Newspaper Page Text
man, freelrcffn THO 51 ouen of pain.
X don't think man ever suffered more acute
and coastant agony than I have since 1884.
The rheumatism started then In my right
knee, and after relieved weeks of suffering tn bed I
was at only last sufficiently to arise, but
It was to get about on erutohes for five
years, the ailment having settled lr- the
joint. Despite constant treatment bf the
most eminent physicians the rheumatism
crew worse, and for the last four years I
have been compelled to go about bent half
toward the ground. In the winter of 1830
Sl, after the rheumatism had settled Into its
most chronic form, I went to Kansas City
upon advice oi my brother, an i for six
weefes X was treated in one of tho largest
rjc.l best known dispensaries of that city,
but without tbe slightest improvement.
Before I came home I received a strong gal¬
vanic battery, this I used for months with
tho same result. In Aucust, 1802, I went
to St. Louis, and there conferred with the
Widely known Dr. Mudd ot hospital prac¬
tice None fame, and Dr. Kale ot tbe city hospital.
of them would taka my casa with any
hope of affording mo more than temporary
relief, and so I cams home, weak, doubled
with pain, helpless and despondent.
’‘About this time my attention was called
to the acoount of a remarkable cure by Dr.
tViillams’ Pink Pills for Pale People of
locomotor ataxia, rheumatism and paral¬
ysis. X ordered some ot the pills as au
experiment. When I began to take them,
the rheumatism had developed Into a phase
ot paralysis; my leg from the thigh down
was cold all the time and could not be kept
warm. In a short time the pills were gone,
and so was the cane. I was able to attend
to the duties of my office, to get about ns a
well and strong man. I was tree from patu
and X could enjoy a sound and restfu.l
night’s sleep, something To-day X practically, had not known
for ten years. am cured and,
I firmly believe, permanently of my
terrible and agonizing ailment. No ma¬
gician of the his Far East that ever wrought Williams’ the
miracle with wand Dr.
Pink Pil!s did for me.”
To verify the story beyond all question of
doubt Mr. Woodson made tho following
State of Missoubi, , 8
Cocntx or Bates, i ’
I, M. H. Woodson, being duly sworn on
my oath, state that the following statements
are true and correct as I verily believe.
M. M. Woodsow.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this Sd
dgy of March, 1891.
John D. Moose, Notary Public.
Dr. Williams’ l’ink Pills for Pale People
are manufactured by the Dr. Wil iams'
Medicine Company, Sbhenectady, N. Y ,
and are sold only in boxes bearing the
firm’s trade mark and wrapper, at 50
cents a box or six boxes for $2.60. Bear in
mind that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are
never sold in bulk or by the dozen or hun¬
dred, and any dealer who offers substitutes
in this form <s trying to defraud you and
should be avoided. Dr. Williams’ Pink
Pills may ’oe had of all druggists or direot
by mall ;ro;n Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co.
About Bad Ronds.
An exchange indulges in the follow¬
ing sage observation, which we believe
will receive hearty endorsement most
any spring: “Bad roads lead to pro¬
fanity; they make men swear. Bad
roads lead to intemperance; men
think it is necessary to fortify the
inner man with a number of drinks to
enable them to stand n long journey
through the mud. Bud roads lead to
cruelty; tho kindest hearted driver
often has to stimulate his team with
the lash. Bad roads lead to poverty;
the wear and tear on wagons, harness
and animals knock of a large per cent
of profit.”
A p'ino Business University.
The Southern Shorthand and Busi¬
ness University of Atlanta, Georgia,
whose quarters nre in “The Grand,”
the handsomest building in Atlanta, is
one of the finrffd business training
schools and shorthand institutes in
America. Send your boys and girls
there and have them thoroughly edu¬
cated in business. It will pay them
handsome returns. This institution
has educated and placed iu positions
over six thousand people who are
making from $50 to $300 per month.
Special terms given this month. Send
for tho University catalogue.
|M) senate.
Important Measures
^ ^^opening Decoration of Day, flu:
IjBpie-d:'■' cd
r ;!
Hi Agreed to.
I^Vard-’ th. to ’ T. ii
Speeches were
pix, of Tennessee,
iua, and Black, of
■HPe. Friday. Mr. Strauss,
BPrk, offered a joint resolu
' the extradition treaty with
and it was referred to the
littee oh foreign affairs. After a
R committees for reports. Mr.
