The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, March 30, 1894, Image 4

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-fl NMHIIKII tVBRY VH 11» % Y —
JC ,’t rm nt tin Pool Official Orascfrrrd /i(lt
Ga, fut Second Clast Mail Matter.
At « Ibr tlMirl il urgnn of I ul
talrrre 4 ommiv.
CHAS. L. SMl fl), Editor<k Publisher.
0*awh*rdvM!e Frui ty, M arc! 30 1894.
The th mo ratio party lias been tried
aiul found wanting m de bond*.
Confidence! confidence!! confidence 111
Where are you ‘‘at’’?- Ex.
the people voted for a “chance but
it 1 * the same old grin. Everything for
the piutes and nothing lor Uie peo
pie.- Ex.
Suange aluMi? *Th,o *0 many 0 f
•ui >‘.leiiiM ratii preaehets, harangue
for hours nn the temperance question,
aud then lorn mu-id and cioii their
votes for whiskey.
r 1 he srtiel ill lii-t Week * pn?>ei hesd
e<| (‘Pot culls ihe Kettle hlmik” *b« uhl
have been crediied to Wo«i ifal. Hy an
error of the primer it was left off.
Wet il on in full bu-. between Ihe
AlumIn Journal aud iho Conatitullon.
Both claim to be democrats, but tbe
trouide I* both want to net »s general*
in-thief. Wiirrcnton Clipper.
UesTTmd ~ mV
Grov.r that he
can never again hope to oo iirc*ideut
lienee ho is making hay while the sun
shine* That is, he In- sold himaclf,
boly and breeehus, Marla Halpln and
aU, to the p'utei, and earrin* out their
wish-* for th" b i idle that’s iu H. 1 he.
C'oiigre*fioti i! sell-out* ire iu tint same
boat, and th" most ot* them will go
home with mors motley that) thi if **l
cry amount* to, nolwithslading it costs
a mint of niotiev o liv lb" life of a
Uongfe-enum hi Washington. -Chl
i ago Fi ee i ruder.
F rom Peoplo'* Party
Head-Quarters; Wash
ington, D,
Business at liest quarter* Is becom¬
ing brisk, an tbs camjwlfrn opens
Msils me ImweAS'oa-very day and Ih*
fli mstid for lit eral tire comes from
every section, which proves the wria
A m of liraCoainrlttsc at Rt. Mlfi
lit recent meeting In catabltshlng a
DapBi tment of Literature In couneo
tlon with head-quarters.
A pile* H*t of a" kind of Reform
Literature will be furnished by hesd
quarters {450 |*». Ave.) in any one
making application for same. All
fund* derived sale of this lltera
tur* will go Into fII* Campaign fund,
therefore It Is the duly of all Popu
liats to order their LIU ratur* rhrnugh
head-quarters, wlieie they can get It
as cheap as elsewhere and at the same
tune ooni rlbute i something to the
butldlug up of theptrly.
Attention hr* best, died u* a fatal
error l*elog made by soma of tb* new* ,
p»ls*r* In publishing tbe ad.tiess snot |
oul by the National t'nnnniltee from
Ht, Louis, Feb, 22. IHiri. The eiror
ts found im tin* following*:
"A declaralion In favor of the free
* Lit uulltnUe.l coinage of both gold
•nd stiver at the ratio of Hi to 1 and 1
•ml the dliict issue by the govei ment 1
tit U%gAl Ivn^r fttft lifti\l moiity
It should lea I a* f.'How-.
**A declaration In tavqr of the ftee
nd unlimited coinage of b >tfi gold j
nd stiver ai lira ratio of Iff lo 1 and
the dlrwt issue by the government of
legal Lender standard pnpe, moo#) re
iteeinable In det>ls ami taxes.”
Tbt* change front debts and taxe*
to ineUl t* vetv sig.i tivaol. Itl* uti
ittMsdl] • « ok of Uie eooiv an.)
IS Ui*de to rendwr Vb* whole ait lreSs
ridiculous. U Is to be li ><—t that it
•ny ot m»t pata-ra. y oopyl g from
other*, tiave sax ale tly ,u.«f* this
blunder they pu. ,i»tl Ibis and
^ P'ake such editoi tai com ueut a* will
w '*» (be matter right. and If poembir
pUot flvvwu the cur who wiifutiv made
the ebange TUq copies tsiit set by
(tx» VSRed rvvSSHnd A»*vc'»le.i Press
•Uil published ill the dstl) pvpet* lure
been ejustumed and found t.» be eot
rset, t he ref ora the change w«, wilfully
uifiiVe l>> -nmsoie.
