Newspaper Page Text
O-D : ';5 15 * M >it..
• mate liifc. i •-•-tiv.
. satisfactorily
u*it ve can haudte them tbou^uuk
and<conomira pieaseacustcmerv 1/ if* proved Enough by here.
of of Poore. (wait.
Write to uk for catalogue Ornamental ftork,*i*
B inds, Moulding*.
j 'Br.v^f the Maker.” Augusta, Oa.
VOL. 1.
Bickers & Co.
times //arp hut we have Cur P kicks 'o lit
It is true ave the trade,
the times, and that is one thing that is bringing us
We will cut the life out of Prices.
Here is the way we are doing.
ssss;;:: SW M» j-.»». —
Figured Lawns worth mt |°w ■He |fl 25c pair.
Woolen Tweed ' j ^
Men’s north -0 »■I 11( o;, c marked to Inc each.
Men’s Outing Shirts ; -> 5c lier pair.
as isjts: Sfes,
iS;sf=si All Summer Muslins Marked down.
In fact these are <> nlj a few bar
gains that we arc giving every day.
- -
Iryou can t come, sc;: ^WuTYttentioa and Guarantee
will always give your ordeT?
y ju lowest pricr-s. i
Yours to Set ve,
Greenesboro, Oa.
Cotton Commission Merchants j
C . No. 20 McINTOSH . J
Oi ders for Bagging and Ties ;
(SKVKNTII SrllKI'.'lj.
—AS D— ,.
< ’otisigumetits of Ootion solicited. Auj^ustii, (i(*ortfia
.» a— --at
Tope. LAMAK I.. Ft,i MING.
F’iikd li.
Augusta; Oa.
I'armers Assignments Lspjcially Solicited.
iSotitheru aud Acclimated
Fruit and Original Trees,
^ Vines, Shrubs, Rosi-s,
for sale by
ville, Georgia.
1/8 AI. AGK.V 18 FOIt
n. Livni ey , Pr( prietor
i < • nna Hill Nurseries,
nttona. Gtlior f (Jo. N. C.
xr -Y ; E. E. bltnTH
Woo iviiie. < ia
8|<e. .1 inti'icemer.’s 10‘.arge plxr/er-.
Washington and
Greenesfioro. Ga.
Best <>f watch making atol
repait ing
We do not d ( » any shoddv
Every Jot First C * * >•
VY ... aihioglon . . . 4V fh«e at Corporrl rrhnrr Corf’es on.e
old stand
Our Local News.
City and County Items
T-ieily Told.
“Pay up your subscription ”
Dr. ft. C. Bums went to Sharon Sit'
12 $ cents cash paid for eggs at t .
Mr. John Stephens is spending this
week in the city.
The cily is full to overfl living wi| h
Dwyers this week.
(>, Bergs'roin will pay yon 121 cents
in cash tor all your eggs.
Mr Mi'.ton andlady of Augusta, are
visiting relatives m the city.
Mis. J. W. Roberts left Thursday
last for a visit to friends up the load.
Pi of. L A. Murphy and fftindy moved
in last Wednesday morning.
The nomination iias been pospened
until tiie 4lli September.
Mr. Fiank Mitchell came up last
Thursday and Is spending court week
Bead our ad on first page. Kims
broegh, Bickers <l' Co.
Go over to Washington ant hear
Judge Hines speak. See notice else¬
Read Kimbrough, Bickers & Co’s
“ad” if you are looking for bargains.
Mr. Will Hubert resumed nis posi¬
tion as operator here, after several
days absence.
YVe will save you money and sell you
reliable goods, Kimbrougu. Bickers &
(jnite a diflerenoe in tbe weathPr
dining this term of court, as compased
witli tl e February leiro.
Tbe best 50c luilaundriert shirts to
be found anywhere is at Kimbrough,
Bickers & Co.
YVe are under lasting obligations to
Mr. ’-V. N. Gunn for a delicious walm
melon sent us Monday, It Strunk us
josi at tbe right time.
il/iss Mamie Moore, a charming
young lady of While Plains, lias bevn
on a visit to Miss Janie Reid.
