Newspaper Page Text
Kttecrtl - lU< 1‘ xt ‘ ‘ti Ciuttt fordjiUt
(V<i, hs Stux.trul f.jUt * v Mail .Motts, r.
'I UK OFKlol.M. « hi..' N UK T11K
si >» 1 lie Ollt ri t O I g .1 II ul 1 0 I
toli-rri.; i «*• urv.
( 11 A>, E. SMITH. IX I’l or Pubii^.f r.
C artl ivilhi i' M'l «V M Hi Cll ! J, I ? ' i.
\V« have tittujilii a now IO v'
nt, >olook out ticxi wt f k
The Central a^ain cut# down if
jo ■ e Sidi Cm: are gel tin*' indict?
Much Sbff* ‘ Ui2 w;i* < d aniono
Ihc pour peopaf of \ u -n-t « dur ing l lie
k»: Ml'irt .
T<i I’tHi*! 11>P4f i< It ,
I IHouhiiv-!**', indue Ht m*m of, dv**^ p#ni,
nn»*lb. ICffce** I’jea** »ot PeiidH.
1 l.e In' S* 1 I' ;.'dt.'.i4 i- 'I'l di*titf«*imj»
<«r»at..." in tiM- wi'itii. i a liypocnti
cal .sob i io o. 17 toiigti0.
Tk* blue X no ■ 'if 1 .1 i is .1 list i"<'
that jour -up • s l> fob bus expired
lease send ib your ll* (V 4i iil 01143%
Grover font dm t Inuiticg on Sun
day. We wilidfl wluil "111 deliioimi
If Jill r- will have lo any about
i !iit>
Hides tne li" ,,t.In 11 ' d free "f duly
vvf, leather is a- high now. or a little
higher that <• vet A.t Hie "middle
inaii’’ wluil aim'll 0
Foi pain in the chest thero I* nothing
bl ip f than a tl m-i elolh sitniat il with
1'iitidH i( m|i * Pain j.ji in ni d i>ound Oti
nvef the ‘ • lit «I pa ill I or ni le bv I )v. M
J. Hied Unigpi i
Ui.t v-1 In ip ii- b |,iitt"tiif.itig lh'
iii.t.'Ii.viI who patt'"i.i/.t » your cimnty
tiHjivr, ami nlwaya mention us when
t rwbng w ith Iht'iti
“For lletH, * ‘For hole Cheap,’
t h« um? urn iho sigtia thu greet ynUf tsyqnj
everywhere iu tne tdlfe*. ‘‘Whttt do
they mean? (Tty snap greaser “IToe*
petolls tunes of entiiM*, M
tied isufet One tbhd of a tH»tti''
# 01 '*^ ituuri) gi» tin t backache. Mr. W.
It. i Jit B?e«v<lie, Gaeln-«> < »*, n,,wrtt»
“t had 8 »eve»e atiaek of neuralgia and
pains in my ttn s and iltOi|l<h*ri, and
t«r a dut <#fe‘ m i tl c#f a buttle of
tluviOil Wh< (Up* to go to work/’
A prdltlfli I diatioemt the other day
said in ou, in*.o iug ihat he could
Augusta and beat the whole d state
VVe lon i dott 'i it at all.
Oi ♦* of oiii mot ‘aim KiihseilmoN
wl.-n !»»•*.* •' «H». * bill f..r tub
• 1 •» «*•»««!» «■<’ >»•««»»<
Ibgl. we b .v. ............ U.«|WPei
kl.Don’t git m.»-ed iv*
we won't rial! vou «nv longer.
• —
Iti uut rfn winter and spring.
the rule ! thxn ••'•■'P ,, "n.
IflMiC** it is » """ y * lm ' Bl " 1
prud ‘hi mol her to kf*ep «»|i hn nd a Htipply
«» Or, Bid! t)< syttip Du* ^reat d.e*
iu HV '.a nfrtilibli* rtjrc fur
ili afTetiio » f **)«• throif and cht^t.
'! he » \ \ ki* t»d| of the While Hooko
H llliMMdH t ear Iv $!5B.U00, whfeh
added to 1 ! t* vtoMhieniM Habity timko*.
i't»r man < e *tiutry nearly $200.
ut#o |n*r y«
Hlu til. Hel|dHC*‘e, f MlHclli', t « it p
Hclie, and \ ora*-an are otih *P \«re i
mlCldefH t* y«*m Mum* ch, liver ami kHI*
l)»*\s flfu n«c hi umjtei woikme mib’l, wild
that* tm -U id mve th** 1 hush at iiitG'.
Hpug*' 1‘ Blm*d Maker
uill po »f\ He*, as It »rp directty on
the yilid p Kvei> bottle ihuiadUM
by Die I ' * 11>
The in S ot tin ■outjtrv a y
'.utguwLm v. iurgetplv lined
et|. Hit') U long rev* for
days at at*<
hunting. ! i th.t ‘
Itowibtg tli ( t 1 do Homethlti •
1 mpo t o Hi* t o rmt* r 3 .