Look bun up:
Reports from ptttnariee K-tw held ti. i Ore- , -
OH m.iiu HttP lv'-u lilUiCviit* Ihut MT .
iw will . l»» the .. Cd!*lW*t* t
&**cu >r 4in«l (§ «f.
-it be pul fo*rt*i a* ihe Taunt it
ewutldate for tbe Uititcd N’.a'.v-s S-i»' e
to sitcowel Mr. D*l,>h. R-q* ibtlcau
Ontd-bug. It le twetty well settled
that Senator St. wait and Congrew*
(bwo IVijee will, with quite a nunvt>er
of our aW *st siteakets, spend w»fn limn
OB the • utuptnibegau dating Apr il
Wild May, Orcfan is Ihe kr> to th*
«the vopnii* ewrr
g*n r»«—. in June, look oat foi a landslide
•KNATon rmrrrn’B tahiff bill.
If the Finance Comm it to* of the
Senate ever make up their mind* to re*
port the eo-cal ed “Wilson Tertff
Bill" to the Senate, Senator IVffer
will offer his bill not as an amendment
to the " Bullion Hill." but rather a*
an amendment to the present Me Kin
ley Laws, It is so drawn as the least
Tariff on the necseaitiesof life and M e
greatest Tariff on the luxuries, It
will thus provide for a graduated In
come tax a* introduce 1 fey Mr. Peace
in the House tt will uadotUKly lot a
great improvement on the "A1 1 la n in*
pr.M iimo trr t nn animals
For several days il was reported in
the New York papers thet certain Sen¬
ator* were inking advantage of whs *
was trauspiriug <n lbs Senate F Inane
committee, relate* to the Sugar aelxd
ule«, to gamble in Sugar Trust Htouka
,md make a few thousand, after a few
of quiet, and abeut the time the
gyjijiy one* were (^ngrstiilating them
selves (hat the. stoim of criticism hal
*1 o il Mown over Senator Peffer oer. ne
if bobbed up wlih'i re*<.iull(>n calling
fora curum.Ue of five beualora to inye*.
Ugata these reports and rumors, and
report (heir find ing to Ihe Mcnato
whereupon quite a number of Senator,
arose and protested their Innocence.
Benator Peffer t* determined to nush
hi« rcaoluliona and have the Investiga.
1 I 011 . Some rich and rare 1 iscloeera
an looked for. It iv »o nice to have a
ropuR-l Senator titling around, some
Every thing In Alabama points to a
sweeping victor) for Ike Populist in Au
K".t. VtmoimU down (here -re
at thmr old liick*i inventing and in
dustriouAly citeulaling nil tuanner of
lies about what the Popi. ist should
Wave done in th« eampaign of 1RU2, in
offecllng eombinslion ■, vrlth the Ite
publican*. When a psrly begin* to lie
this early Iu the campaign, U i* pretty
good evidence tost they have no faith
In i‘* ability to win by honest method*.
raopLtt's party oibiakizations.
All People’s Party ciuh*, Legions,
lamgues, should send iu a list of the
name* of I heir officer* and their post
ofttciia to Head quarter* at once so that
they may recalve the benefit of any
literature to tie sent out. Henatof Pef
fur lias kindly agreed to furnish Hoad
quarters with s thousand or mom of hi*
special of Agriculture Depres¬
sion: il* Pauses and Itemediea; 'this
is a v, ry valuable document and will
he Judieiotul/TiTslrbUted.
Jus letter to head qusr.ers found W.
P. Marsh, Secretary of the Puputial
State Executive Comnijuee jif JfcyL
tMCky, he shstewHlAt (helriopulUt Party
will muke an active campaign iu that
state, County convention* are being
rapidly perfected, l’he People’s Party
will have candidate In all Ihe Con
greastontil district* In the slate with
One prospects for success in qulto a
number of them.
A i’llANllE.
