The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, July 20, 1894, Image 4

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    A [>V OCATE-I)E5iO( HAT.
-ri ni.iMii n Et i Kt rmu/»y
h tUutl <ilh‘.Pmt(.ffu«t< 'a vfrtihit
for, (ig .Second C7/*» M i l Milter.
•uxmricu.t. ef.OA.v ok tiik
/ ACK AND indus.
*1 o «tir> I >• orgnaol Ini
f,r li ri « I mnn ,.
t’/JAS. L. s ril, Kdito: A I'lihii-her.
] iuday, JULY mu im.
‘'"•5k v
W\ \ 3
ffir ¥
V71 **s,*s'j
N •
■&. . ■
w s !. . m ; j i
V w.
.iUDGl; J AS, K 11INF.8.
Governor ./as. K. limes, of rollon
M ciliary of.Slate Ifr. A. i- Nance
i t Hail.
Treasurer G. W. .Tones,of Barlow
Couiplroller General W. It.
Jiemp, of Imaiiuoi.
Aflorilci General f A. B. Mahaf
fey,;:! Jackson.
( ommlHGoiier of Agriculture—
James Jtarrcif, of •ih-hmond.
1'ay up yourMib t iipuon. Wp nvr ri
theluuiicv brnl.
(AM.II.Mif aiitiiium i- youn.fllv.-s
Uir ill 'll ilir* column* of our ii«j>er.
Don’i try to even the Tan* Bill mwl
Its aim ndmeuf*. It will get you almost
in* uuk*!i hutti-fu/xlod #• t Im* il»i
tlon rjuistnn.
('AMrllrvn> let the people know you
ns ,n the tate through a card tit our
Wat i'ii mm.on time i. drawing near,
ami we live In hourly expectation of
coping Miinc of ihis lut ions fruit laid id
liie dm a of our humble abode.
im Daily I’n t-s i* mu./.iiig around
in carip st. ’j lie cartoons are alone
w mil ll.i -uhr ( riji'ioii price. In»t«'ik«l
of \i;iiiiu“ a wet k for Populist news we
IfiH ii « vtTv liny.
••Tin liltl) purti/nn preacher won't
Ii iu Bell live minute* before the
Dik'd will bridle, hun up end lope him
over the infernal region* to show
in n off." s.hii 1*. June*.
Bi pniuut wit I. your democraUe
nei abhor; uuleat he la one of the sap.
he. dial kind who in ver learn anything,
lo will wak. up to the m 11 i.iiion some
day, end *c more milou* in tb** woik
id Reform than you may be.
KtdTidi l’crn of ihe Lherokee Ad
Yiiiici’, bad a very llltercMillg Hocouul
ul hi* flip to Mexico 111 the laat ia-uc
of Id* cxeulient paper. Mr. Pern wa»
one of the number who did not tow to
flic knee to ltaa! aud Ion I up with brer
mi out Mexico lour, -'oci.d Circle Sen
Fellow-cKiren*: The panic ts* struck
<1 1 Santa igfit »t last and Xiachinery
Im* gone out of sight. If you
want to buy at p*ntc puce*, now is
Ihe Lime. We are selling Engines
from #75 up. Gins S4A up Presses fftO
(i.i, |Ved Mill* jtd.1 up. Threshes @i>d
rip. Feeder* aud Condensers for any
make of Gin, new or second-hand for
► .Ii . We exchange or repair and *e
Machinery on commission. K igines
repaired and Gins rebuilt with latest
Improvements, iw lying heads, eardci*
m be.i'ers. seed cleanris, extra heavy
|uu*ht* etc. Repair materia! aud
* iafliiig and puVeys on hsud. Write
us just what you want and we will
luake prices Dial «i‘l suit.
11. N. Cramer A Co.
fi,V. Marietta St. Atlanta r!».
Proprietor* Machinery KvcLange.
I a. at Jan- Dick l r.iwlerd I .ought lii.
