universe David, (»<sl
mafic spired siroplj in night with fioxer*. ,r \Vhcii in
a remg, *».v» «o~
' consider thy Wen*, the work of
thy fingers.
AcfOM|ilViir«4 ky Flofrr* Only.
A Roott tu told me a few
w eek** an ■ of dyepepu,* '1 ‘he t* Carlyle
f* ,. 5 ztaicyA r* xtP iaI ’
Kl“ Wi-I »« *c opwsrfi. “Sir <*
a ighl, wot siJTt’” v?05<'iriptnrx* Hvoight Davi.l
a» he re«,i ■ inn* of tiie
tviel't beavena. *■ u J*«‘»ep of **ui
kate«i. That h Hie aHes-on of the
* 'T of 7J""'y
** '- A c ^' , ,
2KtoM»2JS .
of and refior. CV Fl’.
w ,tine velvetti c»f mXk *uvl Rtd«l and Vor
mnn - w t-f setts’ hair! If
you have baa* m the Grd»elm mannf.i
P»ry of tapenM^fy Paris- -sins, now m
more’ yon wNue d wondrous Thi stirs
as yon aaw the o-*h tl Tie*'*?’* hrr*a«*Ji*
eoinsr ba an forth «jYa1 and ut.
You were trsui ■ ' ti«>n at
th .* pat?ern* wav.^? No won br tlvat
1 *>uia XIV b«' tsdt it, and it
the p*v*A««»..oa F i tStTMVUO H tvd
Iwi whil* it Arofic* nu l tMtlavHe
mtfehi have anr <vf work
triumph* * Imu! What VHtwry
«'d tliurons’ 5»k* )r|t| aays **f the hcssvi <
that t1od*« tii rs wove into th ^n fbe
rlif; that G«»d s
. t h star*; tiWii God’s ’era
rbem writ •r Is. Ho n e
tie inline?***" v ,e n 4 n,,.
d*»n»tt*«d T ktno no A*trr
Keti in *. qnil vei )** • r?
***** *a>n Dar a? th*' r>*br»4 of H,>
T: .Hstrou* *fiiors tree
marl*' wr-r# ea b it rb
♦' «. J.x|» tsn.kri
wijci'a M V * i * ■ 1 Hgsr bvt?
as the dar to l?ie aeal.'* T o ram id
tfiev were ng to 1 ^
r>'?”» v? 's (a one * th
rfari Art*! « v" IV i «t St
as YHie fr*
air*’ ■ Ir
ko f tlrk fla
a w .V k
he nv- ,i)
he wrote th
iutaret h .! H> xr
let navel
*T*e ever *'« xd ,*r as
or Kn New m or Ijxpi*.
or llore .. U r r own Mitch •)! ever
. . ..... , • s,« f.-y xv-.-ro
h ... A - a,* „:- h
>„•.;■ ft- -.« y,,, a,: ■ ; tto *..x. - ih
s •
niLrryiiig iwwae *»f the Mars, a» the 2.44>0
World* <.r; mu j- : W ,rl is . idto - Is!
World* above world*: Worlds i••■ ■•■•;. 1
worl. -1 S-. many that ariflni,- 'e *
of t.o «*.- to the csl-ulotJo..! But H
-waited them as He made them, and
He made them wild, His ftng.-»: Resor
Aterfrtinewi vet ntidetn netrate.1! disheartened Now
% ^ flie benefit of all
Christian worlf^rn, if G<xi a<*e^>mpii»h«i He
o mu4 with his fin per*, what can
do -vb<a he pn*, out all Ids streiwrth and
his hi« omnipotence? omuipotene.*? The The Bible Bible speaks speaks again again
and and again ag;,-’n of (M’s outatretche<l arm.
hut hnt only onfv on-e. on-e. V.f and and rh«^ rtm*. in i» the the text, text, of of
the bare arm ii-d.
A ,irrnt l"n**r»*ktai*.