J If. Turner, Secretary of the Nat Oointultto of ihe l’eqile'* 1’ar'y
who fot the pasifew rooih* lias been
couneele I with Tlie National Views ot
lht* CU) an H^uu.ult'ii KtliUir uc»«i Hut*
|iie** Mstmgar, has nslguc.i his |,osl
Uoti on that paper and wilt from now
on uevot* Iu* entire time to the di».
c»«g«’ ,,f U " ,,f s ‘ ot the
\n > ur * ye u g . i t , i, , , . v attae V
of la , rlppe I ’ougbed day a" ni.tght for
ntKiut six week un write tl,el, suggested
I try CIihiiiIxhImIii'* Cough retu «ly j
At lir-l I sonUl »e no dlffeieiice.but stll.
kepi taking it, amt s,smi foiimt that it was
"bat I needed. If t gut no relief from 1
ne dose I took anotbei, aiul It was only i j
a frw 4i.»y*« until I vmii Irtbt* fitim flu*
I (In k |H*oj !o «nj*l t Iu know Ihi* vilttv ;
till** n*n» I \, n tul I take* |1»* urt* in no*
know ItnlKlitC 1!'*' I II*4vrt |
from il. Miull-un MuMftrt!, Ot aiv Ohio.
\ ami Vi* »*nt oUlt*.N fur by. 1 >i
1 K»*ui prasgittt,
What Newspapers Do.
] At a business convention recent!)
held at St. Luna. Uov. Francis,
Mi*»o in, g wo tvisesUmvt* ot what
Msipspen i ■ f o th public. In .*
spevcb be s.n.l
‘*tCxif'li v.*ir the lofil papDrw jcivo
fr g.-, ,e, 1( , ■** u,, ( j„ f rp ,. u ,
the v<*m nututv ui which they are Hw at
ed. No tMh - r agency ewi or wil! ,|i,
llii* Tl» >• litor. io prop «ru u» t.* hi*
mewo* d *c-m >rv for h\* to u titan anv
other *e i in *n, in 1 iq uli f.lirne** with
•HO. lie ought to ti • »upj me 1 |()t
bV MX Vo s !i’^. htq! Oi admire td*
rilitiga. h«r Ii vu<- ili > Uh-.vI pap r is
iho be*t tnw-tmeot a community can
make l, nm no, W elite,1
or crow,Tel with ,h«u.-ht but firram itv
it i* of m »rr eta ’ I* (tie . ornmunttv
than the prvachcr or tne teavher. Tn
der stand , me. I d,> not mean mentally
' pr nUi ttlArtAih *• Hill tul Itl) muihjs tlli'lgHv h, .imi 1 \on \ a»l Aii !
th* ,u * HWH.’tf ijuesf.on v t \* n w m ,i. fin! nn*i mo>i
- jv , ><cs, , p ipers she tne . itght . , dc.
on -
lvi-day theedipiT ,«f the h >tne j>ap-r* do
the most for thd least ntiiucy of v m
!«' e on the ; v-e of the ears J*r
W iw liw rlirM IhfW l** toiUting
a tl * IM*1 CiUth MUUJAtqhii *»i|f|
< , r 1V1 Ba in sud tKHitid on
<* Vv» l F •- -*. !>> Dr.K
I read with interest in l*st weak’e
i»ue the cototnunleetion »ugge#ting
thei Taliaferro form an Immigration
Society, The subject is one that should
interest a good many of oar liest
citizens, and should have immediate
attention. Shall we welcome good
farmera from the East and West who
eo<B * to purchase our laud* and make
their home amongst us.
Which would h-lp us-out of our de
pressed condition and releave us of
debts i would be glad to see each
district in the county act and give it
serious consideration,giving though tto
our future generation. Shall we leave
our children lands itnpovished by our
present system of farming and loaded
with debts besides when by aellih/ one
thud or half, g-l out of debt and
build up our country. We have the
beet climate in the world and our
lands can be in id a as productive as
Hie lands of the East and West.
Trking our climate and price of our
land 10 conalderslimi we cau offer the
boil inducement of any eecllou of the
United .Slate*.
Mr. J, W. White Traveling passen¬
ger Agent <«,« ft K is willing to
eu-<>l«raie with u* in advert sing out
ad vantages. X.
K twain ft tl»m. Karacnp* Tooth
m Ue, and V«i»ral«ift, are only H$*v«*n* re
/iiiiiili fH f ill your **! 0 iiinrli, liver and khl*
novN are not m proper worklna order, and
thatyou -liould n*nu>ve th** (tali'*** at ou<*e.