Mrs Ztakman and her biautiful
daughter Miss Sallie, of Washington,
were ov, r Sunday oil a visit to Mr. O,
befpmsir. ■■ ■— - *
(Send us an older for a pair ot those
silk gloves at lac a pair. Kimbrough,
Bickers A Co.
Major Buck Heard and Ills sister.
Miss May Belle, spent several days of
court week at Mr. Geo. Mitchell’s.
You should see these ribbons we are
selling for 2j and 15c a yard, tli'-y have
been going fast. Kimbrough, Bickers
& Co.
Misses Roxi Andrews and 1’earl
Rogers spent, .veral (lays this week
with Mis- Irene Daniel of ’.Voodville.
Col. M. C’. Edwards, representing
the well known cotton firm of Davison
.Y Fargo was in llie ci’y last Thurs¬
When moving into our present hninp 1
foiinda liuUlc of tjliamlieriin’s J’.iin Halm
left hv» former tenant. On the label l
foiimi tli« statement that it was gnisl for
cuts and hums. I can testify to tile truth
of this. Nuthiag in all iny experience has
found its eipial for treating hli-teis LeSneur or
burn-. F. L. liairetl manager
Sentinel, Lesueiir, Mum I’aiii IUiii is
aLo a • mt i r i ' nina 1 an. u a -by
r. rt. w. lotto , urtugisui
Miss Mabel Hall, who h s been on a
(deasant visit to Miss Klla Hall, re*
turned to tier home in Greenesboto last
Mrs. it T. Kendrick and her two
Mttricfive alttai.tive tfl-iiiirliteie daugl’leie of of Slunn Sh iran, h have ive
been visiting the family ot Mr. IF. *N,
Gunn tins week.
A large number or our residents
seem bent on making Florida their
homes. The last ‘mi record is Mr,
s. D. Chapman, wlm left several days
tiro fur Plymouth, Fla.
Mr. T. C. Holden and family moved
to vVhite Plains, YVednestay. YVe re
giet very mncli to see Mr. Holden
leave and wisti for bun abundant, suc¬
cess in his new rnercailiie lieid.
My hoy wss tiken with a disease rese,ii-
111 in tjoo-l Jinx 1 he fir. l itiin^ i thought
of wa> Lliambt'jluiij'h Coli«; t CiiOieia au»l
I>iarr» #>ea Jfe i.e ly. Two ii oaea of ii wet^
tied the luatt r and cured nini Hound and
web J lirHiiily t (uiiutiit tui fci.iw ttumuly
to all p 'i.'Oa* •'uff *riiu from a tike of com
plain t. i wiilft!t*w«r any iiiquirien I re«
gariiuff it when wtan.p *h iocii»Se«l. refer
primrov? Dr.
< o. t Tean. For sale b> K. J lieid.
The young people of our village are
seldom treated to a rn re delight;u)
t line than they Jiad at Mr. and
M rs Leg we n iast Fr day night,
‘-Twpntv-lbrefc” a new gam, intro
duce.1 , was very much . c^ved . by . all .
except one of tbe crow !. Lsi Maude
Leg wen makes an admirable hostess
and tbe young folks always have a
good time when she entertains,
Kenneth Bar.^itmrp had ti e co-*1 fortune
to r> - h -uiajJ bottle of f bamherlahi’•>
( <,c, 1 . hi'lcra h :cl ! »iarhis*a Remedy wl eu
three menue-rs of his family were sick
with <ik-ciit’-rv. li fc diih tsB-Uii h*ntic
eure hliMfi u! and h- had soum- Jett whmi»
Iif ifav* W. I5.kt*r, a pminin*nt
m»T ‘".at ’> <*t ti.** piix‘:r I>'v% , )H(Oii, N. (j.,
ar*l it uw1 i.m with of thr *ntur complaint, diarho**a.
Wh*-n trou \M .
