Newspaper Page Text
•Wished 1892 t
f. 1898 .
d /
[ y
Fhave w j stuck the
y department, i; full
■eu omitted—and we
---___^n^JQ oui' immense stock of
late style goods at unbeard of prices.
It requires no effort at all to be ecnon'.ical if you trade with us
Our (a rent Sacrifice Tables
are Now Open.
See what they are loided with: Gent’s fu'l suits of
clothes all wool, price $ 12.50 now $6; $ 12.50 suits onw $6.50:
£12, suits for $5 $ 7,50 suits for $ 3 . $6 suits for $ 2 . 1 hese
and frocks Full of boy’s suits . also
goods run in sacks lsne at
the same reduction.
f^gg^Lovely silks in strpes and figures reduced
from $1 25 to 35 cents a yard.
$1.25 gros -grain silks slipping at 5 oc. summer China
$1 yl reduced to 5 oc, $9 dress paterns now $3.00. job lot $ 1
kid gloves, your choice for roc, 3 gross ladie’s uadeiwests
at 8V3C each.
Gents’s $5 hand-made shoes ru balls and congress re<
duced to $3.50 Zeiglei’s $3 button shoes for ladies, now $225
ear Thousands of yards of remants at half cost- 50, ty75 and $1 scaifs
for men your choice 25o - Fancy figured parasols one-third New \ork cost.
$7 dress patterns that are lovely go now at f 3.
7,000 yards ginghams the newest, daintiest designs we
•■vet shown, 7 /i l to i2y4e. 5000 yards calico that actually
W mid be taken lor percale by many, only 5c yard.
A wagon load of parasols, late style hgndles. - 20c to #7,50 five hundred
Yards Taqle Damask 20c vard to finest. 50 gross cotton, buck and linen towels
4c to #2,50. IFe have, almost enough lace to recli around Green county.
Silks a world without end. In woolen dress goods our sales have been
immense. Ton lemaining stock must be closed out. Two hundred bolts lawns
and muslins, three hundred bolts swisS, mull, orgsndie and crepon: one hun¬
dred holts dimity, cl-alie. rum's veili/ig.^rTwo thousand yards Hamburg and
mull embroidery, inserting to match, 2Kc yard up. iaus in endless vanely.
Our §1.5,000 Clptbin^ Stock
II os been marked in keeping witii the hard times, If yra
neid anything in our line you never ha 1 a better opportunity
to secure it. Respectfully
8 a
$ 1.50 (3. SO
! * 2.00 •Un *4 00
Red Front, DIXIE, §3
$2.60 *s.oo SS
$ 3.00 $6 00
- Augusta, Ga. ; -S
-7 2
»*»►*#«. r»io- « T t- -----
WWGet oar prices I
Engines, Tanks. S-acks, 1
keet lron Work ; Siiafc
>xes. Hangers, etc. i j
Grist, Oil and
(- O Gin, Press,
Furnace and
| Mill, Ma
Pipe Fittings,
V) nsnd*
... UynrifQ .
* “
■ ww IOTA * ^' ’* PA n '
m Baking Powder
it M« 4 *J mod Diploma.
Local News.
City aud County Items
Briefly Told.
Last night as 1 lay sleeping,
1 (Reamed l wrote a list:
Of every true good Democrat
That turned into a Populist.
A long dry spell generally comes:
if it don’t rain.
The teachers examination was held
heie last Saturday by commissioner
Col. Sam Sibley was down Saturday.
Mrs- >V. R. Wilson and Miss Clyde
Young of Woodville, were the guests
of Miss R>sa Gorham, Friday and
Let us sell you a Buggy Surry or
Phaeton at coal? Armor Bros.
Col. II. M. Uoldeu. accompanied by
bis beautiful wife, visited the Gate
City Saturday.
The depot and surrounding build¬
ings, are being whitewashed. A little
whitewash adds much to tbe looks of
a town.
Gieeuesboro Ga The best bouse to
trade with. Kimbrough Bickeis dfc Co.
