The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, August 24, 1894, Image 1
O- xi> L>* *\ i‘>-. nr n.sit mu.I orders s «nut«. Thst we can I ill idle then) -stislseior ,ly and pieaseJ , soimmies 1,-1- |.n<vod KLoiiil; l>> ttiouwnda miU t»eic. ol customers. Write to us f**r f,.ttt'«*mieof Iby<u>, B.iudti. Mouh'.in^. UntHimuital V» ork.AO AP(itST4 LUMBEfi i^O.. •Buy of the Milker.” Aujfusti*, <ia. VOL. 1. NO DOLL THE - WITH Kimbrough, Bickers & Co. It true times tu-a //akd but we have Cut Prices *.o tit is bringing the trade. Pic* ■ times, and that is one thing that is us from now until fall XV v will cut the life out of Prices. Here is the way we are doing. Towels worth 25. 3k. 40 and 50c now 15, 20 and 25c. 1 inen n" *1.25 and *1.50, now 2>c, M White Vests Shir-**-12 worm and 121. worUi.>0e now 25c, B.ysUnlaiuidned Laundried Shir’s from OOc each P' 1 ^ <^h fflKSSSwS Men’s ft!® 65c yard. ElSA'.’oii? llrll’Urn.,™ j 25c. marked to 15c each. Ki worth Drii 1 Drawers *1 40 down o.lj only to » 25c_per 75c. per pair. !»»• Men’s Congress Shoes less than j prices. A lot of Childrens and Ladies Shoes' at yard, Black 1-2 Wool Grenadine worth 40c now 10c Fed Ticking iking in hi remnants of 4 to 6 yards at half price. Black and Colored Silk Gloves wort, da, ->0. - a & 00c now Ladies Assorted widths only o- y ald Colored Velvet Ribbon marked to be yatu. - A big line of 8 and 10c Glnghamu All Summer Muslins Marked down. In tacf these are 011I3 a few bar¬ gains that we are giving every day. II tan’t come, serH tor Samples and I kk ks. We you orders Careful Attention arid Guarantee will always give your you lowest price s. Yours to Sui ve, KIMBROUGH, BICKERS & CO. Greenesboro, Gra. C. H. HOWARD & CO. SUCCESSOR TO W. If. HOWARD & SONS. Cotton Commission Merchants, No. 20 mcintosh , Orders for Bagging and Ties ? (SK/KNTli Sl'IiI'.l.T), — AND — CoiiPi^nmenttj of Cotton Solicited, * Augusta. Georgia •f. '•*— ---X Fulfil B. Fopk. Lamaji L. P'liming. POPE & FLEMMING } ■ Augusta; Cta. Espi’ClllllV • il NOlK'ltCd. , .. .. . farmers Assignments Southern and Acclimated Fruit and Original Trees Grape Vines, Shrubs, Kosi-s, elc., for sale bv 11. 15. SMITH. Woodvillc, Georgia. -i/.hal a gen is Foil— J Van. Lixdle\ Pn juietor. I’omona Hill Nurseries-, Pomona, Gilfcrd ('<>. N. C. Address p h> E. wKITH WooIviile, (ia Special iraiuceBnei;*- to large plsn'er-. THE ADVOCATE-DEMOCRAT. MARKWALTER & SON. Washington ;tnd Gi'<t f ;nesU)ro, (ia. Best <>f wptch ni iking and repwiiing We do tint do any shoddy \%\>rk. Every Jot First O,.. wia-.-. • Washington office at (Jorjy.rt! Cordts old stand I AN ADVOCATE OF JEFFERSONIAN PRINCIPLES- OF A WFORD VILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY. AUGUST 24 , i894 Our Local News. City and Comity Items D'ieily Told. Mr ,I.C. Jordan is happy over a fine s'll baby. Mr. A. L. Hillman was in the city Tuesday. Mr. O. D. Moore, of Si aron, was in town Tuesday. The nomination has been pospened until the 4th September. • Head our ad on first page. Kini' brough, Dickers «t Co. Several business changes are to oc¬ cur in the village soon. We will give an account of the con¬ vention in Thomson next week. l’rof. T. L. Chapman, of White Plains, was in the city Saturday. Hon. Milton Reese, of H'ashingtor, came over on a business trip Monday. Read Kimbrough, Dickies & Co’s “ad” if you are looking for bargains. Judge E. M. Anthony is over writ¬ ing up insurance for our young men this week. Prof. Cox of the LaCrange Female College stopped over in the village Wednesday. Mr. John F. Thompson and wife, of Augusta, are visiting Mr. W J.JMor ton’s family. We will save you money and sell you reliable goods, Kimbrougn. Bickers <fr Co. A large delegation from here attend¬ ed the congressiona! convention in Thomson Tuesday. II. Leary, formerly of this state,now ot Alabama was visiting friends in tlie city this week. Tlie liest 50c unlaiindried shirts to he found anywhere is at Kimbrough, Dickers A Co. Messrs. Chas. Reid and iV. C An* drew* attended the. picnic at. Daniel Springs, IFednesday. Miss Mary Jennings an attractive young lady of Talladegi, Ala., is visit¬ ing relatives In the city. Send ns an older for a pair ot three silk gloves at 15c a pair. Kimbrough, Bicktrs & Co. Our county has .he finest c'.rn cop that it has had tor years. Prospects are good for a fine cotton crop. Mr. Jesse McDonald is in Thomson this week. Esper J/o Donald has charge of the Racket Store now. You should see these ribbons we are selling for 2J and 15c a yard, til y have tieen going fast. Kimbrough, Dickers <fc Co. Mr. tV. C. Rhodes kindly remember¬ ed us with a fine w atei melon this week. He has our sincere thanks. Miss Roxie Andrews and her friend Miss Ruth Holcombe of Atlanta, spent Momliy with Mrs. M. ’/.. Andrews. Mr. Jack Reid arid lady who have been visiting Iriends and relatives here returned to their home in MouUuma, Tuesday last. In inter to Introduce Chamberlin’s Cough Remedy here we. s. Id several dozen bottles on stiiel guarantee ana have lound every bottle did good nervin'. iVe have used it overselves and think it supeilortu any oltier- W. 1. Mnwrey, Jarvi-vllle, tV, Va. For rale by Dr. It. J. lie id, Drvggists. Miss IVml Rogers, n beuut.iful. and attrvetive young lady of Warrenton, is the guest of Miss Roxie Andrews e.r »ioi„en. J/)ST A ladies open face silver watch, with black cord attached. Fins uer wi)) please Jea/e name at Andrews, Gee & Oo’s. store. Dr. Will Harris Ii llsd bis regular appointment here this week. He has only one more time to come. Have vour dentil work done n ivy. Mv hoy wa* taken with a disease r#^»cn» thing blood flux 'l’he fir. t thing 1 thought ol wah <J)ami>eiir.ii.’h Ooiic, Cl o eia anU DiurD oea Itcmedy. Two donca of if a®t** tied the matter and eni-pd oim sound and well ] ii. a itily recommend this remedy plainr’rVilTansw^ garbing when ‘any* ii.nhise.l. ■‘ini^iriesTe': I refer it -tan.p ts to any county official a- to my reliability Win, Roach, J. I’., I’riinioy, (/iviiintieil Co., Teiin. For Hale h> Dr. K. J Di i ggi-ts. Dr. Will //..rnrnack hading fr irn Lon don, stopp'd over to see Ins pare.rts here last Sunday. Mr. II am mack joyed bis trip to the Old World veiy much. Fro'. ./. R. Anthony and family left foi So itlij Georgia Tuetnlay. (,’apt. Anthony is a splendid teacher and we regret very much to see In... leave our community. The up passenger wa* delayed last Tuesday by a wreck aMJrovetown. A flat car load'd with granite broke into and '» sed quite a lot ot t on hie to clearthe track tor the regular i.asse.i per train. None of the freight s crew were hurt. When movi g into o..r pr.-ent home I fbun-ia v.ttle oj Me-mia.rin’s l’.iiu Balm tell iv a ton rer tei *tit On the iaia l I found thr -f a temerit that it was gissi for cut* and burns. J e»n testify to the truth of ttiis. Nothing in alt tre.’iing my experi.-uc- has found its eo.m! tor bl.-te,, « r tmrii-. F. ri. ISairett, manager Fain Ie.-nieur Si-sitin** , Lt^Sucur, Minn Balm is ai-o a cine b-r rheumatism. For sale by r. it. J, Reid Druggists. 