«>'i< »>r cholera inorhu*. give thin remedy
a and you w il In* nu»rc than ph as'd
withth*' sit, Th* pra;*#* that i li4 r uatly
follow-* ;t» ifitrodm*t»»»»i anil kaw made
.. , pr) . „ amt v, cent tedth- tor
tale by Dr R. J. h- id. Druggl-ts.
To Speak in Wallin-ton Sep
temher 1'’th.
A fricni informs usWnat Judge Jus.
K. Dines will sjv.'^k in Washington at
t;flic Rope Dark on 1 liuixday the 13th
of next, month.
A large number from Taliafeiro
should be on hand. 11 a* many as ton
or ever will go from tLuwfordviPe and
will have their names ft advance re
duced rates can probably oe secured
from the railroads,
Go mid hear u
To Meet III (MlWftmt vf lit*.
From The Daily'Press!.
The delegate* of s. the Nineteenth
sen,aortal district srJjec,nested to meet
in Crawfordville on September 4tli, tor
the purpose of nominating a senator.
li. D. N tsil. ^ I’. .M. Him.,
.Secretary, Chairman.
Buy The Cheapest,
Ami ifot the b(*nt "3> fftlntr from Kim-,
hrougti, lilokois A (JiK, of ( rooNosl.oro,
<ia. They arc *ofibiifcthOHper ami belter
clothing than you eaiytvd elsewhere.
Miss Mattie Clemmons ef the Sharon
liad neighborhood, been diedbj|t Friday night. She and
sick only a I »ut one week
her untimely death was qeite a shoi-k to
her friend**■. 'i f e iuiirnieiit took place sH
the Methodist chm(M\s>ttur»laY morning
Ready iuainess.
will Mi. C. iiis 11 gin Ooluclj t!»11 tltoiuices li will he that lie
i itti v pre
paved to furnish i wltb bacuing ami
tics, ami deliver I «itf on at fhe flepo
free of charge.
Ills n.millinery i V -t and yon are
certain of g' - Hug /u •Oil .-ample. Give
him ft 1ml.
Some folks alwa" Imw to do
How to edit it i paper through,
And *o hear era lit It,
T ' *>»" j
And are .mariei l
Did you ever rut n patirt ' just for fun,'’
Do you know the printers galleys how
they run;
It you don’t tl eu kindly hush
Your meddling mm thy mush.
YouT lineal dihc., mlant of s gnu.
Sion So],o.\:o (.
RiH’klchN Arnica Salve.
The best salvo I,, the world tor L’uU
Bruises. Tette.,, Sores, IJIesrs, Satt Klicum liliilhlaiiis Fever
Soies, all Chapped Wands, po*i
(.’ori s, and Eruptions, and •
siveiy cures Piles, or no pay re(|ulred. It
ii guarantetd to- •• perfect satisfaction
or money refund I. Price ■.* > coots per
hex. For sale hv Hr It. ,i. Iteid.
A (*<mmI Dctil ist
A good dentist i* not nlwitys to lie
^ ,. ,IUI1 - Among . IM , number . who . praetire
Ibis art. Tboiie «Uo have, had Dr. W,
, ..... , r /• .........oik for
*' ’’ ' ’
tliein say he is lOmi of Ute best in tills
, , 1L h. nd several vears ex
perienee. of actual practice and uses the
latest ou-fhods in Dentistry .
_ ^ ----
Mr. .t T. MeAlltster, of Koine, Ga..
says. Last, June. .omittoar sa- nil our
hahy, Paul, carried him safely through an
extremely had mss of dysentery and
teething,^u.d from a mere skeleton of
ski- mm* / i s It I as made him great, lug
• Uiu tl.irty live poun.t
, y „ r
.erine L, Hillyer, ‘T really wilting believe troin
.. Royal <*»., says- 1 llf<* «»1
t)i#t Luriiiatiuer hhv**< tli** my
b.thv iriDiitiiH kiffo wlu*ii ii<
wa« willi diOl(*i*i iiifauiuiii.”
r, for 96,
Colloti s>ii|»|M’d Free.
