Newspaper Page Text
Victoria sends dairy products to In
Ostrich farms return handsome prof
Sugar as a food produces fat and
White huckleberries grow in Con¬
Haydn had a scolding wife. He was
finally compelled to leave her in order
to secure a little peace.
The world’s total gold yield last year
was $26,288,600, an increase of about
$2,500,000 over the previous year.
“How Did My Heart Rejoice to
Hear” was written by Watts. It was
formerly entitled “Going to Church.”
“The Lord My Pasture Shall Pre¬
pare” was written by Joseph Addison,
and was first printed in the Spectator
in 1712.
Man has never seen the inside of
some of the Egyptian pyramids since
they were first built* so far as known.
There are in the Uuited States 37,-
129,564 single persons; 22,331,454
married; 2,970,052 widowed and 120,
996 divorced.
A Greek phalanx on the march de¬
ployed its ranks six feet apart, in the
charge, three feet; resisting a charge,
one and one-half feet.
A bronze plate has been set in the
rose quartz bowlder that marks the
grave of Poet Emerson, in Sleepy Hol
lew cemetery, Concord.
Recent figures show that the total
value of the matches made and con¬
sumed each year throughout the world
is but little short of $200,000,000.
A dispatch from Hong Kong, China,
says that an official report issued there
gives the number of persons who died
from the plague in the Canton districts
us 120 , 000 .
Colonel Bennett II. Young has been
exploring the Indian mounds in the
neighborhood of Louisville, and found
many interesting relics of moro than
1,000 years ago. Skeletons found in¬
dicate that the red men of that day
averaged over seven feet in height.
Travcllng Advertisements.
“The sun do move.” So does adver¬
tising; it moves the busiuess World.
The latest device for advertising pur¬
poses was recently patented, It is an
ordinary pneumatic tired safety bicy¬
cle with its rear wheel utilized as a
printing press. A 11 ink well and ft
transfer roller located so rs to infringe
at the will of the rider, on the printing
wheel, gives life to the typo and tho
consequent impression oft repeated on
the side-walk, gives the pedestrian ad¬
vice as to where to make his purchases.
A Novelty Safety Boiler.
A French engineer, M. Chatenel,
Las invented a safety boiler of a novel
character. The boiler consists of a
nest of horizontal tubes placed over
the furnace. Into this nest water is
injected in the form of a spray, under
which conditions it is instantaneously
evaporated and superheated. “Solid”
water is never admitted to the tubes.
The evaporative power of tho boiler is
remarkable, and the tubes do not burn
out.— Engineer.
Lively a Trout
Is the individual who after a luttg elugo finds
himself liberated from the close blockade of
tho enemy, eonMipq.t- f on. Many persons of a
bilious habit are troubled with constriction of
the bowels. ’They always find relief, and that
speedily, without griping or trouble Bitt of any
sort, from I lost utters Stomach rs, a
remedy al-o for ma'arial, dyspeptic, rheu¬
matic or kidney affections.
tioa Young man, it add is a serious mistake bad in habits. a«ldi
whoa you to your vices or
Dr. Kilmer’s Sw amp- Root cures
all Pamphlet Kidney and and Consultation Bladder troubles. five.
Laboratory Binghamton, N. Y.
An education that m-kes one ’ess useful to
his fellow men is a sper ies of vice.
Pure and Wholesome ({unlii;
Commends to public approval the California
liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs. It is
pleasant to the taste and by acting gently on
the kidney-, liver and bowels to cleanse tho
systom effectually, it promotes the health and
comfort of till who use it, and with millions it
h* the hSat and only remedy.
A path can bo found that leads to trull) and
happiness, and a big road to ruin anddesp <ir.
I)r. Hawthorne 9 * Experience.
“The constant use of King’s Royal Germe
tuer for four monlhs cured me of a distress¬
ing catarrhal trouble which began more than
thirty years ago.”—J.B. Hawthorne, Atlanta,
Oa., July23, 1894.
$1.00; G for $5. By Express post! aid. King’s
Royal Gcrmenier Co., Atlanta, G.i.
$100 Reward. 8100.
learn The that readers there of is this at paper h ast one will dreaded be pleased diseaso to
that seieii"" has been able to cure in all its
stages, and that i.“ catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is the onlv positive cure now known to
the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con¬
stitutional disease, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall’s C atarrh Cure is taken in¬
ternally, acting directly upon the blood ana
mucous surfaces of the system, thereby de¬
stroying the foundation of the disease, and
giving (lie patient strength by building in doing up the ita
constitution and assisting nature much faith in
work. The proprietors have so Hun¬
Its curative powers that they offer One
dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials. Address
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
I3T* Sold by Druggists, 75e.
The* B<s.t >fn» Wanted.
“Yes, we want tlie strongest and test men
among the readers of your pap r to represent.
v, 11 inthvir re* pi ctive lc> alities,either devoting
an or any part of their time to our bun oeSH.
