Newspaper Page Text
We make mail onlcrs a eperial satistactonly stmlr.
T»at wec-iii handle them
aa»i i awi«'mH 1/ is proved Emnnjh by thousands
please l customers. sai«i here.
Write 10 us nr eatalocue oi Dtvtrs, Sash.
B.iuds. Mouldiusr*. Ornamental Work,«fcc
“?.ay of the >I.nkt»r.” Augusta, Ga.
VOL. 1.
W anted isVERY one
Indigestion, Liver, Shoaiach or Kidney Trouble, Eemale Complaints, or other
hroeic Diseases to call at our office and see the most
-Wonderful appliance on Earth
for curing diseases If you can’t cali write us. we have cured hundreds of
cases steer medicines had fai'ed and hope was gone, WE OAK CUKE YOU. Don’t
delay. Our prices are so low that all can be cured who will.
All communications promptly answered,
APPLIANCE CO. 40 Marietta Street.
Atlanta, C 3 *-£ 3 L
We are still
L headquarters for
Engines, . , • Boilers vv *i
r Saw 31 ills, Grist
Lt 31 i I 1 S, C t O t t O II
B ^ VX 1 II c S, t l U II .
, ^ p (» g § Q g ’ a n d
everything . , else .
in the 3Iachinery line.
tg“Please do not be pursuaded into lying anything in our line before
felting us for prices,
MALLARY BROS, & CO., Macon, Ga,
Mention this paper April 28 6 ns.
v 1
Tells How Germe’uer Has Blessed
His Home.
**>Iy wife, who wan an invalid from nervous
pick headaobe, lias I l>e§n entirely cured by
Loyal Gennettier. wlfh every medicine. noor gviffer-
1 g wife had access to that Two
of my children were cured of nasal catarrh
by It. It is truly
nsuallv It 1* said endorsed that proprietary only by tb« lower medicines and more are
Ignorant clae*es exception, of tne people. endorsers Germetuer and Its is
a notable its
friends are everywhere among the very be»t
and roost pranainent people- Its very pleas¬
ant ra»te and harmless nature, superiority its singular
merits and unquestioned people recom¬
mend It to Intelligent and remedy everywhere known as to
the safest, surest the pest relief and of In¬
medical sc ene© for cure
digestion, Dyspepsia, Catarrh, Rheumatism,
ftorroasxkesa, Uunev and Bladder Troubles.
Bowel Complaints, Fevers and all Malarial
I; a, orders.
$1.00, 6 for $5,.00. Bold by Druggists.
King's Roja! Garmetuor Co., Atlanta, 6a.
~Let us sell you a Buggy Surry or
Phaeton at cost? Armor Bros.
Let ua give you au estimate on your
Job Printing.
The most select line of curtain good*
and draping <n Middle Ga - Armor
Our embroideries and laces are ex¬
quisite, see them. Armor Bros,
One price to all Armor Bros.
10 thousand yards lovely figured
{awns at 5 c
Specimen Class.
S II Clifford, New Cassei. Wis, was
doubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism
hi« Stomach was disordered, his Liver was
affected to an alarming degree reduced appetite ln
well away aud he was terribly
flesh aud strength. Three bottles of Elec
trie iiitters cured uim.
Awarded Highest Honors—World s Fak
e Powder
The only Pare Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standards
Oreftt Suffering Among the Crops During:
the Month of June*
During the month, throughout the
state, there is hardly a sectibn that has
not Buffered from the want of rain to
such an extent as to materially damage
the growing crops.
The early part of the month brought
• drought or nit her witnessed a contin¬
uation of the drouth of the previous
month until all crops were parched
and withering for the want of ruin.
When the rains camo they were local in
character and sufficient water did not
fall to give the land tho thorough wet¬
ting demanded by vegetation.
As a rosnlt of the season, wo regret to
say that a reference to the tabulated
statement shows the prweflt condition
and prospect as to both corn and cotton
that hag been presented in the state in a
number of years.
The reports received for the month
have been larger than usual in number.
For the state they ehow the condition
and prospect as compared with an aver¬
age of 77 . This is 7 per cent lower
than any year for the last five years,
and Is due in a large measure to the
condition throughout north and middle
Georgia, which sections suffered most
from the very cold weather late in the
■pring. The subsequent seasons has
also been unpropitious for tho recupera¬
tion and recovery of the plant from the
injury previously suffored. In both
sections the con.litiou and prospect is
lower than shown by any report for the
past decade, in middle Georgia it is 71
per cent, aud iu nonh Georgia only 08
per cent.
