Newspaper Page Text
adyocatk-dkmoi hat
-ri’!ll.l*lll'<l» i t mu i sii'tv
M tiered ul the lh>zt ( f '' il» s f i ,'ioY
ii a ax Second CUts* M id Mutter.
THE OFFICIAL Oi.ti Ak <>t ■
GKF.ENK AM* iAI.inr.Ui
A NTH AM* tIM • 'S
TiJiAU, i MON,
A t l» I lie 41 Hill •> «, ■ : o " I lui
l;t t. it o * ., 1 . 1,1
4 HAS. I,. SMITH,' b
(J-> -<• I M»J .V, T < 1 * - ( G ; ^
Tt.e ex(sisition gvobb-’s in Augusta
will be turi twl a park i*>>"t).
A great many <o 1 1 Anifuda voters
(They aie voter* you i*et; are fl pii<K
over to the republican parly This is
.inly change of natil n t id price ph s
l)i Pierce’s lVIli-t mT 4 * njrf'f ir
hi )4 kI im)i« «l ttiJnuPifi*.
The country ia last awak>ug to Ite
conuHtou. and everything point* to a
.•’ear sweeping victi.iy for the
li-lx at the Hex! eh elinn.
The v’.ib-l ‘’calamity ho* i,
taking a real. Slid 11 • o’.Iter fellow* are
now gcUuig hoe reo willi cnhtmily wail*
The popuhnl lohl ii." people these
thing* were c' 111 ilie e , n i hem and
wen* ro«i -r .1 1 * 111
i|»» v c»HH* lx.
And now* it is si! on urcoutii ot
iuriff iig.’iiu. H In n ( clicHuut gof
middy and stale it \vn* laid ft-idc and
the r-hcinmn law did duly in it. .bad
lor a lime, a- an excuse f"f continued
hard limes, but Ihev hire had io lull
bin k *n Im- tariff Again* Wlmt a conn*
t rv and uhat a fronpjet! \ .
If Wf liave plenty <»f nilvei iju )tO y W # *
won’t have t o rnorigiitfo our in -
di!*vtih *8 to the l.i “IhIi gtdd owners
We moat, atop paying hitereat to Knif*
Und. 1 ad Aivtili'n silv«M bwild U»«*
\ m?ric»n railroad*, Keep foreign
lulerrut sucking gold out. Free coin*
age must [ rcvnlt. Ex.
Winn you hear a mint ssy tbat
there iv enough money In this country
tell him M til debts of Dm ia« ipl# of
Hr* IJuitrd 8(»lc» in Cirfd dmiaia fool
up rjuxi* tJuU.OOO TV put
flUNNl w** <i«iy h»v* treasury
i t*p m) J* 1 , 5 ikVHK> tH»h Alter thus
sci Muh forth lit# «?oJ*l facts trt him,
u*«k trim If h* think* thot^ debts will
ever* lw» }*nHI. If ho i* .*u In tiest man
io* w*H tett tho tnull wmf say “X", M
lie la it dishonest tuan lie will *i>;
“ V ea; hon wav It don’t Intern.! me,
rt’v the pool people who wi 1 bWe ! u
MV It Kv
q ni 0 Pr i n i p 1 o 8 That
Popu lists Stand For.
lU'Uvt time
)U of uls A \\ »
0 * 4 ) 1 $ who oh# IV*
.* I#* i* r**u( on liHius
Fro*- uvor I plcntv of ii
I Vk n <m of n te w ish fort j un
I nXjfclliMiN on luxuiit N.
\h.diiion of ms it mid
ju rlal jirivih*)!
Th# »lh Li
Sol f ishnesr, Vs. Truth
•ai! v
Hit li
*e ticket In I K‘
lv)*wl 4 lc#U» ll«w.
Hr iip it
!«»(* ah t
Ute Mt K nld \ n
f* rat
: fit
;u*t l c ic 11 *,
tmnd Un D
v< r w n aUvi tv
i iHi* \
ait. c 4
vi § r cl v
t*r M
( li
:*(*<’h ibe s* i ' 1
- “*4 r * !»**
^ ' A k’ffpl
< vent any U
r am sll | r
J . li
Hon Thoa. E. Watson act
dressed a large and
enthusiastic crowd
in Greenesboro
last Saturday.
The 20 .It ol .Jan. will loug V«- te
mem tie led, by tboau who attended t lie
iking tn Gfeenesboro on tbxt day.