Bif Tennessee, antagonized Nlr.
■r’s motion to take up the bank
p, by a motion to consider bills
j^^msion private calendar. The vote Mr. on
was, yeas iii>. uoes !)3.
Peed demanded a vote by yeas aud
nays. The motion was defeated, and
the house proceeded to consider the
bank tax bill. Mr. Wheeler, of Ala¬
bama, was entitled to the floor, but re¬
linquished it iu favor of Mr. Brosius,
of Pennsylvania, a inember of the
committee on banking aud currency,
announcing that ho would finish his
own speech nt a later period.
The house went into committee of
the whole at Saturday's session to fur¬
ther consider the bill to repeal the
■state bank tax act, and Nlr. Izlar, of
South Carolina, continued bis remarks
begun Friday iu favor consideration of the repeal.
The house renewed of
the bill to repeal the State bank tax act
at being Monday’s session, the first spt akcr
Nlr. Dazzell, who sustained the
constitutionality of the law. Mr, Hol¬
man pave notice that ho would, on
Tuesday, call up the Indian appropri¬
ation bill for consideration.
The Benute, Thursday, voted to put
lunibet* on the free list of tho tariff
bill. This, of course, will not be sat¬
isfactory to the lumbermen of Georgia
and Alabama. They have petitioned
for a duty, as they sell large quantities
of lumber iu the north and West where
Canadian lumber will now compete
with the product of Georgia and Ala¬
bama. The sugar schedule was taken
up, but the progress on it promises to
bo very slow. The great fight against
the bill which republicans are to make
w ill be on this. They believe if they
can defeat this schedule and put sugar
on the free list it will mean the defeat
of thii entire bill, ns several democrats
will vote against the bill unless sugar
is protected.
In the senate, Friday, the
offered by Mr. Call went over till Sat¬
urday for the appointment of a select
committee of five senators to investi¬
gate the subject of the. organized efforts
of corporations to control the elections
of state legislators and members of
and the subsidizing of newspapers, bas
been resorted to and whether such acts
are consistent with the preservation of
the republic of the United States aud
tbo rights and liberties of tho people.
At 10:40 the tariff bill was laid before
the senate, the sugar schedule being
the pending question, and Mr. Man
derson proceeded to speak upon it.
In the senate, Saturday Mr. Hill
called up his resolution, directing the
special committee to investigate tho
charges of bribery, senatorial specula¬
tion and the influence of the sugar
trust in the framing of tho sugar sched¬
ule, to throw open its doors while
testimony was being taken, He
took the floor in support of the res¬
olution. He argued that the terms of
the resolution under which the special
committee was appointed neither au¬
thorized nor refused authority for se¬
cret sessions. The senate made laws
iu the interest of the public. Why
should riot the committees investigate
in the eyes of the public? Tho dis¬
cussion was further continued by
Messrs. Gray, Lodge, Allen and Hill.
Then Mr. Gordon, of Georgia, asked
unanimous consent that the resolution
be voted on without further debate.
Mr. Dolph objected and argued in fa¬
vor of cringing the contumacious wit
nesses before the senate and punishing
them for contempt. Then Mr. Gordon
renewed his suggestion,and Washburn
objected. The resolution went over
without action.
The first business done by the sen¬
ate Monday was the passage oi a joint
resolution appropriating $10,000 for
the expenses of the inquiries and
investigations ordered by the senate.
The tariff bill was taken up and the
amendments to paragraph 182, offered
by the finaneo committee, changing
the time when the repeal of the sugar
bounty is to take effect from July 1st,
1894, to June 1st, 1895, was agreed to.
Mtaequently gjgl^^ptioM by unanimous consent, nml tin
w.'im r< <■• jusj. 1 < :. 4
HHl |jjj|^E.. i.t- -till 111. r- l! .'uaiii I'll "|- Mr
-k ■ r III cm-1
UI ait
v Make a Fine Showing
i^kteriv rejiort of the
I ■ i :
S • iUi
h[ ' Hi
M 1 Hr kg '
, Bf
^^^^^^Kirrnngs Sr the
hr $700,0OO.
alker Co., tl largest
I *jf 8t. Joseph, Mo.,
»d tl. t» from
Comment Concerning Transactions in
the Various Departments.