If you vvirtb tc istiip vour cotlon and
will call at tlii* w^* will mark aud
ship it provided^jfou ship 1 1 a jy cotton
factor advertised in t1»i» pa pc,*. Of
m W(i , t , pay freight changw*
hut will attend the corrcbpaiitleiice,
This will nave you Jot .4 of trouble
nod a8 we will Jtccept no ad vertlwe
inent from a di.wl, on eat dealer y<*u can
;*'! z y 1 ' 10your p, ‘ K “ lce W|U
Fellow-xdtizco**: 4 be panic Wah utrocR
Albnt* right at last and Machinery
has gone out of sight. If you
Witllt to *»•* * l ,ma,<s ^ ,cm '"
the * time. We are selling hogmes
fr n np ( H u|> ,. V)
** M „ u ■. iTt up, Thfteihe. *d0
up. Feeders mul Condenser* lor any
mike of Gin. new or second-hand for
YVe ex * ftge or lepair and *e
M*»c«»neiy -nnOlission. K 'gmes
repaired and G.r a rebuilt with latest
i ( „p r rov emen's. o voIviig heads, cs.rdei
mut 4 €Mlrm heavy
or tprntorn, cwwiert,
hr U mhe§ #*tc. Itcpair material and
thuftwg . ftDd . i»*l on to mu. f y» r <.
tisj*i 9 t wliftl >0 n want and we Will
ariakc , pricci _ t *t wi . ^ •
J L K.CfftOtCr A* (Jo.
M Atlanta <4ft.
, ri . !ore M Ks. Lange.
A Large* Number of Civil but
few Criminal Cases — Mr.
Howell Cosby gets
$I,35o Damages.
( ourt opened here Monday with a larger
crowd than usual present, lion Se.ihon
Heese, the new judge of this elrcuit pre¬
The visiting attorneys are: Mrssts.
llowell and Lewis, of Sparta, Hart and
Sibley, of Union Point, cols. 11. Lewis
and Jus. Davison, of (Iroeneslmro, IV O.
Mitchell, Atlanta, Majir Cummings, of
Augusta. Messrs. M P. Reese, Colley and
Sims, of Washington, Col, Frank Mi rh
ell, of Athens ami Messrs. Whitehead and
Dayis, of YVarrenton. Coi. Crisp, o porter
for the Superio ■ Court was on hand and
i took down the evidence.
The llr-t ease taken up Monday was
Mr Howell Coshy vs. the Georgia Rail
roan for damages received while in their
,,, np |„ y , T | u . jliry s , uy „ a , ml „ V) . r „i u ht.
! leturning a >e diet giving Mr. Cosby flit
j .an damages.
The ease of Alex F.nzlcr vs the Georgia
Unilro.u! was no) p'tmed. Other minor
civil cases h'c Immiij' dlseiHaed.
The erlmnml docket will ho taken up
last. Wo will jyivo mi account of the cast s
before court next week.
Arc liic Places Rev. S. A •
Walker will Speak At.
iliiv. S. A. Walker is to speak in
Tyrone, \\ ilkc« county, Wmlnosilay (lie
ntli of SiipUitubor at 11 a. in. At Mt.
Zion be will speak on Monday !hc ,'trd
nv 7 p. m.
Everbody cordially invltiid.
Taliaferro County.
The People’s Parly (Executive Com¬
mittee of Taliaferro county met, at the
conn house in Orawfordville on the
13th (lay of August 1894, and the fol
lowingrosotolion* were adopted;'
-t* maw mating Kidd in
this county on the 28th day of’April
1894, by the* PopullHt a resolution was
t-woJ—a »a„f..-.i
tin* prohibit , , . *
tint (be in ik»ii• - r of 1 loll
movcineut all issue ill tile l’nojiL! H I’nl'- >
.................... imh ....................
..........................*...... . “ ™'
trary to the resolution adopted us afore
Resolved that we hereby cotuleinti
t be selieine now being toreud upon us
iu this campaign.