Men and women who stand well are offered
exceptional opportunities :or & profitable Co.. Kichmontl, work.
That i* what ii. T. John-on advertisement.
Va., Buy in reference to tlx ir
Attention, Tonrftit.
The rno-t pleasant an I cheapest way to
rfcvh Ho*ton, N*-w York, ami the Last is '
Contra! K iilroaffand Ocean Steam-hip tom
p.nv. T i- ’n‘c is $42.30 for the round trip,
$24.00 straight. Ticket- include meals and
stateroom. Tables supplied with all the deli¬
cacies of the season. For informa ion call on
or address any agent of Central K. K.
Do *, ou desire a clerkship in the city or with
a railroad? If so s^nd ns tout nem-. ntate
quaiirh a tions. Yt : find firnationa for both
iadies and gentlemen. Address Bnsiners,
v- r.n\li, Gv.
Weak and Weary
Overcome by the heat or extraordinary exer¬
tion. the physical system, like a machine,
needs to be r novate I an4 repaired. invigorated The
Wood needs to be purified and
Hood's Sarsa¬ parilla
and the nerve, an t X V
la. w ‘nn WhA
v « t hat tired feeffng and
app-t ftcucd. r**i r obing
^IV t. __
Hood’s PHIS care aH Urer Ul*.
Short and Crisp Items of General
Interest to Our Readers.
The big strike of the miners at
Spring Valley, Ill., has ended by an
■agreement between the coal company
aml tho strikers as to terms. The
men will resume work at Dice.
A Washington special of Saturday
says: The gold reserve has increased
by $332,959, bringing it up to $53,-
112,902, the highest it has been since
August 3d, A steady gain has been in
progress since August 8th.
fourth Congressman Isador Raynor, of the
Maryland district, whoso re
nomination has been unanimously con¬
ceded, has formally withdrawn from
the canvass and announced himself as
a candidate for the gubernatorial nom¬
It is rumored and generally believed
in Clinton, Mass., that the Lancaster
mills, employing between 3,000 4,000
hands, ami one of tho largest gingham
mills in the world, is to inaugurate a
general cut down of 10 per cent on
September 1.
A Sau Francisco dispatch says: Up
to Thursday evening the gunboat Ben¬
nington has remained outside tho har¬
bor, and no action had been takSu By
federal officials as to the disposition of
General Ey.eta and his three compan¬
Kentucky, Congressman J. B. MeOefd-y, of
is out it*, ft letter to a prom¬
inent democrat announcing him¬
self &s a candidate for United States
senator. Senator Blackburn will stand
for re-election and Governor Brawn is
also a candidate.
Passenger Atlantic train No. 2, going west,
on the and Pacific railroad,
w as wrecked by a wash wit at Cubero,
X. M., Thursday morning. Tho en¬
gine fireman, was ditched. .Tames Norton, the
was killed, and William Nor¬
ris, the engineer, was dangerously in¬
jured. Ho far as known no passengers
Wefe injured.
The Italian cabinet has passed reso¬
lutions to grant an amnesty to all per¬
sons sentenced to imprisonment for
one year or less on account of their
activity Massa in the revolts iu Sicily and
tli Carrara last winter. Persons
sentenced to imprisonment for three
years or will more liavo for taking part in either
revolt, their terms reduced
by one year each.
Four fresh eases of Cholera were
reported in East Prussia Thursday.
One bargeman died. Another patient
is a Uhlan trooper. Several cases of
cholera and two deaths are reported
from the district of Koloman. The
water of of the river Netze is said to
be infected. There have been no fresh
cases at Cologne. An examination of
the water of the Rhine showed no Bigu
of infection.
The Japanese legation at London hns
not reqeiyed any news from Japan
tending to confirm tho report that an
imperial decree has been issued author¬
izing the raising of a Japanese loan of
$50,000,000. It was stated at the
legation that in the event of a loan be¬
ing required it would bo entirely
raised in Japan ; that it would not bo
placed upon any of the European mar¬
The Idaho democratic convention, in
session at Boise City, made the fol¬
lowing nominations: For governor,
ex-Governor E. F. Stevenson; for
congress, James Ballantine; for lien
tenant governor, John I!. Thatcher;
for treasurer, James If. Iiush; for
auditor, James Stoddard; for supreme
judge, J. C. Elder. Throe places—
secretary of state, attorney general and
superintendent of public instruction,
were left vacant.
The full rigged ship, General Knox,
of Boston, loaded with a full cargo of
general merchandise, including mostly
inflammable materials, was burned al¬
most to the water’s edge at her dock,
at New York, early Saturday morning.
The loss is expected to reach $200,000.
A large part of the cargo was case oil.
Ten engines and two harbor fire boats
(equal to five engines each), could
make no impression on the fire, until
nothing remained but the charred
An investigation into the manage¬
ment of the Cbilds-Drexel I nion Print¬
ers* home in Colorado Springs. Col.,
is being conducted by the visUiug
committee. An inmate notified Super¬
intendent Schumann of charges of con¬
spiracy with threats of ill treatment.