(weivv-.w.'iiUis-oid r ltd, suff.'iiufi frxHw
infantile diarrhoea, t * ire. Il tmd lieen
«an.-.l al mir in nth- Cd - and had
«iw*\ - been „ieku 1 lf.IV s the Usiiai
treatui#t»i tti "Ue '4v as Uiout
Itf Tii« l ■ ■ ' F
|I IN : !* if lit! It* wh#n
frorci, or i»rrh*|*' Wn |m>uiu1 1 ih«*U Msul
♦*<1 V # fiUur u* £ ' ►im # <
i hi*i«*rn m il I >i*fci 1 1 S;
ou? b 1R* wf t U** 2'» t xA
»i ac4 *\ lutu ktsi 1 xHU g AS hCftt 5
Its U ir<si » chHxl.
ii s t puny - ostitutiou dis*p
iMAfYki ind M , father and n> . if be i.oe
fk^rhibTs t%fe was &*?**} by ib > remedy,
T Moiim. M D Taiiiarvia, Li
»l MUc by 1>! IU, H id
lieid our «J on first ptff Kuos
bre* *gb, Bickers *t Co.
A Volee From The DiHCOIl
The Karl of Chatham, England's
great statesman, once said ‘-show me
the laws of a country and 1 will s mw
vou its people's condition,'’ At ter a
c c 11 1
country are not in accordance with the
true principles of justice and «quality.
Wliever we turn is discontent, Ub0r
idle, or at least working on short time
and low pay. Mill after mill silent:
furnaces, cild aud unproductive,
tramps thronging our highways: the
gaunt wolf of atai valion taring into
deautate fioines. And in general iltose
foM i noners of revolution springing up
on every hand.
Compare ( 'has. Dlcken.’ description
of the Coiled Mates in I“12, w to Icon
a visit to the state of Massachusetts, in
it letter to a friend lu Condon, with
our present condition, lleie are Ins
words. ‘•There is not a man in this
place, Boston, nor in the state who
not Inis a bta'/.ing file . and meat every
il.y for dinner: nor would a filming
sword in i he air attract more attention
than a is-ggat In the streets.’’ lint to
day what is the laborer standing in
this country, he sees only toil, unre¬
mitting, half reiyuilted toil, hope die
out in his bos .m, despondency takes
p >session of Ins heart,and unless lie's a
i postis-oi of a strong faith and a giants
will, he falls beneath the weight ol op
pressiou and seeks relief in a suicides
! grave, or worse still attempts to drown
Ilia glid In the intoxicating Clip.
Sorii*' of our ministers ol the (iospel
fell us that the chusj of all lids is a
, nsteh ssiiess up hi Ihe p irt of laboring
i-lasM-s says “ilit: ) iborer ought to be
H.itlsfii d willi m.yiiiing ttml tile miiui
I pulu.ors of legislation see fit to grant
us the privet g<: of ('.tiling our own.
j Scripture tells us that '‘the pe iple
mourn when ton wivked hear rule,”
Gut when the ligheotn rule the people
rejoice. God pity the occupant of the
pulpit wlio knows so little about the
I a. or people’s condition. Beslntnneo
against uuji st lavs is obedience to
Sines the day that Ksau sold his
bltlliiight fur n mess of pulin'.
Cl lift y men have taken advantaga ot
tlie hypouitical incesslties of their lens
skillful brothers: since that day too,
huugry men have Lh-hi hhIi ig tirv
t.lrllnighi of their liberty for a mew ol
pi tlugp, which bait-ly makes them
l(> ege olU „ u „d mi»ei
able existence.
From Ksau ’a day* to the |>” sent two
c|wwi (jf , mve moved ujuu
,[„» WMr th, one cUm who live l>y honest
toil, another which Hv.lS off of hon¬
est toll.
Fiom the beginning of time one class
bus lived by working the soil, raising
cattle, delving in mines, woiking
wood, brass and Iron, The other class
Idrst appeared as roving bandits, rob¬
bers, etc. The clvlll/.ed bitgamlage id
to itav is ashamed of its ancestors, bat
its appetite for plunder is no less rav¬
enous. To day instead of the ‘'bandit
chief and robber king” we have the
,g 0n( ,y ging, (lie coal king, the railroad
inugnat) and the lumber baron, Inst end
,,f s.>o*n and {iluftdt, we call il juiciest
fiivldi ns rents and revenue-: a some*
what softer name but the ies alts an
all I Ii© flu rut*.