Sheriff English of Gre ene county,
came down aud carried back the
“colored free boarder’ who was sent
beie. after tbe Greoneaboro jail was
broken open.
Let ns give you an estimate on your
Job Printing.
Rev. A, J. Hughes will be in town
next -Saturday; to conduct a meeting
of the Temperance people. This will
be a meeting, uni every¬
body is urged to attend.
Shoes, Slippers, Shoes, Slippers
Shoes, Slippeis, Shoes, Slippers.
Kimbrough Bickers A Co -
Mesdames Bergstrom and Golucke
accompanied by Miss Dickman, at¬
tended preidling at Barnett, Sunday.
Mr. Charles J. Keats, lately of At
laDta, is uow with us. Mr. Keats is
well known as a competent printer, and
we hope to give our readers belter
service than we have in the past.
Mrs. Humphrey, of near the village
was on a visit to frieuds 111 Greene
Friends of Dr ^L . A. Stephens wi II
; lick
be sorry to learn that he is quite
The most solect line of curtain goods
and draping re Middle Ga. Armor
Itev. It, E. L. Harris preached an
excellent sermon 011 the ninth com¬
mandment last .Sunday evening. Some
of liie residents of this town aud else¬
where would do well to ‘ take Hus to
Mr. aud Mr. 8. II. Rhodes woi:t to
Sandy Cross, last Sunday.
Judge Roberts and Messrs Chas.
Bergstrom and J. ft. Anthony, attend¬
ed tiie quarterly conference of the
Methodist church at Barnett, Sunday.
Messrs Ilammack and Kinney, two
of Washington's young men. visited
Judge Ilammack, who is still very
Our embroideries aud laces are ex
quisite, see them. Armor Bros,
Roger Murden of Robinson, spent
last Saturday with Jack aud Aleck
The rain-makers should have visited
this section of liie country the first
of tbe week.
Prof. T. I,. Chapman's school near
White Plains, Is now taking a vaca¬
tion, and Mr. Chapman is spending
Lis time witii Ins family near town.
One price to all Armor Bros
10 thousand yards lovely figured
fawns at 5c.
Armor Bros.
Mia, Jjlm F. Thompson of Augusta
is on a visit It her parents, M r. ami
J/rs. VV. J. Norton.
We were favored with the company
of editor C. L. Smith, 01 Ciawfurdvill,
on a recent trip to Atlanta. He is
per lit- ps the youngest editor on the
Georgia press—Columbia Sentinel.
Mr, Chas. Rhodes attended the com¬
mencement exercises of Woodville
High school last Tuesday.
Tlie Stephens High school closes to
(lay. Though tnere will be no enter
tairimeut. there is talk of a •pound
party’ for the scholars.
News comes from Sharon of the
death of Mr. Aaron Jackson, lie was
buried last Sunday.
Mr. Joe Norman and Miss Ma>
O’Brien of Barnett, attended the mar¬
riage, Wednesday.
Mr. If. B. Hart of Union J'oint was
in the city a -hurt while Weiuesday.
specimen t Glh.-s
S II Clifford, New Cassel, Wis, wa*
doubled with Neuralgia and Rhcu:..atisui
Ui- stomach wo disordered, hi* f.iver was
affected to an alarming degree appetite
well away and he was terribly reduced In
rlesii and strength. Three bottles of Elec
trie Bttiers eured uim.
Our readers will take notice of the
Excursion to Alla it a. Astra nge
ments for tickets should bfe made
beforehand, -Mr. fj* K. Nicholson of
Athens, will ch. information. .i#u*ljr furnish you
with any desired
Be sure and at tcnl the Prohibition
meeting here tomorrow (Saturday)
Last Tuesday thefcounty ww* .-mes-day. Quite
a number from attended.
Jack Sprat earn# and gave us a
pleasant smile
Jodgfk M. Aflmny of Wiiko.
spent a* couple of d .j - in the city this
weak. *
. ......... I . m —
HrAHarf* 4 Resigns
- -
Owing to a little unpleasantness
which is universal If regretted, llev.