The notification thus filed was Hi nt by
Mr. Schumann to President Prescott,
of the International Typographical
Union, at Indianapolis, Ind., demand¬
ing and investigation, which was at
once instituted.
The recent shipment of Texas cattle
into Linn anil Anderson counties,
Kansas, and the discovery that they
were infected with Texas fever is caus
iug much feat among the steel: men of
eastern Kansas. The infected cattle
were shipped in Bv the Missouri, K inl¬
-o- and Texas Railroad Company. The
attorney general, in directing the at
torneys of those counties to investigate
and Bring suits, says the prosecution
should Be filed against the men who
shipped them in and not against the
railroad company.
Fall River, Mass., was in a whirl of
excitement Friday on account of the
meetings of the'two strongest labor
unions to determine what action should
be taken Monday morning when the
cutdown in wage was to go into ef
feet. By a vot of 750 to 450 the
weavers decided to take a vacation of
four weeks, By a vote of 409 to 300
the spinners' union voted to accept the
reduction under protest and to lend
every possible assistance to their
bretLren in New Bedford who recently
voted to strike.
104 imprisoned Coxeyites, it was
agreed that the governor should par
don all except Christopher Columbus
Jone** and “Marshall’ McKee, who
will be held for the purpose of testing
the right of take the
“array"’ from their encami'n)* nt and
imprison them without trial. Jones
and McKee refused to accept the par-
don offered by the governor condi¬
tioned upon their leaving the state.
The report of the Louisville and
Nashville Railroad company for the
year ending $18*974,337, June 3Uth shows gross
$8,469,302; earnings of a decrease of
expenses, $11*863,787, a
decrease of $'.’,518,858: net earnings,
$7,110,552, a dee tease of $010,444; to¬
tal fixed charges* $5*665,636, an in¬
crease Of $174,840; loss on other
roads, $104,713, a decrease of $259,
045, and surplus, $1,552,491; a de¬
crease of $970,068: The surplus is
accounted for By the fact that the
company paid no dividends in 1891.
A Brief Summary of Daily Happen¬
ings Throughout the World.
At Bergen Point,X. J.,Carr A Hob¬
son, limited, Company’s agricultural
implement factory was burned Monday
morning. Loss $250,000,
Governor Atgold* of Illinois, has re¬
ceived a letter from tho committee of
the Pullman citizens asking assistance
in feeding 1,600 families who are tiu
able to get work there. The Pullman
company* it is alleged, is importing
men from all over the country, and
turning many old hands out on tho
The TefiucSsee River, Asheville and
Coosa railroad was sold at auction at
Birmingham, Ala., for $14,000. Tho
road was bid in by James Little for J.
E. Zitnts, trustee for the bondholders.
The line distance runs from Whitney to Ashe¬
ville* iniles. ft of four and a half
Tho road will now be com¬
pleted from Asheville to Anderson.
The populists of tho city of New
York have determined to nominate
their own City and County ticket and
have asked organized labor to enter the
ft fill of politics and unite forces under
their standard. The populists of the
state will also hold a convention and
put a state ticket in the field, The
state convention has been called to
meet in Saratoga, September 11th.
A special from Acosta, Washington,
says that Saturday morning, while
making a landing through the surf at
Joe creek, fifteen miles north of
Cray's Harbor, the whale boat and
crew of nine men of the United States
coast survey steamer McArthur, was
capsized and five men are missing. At
present the full particulars cannot bo
ascertained owing to the difficulty of
getting news from the locality.
The three vacancies in the grades of
assistant paymaster in the navy were
filled Monday morning by appoint¬
ments, which tho president signed at
Gray Gables on Saturday. Tho fortu¬
nate young men are Morton Ramsay,
son of Admiral Ramsay, lit present Rod¬
acting secretary of tho navy; Guy
gers, eon of Captain Alexander Rod¬
gers, of tho army, and grandson of
the late Admiral Rodgers, and Joe
Johnston Cheatham, of Tennessee.
The quarterly dividends paid the
stockholders in the mills in Fall River,
Mass., did not average quite 1] per
cent the hint three months. Returns
show a decrease of #40,650 in the last
quarter. Seven corporations liavo
passed dividends and between seven
and eleven paid dividends from sur¬ the
plus accounts rather than Irotix
earnings of tho past nine months.
Many of the mills arc taking advan¬
tage of tho easy money market to re¬
new the machinery and motive plants.
Christopher Columbus Jones arid
Marshal IMcKeo were released from tlio of correction at Baltimore, Mon¬
day, through Governor Brown's par¬
don. These men were in charge of
Coxey’s forces at llyattsvillo when the
raid was made by the Baltimore police,
and were with others sentenced to
three months for vagrancy. Jones and
McKee intended to light the govern¬
ment in the courts, but later decided
to accept their unconditional pardons
and left for llyattsville to wind up
Coxey’s camp. The remaining Coxey
ites will lie pardoned and sent out of
the state in a day or two.