IHwxl pnriH»*r and Iik»«*d Maker
will |» Mitv* lv d » thin MS II arts directly
th** vital paitn. *1 Every bottle warranted
by 1)H' H, d kii>
important to Keformers.
With * tloi permission of Senator
John 1’. Jones, of Nevada, we(the Nat
iouul committee of lire People’s Party)
will print mid distribute his speech;
delivered during the extra session i r
Congress, October 14, Hi, 21, 2.’!, 24 j
27, and JO, 181M.
This printing we are havi )g done on
behalf of rile i „ eople . . tarty. , , the rl
S , will eonlniti .»)<! pages, and , Wllj ,
, Ire furnished ii, to our pc rplc i, at i cost .. ..I ,r of
getting them out.
The number which we will have
printed will depend upon Iho number
of copies ordered before going to press.
It will only take six weeks to get them
out. Single copies. 25 ai-eompained cent-. by
AH orders must he
tlie cash, anil addressed to
11. E. I’AI IlKNM h,
C 'liHirman,
450 Pa. A'e., Washington, D. C,
.1- il. Turner,
SUic ret ary.
I ■
j! Is still at the front! Youj!
<'can rely on itl It never ^ '.
j!fails to perform a curel Dnnwh*' I' *.
m __ __
1 oUI.Dllll 1 I 1 ^ Dl 'ill' 0 buliun * ^
]s USHrUD"
^ l . sold ... by all ... deilers . for2jc *■ \ < |
rwt k. -We4 u . actw o««. i
L IW'StS2r2SS yS j:
iiiiriu Witw uses • Ptuss. Th» Cissl T»*w*
Aaus*ut-Maanti MM <«*■«
Pure lUttb’sna'.e witter melon seed,
gf,»vvo ,i selected especially to retain
ti„> |* u nty of strain,
Mr. Alexander tlie see ban of Angus
ta, examined aiy crap of melon* w hile
grow lag and remaiked thst it was tlie on¬
ly crop of melons lie bad ever seen de
void of hybridi, and strictlypiire. Price
fl.20 jier pound p'rstage paid. For sale try
31. I. Hrnm’ti,
Hera*ela, tie,
■*Hou' To Cure All Skin Diseases "
simply apply “Sw »ynk‘s Ointment,'
No internal medicine required. Core
teter, ccxeuia, Itch, all eruptions on 111 *
face, hand, nose, Ac leaving the skin
cleat , white amt healthy. Its great heal
,,g amt curative I*>vver* arv |ms<e—ed by
noottMH r ee led ) l-k veur druggist
vYnk -Oinxvik
l.tllf l«‘N
U you Uavewt laid tn yovvr supply
dower seed don’t buy annuals: we
pnqvoae lo supply you Witii all )'ou
will wantt'Jtm varietu-. Free We do it
simply to call xonr attention to some
ttidig twUcr wtilch to see ts to wa n
The tuightest and twst of periodicals
for the home ts *‘ Woiusn”--a large ii
iu t rated monthly, as bright as a new
P*“ •« * V ' n ’
m ‘ t * II ^ ‘ * >f
man wants Hi know. »ml will Iwing
sunshine to tlie ... home the vear iounn. ,
It is cut . , to tit ... and , please , ___ woman, ,, the
bome . matne' . Now . , foi our ftei: „ „ .
tru oruU(ftt«m|ift or silv*»t)Mi i «v
w ,|j >. ni j . Vt>u ... Itti , nsonthft on
rm' and in fivl litkw send you **0
Thus offer is for iflamedtate acceptance
, , „
Woman Publtstuig Co, Ktchmoml
iF Uwfer this head we offer cmr
subscriber! and readers ih*
Celebrated Breech Loading
Remington Rifle, latent tin
prored patient This Rifle Is
;■ CO., who supply Rifle# to the
United States Government
1 I This Rifle Is made u> several
sizes We can supply it in 32,
38 and 44 calibre. Wlnchetter
centre-fire cartridges can be
M l used The MNWGTON has <yv
*4* tagon barrel, oiled walnut
1 etock, case hardened frame
I and trimmings, sporting front
and rear sights, and shell
ejector It ie the brat Hum.
