Newspaper Page Text
HI I) I VI lit I'li ll) t Y
,h r<iMOtlict<itCrnjefor<lji (
.'.Mi 1AMFI. 1.1,0
i a L I N ION,
It. ■ i • I ii t go ii ii I I'a I
. rr<> 4'« ii ii i y.
>’ ITU, Editor A Publisher.
l i d y ,/ur.e 8 I SIT
|- • * >
- V*
y pit-... .V m -Ir , ",
I ^ oilkr- nt'j 1
.'fT I ' £/m '>'•*• •t’tejL. t,"*'- ' ,
WPV* -
(•ovrrnor i K. Fulion.
ScriH.t y ofMau* Dr. A. I. Nanr<‘,
of Hid!,
Trenmn r D. W. Join*, nf Hnitow
< omiilioili'i Dclieiul W. lj
Kmip, of I'mBtiucl.
Attornev Geiicnil I. A. I! Mahnf
fey, rl Jncksim.
( ommiHMoiitT of Agriculture—
J ami, Harrell, of Richmond.
Illinois I s coining to lint
l‘n| ulisl meetings me I cing held all
>ver the Slate.
Wi have beard llmt a couple of
J’lipul his voted ill Die Miifh tin cling
lit re nli (be Ifiih of lari moulh. Ur
wonder wIhi tin t wcic.
’’in Fbiuht* < ’utiouk! nnothfr now
r«l ttllsi pt.pi t pbb'ishvd in l.miii'S'
\Uif is rvgis'.triil niuoiig our l)v*i
i xilianges,
ARK you going lo htdj* in t xtublixh
i ng lb© New Hally? if *o, Jtx lime? you
were tending In your aubxvilptiou.
('ONilJtt-k should have npproprattd
another‘ttHil’tw» idj *lheu*«nd to tlie
lain-making Irutid, and possibly tin
line dry spell would not have lasU'il
so tong.
Tin oilfcreiK e btMWtMU » Damp
And a loafer i.<. # J be Damp (^ereriiM )
g(H‘» from place to place Heekitijf work.
Willie the loafer «dt« xiill, iipoiiRex nu
lib friends, and don’l try l*» gel cm
pluunenl. Wbleli hml \ou rtillier be?
Ml IHH.I Its a re the luosl iltirenu-lilal
beings ui the gimvih ol a town, limn
uuviliiiig Uc 11 ,n In.migration
Noddy hlmnltl (‘Xi!» tbo v? liulr hue
i*i( i 8 n t«‘ luuie lonely xpot, wlteu* ill v
could have ti oul mgeihcr.
Till latest Republican name j-:
JubatL lilntu-i it - In dine i. . \ 1 , luutgli
(bin mao cortKx a loogcr name than
John Hit-mian. but we ximerlv hope
ibal be i- not Mich a la » d a - Jollu
No 1.
1*IiVnh as M’iriuT h; a m o w 11
peri»b for u aui (»! water m ib»v<* d *
and for omu of food tr X» r.H
W.(’n!i nu};* (be cmttHU* dill be tliDMtgii
witn the tariff bill in ooh i veniv-ouc
tbt\ -.
As *(H'i, a* lnXH da* t*oovic;cd (be
jUilge wan ivwi.nlcd bv being renomi
iiatid fora second term b\ Mi t k’V»
lami. Thi* if one ot lb* straw* whitGi
iudiuiU' tin diiccu-*u »»l (he wind.
'i UK ut»muH i\ mi hi*UMV (d (be
country *b 4 >\\# that wi* bavi liutl «*ood
turn* wi'b high tat ill. bui We have
never Had gutjd time* 4 ben numey a a*
M'HlCC. Ex
l\ M CU ll the acrviift ol
J, Kiute, 1 i inter t*f tong
h*i|M* (be Ad\( ‘(Mil
m*tl;OCWl will be III il
than it n» I - 11 = lllo M. I'll i»4»\ >
«i|» loud H / It III E
U«tt 4ik 11 j*o
1 ( t mi ond iiUuib©T(»f ” l be tieotv
I*a(iiui" a new IVpulis* j*iii H’
txi in \\ (bkiu|i , < 51,, l)()Vt IH'*
u*. J>». K. K, Farsou#. our l*f llkv*
count\’y “bitn \tuud iVctdi ^ Iwn.V
wen, i* bu*itiv** iiMua^vr. We t Xirtld
c tula lion* and Ih-m wpbe** for
Jab work donr *! this offiv (*
I*iHN#to mil thc iinu-»
Congressman O'Neil of Missouri
got glouriously drunk at Washington
I he o'her night and insulted an
I inoffensive and peaceable citizen,
! i,r - stone > a “ 1 lvhen thc phy
office! and had the belligerent con
gressmam arrested Arrived at the
poiii station O'Neil his name as
Brown and d mosited |o as ‘colateral’
bond for ii s am> ^ aranct He failed to
app'-or m the (ourt aud hts colatera!