The president Monday sent to the
senate the nomination of Charles Nell
son, of Maryland, to be second assist¬
ant postmaster general, vice J. Lowrie
Bell, resigned.
The democratic managers are be¬
coming impatient at the time being
consumed 1>T the republicans iu the
discussion of the metal schedule and
are beginning to talk among them¬
selves of the advisability of prolonging
the hours of debate.
District Attorney Biruey concluded
to lav the matter of the two corre¬
spondents who refused to answer investi¬ ques¬
tions asked them by the sugar
gating committee before the grand
jury. Mr. Biruey said ho did not ex¬
pect the indictment to be made out in
less than ten days and it will take
nearly that length of time to prepare
the document.
Though all kinds of sensational sto¬
ries have been printed and talked of
involving Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Car¬
lisle in flic sugar scandals, Mr.Carlisle
has appeared before the straightforward bribery com¬
mittee and given stich a
and honest, statement of his connection
with the matter that no one now be¬
lieves him to have been involved in any
A Washington special snys ; Second
Assistant Postmaster General Lowrie
Hell has tendered his resignation to
tho president through tho postmaster
general, to take effect at the end of
the present fiscal year, June 30th, in
order to accept the position of general
tratlic manager of the Central Bail
road of New Jersey, with headquarters
at New York.
The official treasury statoment is¬
sued Juno 1st shows that the expendi¬
tures of tho government for tho eleven
months of the current fiscal year have
exceeded the receipts by $72,000,000,
the aggregate standing iu round fig¬
ures: Receipts, $2(18,000,000; expen¬
ditures, $340,000,000. These figures
indicate a total deficit for tho twelve
months of the fiscal year of about
Orders have been cabled to tbo flng
Bllip Baltimore, of tbo Asiatic squad¬
ron, to proceed with all possible dis¬
patch to the coast of Corea and take
whatever measures are necessary for
tho protection of American interests.
An official note of thanks will ho sent
to the King of Corea for bis timely
warning of the rebellion of some of bis
subjects, which is said to bo directed
against Americans.
Mr. Houk, republican, bouse of Tentios- bill
see, kaR introduced in tho a
appropriating $190,000 for necessary
and special facilities on trunk lines
from Toledo, O., via Cincinnati,
Knoxville, Chattanooga and Atlanta
to New Orleans. The bill provides
that no part of the appropriation shall
be expended unless the postmaster
general shall deem it necessary iu
order to promote tho interest of the
service. —'
Strong pressure has been brought
to bear upon the president within the
past week to secure the removal of
Civil Service Commissioner Lymau.
While tho objections to Mr. Lyman in
the past have originated principally,
although not entirely, with tho oppo¬
nents of the civil service, tho recentcf
forts against him have come from the
friends of the reform. It is under¬
stood that the president has given a
qualified consent to Mr. Lyman's re¬
Th© Debt Statement.
The debt statement, issued Friday
afternoon, shows a net increase in the
public debt, less cash in the treasury,
during May, of $0,603,030. The in¬
terest bearing debt decreased $400;
tho non-interest bearing debt decreas¬
ed $7,243,450. The balance of the
several classes of bebt at the
close of business May 81st,were: Inter¬
est-bearing debt,$035,041,840; debt on
which interest lias ceased since matu¬
rity, $1,858,390; debt bearing no in¬
terest, $.380,010,329. Total, $1,010,
910,500. The certificates and treasu¬
ry notes offset by an equal amount of
cash in the treasury outstanding nt
the end of the month were $021,128,-
445, an inereaso of $1,136,050. T he
total cash in the treasury, $783,283,-
204 ; the gold reserve was $78,093,207,-
207; net eusli balances, $39,101,008.
Tlic Atlanta Exposition Hill.