R. E. L. Harris t jMored his resigna¬
tion as pastor ot he Baptist church
at conference la« Saturday. At (list
it was accepted l*Ut UpOU SSdOIld
thought it was jsd that a by-law
of the church Hired SIX months
notice of resignation upou the part
of pastor, and at# called conference
Su may night the ifttlon accepting the
resignation was re< twled. Mr. Hams
was uotitied of tin] action but lias not
** 8 8 iv,m hiaj tbnelusiou to the
church. It issinoi i!) hoped that the
little cloud of t te may blow over
and vir. Harris bus as pastor, lie
is an able pr< tua a good man.—
Oglethorpe Echo Lexington.
v. - a*.
Last WediMdsl. •* venIn lf Bt half
past six o’clock, M|r. Mis J, Lilia H. Norton Chapman of
ot Augusts and s
this City, whero^l oioed in Hie holy
bonds of matrlmoFv.
The ceremony occurred In tiro Bap¬
tist church, Rev. U. L. Harris offici¬
ating, Mrs. Hari » in a beautiful
manner played he march which
marked the tread (f the four or five
couples who attended the youthful
pair to the altar.,
The newly we-l accompanied by
several friends, drive to the h orae of
the groom ueay Powelton, where
supper awaited tls:m.
Mr. Uliapman fill take his bride to
Augusta, and tke thvir future
homo in that
IndepentJUrfo Day
Just before closing up our columns
comes tbo welcome news, that the
People’s Party D.ulv will be started
on the 4th of Jil ly.
Hon Tlios E Watson will b • editor
In chief, able assisted by Mr W -I
Henning of the Wool Hat.
Now is the tirag to subscribe for a
clean newspaper that will give news
fit to l u read lu thu family circle.
Unclaimed Letter List
Letters unclaimed at the Post-Office
up to June 1.
Wiles Andrews,!-T. H. Beck worth.
Rev. B. II. Jordon. Mrs - Mary Frazier
Charles Turner. Misses: Annie Brisco,
Ge0rgitt Ue,d ’ n * r " et 8teWart ' ,,iry ’
d * e
TVe above letters, If not called for
within 30 days from date, will he tor
warded to the de^l letter office.
< \ II. Farmer, £\ M.
I have associated wiili me In the
Practice of Dentistry Dll. W. II
IfAIl(Ila 0 f the i Hants Dental Col
Iege who has had thorough training in
eproative work, He will do extract
in and filling teeth while I. with
Thirty Years ■
will do the PLATE IFORK.
We will be in CrawfordviHe on the
;; r j Monday in each month, to remain
°ne week and in White Plains the 4th
Monday to remain one week.
M. D. D. D, S
While iu 1 opeka last March, E.
Barber, a prominent newspaper man of
La Uygae, Kan ., was taken with cholera
7^ u * W« of stoSpC UbatnbefUn'a ‘hap
[>n c,cl to have a b*4Ue
Colie. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and
family should keep 'ids remedy In their
home* at all time* No oi.e ean tell how
*<e»n it may be n* led. It cost# bat a
trifle and may t« the means ot *aviug
much suffering and perhaps the life of
some rnernl>er of the family. 26 and 50
cent bottles for sale uv
Dr- It. J. fwiio, Diuggist,
Excursion to Atlanta.
There will be a Grand Excursion
from Athens and intermediate stations
to Atlanta and return, via; the old
reliable Georgia Rail Road, Saturday
June 23. Fare from all stations on
Athens Branch, including Union
Point, Greensboro, Conyers, IJIue
Springs and Biiokhead, #1.25 for the
round trip. This being the only ex¬
cursion run on the Georgia Rail Road
in many years, the crowd will be
very large, and parties desiring to go
will act wisely in securing tickets at
once. Auy person getting up a club
of ten and remitting to 11. K
Nicholson, Athens, Ga.. #12.50 will
receive in return U round trip tickets
fiom any above named stations to
Atlanta and return. Junk 23. When
a certain numbered tickets are sold on
this basis, the fare will be #1.25
straight. Address all communica¬
tions oil the subject of this excursion
to II. K. Nicholson,
Allien h, Ga.