Mv text makes it plain that the recti
fi’-af.on of thi* world ia a ahipendmis
midortaking. It takes more power to
make (bia wrvrld over again than it
t'*’k make It at f'r ,t A word was
<«ly neceaaary for the first c reathm .
hut the r.. ; w creation the nnaleered
">!> ™*>.n-l.....I f - arm of the Almigh
it! The reason of that T enn under
•»«nd- ,J . the aldjoards of Tyiverpool or
<-iW" <« W York a great ve«ol is
'-natnicted rtm architect draw* out the
!*l«n. ttl '* l«t.gth <nt th* leant, the na
parity of tonaa^p. tho rotation.of "oh*
<* aor^w. th* embkin. th* mnata and all
ssLsraw sas-wti day each s
-raft «o many hours a one
doing hi* part, until with flaga flying
and thousand.* of people huzzaing '«i the
docks the vessel i* lau nched . But out on
the *ea that steamer brinks her shaft
j W and m when limping fanblwnn slowly wWnrinds. along toward those hare
mighty hutdera of the deep looking out
for prey of ships, surround that wounded
vca.l and pitch ir on a rocky coast, and
she lifts and falls in the breakers until
every joint i* lows, and every spar is
down, and every wave sweeps over the
hurrieane deck as she parts midship*
Would it not require more skill and pew
er to get that splintered vessel off tjie
ro.-k* and reoomstrnet it than if re.pnred
originally to build her? A;«! our world
that God built so beautiful, and which
slaried out with all the flash of Fxletiic
foliage and with the chant of pairadio
■ tical litnvers. has boon <50 centuries
) in tho Kkomopi of sin am! sor- her
j row. and to get her out. and to get
„ff a)l( ] , 0 get h.y or, the right way
| again will require more of omnipotence
| than it required to build her and launch
j h r. So I am not surprised word that though world
» in ,he dry dock of ore our
j of was God made to it lift will her tnk< from J the the nnsleeved recks arm and
p„t her on the relit course again. It is
evident from my text and its comparison
with other texts Fiat it would n >f he
j so wlole gre - umtelhition an mideriakmg of worlds, t-> make and j",
whole galaxy of worlds, and a whole
astronomy of wv.rlds and swing them in
(heir riglit orbits as to take this wounded
. v ., r ld. til's sfrntulod world, this hank
rnpt world, this destroyed world, and
j m: ikc it as »rw*l as whrin it started.
Seed of Power From Heaven.
-Vow, just look at he enthroned , , dif_
fieuhu - in the way. the removal of
n o. th- overthrow .f which, seem to
re. the Imre right arm >rf «iuii.|h>- i
ti 'ice. Tli.-r- st is heethonisin. with it*
^'WVU^YiHM , „te;-- r Y
hOiBtfuciu is <u frii-h iddhttera,
At th«i World’s Fair to Chicago fast
summer those monstrosities of religion
tried to make tjbeuwelve* respectable,
hut the long hair and baggy trousers
and trinkoted robes of their representa
lives cannot hide from the world the
fact that those religions are the autii
ors of funeral pyre, and juggernaut
'rushing, ami Ganges infmitli-ide, and
t'hinese slice tort tie, ami the aggregated
mass;,, tv, ,,f many centuries. Hiey Slave
their !ie.-ls on India, on CJhinn, on T.-re
sta. on Rorm on three-fourths of the
acreage of -or j*e.r old world. I know
that th.. miss .mwriw. who are the most
sacrificing ami 1 hrmtliko men and w.e
men on earth, ire making steady and
gh.nons inroads upon these limit up
a Mini-nation* of the ccnturi*. All this
stuff that you see in some of the news
papers about the nusewnanee as living
in luxury amt .dienes* is promulgated
by corrupt American or English
Scotch mervhanto. whose louse behavior
\n heatfhwn has neon riihuko,! hy
the miasionaries and tihe**e rorrupt nii'r
oliants write home or tel! innoremt and
uiifiuHpcHMititf visitors in Indhi or (’h:na
or the darkens! islands of the sea th«*sc
fnlsehoals about our constM n«ns! mis
sionarte*. who. turnim? their backs on
luome and oivi limit ion and emolnment
and comfort, sooud their lives in trying
to Intro.lm-e tho morcy of the gospel
.inionir the downtrodden of heathenism,
S«mie of these merchants leave their
families in America or Ktngland or S(N>t
! m.l aiwi stay for year* in the
j»orts of heathenism while they are mak
their fortunes in tlie tea or r;<v or
opium trade, and while they ar« thus
absent from home give theniseJvea to orgi !