Unlike cotton, corn shows the beet
condition in north Georgia, while owing
to the drouth, the crop in the southern
sections of the state is very poor.
Tabulated statement.
Wheat, yield compared to 80
Oats, yield compared to av- j.
erage.....................- r S? ^
condition and ^ pros pect 7 ^"' x _r-,.I-«_ e -zi- s» .
Cotton. compared to aver
condition and gjg ,
age prospec t z 7 /_ 10
: C e
3 3
< ; : : ;
i r
I ’li ii ■v
\ .11 Sil H
i'igr- r. X a : •/.
advocate op js^fersokian principles.
Our Local News.
City and County Iteme
Brieily Told.
Mr. Kobt. Chaiman lett for his
home in Tyrone Fiid <y 1 w.
Judge Anthooy, of Wilkes, ha’ been
in the city several days this week.
Miss Maude Leary has be o rg
friends in the city for sever- 1 d .
Misses Roxie Andrews and 4 oy
Tavlor are visiting friends at Urdrn
Mr. Schraibiran.of Sharon, ru'd oi
townsman, Mr. Kubi'i a shot v* -it
The Prohibition Society he'd 1 * r•••;'•
u’ar meeting Saturday. A good
crowd present.
Mr. Geo. '-V. Tappan, tlie hnaO'r.g
merchant of White P 1 **.!'? vy,» <n \vn
on a visit Sunday.
A meeting of the Prohibition As: *
ciation will he held at the Court lions
next Monday night.
M ss Lula Anthony, who lie" ' nil
Savannah, for several w !:s p. r
turned home last Monday.
-' /r - J a7e»
the magic word -‘pap: ” iv»* ;> ii.111:
ing babv boy.
We lear U thattne ew.n be s m..’
Changes in location of Inn i- lio si
another year, and another nee : u
to be erected.
The egg at the Alliance Store wUh
a ma , ) S f HC0 U! , on j t attraeting a
great deal of Htientiou now. It c r
tainly is a curiosity.
me editor put <*□ his ru b*-u., i.- 1
his siiirt wastied. boirow*fi ’ c V
and took in Atlanta this vi N
but the rich cau enjoy it.
Crops are improving in a wood* rfi 1
degree since the late si ...... s
weather and lfpr.cis aie a;y voys
good we are not ruined yet.
itev. Aeltoy G. Anderson preajhed
to i large congregation at the Metho¬
dist church Sunday aftecaooa and
night. He will preach here nga ; n or
t e fifth Sunday.
A negro boy was bitten by a mac -
sin snake about six miles from town
last Tuesday / lie was brought
here and treated by Dr. ypH ' dy, who
bad fflfti go* t 5 w•*»
short while.
We have anangel with our alvei i
sers in the cities to give ear ls cf ; .i
troduction to them. So when you coa
template taking a trip off, send toe
for one ot these cards. This w' 1 ’he p
y iu as well as help us.
A small party of young people had
quite a big time at Mrs. Ls.’wenS, VI
Friday night. Music and the coo.
gaa.e were indulged in until a hit '
hour. Many thunks are due the h'nd
hostess for her entertaining effuts.
Politics are beginning to heat up.
In a week or so we will have eve /
variety of politics. Politics on ice,
politics on toast and politics on -
Tne American nation Is swa'lowed in
politics, it sp ees its reiigiou with poli¬
tics, and the successful politician dtn
in politics, for lie nevtr ri ’igns.
Our town ought to l oom with all
the na'ional advantages it possesses.
R gbt in our midst we have a paint,
m lie, of sufficient force to paint the
whole town red, and it strikes us that
the b ijs could still engage in the
paint'ng business if the town went
dry. The .’’dint Mina ' will put
shares on the market to keep up this
national paint for sale.