Of Woodville High school, took
place last Tuesday.
The emicient teachers I’rof. Joel
Cloue and C.ipt. R. 11. -Smith, had pre¬
pared quite an Interesting program,
consisting ot speeches amt declama¬
tions during the day. and songs and
diumaticul performances at night.
The leading feature of the afternoon
was an address by Col. S. II. .Sibley.
Col. Sibley look for the subject of lua
add 1 ess, ‘Common School Education ’
lie handled itiu a most plain aud
forcible way.
A large crowd from the surrounding
villages attended liie entertainment
Hardly standing room was left.
Bethany Entertainment
Tlie Betliauv School commencement
will occur 0.1 Wednesday, Hie 2<l lust.
An interesting program of speeches
aud declamations iu Hie day time,
aud dialogues at liiglil, has been ui -
Col, Sibley of Union Point, will
deliver an uddress iu the afternoon.
At Hymen’s Alt^
Last Sunday at the reset ruse of the
bride's parents, Mr. Robt. Hixou of
Union Point, aud M as Ruth C’ooke
Murden of Robinson, where married.
Uov. J. 8. Calloway officiated in the
ceremony, joining the two happy
hearts in a most Impressive aud ap¬
propriate manner.
The newly married couple will make
their future residence near Union
They have the best wishes of all.
Taliaferro, Co. It appearing that
O. P. Bonner the former Guardian of
Lyda T. Evans, un adjudged lunatic
of said County lias bean dismissed
from his office of Guardian, and his
letter revoked, and that the said
Lyda T. Evans is without a Guardian
and that a necessity for a Guardian
exists, and no application for hotter
of Guardianship, having been Died by
anv other person. Notice is hereby
given to all concerned that at the next
regular term of the Court of oidiuary
of said County, to be held on the
(list Monday 111 July next. I will ap
: point as guardian of the ix-rson and
| propelty of the said Lyda T. Evans.
[| 1B (Jlork of Superior Court of said
County, S. If. Rhodes, >r other pro
Uf,l,,HS U '-' iecU0 “
are tiled.
(riven ... under , my band , , and , official ,
signature, this June 0,
GKO. II. Mir'CflKl.b,
Is a luxuriant growth of Hair lieggs
Hair Rene wei Is go suited to give *»tls
faetlon, as It i* a purely a vegetable
preparation hair. and Sold acts and directly warraiitecd on the hy roots ft.
of the
J. REID, Druggist.
Hack lens Arnica Sitlvc
Tlie best Halve i» the world for Gut*
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Kever
Sores, Tette.,, Chapped Wands, Uhllhlalris
Purrs, and all Skin Kruptlons, and no»i
siviuj cures Piles, or no pay required. It
it guaranteed to give perfect, satlsfaetion
or money refunded. Price '!’) cents |/* r
l«jx. Kor sale hy Dr .R.Reid.
Are the roost camplete pin on tlie
besedes tieing the cheapest, a*
(me m u a ,, a( „, f jrt y docs in each
rattle*. Kvery *•'' pill guaraut.ifd KK,U to give
Atlanta Excursion t
, 1
Oil TIM! —..Ml.
| job work done at this office.
Prices to suit the times -
Kimbrough -o
-()- Bickers & Co.
Hive the most beautiful display ofDry Goods ever brought
to this market. We invite the good people of TaLIAFKR
KO COUNTY tocome and eva nine our lovely -Stock.
In woolen Dress Good->. wash Fabrics, while fawns,
Checks, Muslin, Organdies, “Vela’’ Ducks, “Pekin’’ Crepes,
“Kriukle” Crepes, Cotton and Wool ('Indies, fvitsens, Surrah,
Morie, liinn and all the latest Novilties in Silks, we hav'e
b *,em
RKvi uvi nun sir ihsan suiters
We make a specialty of this line, we have all the Latest
Styles in these goods, of the best makes, VV<: can save you
more ironey on these goods than any dealer.
With Clothing, Hals E(e.