The bill appropriating $200,000 for
a government exhibit at tbo Atlanta
exposition was favorably reported
Monday by tlio appropriation commit¬
tee, but not without strong opposition
on the part of nearly half of those
present. The supporters of the bill
were Messrs. Livingston, of Georgia;
Coombs, of New York; O’Neill, of
Massachusetts; Dingley, of Maine, and
Cannon, of Illinois. The negative
vote was cost by Messrs. Bayers,
of Texas, chairman of tho commit¬
tee; Brookshire, of Indiana; Williams,
of Illinois, and Washington, of Ten¬
nessee—all democrats. The opposition
to the appropriation was based upon
several considerations, briefly these:
That the present is a period of great
financial depression, and that the ut¬
most economy should be used in the
expenditure of public money; that the
time i« inopportune, coining, as it did,
so closely after tbo World’s Fair at
Chicago; that each of tho quartet in
opposition was opposed to govern¬
mental aid for such purposes;
and finally, that the means to defray
expenses were too much in pro
spective and not sufficiently in hand to
justify tho belief that it would prove a
k access. Reference is made in this
connection to the estimated receipts
which were submitted by the commit¬
tee which visited Washington several
weeks ago. It is understood that, had
the full committee been present the
affirmative vote would have been ma¬
terially increased. A minority report
embracing the foregoing objection will
be filed.
Breckinridge Turneil Down.
The town of Fulton, I1L, some time
since invited W. C. P. Breckinridge to
deliver a fourth of July oration in the
town. The invitation, which was ac¬
cepted, has since been withdrawn, arid
Colonel Breckinridge will not be called
upon to make the speech.
Showing What is Doing tin In Our
Own aud Foreign Lands.
It is reported that the village of
Yahnuliea, Mexico, was visited by a
terrible stortn a few days ago. A num¬
ber of the adobe and frame residences
and store buildings were blown away
and ten persons killed aud fifteen
After a long meeting of the ooal
miners of Alliance, Ohio, they decided
to accept the operators’ terms of $1.05
for mining and return to work. Threo
large mines near the city limits will bo
started by this decision and a fawino
will be averted.
Tho conference of the coal operators
of Illinois, held at Springfield to ar
range prices aud lb come to an agree¬
ment whereby the competition of the
northern and southern and central Il¬
linois fields could he adjusted to the
end of settling the great coal strike,
came to naught.
At Cincinnati Thursday, Judge
Taft decided Cfijsofflit tljati the receivers of the
Queen ttrnl (Cincinnati Sotttli
erh) had tho right to reduce tho scale
of wages or lessea the number of
hours, thereby accomplishing the same
result. He paysjbigh tribute to De¬
ceiver Felton’s ability.
Fifteen husine houses aud twenty
residences in Oitumwn, In., were de¬
stroyed by fire Sunday. Five blocks
nre a mass of blackened ruins. For
four hours the fire raged fiercely. The
loss is estimated! at $225,000, and the
insurance abou one-third. A spark
from ft locomotive is supposed to have
started the blazul
Commander arrived Kjdly at St. and Genevieve, his industrial Mo.,
army providtd with day’s rations
and were a
by tho mayor, Hinder instructions from
tbo city connofl. Kelly claimed to
have 1,200 men in his boats. Tho flo¬
tilla lauded five miles below the city.
Kelley has about perfected Ohio arrange¬
ments for a tow up the river to
Wheeling, W. Va.
Owing to the scarcity of coal tho Il¬
linois CeiTfraTwill discontinue two
passenger trains in tho Springfield and
Gilman division and every freight train
except one. The Wabash shops, em¬
ploying nearly 1,000 men, will close
down, and every freight train not abso¬
lutely necessary will be abandoned.
Within one week it. is thought every
industry in Springfield will bo at a
standstill for lack of coal.
A private dispatch from Ridgeway,
Elk county, Pa., states that Sheriff
Elliott had deputized 150 men from
Ridgeway and the surrounding towns
to protect the men who will attempt to
go to work in Hall, Kaul & Co.’s mines
at Skawmut. Resistance is expected
from tho striking miners who have
been reinforced by 800 men from con¬
tiguous regions. Bloodshed is feared.
Tho minors aro well armed and des¬
a Londonc ■Lg dispatch says: Tho
formation ganeh cabinet with
three Hanotanxffigi miiiflQ SWStoare,Ih-citsKC ^vcdlv hostile to Great and
Britain, exeM l.grjive apprehensions in
English mini ill circles. Tho roc
ord of Hanotanf tho new French min¬
ister of foreign affairs, places him iu
the front rank as a combatant of Eng¬
lish occupation of Egypt and general¬
ly an enemy of England wherever tho
latter comes into oompeting contact
with Franco.