Last June Dick < rnwford bought his
twelve-.ooiitliM-old cl iltl, suflerinir from
Infiintii'c dia/rliOea, to rre. ir iiiiil I* -n
w< aneit at four in tiths old and h d
alwt ys been sickry. I cave it the usual
treatment in such eases hut without bene
fit. The child kept growing thinner until
it weighed but little more ttinn wnen
born, or perhape te \ pounds 1 .lien star:
ed the father to give Chainbe-Jm's Colic,
Choleia and Diarrhoea Remedy. Jiefoie
bottle of tlie 25 edits »i/.e had been
used a marked improve war seen and
iu continued use cured the child. M
weakness and punv constitution disaii
a n,j f a |fier and myM-lf believe
the child’s fife ##> saved bjr this remedy.
J- T. Maitrow, if. li , l'aiimroa, • HI.
For sa’e by Di. K.J. KeiJ.
AilverJsed Lettars
The following list of letters remain
i n the postoffi;e at .Crawfoidvilie, Tal¬
iaferro County Georgia, will hr scut to
the deadietier office if not called for at
the expiration of 30 days from date,
July 9th 1804.
, Mr. E x Age, Mr Thomas Acre, Mr.
Juo. V Brooke, Mr ham Gaines, Mr.
William flairis Mr. J. W. Moore, Mr.
j D* rry Merton, Mr. Elicit VI heeler. Mi
; Clara Anerson, Mi«s Cordelia Hightow- r,
Miss Pearl Johnson, >li«s ffoi/-n e
Meiere. Miss Fannie Robinson, Miss Cath¬
1 erine finder, Mis Mat Hilkes (col).
0.1. Fanner, P. M.
How To Cure A il Skin Diseases.
Simply apply “SwaVxe's Oixtmkst,
No internal medicine required. Cures'
tet* r, eczema, itch, all eruptions cm the
t face, hand, nose, Ac leaving the skin
: clear , white and healthy. It- great Itea
ng and curative [rowers are pone-seed by
no other remedy. Ask your druggist fof
Purify th. »n <1 Ke.p the Bird.
Healthy- ss thod. of Purinoetlon.
Many ponlltf men who keep their
fowls eonfiuodp small yard* clean the
poultry houses never seem to think
it necessary purify the yards. If
sickness visit.* tUir fowls, it is a mys¬
terious disposition of Providence, for
have they not ,«fpt the houses clean?
They do not th V of the yards, whose
soil has beco impregnated with the
droppings of fowls, and upon which
a green thii 4s never permitted to
grow. Foil ng are methods of puri
fication reco: 'nile l by The American
1 Where i f possible to do so seed
the yard dow o grass or clover and
let it bear a c |flpp your Of or raise upon this
it a crop of v tables. course
n.«wt.l„ I for ll.o fowl., .
off the fowls in the largor part of the
yard aud sow at to gome quick grow¬
ing crop, like ,.«ts, and when it has
grown five or Jx inches high let the
fowls in soctiui.1 upon * Or one can spade the
yard in sowing oats at each
spading, and t%» succession secure a little of growths growth
from them and a
of green food to the fowls. A growing
crop for one wrisou puts the soil in ex¬
cellent condition for the fowls, the crop
removing juat the olemonts that wore
injurious u th fowls.
8. SpadinK np the yards every few
weeks, either in sections or all at once,
turning up th soil to the action of the
snn and air. Jur is the best disinfectant
we have, and plenty of it will help to
rob the sofl of the element poisonous to
the fowls. Spading will do for a few
years, but aH r awhile it will not bo
sufficient. *
3 . The removal and casting away of
several inches' of the soil aud replacing
it with fresh* earth. It would pay a
gardener to dV t$s, as the soil removed
is rich in fertilising matter, but few
have been foi iuuat^ enough to find the
gardener do tide- iut even if one has
to go to the ejjwnaa of the removal it
pays batter to do it than to havo. a lot
of sick end! therefore, unprofitable
4. Temporary relief can he had by
■owing th# jrard* with land plaster.
ThU will bob’, the Injurious emanations
and keep th# » ir in a healthful condi
* at w*
5 . The soil an be disinfected by a
thorough <** hing with sulphate of
Wffl* «•<{?»• I'Yk'vit ory*
pound ot u*. ,. mer to 100 gallons of
the latter. The soil should be thorough¬
ly drcnchodj Of these methods the
simplest is the best—raising a crop upon
the yard.
alapmi rium*.