There was a tune when not a crown
,.<i hand of Kurojie i:*,>ir»d to clip the
wing* ol the Al«*tlean eagle, and for
neatly fourscore years the proud bird
soared detl iully thiougli the American
heaven* or hovend ab ive the all sacred
temples of our llbeiltles. But alas,
an evil hour t‘<« tunpter came,
| Busied seivaut* proved treaeheous and
; v. ry sancluaiy of our liberHSes be
came tbe aal liouse of Ameiican
freedom, and the market place of Arne
(iC U) Jubor.
J’o da) all most every branch ot in
, . . lays , wrecked , , upon the . 1 shores ,
of adversity, the laborer being fur
work, the mauuf.» 0 tur*l atrlvingto sell
his goods* tiin cotivutuer io m
cause he's uu&bio to purcluifa plouty
»»f labor but no dunaiul, r.ulroailH
wleckeJ, commercial failure* unpre
dieted, four million la'oreis Idle and
law maker, doing nothing to give
relief, and Uiv“ ministers of ihe
gos|.el tilling their sermon* with abuse
and censure toward* tl.ose who ecu
pl«m of the present statu* of public
and private affair*.
One of Georgia’* ablest editors in
1-‘S beautifully depicted the former
aiat present condition of the fanner
lbtis: “in lsb- there was -10 ;ht capta
m circulation. Cotfou was tlllllv
cents per jMiiad. The fanner took
then five hundred pounds of cotton on
bis wagon to town and paid Hu
for his taxes, taught a »tov.» joy ¥.10,
suit of clothes (ot Sl-1, his wife a dress
lor $5. ore hundred pounds of meal
(,. t jpe oue banal of flour for #12 and
went home with #;U in his potket.
lu |vS7 tliete was about #.'» is-r capta
In e.icuDtiou, the former put a
rive I undred pound bilt of cottoo on
his wagon, went lo town ond sold it,
paid #fO taxi*, got d ' • • :raged went
to the saloon. s;vut lus remaining
#_> ; t j and went home dead broke and
T e »b >ve is a:i argument that goes
into a man’s |»ocket. At present prices
of eo.t.ui lie would aot get t uojg t out
of a live hundred pouno na’c of cotton
to ;>ay ?f i tax ‘s. Toe man whether
pre.u-ti-r lannen or statesman. No
matter what life calling m Ure may be
that can s'and up and face the people
of the Iff.h century an l say that this
co nplatnt a id deuronatrat :on against that comes up from every dt
r«c'.iou is due to a c >vel ms heart. Is
one taa-i whose treart is as bard as
adamant and comprehension as snal
io* as a suaik. Jack srax.
I)ont be fooled into buying worthless i
stuff but buy good honest goods. You ;
will always find this the best plan,
Kimbrough, Bickers A Co.
)f To whom it rosy concern
|jovi • Meadow. the widow ftrrLVZ? of Tom Mead
, -'an- of said Tom Meadow, and the ap
)jr!t , M . d„! V apj*>iM<-<f, having filed their
llaj ^“^1* a ,'ialon Mon"
in August Wl: this U tnerefore, to
notify all p rsoin iaiere»ted In the estate
of said .Meadows to show cause why said
application should not be granted, and
j w j,y sa |,t return should not he admitted to
Cko if Mitch Et.n, Ordinary.
(Kegular UrudunUiii.)
Are the i**Alog and moil ancceuful *pecla!!tta and
rill give you
Young end mid
die aged men.
IF-h. KemarkaMe re
•O’" have follow
ed otir treatment
Many yntri of
varied and Mjeccav
ful e*|*4*rl«*nce
In the u*«- of nim
K five we ulfineown method* iha J j
5- utrol for all dla
order#of men who :
> fir gaF ha *• weak, un c
' y vcloped or dit
■ on
'll. or
rwho are auffcrlng
V- ,4'~' fr'itn err ora m
- youth and exosftN
ill ■Hoi I^Ksfi'l * 'air arc uci
RIOT QWiho acorn Imfib of lenl, their
i JHpRwfeUowa roTi'tmpt and of flu-!.' the.
e? i • friend* and com
rrpun Ion*, lead* u*
giinrnntcp f<» all patient". If n.'-y can pomalbiy
r**«f<»r«*d, our own i illusive tiTtttmeut
will afford m cure.