Will vrn i ot Stumor
Jo:ui 1 *d \ < \ ada. w«*(lh« 't .tt *
lot •d 1 j’ , s Parly)
H Se*
< ot;
Tlv loot!
hel.Hll i t I*ti v The
hpce* h Ws Wjj
iw* fumDt .’it •*t bd
grUmg Do
The to n w
printed w i
of conic *
It *4 w t'lll
ou ■ti !
A %
the c
\ r i
r ii
45<* 1 \\ D. (
*1. I
Dr. Price's cieam Eiakmg Row4c,
Most Perfect .Made.
Kllicoftvtlle. X V. i'eli 2*Hi. 1
To T nr. Al>V<>< ATK-IlKMOCUAT
The (ire*. i,t vo-chIJpiI ‘'democrat
gubernatorial canvass iri Georgia.
I the word democrat is olmoleUs. yon
know, in such connection.) is getting
so com cat that, it uraiiw* out-aiders
era) A I luii" ri -er: - • , ••run”
Iiis record a a a distinguished co.ifei!
crate to rims degree; and on the
valuable service that 1"' render'd to
‘Hi#* party” in ltin tenth diHliic- in
1 J^.
As to t tie fi rmer, you Georgians
1 know he*!, hut, don’t Know as Well a«
I, that right down in the heart, Ho*
old cmfedciate soldier, eapeeially the
old privj*lf*» who at th** front.
i Aip no wt># r»* on enrih more honore<I
and spec -d than limy are bv Urn
old Boy# in Bhie wl»o atoocl wdfi them
f mo* i<» foT So may ft *'V»*r be so
! Imof hh stiiv #ei vice, fjiit. ...... UiHt am 4 or r
I' »* mofMifiiefilai fraud subverted
Uo* eh etum of , Jtraud, _ i *i » ' ..Tt.iri i
'Vs'S-m.’ whose iiCO'd bus Shed ni"i«
Fmun-e 1 Siat.- "f Mm
South an? other man n haa don *
til a decade, IS untleistoud Ur
Wide, and might, to , politically ,, dam
every traitor to Ame-ic-m Jointly Unit
id a b tnd in it and main e w.tu the
blu#h of nhstiiJe, the cheek# of every
honest fid < mb derate. Ev**u pluio* .
that i Mapping the. south anu ,
ciacy »
West, blighting riotoeM, womanhood
and , childhoo , I, , whim «■«#? ... s *»ve# * 101 *.
tin got ds, yet despiH 's Die thief" and
1 1 h itor t" lidTi'imiliinn and .1 acks ooaii
1 nuiioi i acy 'i hen. Die c.aiiv »« of Rev, Myall*, .i* pH sol'nt Lincoln,
(who at all Utiles lovi d lo» win lo
eotintty,) said "reminds me otNi li tie
story. '*
•Doting the campaign that, end'd
ImIIIu N .. Oilcan#, ... it
with thu o. tw
Methodist jiicaciver loti lit It M-k 1 00 k 1
Ins musket, amt titavnly tougtil undei
ul Jackson ........... to Ins Mock ;
;*« HOOD a-i the Wiu elided. II ik com - ;
Hge and pati iotifttn HOOU altractodl t*i« i
rtUeomm id (iein iai .laeksoii who was
a keen judge of umii’n heart.H, and they |
Iticaine Wrtltli pel so 1 1.41 If lull Is, j
About as Hoott an AtidtcW .Im kmiii
tM-cmne Preaid* lit, he sent to Unit .
pi » ..(•!»( i an unexpected uotillcatloli i
tlml Im iuul lipj."i^ti'il bim to » " cv
p.i*l! i"H in WaHilitlttlpti i h« news of
it houii tpt<'b*(l Httotlmr Mi'llnnlikl
pii nelti'l I>f ji.Ht. UiHNtrU"' tbikt w mt t
liuve n nib'iiiil nil tint nerytee It* entlbl
in Attgtikt*, to"(biwn lion. Turn
mm.'’ no mntter bow, and In* «*m Hint ITettidmit Jn<'kmm Imd it
gfettl liking tot tletii.Hlmt preiieher*. .
M inl, :t- 1’iimiiloot . .1 , tit it non Imd , , not , tint
Coveted butt. bektoUed f t Wklthl'ig
tuo to find hint Uienldeiit .IttokkOll’x
doot-tender%»s a cute t.egro whu had
bee;! Ilia iH.dv HOI rant all through the
wm and whom be mt much store by.
