Newspaper Page Text
At 7 r A w - ~
«<. >. .r ul.. bu-icessxrs, sud we do not claim
I infallibility feet system ; but we by Lave our reduced thorough them and to t*er a
mini n. . m. If we should make them, tell n«
so. and they will lie righted - at our expense.
Is that satisfactory ?
Doom, Sash, Bl.nds, Uumfcee, 4«
** Buy of the Maker." Auguste, Cc
VOL. 1.
—w TH
Bickers & Co.
have Cut 1 FKK8 t O tit
It is true times a’-e //arD bnt wo trade.
t'm times. and that is one thing that is bnngin a us the
YTo will cut the life out of Prices
f More is the way we are doing.
Towels worth 25. 35 40 an,rjjinwjS.*> « ld r>c *
ssssxarssss Linen
f(7 in Bleached Table Damask worth !>D, now hue y.ud.
SSwki™ tZLS.o 20 and 25e. « «m thark 'Uo tl m h.i: 1-ii. each.
Men’s Outing Shirts worth
Men’s Elegant Brown Dril’ Drawers only 2oc per patr.
Men’s Congress Shoes worth SI 40 down to tot.
StJgSS Su* SSSTJStfS down. 8 ’U
AH Summer Muslins Marked
In facf these are onl} a few har
trains that we are giving every dav.
II can’t come, senT tor Samples ahd Pricks. "We
* you
will always give your orders Careful Attention and Guarantee
you lowest prices.
Yours to Serve,
Oreenesboro, OriSt.
< Cotton Commission . j\L -\ r erci 1 1 fin 4- ls,
Older- Or bagging and Ties ;
— AND — -4
Consignments of Cotfon Solicited. Augusta, (*eorgia .
— X
Augusta; Oa.
I^a mers Coiisi^iiniKuits l*.>p t*iully Solicited.
C^r#-4; Cotton (tins,
M il® COTIO.V I’lli 88ES,
rvTTX.t Ei.K VATCB8 ami
' '-Vt -y, (JTHE
F‘> r Elevating. v "p* atirnj,
( leaning aTid P.o k icg
made by any concern iu tiie world
_ -It Will Fay
jpr' , you to get price® fr rn tlu
rnanufactare* cm* fore you boy
vvi.vsmr li iciiixE < «,
Met * r when tbe A«fv you writ**. ate Democrat' Atlanta, Ou 9
Our Local News.
City and County Items
I P-ieily Told.
For cheap goods go to L\ Bergstroms
hr. .J.»H. Clupm io is at home} sick
this w*ek.
Head our ad on first page. Kim-.
! trough. Bickers <fc ('o.
Mr. Ksper McDonald returned to
| Tl #3ison Tuesdaj - .
Miss Mamie Rhodes is on a visit to
Augusta this tveik.
K’ad Kimbrough, Bicktrs & Co's
“<m if you are looking for bargains.
Mr. A. D. McDonald was with us a
short while Sunday.
, Mr. and M.s. Kd. Kolucke, of .Wadi
son _ < lre visiting friends ill tlie city.
1 We wiliM.tveiyou
money and sel! you
j reliable goods, Kimbrough. Bickers ,V
I Co.
Mr. h.11 (»unit has accepted a ttosition
with the depot in Mtih dgeville.
The changes in some of the business
houses of tile city have quite mixed us
The best 50c unlaundried shirts to
be found anywhere is at Kimbrough,
Bickers A- Co.
Mr. T. C- llolden, now a resident of
While Plains, was in Ihe city Tues¬
Mr. L. S. Jackson, one of Sharon’s
successful merchants was in the cily
Send us an older for a pair of those
silk gloves at 15c a pair. Kimbrough,
Jiiekeis A Co.
A huge number from here attended
campmeeting at Fountain camp, last
You sheiiltljsee these ribbons we are
selling for 2j and 15c a yard, tie y have
been going fast. Kimbrough, Bickers
<V Co.
Mis. 11. M. H 'Men and Miss Stella
llolden left Moil lay for a tew days
stay in I he country.
Mrs Gee relumed from Washington
Tuesday, where she has been spending
a few days wilii friends.
Irving IV. Larimore, pljymelal director
of Y. M.* C. At, I)e n i *wa,
(w/’Tbm&'C'it hitttf!9Ty fvcoor riid Chaiimei'**
Iain’s Pain Balm to aililetes. gymnasts,
bicyclists loot nail plafiers and the profess
dislocations, si<m in general also lor for biuisns, sprains and .stiffness and
of tiie muscJes* When applied be foie the
parts bet ome il will cfleet u cute
in one half t he time usually required. For
sale by
Dr. R J. Rian, Druggist.