We are Sony that bnuues* ■if nt
melt Importance kept us from attend'
)ns ,,r we would give a synopses of
Mr. 11 ',.ra uhi speed*; but h* Fate d»*
creed otheiWHe we will have to giv
j,i, cu-eountof the ril-elir.g as obta'ir*!
from oilier* win were more fortunate.
it is said Dial this was the largest
until Ims gathered IU Gieiues
boro for yean fully (our thousand
people wHc jT«•'elit, p issitdy Uiore; at
though Mr. W ou'a coining was not
ilellnlltly 11 n. an. ci d until a nlioit , ,
. .
while beforehand 'i hr* give* us
t'l , 1 f wl at t'.a I.rxt rMiu|H>gn will
For over two hours the speaker held
tile di sc taut attention of the ciowd
wit! i h diM ociH- full of eloquence end
1 M 1 ruse urguin, nt
Altbougfi enrhuatam wu« at is high
cat. ever) thing was carried on decent
ly and tn order, i.o dlMutbaueea <*f
any kind occuifng. lii fact the urtet'
tug was a success every way
In concluding we feel like giving
thine chills foi old (.men-, but liral
comes tines for our I’arty end
our matchless lea ter.
Win You Take St O ck.
(Kroai I’coplo’* I’ait) l**per.)
In iinoiher column in this paper will
bn foiinri i eiril lot subset ipllon to luv
I hilly J’;i| ci.
Many 1 1 it ii li* in uiglng n.c forward
to :l>u step (or utramutety ncc» s*.tiy to
our Bari *.) n^m» d m« M+y
\vou!d not only hulji'uribt* for 11 m* I'h|**i
but would take mock in the
Iiy tlio D*rm.H i *(T»i f*d Kub^crltj^tn, hh
you will »t:c liy muling th« no.icti,
they wdl uw i. ihe HUM k« or
#■ 0 , 000 .
Ol tl-fe r* maiidug #r» 0 , 0 Od, I will t»kn
# 10 ,IKKL i lit* Ljilimeo It ulTfii’d for
««lu, Hi .‘•Ij.triu t»f # 10 .
If % on will take annie of ibis slock,
write me Imw min h, mid send me u
cherjli?, draft, money older or postal
note for one-lntlf ol the nmount you
su p ctl b« for,
Tin ’ oiic-lmlf paid us mu »nb»cnbo
Wilt siuiw with tujtslitj clem net’s Uuvl
you ui '.in butlucM.
Tim rittivr half will b? milled fur when
ytn.r Board of Director* decido that
we need It.
If I don't publish lho paper, 1 will
rotnrn the money.
lint If yon will rack up, a* 1 bo
lievc )ou will, the 1 ’aper will be put>
And it will le a xncre-f
Anti )"iu’ luve-tiueiil will turn cut
(o have been no! only a aournl piece
of |>Kt riot IHU, but Iilao i! Sound piece o
buainca. 4 .
Try it.}
A nd t nisi U-c i ust 1 o hi#,
Addi css
1 Hus K. Wat >N,
Thomson, U.».
In ordet that i ver\ mnv b»* ti*i> j
:md a hove hoard, 1 nHidl puUU ir a lisl
lhe stocklioSji i^ vvi ;*k hy \v< k,
t will h uul tin' i 7 . l with flu in, and
will turn ihr i;*"h doth# treasury of j
tho paper fin* da \ to organize far bus*
im ns.
11 vou put *our n r
»w llio linn* to si
about tin l’t ojdc’s part* pud<
l f V* V i ',,11 si n daily papi r t ich;
the town t lenient Mid to meet !
',. 11 • y nvwNpi s* x»t
I In *h, w e bad
well lia
I hived Red tin ev*
*u»irtp*.>iid nd i an
for its e tail
i t tddbd uejjt
* tie JS» i.
i a mt
T MV f W Us
-• un¬
V of M
pnH pur
Vl fiN.m
V ! rtf tv.
?* !? ;*t
i (
IN' ;e ot
I i iVv
l Ha|U "k
tiikcocxtv .meeting.
i IrT to a evil of U.o Chair*
man <•-»
Committee. Mr. I A. Woodall, the
Populist* of laliaforro county ■■ metal
t he court louse in Crawfordrille on
the inst. at. 10 o’clock. Mr. J.
A Woodall was made temporal)
Cim iriBttn.