Our counters are loaded down with the Nobbiest Stock
you over saw. In this Stock you can (iml Short Pants Suits
(or boys from 5 to 15 years. Youth’s Suits, .-ill sizes aiul
prices, Men’s Suits fo fit all size men and pockets.
Is full to over flowing. II ru ve carry, Corn, Meat
Meal, Flower, Lard, Syrups. In fact every thing fonnd in a
first class grocery department.
Hvrtv IMimH
. We will allow no one to make a I >wcr price than tis, All
pr-lci's will receive the personal attention ol one of the firm.
Yours to serve
Heard-Grcisler Block
Fellow-citizens: The panic has struck
Atlanta right at last and Machinery
lias gone out of sight. If you
want to buy at nanlc prices, now Is
the time. We are selling Engines
from #75 up. Gins 810 up Presses #50
UP, Feed Mills #35 up, Threshes #60
tip. Feeders and Condensers for any
make of Gin, new or second-hand for
sain. We exchange or repair and sell
Machinery on commission. Engines
repaired and Gins rebuilt with latest
Improvements, revolving heads, carders
or beaters, seed cleaners, extra heavy
brushes etc. Repair material and
shafting and pulleys on hand. Write
us just whirl you want and we will
make prices that will suit.
If. N, Crarntr At Co.
555 Marietta St. Atlanta Ga.
Proprietors Machinery Exchange.
K<lward Shepherd, llairisburg, Iff , Ins.
s ri.mibig »o p e on Ills leg of eight, year
landing. Usuri three bottle* of Klectsic
ilitters and seven boxes of sound llucklen’s I wel At
Halve and hi* leg I* an
John Speaker. Catawba O. had live large
fever sores oil Ills leg, doctors said lie wn
ineiiralde. One bottle Kleetrlc Bitters and
one box Blicltleii’s Ariiiea nrlve eured him
entirely bold hy Dr It J held
20 ';-' 2 ht Kiser Building.
Awarded Highest Honors-World’s Fai».
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No A’uni.
Used Lu Millious of Homes —40 Years th“ Standard-
Last week we calle 1 upon the Coca
Cola Company In Atlanta and was
presented with a number of trial tick¬
ets for that delici ms drink.
Nothing stops headache and relieves
anyone when co npletely exhausted,
quicker til t<! One i C0I1. Our
town would do wall to get a Sela
Fount in operation and give tills de¬
lightful beverage a trial.
Piles'. Piles'. Itchinfi Piles
Symptom* Moisture; Intense (telling an.I
stinging; most at night; worse by s irateti.
mg If allowed to continue Illinois,which
often bleed end ulcerate, b-n'omhig veiy
sore- Swaynk.'h OiNr.Mi-.NT stops the
tchlng and bleedlnir, heals iilccnftlmi,. net
11 most nates removes to- tenors. A
druggist or by in HI. for .»> cent. Dr
Swayne A Son, f'liilnd-dpliia.
PreKlilenl PleveliiiiilBiiiicer.
ft bus It co rmnored that lie li n. lu,
would take a coarse of Botanic ihood
1 la 1 111 , tlie fm*t nioud purifier an I Guild-.
iiig-u|( remedy in the world, lie w-uild
soon be well. It will not nUappoint.
Price $1.00 per large bottle, Kor salo oy
druggist. Ii*e l‘, for all blue I and skin
diseases, rheumatism, catarrh, etc.
While at IVekskiil, V. V . Mr, A A.
herlveii, a priiininent inuuif.ic.turer of
N* vv Vf>rk 0'ity, purDias-iI a liottlo of
E'Uamharltn'a Omgh K -mcily Hoehi<ool
renultn were ohtalne'l fro it it* it ic thit he
soot hack so the from whom ho
obtainoi 1 1*. for two more bottles of the
same remedy. When preparation yon have a eon^h
or col 1 (five this a trial ami
like Mr. Serive:i you will want it when
atfahi \u need of so *h a medtfttne. It a
remedy of jfroat wortli and merit, -o anil
HO cent Dottles for sale by
I Jr. U J It kid, Druggtat.