(> f dissoluteness sucli as no pen or ton- !
me con jj without tho aboi'-tion Tlie of ill
decency attempt to report pres- I
......... rh( . n Us«i, marie* with their pure!
a ,.fi uoblo households to those heathen !
ports is a constant rebuke to such fie-I
bauehee* anri miscreante. If set so rfuofld
visit heaven, from wfiii-h he was onre
should' rouirblv but iustlv expatriate! and he
Write home to the realms pan
demoniac, his published
in IHab.los Gazette or Apollvonie Yews
about what he had seen, he would r»*
port the temple of God and the Lamb .
.vs a broken down ehur**jh, and the lionise |
t»f many mansion* :t< a d ^reputable 1
pha< e. i-.d Ihe hernhim as s-,snwns of
mortis. Sin never did like holiness, and I
vou had better not depend upon satanic i
report of rtis sublime and multipotent :
work of our missi«*n,aries in for**iini lands. !
But notwithstamhuir all that these men
e*d women of God lev ve aohievfd. they
fee’, and we all feel that if the : dola
t'Neis lauds are to be Christianised there
ne«vls to l*e a power from the heavens
that has not yet omd* - tpoded. and w**
f>*el Tike eryir^r mt i^i file words of
i 'harles Wesley
Amt •>* the awake, awak»*!
Put on ay stream th. the tuitions shake.
Aye. it s not \>nly the L*>rVa arm
that is n led. tin* holy arm. the out¬
stretched anu. but the * • m
Tie re. too. stands Mohamme*!anism.
with U* ***.<**’ vv mi?: Its Hi He
i> the I\ •an. a hu*>k n*
nir New Testament. was re
,d Mob:i wfl 1 in ‘epileptic
i the:
Yet it
v hr ni tre m^^pb th:? ii
written Mohammed, the fmm
of that relish i. a polycamtsr. wirh
of ?vut*s, the c st*n»
• Y mind
'v o-i. r hat the h
K CV-ri.lS S* du*
agfwv .ihtiut M
■ms flu t f »}» follower
th- rivw in
i>a earth
h wa #f saving
\r « era keep
a, ft i it sente
new arm i'hr «rianity. he per
vlesiasticai joke at which
i laugh who has ever arc
tb* tyranny and domesto wreteh*faw-si»
v.-hi.--h alway* appear where that re.wr
M u ,-ts foothold, it inas mantled acrtn*
oontW-. ,:<1 now pr-.{.-««# to set up
dis^piei. and tsiere are enough ; for>*s : in
,•*. and the Van Dykes, and thi Posts,
un-1 the Misses Bowens, mid th- M ss '*
Ti; -rnpaons. and M-on-s of oth.-r ii.--:. a::d
wom-r. f whom -he wwld - s n-.t
worthy there it stands, the giant of .-.a.
M,/ .mnn-lanUnt. w ith one foot on the
heart of Christ, while It mumbles from
its minarets this stupendous blasphemy.
“G<,d is gre«t. and Mohammed is his
prophet.” Let the Christian printing
press(*» at BeyToot and Constant, nop.-
keep on with thy: r work, and men
toil toil until until the the ^Lord V Lord crowns crowns them them.^lmt but
what we are all hoping for :s mmeUnnp
supernatural , from , the , . heavens, bwrentba. as yet yettto uu
tss-n. something stretched down out of
the the ski**. skies, gOBUf&ing something like like an an Gofi God arm arm uncov¬ un*o»
ered, mrf. the the bare bare arm arm of of the the of of na¬ mi
tions! arms!