Mr, Wufjtou’s plan of organization
»«" adopted. Mr. A. A. W’vu'dtU Wvtn
itnanl<n“Ui»iy elected C'liali ut i i of the
Count} Executive ConuDlttee, and Mr.
f*e*. II. Mitchetl •iecirtlery.
Saturday the Grit day of February
w. « oppoinled as tlie day for each
Militia district In mn< and elect tln tr
five committee men and each forth'
w th select their (.'banman who Will
be ready to respond loth? county
Chairman’* call.
Ti e following res liitionS were
a d«>pted, viz - We renew our allegK
Hi.cctotliH Onj iL;i platform adopted
in «ftd hi refornseni do pledge
<tu t vtrt* as a party to use all legal And
hot,cat means to secure the right »r«l
prlvileg ■ fur ever f voter to cast hi*
liallot aia oiding to liie dictates of his
conscience, arid th at we will not
(inletl> submit t» any kind of trand
,, l(! uci:d at the ImIIuI box.
\v e are in favor of a State income
uj ((|) nH i(iCtlU1( t ,„ t exceed two
!|iuUsaI1(1 d0 ,|„„ to be appropriated
t)((i ^ucatioo* in the cornuori
That we extend to lion. Tiros. K.
Watson our liern tfell HVinpatbiea
* 1 * str uggle for I be well-fare of the
mu .sea, and pledge to biin wo
mg support and confidence in lira hat
He for light against might.
proceedings be. . published , .
That these
in iHe Anvoi a i J'.'Dkmocua r.
S. U. litiodc*, J. A. Woodall,
Seel. ChirwHu,
I III. FVoid l IOXAKV WAlt !
T | u . nmokr.i.f butt*c han longsmcn blown
u^wy, A“'‘ «•">"’"» l "* t ul, " ,B8
a IT rii v, find
Ilu’y interest a nuutcr hen- there.
Ar» I aituuj't to cluoriH** thtraflair.
Beside*, the emisu* belli linpllcntc* i aeli
one, frienn .Montrolian,
f ulicasion, A of cade to
Kii- ii^h,--iiie iliinhs. your i is
A 1 at tmdr leisure they petu&c >‘»ur
Tim hci*u« la laid »n OuoiglfTa elftaaie
Mill: this tat**
Made morn classic by * ni*
broil »nd Bitlmny the
'l'l*** County Oretii’i*,
spot, ttlieyeon tills great lifghoiwhy wa*
Knights i>r*"l on the lisrtl-ftmgM field
tome web Mpdlped with -word
TlHi>*VC luft ind blood f»*ver
The) pound like A>c J»uk« winch can
Adam-, led ofl-at -take 1 * Fla good mi ike,
And he latter tar than I lobe' to lb}
Hal* !»t* i>, to httVxi Ids pwigrcoj
Toned b*ek to si. hd* vim fbUtitan’ef
Itigld. left, ami fort* he atrik«->;.*nrf
ri ar. it plain
tli* Irtah'a up to make r p
pear Tint he luiirmn burn-back he H uo
further go
'1 UHU Attn ill llr-t,’ vvlroae luake wi.a
i,.- -------------- .• -
i> r ou , noiu-liainnt
|!»^ yields li t* Hoot to
\V Otv 11 o\v ,
jjlf crowilCif hou^c woirttl t Uit tike
him’ to Wood bred tin*, Ids feet with
Hut too v\'s oo op" !
rolled sleeve. !
A w (ui(»r lo with coat ol nrgumooi •
Imw lb l.uee ........ u troth, .....................f an 1 hutlihuug to;
the soul, big
ill ’i.xe turn I -1 k to one t
tadp' v :
‘ ,, ,m „ ..... ........ 'I:- ,:.a-H e .„ e , 1 I
T<» frm,-s . huh’, ’
\et»M pH "" !l ap.••'•'(' the »n.»-ing
hu* Dial
rh ap, -w ith tail att ivUkd, eyes
that blink
Hut on*} remove from such detected j |
tl dm mid cool
Fmm Mi It is to check our
pr hie high pcdigre.’
,, „u>r.> we ll boast of ocr .
Shue eur deseeu t is front J he ChiUl- ;
A- for tie tall-well, fait porelo.lH’i
YlnktU' H mustep Uf lid hlsl leall ve
dawew, ouch rib”’ ]u*d ut
'I'h.* tad m vr> w y
till 1 ‘H S that w#Tv tail"
Aud thus i C 4 MHes a
T e“Mune t» titter are, and
\ o learn how * t wa s unui h*Nt his
n.iage. eStvMed, and second thoughts
v inuxed. that, than
' r w - ibest they
hi.vHu* such a truth
ton Ion’s »enefitni a tiN dawn, pt*»"
F YiMUttlltt. eVfUited that j rimevai
\ tuitU’"
Wlv l L nuii'S prpe w
lYWn I*
A ud frogs tn concert, rtoAis fiiwu?