i • ' U> SBriptloOS perfect of scrlUr deri‘ ing ■•Jd-'ip ror We »nj l2 Rifle these or win new for satisfaction un* s< yearly and made, Give »il.(» PfW.up ir'u sending Rifle* fiT.Ilfl subscriptions: sell one and In In it yearly vsah. o« VDVC rntt will 'ash to * a give suh- sub- ««« Th. ad- or
Rlfls Welch* about *•»«* f pound., and will U
seal by express in all ess**
This Army Revolver i» also r> >
made by ihe REMINGTO‘1
ARMS CO and is similar 10
tiMI OfM 1 m pfl Uh)
Sl&ien Cavalry. it is a
ftplendid wea,£>on, and of very
order, tong range; aud ia fcliaole fi m
ftvery reapect- “* ow* 1 * ln
calibre otsiy, baa si* chamber*,
full gTained mock, and £» l-‘4
and 7 \.% inch barrel, it pur
ebaaer’* option,
Our readers /
mult not con¬
found tbta Rem¬
ington Army Re¬ 4
volver with the
cheap, Irani, I
cut-iron reeo
vera which new
flood the mar let
and are sold kt
any price, l(it
remember that tide is a high clast*
arm, made from the treat material by th*
leading makers in the United .Stale*.
Wa will Give thl* Revolver FREE to
Utr (III, Vdulll.g u« 3) IKS |a].|.ii|) pald-iiii yearly All te
eerlptlons: oeriptiuno or for 15 now yearly sole
Tt orel fis.Wi In cost, added: nr w„ will
**ll to» wilMorther lot $0.00 c**h. Rent by
tl p ntn i n ill r —-
National Souvenir Spoons.
sach seoi GOtO LINKO
These (Spoons are full size and beautlfnl
specimens of th* 'nigraver’s art, and are
made of nickel silver and heavily plated
with pur* tteriing ailver. They come half
| dozen In a set, all differently engraved.
The bowl ot each atioon has a lining of 22
! karat gold, which gives them a beautiful
appearanoe, each set la complete in a satin
lined case Nothing oould be more appro
P ri * U! to* 11 R‘*i than a act of National Sou
“.‘-0......... Sv, FREE
; to anyone sending ft u« 0 new imld-up panl-uy jenrly yearly
| •ub*icr1v>tlotj«-or “to for new sut»
I 1 " r^^Tdriwi 1 ^
lo • v ">'
These Columbus Sou¬
Mr venir Spoona are full aise
• aiul wit! no doubt be tn
2 great demand among our
J readers at ihU aeasem
i e They ar* beautifully J en
...... ) , 1 ...
' i
pure sterling s.lver, and
wilt last a lifetime. The
<o bowl . i o( , ch . is .
- e * spoon
v satin or frosted tinLsh,
g ; wliich c» S*w‘y greatly -an* add. to “
«o their , appearance. Each
3 spaon cornea pul up in a
5 uaikn “
j Wa will Glv* one of
tbe»e sp-oui
2 PKEx!
loan* tosar oaeeemuaa O.U. wiulinw «» ns l ■ new new
*»U-op >earty sabM-ripiu.n.
or »» *U. **U tt to * sabacrlber (or 1* ueuta.
doltrcry prepaid la wtrii cuo.
No. II A.
Pft«rE.TON GBrflT
-3 r
ftrnt* tiro whrrla, Iftfff. «»»l ipm
m»*cd lire; I in* '» duuhltff col
WsgitfhV, 130 th»A; shipping
wcigi*t. if 3|l »
Tb« ViUi* i’»ri It a v*rjr oaefui rahb'la for
anstr Iovo or coasorv, and vtil dvr perfect
HE. railroad
ttorly sub
wripiton.; scrtpUcas aud -for filAW » is orm <•»-)>■ pokf-up or ln\l Vewclr be enfr eidd
f.» asubecritw,- lor fils ,* f twOv, raOraed frwgbl
‘Duitig tbe epi.te • ‘e of t* grippe
t hambeFlait *s Cough Remedy Lvo» lira
lead here ami was much belter ttked than
<> —her coneh meoteine." H M.tBan
drnggis*. that worth, lit. The grmpe is
on ti the same ** a very severe cotrt and
..ncumom* For- My. Dr K
H j Keid Druggist.
Macon & Northern R. R. Co.