Be-olved that Tuesday (lie 4th day
! of September next be iippoin'm! the
, ( |., y p, nominate a raudid.ile to repre
| S< " ‘ allale' - .. i o e. n i\ , ............ ' # ‘ ,
> !
J islniurc ' ” and that the nominal ion lie
! made by primaries held In eaeli mil Hitt
1 ... priimillea ilu- .
dial net. haul to tie supi
lend'd - bv the district committee'll and
j returns to the court house tin: I llmv
,1.,.. ‘ I o, consolidated 1 and result
announced. None hu*. I'opiilistH m e
to lake part til the Said primary elec
|ion. II. 'I Ki nokii IV.
(’liairim n. Pro, Ti ill.
n yf, l( IIK .| <,, Sei ietiuy.
So Fur, Wo Good’
'J’lie tir-t time I saw tier I! wa- just tw -
And she looked like ;m nn •ill tin**--"(1
out in white, /
And tlio’ i stood i nd \J i n tu t w ith
| #bvr< d not May wliat I w b* quit#
Hut at last, I told her Mie w it plum 'out
And it -In* willing i d call the tU'At
VVi h a fiiile »n her face -die ah wen"! at
1 riulif.
a " <i ••••« 1 *- 1
OUt *>t Hiftlit,
“ho tar ho Wrtl."
j In her cosy litti« parlor on the sof a u* x
With my aim ’round my treanuic I *«*«K
ge.t hel so tigld ,
I 1 «"•“<' ju**t. '“*• right, “ f °' urM ’ w > 1 U *" u(4,,t U
„, lt , Hm. I w„- right in Ho tight
And told hoi | loved her with all of my
I might, •
Hut P both'* consternation, < ut wei l Hie
j As wc arose from that Kofa I kinajd hn
gissl nigh* -
Ami 1 couldn’t help im* -ay wlmo I got
out of sight,
“So fa’ so good”
\\ r ANTED two energetic hard working
' men to *e I and collect f'.l Ilie8ing*'r
M: iiufmuriiig exeettent in Giawfordville opportuoiiv and
Taiia’erro <'ountv.
for the right men. Addres* at once
: -iiig- i MT 11 . Go., J. Hoy Naiimh r-, Dis-
1 trie* Aj.e«t, Washington. *.a. Box ■*'/.
The People’s Advocate, Established
The Crawfordville Democrat, Estalt
lished 1 H7f>.
Consolidated Oct. ti, 189‘S.
OUT RATES v'ifsl
Prevail on our entire stock of
Tills emhrac-s every .Shoe in Die Store. Ladies’, Misses’
and Children’s, Men's and Boys’Finest and moat .“stylish
Footwear at manufacturer’s cost, to close out.
Mai orders solicted and attended to prorrpt'y. We pre¬
pay Express charges during August.
‘ t#
* f.
21 Whitehall St. Atlanta, (<a.
The Commissioner of Agricult¬
ure to the Georgia Farmers.
Willi fits*«*«Y|N of h I ate *q,rlii»; »»»«i tin*
Ic4*4*4'iit Drouth Ovrrco*i»*», tlio B’nriii
•*r*« HitVf Mialr o ►jih’iiUlit HiomIiiit, himI
t rop ft'roiiprolH Am tlvli^bt, Ittiyuml lit*
M«Olt Mtllgullto | . AIM
Dl-if'ARTMKNT Oir Anui« ( I.TCUK,
Atlanta, Aug. I, 181)4.
The long deferred raiiiH, wliie.h (uune
In June and July, at fii'Ht eoiifmed to
favored localities, Huallv be itnm gen
f*ml, and Mauigii in the southern part of
the state, the corn w as too far advauoed
to ho JuatoHally beuetittod, in the moro
iioi theru wx^tinu t he muTVel«.ms mmp<’ra
tsm >f fhs 0 K>hit.Ji?i» l «>M,(y,.u,» Lplief
|„ i)mt ' locality, ’ * plains wl.irl.
