Newspaper Page Text
We make mail order* a special study.
That we can handle them satisfactorily, conomica 1; i* proved bv thouwnds
«,! please i customer*. Enough saw! here.
Write to ns ft-r eata’ogueof Ornamental Dot»r*. Work,Ac J'asn,
Bands. Mouldings
But of the Maker." Augusts, O*.
VOL. 1.
Bickers & Co.
times //ard but we have Cut Trices ‘otit
It is true are bringing the trade.
and that ie one thing that is us
the tunes,
from now until fall
y V will cut the life out of Prices.
Here is the way we arc doing.
I,inen M.n’s To—,1s VVhite Vests wor n^Uoar d 61 Z-J&r**“• wofth 50c now 25c,
... «• ^
Men’s EBrt-asTpV'i..;^« Outing Shirts wor - 25c per pair.
Men’s Elegant Brown Dri Draw I 7 ;„..
Men’s Congress Mines worth *1 4 j prices.
of Childrens and'es S ohs at es
A lot VVoolGrenad.newotl y
Black 1-2 remnants of 4irh.vM L5e
Fed Ticking in o'ored Ik GOv^^^ worth 35, 50, 75 & 90c r.ow
Ladies Black and < » only 5(J yald .
‘JSSfLEK 53 S‘«w- down. -*>“* 10 * ’“ a -
All Summer Muslins Marked
In fact these are only a few bar
n ftxBl we 2 re_£ • w Jay.
If yon can’t come, send ior Sample* and Prices. We
will alway u'c your orders Careful Attention and Guarantee
you lowe 1 prices.
"Vours to Serve,
Greenesboro, '•
Married In Augusta
Mr, John Burke VViubuin and bride,
of Augusta, were the guests of Mrs.
Henry Kta ales in this place Saturday
and Sunday. John is one of Augusta’s
pleasant young men and he married
n Miss Harris, of that cily on Inst
Thursday. All his friends in this sec¬
tion extend him their hearty congratu
l.i.ions ar.d best wishes.
A <iood Dentist.
A good dentist is not always to be
fnuiu among the number who practice
this art. Those who have, had Dr. VV.
L. Bnliea, of Greeneeboro, work for
ihem -ay he is one of the best in this
etion. He has had several years ex
perienc* of actual practice and uses the
latest metho Is in IJen'istry.
I hereby announce mjself a
••anc'idate. subject to the action
i I 1 the Peoples Party, for nom
iiiation for tax receiver of Tul
i -ferro couutv.
J. R. Ogletkkf.
Fellow-ci'.izens: The panic lo»s stmcK
d'l.tuia right at last and Kschinery
lias gone out of sight, if you
want to buy at name price*, now is ;
the time. We are selling Engines
from 875 up. Gins 840 up Freeses 850
i..), Feed Mills *35 up. Threshes *00
up, Keesiers and Condenser* fur any
make of Gin. new ur sec)iid*hand for
Call - We ex .'iiauge or repair and s*
Machinery on enmm s* on. E ig.nes
repaired ard Gins rebuilt with latest
improvements, revolving heads, carders
of he.i'ers. seed cleaners, exira heavy
brushes etc. Repair in»'*r.’»i aud
* lafting and ,11 irison hand. Write
ns j i-t wiiat vor, want and we will
uake pi ice* that * i’! suit.
H. S. Cramer A Co.
V Marietta Mt At'antaG*.
Iroxiielots Mach r.ery Exdange. j
Mr. Editor ;
In last weeks issue you used the
following words in regard to the'dem¬
ocratic convention in Atlanta:
•‘■Hie democratic convention in At
lanta last week hail dcmociats of every
hue color and kind.”
Now there was only one color in
THAI' convention. You **11 for the
camphor bottle— I for cue tail to see
why! After ennuineratiog the divers
kinds of democrats, such as free trade
high tarili, anti silver etc., you wind
up by saying, “denis who were drunk
and A fkw who was not.” A broad in
sinuatiou that the larger part were
drunk. While no one will claims a total
abstinence crowd, your assertions are
to say tlie least of it very broad.