was declarrd forfeited, ( ox.-y, Brown
arid Jones were sober and hurl no one,
hut they walked onth. grass. For this
the> were placed under tm bonds
aii.l w, w< recomta ri lied |o f.irni-h a pro
i perty otvnei in Washington as bonds¬
man. Then walking on tli< grass i*
j five hundred times more scrious
offeo-< ihad 'jelling glouriously drunk
| and attacking inoffensive citizens ac-
1 cording to tVasiiinglon “justice.”— \
Milwaukee Advance. !
So cali KD free silver congressmen
are making an effort in the Soulh to
sidetrack the Populist-, by pushing the
i tariff question to the front. They can
not dcnv they faded It. do every
thing that ib y had promised on the
silver quuMioli, and tl.ey attach the
: hlan e to < ievt bind but insist that the
j tariff (piestioo i- so important tliat they
- must work with the Cleveland Demo
I»<v uniill ii ir settled. An inleiligent
! people cun not he deceived by any
1 hill’ll miarenrenetilalioll of Ihe aeiual
lads. Cleveland wn. k, own In ito se
eongrt ssiiieii us a 'Vi.ll street hireling
: before be was nominated, ami it was
the PetiinerulK party that surreud red
to Mall -tied on th« iiu i question,
( 1 < \ ♦ Ian i \\ t u.>{ l»Oi*G j>ow* rii-H-i
j h«iti It ili<* tun*. J»<mo l*!a< *rati«* llic ri»nj^n^Hinaii blattM- wltetf? Imd it
h<*!(»n^r- on I lie party Machine aud miiow ,
d under I lux in the only m.inner in
| which the pec pie cun hope to gel re.
lief either on He financial 01 ihe tariff
lUeslUm. Ex,
\<ric lor IliiM-H
j According to the Evan’s papers,
! Mr. Atkinson i- a rascally scoundrel
and hardly fit lo 1)3 hung. Taking tie
Aiki i«on mediums a- a mieiioo of
Mi. Evans we find I, i» .1 hypocrite *
nud '.ud lit U' b»dd olticc.
Now vnieix: c,ut youv ballot for
! Hon, J. K, Hines, and .save tin (irand
d]<l 1 Male ol < 01 in Join , ming . dix- 1 .
0 : , 4
^rmi’d by either of the Democratic
<a ml id.ilex for (Ii j (lowruor'n cliair.
Till Dfinocni's chargvd llmt W in
tmnittkor collii.oil *400,000 from the j |
nmniirni Hin ts to t-ln t Hatilsoii an.l
tlie Republicans charge thut the augur
paid £600,000 for the eloclinn of
I/I6\cd.iiu1. VVu proof that 1
have no !
chlici i bulge lx f‘»lHc. I be fuel ix (bat j
llicxo o!d pnrllcx generally tell Ihe <
liulli about each oilier whenever they
have a lulling out. Ihe falsehood
o»ually crop- out when ibex xpetiW of
llieinst'lvc*. Ex.
I’vople’s I’uitj I’litt(onti
Adfii>f/«l in SatUmal Cunvcnti in at Omaha i
j t4 iy 4 . vm.
First. We i|i>niaml a iiationnl eurreney
me, sound Him llexitile, issued by tlie j
KCtH*l«* <>V eminent on y, n full lega |
lendt i for all debt**. j»n'*liu and private
and that wilt.ntd Die use of (.finking ©oi
iKirstluns. a Just, equitable and eilielent
uieaiix of dlxtriOulmii direct l<» the peop ,
ut H 1 1 %\ »K»t OAceedhitf 'J j»el cent pel nil |
num, be provided, iih >«( forth in the j
ti blHrtMuy plait o! II. t I a i n 11 **' A 111 - ;
mice or noma bath r xyxlcm also by pay*
uictilx in dtMcImrge (?f iix obltgulion* lor
public Impiovciiicuta
Second.—We dam and the ItMiid n
limited coinage of sllvi i rtud g(dd ul
ptv*onttonal ratio of to to i.