S. E. RAHRIS, Receiver.
Schedule la Kttect November I'tth 1803
North b’d Tralus, Socth o'd Trains
«< 0 ^ No. 2
ISsily Daily
A M Lv. Ar. P.
e 45 1 Macon
« U M.. I> A l*. K R. Jun
7 05; t’halk Out
7 07 f 1 Van Kiiren
7 2B Morton
7 31 Grays
7 41 Bradley
7 7 48 Round Way. ide
35 Oak
8 09 H illaboro
8 30 Ml mi eta s 1
8 37 Monticello 44
8 5fl Maehen •4
8 58 Shady Dale 4
« 17 God 11 ey ih a'a>
9 42 Madia, n ^
10 04 Florence ,
o' *c
10 21 Faimington « S
in 10 28 Vi atsiriaville Bishop U’
..7 U S
10 44 Sidney fv
10 61 Whitehall to
11 00 Athene *C
A M Arrive Leave P M
i : 011 m etions at Madison with Ga. K. R
at Macon with Southwestern Dwiaon and
Main Stem Divison of C. of Ga. and G.
8, A F. for all Florida points.
For furth-r imformatiofl concerning
rates, schedules, etc, apply ts.
S. C. HOOK, Sup’t.
aeon, 0 a
For One Dollar,
What ie the best Monetary system for
the Un’ted Mates? This is the greatest
problem confronting the American peo¬
ple. It is tne intention of the publishers
that “The Mo.noohaph” shall contain
thought of the nation on tills question,
ihe recognized leaders in al 1 political par¬
ties have been called upon to wontribute
plans for their ideal Monetary system
B ut not content with this, we are deter,
mined to embody In the same volume the
opinions of thousands of the “Great Com¬
mon People,” and to that end we wil
allow t wo dollars on the price of the hook
lor your solution of this | roblein expressed
in not moie than 800 words. The Mon¬
ograph the best modern work in Mon
etary Systems, w ne sent o any a ress
on receipt of #3.00, It is a book that will
interest and Instruct, and is destined to
became a giant factor tn shaping the fu
le n Uriel} ejslim o tie nat on.
The Monograph Publishing Co.,
ltiom 44, German Au’n B’k Buildii g,
St, Paul Minn.
Befference by permission, Nat’l Uer. Am
Our Clubbing I ist.
We will give the Advocate-Dem¬
ocrat and the follvvoiDg Pajiers one
year at the jirices named.
Payable ’R Rdvanwi.
Peoples Parly Pajier ?1 50
Missouri W'orlil 81.40
Petroit Prce lTess 81.55
Constitution (weekly) 81X0.
Southern Cultivator 81 :fi0
National Waicl man 81.70 !
Sheriff Sale.
/GEORGIA T ai i afkrro Corf TV;
I 1 Will be sold on the first Tuesday in
April mxt, 1804 at flic court bouse door,
In the ti wn of Crawfiedviile in said coun¬
ty, wi'hln the legal hours of sale to the
highe-t bidder fir cash, the following
prm ertv towit One tract of land com*
tabling five hundred and eighty (580)
acre* more or less in the s.x hundred and
eighth (1508) district G. M. of said county,
sod part In Ha, cock county, and known
as the ‘.Home on "Bermuda place.
Adjoining on the North the land- of Hen¬
ry Hallo and P, G- V, azey. on the
land- of r G.Veazey aud Tltu- Billiards
nil the South, minis of A. <K Kainwater,
Mrs. M A. M. Smi'h nndJ. lacey; and on
the West lands of Mra Mrs, M. A. M
Smith, D S. Stewart and A. 15. Tappan.
Also a tract of lard of two hundred and
fifty (250) acres none nr less, situated
*nd lying In the six hundred and eight
U0*) district G. M. of Tallafeno county
known «» Ihe “mid place.’ Adjoining and
on t hw \ or ih_ lands sf IV. N. Gunn
Carter Brake, on tlie East lands of Mrs.