As to numbers -there suiely was a
goodly number of “denis” as you call
them, on hand' but dont be alarmed,
you have got to gel used lo I hat by the
time the election off. D will he
heller for you ;.nd not so great a shock.
•Seriouslv, isn't it almost lime for
the papers' 1 ,o quit exbausling - the die- |
nonary to ,. I,nd , words , vile , enough . lo
stigmatize a neighbor with? Lgly
words and vile epithets 1 never conviuc
ed any one yet. If a man sees fit to
quit a coioiiiuinlv, a sie-iely, a church
or a party, seems to me he ought to do
ss with, ut turning round and abu-ing
all that dout do as he doe-. 1 lie deni
ocmIs of today ought not to be much
more vile, than the greater part of our
pupu!i-t frieuds were a year or two
back when they were democrats. Thai
a change of parly sanctities admits at
least ot a doubt. Dr.Miii rat.
The editor has been als-eut this week.
consequently »e will not notice th
above until Lext week except in re
K a,< * 1° "odor, VVe will say that
'political complexion is what we
A Negro Killed
Ju t befrue g.Jh/ t<» pre--. iww- was re
ce.v d from Barrie t h ta negro w-wuau
ws- killed l*\ Il,e fast train, lliere ves'er- ’
day Pa-tie liars oeXt W ei
Our Local News.
City and County Items
p-ieily Told.
Aint it kind er- warm?
Ob mama! Fan me with a brick.
The weather and politics are now oil
a parity.
The baptist meeting closed on last
Sunday night.
Go to C. Il< rgstnmi’s for bargains in
crockery of al! kinds.
The editor is conspicuous for bis ab¬
sence this week.
Miss Janie Iteid is visiting friends at
Sliaron this week.
Mi. and Mrs. C. litrgstrom lias re¬
turned from Wash!i eton.
New lot of glass and jag ware just res
ceived ai 0. Bergstrom's,
Tom Tnornton, of Union Point, was
in Orawfonlville Sunday.
I). Googer, of Litboniu is visiting
bis mother here this week.
The nomination lias been posponed the 4lh September.
liead our ad on first page. Kim
trough, Bickers A Co.
Mr. Jack Reid and lady are exacted
soon to visit relatives here.
Col. Horace M. Holden went to
Gieenesboro on business Monday.
Kresli turnip seed, including the cele¬
brated ltuta Buga at. 0. Bergstrom's.
Mr. Luther Hadiway, of Hartweil,
visited Ins parents here last week.
Misses Mary and Dinah Ray. of Nor¬
wood, are visiting Mrs. I, O, Veuzey.
C. Bergstrom lias just received a
utw line of crockery.
Mr- Joe Gunn, of Jewels visited Rev
U. E. L■ Harris during the past week
l)r. H. F. While returned last Fri¬
day after an extended pleasure trip to
Read Kimbrough, Bickers A Co’s
“ad” if you are looking for bargains.
Mr. and Mrs. Clem G. Moore, of
Crawlord, are visiting relatives here
tint, week.
. —as Auine, arc visiting icii-itt**V„
Ray town.
We will save you money and sell you
reliable goods, Kimbrough. Bickers A
VV. R. J/ann, of Atlanta, is on a two
weeks visit lo bis parents near hero
this week .
Mr. VV. /*. Hubert lias gone to Oa
mak for a few days to relieve Mr. J. A.
The best 50c nnlaundried shirts to
be found anywhere is at Kimbrough,
Bickers A Co.
Master Guy Leary, of near Craw
; ford, is visiting Mr. .J. VV. Farmer
aud family.
A large crowd from Barnett attend¬
ed services at the Baptist church here
on Sunday hist.
Send us an older for a pair of tbofe
silk gloves at 13c a pair. Kimbrough,
Bickers A Co.