The UH pnmchei cnndhluUi mriveil:
mi announce I, at the d n»r^ »»f the
pxvt unviM*hiuuln*r aoon h* wings
n( hi* o.Mitt*UuH. eouthli . iit , nope , touiii i j
liim ihiUn when ho , utoppou *
|.« ; .r r was
„ v |„. d..»r b> Hu* u.'gr.. with . the .
weld- "l be Ure'iilt vit ,s engagetl
L, i ;lM d rnti iifd be seen!” The preuuher
lMl ut«b', with ftoivuing pious digni
, M g|iwv , 0|) Afnc..n sentinel, itnd
Hll „| him: Wlien the I’resiJuul know s
lvh(( , tl( Wl |jlive! awd
( . (t „, j.;,, admitted him wiiln.ul Cut her
nv, uiul Mr. lWI»«r stalked
j th«* fl°sk f the lieiti f»f New
I up l«>
! i hloaus ami iiin'iru^ah* < ».y s aid l<> him;
| tiodorHiand til t! vo 1 hrtv'0 .qipoitifutl
the revenuul to f^lt e?’
l‘re«idcn( Jaek^oii HCatiuod hot fae t .
j a moment u«d rotditHi. "Vo* air,\ U IH
revv'iv u l expectancy voutinuud.' ""cll
*|r! | am a mini-tor of thu k<»|h'I. of
Un* Mclhudist Church, living at
anti l wiwpbMued to ienrn hat vim had
no mueh re^nra for mirdsu rs of the
gt»**pel; ami I have eome in perso*\ t**
see you and it *k you to appoint me to
«omc Mieboffice! ’
l'ti"»iilci,t .1 ickuiui hbiki'd iipcn him
a moment in scornful contempt
then stud **U vou are a taithtul miu
inter if the gospel vou alteady Imve a
higher office Umn I can confer vou t*»
\\ vou are n.a. you are not tit to hold
at)V 1 iflitx* that 1 line tin- iUllmntv lo
1 oiifvr !” wod he, pHViui? no fur
linn wUi-ntii'ii to him. tV'umed j 1|s
writing. The i,on-plu**od prowilur.
mih far le-* dignity, wwiked tut, vvbiit*
I he gleefnl old ueglN servant put the
vnd ot his thumb to the end of hi* no*.
and v bratevi Ins four lingers in a very
explosive manner.
Now is the lime for Atkinson m*d
Kvatis to out with **ciUNls, t an*
tjoumang their views of the counting
out > ' i o»n NN .u»> 0 V rittus agaim
tlM- elective frnm hise are Kettini: d«
v id*»dh M'k tip this way. aud it is to he
Imjied that «he dis* asc .« at. 'iui“"
a, 1,1 -ivM.l i.b cua the N'titli. and
cspi'uuiltV visit Augastu.
Your* rrtriy.
A belli a vewragti I t‘*»*k a violent attack
ol !a i rift* I tvugUd day a” A nigt.t fer
about six net' tiiv wife then suggrOrd
tliat 1 It* l b«ti(bell*itt's V ill r* l..r*>* .
At t 1 '.'Uid a* no rius', but still
kept awd " ■ t WMt\ that \\
what I needed. If I tot no relief fnwn
tt< tlriM’ | took RliOjlivI and it wa* only
a fvw day*» unil l was ft* t join the xmfih !
i thu k |»c 0 ple oyg* i to know the vaHie
remd), and I take p!f»*
W!»dgUfg the la ‘le ts! I hxVc t* <s i(• 'I
d. Math**.*? Mn*tii<l,Ot«>* tt)iK*.
and 9. (.ul* - for s»V bv. Dr ;
l.t 1
j. u.
Telling Facts.
imt>ilc»tioii [Th* following wet IihtIpI of the ’h t*m f or
i.i l>i- in Hi.*', -
j»!inone mure —K i. |
Mr Editor I: i- w ;l knart) lliai
l hero are many rjuocioitx t.p for act
T he people of our own . ouotry arc
o.'itale l over the tariff, -.over coinage,
currency. la-v problem etc
me. Hut, «ilh your permission, I will
-in, ,v !.y fa* Is, that the principal tastke
is overlooked, by wort people, that
untii the liquor busiues i« suppressed
„<> ref.otn that will amount to much is
n*j> 0 T«it/»*.
And lire', as 10 the magnitude of the
ii'iuor buaiuec*. 'J' is in the Uni
led -tain* 210,09 m li/juor Baltionn,
‘Orunknrins, ' Thirty tlmu^ind nif.p^
“flruttknribiH. than H<liooi-hotln<i’A.
Then; ai ».* ;*’iout V2Q t iHM) cJiurcIn-H aod
drunken, ,-„r twie. m, many
*uruoX' ri«-H .is churcncH.
BuT bow much bUHiuea* are these* '
*diuuk** ie« doiug? , Fhere r , was com
;(M , }h , f ; nH# . d Hute#, iu ) Ml. ’ I j
91,1 o7,ob5 g.lljoii’n of distilled . HpinU, j
i# 7T,47U,7«I g.tiiun* of Wine; msk .
jfi^ 1.097 t o92,237 galloon, Couoling ;
. m y
cuh.e im. as L. Dm „»on, and 1 -
liJS, cuiue inch IS III the foot ami t).C*e
u f i Uorw wouidmake a canal U) b et deep.