EVILS B ' ,L * OF Ui ’■ T >\v.
stands also the arch demon of
slooiioliain. Its thome is white an.l madf
f blenched human skulls. *>n one s:d
„f that throne of skulls kneds in .dt.vs
anPe ali< i worship Democracy, and on
.] , other side Republicanism, and tne
m(l that jj iwM . a the cancerous and gm>
{int „ f thi , despot the ofr.-nmt
gPtJI (iie mo , t benevlietioo*. 'Bhere is «>
jfudson river, an Ohio, n Mississippi of
strong drink rolling rhromrh this nation,
b „ t lls tho riv m from which I tako my
srt*s»J and th
jnfo thp hparts . aI „i the homes,
,. h „ r nhe«. and the time, and The eternity
nf „ n , u lttude beyond i'll statistics to
nllm , M . r „ r sucrificeii dewrihe. (All nations are
n , a nhd and -with t.alefnl Rtim
nlns or killing naivsitic. The pulque of
rtl e cashew■ of Brazil, the ha^
heesh of Persia the opium of OCuna.
the guavo of Honduras, the wedro of
Kllgsia . thp BO ma of India, the aguardi
,. nt e of Morocco, the arak of Arabia,
f t Ja mastic of Syria, the raki of Turkey,
th., beer of Germany, the whiskey of
Scotland, the ale of England, the al!
drinks of America, arc doing their heat
tf> stupefy, inflame, dement, lmpovenrfi.
brutalize and slay the human race. Hu
mnI1 rK>w(T , unless re-onforced from the
heavens, can never extirpate the evils
I mention. accomplished by
f-oo.! has been
tb e heroism and fidelity of Christian re
formors, but splendid the fa^t rpmftiufl* and magnificent that^ fibero
are more men
women this moment acting ovit the
Niagara abysm of inebriety than nt any
time since the first grape was turned
into wine and the first head When of rye people lie
gan to soak in a hrew.’ry- give
touch this subject, they are apt in to drunk
statistics as to how many are
arils' graves nr with quick tread march
ing one toward them. The land is full
,,f talk of high tariff and low tariff, but
wlva.t about the ihighfret of a!! tariffs in
this country, the tariff of $OOO.ttOft.<¥IO
which rum put upon the T'nibd States
1 SOt. for that is what If cost us? Yon
d 0 no t. tremble or turn imle become when I hard- sav
that. The fact is we have
emsl to and they
impression. Rut if some oue could gather,
into one miglttty lake alt the tears that I
have been wrung out of orphanage and ;
widowhood, or Into one organ diapason
n ll tne groans that have been uttered
by tha suffering victims of this holocaust, i
or | n t 0 one whirlwind all the sighs of
cemurii-. >. dissipation, or from (he
wicket of immense prison have look
we might pethaps realize the appalllm
defSHafion. Rut no. no; the sight would
forever blast our vision: the sound
forever stun mir souls. Go on with vonr
temperance literature: go on with your
temperance platforms; go on with your
temperance laws Rut we are all hoping while
f w something from above, and
( j ln b ,, r(> arm 0 f .sufficing, arid tlie bare
:lrm „ f invalidism, and the hare arm of
p„ v ,. rl y . n id the bar.- arm of domestic
dcsolailou from which ran, hath torn and
the sleeve arc lifted up in beggary
supplication and despair, let the bare
., rin ,,f f;„r strike the breweries, and the
jj n , w>P ami the corrupt politico,
and the license law*, and the whole to
f„rno of grogshops all around the world,
rw n . thou accursed bottle, from the
t « IT(>n „. lntn the dust, thon king of the
demijohn' Pa relied hr that'shall thv lips, thou wine
with fires never be
,„ 1Pn< . h( d;
But ! havo no time to specify Christianity. the mfln
ifold evils that challenge
And I think I have se««i in some Oir's