A groat drought in tho reported. far western Tho
part of Nebraska is
farmers have been unable to raise a
crop or obtain water for stock. As a
consequence hundreds of faints in
Lincoln and adjoining counties are
being deserted by their tenants, who
are moving eastward in wagons. No
rain lias fallen in weeks, and all vege¬
tation is parched. Other portions of
the state faro very much better, but
iu many places the small grain is a
A terrific storm struck Hillsboro,
Tex., at 2 o’cloet Thursday morning,
accompanied by torrents of rain and
incessant lightning. The Episcopal
church was completely demolished, as
was also tho house of John Morgan,
The pump-house at Lake park was to¬
tally demolished and the grand stand
at the fair grounds blown into tho lake
thirty yards distant, Quite a number
of dwellings w*re blown from their
foundations and badly damaged. The
destruction to tlio oat crop and shade
and fruit trees uM very great.
The whistle at the Denver paper
mills, south of thb eity of Denver,Col.,
began to blow shortly after 11 o'clock
Thursday night no warn tho residents
of the Platte riper bottoms to seek
higher grounds. The river has been
steadily rising at the rate of from four
to six inches un (hour, anil is outside
its banks. The l rater is backed up to
the Rio Grande shops at Burnham. At
Jerome park the residents sought ref¬
uge in a school house, which is now
partially snbmerg ed. There is much
excitement in the flooded districts, hut
it is thought that all will be rescued.
And Nearly Everv Passenger Receives
In varies.
Columbus, There was Ga., a fajarful tension accident Wednesday on the
morning. The rsr*r coach of an ex¬
cursion train left (the track on a grade
just after Holt’s, station was passed.
The excursionists;were mostly negroes
on their way t» the Memorial Day
celebration at wad lAndersonville, but
tbo rear coach reserved for whites
and the occupants of this coach were
the victims of the (accident, The train
was oa an emban kmc-nt and was run¬
ning at the rate of twenty miles an
hour when the *ce dent occurred. Tbo
derailed coach wit h its human freight
turned over threo times and nearly
every one in it w »s more or less hurt.
None in it were killed outright. A
spreading rail canped the accident.
Burning Itaffrcad Bridges.
ually The striking stopped coaji dial miners traffic have effect¬ tho
Cleveland, Loraim aud Wheeling road
in West Virginia, by burning the
bridges at Fluahi ng and Holloway.
The managers of the road say they
will stand by then right to haul West
Virginia coal if tin y have to use armed
force-* to do it.
California has a 8,300 aero prune
Victoria, Australia, had a gold out¬
put of about $15,000,000 last year.
Westminister bridge, built iu 1750,
was the first iu which the foundations
were laid by the aid of caissons.
Some of the Comstock mines are so
deep that no means has yet been
devised to overcome the eioessive
A Persian legend makes Christ say,
“When I come again, after 1,000
years, T shall come in the form of a
woman. ”
The green ants of Australia make
nests by bonding leaves together and
uniting them with a kind of natural
As there were just 13 marriages in
Heuniker, N. H., last year, the brides
are all the objects of superstitious
Civil engineers say the wings of the
butterfly display the greatest possible
lightness combined with the greatest
possible strength.
American buggies aro superseding
those of English make in London and
Paris. The only light,graceful vehicles
in Europo come from this country.
A "Manitoba farmer hag a garden
patch the soil of which he imported
bodily from a warmer climate, On it
ho grows vegetables his which are entirely
foreign to neighborhood.
It is the secretary bird of South Af¬
rica that can whip any snake of twice
its size. Stanley used to over that the
reptiles would crawl away from this
bird’s shadow iu wild fear.
Two persons playing dominoes ten
hours a day and making 118,000 four moves a
miuute, Could continue years
without exhaustiugall tlio combinations
of the game, the total of which is 1118,-
Petroleum has been known from a
very nucieut date. Italy, Persia, In¬
dia, the borders of tins Caspian Sea,
Java and North America possess petro¬
leum springs, discovered ages ago.
About 1859 the exist seep of large
petroleum reservoirs was signalized in
How to Chock a Itnnawny Horse,
As Soon us the driver sees the dispo¬
sition to run in the horse ho isdriving,
let him begin the rapid jerking first on
olio line and then on the other, not
gently but with such force as to bring
the bridle-bit from one side to the
other through the hoiso’s mouth. This
new motion so confuses the animal
that all other fear is taken away. From
many years’ driving I have never found
this method to fail on the most refrao
tory horse. Of course, you should
never drive any horse without the best
of strong leather, that will stand any
strain you need to put on it .—Farm
and Fireside.