IbIcvcm I'liousaixl Idle at New lied
ford, Ma ssae U usetts.
Monday morning the cotton opera¬
tives of New lied ford, Mass., inaugu¬
rated their general strike and nearly
11,000 aro idle. The machinery of but
five of the twenty-seven mills in the
city will be shut down with the others.
The manufacturers have nothing to
B!, y. but the notices of reduction
ugaimT which help rebel are still
The strike promises to be the moat
important that ever occurred in the
textile industry in MafiHachuBetts. The
manufacturerH must fight perfectly or¬
ganized unioiia, some of which are
fairly wealthy. Notable in thin par¬
ticular in the Spinners’ Union, which
ban a fund in its treasury aggregating
at least 830,000. The spinners liavo
voted, however, not to touch any of
this money for a month.
The executive committee of the Na
tional Kpiniji rs’ Union met at Boston,
and it was the sentiment of the meet
ing that the action of the New Bed
ford spinners in striking was just, ns
was also that of Fall River spinners in
voting to accept a reduction and sup
port them. It whh voted to assess all
spinners in the country 50 cents a
week for three weeks, and at the end
of that time, if a settlement was not
reached, to call a convention of mule
spinners in Boston.
WHI-.N It w IIX 1 AKB t-1 T M I.
| Importers Get Information from tlie
j Treasury Department.
A Washington special says: Doubt
still exists in the minds of many im
| fifi sessmeat of duty on
j [ * nntil effective, after but the bill not has formally become a law. t i
I I: ‘ reference to this confusion it is ex
plained at the treasury department
j that the bill will not go into effect uu
t;i the y after the president s siguw*
i ture is affixed or the law becomes op
| * rative davs’ through limit. the expiration of
i> \lLv PROt'EPlllSftiS OF BOTH
What Our National Law-Makers are
Doing for the Country.
The first item of busiuess in the
house Wednesday, after the reading of
the journal, was the announcement by
the speaker that the committee on en¬
rolled bills had reported that the
amended tariff bill bad been properly signed
enrolled and that it had boon
by the speaker. Several private dozen meas¬ in¬
ures were passed and absence half a granted
definite leaves of
to members, all on account of
"sickness" in the family* Mr.
Black, democrat, of Illinois, asked
unanimous consent for the considera¬
tion of the following resolutions:
“Whereas, the balance of available
gold in the United States treasury reduced, on
August 1, 1894.-—inid been
despite the sale of $50,000,000 of gold
bonds, to the sum of $54,975,007, and
whereas, there is in the treasury, uu
used and available, an amount of silver
equal to $513,880,082 American stand¬
ard coin and value; and whereas, the
income of the Unity*’ States does not
now bo equal its expcnjltiftos; therefore,
it resolved, that tile committee on
coinage, weights and measures lie direct¬
ed to at once report til the house for its
consideration a bill providing for tho
proper nso and aVai; of the said sil¬
ver.” The resolutions were referred.
The second morning <>tt4- hour was given to
the committee the judiciary.
Chairman Culberson called up the bill
to make any contract hereafter made
for tile payment of money in gold, sil¬
ver or coin, payable in any legal ten¬
der of the United States. Considera¬
tion of the biH was interrupted by the
confercence report on tho sundry
civil bill. An agreement was reported,
Among tile disputed items tho ap
propriatlon of $105,000 for the fami¬
lies of the twenty-one killed at the
Ford's theater disaster was stricken
out and a commission appointed to in¬
vestigate and report upon their claims.
The appropriation of $25,000 for a
quarantine station at Mouth Port, X.
C., was retained. The appropriation
for the purchase of the Mahone lot as
a site for the government printing of¬
fice, was stricken out. The appropri¬
ation of $200,000 for the Cotton
Hfates and International exposition, at
Atlanta, was retained. The confer¬
ence report was agreed to. Mr. May¬
ers presented the conference report oil
tho general showed deficiency appropriation
bill, which nil agreement appropriation upon
all points, except the
of $1,809,539 to pay Pacific railroad
judgments. Without that the agreed
bill carries a total*.of $6,202,903.
Tho Pacific railroad item gave rise to
a discussion which was not codeluded
when the house adjourned.
As a number leaves of absonco were
grouted to members and the attend¬
ance upon the house Thursday showed
the general departure of representa¬
tives from the city only a small bit of
routino business was transacted and
then the conference* L ert on the gen¬
eral deficiency appropriation bill was
discussion laid before the is that body.] appropriating The item under $1,
000,000 to pay a judgment in favor of
tho Southern Pacific railroad company
for transportation of troops, mails and
merchandise for tho United Htates.
Two hours and a half are accorded for
discussion, when a vote will be taken.