The Japan plums constitute a race ns
distinct from enr nntivo varieties as is
the Ln (fonts p»ar from tho Harriett,
The trees resemble somewhat our vigor
ous varieties of the Chickasaw type, but
the foliage is larger and quite distinct.
Some are hardy as far north as where
the wild gooBe * succeeds, and for our
southern state* they open a new ora , In
plum culture. Nurserymen have fruit
ed many / varieties of this type and found
a niltnber of , decided , .. , value , for . . both __ mar¬
ket and homo use. The T ot m typo be
longs to the hardier group, and has giv
en good results in northern and western
states. Botan, Burbank an lOgonare
familar varieties of this type. Ibe
Kelsey type is less hardy, aud is recom
mended for sections below the thirty
fourth degree of latitude north. The
Kelaoy, Hatsurna and Masu are familiar
varieties of this type.
rotatom ln North Carolina.
A North Carolinian writing “ to Conn
try Gentleman , says:
We all of us adopt the two crop «y*
tem. Our first crop is marketed in the
great northern cities from June 1 to 15 ,
and in July we jdant the second croji,
which ... mature* I J in October, /W V n Our second
crop has heretofore been used for seed
and home conimmption exdosively. but
this year I shall be disappointed if we
do not meet your northern growers in
even terms in the city markets I can¬
not see why it is not entirely feasible,
or why, with potatoes at $1 a barrel, it
will not be vastly more profitable to us
than growing corn and cotton.
It«m« of IiOCRl Iatrr#n,
The, holly is easily grown an ! makes
Sicellent hedge#.
W. P. Mousey tells In the Texas Faria
and Ranch that potash is the great rem¬
edy for cotton rust.
Governor Flower, of New York, fir
taking a great deal of interest in goo)
roads, snd is talking over the subject
with New York farmers.
There is no known remedy for hog
cholera, but whatever contributes to
keeping the animals in healthy condi¬
tion renders them less liable to its at
At*lhe mxM station millomaiiejnrowi
welt and resists drouth, but is not con¬
sidered sunerior to other sorghum* for
Japan clover has been success'ully
grown at the North Carolina station arid
u. strongly recommended a. a rem.vator
of worn soils.
the agricuitural experiment station at
College Station, Tex , be exhibited at
th. Dxllae fair toi. fall.
“Out On The Streets."
By the shft Sharon „ n 17 n r ,uniY i <
acted last Wednrsi’.a. im Ji.. u - a
complete success m evoiy «v, F i
participant acting the! p: \ i i mo d
life-like Planner. Espf v'dy ; rousin'
was the character of "I’o-e" a color 1
gentleman, assigned to M . llu K
After the onto, ref mo¬
ments were served and qidte a l.ic
sum was ren'k.ed ior ihe 1/: o u>'
Methodist chn-ch.
A much enjoyed soc'al t me v
spent by the voueg 1i <>»K« pies ■. j i •;
before leaving.
One who attends a social gallic.' ;
in Sharon is led to believe tied a 1.: > v o
ea .•oc'd not be found.
«*■ *•......—..........
1 nipori ant.
For the next th ; ' y days iva Mil' s. .1
our eniiie stock of can o At Oe ; ■'
yard, calico that sold for se \\ * -
uow going at 5 c. Ginghams 11 i
same proportion. Wo also li vn a luiv
suits of clothes that we wi 11 sc’ \*
low indeed. In llio next t v Iy d
we want to make a (dear miv ep ’ iho
above named goods io make oom ,
our full stoch.
Crawlordv.l'e Alliance Sc.;\.
tiles'. Piles'. Itching Piles
Symptoms-M oisture; Intense Itching and
stinging; most at night: worse by s watch'
mg if allowed to continue tumors,which
often bleed amt ulcerate, becoming very
sore Swaynk’s OiNvmkNT sl ips the
Idling a "1 bleeding, hauls u cciai, 1,1,1 nd
11 m nt casei rum i.ei tn 1 I 1 11 *r, \
druggist or by milt, tor . * vent. Or
way lie Son, I'iJIudcIphi.i.
CRT^'hom'^• , r widow > U ' of Toni Ale: d- .