WOMFXI Don't yon want fo |f -t cured of that
H(-nkn-*i uiili a treatment Our HiFt you Cun u*e at
h'./iio wiihout Irihfrtirn»_-nf»v wonderful treat
Hu ntLa«cured - Imits. Whynotfou? Try It.
CAT % Kit If , and > 1 !K-giei of the Skin, Blood.
/I* art, Llv» r and Kidneys.
MVl'IflMK The moat rapid, "affi and effective
rented’/. A«omp!(.*te< tirgOuarauteed.
NKIV PfurAffKfl of all kind* cured where
ff.aujr otr.- IbAKfAllW.
i nvaTtRi* f* iiNf HAKOE« afid »af«. promptly This
cm din a day*. uonorhtti*. Oulek, *utu
imdudek Gleet and
r*'™ A.M> FACTS.
ct: .Ti
m-.i«,»• ■ i
■».hem k WBEBihst thi-ro va,u l« Imps We
e.r V ‘ ;, ! rn^r«oncc': y w * 1,itc *
time • lot»«.tt ■ nr
Hr w i*r«* - f fi” • i'fi‘1 cfiogp tri-afmcnf". Wo give
' .i hu'Iiim)-! p< 'Xitifle treat me tit mod Ak 11 -rate, iful
prices •>, ptw- n,( , ,ri hr don« ^ (, r nnfr find
ircH’i' I’HKf, r.oiisult»tloR *t. Ui« office of
t>y inn' t Thoronj*it « xnmltiHion und rarttful ding
Aluni" .. fi'mi-tif < an hr given No. in aniHjorlty 1 Men;
of i uses. M-iul f..r Hynt?»t‘/rrt lilank for
No. 2 for Woirit’M . No. a for fikln lH*e*l>ca. All c< •r re¬
e pond cm o itimwv,' >1 promptly. Buxincw •frtctiy con
fid»‘ntl»l E.iiUn-ti cutnicnt g**nt freo trom rva
Hon. Ji fer loour paticuu, banks an<? bu»lo c*h men.
AUdrefS or call on
Av i x Non t Ii ilrhitil Clri’ff. Alluutu. 11.
under reaisonuhlc condition*. Our FRFE 96 P a K®
cat m logue will explain why we cun afford ii.
Draogbon’s Practical Business College,
NASHVILLE, TENN, ( Write for esulogue, J
Book keeping, Shorthand, Penmamhip and Tele* •e
frraphy. We upend more money in the Interest of 1
out KriipIoyuicntDoparitnent than Ijalf the Business
College* take in as tuition, 4 week* by our method
teaching old plan book teacher*. keeping i* equal student* to |Jf weeks by the
vacation; || time. 600 Hoakd. past We year, have no
enter any Cheap
recetuly ptepated book* especially adapted to
Si-ni on 60 d>r> " N B.-W« idol Writ* *S. o# cash nnd for explain nil vs
“your warn. pay sunograpHers, teachers,
cant ies as book keepers, provided fill
clerks, etc , reported lo us, we same.
■ -**•*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
' ’ T 1 ul< 8 CTANHAPn 1 fl WUAK I/. 'i ;;
! I -* ........ ^ ««
[Rheumatic RemeovL
o Ii M t.-. 1 Hm rppiifiilion for 1 Hyear* t
< ► t 1 i medy f«»r U»«‘ * ►
:i \ i no ii.. in cure of Rlu um« « ►
’i ti i. * • tt. inti- ,i «tfiu all it* form* <►
o ! . • i l r- ' By tholD-MH'Is < f I*I»ysi- It < *
i t i ■ ii.'l l ifit d’■ < ►
► |-u’ ...... Mid l.r.l.K tip iiomthr
► lit- 11 II v,-r fnil, lo.ur.. . <►
. ! , l -I ““'lar « 1 "I- er«lx.(
► I I! .r- Oi III pulp. IHiu
» I An nl \ \>> MtI n A«ivx'>A. ♦
> 3D < i
* i, lngton, D.C. t>
k Hum h,f'n / (vrr #*iff«utt* til® br*t nn * '
^ . lit;h I .-, t. t • l nii ;,!!• i-p Unit make* ; ;
«x (iu !