1 Miss Kmnia Lew Murphy is on a visit, to Augusta. She will, probably, not visit Rut lei’ge again thisseaso,: but w ill join hef father's fanailv at old 1 lib¬ erty Hall, Srawfordville, where they go to take Charge of the Stephen’s High ScliooVThis fall. Too much can¬ ! not be said .titThe tt» praise of this family as ] instructors school room and as good citizen^. Miss Emma Leo is one of the loveliest and most accomplished young ladies that ever lived in our town. As s^tnusie teacher has lias no superior. Every one that liecomes a is quuinted with her loved her. All of tier ways a.e winning and nleasrnt, aim thal Sweet, gentle disposition whici, R |ie s' ' irmingly possesses, will e Ver ik like r object of praise M ,-r s', -Madison M.idiso nian. | Kenneth Ujireinure had the good fortune to receive a jjiiall buttle of Chamberlain's Polio, (.'holepfl Infs and Diarhoen Remedy when time mem of his family were sink with dysentery. This one small bottle oil rod them id I and he had some lett which he gave W. linker, n prominent merchant o.i'la-plaee' laiwiston, N. G . Hint it Cured liim of the same complaint. dhirlmen. When troubled with dysentery, eo'ie or cholera niorliiis, give this remedy a trial and you will bo more than pleased with the reswtt, The praise Unit list uttlly follows its I Jti'odiu'tion and use fas made it very popumi. 25 and Ml cent bottles tor sale liy Di" It. .1. Held, Druggists. A Game Of Hall. A b II was played last Friday at Robinson between that place and Dethaiiy. The score was 26 to 8 in favor of Detheny. Asa ltiiodes and Rnl l Jordan was Bethany’s battery, U'hile Ed Mixon and Marshal Hancock acted in that capacity for Robinson. KiuklertM Arnica Salve. The hast salve i„ the world for Cut" Bruises, Sor3s, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Cores, Smas, Tettei,‘.'tuipped and ill Skin Eruptions, Mauds, Chilblains po«L and siveiy ciirestl’ilus, or no perfect, pay required. satislaetlon It it guarantor refunded. to give or money Price i * (*ouU yvr box. For sale bv Dr .It. o. Reid. Examination On 28th All 1 xauiiiialhiii of applicants for positions in Georgia Normal & Indus¬ trial College at Milledgeville will be held next 'Aiesdny, the 28th, at Craw fordville. i desire to give any young lady or gif' who desires it, an oppor¬ tunity tp bo examined. W.'”. l'l.YNT, C. 8, C. ' - ** <*►.. .* — k Ftfei.j’ Hies'. Itching Itching 1’ilvn SVMi’roMs jMo itiire; Intense and stinging; alljoved nifostat uight: worse by s ;ratch» mg If to continue Illinois,wide 1 ! often bleed qiid iileemte, becoming very sore .SvvIaIne'k (Rnimint stops the telling ami deeding, heals ulceration,i nd n most etAsiki dr removes tlie tumors. A druggist by mail, for eO cent. I)r wayne & (Son, I’ldladelphia. A Good I>uutl«t A gondl dentist is not always to be fount among the number who practice this art.. Those who have had Dr. W, L. Detlli-a. of Greenesboro, work for them -av he is one of the bekf in this Hcction. lie Iiuh had ncveral yearn ex perionck ofa<dual praclicfi and uhch the latest methods in Dentistry. SAVES rUE HA HIES, Mr. .1 f. Me.,\Mister, of Koine, (ia., Hayn. f,a*t June, (ierndtuer sa ed our bahv, P t ot, carried him nafcly through an extieniely had earns of dytwntery and te. thin and from a mere skeleton of skin and hones if Iras wide him great Idg solid < h ink of thirty llillyer, or thirty-five writing pounds Mr , Eatlierlue L. Irom Jon boro, On., says- “I really believe "in ulfcing with cholera infantum." *1, ’i for *5, Cotton Shipped Free. If you wish to ship vour cotton and will aaii at this otlici) w« will mark and ship It provided,you slop t > a iv cotton factor advertised in this paper. Of course we ennotpay freight charges. ll attend . the . unleuc*', . w, to Coirebp etc. etc. TMis will H/ive you lot# of trouble and'a* vv** will MCCCfit no advertise m "» l f "»" “ d "‘ l 0, " H ' >•'" ’ : ' t " feel <a«y as to how your produce will ^ handled, ’ ____ *. The „ PreBB omen , ion, Til* Georgia