Tlii nl We demand the H'.noUlit (».
UiecircuUUntf medium n* 4 poe<!ilv in
ercAaetl u* not lev than ©»>o per eappn
Ko;.rh,—\N c demand a graduub d in
come lax.
Fifth. —\W lu'licvt' (hut (he moiic\ (*f
tlie countty >l,ouid in* kept ns much ,»*<
IWWhIIiN* in thc hintD of the people, an I
hence we demand that All Mute aim! iia%
Del,a! It venue* *hnll In* l.liiited to the
iitH’e*%*Ar y cxjn*u**e!* t»f (he lover nu.eii
(*4(»iioiii t.(il> uliu honoDi mulcted
hilin. e clem and timi post a l >a\in^s
liHlik' 1 e c*(Hhli*li4(l by (lie £oveutieu
J»u Uie >ufe deposK t*l the t aiuiu^N ul the
people audio f.ioiliute exeh ange.
N*vi l 1 1« lTrtuNp(»rtnuon Uuiiij* h menu
of c\ch*i!ftvmid « public ucce»Uy, U«e
K 1 *'eram* ul *bt»<»ui owu ami operate tlie
«tli4»A bia l!i* iuieriMt of Uie people .
tCUbth.—The teicniAph and the tele
p one, 11k« ibe po>t oih(H* sy*tetu Indtig «
ll4*C(tt » lr..i,Mi,l>N,o„ »f <tvn* should
be un n«*d *u«l p» r»le I by f t* Oovtjrn
mem ut the inte«f>t -if (be (HHtp.e.
\ (litti The (au t. in. (H;tv* All the uat
uial >«mrec* of wcBith is the heritage
id all the people 4 .ml *l»uui«l ii(*t Ih* uit»
m»p 4 » iod |,»r *jwvuU*tt%e pi.rpoaes and
Uer, hit* of UtHfs uUl be pro
VI vtid now held bv ttulnmd
and id Ii upor on* tn e\v*« of Hair
Hi < 1(4 dl buiiv now ovited b
ietis siuHltd b* Hi me l vv the » 'tn.
tin nt ami >e(tter*
1 have tar** Hit dren «iu.
iiv (eribitttt tit* hvW me* J irf ami
af** fr*mt»lc*l with boat ml l
gt vc them I bhiutHf C'(»< »tera
and Diaiihot s ite 4*’ a
charm I ref id 1**1
children xm’.h I a*(
**'if taken wti .4 NtAetV aft ll akHHtV
flux, w ill (’f ~ |kal«> ill \
m «*m* !hi mm > ten:
cured tue lUiat (w«li(\ nur» 1
wa* (>u'. of bid a?h( 4\v K U M ft (V
Mi' W L IH > tu \\ 7- im, llic K
man t i» . IVmi
K J Kul. !> i : 2 3 * >t
The Dixie Interstate Fair, which opens
n Macon, Da., Oct. 23rd I -61 p.o raises
to be one of the best and mos extensive
for the races will bring tne l.orses In the
South, a* the calls for *10.000
distributed ever a seven day meeting, and
u>l * feature is in competent hands. The
*K rlcuUur » l departu i-nts are in
hands of the State A gricultural Society
nnr| Wlj , ^ eondueted on a liberal scale
calculated to draw attmt.on to the re
source.* of the Sontii The City of Ma
con will enlatge and improve the splended
' ,u ' d n * at Cfc,,,ral *'*» ^ In 1
bui|lll , »«‘ of‘|,« ,
will be available; all the exhibits being
under one roof. Arrangements arc be
ing made to secure the very best attrac
lions, which will be announced lctei.
The industrial features will oe a novelty
A 200 loot building is reserved foi man¬
ufacturing of Southern products and large
premiums will be offered for the test at
tide made on the g-onml. The Dixie
Interstate Fair will be opened for eigh¬
teen days. All Information can Be aecur
by addressing the Secretary, J, K
Kennedy, at Macon, Da.
Should have a Copy of the
Now being issued under the
direction of the
People’* Parly National Committee.
