Newspaper Page Text
AI) V ()('AT E- 1 ) F 55 OC 11 AT.
-II HIIMII 1 / Ml 1(1 I'tlU'T
h .'on 11 th Jth!( f.'tt i ( 11 */ it 1 th ii
(in, us 1 Second LI/.v M i l Mutter.
TH&OFFiCL' I. Ciil.,' N K TUB
Al<« Ilf Oflii I «l oigun «»• * *• 1
Li‘ f «*r» o <>«mi
L.SM/ rll. K iib r A: I'uuli-Uer.
( - w r Fr (!*' Ai (t «' -!t IS !-4
v , ,
f m
y mt'
KL X vc ■J 9
N, e y WfV*' /‘if
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• :f /*< 'ytfii'h*, in'/' *.'*
’&nh JA[ '■%”9
* ^ P-Jtyjfa
$itS 0 P'.AJUkHr
< 6* / W’' V
Governor das. K. Iftne*, of pulton
Xi iTcia 'y of Ktitti: J)r. A. D Nance
of Hull.
Trvtuuror (•. W. Jones, of Jhirlow
t 'omptndbt Gem* rul W. It.
K<dnp, of Emunucl.
Attornev General J. A. B. Muhaf*
fey,. t Jackson.
• 'oiiiiiiis-ioncr nf Ayi'h ullure
Janie# linircit, of 'Ht-limoud.
'1 111-i;K I# m nu> l»lk “t » l’»> «li»l*
t.m ci belni; mm te l III auKiutn.
In tb** laat few tlicmthn over twwnty
foul I’optili*’* IMilea lmV« ataited In
li e l ulled Male# Weaio faal dying
out aitil we.
l*NlTY Ct pill Hlill HOllon IR
>#l«»l W to wlll|l t*'« tljllt.
-Hold io»t to jour i.iltli” < 4 ud tin) vie
lory ir uum.
Tint ptiilodHiv 1**11 you Hint II ere Ir
plenty of money t<> clrculntlon, i Feel
in tout pei ke!s mid Ret 1 1 “ Uic Hues
lion. Ilixd Hal.
WANTKD: \ UhI, rock ribbed
deuiociaUc cook, w bo ran preimre
crow lo soil tbr fa-ll ] to US tHhte ol Ui.
deniedalie voter. Only one ekpeli.
cm tel lu Ibe »l l own apply.
Tiik (lohibil ion i|iu si ion should
s inph 1 m. « social ni e, and should not
l«* made an issue in our pally, il ...... Die local option law «rks ,
al»-Mt as will as any that could lip
' , "
Of It d« umenil u* foietluen who ate
(tying about the social rqiialily ol fin*
iV«q»leV Party, ahouid rail lo ftiimi Ihe
fad, l It ii l Grovir f ’leVehuol while gov
rmoi of New Y*» k. aigiud the bill
thiil gi4\e tluil state mix* J srho<ilA.
H MEN M mqjlXi w.hhrs to Vii> thr
irf Ubhran ot fH*)>ti)iMla ! rkrt, hr ja ?»
a skunk, h tul Itla v.iti* in list n't
la* counted, wrt onllnjj to thv d* mo
era Ur wnlMiitttil «i»tl iiivUdkIs.
“hen hr Mguifit** a wiiliiigiicsa to
»«»!** th* dattioci it ii* t»rk**t mim| l »**l
other tjirffioet* into tPung ,4 bkv «t>»ur
dlfr, he ts .» statf«rn.i(i and orator, n I
»%%**<*| HH 1\ (fOlal 1111 bus acceding l.i
le'c^tit ib*\ vh»|a-mr t*! a Mk*at«tintf the
ein|.|.nn enl id Mr. H el Ni « Y ork
to ct.giiman l !:u I’lCM.
A tR.gV S 4 *i
ton*' V pa * *te| worth.
X **v Ar u
at a
/ 40 'll!
T<* TDK I*t % HI.!<
v i i *4 » f
ionb^i oi U 4 ■z V
1 ‘ ifotu* “Ul u
III Jo till)' it l*AO-t? no a* is*
llm**. W* *4 *« 1C tgllWA
from ! tl ii . 'CVIMMMI d i
*d*. F« il v G*V T'Ufwhim. < # >
U|>. 1 “‘•‘iei'S »iul 4 ulwlenv * !->!
