Newspaper Page Text
aiivoi itk-iikhoi hat.
-I i HI ISIII ’> I l l It* n HMV
-'«'/ /f <)r// ywf /># etc it v(<i*u*t
( #Vr, fi,s Second tSiss.* M>nl M titer.
cr.Ei sf and i AUrnr.Ro
/All: AND !Mil's.
Al*«> tt>i*Mticf«l or {tan ol !;»•
i« 1 » o 4 o •• »t • .
* —---
/.. / T 11 , I *V I*ii oil*her.
l-flwf a * , 'r| mr.l ei 7, ISvl
pr! **
1 */
f iV L\ y/
r*- ■
!%■ \J '
i :/Smw
TC ■// w
mi: •
(Give nun (:i*. K. of rulton
Si rp la ) Of SI:rl Hr. A i*. Natu e
of 1 i n i l.
Treasurin' G. \Y .lone-, of Ha. y» v
Comptroller Gcijcral W. It.
y. tup,«.! luintiiuel.
Alimtii'\ (»i‘Ui 1 .*1 .1. A. II. M.ihaf*
i e\ , l Im lv ani.
(inner of Agrhultnift
.? .11114 liaiietf, of *■ u in nofid.
mt I I Kl t '.INI v.
1*01 BM-HWi'MIVM* .!. II. Me It'hor
icr, B. K. OnvUiu.
'| | 4 f 1 ' )i I rejiorted to In ill
pol l MU of \Vm it*n eoun‘y.
like «'ull"i> tiiiw will not
tjnu.u uvri* live ucuc* per uiul.
i H It jt ;u|ei* dnllblle-s n*m 6 tliWr Hi ‘
taioen < udP -Jl. u— en*e which wji**
ut il in 1 1 1 > > %% ,ti ‘
hL* rnno • ,t *• hby,*- hJ.d the
Hues** lmy» Ltr v ** euoir. AMh*
ihii » loM ,\ 'oM*p»ne n< position In
Wii-1tinM <m :m>l tlium.'l i,. \ihcii*< >l<‘
I.UtMvl I'.vn ->• l <»»g Uutl Uv l»*»l Ul'
Jlhu'l 1 . (1 s ji.itU'd I inti .1 U'lg" I..OV
• «'U im<I him ti msUiO 'l uji"ii Hi" l' 1 ' H
• ii i>u km ", It l' nl " 'iii'l 1 h i* <*iic "f
hi* "*iiow f»in»og M supporter* p »t up the
« vuh nee iu thi* eum- iitul wuuhl hnve
• U’uu g lit il Ui plihllt aHentioii. Ii
‘sotuclhliig” Initi not liitve luippetMu).
If 11 j t o -1 ■ repot tii Ht»’ Hue, •'i n an v
•IciiKH'l'al t c \ ll ill 11,0 ci 'Inii xo!i‘ fur
gtlidi u man Icl'\ *«u,l ‘0 ;im iclllinll*t > .
l ay t | Your Subnoription.
lvtllll-riltifl a news,apes rxioioce'
ki 11 ’ going dm teg “hard l nus," jusl
Die mn'.e. So In l,i ns mil hj paying
ymu hul mu ipl ion.
Trashy Medicines.
M:iU\ *Mte|) thmd the lUit|k*'l. ITdftUl*
liUitMi IL, Hi i .i t t»iiM'ieh(Heu»l> ciltpouiMl
*’<t iuedit Is i , Ihe I« ’ ul‘ »'l ffifty \ cm.* ps<»<'
tl** In iitt eusuti i ( j'b\*».euut H 1> lilt*
be**! bSot tl jut 'll i evi l ifTeitd I<* (lit*
j UWIle, Hint r HUH rAt t« t tl III CHI «* It kl'»*U
tt (flii (lial. ITy u ft*i «J1 -Ktii and td* »*d
«‘k« ti « ii i ni'iil'K i Dlrtii b n.«d
11*111 1,1 vvti l Hein One not He .»! ll
t «»i*f mi»k turn .uitiiive Htld t UiSdMiU «»
\ litlie I lie li ii th *ftu id hity lilnr kin<l.
Tt v “ I be y Mtl ht'lbky, niWniii-e
iiteiif i LpwIh ip.