MissCinnie Boone, a pleasant young
lady of the Gate City is on a visit to
Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Farmer.
In Sharon news will be found an 11 c
count of the sad death of Mr. frail
Mu''re, son of Mr. Joshua m lore.
John (t. Monger Editor of the Sunbeam i
Seiijtuiaii, lam! Ini the Mo., Presidency who iiame.t in Nov. (irover is'u Gleve- while | i
lie Was Mayor ol Buffalo, X. Y., is imams !
sii'.'tie in Ids I 'lain'-(;„iic |
(.‘nileia anil Jtcnihoea lfeineitv. He says
"I liave used it for the past five years and
eonsudvr it the i'c-# picpavatmn of the
kind m tlie market. It is as staple as kii- !
gar and coflee in tliis sictiun. It i-. an ar» 1
;; a ^!rF*«”an'bv‘' 1,1 " ,ul in I
ii. J Ri in. Druggist.
Miss Maud Leary was in the city a 1
few davs last week. Much to the re**
giet of her man y ti lends, she returned j
home Monday.
While in U’hif.i^o, Mr ('li.irl,^ L KhIi
a pmm iioit slrne iwcrciianr of I;os
Moines, Jovva. had quite a serious time of
it. Hr took sueli fc severe cold that In*
could hard)\ Talk or navi^ete, hut flu*
joompt use of (Jhainb *i JaiiiH Cough Kern* 1
«i£ r n&lZl\‘wZ'Lll .^Oolfis ’•
lowed llis example and half a <|o/.,.|, ,, ,,
mTis oid 'ied it iroiuthe n**a»'e,st dru^ ^tore i
They weie profuse in r cir thanks to Mr. I
K rimer 1 ot tc/lii.g ilicm ta»» to cure a ban
cold .-o q iitkly. For sale hy
Dr. )(. J. Riin, DiUggist. i
LAtlc Miss Marie Stephens, after a
P’ea.aot v.sit to our town of two j
weeks duration returned to her home
in Atlanta last Satuiday.
A grettdeal of sickness is reported
thioughout the country. In the last
few days three deaths liave occurred
in tlie sfiaron ip-ighboi hoo 1 alone.
Teetning Cbtidren i
NX thing on earth will take cintdren
p;ea"a l)j Yand'-^vci’i’ -u/c 1 ) v ’Kd - Re,y ’
»>* . Kin#" B'jyai berm"* ure. 'l hev
like t<> taka it, an I it net* like mauic pc' in
ineet,»»4 the trouble* ,t Hiat eritieal
riofj. Il I?, perfectly IiuijiIc^n. cofitainin^
no alcohol or opium in any foini whafeve
l’h mnaiidh have tiled it and it fu« in* ver
been known to tail. ?:.»; r m
l.’uUnti Siiij»)M-sl Fr**e
If you wis i to ship vour cotton and
will call at this office we will f/j-ok and
ship it provided,you ship 1 1 a.»y cotton
factor advertised in tills Of
course we c »r»n«t pay frei^iit charts,
but wiii attend to the correspondence,
etc etc.
Thi-S will *ave you lots >f t rouble
and as we w»U a('C(*i>l no adverti-e
merit from a disl ories» dealer >##« cult
feel *-a~y ah to bow youi pfoouce W III
te handled.
Buy 1 Cbeap>ef*t
And get the le--t eJ<#tinug fr ■ . Kim
Prong lin ker.** Ac Vo., of ( re* *.">! oro,
Tr.*-y Hfe ; s -j "l-e^i^r .Ttifl wrp-f
C ’-thii-g H.arj }>, i .ii 1 get el-" a ;tre.
To Speak in Washington Sej
tt-mber 1,’tli.
A frnnil informs us that Judge Jus.
K. Hines will speak tn Washinelon at
I.the Tope Park or ') hursday the tilth
of next, month.
A large mmilv.'i* from Tsiliafciru
should be ou baud. If as m;itiv a*- le t
ot'Vtf will g., from Crawfordvilk 1 and
will have their names in advance re
dneed rates can probably tie scoured
from the railroads. *
Uo RU( , hc „, ., gu0 ,; s|) , !0 eh.
Ready KorBasineas.