To Housekeepers.
To prevent icing running dowu the
sides of a cake out a strip of stiff cream
laid writing paper, about 1j iuolios
wide, nml pin it tightly anil evenly
round tho sidos of tho cake, so that the
tup oeigo is a quarter of an inch —or
more if yon wish thicker icing—above
the top of tho cake all round. Fill in
with icing, which should ho fairly stiff,
smooth over tho top, stand in a cool
oven, and when sot carefully romovo
tho paper,— Baker's Helper.
After the Distribution.
Indulgent Father—Ho you linvo two
prizes, Mabel?
Mabel—Yes, pupa.
“What are they for?"
"Well, 1 got this prize for having
tho best memory. ”
“Well, what was tho other?"
“J can’t think nt tho moment wlmt
that was for.”— 1'U-llUs.
Thu scientists and others who want
to eradicate tho Russian thistle are
not on tho right track. What we want
to do is to commence to eultive it. and
give it tho sumo protection and cure
wo give our choicest crops. Then the
next thing you know tho bug will
eomo along with a name as long an
a hypocrite’s prayer, and it, will go for
that thistle and clean it out root anil
branch.— F.x.
AnTiroDoil one may carry on mixed
farming, each branch should lie u
specialty, and the st >ok kept should ho
tlio best adapted to that branch.
Fro© n» Air.
Although long ami obstinately obstructed,
fr o an air become tbo bowels wJi'-r. IIohM
fer’s Hitters is tuwvl to relieve n/i«l
retfU'afo them. Not, that tho great laxative
operates mid illy upon them. Quite the tun ii •
tinry. Neither doe* if, cause urlpfot;. In
boil, fhoe particulars it b* preferable <«» h
violent rathurtie. Use the Hitters for malarb'l
and iou rheumatic dyspDjinItt ailments, and k dney trouble, I, I
ifie-.s, nervousness.
Hoi.llM in K©clp©fi.
“T)m < 'ream ft ('ook H ok* 1 ' con lit fit the
best mdpcHof tlio old book*, and many never
fore iu print
“The Ne w Hoiitl. Cook Book” 1 m beautifully
hound, and will he Mint to any addreM upon
the receipt of ten cent* in postage.
H. W. WitKNff, a. I*. A.
K. T., V. & a. It. It*, Knoxvlile, Tenn.
Marriage ni a raliur© when on© «io© i» h
Mr. Kl mer'« H w a mi* - Root cur**
h' 1 Kidney and Madder trouble*.
Pamphlet and f’oimultation free.
Laboratory KioKhamLou, N. Y.
In all affair* of vie© you can afford to he o
fool* In the Mllulll !
One can get Kfigr&vinic* * rpia» to anythin
done In th© North, ano af a mm h cne«pe
rat© Whenever you want any kind of cut t
iliu Irate jjatenf*, p un*, rAtaloffue*.
letter he oi*, etc., why, don’t eu l up North,
but k*-ep the money in the South. V* here can
O'i \t* ;t it? Why riicht In Atlanta, Oa All
you have to do * f»> writ© to he At. anta Kn
gruvlfitf L‘o., nt 8. Hroa I Hi., and they will
furnish you with all information. Their Hal
tone Kiiffravlng* are eq umI to Hhotographf
Trclliin* riilldren.
Nothing on earth will lake children through
the trying ordea- of teething ho pi©a*antly, and
• ft very surely ari*l safel”, a* Mr. King’* Koya
(£<* rate tiler. They all ilk© to lake it, aud if
K;1R like magic Ju meeting the troubles of that
c ritical p* ri<xl. Tliou*»tid* have tried it »«’
it hit* never \m -n known to fall.