▲ FKICE r *3 CT^ l*ER BOX, c\ . » roxts roit »i ;
41 ♦♦♦♦4444H4m444^«#
First- PJ^gg Boilers.
„ . 'ict our prices
Atl ,, nn ,j i rit . Tanks, S.acka, j i
Staml Riptni snd Sheet Iron Work; Shaf{
big. Pub y*, nearing, l!u.\c-. I Lingers, ele,
Complete Potion, Saw, Grist, Oil and
,. v M ai outfit*; also tiin, Press, i
t'a>.e Mill and Shingle outfit*,
*■»•>•» ic. Bridge, Factory. Furnace and
Ki.irntH f i-tiosp*; Knilroad, Mill, Ma- j
chiiii*!** ami Factor? Injector*, Supplies. Fitting*, j
IWUini: r.iuking. l*»|*e
I i : Oilers, etc
pa i k 150 niuub
Lombard • Iron Works -
^” and Supply Co.,
£r[ iv:vn AUGUSTA. CA
diction a r y
A G*
NufbflMor of th*
7=2*- “I’n abridged.’*
•bonld own this
lnctiorAry. It an
#wr» all quwtkun
cooceralMB Uw hi*
nuncbklion. tcry, H|vrllii\g. |>n>- auNti
uivAumg oi wcr\U
.4 Library in
g? Itself, lx xkxo
J t&XMm A*~
wnw! information
tnu tb* OMintrif*. citkp*, t*«wn». and nat
i ural f<*at\jr\'s x'f lb# jUob# . naruciilaiw coo
or i 1 ACT*.
■ is in
rahialv]** in Uk* hotu#* ^ vfhvt*. tiudr, and
The On* Grea t Sfatlxrd Amthority.
H<*». P. J. Utrotr, Jaatkx ITiS
Do«.tt. wtttta ■ “ Us# t tu**Atat ar% s*
iwtfMWB of 4hiA'Mm«. I < H tO
ail a* Uk one |rwi XaEKlani aaibonijr.
M£Y*Ty St*IF Supermtendent of
C*H"I»ooi* \ow im Off.Y,
|y i Mviaff of three rent.t per tkt§t for x
TtMur will j»rc% hVp imww than cmniirb my'twy *
to funhaw a of iho Intornatk*r
1'an yon afford ft'lM* without it?
G. • * C. /YNi.iWr#, Herr imn i Co* i 0
"TOriSiSRSSS: wrasnin
Greet j .<~boro, Ga..
»>*» si
1 ^* 10 .,^
............. an mat 1 hr the New and ltnprov*
Method" for i rationsin filling teeth.
*•» Pr-pared re you in a satisfactory
manner at ail Umfjt,
-. s' 1 he
Georgia S
* Alabama
XT Y1/\I \ f U*\. \ GA.
4 ,
Offers T'np.i led Opportunities for
1 thoroughly i - ical Business K>iu
r-atioi). It ii, iive Depiai-tments and
i'o-HT. r r Gcabantkks
A. More Through Training In
feliort ei Time and at
I.of Expense,
Than any otilr College in America.
Graduates AY:sted lo Positions—not
uiie Idle. Wrifi immediately to
E«lward . Sli^|>lirrfl, , , mMT~* « Hai risburff* ... ... III , * ,rs
^ running no^e OB llU U‘K Ol eiflnt year*
Mimlinif. Urfifci f iree bottles of Electsic
Bittcri and f.s bwies'o£ Bucklen’s At
and teg is sound and wel
John SpeaKer.C '.swha O. had five lam
f,-vi r sores on OntT>ttleElectric It- leg. doctors said he was
.ncumble. Bitters and
.Ilf box Buekletfei if Arnica Reid ralve cured imn
•ntireiy bold DrRJ
Gavan 8<fliool Book Co.
6 Peaci ! tree St.
Atlanta, Ga.
School ; iid College Text,
LaW afld M (licill Books. Wt
buy anything known in the
book linj "’urrespondence
SoUcitadr. ibr Circulars,
Sometime *»* troubled with an
attack of rlieuii am: 1 used chamber.