Mr. C. 11. tioliioke -announces that lie
will mu llis gin this fall. lie will he pre¬
pared to furnish you with hugging and
ties, and deliver \ our cotton at the depo
free of charge.
llis n.Hcliiiicry is thy host and you are
ooitain of gening a good sample. Hive
him a trial.
•V » —
Advertised Letters
The following list - I letters remain
in the postotliue at Ciaw foidviUe, I’wl
i.ifcno County Georgia, will he sent to
the deadletier i dice if not called for at
ine expiiaUou of JO days from uate,
August Is.
Mrs Betsy Pitt, ’Gross Ornrnbey,
John 11. Evans, Rev. IT.n. 8 trial ley,
Kpiiriaiu Steed, Charley Simmons,
\\ Ilhams W aids
C. 1. Fat titer, P. M.
September 1st
. v.
Anothnr JHeiith.
Again il fails to our lot to chronicle
Ilia dcaili of ... another person of ..
young v
couuly. .... I Ins . lime me , soul of , Miss .
Atiee Llluigtou, , the Itjflrutuu , . year old ,
daughter of Mr. and Jvr*. S. S. Filing- .....
have . halo
ton, J loins those wuo gone re.
She was burned at llm-dd family lmy
iog grounds near Sand < Mine XlltllM
* ”
Beig-trom desir hi in tufoilil those
who owe niiit stiri' ucil/Uiit lhal he will
now give them n oltu cc to pay up.
Conic early and a voir ’ ilu rush.
They Are Moving:.
I>urii.^ Ihe. last few diiva our mer¬
chants have been j»L*> i hit “in\ and Ihe
uctose.” The /alliance Store in now
where ihe racket Store was, Mr. Me
Dom.ld occupies Andrews. Gee A Co’-.
1,1,1 wlsl "l. while this linn can he found
m tin- building which the Alliance
s,ol '° »ioved from.
it j„ rcjiortcd that Messrs. Andrews,
<i,!e & Co., will soon swap fpjaill with
Holden, Farme] .V Co,. Wouldn't it
,M ' a good idea lo put the town on
"' ,ju!l1 carried ou more- easily.
A (h)od Ihhd ini
A good dentist is not always to be
fotiiu among tlie number who practice
this art. Those who have had Dr. \V.
L. Bethea, of Grcerieshoro, work for
them say h * ih one of the best iu this
sect mu. lie has had several years ex
r ri * ,M ' B ° f R, Ulal r>rfl<,tkl: a,,< ‘ " H< *
latest nicihod* in 1 teniistrv.
llis \a>k Tut Oil.
Ah usual some one had to he hurt on
th* excursion fmui asriin^ron lo At*>
l*nla last. Tfiurwlav, to k ep up the
reputation of such Mips.
The unfortunate one (lift time haps
pened lo l»e Mr. \ed Keating, of Sl/a
ron. He and bis family went up on
this train and in coming back; when
the slop for Sluron was made, it Is
f-.iidlliat Mi. Keatlr g gtcpisid out on
tlie platfoun liefort 4 the train StI>p|s-d.
intending to help his fain ly off when foot sipped and he fell iietween
tl ”' The front truck passed
ovt i Uic left )e^ of the otifor tiinatc
man. almost . . entirely . aei vin^ . it from *
his l»ody.
]>r I)aV : d*on arnpufaied h/Ir. K*at*
in^'s Pg amt last report Pay he is doing
finely. His fiiends liope t,o see him
out in u lew weeks, No blame is at
tachesi tn th- r;i; i.cid ernplovees.
Kiickleits Arnica Salve.
t!i" world for Hut*
( >a’t Klu-uio F* v#*r
. Ten* ( ba .pt-<l '.’and*, L'fulMain*
-iveij #<ri puara, co a IU * d t • u " p it**#*? -. 1 ' da"ti»
tD'fll#* 1 1 ' t * #;#> tf D**r
v F'#r -ale* b . Hr . K, ,i. 1,’eid.
'Ho 'A < ? - n-i Sk n [)i
^oiipiy apply “.'iWaYn fcV Oirtmi.xt
So interiral loediein*- required.
!*'•# r e"7..-n.a. ift'b all eruptione on the
f a(*e oatfd, r.o?»e &e leaving the *kin
, w |»Me »ud h# altiiv. It* great hen
ng him! eura’ ive jm»w# j» are po-**e^-ed by
no other remedy A*X your druggist (of
hWAYNfc Uimsivst
I 0 UWil S 1 ” HTISN w * * **
Mr. John Johnson Is To
Be TalinJerro’s Next
J|]g 0filSg3t6S MS6t W®dP®Sll3V
Allli Flit Up A SlfilillCli
p I OpUllST. ..
a ho delegates to noiiiltutki a en uli
date to represent Taliaferro county in
the next'ishitnro, unanimously
non: muted Mr, John Johnson.