\\\h* o’ WikmIW'I e*'
mo it \ u- “Shi x >X> 01 INH «$l'fcsTtONN AM*
xr u orniN row uu v \kk UfUOFl U'
lit Is \N l» v UN.”
I ex ni itin* to fartv at K dii -'i- ito't
aiu men im*
laid *.t» fftti t" «* 5 ‘ l INBLlw U*tNF*l"
Kiu»wi that they goutci strifes.
D 1c ,'»ugx whit
- .!|.i» * mi i t of lhe grip a l*
c i , taking * hi
- h t: v \V, A McGill >f 'tC
'X , - ”1 i Gripiw V 3 m
: lCf t trad
l X
hi Will I nil tor
win n ub>«i w : * 1 - or t *T
SJI A' \ l>r. u
J. He
Dr. Pri.c * Cream Caking Pow del
WvU , 4 »ir ,X»a ri.
IIan»«‘r’h Weekly.
II , pork's AVtr.Kj v : • !•« yond all ques
tlon the leadlaf Jcariu: in Ameiic*, In its
s3iiif5ssB£ ,
army of reader?. Ia yjx-elat lines. it draws
the highest order <rftalent, the turn
heat Ailed by pnattroo and training to treat
the leading toy!e* of day. In fiction,
the mwl popular rtrrrv writers contribute
to ire I'oiatDD*. 8 yp*v!» drawings hy the
fo.cuwtl artists IftuMrate its special nr
tides,It** erery notable event
of pub'.he Interest} it contains portraits of
!l)H distinguished metraml women who are
nisiii g the hiatorjtof tin- time, while
special attention' Is given to the Army
and Navy, Awatenr’Jpotr, and Music and In
the Drama, by <HdBnfwi»ti»d H^rttcr experts.
a word, Hap.' «•« combine* the
f)PWS {aWlw j t j, ( . dd.y paper »'4 the
..rtMie snd rifcrtMp^putlltto* -oiiojorltica. of character the mag- of
trzlne with tla
the review. tm i
Harper’^ i*_
Per icar:
s »^j,PFIPS MA<*A? 1 N & . §1 oe
IIA hl’KK’.S Wtttr ,X • . . 4 00
HAltPKK’h HAZI . . 4 CO
HAlU’EIt’d YOL'l D’rfOI'J.K . . . 4 00
Postage Kr* e to ikscribers in the
l ulled States, Cant rat Mexico,
V,liinr.-* ~7 begin with -* *EKUY
the lirat .Numb uary of each year,
jiit •d, subscrip.
tiois, .in^P wrH heal liiTi't
at t ore.-rf
FounfH tAili’KH'S '
H-r thrvo years b- [ Jo neat cloth oind
j,:g, will he sent h> if it, postage paid, or
tty express, tree of c f etvs<' (provided the
freJj{M <loe , nol ,, •»>il one dollar p r
volume) for ir p, r/ ime.
r B ses fur {a | eh volume, fuitahle
for bind'ng, .wilt sent by mail, post
paid, on receipt of Jj each.
Itemittancc* slmuhl i-<- made by Post
Idee Monday Guar or Draft, to avoid
chance of lost*. this adver
Xcwrip per* are no’ the to copy order
tfsement without express o
llAhi’F.u & Hn<>ln*d! ; .
Ad die*-:
Il.vr.l’F.K - liROI HKItS,
Mew YorK.
AiUrt'ti’l in Nafunr- rnttnUon at Omaha
July 4 , \WJtA
Firnt —Ww dcriiaJ a national currency
-mfe, sound and flexible, bxued by tin*
f»elteiel OoyprttUDfil only, H full lega
tender for all deb* ~ f f irbOc and j rlvate
and tlifit witliouf'UF us* of tmttUinj* t-or
poratiouM, a juat # uqultabie and i tUcient
means of diaiributton direct to th© people
at a fax not exceeding 2 per cent per an
nuni, be provid»* 4 f aa sat forth in the
uhtreasuiy j* a*« ot th** Farmers’ AUi
mice «»r some b<*t 4 * t VPtem also by pay*
inents in if- obligation* ti)J
puldic loiptovtirieul ’.