50 feet wide, and 50 mi leu long! Tills
the liquor, known . tome ,
h geouirie as
n Movenmjit oflicials. i’o it, nmy be ad*
<|«rf the and uned dealerw .
w .lc.» etc, :»y
j n ililmintr nmi adulterating ° their liq
uur -,whicb i« supposed to be iiinnenso.
And no account is here tuki ti ot the
“inooii sbiiie liquor:
Hut iu t.'-orgu 11 . 1892, there were
fifty-live wholesale (leaierH in distilled
*-•**»••«>• f «*« rwh v i0 -
»aic dealers 10 malt liqour’s, and five
brewers. Timr- were prmluggd m Cb»r
«fia in 1892, 4idl ,858 gallo im of distil
Bquors, and 1,598,540 m gallons ,, of #
malt lujuoiM. And ihc ttmking of those
liquor*cmi-unied, PH,ti>2 hunhcl* of
gr lin, which grain was easily worth
T’lmre is at this time forty-five gov
ernient distilieHea in Ga., and in
culm ling three dispensarieH, UHtl
retail liquor d alerw, known to the atate
aullioril inn But thn;*u are 1,71*4 retail
lt'iu.*r ilmilork in Georgia paying tax to
the :• a- i.o govunununt. T bi* induiio*
Hi,* Hf.o known t> the state, the other
si I me liktilv “blind tigers'”
But thu liquor busitic** in Geor
gin, nntl throughout the country, in cn
tliu inuimnc. Tim people of Geotgitt
coiMumutod, iu 1892, SI .tout tuawl -
! of limit liquors; and in 189.1, (19,006
; Imrrel ol until 1
n ■ riuorn; 1
riiisis »ometliing of its si/.v, Je oy
next 1 will sny tetneihutg of 'V
A I'iPOt of ll»r >lik Ngi',
A lady o>iif4 uiufeiit lot# tiim to
‘•I , , vvi.«t to give a piece of , my muni t
to a oor'ain cla«H . who , ( I . t . >ct to iulvt i
t urfitg. whim ....... it C'*«i8 Clieui any llioiif—
tl.i' won’t cust them n cent,
I aulfered it living dentil fur nearly
two 'ear* will, bendacbe, in pain
st«udit«r ,.i walkli.K, was »,‘'iu« lilera’
'V ‘b iKae.l out of. xmt mce, my mi*, ry
moreaaetl by drugging.
v l,wl - "• 1 m.mooted the
,MI 1,1 dviuk .*o .olv tied medicine,
*> r - R«v«riW Urekcriptlou,
and it testored me to the bteakedne**
of sound bexUb. 1 bonor the phyat
ci .hi who when he knows lie can cure,
Ima the moi al courage to advertise the
Flio medicine mentioned in rfiiantn
teed to onto the indicate diseases
|H*ouliHr t » ferimh h, an “Female
'VcaktHW*.” put uhIic al pain,4, irregu -
I Giles nervoua )»rostr itiou, sp sins.
chorea or St. VUuh’h Oauce, sleeplesn
n* hs, threat*Mud uiH.uuly.
Marino Nows,
Feb, 'JSlh, 'specid: T "“
("1 D. met iHtic Ship” 1 * tr>iug lo
k*vc i" 1 1. Alth»ii||h her ftailn are
i pleeevH and the hides in her siites at«
fesl to the closeness of the contest
(hi 0114 b which sh* has come.
At tb^ l«‘K nii'B of th« |«st OH til'
»'»'»<••. h!l ” ll, “ “prom
of itio whole flout, but now her orow
find Unit hot look* wi*'„t worth 1
Wbd tile ,' me desert inK bv* the
Her captain is «.ff on a duckvhunt
and no telling when he wtd get back.
On the iip»er deck (Georgia) quiff
an amusing fight Is going on ta*tween
two aspirants (Evans and Atkinson) j
for the position trf first Hruteniut
First thev cuss, then j>till hair then
catch each others bauds and swear
they are on the ’‘iIkntink I)sx -
OHATIC I’HCK” Amid all this chaos
iv.itsvvainV whistle fr« tn off the
new. IMMl l*.ve«h»t hrtsE '('sir us 'he
revolltn* sailor* on Life’s s,-.v, to join
her swelling racks :*» •* sa ? on *
victory, TTiorsands a r e I * Dug the
call ami l>< foie long as M e new vessel
sails victoriously an; one lo g farewell
salute willfe* g veil the “t«HANB ULl>
I>t;vt(>« u vrtv' s’.i'.r -',(• !t*s strxtHl'
on the • h«wN »»f ***
“Duilig the or ipm*
her laii ’- t Cu sf» Kencd * t.a t It
lead here and *»* m f ! H-tterlikc«i tha;.
c«i*gh itiORMctifes** H M lions
dines*si. Chatw li Th nppe
the same a va in m \r e »hv an
pret x v the same fivatun
remetlv is prmnjg and eff*vlual atn
will prevent any tendency of th« disc s
aid pneumonia. For v'h* by. l*i K •
jKtid l>iuggi>t.