A Business liilin .ition t<* one
Worthy Bo\ ar <«id of
The * * e*'»T! » Ai.H»i4Ui» Iti*ifm>*ed^
If’jjp, in*.v eamv l«*d ft) Ik* lht» Purest
plat ! t il 4 i’d I ln’tal imlhlli / tl
in the vu ibein s l He*. Im* rtih))v^<|
th ii*!y tJYef m IhrtnigV tMIHtlkt'ii*)
tlKlbillp, « t«Hlt to *,iu«
woiUiV Ik\v or git! *»f tli ** emitity
A GeUel nnutmrlN bn- uet r t>e**
fore been » llctrd (he youth of our
t ruin'*, find we w ut<l *dv * • our
youinj it tail* to m,4» « uuuudaV ** Ap*
FeJiow-ci* '• u* l'he t#* utruck
A \ lair, a i .r l «t List uiul iiKx'htfinv
lias v of *igbt, tl you
XVKUl *VI buy H i uauif pi has*, now v?
the Uuie. We ate fiottmg K 'RiiDs
|■ chi) s ’* up, (iin- b 4 1 up PtTsses 5 *, .•
HP. IV*ed IlltU $,T» Tfirode* jf (* i
up. IVedtu* mid < \mdeii*e»u f*»r huv
tnake of Got »f -fV »nt|***j|.i t fot
(ft t h « We ex ’IiHUge >? iej*kir “vud
M*»t‘hin«*if tm etmai ** ou. E gme*
rejuiire) autl Gins rebuilt vviUi Ulent
tftjprtoernen!*. o v *h or head*, c udei *
pj Dealers ved eb anet*. e*’mhe.*v>
«U'. Urpau mid
4 ,ntut g and 11 ; oys on tuul. Write
li# just wbat you «ont *ndl *e u*
ai. ke pi ices that wi l v it.
II. N C emf .Y (*o
jy- MdfHlii st %( Nut* bi.
1 lopnetoi* Sdiuh unj id’s* I ftnge.
f )f the Guild Jmy ( f Talia¬
ferro (< untv, for August
Tt rni i8:>4
We the Grand .1 jjof* •clcct)*)l, choicn
and -worn for th VU 5 ta*t term 1 - *4 of the
Superior court f.»r da iaferr » county;
Herewith make thu following jp'ie-ral pr«*
r*'tnniltt"ft appoint*.! to examine court
hrtii-e j.iil flnd various county record**
? rnik<* flu* to Im r r p of
HV find the # « ml ftoij.c «sfc. amt reft
commend f ha G.<* sva; In* pajpot and
pern it< d *!• ttre «». 11 -;*f* that o'UnU be put
on nil the window- to ’.re-#*Mf faui l«*{i* iny
*hro "h and injerffig ■ p;jt*feiinsr. I i.e
|d(d*i.’ ti*e«J f r rfiitnm y In ix<l n rmdition
near the roof, a* It there i* danger of
<1 <•
VV.* find the jail h'jlUliri^ in first class
cori»ij(|cMi, cMrpt ;v 1*‘W liuht* nr** »> jt,
new eftes slioiild be ’put in. More blan¬
k'd * an* Oocfcd.
W«* find Ut O', iinrv'* an I f ’li'fk* r<*»
jtd* c •» >* I'Uy Ji ul rot-tflv kept.
I tic fro surer r<*nort
A mount <*n fm'id • *'b term 4 if * >
Arnouni rco vi • l f/om G . S.
Kd ward , T. G'. XIHUU *»U
'lofal ^ :j:> i«#
< 1
IIv vruich)- S„‘ i to ir.; it! i‘i,
IJ\ 1 .; fo r i‘i i t 1‘itutu Ion for
r* ccivlnu Iio.'/.fW j
I 5 > 'J 1 4 |»-*i cunt r ’on»riji* 4 *ioii for !
pas in if out ham! ?*.Hu OA j
A mount mi 01 j
M i* find tin* Tnuibtircr'i roport correct
...........lint on hand li
erf for all froftcy paid out. Tho Sicr iff*
I ■»k« we find pt'ji*rlv k«*pf We find
Notar y I'sinii)'and J ,i-l ' J••*,*«hook*
<H I r<“ tly U<«pt.