Second.-tvu ill .,, .d til* frecund tin
Hmilea c"ir.*$X of et apt! gold at
present leg si ratio < It. to i
Thtf ^ ,y t f, i t w if ,*t 'l
tlie Slvei||at'.’K} ii ■*
rMtw 4 to not ivt* tk»i A*'P»*r ca>'ii;>
F< urb. — We num ! graduated
come tax.
Fifth.—We bed >e thnt t! money of ■
the country ihon A F« kept . nmeh as
posaihir in tbo h ii-o'the people, and
wodeiUfiitd { »H state end nit
tlonal revenuesslntf bi limited to the
• .lovertiaen
, 1
efiinoinicahy anil niiet.ii} mbniid-ten , ii. ,i d
Filth.—We demand that postal savings
bank* he ,-uh.l-h d In th ■ govenDeut
,,f ,hu
—i \ei th ; r-u-jniii i loll h -.o;( a nn-a.i >
of exchange and a public necessity, the
go vein nieiil,liund own and operate the
allloadsbl th’i internet of th,. people .
Eichth — T he te egrapli and tint tele
phone, like me prafco#ce system belug a
n-.’e-Mty i i trull*!;, i- .Sen of. news, should
owned and orated ,' by t .■ t.ovcrn
meiilin tlie inteicsftof , the pcop.e.
Ninth,—'lire laut, tn ailing all the ^ mi,
oral -mi’ - nt g.«'.!'» is tho herita,
of all thepeoph *for .hd should not be
............ *’..*•"•). l"' T l.......■ .nd
alien owner,liii. ,1 hmda - ion 1 be pm
li' ilted. All lau »•' ' V held by railroad
andotherwn-rrifthMl* me*** Of their
a et mil Utul* »ow o\vnc*li»
sluiaM be ^Mou'd by il:*s UvVeni
mold and hcUl fuiuctnal settlers o
B ’S]s L ‘i i Giant Pills.
It eUeve Heavbil Irv . Cwrvstlpaiiou Sold mill warranted and tn
tgestim. '! r.
dj l»H, I! J. Itif
• r
......... — ■ •***•■•*'+- i mmmmmmm
CCiv >vER
High rw Aw a rds
•*# mim ' ’mrmmg
At the V Y-L.’s Exposition
for exofl ,m! manufacture,
quality, gt : ‘ fT ii / and
volunft of t uc, elasticity
of tcp. i, artistic cases,
mate*? nrd workman¬
ship off v-.htst grade.
MTAtWi - ¥ o» *»rtciciTiON rmtm.
im fST I f UCTltTgiiaS Bf
piacos m 6 -UNS in THt wohib..
For something GOOD to eat. <>D n
un til 12 o’clock every night,
lu 5 Broad St.,
XH» wP.tlMtlt MiustuirTlo x
I. A W- 1 *;
Few readers of paper* fully under.
*taud the laws governing subset , ... tpttons.
The decisions of the United States
Court on this subject art;
j. B.iiiscribers who do not give ex
press notice to ti'e contrary are con
siderid as wishing to r> new their sub
sci iptnt.s.
2 . If subscribers order the discon
tiiiuartce of their t»eriodica!S, the pub
lisher may continue to send them un
til all a 1 rearages are paid.
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t |, e j r periodicals from the j*ost-.
i (Ti;e to which they are directed, !l ey
are responsible until they have s'ltbd
their bills and ordered them disc, nun
4 . If subscribers move to other places
without informing the publishers, and
ihe patters ate sent, to the former ad,
dress. dre-, I lliev hey are are held lieia rest* resnr nsibie nsioir.
5 . The courls have decided that re
fusing to take periodicals from the of
flee, or rrn ov'ng and leave ihem uns
called for, is I’KIMA facie evidence cf
intentional fraud.
6 If subscribers pay in advance ,
they me bound to a ve u< hit . t ihe
eml of the time if they do not w »h to
continue taking it; otherwise t ,e pub
is author / ■«: t-> send it, and tn®
subscriber * , will be v responsible ;yi until i an n
express notice, with j ayment of all
arrearages, is sent to the pul lisher.