M A M. Sn ilh, on the South hy lands
if .shade Iloheit and J. H Kilpatrick,
R ..., on lht . West by lands of J. H. Kiipat
rick and Richard rigletree. Sa d atqive
described tracts of land containing in all
eight hundred and thirty (830) acres
more or less. Said lands levied on os the
property of Mis M. A. M. Smith lo sat¬
isfy an execution issued from the Super¬
ior court of Greene county Georgia. F, b
luary term ls*>2 i>> favor of New Etig'and
Mortgage Secutety Company against Mrs
M A M Smith. Written notice of levy
uive n to Abe Rudisili. .‘an. Jon son
.-sterling Veaiev, Jno. Battle. Bill Nhivirs
\\ Dsou Jones, by patties pointed in poises- by
sion as r« quirt'd law out
plainliff’e I). P. attorney. Henkv. Nieriff Taliaferro, I
Piles'. Piles’ Itching Piles
SYvirroMs-Moisture. Intense itching and
stinging; most'at night: worse by scratch¬
ing- If allowed to continue tumors.which
often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very
sore. Swatnk's rilNTMtNT stops the
itching and bleeding, heal* ulceration.i nd
in most cases removes tne tunn rs. At
druggist or by mail, for 5vl cent. Dr.
Swayne A Son, Philadelphia.
82' Boilers.
ing. Pulleys, Gearing, Boxes. Hangers, etc.
Complcfe Cotton, Saw, Grist, Oil and
Fe.,ituer Mill outfits; also Gin, Trass,
L'ai.e Mill and Shingle outfits.
Buihfing, Bridge, Factory. Furnsee and
Raiirasd Castings; Railroad, Mill, Ma
chiniass and Factor* Supplies.
Betting. Tacking, injectors. Pipe Fittings,
Saws. Files, Oilers, etc
*r v'ast, rary day; work J50 na-vt,
I niTJ mJJ Tf} jffln lnifirK^
■■01111/11111 II Ull f f Ul I1U
and Supply Co.,
— r - AUGUSTA, CA- !
WHEN JX Athens
For something G 0)0 to eat. Open
until 12 o’clock every night.
105 Broad St.
Adopt'd in National Cant ntion at Omaha
July 4,1892.
First.—We demand a national currency
safe, sound and flexible, issued by the
genere oreruinent on y, a full lega
tender for all debts, pnblic and private
and that without the use of hanking cor
porations, a just, equitable and efficient
means ot distribution direct to the people
at a tax not e .ceeding 2 per cent per an¬
num, be provided, as sat forth in the
ubtieoiuiy plan cd IF* 1 am ns’ Alli¬
ance or some better system also by pay¬
ments in discharge of its obligations tor
pi blic improvements.? •
See .in 1 .—We demand the un
limited coinage of silver and gold at
present legal ratio of 16 to 1.
Third.—We demand that the amount o.
the circulating medium be speedily in
creased to not less than $.50 per capita.
Fourh.—We demand Jai graduated ii ■
come tax.
Fifth.—We believe that the money of
Ihe country should be kept as mu<h as
possible in the hands of the people, and
hei ce we demand that all state and na¬
tional revenues shall be limited to the
neeessary expenses of the Governmen
economically and honestly auminioteied
Filth.—We demand trial postal savings
hanks be established by the goveiincnt
for the safe deposit of the earnings of ihe
pvopie and to facilitate exchange■
Seveith—Transportation boinga means
of exchange and a public necessity, the
government should ow n and operate the
ailioadsm the interest of the peopie .
Eighth.—'Ihe telegraph and the tele¬
phone, like the post-office system being a
necessity for transmission of news, should
he owned and operated by the
went in the interest of the people.
Ninth.—The land. Including all the nat
ural sources of wealth is ti e heritage
of all the people and should nut he me
nopolized for speculative purposes, and
ain .. lnp . ot .. lands should he
n owner, pro
liibited. Ail land now held by railroad
ami otlu r corporations in excess of their
actual needs,and all lands now owned b
aliens should be icciaimed by Ihe Govern
meet aud held for actual settlerso
Party paper
BotH One Year for $1. 50
Payable Strictly In
^Send jour suhscrintion to,
Chas. L. Smith,
Manager A dyocate-Democrat,
Crawfordvtlla Ga.
i rUQtfKES la j
A. M .
B.OOO „ Merchants .. , sell fl/WKE ,S
‘>,()<M), dthem Irunlled mherlSpec
tacles wnhout Success.
’1 11 ese Fgntnilg ra,B0US f'lflg.PS 3TP are Fitltk] ru,w fn w
the LYeat
Dr, II. J. HMDS.
f lornvine, j o ». Georgia.