Miss Maliie Moore, of Montezuma
who lias been vlslung Dr. K. J. Koid
! |as returned home.
The txcursion to iVashington Satur¬
day was not well pa roulzed. Very
few went from here.
You sliouldisee these ribbons we are
8fe „ 1I11{ ,„ r Jj alJ( , 15c a yald lh . y , )aye
been going fast. Kimbrough, Bickers
& Co.
Mrs. Horace M. Hidden has return¬
ed home, after H|>eiidlrjg several weeks
in the "Gate
Mr. J. A. Harris has returned home
from Gieeneslsiro, where he ha4 been
on a l wo weeks visit.
M-ss Delia Evans, of Cm enesboio.
v * sll ed her father. Mr. Jim Aaoury,
near l**re last week.
Lite Jury Commission-rs fur this
county met lastweek anu revised the
l‘»t lor the c m „g courts.
Mr. , | Join * , K-mine, ., of , V ashmglor,, .
v s tel the family of Judge J ^*vis
Hammac* on i uesday last.
Ray Vea/.ey remarked to us theotbei
daj that he had the "K-tar,” oh, doc
toi! VV fiat must he do.
Br suie ai.d lead Hie announceme t
of C. II. Golueke in this issue, it w.l,
be found it dnoUier Column,
51 ibs llox e Andrew’s, of Greene
county, spent sever ,1 days of the pas,
week with iclalives in our town.
Miss Marie Stephen*, daughter of
Mr. Clalaliue .Stephens, of Atlanta, Is
visiting Mis. lloiaceil ilden this week,
.Hiss Marian Hubert, sister of our
popular 0|-eralor, Will liu>orri, is vm
Ring Mis IK. O. 11 -IJen and Iain,ly.
When woviag into our present 1,ome 1
found a bottle "I il.sniberiin. Fain Haim
^.uS^i u wirg^'J
aim burns, i can trsiify to ttie trutu
tin-. Nuihiug m .li u.j . .pe one-- has
Its equal lor llea lng Idl-lei, *,1
liuins. F. t. Hanet:, manager Ja-Sueur
t ia-sueui. Mint, Fain I'.auu -
ai-o a cure P-r rn- luulivix. Fur ^at»- l»y
L> R. J, Keid Dr.i.g,-is.
Watermelons are i, < going at
lime prices —i nickjl ql |t)t ijrink a hole ID be
it buys two—so am!
Messrs. B .5. Reidl Holden and
O. H. Golueke atlonj j State A g -
ilcultural C.uiveutii rolltou lust
week. IS| t|
Mr. and Mrs. K |neit I and Miss
Eugene -.Lithony, w been visiting
Capt. Anthony, liaafl 'lied to Wash
Misses Susie ainUi Boylun and
Miss Mamie Moore,%jS KVhite Plains
vivitetl Hie larnily R. J. Keid
last week.
Mr JolHM'ap|>sfl lywhite n loins,
accompanied by hisjl r™ jely bride, spent
Sunday last with ives and friends
in our village.
Hon Paul L>. who has been
attending Muryvill IJoge, Maiyville,
l'enn., is on a visi; feuds in Craw
fordville this wee m
The paint and br w, added great¬
ly recently to the and oppear. there \;| v » otir for town
iiui more
good work in Waa.,
Miss lady Jessie of j |Lo VV Sis; egor, a popular
young n, Oa , Is visit
mg the f.nuiUy o Jill 0. Asbury, a
few miles in t hiM
Mr. C. barbecue C. Caflji ■*]' \ave his triends
a nice . Lf* ;,j 4 f,, rm one
day last week, wli gj much enjoy,
ed by those who a^JJpAfl.