T »'" lH,Mt ^ tHl ' ws ar<! 6UC, ‘ t,iat
newspaper publishers can arrest anyone
f„t fraud who takes a paper and refus¬
es to pay for it. Under this law the
man who allows his subscription to
run hlor.g for some time unpaid, and
then orders it discontinued, or
the io*t master to umrk it “rifmed,”
d . , In stal , , card , «*t . »"t . if Ivng - t
ar ve a ,« *<
the publisher, leaves lnu s .f liahlo to
arris' and line, tire same a* fur theft
Both One Year for $1. 50
Payable Strictly In
Send your MiFacrlntion to,
C’iias. L. 8 mitii,
,, Mi linger A dx or A rrc-DiMot hat, , T
Craw ford ville Ga.
Dr price’s Cream Raking Powder
Most Perfect Made
f s
I %
% ^/ /
*****»i M L«Aj»*^
Bl V MNK Bl n. i ipiji’ Hit (itM I’rvijV’],’ 1 NL.
_____ ♦ __
;{A>UO MevcV-Mlts sell H'E>
. , / , ,,
- •
•i.ODO.’ttUein h,mll«d other Sptn- ..
! tacle- vvuliout Elli” ess.
1 hew ^ FlBOUS C Ills. 4 S "iO I Ittfd to
lhe fat
I Dr I». *). Pl'-IDb. ^
Crawford ville. CicoigiH.
___ = S:SC = ''*
• 2 ? r
IS. >. 1 Heals c ywa HUH" ■ O (r ■■in; * » i ■
Sores . 5
- _.
| Cures
the Serpent’s
* Stinsr.
Ol CONTAGIOUS In all it# eompletfty A
BLOOD POISON eradicateti by S. S. S «>m ,
stitiat*? #'*re# and ulcers A
ht r»T; yield and to lu; its il.ts beating the
n-movc M >*son up system
-rrAfisxr oa the dtscaM au.i its ties
0 k
m I #BTAI?f A r 4 TE?fTf Fnt a
promt? •ntwt'r and *n booMt opinion, writ? to
mi Asa. c'O.wviK>b »▼« h ».1 ntNUiT ftfty
•xpwiMWN In the pat on t tusin^a. lUndh««k CfsnKunuta- ln
tVoj>.# <*f't!**<1»r.ttaJL A at
fornuBHiTi coe<vrmQ| and t w to oN
ta_n in^ru m; '* free. A**o ■ WUhi||M c>f u-exHau¬
to* sr ? 9 rier - rfr &■•*. !(• irrA
Fu«cu UkirMa tbrki'csb V mn A »a. rroHre
Rx-ro-vAl notice :l tlie •‘rirsiil . 1 Anrrirai. *n 4
thus brought widely &ef« r#tb# public witfe
(nj; c' t to the mrvsfoc. This spicndii rwp^t.
Iintd woe*!*. ▼ ’.‘lustrstcd. bas by far th«
larv. ft +*rx-n)a- u-a cf ar.» scventjic wort in Uw
an r-'iL S 3 « f«tr. v mbdy. + ecme* Hi# text free. Btngto
Be-- d: 'iS r.x Fd-ti.No. n ■ a ycar.
eofNm. ccnta Ft Fry cumber cvuiataa b e an
tifUi p atea. ta coders, ard nbotocrapbs k:km of new
tee#*}***. »rtb r-ar-*. »• at-, nc to sb w Lb#
laie*-»t Hcsarr«- and secure <wntn*w •#. A« Mwbc
XtNN A OU, NkW Yoi-i.. 301 UhVuuWiT.
Bt‘; c s £)« affh qcg Bahorn.
-»s I t z* Dip.nhi*#. »iul
J* k*«)* r* , \
, u.d r tireirif^ by bn. ii-J
v Do You
ri 0 :< 4 FEEL SICK?
A Disease commonly with slight
:< < comes on
v symptoms, which when neglected dangerous. increase
V. in extent and gradually grow
I i !1 yen P SS!!r Mrs :^c RiPASS TA8ULES
8 , ’VSf^SSr m ^. bm . take RtPANS TABULES
g Fo '^f“ST u - D : S0R : RI PA
0 ^
§1 Ripens Taiutes Ragulaxe ths S/ste/n and Preserve the Health.
: RELIEF. \ Sold hy Druggists Everywhere.
Seed For Trial Purposes Only.
T, _ 1 . Money ,, , •» ,„ tutt»n ... -t s Be . i |
. no
Ihere is an ,u tivc, >rr<ji.g t.iiam . j
long staples at 16 c. Then why not plant !
K? Your answer will make is. Because enough rone to the of the j
long staple 1 acre ,
to jnst.fiy planting It rven ^ I
lb.: it is difficult to gin it properly: it is j
tiaid to piik out, and fends will not pro- I
duee staples, an t >o on. !