Iti akt* of Gin. tittv. I
fr il* - We rx at, Atlglt v air J
Mafbbei y on
rt-|»a ***1 and lains !ei» t
iii 4 j*iv)ve«nei»t». t« v i \ t
in Deatirrs. v ei ch**!* f-x »v v
bntfriiN rlo. It jiihI
151 4? pil r*> > ':* ii 4
%iS ist wlmt jotl W * ii t • .A *re v\
•11 ke I'li<es Ilia; »t
II. \ . t' ana \
V» M*rtet(» sv v<i» l R*.
I ri»t>i icli'is Mtecbiliriy 1 .V'La: ge
iKMiioc Tai<* oi* Wo.-.
Mr Editor:
III hint week* ii-iiP you ii'i-'I the
fnllov.ui>; wnr<l« in regard to tlie ilfm
m ralii convention in Atlanta:
• *T|ic dc-norraI!e convention in At
l.m'a last week nail detnuctal* of every
hue colo r and kind.
Now tin r<e whh 1,lily on**, color in
THA*' rONYVUtiot'l. You <aU for H i*
r.'iii ipbur boille 1 for 1 lie fail lo sec
« )»n ! Afo*j ennnincnitin^ the 'livers
kind- Of <J IIHM, •'ti' i» freo* trade
It loll liirili. anli sliver etc., you wind
up Uy saving, ‘vSna who were drunk
aioi a «!»<» not. .\ liroad i»
stnuauoii that the U’^cr part we re.
drunk, Jiiii* oo inc will ciaim** a total
at^lirictit crowd, your a**«riioiM arc
lo *av the least <>{ it verv hi(»;•<!.
A* to uuuiher* i here niff Jy wa •
goodly number of “detn* as you call
them, an hand’ )/tit flout hr #j#nm*d.
noii Jiave 'j(*l to <'ci ii*ed to that hy the
time the election c* mes <>0. it will !»c*
he.Uer for y<»u ;.tid *,uit i*f» great a «h< ck.
Seri* iisiy. isn’t it almost time for
the papers to quit cxhauMiny the die
tionnrv to dud word* vde enough to
atigmriH/e a neighbor with? i glv
nvomIs atifj \ lie epitm ih n* vet cofivnn
ed aIIN oiil.: vet If a man secs tit to
.1 t ocmiuint\, a #ociet\ a church
ll . .
..... "
*« Whin fit liiil.ii.a l M.tiii<I i»o.l nbiiaiiijj
.ill tl/illl tin a* li>* Tin: ilcin
<>. riiU of **»•!:»> ,|il iiol lo I,,* mm It
more v if llian III.-lie. of our
i populist friends wen* a tear or two
loo k w lu u lhrv were demoenif«. T hat
a change, of party saudihe* udmitn at
icuat of a doubt* I >f Hoi ft A I.
or its
i *• I ft* tXCeuis to take especial
offense at our unintended ‘slam ’ that
! human being* %>( two different
cmnfnexiotiH were |»r •esent. In othei
words ‘Democrat” inform* u* that no
negroes were pn «e it at tin* Democratic
( otiveniion.
j Wn\! I - .1 bemuse he wishes us
aho to know that they held tin lr mii
vcntimi, tiominaud tleir cindidatcui
■ wbhoui letting tin* eol »r« d voters koow
I any I hing nhont the busilicM* t ransa , ;t« d.
I lie negio must'nt have nuylliiug to
«ay in regard to hi#4 clmiee. Hut h“
! i< exfaTled to vote the ticket and‘ vote
j her straight.”
Now “Democrat” how can you have
fhc effronlery thv hohlucss lo ask
i the iiegt o'a rote under such cireum
your Ireacherou# »eheme# won’t
work how toward g.*tling his a iffiage.