Dr. IK. E, Ad* I Greenestmro,
one of Georgia’s tufiknimlMiit ^ |*liy
sicians, was in o -lywn ou profes¬
sional business Tb J ^
Our Presbyieria fiL i hren ar« now
talking of buildi a Presbyterian
cliurch in Crawl d vdle, We trust
that they may su, ed in their under*
.-"In eider lo It, Chamberlin's
Gough Ileir.edy lie . ,, |,| several dozen
bottles oil strict g iin n <-e mm have found
every bottle oversetv<: did j, f .; .,. rv i. ». We have
used it. and think it aufoulor to
any other- VV. y ( -» »ey, J-trvisvIlle, VV,
Va Fur sale by | ,i Reid, Drvggists.
The m irntn # L»»i, wteck
ed here last j lt doii.K much
damage, but ..several loaded
cars. The J' *bd the cars
of droned Mils idace, ^ & .itfentu,
now on a visi p Is and friends
in the village where in the
»».«di«.. se m .
as . .......wirvrssi
Mrs. Cofer and Miss Lizzie //.,rden
of near Wostiin^um, Ga.. at tended
tire Baptiat tneeuiju j, er4 j aHl week.
Tliev were the gu^ts of Mr and Mrs.
J, VV. Farmer.
l'aul Cbapmai went to Li thou
Monday night lost m
to take chuige of the
telegraph office , t that place while
High Hubert wil, spend a while at i, lH
home near Bai l
Kenneth B*z>-mr, re , 1!M) ttlK g0l/fl f ortunt]
to receive a smalt lajltlc of G’lianiberlain's
Colic,LholsrnandDiarhoea wirdyscn’ert te Remedy when
U “" ,y
h "gave m ull, vvr'^^^'r ^wI^TTn'o 1
ami merehartol it cure,i him lie l,, L c L ,,.iiplaint.
t| „.
v -rT. b\ o .o r ' ? M “" «*> 1 bottles ' “s made
sale sale by Ui 1. F f.j, J cid. ' ior
What on en h is the matter with
our vourig flMfe-V Is it possible
all they Of have tl.e>f^g§ A||ff dfroin society and
()ed to be old
do'tliev enjo'tlHufc'veR i»t'c!'ft r ‘L "moreTu !I ,,Ul ’ aS W>,y
way—eh H
Mr .obeli'll *'* i» “ M ’ r . VVl,it ‘ !
Plains of ’
* W ’. ! W , J' 1 ' "BSt fellows In
w ell a* one of the
, that
cd rottle J, ever pull
a i j ver u , e J old 1 Georgia! *'^
rill|rlMt Vlgjl< '
, n* M
| He ws the if l'* 8 " ‘ v i *’■’• ^
' '
j Hurrif i» rr .. ComJLgaiu Roheri!
I I" Ib Thin.
. ,.
NewKork Thjf-.llow 'I if, was clipped from the
i '’ me of a ugust
. C/,- Smtt i,„f ‘ The Crawfordville
( Adveale-D> in - ;l at,' : a Fopulist
slice >ir. tilh walked into ttie
|, oU . Imldmr J ' 4 ,' V 1,1 "*• Land.euf.
;erit| with f,< i
toi toothache. He was at
one-taken fk I y (.’ulonel VV J.
OlaWaV, Ou«| f the pai ty. and thin
w. -the suIibI ce of the con vernation:
'>mith w Vs the matt ah?”
‘•PoothaCtai’ K
‘Smith. fve been over in the
fhjtln "V' arl, *m J f.ickel rurn, sah. try
at ache. Smith ” said
>1°"• *' ' '* ■** around. “Mmit i,,s I you eou ’ll , !
n* >r lie Inn g j, U y t) j f»eor
oji run anything but
Im nocratie a
per and drink 5-cent
ru 2 Irak a i so soft, ml', that it j
w u.d »!,p g- through the noose. ”
l 'i lie teacher 'oust bav: an ideal, and
f'" 1 ‘"‘ly know what and how to t< :n:h,
but why he leaches.
lie. placed the teachers
! high above all others in dignity ;uifl in
j ii» iiBcfuim H* (o rnaiikirMl,
he hail a grand conception of hi, duu
j n his profc ion.
| To l»; successful in life,
j we must j
! f*'lli)w the profession for which n Pure
h;«l on<lo 4 <jl nt, and man an <i so
man bad diffi-rent avocations to | e form
in life, there arose a necessity for some
difference in education. He made a
;t p| fur the ed lie.! lion ,,f gjrj,
—‘ f> i '■ ‘f^t eloquent tribute to
• ain.I jU-t here ha did some
very line classic word-pain tti-g.