Inland Sea Island i- a long staple cotton
in which all objections are removed. It 1
enorlnoas iy prouductive, easily ginned .
^ nft tr< _ nb!(J to , jick out . You can make ,
wj(h ]K) „ xm 1;M or tmubla. See
TTelbonrn __ has , to
what Mr. say.
New Boston Texas., I)ee., 5 , 18 d>.,
Ilusfness C ollege!
Thomasville, Ca.
Ability to krep hooks tor any kind
"f business guaranteed or luiH. n re
funded. Bookkeepers all r.vnr tup Iji
(H , States> R , t , in g from $000 to $ 1,800
) ( r J( , ar crwljt j»,,,f. Steuly with theii
success. ,-hr»rfband and Telegraphy
Course just as thorough. Arithmetic
and I’t umanship free with IJiioiiirts
Course. Address,
G. \V. II. STANLY', Uiev’t.
Legal Advertisements.
• GltS-tiflC wAxiew-w—.
puiMiancc autboiiiy of and of under mder ami by of vir- the
tue of tl»e mi be
Oibiuary of .-md county, will H»td at
public outcry, to the hiuhest bi*h er, for
cash, vithin the leial hours of ?ale, in
front of the <’» urt House dorr of >aid
cuuiity. on the tiryt Tuesday in Fehrua»y
next, ail that h»l or tract of land known
! us i lie Kehf c( a Harper place, situated in
vairl state and eonnty, and liniu d as fol-»
,„ ws . o„ ,)»■ Wo*i hy the ( athollc I’ar
son.igo, on the 8 outli hy laiiil- of 8 . B.
chapm: n, on the East hy land of Mrs.
Jl. 1 . Duihani, ti. eea-i b, and on the
North by land • t \Y. A. St.-rey, Sr. Sard
S. 11 . r.
/ s I--OM. - v* 1 A— ____v. I altafeiibo - S , C.l. ' S ^'* Colmt.
'■ 'r m ler»nd b.v li virtue o’the power will vested and
in ^Ven. »- : n tl e ft it cut ol tl e lu-t
nt of William U. Mmden. late of
: id ei untv del-eased, hi.h’e-t will he so d at Amh, pilin'
.art. n b'.he .'.idder tor
|,efore tl <■ l.ourt House deor in Ci: wfoid
I ville, in >aid county, an the i.ret Tuesday
| | in Kel’ioaiy, l«H within the legal hours
ot sale, ;• J- ^^"8
j ,,,,(1 South by other land.-of tiro estate of
- ri n. il, on the Fa-t by au ds of II.
. ■
: {E.e!M''o'’n. , i'ontamin''uarlEtlne'.'i.nd
j one-i.alf acr*-s m«n* i*r less; also, at tin*
j ' >am»* ti/ue aurt plaue, one tract of larrt
i boiiftJcd oil tht‘ North h\ lauds ct NN . P.
: < aiItoii aiut lands of * 1 . ^ McConl, < 11
! til" Fast by in its of .1 VV. McL ord aiul
. by
lands of'idd estate, (mi lit South other
lands of **a Id e> * a f * , "i» die WeM by hmds
of Kulwrt Gunn, coiil.iii.ini; one buiilr™
io,l m-m l’tN-tvOiinii rmt-liii't ai-ii - nioro
i oi- lo-s i.Imi, at tlx sain.* time an.t place. eolith
I one tract of laiol tn unde t on lire
! m,.i Ec -f by la,uls of H. 0 . Mu,den. lamis of sniff on
tl e North «n«! West hi other
i estate, containing -ixi.I tl iity of a !an i res, I 5x mire or
less. All of 11Rets alto
being in s .id ei niitv .f i'aliaferro. Suite
,,,i ii. -< rt a- the pnri’.-rty of V. iii
l 1 imn H. Mnrib n.'ifcW of said county C*
ceased. 1 his the Hr day of Jaunai j . IsiU,
Jo- Mt’iurtx,
K -. Mt’KDF.S.
Executors of !l.#l»sf will mud tcsiumi .it
of Win. 11 . Murdcu, U-c. used.
J lira cm Kl’ME'S
Baptist ebuieh. Rev. It. K. I.. Harris
* •aster. Pit r ubing on tirM and second
; nth at 11 fm. and 7 :«»0
>urmny« :n ini ”
^ Jn Sunday school ai h a. in. Pray
| er meeting M’ecinesrday night.