Weekly J'le-s Assccia tion met at Milledgeville on Monday August the 7th in its 8tli annual s»'s The meeting was large, and the interest taken by the people of Mil ledgevjiie to entertain the crow was truly thalacteristh; of those good peo¬ ple. Oo Monday night, a short session of the Association, ’here was a sumptuous banquet spread in the A'-Tory Hall of the M. G. A. College uniUthig ( lie. grand old state ca| lt d), Eight y*wis ago, when tins Press As soclalmii wa- organ'Z-'l. Ihe etllor ot the Dot'S it at was there and partook one of tee ti ,esi bat qoet* ev-r set in Mil Idle Georgia. The people f Mil Mgeville know how a- d do take good c;irn of tire t guests. Tuesday the As social ton took .id v .1 o '.Ig'* of an . xeur ginn tendered them over tire Middle Georgia ....... * Atlantic to A'Dnta, , , , where . , after anottier meeting '.Velrresilay all excursion was enjoyed to Washington. New York arid points in Virginia. WATSON FOU 10NUKE8S He Was Nominated at The Con¬ vention Tuesday. Last Tuesday in Thomson, Hon. T. E. Watson was nominated by the Peo¬ ples Party to oppose Ma jor lll.u k in the race for congress. resolutions were passed by the body calling for a free ballot and a fair count • •‘pu*. your sholdors to the wheel. l)o all In your power for this camp tign. All sorts of schemes are being patched up liy (lie enemy, and it "ill take all in your power to get a fuw election. Taliaferro Comity. Tlie People’s Party Executive Com¬ mittee of Taliaferro county met at the doiin house in Crawfoidvillo on tlie l.'Uh day of August 18114, funt the fol¬ lowing resolutions wore adopted; Whereas at a mass meeting held in this county on tlie 28tli day of Ap> i 1804, by the Populist a resolution wa introduced and unanimously adopted that iho making of the p oltibilion movement an issue in tlie People’s Par¬ ty, and whereas, this issue lias been sprung and being; used agains; us con trary to the resolution adopted as alore said. Resolved that we hereby condemn tlie schotiic now being forced upon us in this campaign. Rc-olved that Tuesday the 4th day of September next lie appoin'ed the day in nominate a candidate to repre¬ sent Taliaferro comity in the next Leg¬ islature, nnd that the nomination lie. made by primaries held In each militia district. Said primaries to tie superin¬ tend ui by the. district committee's nun returns to the court house the I Hew¬ ing day to he consolidated, and result announced. None hut Populists are to lake part in the said primary flee tion. R. T. Kkndmick, Cfcalt *’«» Deo. H. Mitiuku., Secretary. .fury JilHt. The following Jurors are to serve dur¬ ing the August term: TRAVERSE JURY. Grand Juror-drawn at. the February H P, Iiiitu’-eford term 1801 to serve W .1 Kllinuton Auggust term 'ot. K It TavUn¬ it S Murdeu tV A Carey FIvol .1 N Uhapinan Sami ,1 A J) Kendrick >V II Moore W O Wright w f iiiii M L Mohh IF (! Rhodes \V il .loHes I* U Veaz y It II (iiiriu I * S Rhodes | ./e.Hise Moor« | K II McCauley |{ It Ithodes .1 M I aery It Siunnoim I .111 .faek-on K W Kvan** J ,4 Aiklns .1 < : Unfllth J W Anbury .1 'i’ Moore VV iJImiiii l’nsn | .1 ,) It II Ogletree «Jo< ger .1 GIC fin urifh.h A < ii 'I well Kihiik I'd ling ton • • co ’V Kd wai ds ,j„ > yj Kendrick ' ; Jno '1' vV rigid. p k Kendriek jhililH.I .lohllHOtl \ \ i i,.,neiitH <> l> Moore y t |> HrUAiiy I) A Moire i n j. c rtn .y !J Ik M--Lord A Evans It I j Kendrick I* L Ed ward** j \V O Holden (' (' < /.nd well K i* l>u i (leu 1 D A Sa<;gii** 1 John Uni ke hXIrX W l< iiid.op "* 11 " 11,11 ■ W T f 'iiHpmuii J I’ Modi * DA Moore j no W 1C Vvuil J A K»*h<liiek VV M Parker E ll<)gl**ti«•« Jus K tzliHpmvm I ,Nf E Moore H K Tajlm W If U agby 1 H