His closing remarks in regard to ebil
'Den were ton, I, rig, and it wi ! be a j
long time befor; we wili receive such
another liter, ry treit.
Taliaferro County.
The People’s Party Executive Com¬
mittee of Taliaferro county met nt the
court house in Cr.iwfoinlville on the
13th day of August 1894, and the fol¬
lowing resolutions were adopted;
Where i- at a mass meeting held in
this county ou the 28th day of April
1894, by the Populist a resolution was
introduced and unanimously adopted
that the making of the prohibition
movement an issue in the People s Par
ty, and wherea«, this issue has boon
sprung and being used against us eon
trnry to the resolution adopted as adore
Resolved that we hereby condemn
the scheme now being toreed upon us
in this campaign.
Uo‘olvcd that Tuesday the 4th da y
of September next be appoin’ed the
day to nominate a candidate lo repre¬
sent Taliaferro county in the next Leg¬
islature, and that the nomination be
made by primaries held In each militia
district. Said primaries to be superin¬
tend d by the district committee’s anti
returns to the court house the t Mow¬
ing day to be consolidated, and result
announced. None blit Populists are
to lake pari in the said primary elec
tion. H. T. Kendrick,
Chainin'n, Pro. Tern.
Gf.O. H. MlTCUKLl., Secretary.
To Oar Friends.
This woeg 1 was absent with the Geor
gin Weekly I’ress Association, and am not
responsible for what went lo the editorial
columns or elsewhere In the p iper. Our
friends will find a Couple of editorials not
exactly in accord with Populistioddctillie.
But that page was run off before 1 arrived
home- ch as. L. Smith
Th** Baptist Moeilfff.
SSfLiSSai A nonet -meting i.l\ <••
tor, Rev. K, .....
£, L. liarri, was ansi-led
first part of the week by the noted
Dr. J, M. Itritton, of Atlanta, who Is
ployed by the “State Mission Hoard"
Georgia and the “Home Mission Hoard"
of the Southern Baptist Convention, for
the purpose of instructing colored minis¬
ters and deacons lo Theology. ||,. preach¬
ed three very able and eloquent Ncruioiin
ton large and appreciative congregation.
Dl. llrPton Is a deep man and hh excel¬
lent preacher.
During tl.e latter part of the weeks iu-r
vices, Mr. Harris was assisted by Rev.
James I). Chapman, of Mllledgevlilc, wlm
Is now traveling in the Interest of Mercer
Unlveislty. Mr Chapman treated our
people to two very tine sermons, one on
Friday night and (die on Saturday morn¬
ing. He Is a llncnt and li gical
and his sermons were gicully uppreclsted
by all * ho were so fortunate to have the
pleasure of hearing them. Mr. Chapman
is the rigl t man in ti e right p ace and is
doing a grand work for old Mercer.
As a re-ult of the weeks meeting, eight
I’d sons were baptized In I he pool near the
depot, at nine o’clock .Son.lay morning,
where a Urge crowd bad gathered to wit¬
ness lliat sol limn, yet beautiful service.
The closing sermon, preached on Sun¬
day night by the pastor, Rev. It, K. h.
Harris, was certainly a masterly effort and
was most appropriate.
I lie names of those baptised on Monday
morning are us follows;
Misses Mar ah Ingraham, Nina Ogletree,
Dalsv Ray, Fanny Googer, Lillian Ch ip
man and Mes-rs Arthur Ogletree, Joe
Rhodes and Clara nee Homier.
I I'roL vim piiy ’ N lecture.