Tliia work is being compiled by N,
A, Du mi ing and wnl lie the best wmk
, lf it8 k|ll(J |)uWl8hedf , t wj |i contain
,,, )0lll m |>itge8 all(1 b „ g ,,|„ for 05
C( ,, lts H copy Cl> ,Hes for * 1.00 and
|,i lots of 100 ..1 more special prices
will be made, Toy one desiring to
hccoiiH) uii ageal c«tD »n ordftr
iind iu«ik<; a 'Jeposit of $5.00 and at
any time they wi»ti to dirtcoiitinue
**^cricy all iiunold copies will te taken
i>ack arm money refunded. A special
discount will be allowed to all who
avail themselves ol this offer. Address
national watch .WAN CO,
Washington, D.
tall IC.IIItCCll ( lll-C. /
Wi* iiuthorize mu Advertlx^d rirtiffirM to
»«*ll Hr* KIuk'h CoukIim Now and i>ixDov»ry Cold*, 'or Con*
munition, upon (iiig
coudillou. If you Hu* afflicted with a
routfli, < old or any Luntf, throat or Client
trouble, and will iihc tliix remedy ns di¬
rected, ibvbitt i n fair trial, and **xpe«
lienee no and benefit, have you may return refunded the
bottle your money
NVecoiild not imiku inis offer did we no
know that Dr. Khm'f New Discovery
h»uUI l **dted on. It never di->appoints.
nrorc but flea free at Dr. I<. .1 Ueitl'a Dru*<
t -Sr* Ifir^^aizu lurj andi.^
How To Cure aII Skin Diseases.
.Simply apply "swaVNk's Ointment,
No internal medicine required. Cures'
tuter, eczema, itch, all eruptions on tho
face, band, nose, Ac leaving the akin
. "I' 11 *' »»d healtby. Its great lie a
ng lied curative powers are possessed by
no other remedy. Ask your druggist fof
Dr. W. L, Heihe.i of (ireeufsboro
i< prepniet to perform all < work
with tlie luiest improved inetliods.
He is a graduate of the Atlanta Den¬
tal College aud lias bad several years
lo Dtal prnclico.
C»iv« him a trial.
* ^ *
* '
—Sill’ll its—
Bills of Sale.
Letter Heads.
Note Heads.
Bill Heads.
Eneve lopes, cards, etc.
Price** to suit the
Urtfenvsljoro, Ga¬
j. 35£*« 8<n ;» r
nounce teat I have the “New and Iruproy
e<t Method” fur operating in filling teeth,
Ain r , r -pared to serve you in a satisfactory
maimer at all times.
_A'tOPIlPV 1 at Latv ' — Borgia
ffieeiu nieeiB Court t.ourt House uouse. Mil. nn. Prar-ttc pracvic ■ in in
Bacon « Northern R. R. to.
N. E. KAKBlfc, Receiver.
Isrhedule in Kltect- April 1st l**01
A _
North h’d Trains, ' Sovt.i B'd Trains
No. ! 2 'No. 21 -No 1 No. 11
Mix' d Daiiy STATiOjNS Daily Mix'd
P M A. M l.v *A 1 P M
10 00 « IS Athens 7 00 P
10 2,1 -w’CC***3c*i*(*4^*ia Mi Whitehall <> SI Lc
10 32 02 btdliey C 54 to
10 44 09 WatKinufill B 31 tC
11 II 00 l«J Fai Bishop Ii H 28 21 1C
12 mingcon tC
11 40 41 Floreiice ’> 04 1
12 40 01 Madisoh r, 42 1
1 24 29 DodfreV '• 1* 12
1 40 47 .Shady Dale 4 89 It
1 S.V SOI Macbea A SO It
m 27 ON Montieeffo A 31 11
t: 3y IS] Mialieta A 4 .14 10
u • 10 . IljllsboKf) 4 o.i 9
i *- : S Sir 8 rtouml Way idfl' Otjk 3 3 S'- 48 9
1 H
•©• 051 Bradley 3
h tsl Drays 3 31
So 20} M ortoa 3
cr **2 39|Van Buret! 3 07 1 -
c* 3) 43! Ctiala Lot 3 02 «
v* A., SOlM.D.&SJiiHFf S3
cs 00 1 N >] Macon 2 4-,
t onne etions at, Madison nlth i»a, K. fl
at Macon with Soutliwu-tcrn Divison amt
Main Stem Divison ol C.of Da. and D
A F. for all Florida points.
For further imformatioh concerning
rates, schedules, etc, apply to.
S. C. IIOUE, Sup’t.
When Baby wan sick, wo gave her Castorta.
Wbno nho wan a Child, ah» crlivl for Castorta.
When she Irramo Ml«, she clung to Costoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.