II Kho'! s l is Ftynt j 11 i j R vu . ony i : hcliool Noliiti*. Hernemh* r that our school will open ^ liri ' M ,,!,| ‘ v " , X ' ,W, "' U ' “ , " 1 don’t tail to have vour children in at t ndance the first day. Don't wait to Confer wit h the Pimcipal, , , Inn send y.,m children along and make your special aiiangements afterwards. An education is your child’s birthright,and j, is a dent you cannot neglect to dis charge without extreme guilt to your h*‘I f. Ttiisi is an rt^e of pr igiP iHion and what did for you will not do for your cfuldmi. Lei us ail uy to do mom for i our children than we ever riad done for us; and don’t forgot that ihe school will i>e just what you try to ■lake tt G v - the iVincif/aJ your palron.i^#-, youi fi lei.dsiiip. and your kindly co¬ operation and fie will vou ihe b#-*t : Wi liool in this part of ihe state, hut if you withhold it. ali hib effort* to budd ! up tlie Hch(#oi will tte thrown aw.»y. ) A gtutd music cl \M in desired, and don’t fail to patronize the music de~ , provided by the school. ’’Muiic, O liow faint, how wc#tk! Imuih u il»* fatten lx fore thy ^p * il f . Why should f. ciiiiL' ever *\H:,tk, Wiicii tf» ».i c«i»»t liffitlKs h» r hou! wcli.” And now i**t*A all ro*k^ a ®tpull for the mho il. The People’s Advocate, Established 1892. The Crawfonlville Democrat, Estab¬ lished 1876. Consolidated Oct. 6, 189;). CUT KATES Prevail on our entire stock of SUMMER M SHOEvS. This embraces every Shoe in the Store, Lillies’, Misses’ and Children's, Men s a id lliys’ Finest and most Stylish Foot wear at manufacturer's cost, to close out. A. CXj 33 A]V SJ'VtnEUSIF*, Mai orders sulicted and attended toproirpPy. We pre pa)’ Express charges during August. f-- ■ ■ Vv FOOT COVERERS TO ALL MANKIND. *27 Whitehall St. Atlanta, (»a. Karnott Kipplrs. Uy Jack Sprat. Nice seasons. </iitt.on op,-II Hi;. Farmers are busy putting fodder. <»Oud crops lire reported from every see s t ton. Throi cheers for the mail that don't Want office. A s.nnll si |i|iiy of cheers will go m ound. The harvest,I iiii ot the cotton crop will soon lie in progress, l’reity imr crops but low prices. Mr. Jacob Rocker and wife, of Nor¬ wood, spent last Saturday and Sunday with friends and relatives In tills section. atAHHIi'ii On t.lie ]d|ll lust at, H o'clock p. III., at I,lie residence of tlie tiiTdi’a pa rents, Miss Kvn Allen ami Mr,,Lee Hill, hoi lint Taliaferro county. J VV. Turner J I’, nth .luting. We extend to the happy '■oiiole lit? hearty eiiiivfatuhWmns. avid hope Id re 1 1 uuiy t»» 7>ne i» / Tf ippufeast ifinj the darkest and m.wt trying ordeals whleli tin y limy have to pass he as Ihe fleeting crowd before the glittering gun Miss Bvm.ic's Death Again husdeuth visited our I mnlet and claimed for Its vie Min. MIss ClaudIc L. Halil*. For lime past she has been In low health and hardly expected to ever lully recover, but no O' e per haps thought the end so near. She Wft J , ho w<*, '.itvc been intermeil a grunt MiifTorai from arttlimn. The iiiessen get of deat h eame AugiHl, I »t,|i at 2 o’clock |>. hi. felio was junt entering t,li<* |nline ot life. *>uly about thirty y«irH old. II r ru uiaiiiH were laid to n -t hestde her niothei and I at her at t tie M, K. < emi-tary at thin p!a<c I * e v. Mr, Ilili Kpiseopal MinlHter, ol Atlanta, eoiidue,ted the fiiuoial exer else* after the ctMtoiu of the FpiHe.opal / hiiich ol Which file deceased w.