Thero was hardly a quorum of tho
house of representatives left in Wash¬
ington for Friday's session, as and the
members are anxious to get away
are leaving on every train. Mr. Reed
will see the session through. Messrs.
Payne, of New York, Cogswell, Mass.,
and Cannon, of Illinois, will also re¬
main to submit some republican fig¬
ures on the appropriations and some
observations on the tariff. Most of
the democratic loaders are remaining
in order to make a quorum in case of
an on tariff.
Less than fifty members were Mon- pres¬
ent. when the house met at noon
(.liy. Thero were the usual indica
tions that congress was on the eve of
adjournment. Members were crowd¬
ing eagerly about the arena in front of
the speaker’s desk with requests for a
unanimous consent for passage of hills
of local intercut to than. Mr. May¬
ers, chairman of tho appropriations
committee, secured unanimous con¬
sent for the coushleratiou of a bill ap¬
propriating $9,0()iQf for an additional
force for collection of internal rove
nuo and $5,000 for carrying into effect
the arbitrations convention between
the United States aud Venezuela, sign
ed at Caracas iicJanuary last, ft was
passed without objection. 'The house
then adjourned at 12:50 until Tuesday.
During the routine morning busi¬
ness in the senate Wednesday the chief
clerk of the house delivered a message
from the house'notifying the senate of
the discharge of tb“ house conferees
on tho tariff bill, and of the fact that
the house hud receded from its
disagreement to tho senate amend¬
ments, and further that he (the
clerk) had been directed to re¬
sent to the senate for the ig*
nature of its president, the enrolled
tariff bill. Within a tnw minutes ul
terwards the vice president announced
that he had signed the tariff Bill. -Mr.
q ua y gave notice that he would offer,
UH U11 amendment to each of the four
putting sugar, coal, iron ore
tj,e barbed wire on the free list,
McKinley tariff Bill. Mr. Rut
j,. r offered u resolution which was
referred, instructing the committ* tj!l
interstate commerce to inquire and r<
port as to (he freight and pa-- enger
charges, differential, etc., of the r-outh
cm Hteamship and Railway awwi'-ia
tions. At the request of Mr. Har
ri8, each of the four house
| ) j[| s ftH p, sugar, coal, iron ore
ari q )^ r hed wire was taken np and re
ce j ve ,i its second reading. The for
ss aceon “1 jpjighed, it Mr.
dwra my
duty to swbmit to the senate a corn
miction from the secretary of th
treasury as to what effect the
of tliC putting sugar, coal
ari ,j ) M rh>d wire on the free list w<
have on tlm revenues r*f the gov* rum nt
The letter* as read from thecler*. 1
The sen*ta at Thursday’s i- and
passed the bill for the exclusion
mitteo uu a like bill heretofore passed.
In the senate, Friday, Mr. Harris
offered a tosoltitiou that the vacancy
in the finaiie'o coiiiiiiitteo bo filled l»y
the selection of White, of California.
Some objection was made, atnl after a
spirited dis ussiou the resolution went
over until Saturday. Mr. Harris then
offered a resolution, which also went
over, flint tlit-ro shall he no further
tariff legislation this session.
In the senate, Saturday, the resolu¬
tion of Mr. Harris, providing for the
appointment of Senator White as a
member of the finance committee in
place of Senator Vance, deceased, was
laid before tho senate and agreed to
without a division. Mr. Murphy’s judg¬ res¬
olution, declaring it to be the
ment of the senate in view of Harris, Secretary
Carlisle's letter to Senator ns
to the effect upon the revenues of the
passage of a free sugar bill, that no
further tariff legislation should be
passed at this Session of congress, was
then laid before the senate. At tho
request of 51 r. Gorman* however, it
was passed over temporarily. Harris,
In the senate, Monday, Mr.
from tho finance committee, reported
back to the senate the sugar bill
amended so as to provide a duty of
forty per cent fiat on all sugars. The
committee did not report hack any of
the amendments alld several senators
who had previously given notice notably of
nmondinoutH reserved them,
Mr. Quay, who brought forward his
McKinley act entire as an amendment,
and Mr. Mitchell, of Oregon, who pro¬
posed the McKinley duty on the free
coal bill was reported back amended
HO MS to provide for reciprocal
free coal. The iron ore bill was re¬
ported back without amendment.
The barbed wire fencing bill was
amended so as to make barbed wire
free, tho house making free only tho
material from which it was made. The
Semite agreed that when it adjourned
it would be until Wednesday. i’ho
finance committee decided to re
port these bills at a meeting Monday
morning by a strict party vote, Mr.
White (democrat, California,) acting
with tho committee for the first time.
The bill went to tho calendar and can
now bo called up by a majority vote
And I'rosoiiMiig ait lOpltomo of tlio
South’s Progress and Prosperity.