twisted anil nl most lift doss, luivo taken
<>n H growtli, and the proq>.‘cf for
m-jw I he advanced itiitiiHugs ........ in the southein
J«irt of tlw state »utiered in a greater
<l„^ree Ihk':iiih« the drimtb eame just nt
;......’"j’ 1 ' ...... "r;"™
formed before the reviving rains dc
Feu nde«l to till them NVitb ]»Uunp, healthy
grains. ite
With cotton, exactly the itpjHi fmorgiu con this
(lit ions exist In southern
crop suffered comparatively little from
the April and May cold snap , and
flie drouth of May and June found i1 in
good growing condition, which it has
iH*en able to maintain even during the
dry weiithei. But iu n./rtl.erti th orgiu.
from frost mid coni tuned etiillv wcntlu'i,
succeeded by parching wind- and a
drouth, in some local)lies lusting over
t wo month I he p; o.-pei-i ►.••< ecd almost
hopeless In nn.ny Held:-the little stallis
lnul lost every leaf, only lln- fender bud
H l I ho ton holding out impe iigainst life i'«
otter dost ruction of the crop. But Hie
Kjvill( , ri ,„isim. 1 ,.,m iufuwd new strongth
the drooping plants, and fields, in which
a month ago one could scarcely detoot
(|„. presum e of any living plant, are to
day striped with luoad rows, of vivid
green, indicating alt aium-t pi rfeel
stand ot healtby-, vigoron • I;dks Nee
4*HHtitily tlw *h \'i lojntnnt is HUiiewhiif
(1 iffi-iDfit from Hie ijmuuI eoielilion fit
thin M-HHon, hill cotton Iuik exe< pfional
]*>wri of r< rii/tt rut ion, «ml Hie iihiiu
(hint rai/iH her#* lib-rally boomed the
crop. J he , main drawback i. * t to . a .. f..u lull
yield j* the rapid leaf develojme nt of
the Hfalk, which Ik not now taking on
fruit to it* full capacity.
TH I. 1 I I.TIV ATIU ■ <’l i OTTOS
will is rhaiis ex»eud tie.vuml the usual
period tins rear, on monni of tl,. re
tai*(l«*(l tfi’OWth. tint i-ulhMit bq»m*DiL ion • in‘Oiir
liliUH tU*vt
whim fbftl i; < li‘ < k«*'l ilu b'lidfriry m
then to Nika Dll tnon- fruit < >rdiimrilv,
wjmtr«n thftt form aft<'i tin middb* <»f
Au^uai have* nut time fullv d«--veloji
ln*f#,!'(* front corni - ff»chi rk H«*ir i/n»,
tlt»-i<*f<ir** our pluci hliiMkltf! I* t<* * out inn#
tin* ivatioii up tu a r»*a fe onabb* |h riod
him I thou turn fhi <*ioj> to form
ninl mature ad th<* frnif in Him
piv«*n llino. All work in niltivatliiK
lift* l that lull' i- but n W«-l< of • lu ig;.
Fur the lust working, ow wide frirruu
in tin middle is all that i« nmnwiry,
Hu plow tmiiig adjushai JM» u-. depth to cut of
eVeidv tbnmgliout. and id a
•nut more thai» 1 inch, I»«* |> plowing
now is ruiiorus. l have (dteu M i ti h!
tin- wii-ub pruinising ft« Ids, in ««o W'sil:
aft»-r a dn-p plowing, wil It of tbe
txdlo and fofms oil tbe gwuind. iu lea l
t,f . ,1* ihr
AwanN Highest Honors-World’s Fai«.
The only Eure C'earo of Tartar powder.—No Atuoiouio; So
Used ia Millions of Homes—40 Years tlie Standard:
NO 47
\j\ m *.
In the southern part of the state this
crop is “laiil by.” but in flu* mat!»< i n
part tin re is p» rimp. M»m«* nplnntl ami
more bottom corn still to receive its
last plowmg. VVhere p‘> sibb*. put in
i»ens at this plowing- in tin tiniS or
bronileast necovdiutr to f nunilMr of
furrows, anil see that the plow is ad¬
justed, so that. if possible, not • feed
ing root ia disi iirbe I I have witm -seii
lately an apt iliusiration of the disas¬
trous effects of doop pjowitng. o\»*h \x h» n
only i lie hu row put in the middle.