Lovic Meadows till)
ows, late ot said eounly, ' cceuanl, 1 "1
her minor children have in dun to .a r
plied for twwve months nop.'wt 1 * ■
S'."„7j:ij»p," »",! v.
daj In August u, 114 ; ties e. thcoi •, 1
notify alt persons interest*d m the oto-to
of sahl Meadow* to show c.iiosh whv 1 1 d
application should not be grante , a d
why HuhLieaiin hIiouIU n«l utniUuj • ml t
reconl. tU>'en utuiei my !»«*»*• Ullehil
iJlivlNtr'* s.ti(s. v K
KOUGIA. Tai.iahsmho County;
InCiawforiWlle, I I Will lie sold, Ca., before ilm the eourl lirHt Ti hoioc
day In August, between Mm let 1 I1011I.1 of
safe, the following iirupiutyi *-n-wlt.
Tlmt tract of land containing two he 7
dreil and nineteen ( 3111 ; acres, more
lyiui? 'fi tuv l 7 ’^<l UiHlrict, (». M*, k;i
county, said land noundeU m llu- m .
by Linds J• II Hioim, W,, O. Wiik 1 *!'""I
p*iy„Wo*Ui *^y Said Kiet'a i.ntd Moore lev id and upon vu u.
l>y ,] n. Stone a*
t1 ’^j , ^ J dr M, Viv.^Lun«!r/‘d (flOO^'erei dhiriut, of «• land, M
n n re less, in the 17 ml ,
said ooun 1 v. »i In land Imuiidid on Mm
";„ m r ril* l>v I ittle Klvei. eawt by VVIIImiim
( k on tlH' hoi.Mi by lands of o D.
Moure’ami on tic wed b |mhde A, Monie mad
leullnv from Itaylowu to D »
min. said land levlil upon as Urn piopeily
of D. A . Monro. of land,
Also live hundred acres move "i
'[In'iml uml'Ml , U. SI., nn i * I
1 Tm, m. Mm 110,11,
by M Median, on llio east oy W. O
. . J- H. ht ami
Wright, on I he smith by I ftfwl urn .J'
W *Sa , H »•
Moore iil nuol levld uj>on aw Hi pio
Iy ,,f o. 11 Moore, bj
Also, one tiact or lot of land ly'ag
drying r^utb 0/ 1 le" public
| ( .., ( | ilu{ )rt „i, j,baron 10 Kavtown aod ad
Joining lands of A. I>. Kcndilck, 111 A
(j. DavbiKon and others, and being In tin
town ol hlmion an I known in tile n I
haul deuce land and level store upon lot 01 a . the piopeity v'V.f 01
i.dward 1 make. will
All tlu; above described propcily 'll!
Jt‘ “s'd n.uuty I
’rboimi* .) Klyiit, < ■ nuty i«>
Colirclor, as f'lincipal, 'V," 1
Croak*:, ^ wen I). .Moore. D. A . Moon)
Klynl July llH ke iso! «
Tui* 5th day uf
D, I’. 11 r.Nn v,
Sire 1 lit Taliaferro (Aunty
Rheumatic Remedy
Ha* •obtained it* reputation remedy forlHy<-«r* for
hf bciriK th© Rtandard the
'i nick and permanent cure of Kheurrift
-rn, (iout, Hv liitiun, < te , hi nil If" forum.
It i> efidorn • > by Xhoumn'l* of I'tijfi
eta i»r. Huhltaherft an*i f'atienta it In
pupjv vegetable and Luiida up from the
<\'m- It nev» r faiU to eure.
i'rb.’C Ip one dollar «. ta>!tl<- or nix
Dottles U,r five dollara. O ir 10 f »««* I'am
phlet non t Free by Mail. Addrean,
Ourang’s Rheumatic Remedy Co.
1316 L Street, Washington, D.C.
tluro my*a lAr*r Villanrc the ta-wt on
r*arth. They iwt with an ohms that lank*;* :
tlu-m a hoilKchoid ble*Kill((.
f RICE CT» FEE fcOX, or 5 BOXES FOK $2 \
under reav.nable conditions. Our FKFK 98 pass
catalogue wil 1 txplkin why we can afford it.
Dragon's ^ Practical Business College i
h HriLl I[1)N t Write for eauiofuc. )
go^k iutpir^, Shorttand, eermaniiiip and Tele
. .k- m *, tmw.-.,. 4 w* hrw.t»<od k« by the
Sent on 60 d*7* trial. Write ga. u« .tblor snd explain nil V*
* 2 ™"’"' " N “ pa. f
mi tt book keepers Menogrepl^iS prov*<ie<i fail lea' tier..
clerk*, etc , reported to u», wc eame.