A special from Knoxville, Tonn.,
says; Tho Halo of tho Louisvillo
Southern railway to tlm Southern
Railway Company for # 1 , 000,000 was
confirmed at Tato Spring Saturday by
Judge il. II. Lurton, of tho United
States circuit court.
Work has been resumed at tho Pratt
mines in Bloc ton, Alabama, giving
8,000 men employment after four
months of idleness on account of the
strike. Tho other mines of the Ten
intssoe coal and railroad complies
will also resume work at ouco.
Tho State National bank, ofVernon,
Texas, has boon closed by Bank Ex¬
aminer Johnson, The exact reason
cannot bo obtained, but it is thought
to bo duo to poor collections and the
payment of bonded indebtedness due
by the suspension of the bank last year.
Tho Tennessee state democratic ex¬
ecutive committee organized at Nash
ville by electing IV. II. Carroll chair
man anil J. W. Childress vicn-ohair
man. Tho chairman was authorized
to appoint a accrotary ami troaHiircr
ami all noeoHHary Hub committooH. '.rim
quofttion of allowing joint dmoiiHHoii
with populist, (•andidatoH for tlm lotftH
liitnro and congroas wuh left with tlm
county and congroHHiona! committcoH.
ArticloH incorporating tlm Southern
Railway Company iu Kentucky have
heum tiled in tho county elcrkVi office
at Louinvillc. Tho incorporatora arc
Samuel Spencer, OhurloH It. (’outer,
FranciH Lyndo StctHon, of New York ;
Alex Ik AudcrHon, of Raleigh, N. ('. ;
William A. Kwen, E. Doblm Krey, of
New York; T. VV. Bullitt, of Bonin
ville; W. M. Baldwin, .lr., of WiihIi
ington. 'i’ho capital atock in fixed at
#1,000,1)06, and the indobtedncHi must
not exceed #10,000,000.
Is Considered Good Cotton Covering
by the New York Kxrhunge,
A New York dispatch of Saturday
says: Tho protest of a few of the New
B'ngJand cotton rnilh against the use
rif the sugar bag cloth for covering
cotton, seems to have little effect
among the cotton merchants of the
Thousands of copies of this letter,
Addressed to the President of the
New York Cotton Exchange, have been
sent all over the south by trouble some one,
hut they have not taken the to
also send the answer of the president
of the cotton exchange.
There have been for years great com¬
plaints of the flimsy clmractor of the
jute bagging now being manufactured,
and the exporters of cotton particular¬
ly 0 ns ready to welcome the use of a
strong, closely woven covering like
the sugar bag cloth, some going so fur
as to say that it is superior to the jute
The New York Cotton Exchange, re¬
garding the whole affair as simply a
mercantile fight between two parties
anxious to sell their goods, have very
wisely dined to tal < any action on
the math r. As it now stands, cotton
covered with sugar bag cloth is a good
| delivery on the New York Cotton Ex¬
change. and JiksJv to continue so.
UglitnlnK Strike* a Tree and Kill*
heven Ball I'la yern.
About <> o'clock Friday afternoon a
crowd of Boys and men met on a
small prairie, nine Miles south of JM
| Kalb, Texas, and were playing base
ball. A shower came np during the
game ami they all ran to a large oak.
Lightning struck the tree aud the fol
lowing were killed outright: J<»hn
Jacobs, Waiter Atchlcy, Join Blanch¬
ard, Will Hen tic j, John Jack non,
Chris Betty, Will Walsh. Atx>ut a
were hurt, and it is
I thought some of them will die.
w- ■ " ^ THERE are any liousc
> -H keepers not using ROYAL
M great qualities warrant them in
making a trial of it.
takes the place of sotki and cream of
tartar, is more convenient, more eco¬
nomical, and makes the biscuit, cake,
pudding and dumpling lighter, sweeter,
more delicious and wholesome.
Those who take pride in making the
finest food say that it is quite indispen¬
sable therefor.
Tho liquor tax yields the best re¬
turns to the government in Russia and
the poorest in Norway.
Tim people of Europe, including
Great Britain, disburse, every year,
in taxes, the sum of *6670,000,000.
Taxes on clothing above a certain
grade of exoalleuco wore levied in
Franco for nearly two eontuvies.
One of the earliest historical records
of Egypt relates to the assessment and
collection of royal taxes.
Ill Miam, until a few years ago, a
heavy tax was levied on umbrellas.
Every umbrella carrier had to pay.
In 18H2 poll-tax was paid in Russia
by 603,000 laud owners and gentry,
- and 23,542,000 serfs.
1 , 347,000 Cossacks
Finland is tho least, taxed country in
Europe. Tho total taxes amount to
on ly $4 per head of population,
Peter the Great levied a heavy tax
on beards, not for purposes of revenue,
but to compel his people to shave.
In 1H12 thero were 37,075persons in
Great, Britain paying taxes on incomes
greater than £200; now tho number is
The people of Great Britain pay 120
pence per head every year iu liquor
tax, 30 pence iu coffee tax and 00 in
tobacco taxes.