tians, and road in some newspnpvtrs,
and heard from some pulpits a disheart
enment. as though Ohristranity were so
worsted that it is hardly worthwhile to
atf**nipt t<* win this world for (rod. and
rhn.t nil Ohriatian work would collapse,
and tint it is no use for you to tclach hi
Sabbath class or distribute tracts or
exln>rt in prayer imH»t:nj?s or preach in
a pulpit, aa satan t* gaining ground. To
rebuke that pessimism, the gospel of
smashup. I preach this sermon, -showing
that you are on the tne wiim&ag wumsng side. si<ie. Go tfo
ahead! Fight on! Whnt I want to make
‘ 11f today is that our ammunition is not
‘‘xivaustod; _______________________ that all ________ which has _____ Wen _ „ ac
oompIMhed “omplirihefi has has been hre-n onlv only the the skirmish' skirmish
’■»* More <the great^ Armageddon;
"“t more eban one of tlie thmtsajui foun
»**««* «f beauty m the Kings park has,
begun bn ,, to f play: the .that mnaineral.le not more hosts than to one he
* r!, i ‘, °,
marsbnle,i , l,v tno n ' lor on the wh:te
tmrse 1ms yet taken the field: that what
>? s <»<«? .'ot has W with anu
^’*Wcd in flowing robe, but that the r.tne
in coming when lie will rise from rus
throne, and throw off that robe, and
<jnt of , the , palaces , of . etdrmty. ^ ._. an*| .
*' ,>ni °
*' nie d«nvn the sr irs of heaven with a !
<™quer.n R Step, and halt m the presence
<* *;!xpts‘tant ^nations, aiid flashing hi*
•>mmsi«*ient eyes across the work to be
>''™c w-illputDn.-k the slwve of 1ns ngit
an V 5° s ® ltHl1 ff n P' l }
* 4n ’ 1 or ^ , H tma , ana *XHiipIete
* '
• .
^° . ft^ni. \\ ho c-an
“ ia irt *
v* J , to my
/ «*ehova , ’ *Le l*est. when the
mjirve force of omnipotence takes
f \e held, when .he last sword of etema
might tea,re from it. srabbanl.' Do you
know xrtwt fire-oicl tho l-ntta- of S-fisn?
Idle lulls liiOilsam! feet high. Fl-vcn
h:in*!i'e«l f.-mnon on the hills. Artillery
t»n the he glits f iriv*»nne and 12 tier
mnn batten*^ on the heights of La Mou
l.o. The er-ovn prince .»f Saxony watch¬
ed the tie from the heights of Mairv
Betw<*en a quarter to b o'clock in ttb.e
mornin,* end 1 o'clock in the afternoon
of September 2. 1870. the hiUs dronpe*!
the shells that scattered the Frwwh
h**st in the valley. Th.‘ Fren -h Emperor
:* .<] the MLOOO *f hla army capture* oy
trie ii S-* n this conflict now nici?
between h*dint’s.* and «fin “our eves are
unto the hir.s." Down here in the v;s!
s of earth we must be raHant sol ‘ era
ross, but the Commander of our
Ir>s t s alks the heurhts and views The
‘ • ncs far bett»»r than we ''an in the
valleys and at the- ri^ht day and the
risbt hour all heaven will open bat -
«ir side, and the mmamier of
cf *:rjAte‘va*nesi:. M-itii all
his fo : b>W‘-r*. will surrc:>ier, and t will
take ctemitT to fully roujrh celr-brate the um
- • oor I»rd Jeau*
€tiri«t. eves are unto the hills.”
It ji to *- a cGvrapliahed that
Hi text looks down through
t field glss* of p.pXihecy and sj *aks
f ir alrwidy scoHiipIwhed. arid I take
my stand where the prophet took his
stand and lo*k at it all «1«>ne. “Hal
hds done.” See! T!r>se ciries
without a tear* Look! Tb<*se conrineats
without a psnsriBefcold! TYisp benii>
pberes without a s n! B\r. th*'»se def¬
erta-Arabiaa desert A.mcr.«a desert
gated anfi into SO*** d 3i!S£rT«a^ir5?s ^J5H“
u. the cool of the day.
luune. _L ‘evervth'r
■sS^3ssu*sk? « 3
fSSJSjMnSgSvl? Immanuel« Gand or j* 111 "* y* '
lennml gardens or tutradise regameu ».
h.-aven. And to tjO* 5 - JM> wise, ine
only jnmd tae only great, be glory f^r
ever. Amen.