Un’a 1‘atn Bate and was completed lends
. ar .'d. 1 have s nee advised many fi
and customers to try the remedy and all
..leak highly of if Simon UopdbaUU,
sar. Luis Key, Cal. For sale by
Dr Ht J- It kid, Druggist.
I have associated ntistry with Dn. me W. In the II
Practice ot 1
llAnnts of r - Atlanta Dental Col¬
lege who has ad thorough training in
anrnaftvfl eprOBUVB work. wol». He will do extract
: n an( 11 , filling T teeth While I. Will)
Thirtjy Years
will do tbe PJ.ATE (FORK,
We will b» * n Crawfordville on tbe
3rd Monday !*> month > t0 rem8 ‘"
one week an 4 in White Plains the 4th
Mouday to re main one week.
M. D. D. D, S
203-204 Kiser Building.
^Always Cures.
Botanic Blood Balm
TheGr<**t RWumatism. th« speedy CjtUffh. anJ pennan^nt L'kers.
r * of ScroH 1 **
i M n 5.iss^! r iS
x { f ( im nr^xvrfptkMi of an eminent phy s .Un
who it mar\’rlous success for *o years,
a-«confined use ^ fifteen y-ars by thou
- penrt* 5.* Jemoeslr«.* dwt
:f in bv far the buiUrng up ionic and BSooa
e'-er to the wortU It makes new
rkh blood. J possesses Almost miraculous
he -sling ptt>pt >r *** 5 '
;<y-» K!T^ f r i*R BOOK OF WONDERFUL
Cl REA. sent free on »Cplic*Iioo.
J I! r,^ k*r l v Vv*l JrvcyiW. sen* #ia» ,
lira lar|E» puttht. or * 5-00 ter sut tottles. and
♦ ! medi, in. win re seel freight raid hy
BLOOD BftlM GO., ftUania, Ga.
?>?*rrstA r ' Sick ok
■.rrsssno* 1 \ Ntmvous- CAD AC HE.
&ueos*css\ M
Fsesmcss or 'Less or
Stomach Appetite
N'fccGCMptRC Wi t houtTsC Liscatss Aao
5 SMATV ,|UC orM.A.TatBfSRS oa FsobtOt
C*c» W m«.€
; A
■e OmPB & ; 11
W ’km'- l± wm SH ——
;; mm L I i i 1, I I | | j' n"~
K ? - k - 4 $ Wm
mm j ■ L>l Jl i ciii
l ( wm f ;' >A '/////£ / : ', s #
;bi | i; m
I s I m s ;•
} : ; 'L
I 3 .- •
I '--
MK r»i r 'ffm mR Q
* '
hi m^mr . mm Gf
.1?? jir mik ,'h
s BW! V8 IS g •JSt m m HHi)
Ty mm
v r «n
-a ’f] m i r*m _ . esm PS
i J t i T *J ffi m
“J - - 'mSIk
The Globe Shoe
I and Clothing Co
.89 AYhitf Vm f "Tgee-k * .wwt ■mrtmmi&Bt:
ba&fi ysin
The items we mention below are not al' we have by a
ia jug full. If we attempted a ful! enumeration, our ad J X
J would spring of Waterburry 3.
( C be longer than the a I
4 j watch and wider than the rrouth of our purse as it R
smiles to hear our place. 5
y D
Men’s suits at 3.98 worth 8.00
raided Men’s all Cheviot wool black Suits Cheviot worth $l2.oo and For $5.00
Men’s ture worth Suits, j>i5 every co, $lS.oo conceivable and $20.00 mix¬ For $7 t S9
j $8,50
i A fine Black Clay Worsted Suit For 4
worth $18.00
Men's Pants at 40cts., worth $1.50. Men’s Pants
at l.‘£5. worth 5.50. Men’s Pants at 2.00, worth
4.00. Men’s Pants at 2.48, worth 0,00.
Big Bargains in Hats and Furnishing Goods
Ladies', Clients’, Misses', Chihlrens’ Babies’, Infants
Be sure and visit us an lien von come to Atlanta. Make our
store your headquarters.
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