T’lic o.iniiiHt' )• ;• pi'ointod to ex 'Mine
it* \ If) < fdvi*r * hoi k* report-, )**nni:ttc*
plnml mi prnp* rf y ;»t. It* full \"«luc
Th** •• 'iii hi 1111 ‘*■ •'ppoinlctl to > >.ttiiln<*
Tv i *»{I* ft * *f i *»* .*) i 1 *• j>* * 11 h Hat. they
ninth' I borough examination ns the limited
ti iim- allowed ;>nd fiioi )- «i o lln*y in*
vest i uit-od, ) )»| reel.
W )• tliiil f J»r**♦* vat' *twi* - tin t.lm fl)»ui(| of
KulmnGon, and mtiiciid I W, Morris
Jtit». .foliu-.t.n itiul VV* O, Holden to IMl
sji me
A* V |)nvi* was u i t*ommen»hn! n - No
' fury Publie G* lid th ieetf lei of K.
ex j III
11 tHindi*- and W, 1 . I’ombs a 1 N ola I V
! I'nbln in Dbiilet.
'1 he l»ridj!»* ovt 1 Hi 1 * North and South
pro tiff* of l.itMe I ? I v ** r lire Hind to lifted
0111 • r* a pH it t 'I he rullroiid eios:-*jf*'f
oown »<« lb* svithurn eioraink i* repoit* j
i*t1 in bud ronditmn ,
j 'Che toad leading from riawfortivUl** to
’ I; * ron reptu t • tl • • ug ill cmi'dt mil
rspeehtl . in 11 dr d.Hd 11 »ylot >. J h •
, in ,» , (il , hi nige t»h I • mill ml** report :
t‘tl t o be itlnnu-t Imp ts-i’d •
! \\ »* v «»uld ftiill nttenUon to the countv
Ihi.utl of commu»iomM> to the county
rowtl* and that the) call the Dbtiiet mud
eiiiinniodnhei* Htteillion to *mn *,
W,. hud ihe lined of the I h» ( ollftetor
j 4fl *' i»ml vntl i'tmnt-y ol
* eoininl—ioiM rs ftUeutlon t» M«me.
j 'I he iftport of the eoiininttei* appoilPvd
; by the lad Grand Jury i* adopted mid
made part of Hu tiem inl Pre*ft|itmetiU.
I Ai-pn /hdlnu the #01 k and giant aecnn)-*
! i*U-Ihm) In Hie <»ld i-«nintlt(c«<- IK"
joint 1 fie mhK im coiimiiftee to examine git
j m'Miuol the count) umi repoit to Ihe
ii. 1 1 (iuiii.l July, mil tiny ln> ,nlil $1 in
i ,( aV
We teetHuiu«*ud p ty foi (he Juror* foi
the ei.suing yenr ?! *10 per «l*iy.
\Ve h < umnii iid that ll.e (ielieral Prc
-• nlmeiit- he pulilished iu the cniuty pa¬
per . 1 in \ i>vot m » I)» M u ii M
• We desire (o e\pte>* t»m ndmlmtlon f<»r
the able nnil rflh’ieiit ch.irge t»l Judge >«•-*.
! l*"Oi Hi-" i. ami return thanks to mu
ih i ho t (Mirfi H\ extended loom body •
1.1 t il - \ .MooHi Kuieili'lU .
V\ II ll"! II S, p.lvlk ,
.liu> Ll>l.
)*tnnd Jmois drawn lor I*Vtru»vv term
IH* 1 1 ,
H l» Ojiletive. I» A NiijCKU*, W c IliU,
I II Otflt ll. Win A I an } 'I K UlilBUl,
\Y H ( iihh. A ti Meniely, I* < i>nV• ti.. .
I 1 V bujm ui, S ,1 Kl) ist, NY H P**- , 1 l.
ll.‘Ul!* v. I’ (I ituniu J'»* U A-hu.y I' V'
Mot J..,. i U a, Kerle. i- it,, W III a, O vi, W I i, i«llt. .i.t ii H b 11
Mttithn. I. t V ud*M-tui, *«e • K (inff»*tti % IN
i Ithiidi I; I lieid. \\ I Ni l- m tV ,M
ii inlii'ii, a Y D.ivi', Jno lluik",
M 11 |.|,li, X ll X. .ill" -
Dl li'k TIME
1 hi Septemh)‘r tt,* .*,» i the (Se*»rgl* 1% *11
I'.ul. in « hi , tn*u wifh the Al itulie
l'on-t I, tie, vv 11 npeinte t'tillmail Pit «ii
"’* uj ip i'a *-b < wi. u M.-won am) N*■ w 1 lip imin 4 ’tvi* >iiu! Hu* ShvfH't
w i! Jr:ivft M t« <*i al P ve a m, aiiivim* m !