Heals SS.S
Running 1
?. .........,
| !U the Serpent's
Sting. •
NTAGIOUS Jff a •• •(
in a!) it* stages complete! 5 , 1
I Bioon POISON yield It* htstttng powers)
m to
1c remove* t c I>o|»oriand build* up the hyfttein •
■ A *»,.s*D.e !(«•;.«« o«s tie# <ii*e*A* Jt l it* treatment//
VM ta*i i«4 #f«*
Sheri rr Salo.
^^ktT.^tay In
April next, 1H94, at the eourt hou*e rtfair,
\ n ^ V , WB ^ Crawfindvdlejn said couriw
tv. within 1 the Wuxi hours of sale to the
hi^heot bidder for ea#h, the following
towit. Otte tract of land
famifuj five hundred ami eighty (5^0)
acres more or fin the h*x hundred and
(««*) district <4. M. of s*id cmmty,
i»irt in llaecrgtk ermnty. and known
as the \lfotue” on “Bermuda place.“
Adjoining f | and on the P, North V.s/ey, the lands of Hen*, Kast
ry R t|„ U. on tie
land, of P. («. V ea/ey and I Itlis Kieliards
on the Mouth, lands nHli'and of A. ti. Rainwater,
shy yl A m.M J. Meny; and on
H»e vVeM IhihIi* of Mr«*. Mm, M. A. >»•
Smith, U. s. Stewart and /*. R. Tappau.
Also a tract erf land of two hundred and
* J H> f2.#') acre# mote «»r h*>s *df uat*-d
and lying In the six hundred and eighth,
(ooh ) district I*. M. of Taliaferro county
known hh the *h»rUf plKCe.'; Adjoining and
on the North, lauds .1 W. N# Unnn
Carter Brake. 011 the Hast lands of Mr».
M. A. .M . Smith, on tin* South by lands
oi Shane Hubert and J. II. Kilpatrick,
and uu the t by and# of J. If. Kilpat
ripk UhsHld Ogletiee. »»4
dCfCiioed tracts of laud conthining in all
eight hundred and thbtv (830; acres
mfy an <i:*X( cuiiun issued fiotu the. Super
Almtgaue securelf Written Company against Mrs
M. a. .M. Smith. notice of levy
given to A lie hiidis II. Sam .tom.son
titeibug Vea.s-y, Jno. Battle. Bill tihiv. rs
and u Bmiii .toue--, parties in P '--' s
rIoii as r. i(iilrcd hy law petutiid out Uy
plainltit’s D. P. attorney. Ue.hv. biieiilf latiaferrp. (
Piles'. Piles ! Itching Piles
SyM li*TOMs-Moisturp; intense Itching and
.tinging; most at night: worse by scratch 1 *
M *g li allowed to continue tumors which
often bleed und ulceiale, becoming vei\
sore .SWAYNK'a giktmknt stops the
Ut , hlwR a ,.,, lllw , ltna , heat* uicctiUlon,-, mt
,,, CHM . H remove- tlm tumur*. At
druggist or by mail, for so cent. Di.
8wayne Son, Philadelphia,
U y< u bavei't Uni in yonr supply
of llovu r seed don’t tiny annuals: we
pii>lHiae to Htipply you w ith all you
will w»n((g.Ht VHi'ietic- Free We do it
siinjdj to cull J'tj alieni ion to some'
giii r g better Wit to see is to wan
in ighlent at best of 'Periodicals
for the lavno I *?H ! omnii’’—a large il
iu trrfferrt uiouth^ , as bright as a new
pin and jin obaiaimg as h spring Uui
nisi. It is brimfaU of everything a wo
malt wauls o know, and . Will bring .
auutshin* to tli^ t 1 * me the year round.
It . cut to „ , please . tin
is Ki, .otu woman,
bon,ti mu km Now f,,r out .ffei; Send
t ^„ „ s .. , ,„,.s „ r si iVer) »n we
wl !l 8 ntl y-di UN tnnn t wo montlm on
rm , jtl addition tend vou 200
varieli p 8 „f.
p his i R for 0nm«1l«t« acceptance
pm it off. Send to-day and von
will m-eivt* the wed and "Woman”
promptly* Addr^an
Woiuan PubMshinp ('o., Richmond
our prices
Atlas ami Frio Rngittea, Tanks, Stacks,
in<! ! ’! 8h«t i r .m Work; shaft
mg. l ’or 1 te Mi’.i (’Ntton, outfits; ""•a^ThSTKTS also Gin, Bros',
i i vr
....... m*
.. J ( - ■ *; Railroad, Mill, M»
li kVi^lojcctora, Pipe Fittings,
, ier*, etc
. . .--ai every lay. work ISOnaiuh
Loii&id iron Works
anil Stippiy Co.,
I* afinger
Ja PUirrhoea ifalsam. j
Rehev 's i \ IHarrluea, a»-d Dysentery
ln>ta: : V» ' t“b 7
b » rrantix } h. . .
tAHC^ *
- ^lV*TW£*fJJ
kF 1 N F jP \ \#e*v£H/s- Sick ok
f*t&&xrSTht* ’ f H£AOACH£.