L A ' Murphy came down Don,
-iv< red a most beautiful and in
struedve address to an appreciative an
dieuee. It win Irappily cominved, cl
queutly delivered, i uk| ihon, -who f died
p, hear it missed a run- in, , ;
,„ r jt 1 *“'"«l»rly prnduction ,
" f '"ulHess syntax and beautiful ,1„
lie He rainiended contend,.,! that n , education , should
l»e under the cont/oll of goodness, else
it was misdirected.
The People's Advocate, Established
The Oruwfordville Democrat, Estab¬
lished 187(>.
Consolidated Oct. f>, 1892.
Prevail on our entire stock of
Tliis embraces every .Shoe in the Sf.,re. Ladies', Misses’
and Children’s, Men’s and It tys’ Finest and most Stylish
Footwear at manufacturer’s cost, to close out.
Mai orders solicted and attended to prcrptly. We pre¬
pay Express charges during August.
• *£'•
' t-e-v”
27 Whitehall St. Atlanta, Ga.
Wliy This TIiiimii«*nn.
Two ot our tallest, young ladies have
declared recently that they would
swear eternal vengeaiee on Hie next
ftllow wlm presented them with a
watermelon. Now, why this thus
ness? HYI1 we will tell you—but no,
we guess we had heller not; and still
we mart say this much at least that
these two of the fairest of the fair sex
were presented with a melon a lew
days ago, and we will also add that 12
o’clock at night is rather a lud tune to
eat melon. Da, la! you ean’t eat
watei im Ion al 12 o’clock at night and
••feel right ah ut It.
r- Tit it nt iittTd t nre.
inUmrJ- ■8%'** Mi Mo
rofidiTloii. , -Mr. . |
i, Wlr?
tronbf' trouble, <JmW and , will »•*> use Lung; this throat rrmcdv nr di¬
rected, Klvlng us
rii•rice 1 a lair frial, and e*i>e.
no benefit you may return the
IS?*. We could | l ! Hl nut have make your tills money offer did refiimleil.
“‘IT ,l1 Dr. we no
, " 1 Klng'r New Discovers
mold I- “••i|»d on. II never dlsappoiuty
arm ebot lies free at Dr. li. .1 Reid's Drug
Large size roe amlfl.
Good Meeting,
Me-ara. R. J. Held, G. II Golueke and
I. C. Holden, attended the acini annua 1
convention of the Stale Agricultural Mu v
elety which met In Carrollton last week
There was much Interest taken in f,|,«
Hireling and many topics brought, up of
Interest to tile producing class. Gov.
Nor)lien and Fres. Waddell Ifliultf ^00(1
speeches and the .Society In convention
a-ked that l.ov. Northen Invited ......felt*
i/ M to I.nmigr,lie to Georgia, They wunf
"My good ones and we do not Maine them
Gov. Northen si lied in his Niieecb He,i l..i
Would never offer again to run for a public
A large amount of Money is loaf an¬
nual y by purlins purchasing worthless
fruit Urc. mo and etc. lo t them Iron,
firm fliai grown (heir owe trees, semis on,
nothing hut g,,„,| s’ n:k and sells al rca
sonable prices, IKc wild tiie a-ldress id
ivery firmer or gardener ill your section
ami will -li ik,r you a liberal offer, write
for pariiculars and prices at ..nee, semi
Simple for descriptive Ujtuluguc. Agcnl
wanted everywlmre.
Ailibess, Cherochee Nursery
^ v»y<:r<M4«*
4’oiirt House l(ep;tired.
• >- county commissioners will have no¬
house repaired this week. The walls inside
Wll) l ”' overhaul)-,I ami tin- plastering
l’-‘"Jie<l and Hie wood work will berepaint
*'' 111,1,1 '“osbl,^-ranle work will b- (fit Oil
t'ie o d Imililmg in the way of r. palis.