* g The People’s Advocate, ’EntaWishiiil
181 > 2 . *
The (JrawforiTvfllt* Democrat, Estiib*
I i shed 1876 /.
Consolidateji Oct. 6, 1 H 93 . %rv
NO, 40 .
-© Wonderfully
Money,s tight, but never before hnve \v * stiiek the
knife so deep into prices. Every department is lull
-no staple, or novelty has been omitted -and we
propose to unload our immense stock of
late style goods at unheard of prices.
It requires no effort at all to be ecuon'-ical il you trade with us
Our Great Sacrifice Tables
are Now Open.
St’o what they are loaded with: Gent’a fu 1 suits of
clothes all wool, price $1"2.50 now $6; $18.50 suits onw $6.50:
$12, suits for $5 $7,50 suits for $3. $6 suits for $L Thnsu
goods run in sacks and frocks Full Isno of boy’s suits also at
the same reduction.
U^y^Lovnly silks in nf-rpes and figures reduced
from $1.25 to 35 cents a yar<!.
$1.25 gros -grain silks slipping lit *>oc. summer China
$1 yd reduced to 5oc, $9 dress paterns now $3.50. job lot 4^1
kid gloves, your choice for 10*, .5 gross ht li<’s undervests
at 8 /i l c each.
Gents’s $5 hand-made shoos in balls and congress r •-= /
tlvicecl to $ ♦’.’•J 1.30 Zetgl«l’s$3 button shoes for ladies, UOW $225
” J
and si irk ,
fcy l'lioiisamls of yards of rein int.i at IpiK cost- 5 ». ca". > sc Y
lor men, yoiir.diol,*.. '. |V ,ir l'\i lay lig ir I p i_r is >U Ollc- dr I N a.v York o-Ht.
$7 dress patterna th-it arc lovely :.i> lt*nv '■**<>.
■1 ri t'lli: (•.west, dainliest, designs'll 7
eve. siiown, 7'i ■ 'io - ’ root yards cubeo tlmt acuity •
. V() m 1 ,| L|> (akeil for OCieale IIV tliaiiy, dill V y Ul fl.
” ' '
. 1 . ,asola, bile stvldi rndles. 20*: to S 7 ..M 11 a'mu hint
st k ., m i 0 liart ;,o gr isi ivil! . 1, liuck a id I 11 1 v.iiltC
<-> r.w......-•* > • ~* • ........... •
MUk. Th8 1. wrl.l rmnalniug win,,.,.*1*1. stock mint 0. -*■ bacloaed • l |*;.-o~; out. 1 *v.» 1 m h -. ■ ' > !-/*g-*;- >• ^ ‘ *
im mtmse. holts swLs, innll. orgsmlio ^ 1 *
u „d muslins, three hundred r thousand yauls j I lambii (Lupt .
, . . Ajmitv ’ cl'.ille. nun's veil lag .(Is''’' wo Fans in endless var.efv.
UIUU , umUrul a t . r y * inserting to m itch, 2 'v 1 yard u ».
Our $15,### C lothing .Stock -.gBSS*** ■
* -.....
lUii Weti n..lrketUn keeping *fk!t tlv- hawrf Gm s
neicil any in our line you n«v>f liaJ h Ikhk r oppm'timity,
to secure it. Respectfully
tmi. —
Atlanta Husinuss University
.1 VV STOKES & CO, Prop’s.
ItKFKHKN' ks, Jt M Farrar,^ \ *0 i< u and Yards, 5
<,A»Uier MendiantH' B
K. Currier, trashier Atlanta V TO 9 Exi IIANGK PLAf K
National Ibtnk.and all other Oh'
Atlanta Hanks and Wholesale Opp Equitable bcildis«
Atlanta Ga
Cotton C»ivs,
Cot ion Presses,
Elevators and
Fur Elevating. Heperating.
i Cleaning and Packing Cotton
j", . made by any concern in the world
5 -It Will Pay
j you to get prices from the
' / before buy.
J - manufactures you
Mk s
l wi^auip machine co,
Mention when the 'Advocate you writ*.-. Democrat' Atlanta, Ga.