Gavan School Book Co.
6 Peachtr*
. ,.nta, G».
ri N r
School , and College , I ext.
Law and Medical Books. We
buy anything known in the
book line, Correspondence
Solicited, Send for Circulars,
Sometime nen 1 was troubled with an
attack *>f rheumatism: l used Chamber*
lin’x Vain Halm and was completed lends
cupmI. I have since mi vised many fi
ulid eustoirera to try the remedy and all
sdeak highly nf it Simon (ioi.nnvl’M, I
Sac. Luis ttev, ('ul. P-r sale by I
Dr. K. J Rkii>, Druggist.
CAirrroN.—if a o»t©rx w. i*.
I) .u^iiAN hoc* at a rwiuca! pric**, itainped or w»yi
Ii© hiM th iin w'thout nxnifl on
bottom, put liiui down a* a fraud.
Q C=> 2.50
^ A safe
5 $ l.75
Gttfjjd « j(Pr
<r '.
W. L. Douglas
33 SHOE thVwohld. ■
>v. Is. BOl GI.AS > !W©« »r« flyli >H, c* sv fit
limr. ami fise vtu r lut efa«k‘i» ut the prion ad
vv: . <1 th . ) auv other m»he. 1 rv an© ;>»•« (*»>;!
. W. DouirU
im.- tt»Mvi:u*-vl. Thu stai »|*in^i o( i ’ ;
name :• dJ j*:»cc on (he I <u,m n. w * HicU pu.o :tn(c» .
their \ ulne, kb \ ot |h*Kts IBS <U of dothrs nnnualK
tu those who w mar theta K*al©rs v h<> tsh the
V of W. L. DmtgUd Skin’s C'»i« islu '■u-buBi- .11 lit
w hi. h help* to iaortja*© t! > ; - it
They can aft* ir;t 40 St'll lI :» i.-ss pn>l
ie\ <- v«n» ihcdvikr canJk«ve rnom-v I «l v burmu
> .»ur D*4>t\\e.u «>4 vttwriist In i”x\.
k' >* th><*.;< tvrc upon AppHcuU.iri AUtl’.ess,
W. L. DOl kton, Hoik. boW I"
C- Bergstrom
Blood and Skin Diseases
Always B.B.B.
HOT \N1C BL(N?D BALM never Skiu fail* dist
to cure alt ir c-’i- r ■ Blood and
ekw a i» ia Uwgrt'a Southern btiildlng up
;tnd purifying Rented r» and curt-* aHmann* r
of akin ai«l tuood UH -a«'8. As a buiiuing
up Ionic H is without a rtral. and ab»«>Iutfly
beyond hompnriaoa w ith any other sinn er
remedy ever offered to the public It *s a
panacea for all itb i r*BUIag firom impure
IdtH?*!. or un lajpoxvriahed sm«!e bottle condition will demon¬ of ’be
human ays’em A Virtues.
strate its paramount
(ITStftd for free of Wonderful Cure*.
Price, $•« ooper largi bottle. $5 00 for six
For sale by dmMg sts: If not seed to os,
and medkine «iU be ^enl freight pre(*a)d on
receipt of price. Ad dress
BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta. <ia.
For salt- bv I >■-. |{. J. Kut>.
Har P er ’ s Magazine.
Ham-ek's Magazine for 1894 wifi main¬
tain the character that has made it th e
favorite illustrated periodical for ises
home. Among tlie results of enterprerel
undertaken by tie publishers, thll
eissf? tL Seises
Weeks, on Japanese by Av
fred Parsons, on Germany by Pouitneg
dL* v ? 1 ‘’ W '"dG ..Tib-xiro bv' Federi^Rem
t* e ether notable features of
the y**ar will be novels by George Du
Maurier ar.d Charles Dudley Warner the
eT^XorTV^r j of WeVtern ow
frontier life by Owen U'ister, Short stor
Mat*bew*ichar<”Yl ardhor Davis'Marl
,KutI. M-Knery Muart. Htle- Miss
Laurence Alma Tadems, George A.
bard, Nielwon Quesuey Page, and De ileaurepaire, other. Articles Thomas
topics ot current interest wit! be con¬
tributed t.y distinguished spec-iain-ts.
HARPER’S BAZ Ut . . . .84.00
Postage Free to all auoscribers in the
United States’ Cara la, and Mexico.