“ "" w 1 ........■ » '
if it Is cheaper to make ** • w Ol.f o it ot ih,.
old . me than ........... u n -w out, we nuy
Ready For Busin BBS.
Mr C II. fjoliieke will run a nubile gin
this fall. He will h- prepared to furnish
flagging anil Tied. Deliver your cotton
at depot free of elclr.-c. || ( . , ir „
machinery and wifi turn nut a good h.i IIJ •>
Awarded Highest Honors-World’s Far.
’ r J V Powder:
e O0 y l urr C ' tam ,j! Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum.
»T Used ia . Miliioas of Homes Years the Standard
NO 45,
lias Our Thanks.
The genial and ever clever Hell llmla
waj gt.iilihmed our sanctum this week t>y
presenting as witli of tin- seasons
best watei in Ions. Ilub is thoroughly he
iicqiialntcil with mods of tickling the fancy
ot the editor.) unit printers aml|h« has our
hearty thanks. The melons were fine.
Specimen dlllHS.
N II Clifford, New Camel. Wis, w»s
nnubled with Neuralgia and llheur..ati«in
Ids Stomach wa» disoidertid, Ms Liver appetite wa*
affected to an alarming degree reduced
well away and he was tnrrlhly In
flesh and strength. Three bottles of fclsc
tik Killern cored ulm.
Hmkleits Arnica Salve.
«hast salve In the world for Cuts
Is-Hal l F i, Fever'
S»4*- “ - iiUalnu
I j
It RUarMtHOd to el
or money refunded Price •>
hoi. for sale by Dr .11. a. Retd.
A Good Ollieer,
Mr J. VV Tucker Im one of the heat mar.
mIiuIh In Georgia, lie has been repairing,
patching amt generally . fixing u|) our
stieetM from time to time until the itreetu
of Crawfordville are III aa good or better
condition th hi any town of Ita size. Many
places tlmt lire flmioeially ill a better con¬
dition do not have toe streets in a good
or, *" r1 “s these 111 our town. In this end
m * ,lv other lespccts our town should be
• MOU, l uf Mi. I ueker a- a marshal.
Mr. .1 T. McAllister, or Rom • Ga
‘List June, Germlfuer si veil our
’!!,/' ''aul, car ried him safely through an
.-..ii.’i'II'". Vuw^mXrhlM “ r dysentery “ire™ and
skin and Imne, big
solid Ir- chunk Katherine of thirty I,. Hi or flyer, thlrty-OoS j murid
Jonesboro Ga.. "I real writing I from
i.erm says v bellevo
boy, ituer saved t ie fif,. of mv
several months ago ....... |,„
wassuJerlug for $5, wl „, cholera infantum."
Advertised le;t 3 r s.
J'lie following list of letters remain
in the postoflice at (/'rawfordvilie, Tal
laferro County Georgia, will t«, sent lo
t he ilea,(letter iilllce if not called for at
the expiration of .10 ,J,,y H from date,
Vuguet, l*t imp |
Miss R,m» ,M Adkins, Mrs. If irriette
Adams, Mum Gamy. Miss Mainly < tilills
Mi-h Pearl Jordan, Miss I'-url F-ipe, M Ihh
M-irv Maggm. J. K Jones, Mr Rea,,,,,
I Piles'. Itching Piles
MywI'ruiis- ’Jiii-ture ; Intense Itching |<t
xli’igiiig; a ,
most at night, worse by s rateb
niff I f al lowed to continue tumors which
often bleed m,d ulcerate, becoming
sore Mwaymk’m very
oinudni- the
felling and heed In/. |,„ H |s iii<*eratioi»,i. ml
n m<nt removes tun tumorn. A
druggist or by niiil, for ro Dr
wayuc ,fc Mon, f’liilad.-lphia.
'V n iv; found out m U. T > || • ()f IJlfi
dresses girls wear do not. front rnor<i
Ilian five ceiita a vacd. v, me of Die
have a wa, „f making these drcs-eii
look as if they eosf (fl a yard at least.