&ti0&$B£9S mm IjAUHOICt j
SvlMJ&SS -tv I ns LOSS Afpsutc OF
fra macx
' C.
N r * C r M i .. ’ •" "^tThe Likcncss Amo
StoHAntRi oi v A.lttcoraRO o* ft»o«TOr
C- V.' M.A.Tucoroso R Mcc.S G
— o m e , a .
-» . * v wfcriivitie A. st*>K*
* npartslmr Curler.
i n sb,* tljir in curt th? dan p*st
K..UV r. V.*-?ry S-otC.o vrarrrnW b> 1 n
Macon & Horten R. R, Co.
X. E. RAKKIS. Receiver.
hrlitdnlt In Elteet N vmib-r l it:. 11493
North b’d Traina, Soi’t.i D'd Traies
No. t hlATIONT I - v ‘>' -
Daily . Daily
A M r.v. Ar P. M.
ti 4.5 Macon e 45
ti nr, it.. D A - R P. Ji n. ti 3t
7 7 05 j I Van liilk lint fi 2 ti
07 i Kiirau ti «
xn Morton »• "5
7 7 31 J^rnrih'V (iravrt i 5 SO
4 J s 4S
7 4* Way t id** i 5 41
7 55 i.iiumi * htk :
* 09 llthibYmro i 5 Hi
H 30 Mi nil eta f>K
K 37 MontifHiio 4 4 51
* 50 .MrtCi* 4 32
H M) bha<lv 1 XV" 4
9 17 < rt.dfrey 4 11
9 42 .Nfadis* n •’ 3’
10 I J 21 04 Fa' Fl<»tvnt'»* Tninetofi | ^
10 2 « Bishop 3 03
lo . 7 \\ atKm.-viile i 2 o
10 44 h dn*n' ( fj
lo 5! Whitehall
II 00 Athens 2 30
a '1 Arrive Leave V M
t/onnictious at >Ia«l s<m with itn. Is. ft
at Macon with Southwestern Do/ison and
fcinSt „„ iv,vi-„n "f O. of Ga. and G.
& F , - f “ r 1,11 .... hernia .. pom,.-. .
For further imforinaticfi concerning
rates, rch ulules etc, apply ts.
S. C. HOtiK, Sup’f.
Macon, 6’a
For One Dollar
What is the best Minetaty system fer
the IJn’ted 8ta‘es? This is tiie greatest
problem confronting the American pro.
pie. It is tne intention of the publishers
that '‘The Monoohaph" shall contain
thought of tiie nation on this question
I lie recognized leaders in all politics! par
ties have been called upon to < untribute
plans for rlinir idnal Mdnktaky sy t m
But not content v\ifh t !i »*->% we are deter
mined t«. embody iu the same volume the
opinions of thousands of the “(‘reat Coin
mon People,” and to that end we wil*
allow two dollars on the price of the hook
for your solution of tliix | roldein expressed
jo not n.oie than 800 words. The Mon
OtiUAJ'H, the besr modern work on Mon¬
etary Systems, will be sent to any address
on receipt of §3.00. It is a book that will
interest and instruct, ana is destined to
became a want factor in shaping the fu¬
i» n < r«tniy st» n el il t i >>li< n.
Thf Monoorapk Publishing Co.,
Room 44, (ieiinan Ain’n B'k Building, 1
8t. Paul Miuu.
RefTereiice liy jicrtni—lon, Nat’l O'er. Am
"MOTHER'S ctTered clidU-twaring FRIEND” 1 have oeen a
.Ui'l-wife for many years, and in each case
where “Mother’s Friend" had been used ithas
accomplished wonders and relieved much
suffering. It is the best remedy for rising of
i he hreast known, and worth the price for than
alone. Mbs. M. M. Kri ster,
Montgomery, Ala.
I can tell all expectant mothers it they will
esc a few lottles of Mother's Friend they will
go through the or deal without any pain and
suffering. Mm-. May Bkanham,
Argusville, N- "■
tTsed »>thcr's Friend before birth ol my
eighth (J«W1(1. Will never cease its praise. Cat.
Mbs. J. y. MiaiaK, Colusa,
Font 1 iy express, charges prepaid, on receipt
of price, $1.50 per bottle.
gold by all druggists. ATbAXTA, Ga,
Prices S laughter ed
To close c ur w iuu r stoclc ol
dry poods, clothing, hats shoes
etc W* will uite away the !
profit on all these goods un- !
til March l 5 th, W o want the
room lor our Spring- stock,
Overcoats at loss than New
i 'O K cost. Remember we
carry in stock a full line ot
groceries, '.plow stock., and
plow tools ol till kinds. We
will be"undersold by any
ou.e oh anything, come to ns
''hen ^Ou want anything tn
our line. We w'ill save you;
Kimbrough Bickers & Co J
Greenesboro Ga.,
Slfto Howard # 100 .