Hlilloh’s Cure
i* sold on a guarantee. lVeut('otigh<*tire;'A5©,fi0(:,tl If. cure* incipWnt i on
v ampilon; ■ ii irtihe
I’onablr llmr fr.nmrm
lie A-nir.- “, tnr circular#. C. It. Curie.,
ienzt, Mi*
A. M. Mr *-*t. ifniggisf, Khelbyvllle. be*t Ind.. of
cays : ** Hail‘» < atarrb < Jure glv©* the
ratlafaction. On get plenty of testimonials,
a p K cure* fsvery one who lakee it.” Druggist*
mil it, 7 ug.
n t/>r«eye Ift© lir. f**UU;Thom, botf U
■»} *- water- Druggii i *e'l a! per
^T^HOSE who could not eat cake, hot
1 biscuit, bread and pastry because
of indigestion have found that by rais¬
ing them with Royal Baking Powder
they are enabled to eat them with per¬
fect comfort.
Royal Baking Powder is composed
of chemically pure cream of tartar and
bicarbonate of soda, and is an actual
preventive of dyspepsia.
Rules for Children.
Bo prompt at every meal.
Never shout, run or jump in tho
Shut every door after you without
shimming it.
Lot your first, last and best frieud
bo your mother.
Carefully dean the snow or mud off
your boots before entering the house.
Never interrupt any conversation,
but wait patiently your turn to speak.
Never sit down at the tabloor in the
parlor with dirty hands or tumbled
Always speak kindly and politely to
icrvauts if you would have them do so
to you.
W’ht'ii you arc told to do or not do a
thing by either parent, never ask
“why." faults
Toll of your own nml misdo¬
ings, not of those of your brothers or
siNtors.— J.ittlc Ours.
Sy nonyins.
Steal a chicken, ami yon are a thief;
steal $1,000 from your employer, and
you nre an embezzler; steal $5,000
from the government, and you are a
defaulter; roll your competitor on tho
stock exchange of $10,000, aud you
aro a financier; rob him of $100,000
to $500,000, and you aro a wizard or a
Napoleon of finance; wreck a railroad
nml gather it in, and yon aro a “mag¬
nate;” wreck a great railroad system,
and you are a “railroad king; . ■» coil
duct a “negotiation” by which nation a strong
nation plunders a weak of
thousands upon thousands ot square
miles of territory, and million tho weak
nation pay millions of money indem¬
nity for the wrong it has suffered, and
you nre a diplomat. Truly, “the Herald. times
aro out of joint.”- Hell;/inns
-4, ak
I -
I '
i m
r <75
Brings comfort mid improvement and
lends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many. Who live bet
tet man expenditure, others and enjoy by life more, promptly with
less more
adapting the of physical world’s being, host products Will attest to
the needs
the value to nciilth of tho pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in tho
remedy, Hyrtip of Figs.
its excellence is acceptable dun to iln presenting and pleas¬
in the form most and truly
ant to the taste, the refreshing perfeet lax¬
Beneficial properties of ft
ative; effectually colds, headaches cleansing the and system, levers
dispelling 1 permanently curing constipation.
am millions
It bus given satisfaetion to and
met with tlio approval of the rnedieal
profession, because it acts on the Kid¬
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak¬
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of r'igs is for sale by all drug¬
gists iu 50e anil $1 bottles, but it is man¬
ufactured by the California Fig Hyriqi
Co. only, whose name is printed Hyrnp on of every Figs,
paeknge, also the niiine,
and being well informed, you will not
accept uny substitute if offered.
At Hi TREA *11 w. m it own, if oti nr by ™L^ n i
llLgj BL% Four If. i\—Warranted to cut
m * '2,<>o0 feui, In 10 hour*, and larger
■ power in proportion# Me t prize at th©
World’* Fair. H nd for circular, also of
Grind in if Mill* and Wafer Wl ed*.
|>cM)A< || MAM I’AGTI RING < ().,
Sell on Si g lit.
illicit Oroda In Kvery Paruoumr.
|f >mtukn our bunin**n reputation of over fifty yearn that there
<a no heller wheel made in the world than the 1J>V1.1 I. MIA A/O.N It.
' - ' J
/ h m\
Hr.mirUfi.ofir, Wl.ZUbt. lAdie* l ight luxtiuur. wt. so a>$.