This field of corn, a very pronii* ing one,
)iad been entirely plowed out. except the ,i
few rows, which for som» reason
owner had failed to finish, the middles
being left wild owed. After the rains
commenced, tie > ami weeds, al¬
ready started III these lei idle., began t >
grow iiptiee For several da*> there was
was no perceptible difference between th«
the corn in flies* jo\\ and that in
rest of the field. Yll w.i vigorous, and
to the eve of tie e* {wrieneed fiiniM r the
glassy, dark colored blades spoke of jdtu\- fu¬
ture full ear. Hut a gi ideal, and ^
ly, 11 marked elmu^e tt run -tl the
iinworked rows
The weed*, WWn’.m jtbi* »mn •i- amt
hiiiltny.'wm-e fisid, tie* He <dfw ...
necessary ('♦ftn t>. w »•!>
losing thou healthy color, ami only a
cursory ghnme xvas m «sb*d to mark the
iTiT iS
lilOAV w us stai te«|.
|„ w ,|, r to h-..i up tin In nvv g-rowth
„f wissis .the tiliiwsluin had h> , in
Had the f.inner intended to furnish
mi illustration <>! the din* • tfeeN n' #!<•< •»
plowing jiave. id tIds M ason, be could not
given if more perfect one Them
juried rows, just now in tin cj itieal stage
(t f ruling, material!,' muv make something. Itid the
crop cut off, will M"v# r r**
cover its former tone. The rest of flu*
ffold plowed earlier, and before u watt
t„ . ........ to tb.- ••b-r-i- tr- at
is u pieture of agniulrural
1 ,e:uilv, tin abiiudaut ,-..i and vivid
()0 lor Hllesting it- vigoron .seidiin.ii.
p,r|pip lollovv not il on, tooi'Kia farmer in.
100 lias I In , »|« 1 am nt .iicoiai
eiillur,-, whi, Ii are Is ing e.n.-frdh ,..u
dueled ut our tat ion. riinning Hi • ;:ii
H series of vein- Iteean..- of lai-m,
n ,j j„diil, o . I would -all often
,,, ,|„. usults and the eoml i-iuns
ri ..„.|,ed Lv th e exoi i iiimm II is
{„ ,, r „ V en h.v tliese wifli roost ofol tests, that
eoniiiarisoii a gone: m tuuilng,
fertili/er put only in lie drill t ,r,
does not I'ay The imu, ,■ in the i rup
fufimn'. lie two jH*iio<l^ w* if* p.xnt
«•«( by an iuhTHM'iliate p rio ! of one
J he reauIfK t v ... not pairU'Ulaily wiHU **ihk
lug, chiefly for the reaaoii fhaf fhe eoMr*
were fairly well yin^taiued by the grant
ration of h ponudH of hrrin and J p.irndn
of eof fon H#M*d meal mid ‘i pounds of
, It indicuti^. bowevef,
that ID pound* of eotfon M*ed hulls »re
not cipii'alcut f< .'»(> p<#midy f»f IfL'h tlTfl
ullage Tin (*' »w 'f»nld not iridra** <1
to t';it more than tin fO funttiflr* of hull*.
Another trial to compare corn silage
with rot ton m*# #i I' 11*. i ac)i fed alone.
waa diwtoiitinued aftor * ip’Ut d >*s ou at*
/•mint of the rtiiriiika^e in milk and Hi
Jive xvrif'ht of thr row h f> 'I on hulla
alone. Tin- 1<»* fi« 1 on wiliiir" n* ith* r
tfaii!»*d nor lost in weight, but the niiik
yield shritiik nearjy ih jaatiidft.
Loverly is hurd. but ilcbl liornhle,
A man rniilit as a ell have a smoke
lumas and a s oldins? wife, w *ieh a?c
said to be the l wo wor-t evils d out]
I f ......Spurgeon. __l