Rl1 '
A Retired llargnlar Tell« How He
Wtu Neatly Caught.
nt ODt . term in prison that never
(Ji t be(i me j n the least.” said a retired
burglar, ‘-for the proof against me w - a
< f a nature that there couldn t be
\fL possibility r of a mistake about it; and
r atoMnl digtres-lln; v as it was to me. I couldn’t
P J* * ?he mr-mu-r «n which I wss
**,«**• , , wa _ , n the house to
the principal occupied well chamber, 1 could and bad by
surveyed the room as as
the dim light that was burning without
„,| nc my own lamp. It war a handsomo
t T furolebed r "in. atnl ‘.t cave one a com
fortable feeling Just to look into .*.
..j g „ t over to th- bureau and set my
lHmp do wn on top of it and got to work.
Th . k ,,_ n.-id l.ern left In the top drawer.
That s «etnecl a little careless, but It toads
„ork Just so much -aaler. I turned
h f k( . r „ though It hat been in velvet;
tll< drawer, like the drawers in ail well
construc ted buraaiw. opened smooth and
true. hand
“I reached in at tlie right corner,
where people generally keep their pocket
books, and almost the flrst thing that my
hand touched was a stiver purse, one of
tlm kind that people used to carry more
than they do now. wallot shaped, open ng
oil a hinge, with ac,s>rd!on like eompart
tnsi.te. and shutting with a «*nnD.
„ocicetbouk carvel or embosseu
- ^«y beautiful. I knew.
*“ “dl al Hke " Ke {J thln^. and hand I sort still of held In
°n 1 „hh my titn#
the drawer at the . same same
“f. ^vith ^ ^ ^
ruI ‘h- n * that hand
ward the other c . • ?ndw n.
a moment later, 1 1> ' ., H
ver bottle ana t m * , a , 1Tt hing
much In my 1 f ;- ; or ‘“ nt ,“ p
«o batterv
the other handle o, an el. r
and I couldn t let go. hut that
'I cried out; I couldn t help It.
didn’t do any harm, for the in. .
to ring . loud
touched the bottle a Iwl! began
enough to wake anybody up,
hadn’t made a sound myse.t. . . .
sat up In bed turned up a
at me and said:
" ‘Hello, there! ^ -
. was
“And I said. ‘Hello. thonen
pretty hard work for me to talk,
“All this time he was gett.n? out of De¬
and when his feet touched the floor ne
leaned over and pulled something on the
wall; of course, that was simple enough;
a p 0 ](oe signal. Then lie looked over at
.< -Think you can stand it?" he said,
“And, of coumc-, I said I could; though I
was lying on the Boor now. and had about
a „ j TO uld do to keep from twisting and
^uirmtng. I had the pocket book to one
han|1 you nn a ers t an d. and the sliver bot
tle ^ the other nIM j I could into sec now the hu¬ the
wires ' runaing from them up
reall dTawer Alt this time the man was
. mtn
ke ^ on dre sslng. In two or three
m(>re j beard somebody at the street
th h ^ tUe police; a miiiwtv
. f r af tllHn had collared me. and the
mnn allnt „w the current. '
.. ^ nover disturbed
“• . h nt j after 1 got out. a*
- nt , ac t| v e life I made
m I
once “ ! ™* d" 1 ’*- 1 fSL.
Yinuufaeturliiu, in the- ffloofth.