— Attorney at Law.—
enesbo '> Geor gia
Office in Court House. Wi). practlc" in
j pAig/OWCAAW.V.X Lawn Tennis and Baseball will
. \ j diveit the attention of the young
/ 1 people. While house-keepers wil!
% / _ __ be thinking ot the best place to
buy groceries. You can easily
\ f .'d tolve this problem, if you will
mt 7 / % —- call on or write to the firm named
- below
^ V
oJO Broadway,
Subscribe For The
Your Time
When it needs repairi re can be profit*
al ly placed in my hand?. Jly long ex
pei n-uce as a
Practical Jeweler
Ei aoles me to i n all Linda of work per*
t&iniiiK 10 iho Jewelry Trade in a profi¬
cient manner. When jour clock or watch,
hreaatpin or ring, or jewelry of any de¬
scription needs repairing, nr anything in
that line give me a trial. When you wish
anything in the jewelry line made anew I
can do it, and guarantee satisfaction and
A. S. Laramore,
Crawfordville, Ga.
Office i« Alliance Store.
Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder
World’s Frlr Highest Medal and Diploma.
Business College!
Thomasville, Ga.
Ability to keep books for any kind
of business guaranteed or tuition re¬
funded. Bookkeeper all over the Uni¬
ted Sletes, g. ttlng In m StOO to # 1,800
tier year credit J’rof. Stanly with their
succers. Short hand and Telegraphy
Courte just as thorough. Arithmetic
and Penmanship free with Business
Course. Address,
[G. W.. H. STANLY. Pres’t.
Piles 1 Piles |' Piles !
Car, be cured. '1 ry Beggs’ German
Saive when everything else has failed.
Sold and warranted by Dk. K. J. Reid.
^ ^**1 ,, Do 88 MliCll for \ Oil
Mr. Fred Miller, of Irqing, III., writes
that he had a Severe Kidney trouble for
many years, with severe pains in his tuck
and also that his bladder was affected,
He tried many to-called Kidney cures but
w ' , hout any good result- About a year
ago lie began use of Electric Bitters and
foun(1 re i it , f at ouce . ElBCt ,. ic Hitters is
especially Liver adapted to cure of all Kidney
an< * troubles and of en gives almost
instant relief. One trial will prove our
statement. Price only 50c for large bottle,
at Dr. K. J, Keid’s Drug Store. 6
eggs Little Giant Pills.
Believe Headache Constipation and In
dy igestion, Dr, K. J. Try Keid. them, Sold and warranted
A large an oust of Montf i$-4<i8t an
i ualy by parties purchasing worthless
fruit tries roses ar.d etc. Get Hum from
firm that grows their own trees, sends out
nothing but good stock and sells at rea¬
sonable prices, fit- want the address of
every farmer or gardener in yoor section
nd will make you a liberal offer, write
for particulars and pries at once, send
stamp h r de-criptive Crialogue. Agent
wanted everywhere.
Address, Cherocln c Xu sc ry Co.
W aycres* -1 la.
Free rial.
AITKAK IV MEN Sufferprs from voufhfut
errors, loss of manly \ gor, Vari¬
cocele. etc. Nervine Pills will effect a
speedy cure. By its use, thousands of
cases of the very worst kin I and of .oog
standing have been restored to perfect
Health. 16,000 testimonials from all over
the world. Price per package #i; six for
$5. Trial package sent securely sealed
for 10 ren‘s Hostage.
N. Addre-s, The Gould Remedial Agency
iv, Cor Wabash Ave. and 12th St.,I
Mention this paper. Unicago, It
Four Weeks our method of teaching
the book-keeping style. is Positions equal to Twelve Weeksby
old Guaranteed, un¬
der certain conditions. Best patronized
Business College in the Srutlr 500 Stu¬
dents in attendance the nsst year. Elev¬
en Teachers. Nashville is Uie educations!
center of the South. Cheap Board. No
vacation. Fader any time., H< me Study.
We have recently prepared books on
book-k, ep'ng. .shorthand and Penman¬
ship Nothing especially adaptable to home study.
like them ever issued before,
rent on fid dajs catalogue trial. Our Free illustrat¬
ed 80-psge will explain all.
Send for it now. Draughon's Practi¬
Shorthand and Telegraphy, Nashville
N. B — We pay 85 cash frr all vacanci
a* tse k-kiep piovWed rs. stenographers, etc. r
ported to us, we fill the same.