Mr. Johnson is widely known us one.
of the strongest supporters of the lie
form party in this county, fie was
among the first to see flic "error of Ins
way' and joined the people's Party
Now tvr have our man, let’s push
him Ihiough.
IS IT All K 1)1,11 ?
Oue Nej»TO Shoots Another
Near Sharon last Thursday
— Was it an Accident.
Last Friday Mr. Tom Moore, a bai¬
liff of Raytown disfriel brought Irwin
Heard to our county jaii for safe keep
ing uuti 1 feliruun e«".i-t.
Heard charged Willi , mlirtier , of
Rage , Johnson , another Sharon negro.
I lie eireumsianees are as usual , m
sill'll cases. ,, Itoth , id the negroes were
ilrmkmg , . and lioth ciiri led pistols. I hey
^ . (i Uu; riiiu| j oln , hl) nc .
gvo who was idiot, pulled hi« pislOl,
telliug Heard Omt lie wn*» j n>
.4-uL li » fudit'WMM- giw»» i* * * i »*
mjr (o shoot over Hu other ue^roV
bead, hut lit pulled the trlger too qtiii k
and the hall lodged in Johnson's stom¬
If card with (he help of his half-tvB
te 1 hiotlior who was along, earrieil the
wottnde I man to Dr. Dill isnii’s nllli e
in Slmron uhcie liis wound was dress
cd, but in .s))ili; of Hie candid JiHeu’doii
of ilio p)iynientn he died Siimlav.
A numb r of rmuuiM are alloal an *o
the shooting.
„„ ihe above , n.o„„l , ,s from , H,«rd. ii i
It in reported (hut .lupuscii, ;i short,
while before dyinj^ ^aid (lo t tli sh«»ot
iu^ wan purely Jieeidrulal. I!u IL aid’s
l»r<iiher Hays that Hid two were quarrel¬
ing al llie lime.
lli«* ^eueial impn "ofiu i> Ih.d IL-. id
will come (dear lie b a mii’| \et mil
ployed a lawyer hut will do so noon.
Something n ay he. hrnuidil to lip lit
that will throw quite a different light
on affair
-p) iu ^.st llmpii alec of All llo-pit
aide Places.
At least this is What we were led to
la'heve mi our first visit to th.s lovely
little village, last Thursday eve ing.
Our mission was to attend a harbe
cue supper at Mr, Jim King’s, given
in ho mr of Mi-s Ruth Holcomb, an
wttractlire young la ly of Sllaiita.
A ndeof fourteen miles put iih ex
iiC i|y fa the eonditicn lo enjoy a good
meal and if the enmmily of our appe
tile indicates ltd* our enj lyme.-l read -
ed its highest aLainmenl.
The yoiititf ladi.s at IFbite Plains
HI e especially altiaclive and wa L II in only about six time-, peal 1 y the
White 1'laius gills ate s attractive it
is tiard to tell wbieti you l'k‘- test.
l»V spent the night, at the h c pi'ahle
of .Wr an] Mrs .T C. Ilo'dcn
And out kind host, and hostess have
(,ut sincere thankn.
lkfor'* breakfant Hie next rnoinin^
we strolled ov / and took a look at the
biiHinesH Iioii-ck In H\ ue of tbe late
dlsasterous lire which swept mo*t <>f
the stores away the town 1 an been
“V wondeifullv quick.
Messis. // .l ien, Former A
stoie will be llie attract ion of the
neighborhood when conplete l Tli-y
have one f the best stands and a v*uy
imat n*-w houn" If indications i«itiit,
sn tin* n.jht oir» ct*‘>i» tliey will have a
* ’* Km ~
t m ,
W#- authorize oui advertis'd druggist to
**dl l»r. King's Sf* Uiicovrry Un ( ot
"ttinpliou, Uough* an 1 Coldi, upon tlo-v
•‘OtnltUoti. It y##u Hi#* affli' tcd with ,i
< -ongii, I/'old oi any Lung. Mir*##t or L‘h »,t
trouble, arid wiii ii*»»* tin* remedy an di
n-oU'd, giving i a fair trial, ami #*xj»*'*
ri* no- no fe-neht on may return the
and liave \<*or mot **y refumied.