M. V < hureh. Rev. J. K. l«eVi>
pastor. Pi :o hing on fr urtli Sunrlny in
nvontb at II a. ur. and T:du p. in. Sun
day Sr .1 at 4 p. in.
Method ft (I'ureh. IUf, A. Huge?
Pastor. Preaching 4 th. Si.rday af
11 o’clock a. in. Traycr meeting Fri¬
day nights, Sunday 3 o’clock P. M.
ou Sunday.
boutb I. l eity rrrsliytrriao.
Bev, F. T. Simpson, [ustor. Prtaeli
ng on ibi.d >utrd«vs at 11 k'clock.
Prayer n.eet'.r g every Sunday night
Sunday school &: 3 v.
Puri.lcat on church. Komau Cath¬
olic. ltev. A. J. Sen>n;e 8 . pastor.
Services ot. Sundays at 10 a. tn. On
et k day * at ti :K *■.c .
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
l XV arU • i.-i- Hihat MeffaS aab Di^l.-aja
This isto certify ;hat I had “Inland Si a
^ ^ ^
vviih Sea Island. A llison’s Silk, Aliens
, atest impu.ved long staple. Osier silk
Southern hope and some other verities of
long lint. I lie Ini and Sea Wand was a
great deal earlier than any of them and
made one-third mo.v lint per plot (.of
same s j ze y than any, and double as much
as aI1 y -ave one v.iriaty (Oz:cr Silk),
While the lint was r:o longi r than tin*
Allen, it was muen finer .-offer and richer
coilored than it or any except Sea l,!an d
an( ; ^liisan’s Si.’k, put It made tour times
as much per plot ns either of these two
I think your Inland Sea Island a big
jump forward in the It*, g lint business; be
cause of its ear’iness and Pr^’iiicaess.
Richmond Seed Co.,
Richmond, Va.,
Your Time
When it need- repairing can lie profit¬
ably placed in my lands. My ling ex
a* a
Practical Jeweler
£i aoles me to do ail kind* of work pel
taining to tho .lewtdry Trade in a podi
VY hen youreioek or wateh,
nreastpin or ring, or jewelry of any d*.
gcr iptkm mmU i trivia frfaL a t When you'sit
that i.n« jfive ihe rue a inade 1
anything in jewelry lii.e satisfaction avu-w aiid
( an uo it, ami guarantee
A. S. Laramore,
Crawford ville, Ga.
Office in Alliance Store.
A Household Treasure,
SSaS ^xvays LTrrn tl'e -Vy Gc’V re-ults follow
l v it. if
it- use; *hat he would not be without
procurable, t . A. lrjkeimm. Uniggi-t,
dLtovLm'- reined that nndmihtedlyShe he has used it in bes't’Cough UD family
v. faih^ to
eight years, and it has never
j do all that ■ i.- (h»* d f u • -
t*' ....
bottles tree at hr. K..r.«eia I Keld’s s miit Dr .ghtwe oiw
K^ular sur.” coe and fl.
— “
T W 1 V 1 I ) IM TnnTFTl ( j I Hj h
V rv
l< gg’PJJ ti f EZ *• g.
CieSCeS VOrO, Ca
I wIaIi to return my thanks to a gener
I oils public for pant favors, and to annoiinc»
lilat j have the ‘New and Improved
Metbol" for operatton* in fining teeth
Am'parc.l to s-rv«you ia a aatwlactoiy
manner at all times.
i — A'uvicy at Law.
I Gtcncsvcro Georgia
Li AN -, MGOlJA'l YD.
Office In Court House. WiL practice Hi
adjoining couctles.
CAmOX.-ir a sienler offers XV. Ia.
Uoaflas Njbof-a ,-.t an-tjucFiI price, or d sr> •
h**h.i»thcin without uame »t aaipe ou
bottom, put biic do .rn as a fraud.
f.rir 3 C o
W. L. Douglas
W. DOrRLAS stw***f««rlr»h,
JjkvE, -UrtT S 2 tfc *tv- -
er axs 'f other Tnrontps.'f i
f \V. I,. Dr .:,
C# trt; '.sAEr Lars an
Scan. Dealers *
T> he; a» Shv-cA gA- Crist cyt ..
be;. - j-- rke <*le« f,:
m ‘■r.i a- a -
a r- n. Add-**
i W. L. DOIOLAn, Brw ktou.MM*. kr
Ft r Sale 1 } C P/erg-troin.