HISH GRADE BICYCLE FOR $13.75 W« have a llinlfe»l na ot our pent poM en’s wheels
of BUU'iartl mskok i l hlihfr -1« quality, whlth w*
nre f ;loe>n| out at tiu» rIkiv* be l<> m pries. A r arariiAiir# u» r taflM'-cIs’M duraWn whssl it a bar* |
Ks!i». The/ are full *!/.« k tits' wheels, tml 1 ti«srinfaiad nti> i raeamatfo tires. 1 $5 t»
guaranteeespr< .* < h*rx r *, hu I wo wl J •faipC. o. h. wl f h thapr.vll ge of sxamlnaiioB, f j
oestr d. Apply t© our age ate or in m ft-ud Vjn. fa stanifM or mon«y for our i,A'd>S
400 page : %lngnn of nu With VO SS, O j id. It!A m, Revolver*, ftkst *, Ctnlsrr, Flahiug boms i
Ta/-klo Mtid hundred* of o B r«rt:i!*»s. this vata ofuo Of auf om cho » t irj fb*lr own
S3 d ord -r * ft (.!•>*■ os Umy wool Wsfuorsotoc It w ortii tea times t hli amount, tea cents j
.* the exact ■x eo* C'/»t nt -------—-w D.oiilftf.
How' Did He Do It?
A farmer went to town and told a
merchant ho wanted some nails. Tho
merchant told him ho would sell him
forty pounds of twenty pennies to tho
dollar; thirty-five pounds of twelve
pennies to tho dollar, and thirty
pounds of ten pennies to tho dollar.
Tho farmer told the merchant ho
would take n dollar's worth of tho t hreo
kinds, and wanted twice as many tens
as twelves and twine as many t welves
as twenties. The merchant figured
all over two sheets of paper and then
failed to work the sum. He then said
to the farmer; “If you work that
sum 1 will give you the nails.” Ho
tho farmer took tho pencil, snlv d the
problem for tho merchant, weighed up
tho nails, threw them on lii« bank and
went homo laughing.--- Western Flow -
^ pain each month, can find relief
■jkrskv ami cure in l)r. Pierce's
T ,/ y B4\'u ift'Mii Favor U rcfiuiat's its Prc nml cription. restore*
7 “toil, tlm monthly function,
j ai'/ 'll, braces run-down, up the overworked exhausted,
* ) \ and delicate; allays and
\ \ banishes all Nervous
l \ \ Weakness, Kits, Bpastns, Chorea,
\ \ Hysteria, (it. Vitus's
\ or Weak-
1 1 V Dance t cures
nessoi Henri ng
v_.____> Down Sensation*, Dire
Backache, Catarrhal Inflammation, ra¬
tion and kindred inuladies.
For those about to become mothers, it is a
priceless boon, for it lessons tlio pein and
perils of childbirth, of confinement, shortens arid “labor" promotes nml the
seorntion the period of abundance of nourishment
for the child.
Thomas, of RobsrUitalr, Pit..
save: "I cannot sufficiently express to you
my gmtltiide tor the benefit your ‘ Favorite
Prescription' bus conferred upon toy daogh
* whatever.
Of late she marvelous.” tins suffered no pain
It is simply
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦+< * >
V «li
S i I
i ►
< ►
< *
'< >
***** Fdt Female Diseases. ;•
Jifrr*: Wills. xv j.. noij<u.A8 ®:i show
:,i. Until nrk,posting from
UiCff Ym dill III lied on the lioltonl. '-v«rv
i'i TL ................. ’I no *ulrttj.
WLDoWCGTS^ 'slls ir.aM eoUlrgut
derby mull. Finlay* fr«. v " ' '' “' l ll ‘* b ***
bartfuins oi deuiert who . our # k ** , w
A Guaranteed ( lire
rott Habit.
The Opium '!W*a‘0
Wo vturAntoe to cur« iho opium » n
any form In ftfteun r d » pay f**r **>•£*?
froafnient or ntt* nfhm. * »' r m »»t Halt,
Hprl.itfM.eRr flrloiiUm. A<M Au n- ’ MM* DliH. ' ' . ; M V‘ A ,*7.* nimi B
. Ho* 3. At sii'i.f,.H a.
OIHUmOuuk Co., or Look
For Engines Boilers, Saw
Mills mid Machinery, nil
kinds, write MALLAltY
BROS. A CO., Macon, Ga.
SIX^BRAVES Medau award' i 1 *• • ,r °d
J W.lfi'i-.AlilinU.lii.
CUnES WnrKt ALL . Tanu tlSt O' r Alio* tA. Dn _ K R
i Btft (.oil itdi If Syrup. I. 9
>9 In t hm>. Hold by * 1 r t MS
A. N. V. hr e. ’91.