The reader of this paper w ill be pleased
to learn that there is on a dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in s!l its
Catairh. Hall’s Catarrh '
stages, and that *s
Cure is the only positive cure known to
tin* medics! fraternity. Catarrh being a
constitution*! treAtiueiit, Mali’s Catarrh dtr.vctlj |
( . ure j s taken intornatlv. actina ;
on the blood :>n<t niiu'or. sutfaco of tin*!
-vstem. thereby dostrovinc the founds
tii not the ili» s-o. and aivina the natiem :
-trenaht bv luiildina up the constitution j
am! a-sist nature in deins; its work. The
proprietors have so mueh faith in its cm
ative powers, that they offer Oiw Hun
dollars for any case that it tails to
Send for ti-t of testimonial'
Address, F. .1. t hvkky A Co Toledo, O
J^TSold bv Druiaift 7.V.
•*H >:r To Cure All Skin Diseases "
s .. " ■ fst’5 OlXlMS3KT *’
Intel ua! n.v’i •' re-ji irid. Cures
ectema, iteti ’ erupt) ns on thu
baud, vase, ca\ u.g the "k.'n t
, w te an i health*. It' K r,a t heal
I'.nvejs ire jK>s-.--ed by
other reuiedv Ask your drnsKist Ur
.VTSK - « hMMKN . J
Or. Frke’s Cream Baking Powdel
M •rM't F«ir HigSfxt A*. %r4
(rO tO
For something GOOD to eat. Open
until 12 o’clock cvei y_ 11 i 1 1.1.
105 [Void St.
Ac'&ptvi in Xatiunul Convention fit Cmaha
Jwii 4 ’ IKK*
First.—We demand a national currency
safe, sound and flexible, issued by the
ceneiel tioverument < nly, a full l< ga
tender for all debts, pnbfic and private^
iinri tlia.t without the inr of oankitig cor
porations, a just, equitable and efficient
means of distribution direct to the people
at a tax not e sceedin^ 2 per cent per an*
mini, be provided, a* sot forth in the
ubtreasuiy plan ot 1 1 #* Fain ers’ A1II—
ance or some better system also by pay
merits in discharge of it* obligations for
public improvements.
Sec nd.—We demand the freeand un¬
limited coinage of silver and jzold' at
prcsentlcgal ratio of Iti to l.
Tliiril.—We demand that the amount o.
the circulating medium be speedily in
creased to not less than $50 per capita.
Fo^rh.—We demand a graduated in
couu tax.
Fifth.—We believe ttJ the itioney of
the country should be kept as much as
possible ;u the hands of the pe iple, and
hence we demand that all state and na¬
tional revenues shall be limited to th»
necessary expenses of the Dovernn.en
economically end l.oncstiy administered
Fifth.—We demand, that postal savings
banks be established by the goveiment
for t.ue safe deposit ot the earnings of the
people and to facilitate exchange.
Seventh —Transportation being a means
of exchange and a public necessity, the
government should own and operate the
ailroads in tin* iutemat <>*' tlw people •
Eiiilith. .—The T lie telegraph telegraph and and the the tele- t
phone, like the pcst-office system being «
necessity tor transmission of news, should
he owned and operated hy the Govern
mentin the interest of the people,
Ninth.—The land, Includiug all the oat
ural sources of wealth is the heritage
of all the people and should not be mo
nopolized for speculative purposes, and
alien owner. hiu of lands should be pro
hibited. All land now held by lailroad
and other corporations in excess of^ their
actual needs, and all lands now owned b
aliens should he reclaimed Dy the Govern
menfc and held for actual settlers o
1 I) jAIll il)TV I L 1) AC t Llij't) JLilt
Both One Year for $1. 50
Payable Strictly In
Send your subscription to.
Oh as, L. Smith,
Manager A dvocate-Democrat,
Craw ford v die, Ga.
<7^ IG Sir?
.‘1,000 Merchants sell f{/WXEJS
APES’! pi Cl . .
2,000<d them bundled odier/'Spec
»ac'«« wiiltout Snee«-s».
These Famous Clas.,es^are ^ Fat d to
the Ejeat
I)r. R. RD1DS.
Crawford villc. v - Georgia.
— Attorney at Law.—
rnesVovo Georgia
ffice in Court House. Wil, practice in
-r Jtl a With Su¬
T v - your Grocer, gives you
gar and Syrups ol all kinds at
Lower Prices than you
could get elsewhere.
■ -S DOSCHhR’S is the
* w best and cheapest place to
get anythingyou may need in
■s*> tBe Grocery Line S -nd us your
order. Mail order promply attend dto
Dosclier A C< mj>;my
6o6 Broadway
A ugnsta Ga.