During tho roign of Solomon tho
taxation of tho Hebrews booumo ho
heavy that immediately oh tho aeees
sion of his non a domain! for a roil na¬
tion waH in ado, and upon its rofusul
tlio chief tax collector was atoned to
(loath and a aeoooaiou of tho, ton triboa
at oiU30 followed.
Deviled Haul Sandwiches.
Chop oohl boiled ham very flno.
For each cup take tho yollien of 2 hard
boiled eggs, a tablespooliful of lemon
juice, a quarter of a teaspoonful of
mustard and a quarter of a pound of
butter, ltub the egg* smooth with
tho butter, mix with the ingredients thin
and season to taste. Hproad together
slices of bread with it. Fold
or roll.
A Bountiful Hltln
is one of the chief requisites of nn at¬
tractive appearance. Bough, 'By,
sea ly patches, little libs',ery eruptions,
reil and unsightly ringworms these
would spoil the beauty of a veritable
Venus. They are completely anil
quickly cured by Totteriuo. 50 cents
a box at drug stores or postpaid by
J, T. Hhnptrino* Havunimb, On.
fun row r.vnuvoNH!
Tlia lllxlii Inisr.liili* Fair mol I*, tllilwny
Junior m Alii.-..ii tin. Kail.
Anions taa aiiinaina 1 ' uial llr-a a'n*n allrar
tlm,, at Ilia tax a lae iMui„ al Mi.....a
MiIh Kail can b*» counted tho .Mi l way .lunior,
which will lit ii ► pi** ii»I Id iifprodiiHion Iniinlii
iftVnro of Die World l'’amuu' Midway I lala
a TI,;, Thn/tfre, Cairo Mruot, wifh
Turkhli ('lined mid Donkeywill by thei".
Mi-<IoiiImn, great Cyiloi Balllc or
Th"ii 1 Inn him lb ,! a ma
(•••I, IvhImii and a h! ilpeiidoil 1 W PI »'« r.
Show who M e In liancamp wl i boon the Macon
Midway .Junior. I'raHldunt , ,„ < lovcland .
The mil hi pal "d vldf of reception*
will ) t r oii<* of ID* t:mnil'"'I exhibit* ah" ever dy
in (hM.rgla. The lineof ;
hooked lor the gn ai I>1 xG* Intendnt > *
i/ive promise of a i rand Interior.
Tin, no .• i will la* l ho »>••* ever mmui In C"'»r
uln nn: In fart ft c gcforal inn J." tin of ihn
Pair will ha Hr I "In ; in < ery renped. I.v
ar yoh" i-l.onM Ink" m i IhlccM and tl.c ho-r
ttla exhibit* ma d. Mtirpa * tho a of any other
S ‘ 'l'n i/ilu»n Informal be
IIMm and all on "an
obtained from the Heerdary, Mr. A. It.
nedy, at Macon, fiu.
KiuT" Clover Hd »t. I lie grual b'ood the "otnpJex- purifier,
j/lv» f)"Mhii««'M and "Inirii" h to
jiin hji«I "iir"K (‘.onslIpadon, '•'» i t , -'** * 1 ' • v
A Fine Opportunity
For Yoons Mm Will! Small Capital
ICvrry tow n niG’dH nnd
will support k harlF’r
Hhoj»,"sjM daily if It h«*
dcftii and wall man
.i/t’d by a w hit" inn a.
('Inin, r*Np < ’cfnLlc
Vj hit Iig’sh. and pays ft
hi ir profit.
fchopf with chairs.
fixture-* ftG‘t MIppilCH
of nil klful- Hi fit' fory
pnei h Send for cat
iLXij.hki !, Afftjflft. fkWK)
Th/s "J.JN iKXK ” *r« f)t«* IU-mI nnd Mont. YrunonA
cal i'^AVxr m,-j Cuff a worii, they »rw of fif'H
chith, l»ol fi fi rtf a !(«-'! nhkij -■< nnd kln«1 rev f.rm
fij*., r.n«! collar lnti'i'i#! ♦ v-, m.y otl.i r
Thru hi u-r/L ire'/ an 7 {-.ok ur'/ A * of
T,. fl CfAltun or Yivo faint of Cuff# for Twenty Kivi»
AHmmyl" CtiJlfir nnd I'mrtif f’tiffn by mail for HI*
Con**. Nauifj My in an'1 A<Hr>'A
77 I'rtnk 27 Kill jy Ht . Bo wkm.
V IkM tfUSiX ' J r> ji tom. tun
e %
H&l MS m^r^ c^ewingSuin
M c«*
•A. >1 for
^ it [»<IV al utr I
<). i'.. HA* M. ii r W
t. V
This instrument, according to the
Chicago h’rrnhig /'out, performs all
the functions of the human "typewri¬
ter'' except to chew gum and entertain
young gentlemen caller.i during tho
business hours. It, is claimed tube a
new invention that business men tail
dictate letters into one end and pull
them out of the other end reedy for
tho post. It does not yet appear tube
perfected,as it adheres to the phonetic
system of spelling and outrages Web¬
ster in no uncertain tli glee ; and, like
many of its hunmu competitors, its
capitalization and punctuating urn claims ex¬
asperating. Yet, the inventor
that all these defects will be remedied.