Me has been fooled too oiteu Into vot*
mg tor men. who used their high offi
< t*p to III! their ov n coffer* at the ex
(idisc ol the Collision peoplo of our
eoiiuln , bolh " Idle and block.
y es, a goodly uumber were present,
mid a '‘goodlv" number ol iliost* were
uruter lolm Barieyeoru's ■ ule. Hut
possibly we did wrong if) moiulonlag
llii«, lis We believe il is :i man s own
business win III r lie eliooses to drink
or mu iuii to node,i- \a to *.......
ling used" lo numbers, ehv’iona, Uc
enii vei y eaislv a fmr sdeelion.
but ni.i\ Our Maker keep ns irom ge 1 -
i|uc used (u such aimlliei rlecltoii a*
|„,|,| j,, t- -I Hu* congr, ssmiu i
„ |. .i
( | lll(nrl unite Iwo y ears nsjo.
Dow i you "sav .........
l.crtute (he “ I KunuCral ir* p ft pets
about qiuPieg. ttbuAlug iheir neighbor*
wli iiatO exactly tliiuk ov v«»fo with
I liem.
Yes |he Aihiuta (’lUiiliiUlion* auc of
you.' b idbgb’" has not ooW exhAUnted
the dieiiouatt lull have i.ow siarte«l on
an mv\ «l»»p idlia.
Dose iheni, ami thru il v°u bavaany
nid It* im* l«*f i, rail aroun I.
In th. hanging •'! our potfflc-* w*
t ,r\rt bit \«*r> iiiurh “*iilK*»ilic»l/ hu*
it \on s:i\ wv iuv ui that s'mu* it muni
be t»o Til* uuh r. dt^i of your pipers
and )| udeo Ci.. us inarcli't*.” Not
uiueo *liff * r, m «■ is tin ! * Anyhow it
, elirrge ei pmt\ d< vs u«'( sSIWtifv.
NellllU.ilmu ie| tie- ..[lito ‘‘I geveruer
i liu- vliiuLs tlie “* miMitution."
r.uai.iiilreil * m *-.
*N . auth«*t*/«* * at lid\ef(lx% ,1 ill llgai't to
h« ?l hi. K liu - N«’W r tH, ‘ (II l.'tlfi' thlw
wUIII 4 * * 14 , ( i'tlgi > t*ltd (.’**!«*; UfH*lt
t*«*U«bl it It )»=U !»itb« t wall a
. W\U\ ox n*>\ l.itng, » ' ( It
«**«l will ||M lillN li lll»*»t\ as* tb’*
i t t l< «h \ niji il h Z It la Ail*) »A|W'
Me IHT l**-He t s li. «> t vi urn ibe
lw»tUv Htwl have \<»wt uiotu’V ri'lniMtnl.
\\ i' e«tiihi not ilia !li;«* « ft* t «b*l we in*
know tii« 4 t Dt. K i.*i \ 1»
Imu ut i "*i 1* (t * f| ? V«l 4 ltw 4 t||»|M*lnt>
MnuclKit I tew In r * J UvUl > Diuii
» 4 tU* 4 V *
\ |»* * 11| W \ ul 4 (Ih*U
Ufi* b r. Ill UK* ot*’n«*r *»t w Iir’Ii
t*t*iljf*i 1 » SlOlU’ W tl UiMliN
v-*uti‘D, w n Hitim
,U j» Mivlt.
Hm 1 Ol.v
*r \ apply VY M ' OlNTMYN
Vo - maf ttvwlh t* tr (
Oj A i
\ it illttUt l
-- dl
*\ a N
S|M'«-illl II (' 1.114
> il a \X V Y \ *
ft .1 V \
w e Ftvrs •***.
*(t; « *|
tt'H) •Lit l * V* ten > in
Altai ^ l i.r
1 - *c *..Ul u
MsWfiorter and The Constitution
"- l# . ,h " . . , , !,v '
l’<i|itilicN HI.IV. mcrling ••( <.reen« euuut> ,
to replj tn the i-ard of H. L. McWhoit r,
the* rr;, Atlanta ..... r: Gonstitmiofi "V< ...... o* the 7 tli m
.tent, auii nit tin* fallowing tu an intetli
W lull* w»* f;u! tu w til*' nec^mity of the
Vfajura publi,limit a car*i announcing lit.
with,haWiI from the People* I'arty, we
make* 110 war on liin* toi that. It wa» I»U
,t Si.t it has nut Imicii Ilia eiotum to
I A** t|C* ear'.-, antioiilictntf his , various pnlitl- ,
cil | wandering-.