We con PI not make fid* offer did we no
kii<»w Mmt llr. KHix'* New tli-cover*
Pm id t "*lied **ij. If n**v» r’y
j;r»»icle>tHvn free at Hr. 1*. J Itri'l *> Ui
TAot* L-i.g" -/-e o#; air. 4-
The People's Advocate, Established-
The ('rawfordvill. Democrat, F.stub
lihlo'd 1878.
Consolidated Oct. (t, 1800 .
CTJT rates
wrrm— iiiutii iri i—i iwiihuim
Prevail oil our entire stock nf
»;iitawR.-.;se.. maaaimmm
This embraces every .Shoe in the Store, Ladies’, Misses’
and Children's, Men's and Iliya’ Finest and moat xijlish
Footwear at manufacturer's cost, to elose on!.
Mui orders solicted and attended to protrpOy. We pre¬
pay 1’ vpress chniges during August.
' JJSWra
*> ».» Whitehall Si. • • Atlanta, ( «jl
Shi: roii [ferns.
Bv lli .Miury
Mr. W, U Brow,; is in Atlanta this
JPm lamra Smith is visiting Di.
Davidson's fatally.
(j iite a iiultil er of mu people atten¬
ded Fount mi ruuqi melting last Sun
Mr. It. N. Gilbert In s been qtulc sick
during ltic past week, tuts,
Messrs 1. M. TrlpUtl and B A.
D*vid«on are spending a wi ■ k among
Iricnds and re dives at Hli.noi),
' *W1 n ,/usf (its '.' n:V spirit of
mIhh Mnttltt i’M m"on took Its to
the (flory world. Her reniitliis were
interred at Huytown Mvlhodint church.
Mi hch Lolita Newson and Nunucr
llohlei , two very estiiuabUtymiiig ladies
of VV ttshingtor, teturneii to theif
hollies m uidny after a (.leasant visit to
Misses Hi tine's at Raytown.
A pi i/,d wum "If red l»y one of the
cleik.Hii: .1 A. K*ndiL’k‘M »tnr« lo the
first <;»i.s!(inn r i hat would briutf in a
L.tsi, Satan day, Sep
tembet' 1st, Ml. I, M Seagn sold
......, . ......... and is
made tin* neipient <»l a Ibble.
Ml. Ed, Keating upon returning
from AUattfa last, FtlJtvy uigiit, ass
Hinting Ids lit lie daughter f°
g"t off the train heie. h II or was
i.hrowu by tin; movinp train wi h Ii us
left fool aciottH tli tiaek, which ic
HuIf.(*(J In ’ho total loss of hin loot.
/lit David um vu-m iminedhiii ly huh.**
moiled and ti"(t(i] the wound with a
caret ul atupu aUou. Mr. K".tling im
Miifl’eiing inteiiMeJy hut we hope he vviiJ
soon recover.
List Monday Scptemhet *;rd, Irad
.\fnore, son of Mr. J J .Moore, u young
man just entei irig hi* twenties, and
oue loved by thoHe who knew him well,
died when everythtig wis most l.rom
isiug. Theyouiiu n en. Lad’s
panioriH, will n rm iuIim• that thin Jh tbe
hint moke that has taken , one Ot . the ..
ho>H, and who kn >wh hut Lhat be whh piep.u "tj to if ti than we? W#*1|
may v*e take Khioijm from Much diMpen*
Many hem Ik have been Ktrickeu with
WM c iiiHetl by the sa> and seeiuP"
ingly iinf im.dy o *af h -d Mis Aiiiim
MoUre# i dau#b er ol Capt . s.
Fly nt, at the home of her parents a*
R.iyt/wn, August gflMi. She stiff -red
long mid palicnlly. •V Iii.i- death is u
!c>liable tnonsrer. It comes to tjnis
I mns in the leis.mage of ‘ Ub'SKed,’ #
In life we sy injiath./e with one unothei
according to our u la' ions, social con.
Mani/uiniifl. M,durna but when a flnai
Heparation ih c.uift* d 'y the, (le *.euHe. u (
one, tl a whole human family ik affV-ct
edllr- eby l ie#, !o wnom the d<>ait'
f d i * most dear an* gi :ev,. j mo it.
Awarded Highest Honors-World's PaiL
Tbe only Pure Oenin of Tartar i'owdcr.—No Ammonia; So Alum.
Used iii Millions of Homes —40 Years tbe Standard.
NO 48#
The Condition Of Things.
You will in w find the Alliance Store
in the h us.* rceuutlv occupied by A.