*s a un til her. Kif.rm. On Inst 'ITiiiihD*? y the Idfh t he looming f.iht tniiii killed InutauMy Mutile Hurley D*ol) wt the old Double YVelU cro*’.ing one mile and n »| ou ter he. low Hut nett. Kev Handy Fuller, col and the it hove worn it n were hi it buggy htuelU ei going to Harnett to lake the train for Thomson to attend tlie AHHOciatioii. When they reached the eroHHing above mention they failed to hear the approueiimg train until they were on the track and the fant I j itin wan in 2 » yardn ef the < ro*>Ming. 7’hv woman the t nin, became fright4M»" ed and jump<Mi hack war .h out of the hug gy and fell oil the traerf, before «ho ea^uld move thv engine struck her and ahe waa e. t tuii <l oil the front for notue di fauee he* tote thrown off. 'I'he buggy and tlioHN* that remained in : t encapod unhurt, but barely ho. air A N IF. D two .net gel ie. haul work mg \\ men i ore J and f«, * f he .*Sn»g‘ , i M.mufiiDiiiimg Co , in Gi.iwfordviilp mid 'I .ttinieint t ouiily, excellent oppo Hut ity for the right men. Addrc-,* at o me The ,M»ig*‘i M f'g. J. Hoy .Smiud' rn, Din** trict Aucn*, W.i hlLgloii, Da. Hex •'*». ' I’o Met ! In Crawlonlvill#*. From the llsity I’ress. Tho ilelegiilcs of tlie NTiiet'-entli H.-ii. dinlrict are requesie I to meel in Grfiwf<»rdvill<i «in .S(*pt<*riil#(;r 4:b, tor Ihi: jnirpone noniimuin^ a xctaiior. K. D. N ash. V. .\f. If IfJe, Secretary. l h, Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fai«. D-PRICE S ' t ©gra i j — The only 1'ure C-tam of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum. -1 Used La Millious of Homes —40 Years tie Standard NO 46. Sharon items. By lie mii.ity School commenced here on the 21st. Abort liarnett has been spending several days with his folks at Ray¬ town. Mis. IF. O. Davidson and Mis. Belle Welseger, of Augusta, are visiting Dr. Davidson’s family. Miss Maggie Boullnean, of Cl arles ton, ,S. C., is spending some weeks at Mis- K te llartys. Pnd. E. It. Moore Is principal of the school and we hope the fall term will lie largely attended. Mr. It. T Derthumc and Miss Jylu Moore, of MjlleugeviHe, are visiUiig re latives liere this Week. | Rev. F. T. SiiiipaOn (019 lieen coil dpuling a si;i les of am vices at the Pn s- f* byt* ri.i n »fim»h "tf« The rna'slial, Mr. Gilbert has Just (flushed repairing the streets, leaving * them in excellent condition. Sharon's society has linen elated this the presence of not a (< w ehai ining visiting young ladles. ,\|iss Kate Drown, a very estimable y„ m ,g lady of HutTsboro, Alabama, is Visit ing icl.iiivi . iii mil corrmumty. Misb Maggie Funk returiied t‘> tier liotiiH Iii /Itigusfa, last week alter s< v eral weeks slay with her sister Mrs. iV. P ujKotm, A party of young ladle- and gents attended an ice cream festival at Mr. and Mis. In i. M. stones’, Raytown 1’iiisday evening. MShhcs lit'HHie li«ar>l, Janie HeiJ and Kaiinie IteynoIdH who ipent several d.,v» in our town, and for whom Mih^ excellent enteituinment was given at Mr. J. a. Kendrick 'h la.Ht wtek, ti»at all Mie young |H* >ple enjoyed so ill<• Ii Hit for theii horneH Saturday. hois From Uoiii'h. Augud meeting cloaei) Sunday. Miss Nancy SIhhoii of n ?ar Spaita is visiting relatives at this place. The Annual m et ng began at Pli Uip< M ills Kfklay heloie the t» *eo :d Sure ay. *Ve were greatly shocked with the death <»f Mr. \V (J. Armor, who had he# u ill t »r / a few days . (i We ;iufl< Jp ite a good iefre»liJug **h f >wt r as We expect H other W r itkli« .on from Au¬ gust a an In* is si guod worker. Owing tothu ii.elemern'y of the weather some hoy was dit.ippocited in carrying his girl to church Don’t get disheaiteucd my fin ,m you can see h**r again. 4 Ready For Buaineas. Mi C tl GotuekH aiinonuces that tel will run hi-gill tills fall, lie will be pre pared to furnish you with bagging and ties, and deliver you c .ttou at the ui free..! charge. Ilis ii.acliiii.'ry is the Iwat and you are certain of gettiug a goo I sainule. Give him u (rial.