lie wrote rrn can! wl hi ,1 rlnu the dark
,i -i»i i r in^ *!.»>/ ‘A M t h*> U »p
|»c*o tt\ r to lf-p u»li Aiii'-m anti actBii »*<
hotl iowii and * iit/.n,c’'f‘*r to A uilack'a
negro ere,,*.
lie (ailed in state ill Ilia eard that lie rati
tor the Jf’jrUhilpn; against the d»*inoTatic
Moiniiicc wa- H^ctwl by mgru vo*.ch and
M-rv d in that h»sl> with U »* liot>ri«mn At#e
<;oii> for Iua eoll«*tfue and political luuci'
He wrote no card when after having
-in ked the r<'pubiicaii t«-at dry allowed
t»v bore* of official -poil, he r • th»j»p • ! t«»
deniocracs ayatn where lie developed the
remarkahle faculty • ( pr»*aidirm at a dem¬
ocratie mass nieetfnff. with a?i much fora**
arid fjijtnit) a* In* ever did at a republican
Hi* wrote no card when rep i Hated ant
ignored by democrats, lie a^ain plumed
in-political v iri'i- f«»r uree»».*r pasture**,
and f‘*li by elmrice into the * Peoples
Early" when he always *uppn t.-d th**
party with a split-ticket. In MOJ he was
an enlliu*i-i*tie member of our county ex
enitlve coinmittei*, hut from letters of Ills
.. ,• ,.. Mlic m< ...ter. of tbe
• .............. wc l.nniv .1 lint lie wa» w.tb
|,« foroflb r onfv. H h-n lb** corn me let*
w;i- rr «rt>ani/-*il tlx- M» rw-n Jimpnai-ly
eft ..H Dili In- <,u;t tin* I-o(.uli»t* or tlm
Ib-puli-t v quit him.'
It ji on v when lie re joe ns hi* allegiance
to tin* lVopteo i’a’ty Hea' lie think** it nec
iy tu ii.funn the public t<> which of
his Vi' ,i‘i ho ha* iuturued Jt woiiid he
well f oi llii V i u ton*' i' I > i f pillar ly
every caftipHign to let the p<*< pie know
‘•win D* ne I- at," fot he t. is hatkfoi up
evi*i v tree, played in eN’ery blanch and
in oh- ti n lon foot It sii|«*-* of ' '.i n letiee
in tin political field from 1 H <»5 to the pre
rtCllt .
Ami this m the m:ih the 4, Ci>n»UtutloF>”
HjtyM bus wf*aVeued the PopUli^tn e-iuse by
Ins erratic dell, ction-. #>o far from being
•veakeiieil i»y hiicIi vat*«cill*tion liUdepart**
ure I** ai) clement of strength many party.
A** t<» influence lie has nolle except do far
a-. In . individual ballot i** cortcerned, for
tin* man who can b*ll where, for whoiu or
f«»r what party it will la* cast, three week**
in advance, can mike Ids futu e pr*d!ct
iog the :etui 11 of last comets or the recur
r**lire of euitiiquak<-«
Du. .1 H. Horn ns,
Dk. B F Danici,.
Traehy Medicines.
Mntiv »ii( tt tliMxl tlie market. Botunle
ftiiMHi I tu! in |.<* a cohscieutiously coiiipouiul
ed medicine, the resul*. of forty veata prac
tie by an enlniei.t physician it la the
l»e**t hl«» d poiifi. r ever offered to the
public, met flfcgunrAide<*<i itfor<»if to cute if gfVan
k fair trial. Try >kiu and bh»od
dlneaseM, InduuiMg entarrli 11,id rlieuoi.t*#
lion in Its wood torui, One not tie of it
contMini* mote ciiratfvu mid huiiding up
villa** than a do7.i*n <*f any other kind
1 1 v "’rile Old neliabie,” ailveitise
lin nt elsewhere.