The v< luir ne» of the Magazine Decern- began
with tte Numbers for June and
Iter of each year. When no time is men
tined, subscriptions will begin with tne
Number current at the time of receipt Harper’s of
order. Round Nolumnes of
Magazine for three years back, in neat
cloth binding, will be sent by mail, post
j -itl, on receipt of *3.0, per volumnc,
Cloth Cases, for binding, SO cents each—
by mail, post-paid.
Newespapers are notto cop this adver
tisement without the express order of
Hakpf.u & Broth Lies. Address;
ew York.
(Regular Urieluatei.}
Are the lead In? and most successful specialists and
mi g ive you help
Young; and mid*
die ajfed men.
mgMtstff WKKKK/ \ salts Reinarka'ile have follow¬ re
ed our treatment.
Many yeurs of
varied and success
f ul experlenc'
!n ihe use of cum
tlve methods tha
we clone own an.',
control for ail dls
tfV . ?u orders of men who
g^^^fe have weak, unde
veioped or dla
^S^^Seased wilt are orjf rans. uffertnK or
'C o a
irrom errors of
lyouth |f>r who and excena
are nervous
?untl ft Impotent,
he scorn of their
w fellows and the
contempt of their
W frlenda aud com
paulons, leads us
to ranrnntee to all patients. If they can possibly
be restored, our o iwo exclusive treatment
will afford a cure.
WOHEX! Don’t yon want to get cured of that
weak<ie«ia 'esltaea with with a a treatment I thut you can use at
borne without Instruments? a? Our Our wonderful wonderrai trt i eat
meat has cured others. Why not you? Try It.
CATARRH, and diseases of the Skin, Blood.
Heart, Liver and Kidneys.
HYPHIIsIS -Tho most rapid, safe and effective
remedy. A complete Cur© Guaranteed.
»KI\ UllEAiES of all kinds cured where
r-any others have failed.
©««-• d In a few days. Quick, sure and s
includes Gleet and Gonorhcea.
We have cured cases of Chronic Diseases that
have failed to get cured at the bands of other special¬
ists and medical Institutes.
i— KMBFR that there ts hope
for You. Consult no other, as you mag waste valuable
time. Obtain our treatment at onceT
Beware of free and cheap treatments. We give
the best and most scientific treatment at moderate
prices—as low as can be done for safe and skillful
treatment. FREE consultation at the office or
by mall. Thorough examination and careful diag¬
nosis. A home treatment can he given l<o. in a 1 for majority Men;
of cases. Bend for Symptom Blank
No. 8 for Women; No. 3 for Skin Diseases. All corre¬
spondence answered promptly. Business strictly observa¬ con
fldentlsl. Entire treatment sent free from
tion. Refer to our patients, backs ant’ busln .-•bd III!*!).
Address or call on
4| 1 -2 Mouth Broad *Ttr«ef, Atlanta* O**
F , '-'-S .v
4 *
i" ,,
Fluttering, No Appetite, Could
not Sleep, Wind on Stomach.
“For a long time I had a terrible
pain at my heart, which fluttered al¬
most incessantly. I had no would appetite be
and could not sleep. I
compelled to sit up in bed and belch .
gas from my stomach tint il I thought
every There minute feeling would of be oppression my last, j
was a
about pay heart, and I was afraid to
draw a full breath. I could notsweep i
a room without resting. My husband
induced me to try
Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure
and am happy to say it has cured me.
I now have a splendid appetite and
sleep well. Its effect was truly mar¬
MRS. HARRY E. STARR. PottsriUe. Pa.
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guarantee All druggists that sell the it first 11, bottle 6 bottles will for oenefit. *5. j
at or
It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price
by the Dr. Miles Medical Co , Elkhart, Ind.
1 I oATE nt $ I i
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ft rwiHoa cxxieerrung Pa leaf-* and how to Ol>
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Patents taken through Munn A Co. reeeiwe
*nec*aJ noticem the SrientiSe American, ard
thus are hn>uicht the widely before This the sol end’d public with¬
out ©cat to mrentor. far paper,
issued weeklv. eksut r Hustrared. ba»- bv t be !
larvoet «rculat)oa of any sctectibc work in thc
world. a year. ban.pi- o*r:e« ff.5# sent frea.
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latest (tesiens and secure ooatiacta. Address
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writing us for prices,
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Merchants. Cpp Equitable ncii.Divo
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The Center
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For .V I ft ^ALcsrivcfiiess
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Each Wsaffer. M.A.Thedforc Rome.Ga. Meo.u