Seeds! World's Fair 3IeU! Diploma.
My exibit of Sue* - and Garden >s * . j -ever a I Premiums and
a special Oiptonia by iVidnu u; K\p— ■ on . _ in 3>91. Inecuraged Hcdal bv this
success, i >e..l a c* lleot.v: «>t seeds G the VV • , w»> aw uned and
Diploma tor l>e-t t<< ; *n t'ere, Tii > i.- ! -4!;* nt. for the Seed met in
emupetiturn those gn at s « 1 1 * vses v *bs unt but mine got their beautilullv. I
have had expciici < • w * ‘ ’he varb <* e*l> *>f.- *-d t*-e farmer-, and my judges
• - •. < e seiect ion of Gar
den Ykcetab t* S»*e«L and wRh the i a of establishing a seed busmens;
29 papers (extra large) of ) a- V* jet able > ed l package containing 2ft© ann?,i
a s (F wr*r). *>r e package of my "KingV ii»prov*-d** ; t package cf my
’ King s Improved *-all po-tpaid for $100. Circulars telling all about my
seed free. Address T. J Kfeg, Riel mood, Va.
Your Time
exe- „
W!ien it need-- icpaiiine can be profir
(bly p.aeid in iny l ands. My long ex
pel ience as a v
Practical Jeweler
Ki aides we to do all kinds of work per.
laining to Iho Jewcliy Trade in a pm!:
uiei.t manner. W hen" your clock or watcli,
oreastpin or ling, or jewelry anything of any Oe.
seriprinii needs repairing, or in
that line uive ;ae a iriai. Wlien you wish
. anything in the jewelry line made anew t
can do it, and satisfaction and
p r j ces<
/V. 3. Laramore,
Crawford ville, Ga.
Office » Alliance St»>re.
IIusiness ( olleirt! O
Thomasville, Ga.
Ability to keep books for any kind
of business guaranteed or tuition re
funded. B'« kkeepe.s all over the Uni¬
ted States, eettiog fiom ¥600 to ¥1,800
tier year credit Prof. Stanly with their
success. Sliortiiand and Telegraphy
Course just as thorough. A ri tome tic
and Penmanship free with Business
Course. Address,
G. W. H. STANLY, Pies’t.
Piles ! Piles V Piles !
Can be cured, dry Beggs’ German
Salve when everything Dn. else R. 1 as failed.
Sold atid warranted by J. Reid.
A il ycung Birds and first
class Singers.
Bird Gao-es, Bird Food. Song
Restorer, BirdTreU,
Write us for Prices.
r\RLING ^ ION V./ ^-SI gIn A.ND L ^
Crram Mouse.
Specimen Class
S- H. uiifforil. New Cassel, tVis., wan
troubled with Neuralgia and Rlieiiniatiniu.
h'sStonmeh wan disoitiered, bin Liver wan
affected to an alarming degree, appetite
fell away, was tertibly reduced In
flesh ami strength. Three bottles of Elec¬
tric Bitters cured him.
Edward theplo-rd, Harrisburg, III., bra.
a no niug hla'teg of eight j.vai ‘
M-'-e on
standing. Bitters IJset, three buttles of Electsic
ai d seven boxes of Bneklen’s Ar¬
nica Salve and his leg is sound and well.
John Speaker. Catawba, O., had five large
fever incurable sores on Cti" bis bottle leg, Electric doctors said lie V. .1
Bitters and
one box Buck! n’s Arnica salve cured him
entirety, sold o.y Dr. K. J. neid.
eggs little * Giant Pills.
Reliovf H' iidache Constipation and In*.
Igostion, r i ry ilium. Sold and warranted
dy Dr, K. J. 1 t in.
A large ai oimt of Money is lost an
nu.ily by p. lies purchasing worth" -a
fruit trc»F res n 1 ,<! tic. (jet tb(n n-in
firm that '..... tlieir i wn trees, send,- ■ ut
nothing l ot . . il stock and tells ai
Honable pri es lie want the addre-- < f
every farmVi i r gon’iner ih your s-ec u a
nd will make yon a liberal offer, write
for particulars and prices at «.pcc, send
-stari j> fc r ' ripfive f’atalo^ue, *gent
wanted evei v where.
A d r es.s. ( herechic Nursery Co.
» Wayc^M *f4a.
Free rial.
^KEAK N* MEN Nuffercrs from youthful
emus, Nervine h**s of waidy vfeor, VarD
cocele, etc l*‘,ls will effect a
speedy cum . By i s kind u*e, thousands and of of
cases of the very worst meg
stanamu have been lestoted to pertect
\\eaUh \ r*,0001 estimoniaVs from tA\ ov♦ r
♦ h** world. Price per package $1; six for
£5 Trial package sent securely sealed
for 1ft cen*s postage.
Addre** T ie Remedial Agency
N« 'V, i <>r Wabash \ve. anft lith A
Mention this paper. Chicago. II