A few weeks ago the Manufacturer*’ South’s
Record, in reviewing the possi
bilitios in cotton manufacturing, pointed
out that although the Soutli produces
over GO per rent, of tho world’s annual
cotton crop, it has only 2.500.000 spin
dies out of a total of ST,.000.000 in the
world. The field for expansion is prae
ticnlly without limit, and the wealth
which the development of this industry
is destined to create in the South enn
be estimated in part only tiy the state
meut that it would require an iv-vest
ment of nearly *l,.VlO,000.000 to manufac
ture j n the 'South all the cotton pro
duced there. This industry is rapidly
extending jll'company and every week sees some
npw m organized or the en
largemcnt of some existing plant,
Through the severe mills denression of the.
* f *; year Southern' ran steadily,
turning . r,,n I ttn A
niajkct for it at f” .
-J• ^ P - • ,
hy the diviaends now ,
A-t present there is 1 ** * * * ‘ ‘ •
m the enlargement ot nui.> * P
ntion. Heoorn Jveports for the y>ast to week tne .1 ® n a ^"- mix. -c a - '
berry. R. U. mm \\ Ul inc e s * v ~
hi tal lo,000 from new splmlles; to ^4 a min ,\n ) • ani ' put
ter. in the saine State, \\ id in. r .>,
spindles, thus doubting it« capacity. nn
Anniston. Ain., mill will spend SoO.OOd
in enlarging its plant; a J ” rjre 1,1,11
Huntsville, which has proved double very prop-
table, lame, has has started marital on un uuuuic turn «■'*** and
will run night and day to kej*p up with
He orders; a Gaffney City. S. 1 ■ , mill
________ day for for fourteen
has has run run 22 22 hours hours a a day tov in
months, months, and and i.s is now now preparing preparing to t
crease Us capacity. At At Aujrusta, Atigjuto. Ga.,
leading cotton manufacturers hive form
,-d a new comi«tny with a mnmim
capital of JoOO.OOO and ’''” 1 ' l V.’ n " l
#1.000,000 in South (kirolina. to bmld ft -V’ Many ^m,,strretoni Ulu^tratioafl p
nf this character could be given to show
h ow rapidly the South » pushing its
cotton manufacturing business, even fiur
; a''return n o* the^e terms. What will if do v itn
of batter times*?—Manufae
turers’ Record.
Fashionable Mfe London, . \7o». 17 -a
We breakfaeted today at Lady fslc)
Montw - B . m a cloaet lined with painted
r of Pek1n tnA furnished with the
ch<ni<*est movables of China. A long table.
covered with the finest linen, presented
ti> {:}ie v | pw a thousand g-I Uterine cups,
CO iuained c(*ffee. choodate. btocuits,
oream butter, toasts, and erquialte tea.
Yo u must understand that tb^re is no good
tea t«> be had anywhere J but in I/owtoa.
„ f hp h who „osre-Tra
(o bp SPrv ,^ nt th „ fabl „ ,. r thP ^
it out her9elf This is the enstom.
and in order to conform to It, tte drem
of the English ladles, which suits exact¬
ly to their stature, th^* white apron and
the j*retty stfraw hat. became them with
the greatest propriety, not only In their
own apartments, but at noor tn St. Jame«*
Park, where they walk with the stately
and majestic pait of nymph*.—Letter of
Mme. dn Boeajre.
Iouncdiate Effect.
ere .should no doabt in the mind of
ber of rongreas, no matter what
bis poltti a! affiliations or his economic
views, as t-> the justice of the claim of the
manufacturing interests that *hey shouid
hare the benefit of six months **f free raw
materials before redaction* of duties on
manufactured articles are put into effect.
It is generally true of the great branches
>»f manufacture that at least half a rear
required for sw*b an adj^isTmeut to iew
is:'or.* as is involved n the repeal of
dat>vi on their raw roateralis. and it is a
fitter of simple justice md public policy
?hcv ehoal-i siren the fu s ! advia
nc:dental to the change—New York
j, al *>f Commerce.
There is n tnystlScat^oo in London
r ho expfHi;:l*>n airaiast the ^fas. and
h,n trsdicatIons are tbar eoineh'Mjr's be*=*n
yiag n them —Philadelphia Ledgdr.