I hereby announce myself n
CAIufillnte. subjci t to tile .'U’tioil
; I Vonli s I’ U'ty for llOtll
‘ )<
illation for t;i X receiver ol I'nl
j H f erro CoU nt } V ’ .
j I |: Oni
I i J. U. UGl KntM*. e n»i.i.
i Aeents Wanted. A uiont chaiH*»*
to id »k - iu«*m*v
\ IP l I 111 ’ Ii’nTII I \ 'N II li 1
r II «1 IJ \'l GO I Iv ‘L \ *1
il 11 p Pi | DA \ . v J |Vii ii j* a . . v..’.,fion «»f
I , * ( ,, 0 •• , *1,1 ■ ■ i
I. itiles for I'e i ul c.v', Strik •- the
■n.mnioel ,,..,( i.,h u ......- m (be
» ,( ,u. tut me i mu i egixiatii.ii
fill* .SMfvr quof'ii.l Wii.ii 1’iote. lion
ifov.s for tin* Amdicnn workman tY list
Kitp 1 'iaO** *h H*.s b»r I) * III A bt» ’k *f * i *
h**i»t Kwr\liol\ Wio.ts it. Pritv iml)
St Ml N’lD at *»uiht. Mo*t liberal tmnis
to ii|***iits. .N«*t» f hie ciid.lara or m*i»«I
t t‘»l J*U«*llU 0*11 til af I nice*' P
/.!• i*u*r A l‘*» shcslnul >t , Philit*b*b
pitta. Pa
iK^iUlMr Qt-iidtiat**.)
Ar-* fhc ten- Unir *1 n*l mooA •uecrsufut »p<Vla!Uf* »n>t
Ui gtlYS fl'U hr l|».
Ycuihi a.i! mid¬
dle aarj men.
Ucms»rk»’ v v*
• 1 hi
r-l .*ur (M-AtUK'llt
M*M y c u » • i*j
1 ii erlr-WV
to V’D* U*i- ■ ot cur»
tor nu*ih vhJ* Ui«
»t »»l«»n e pv)»a *n
»r »,t til*
0 *nJ -> i men '
- • " cak, ttii-fi*
**cd ohnnk i*
•fr* *uffrr! n
in i. St* t r r - r
CjPg' l?Jp>r v-ut fy and r
w U o are n -rv ou*
a ! »«• i»»» lent.
.4 w w *\ n !t ' it.
t e»w e^pt of lheti
fr. n-i* and »
14. Jea.ta «*•
.rtun»ntof t > all patient-*. ?f
ret ffe d, ••nr * 4 ih <-ti imlte Creatmral
w til sfvrA a mrr.
H OMr.xi t‘ i t r '•« w 4 ■ • c ■’ J
w I «kn •« .. . . - n U‘ ‘ *•.
•ul irt»«
it ha* cured - •T* VV’.jr :: v J- Hjf 1 ry It.
H* IT % K itII. ' ra*ea of the >kLn. IU 4 *d
I K’.dn
«T 1*1111 IH -n •**» ta 4 tltx
re \ ■ 4 ur»* Oaamale^d.
mkiv i»i**r mr.i k: cured wfce
it . * ha*
nx %n it • 1. inwi 11 uitLa
c•» *1 s% % * w * v - k. -arx* *j ; 4 safe.
Include* Gleet anlikMiutHvMk
n * ha* ' f**rrj >* • of Ch*' P^v* that
>vfa . J . *a.d* of othtA'r sp- v
• a- 1 a edl.-al la*
K»:S I'WISVK G -r‘ \< '
\ t tu* oLn-f. a» ' g to **tfa caltl. >
Mow so* icap We k h
la-«< an.
il *
Zi t »: ru.iaull illna »
m •r UT
\ ea**i
free fr
K iwsk* sj»* h t*
Adirv as v r
4a 1*9 fraalh Uioau _ irrrt iilaaia. 4 /
( forii» uorfit
-on f*4§ ii» due applied to thr
nitfr #*r! ty In* apiMufit^d pt-rman**?!* aflioi**
r ’ I *• M A*:.* J» -li ««-.
ute ot »»iii county rl.cawil, anrt 1 win
upon >ubi application on the fir-t
4 | t (,ro H. M itckki.u. Ordinaly._
We wilt !^r»u yon oy adapvd mail pfo-t paid on* cH
small evt*rgr**«'it o \<»ur
mate with instruction* fur p’antin* and
emin ■ for togrtlM*r with «ittr complete
|j<( j(f Vu ,^ rv j, yoll wiu </U ,
Ini a<lverti*«ment, mark on i‘ the name
of tins ap r, and tell how many ami
kiml of tree* and plants you would like t<*
purel>a-e, and when you to plant
them. the
We will i] lOte you loner prices on
»t'e k you waul than ever have been offer,
*•'* y« . Write at once.