It is not yet on the market, but is said
to resemble a cash register ill nppi nr
aneo. It, is actuated by electricity—
you simply press the button, talk into
the cylinder and the phouautogrupk
does tho rest.”
Tuu rubber rings of fruit cans will
recover their elasticity if soaked for
awhile in weak ammonia water. This
iH quite an item when canning is be¬
ing dime and tho rubber ringa are
found to be stretched out of shape.
Di sound followH a run down iyafein wifh
tlie liver inactive ami tho I»I<h* 1 disonlereil.
rftnpf(M), 1lolls, Boros, (‘urhuneJi-*, Ulcers,
anil llko umnlfostatioiiH <»f Impure blood,
should ho drlvon out <*f tho .system with
Dr. JPlorco’* Golden Medical Discovery.
Mrs. Kuhn, of MR H.
f/C" ML ('((i/, Kill. write® Street, us Nrw follows: York
.. “It pleases me to
Htfllo that I Imd a mn
itliiK soro upon my
ueok, and hud three It times, oper
•Vi a tall upon not
and still It was
(-./ 7 cured. I’ll I wan also rim
dawn very much.
There was a deelilr il
cinema attar union ’Hr.
I’lereo'stliilileu Medical
Dlii-nvrrv.' I too* a
1 fow III It lit'll tMlor JUKI WI18
noon liUNhnnJ cured. ba<l * tny
a u, n f?
Mrs. Kuhn. iH-lilml bin CWj mtrM . 1
your medicine, and one bottle mired him.
mi, all ftlwaya recommend your tuculcfu**.
W. L. Douglas
1 ♦5. tNAMEttM CALF.
p V f\ FRENCH 8»
P $ 3.5P POLICE, 3 Soles.
L t2. t l. 7 -Ml0YSSc;ra!!L5HQE3.
• ladies
" flf f:f> FCI? CATALOG UK
. drocktom, mass.
You rim invn monry by wearing tlio
W. L. Ilnuiclnn ft.'LOO Mior.
Hrrnu*c, wn urn Oio Hrtv-ft t< ■ nuf.M tmi i * of
t|iI m graarof NlirH’N in tiso worl'!,iin<l gij:irn»»i‘ Uirlr
vhIuo t y ntaniplng tlm nnmn iifi'l prli it on tn«
bottom, btirnmti'H wbluli jirulrct you Our uliorn IjIkIi rqual prl»M’«»an*l
th« nii pruUtrt. nnd w*nr|ng quallUiii.
work In ntylr, i niy rvorywhiTU f 1 > (I riff utl'twyr prlrrgfop
V.’<* ImvH tlGGri nul*l 'I ’•!
(tin vnlun glvrn Umn nny nlhrr m il ". ”
eiituiG. Jf your «1cHlcr u/inu»»t *u ; !y yGu, wo um.
STEEL Out and out.
COST LESS MONEY and cut more
lumber than any Saw Mill In the U.S.
■ OIL £2Sv^r rB ' n, v, G4.
Buyers el Machinery. Allention!
IjUfiti ()lr«"fly with tnnnufncturtsrH and
wrifftun for prices.
Grist MIllls, Lane Mill*, Cotton
Gins and
And nfiylId iik wanted in the Hf hi awry Una.
>,( iiai'IIJ.irM ||((|\
TREATMENT r-.r ( ormtlpatioo
Aid Uilioanui-M.
At All 4 * "r~«. or Tty run i ■>-. ' hoi U d.afil m ft
«i m hip»m> lira t a.. n i- %v ( Hr.
^ l 000 an-" II IIHHII'V; Hit 1 * IhHiirr*. 'Inifiir.inr nilrh on.
i ,»fi • i i ilium nnd < conifv
Q ’til" p'n M *u*t ui d f
il NYwdc »,or.
.1 Kmnt V r*
it f ili d" cHptfou
ti*. •Ii■ ujx-st and
) IRON FENCE u »r cemetery
J. W. RICE, Atlnntn, Ca.
i «><>o y,v; hvrivf.. > t *!«!" % \
nt to
B ( oiifiim'»tivF» ftiuS peopu
H Who hurt: want lungs or A»t
■ m*.»I»Gukl tint I’iMo’aCarw I r
■ OrnRuntptlon. It has •••ircd
■ ihnu«»n<i*. |t has nGtlnJar
■ ■ o 1 ItlSfG't D®<! to la*e.
It is tho st cough syrup.
8okl tvfcry^nt-re.
V. .8. V.... >> f .r. »*