1>. McDonald. We iiropose In pill in
a In Her line of good. Iliis full lliiiu we,
have ever cip-ried. and will soil ihem
j to suit :lie price of cotton.
We nonrtily thank the public for
I In ir patronage in ■ lie past, and in ask¬
ing for a I'ouliiiuatioii id same tie
pledge ourselves to always |irolei'.l your
interest. Very Uuspt,.
W . < '. ( II tl’M t V, M
A Urge amoiD '' l M'DM’V lb l'‘*t *M4*
hv 1 ir|, h* Tmffi
mh u>
Qrni flue j»r»w« theh own fretm, tendi out
rtotluu^ hot good h* • I< ft'id «u rea
tUMUihle prieen. If ,i win! th" nddi'css "I
i very farm or or K»r«JrmT in >'<>nr Kt'Otioa
and will 'iidkt! yon u libu'id oiler, vvnio
lor pamatilar* mi l |nie«M nt once, send
Siuijtle l»*r descrljHlvo (Uhilit^uo. Agcii
wanted every whore,
Addiost), Chereehce Nma ry
'V'aynfiw !
thi ui.t i ,nt i, a non tiiouhm:**.
nboubl eausi* iih mor»‘tban ever toHtndy
ibiw question of borne topple* II. t. i
fj M . sfril.* b»*eii ^reafly pn»lon r ;« <1 if is
aprialling f<» fliiuk of th" almost univ' r
rui sufi.'iing whu-l; would haviuvsn.lci,
not only in (In i llH - Out in the farm-,
and tld' iu a (»od favored niiiuirv,
when- . very variety offood for Hum and
Im jimI fan b< produced af a moderat-o
| COMI . If in true find for tbe past few
yeai>. more tiin« mid (bought hav«* heeii
piven t«> j>i‘»du"iu }4 at home th" supple 4
needed by our own people, and as a rule,
the funner* are in better eoudifion in
ip)" )ith]>e"t tban ’-hire the vva i , but we
hIjo ulri not Kfop nhorf of eomplefe mde
p< ndeiiee of all out nle in.nlfe ' 'i’ben
are I wo
i i -ono i uovf Tiir - ran k,
which we. an farmers, "an 1. 1 1*m to lieart,
lin ,| whi"li, if heeded, will pro*.e both
salutary and profit a I-lo (he i fin- mi
penitive iieiU'KMity of ab-idufely abati
doiunp tin on»* eron system of rai.^iiiff
within “Ui* borders all the snitplien need*
f nrill . i,,„ |, v ,,„ r
enfir" home population W i l.ave ban
51 ►harp ekpeuene* , and wlnn willi
bate«i breath svi waited for ti .qig.w from
„f „„ r
Jarpereifh "ear"* !y a jionit" of t»aeon
i,r } * bte he! «d i " ; , " u 1,1 i ' :
reah/.ed III II full Ion*" ( Mi" dauber
of oUr ,
'I Jjc second I* -o,i lies m tic- fact Hint
whin* The eon# •• f"d eifD i’I- "iilf< ri of/
from He fran brngtfh uu
empl(*yed and nub i , in t he
<‘4»uutry tlier* mui aidive tnimti
fifty from nnu-u.d di*‘t / Da id The
fijxilt ‘»1 viuleii"* and }»!•>» dmd and
Hliu valioii W"T< *.n the miit
♦>*riii#-- of a i i i ;t i: i iVll which, 1>* in#
of Miurt duration an<i iiiaded area, in no
way a flee ted fm ev"U fenor of farm
life Had if confiniud lon^» r, doubt
Je*H f)i" farmer d- p* ndin# He W' "t
for corn and lie at would liave felt the
agitation, but even had the laU»r iIih
lurbanees Ik ji h u#ih"in(i intfi nionfliH
*h»* hom» nnpply man fort ifie<l
tt if- true that f)i* f irm offer 4 no ^Jitter
in# indije"in"Uf in Hi" wav of fortune
(he p'tuutt* ralion < <r da* and rm>nthK
' 5" ■ >*>i* it* not boy*-, but th" man. who
= honestly and faitiifn? p ifnrill ifK
duti*- . n* i*d never b ar t e li mi dor
tun# - \v hicli * o oft**n (hr if-n the Ih
l*#r# r» i;i of In r ealliiq^ T • mui He n
Ik, at Jea-f. # M ap# from fh" «f;t;'Nafi«ui
i)nd Kiifl«Tinp ot lb* «* : * .