Evergreen Nurseries
Kverareen, I).air f'o.. " i
f -S rSr
» t
i [In i
i *
» i
j ■
^ i Poor «
< Health ■
,, * means so much mem- than
t you imagine—serious and ^
^ result
’fatal diseases from'
* neglected.
j ’trifling ailments *
< play with Nature’s
’ Don’t * *
’ ’greatest gift—health. *
( tf you ar* feeling weak *
: Brown's out of aorta, t
and g'enera lly ex*
. hausted, nervous, ,
have no appetite
» and can’t work, %
* begin at once tak¬ >
j Tron Me ing strengthening the most rejia- ^
: t which h »
medicine, ^ "
^ brown’s Iron Bit - '
ters. A few bot- t
; Bitters ties rure— benefit
| : comet from the ^
* very first dose- it »
ivon't stain your i
, teeth, and i i ’ s *
pleasant to take. <
* ► It Cures i
» «
' Dyspepsia, Kidney and Uver
( Neuralgia. Troubles,
J ’Constipation, Bad Blood t
I > Malaria, Nervous ailments ■
* ,
Women’s complaints. 1
i t Girt Dnly thtr genuine-- it has crossed red
* line* on the wrapper. All others are sub
j sliiutes. On receipt of iwogc. stamps we
1 wilt send act •>( Beautiful World's*
^ Fair Views and book—free >
j £
• m hi W/A
^ I 0 eg 9 *aruM'’eet* We
I - : —
“For about four years I was trou
! died with palpitation of the heart,
shortness of breath and swelling of
I the legs and feet At times I would
faint. I was treated by the l>>st p!iy
■ sicians 1 in Savannah, tried Various Ga., with Springs, no re
Hef. then
! without. iK'ueflt. Fiually. I tried
Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure
also his Nerve and Liver Pills. Af
f t . r he(/i}wimj to take them 1 felt better! I
<’»ntiiiued health faking thera for apd I am now
in iM’ttor thaa m;iny years.
' Since n.v recovery I I have hope gained lllty
pounds in weight. of value this state
"tent may la* to some poor
K. B SUTTON, Ways Station, Ga.
I>r. MihV flvart * Ur * 1-, «»old on a iv. i r re
gn inirit«*«* that th*» first tmitlo will benefit..
All drucsiwta sw'tlit a\t $ 1 , 6 booth's or
ft will b »VM**nt. prvttnifh on Mc**lpt of prl< «
t»jr ibo I>r. i MUvt* MoUicat t'o., F.lkhart, Ini
, l\
^ -. -“S
m * j m |
•V \v. .yi m I )
*1 '•
BRV. (AMI* J-»V4|,
Tails Hew Ssrma uar Has Blesssd
Hs Kent).
“V\ urtfe. -*rh vaa Afthti a!'|fratsenoni
• w ! **da*'N*. bat 1*^*1 Mttrri; core*l h?
H »vml uer. I w »h avury S iffer*
i e * f- t ad ac-eas to hmt m.'dk ne T» >
o ray efclldtwn w#r« car# 1 of nasal cMUtft
w> « u u tcu y
!t i» «»* ! - h*t phijtf •**»* aiifiiMks an»
»« * ’» ea ioiM S out* l»y ! li« Uv erer sad tti ra
(: -v'lmn a* -e* of the iienue net 4
■ n«r;*h> **tceptl»*a It* endtirfeyr* aad it*
f • *1 * *4- •'# 1 ' *Nr* t l.N» *er* !>e t
*nd tv»v pnanltp* •ol p#u| It* *«rv ple-««
* t taste and harr Die** ciinra. t* ss s . ar
r.*«r( a and aacj-#-* u*ne*i r'*»nS 4
»>#nd t: to whereat
the**feA?. at:re i »nd D * r*m*« v k» iwrn to
r*-e.!!«**» so e e for K re’ *fia.t vnre of !>•
K ■ce« I - iH-pa’iel*. Ol'tfti, II If he MtMRY
er» •*« U K: «e l * j Tro A V*.
H «f! Uo-npiasai*. I'*’ »r* and aU Maiaafisl
l # T-l*'*
K^|t R«;}t £sCa.. kt»i. 61 1
it fiVtWH SlEFUi
mvn.PVT IlJjJN * ItlV\ ni'V'I’ICT 1 lcNl, Cil...
■ m>M
ju» public fur pavi favors, amt to an
noiwce tnat I have the •New and lmpruv-
4d Metliml” fur operation* jn fitlurr teeth,
Am pr -pariul tu Serve you in a »ati,failory
manner at all lim.-s
This is Business
Fur Hie Sutnarr h Thorough r>n^»n* ^
Kd-Ciitluii will uc: placed vsitldu the reach
Proof cf this will be lurnished on.ippli
caliontot e
Georgia *
* Alabama
The Eargest. the (Tieapcsf, the most
! ptactic ) in the world, Wn te at once to
Kdwa.rd Shepherd, IIairi*bun?, III , firs.
! s runntiig on his l»*g of eight year
j tanding. Usctt three bottles of EIcctsic
j Bitters Salve, ai d seven i his boxes leg i- of sound Buc klen’s and wel Ar
nica an had rive
John Speaker. Catawba O. large
! fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was
j incurable. Oo * ,% ottle Electric Bitters and
j ruie box Bueklen’s »old by Hr Arnica l. J i.eid alve cured him
-ntirely 5
Gavari School Book Co
6 Peachtree St.
Atlanta, Ga.
School and College \ ext.
I Law and Medical Books. We
buy anything known in the
book line, Correspondence
Solicited, Send for Circulars
,Sf iiaiiu | r0 ^dCh W am!.*
liii'a Fain ami was completed
'ur‘d. I have since advised inanv friends
and customers to try the remedy and all
■aleak highly of it Mans Goi.dbauu,
San Luis Rev, OI. For sale by
Dr. It. .1 ltl l’J, Druggist.
I have associated wirb rae In the
Practice of Dentistry Dn. W. II
II A fill IS of the Atlanta Dental Col
: lege who has had thorough training in
| eproHtive work, Ho will do et.tract
in ami Ailing teeth while I. with
i Thirty Years ■
: Iv\ per iene:'.
will do the PLATE 1 * 011 K.
V\ e will b» in C’rawfoidville on the
3 rd Monday in each month, to remain
one week mid in ll iiite Plains the 4 -h
Monday to remain one week.
M. I). I>. D, S
20.1 '-*' 4 Kiser Ituilding.
^^Always Cures.
•••••• Botanic Blood Balm
The* treat Remedy for the speedy and permanent
cure of Scr.Wula, Rheumatism. Catarrh. Ulcers,
Ecaema. Eaimj and Spreading Sr^res. Eruptions,
and a<i 3 KI.N AM) ULOOD DISEASES. Made
from the pre scription of an eminent phys :un
who used ith marvetiHri success for ao vears.
i and »ts continued u^e for Pfteen y*ar? by th (hi-
1 sands ot £Tate*- pe,if i- nas dem > iy strated that
1 »t is b\ tar the N.-wt building up Tor e and BJo*y 4
1 Uuritif r ever offered lo the world. It makes new
1 rKh blood, and possesses almost miraculous
1 healing properfie*..
CURES, sent tree on application.
If not kept bv your local druggist, send $1.00
for a large br»«!e. or $voo for six bottles, and
nwMtvce will be sent fr > ght paid hy
BLOOD BA LM oO., ftuan ta, Ga .: 1
DYSPEPSIA Fo» I I Yasrrvfvryy \ Sick ok
!'MOSES JJSMESs\ TOM I / j A KCAOAC'C. 'zhvojs
Scus.pess jf •LOSS AF’/’Er/rs CF
*U«BtiMa«e With out Tee LircmssAnr
SiORA-rjBt orM. A.Tdtorssc on FbcntO
Each Waaarer. M 4 .Tdec.jwd i
Business l Diversify
^ ^ (j , , \« .
A r I T A ^
* A
~Z 9
,J \V STOKES Sc CO, Prop’s.
-------—e- WHOLESALERS OF ♦
AND t= I*
* ac
Kffkuf.c'K'; R Nf Iarrnr, ■'O ick and Yards 5
t’nshier Merchants’ BanK; <
K Currier# <’a*foier Atlanta ^ to 9 Exch ange Peace
Vstlou ii Bank; and a*I other
Atlanta Banks and Wholesale - O Equitable
Merchants. pp bliidinj
Atlanta ■ Oa
; V'M Cotton Gins,
rj iiyfefe M SJ Cot ion Presses,
Eckvatcrs and
t . L M*** For Elevating. Sept*rating,
Cleaning and Packing Cotton
fc** SS made by any concern in the world
gA -It Will Pay
you to get prices fr >m til*
f manufactures before you buy
Mention w the hail ‘Advocate you write. Democrat.’ Atianfu, C*a.
Wanted r.VERV ONE
Indigestion. Liver, Shotuxch or Kidney Trouble, Eeraale Complaints, or othei
hroiuc Diseases to call at our office and see the most
-Wonderful appliance on Earth
for curing diseases If you can’t call write us, we hare cured Imnur * Is of
—h*d f»i>d and lope w«* WK (JAN CUKE YJU. Diw’t
delay. Our pric‘*s are so low that all can be cured who will.
j j All communications promptly answered,
APPLIANCE CO. 40 Marietta Street.
Atlanta, Carf\,m
R E M E M B E R *
We are stiff
9 headquarters for
Kiigines, Boilers
Saw Mills, (irist
jM mm? mm M i 11 s, C o 11 o u
¥! m jJi (* i n s, C o 11 o ii
r- / P r e s s <* s. a u 1
/ everything {SC i
in the Machinery line
^yPl.asedu not be pursua ted into buying snvfhing in our line before
►ritiug us fv)r prices
MAI.LARA BROS, & CO., Macon, Us.
Mention this p iper April 2 S d ns.
THOS. J. I) '
K ATT K Mb) >{ N & DAY.
Regular MeaU 25 c.
Oyst ts in S av.»n.
X< 4 WaG M Next {0 Ki ; ', H‘.#f
Atlanta. Geor 1
c! r a s 3 s'Boilers.
» -: £
\ : 1 s- in l Erie V'nsrbi -* t /' >.acks,
>: 1:1 4 ai { >h- t Iron. IN'ir e ;
*r.»srxn^:. Boxes. etc.
l A Saw, iiris I
IV : Mill outn:s.
M i*.-i ^hin^le o>uat.'. nd
leiii,i:a- H.Gige, Factory, Fu i
Knilnv, *-t a^. ■-’! ilroaci, M t
chin is* 4* t- 1 F * '*-irv / PP li
, . . !’ . .
Heitinfij i*a klr.z. It .ar*.. . • • .t::n.-c
Siwr> 1 1
Lo.iiUard Iron Works
ANocs anil Supply Co„
lte£a~r AUGUSTA, CA
under reasonable conditions. Our FREE 96 p *
catalogue will explvn wiry we c^r. afford it.
Draughoa’s Practical Business Co!!' 1 .'
NASHVILLE, TENN. c W rite for catalog’*-- J
, tb hi\i t. ■ss
o.jv h'.t:»lo v mentDepartment n -th l
Collei t a k 3 4
tea g t . ! 2 A
old *n || teacher- 600 past yeai.. l »
vrib c: *?nter any tin *. Chsac Boaf.». W t- ra'ff
rec^nuy prepar - i bo *ks especially adapted t>
< 5 -n« no triii. ei f- n
**ywar * - S 5 .
canei2S ss !.*>• *c-. ■per*, stenographers, provided
eietk*. ft report- i to us. we
♦ TH E STAM 33 A ^D. |
♦ ♦
IRheumatic RemeotI :
♦ : : «’ ir* —' • - ! - v - ♦
♦ lit: it f*»r t ♦
♦ k i 1 permanent ’ P.h ♦
- ■ ♦
♦ - on l*>r—-* ty - 1 i Y
G. l K i. ♦
I fmil ♦
a* ---• - t
♦ Pr • 1- ar a t# :4 ♦
e ' ■ r Al- *
l Oy fang’s Rheytaatic Rantady Co, *
» 13 i 6 L Street.WasriG'-o. D.C. *
J lytic's is-}'* f •—a ♦
♦ T-!!' a ♦♦♦
* PX!Cs 3 ?S 2 B X J B*ITS 3 FOX f'
^ W -5 CT 3 .r V
* FOX *ALS *7 0 X 70 “.IS?J