A tigu.*d anti p m. »h»H' ret I UR vvi(*i the )
\tlHun» l o5»-l ldue »hhd» t«*Kve
\*tfc,USiGv tl 1 tv p Ul i ‘ Hti mvudiau til".
ot v* D‘ p iu (I At I* u<< i Mian Dim) Till* |
tmi»t i,rrtv» - iti Ni vv Yo. k tin fol owing
dav at t »,'i p nit** mo rid Mn time. I i t*
« m* i gM mill * .»J i * Ktu Inning At itta fit
, 1 * ti m . c,\ r * iiijj »v JL iht lt«*ugii >L «q»
• I At 4 Htu tk Y*h) w . I uwd I\ -uo (be
i*ret»l roliv* lUBlKh' »lord* d t»V litis quirk
M'hevlule. IN riNis Myiruj t»nihoumin lino
Macon *•!». Aiher- uiul \Y dui gJun
hittiehe- are n«»w In ea-y touch with
liichn»'*m(. \Va gu n, IbiUDu* *a> PhUa
ii('t$ibi,a. Now \ . k a tnl Host on. »- vvefl a
llte iqtcilll«vdi«te P»il|(4 ti South »uJ
Ncilh i at* . 51,1 ai«l YimlnM Th* o\ ep<
f the \f i ju l\*a-t 4Jne flow Sum
V M to nviv'. k, S. V , .»Uoro t'»n
nr* I n*-.t is ui wish tht* s<uih Garot tt*
A <lixi v* vy (of AucU-ia, )t*vj»ln
"1 111 " ti" i; id ti a |» !»*
\ d Dine to it
trbvolr inlouu»ht))i
W if tirdiuR ilu* n«*xv ht»r
4* atiofi »o ilhei A. 1 ‘. Jarkpon
rl at .V-* *»*s- r Agx'Ut, « \\
tt hit 1 > k j Agt hf, Au
iivV-ia, ltd
The Georgia lioa to give i(s
t to
«VU«' n v> M>
U f 4 KOHGI to 1 ) . A TaMAFMM? ;t rnav » - ♦ < T’ V -L .fi
. 1.1 ►. mi i -? r .for o; **-t *?.* of /V’trt*
.li --in •••-» ■*•«! Im • f: ■: ■ f’> • :n r .i I
l- * ntS»■: signed for *<» --d tii
Ian*!' irt county helnngmg tn V■**
e-fate of *aid d^ee-ised and I will pa***
up .ii -ni t iipjilic itUm on t i. flr»t Nf-mx <v
III (l*»l ami mid ai.p lie lion wit
!- 11-41.1 fir»t M.iiiday in O l-bef l«W
““ ”■ 5i ' KS
( • V.< >K'»| \ 'Y m f %khhro i;„cvtv’
f J t'-r and bs vtrturi* of ?;»» pm e ,m’
•i ttfhmdy e*ted in mf in and by t e Ja*r
wi»l teMa'rwpt of Tlcwia* J. Kli>cMry
late ot -aid * minty deeeamd at.d In dfree* our
. sti*n ,, *‘ of and in conformity to the
' *„,( anlliority rnnUlii -d -aid .vi!l
Tir'd testament will be -oi l on the lir-t
Tuesday *n October next within tb« Ictra.'
bourn of Mali* f** t he highest bidder for cash
} j n front of the door of flic f-ourt f I * »tt« =? of
nai l county, all that tract or lot of land
contaftifnir two acre* moo* or l»*)i*
which |* "'itnatcd a dw**'ling }n*u>*c ,
which tract of land iHMtuatcd in Hharot*.
('wrjiiH. in hhW county «nk i* bound) d by
J'ub .o Jtoad bot-ling from .Sliaron, ficor
y. i. Ui im ui, l*‘'or^in t on th** ".a-t atnl
l»y latnl* of John O'Keefe, on ih<* North,
if/; i d \\ *• t Icrins or ale Cash.
>« ptcmM r 4th l*b4.
Kid W A nil f UO ‘.KK
E editor » f i.t t Will and t- stament )>f
Thon a- Kbn hlcy decca-oj.
" / 1 KOIlblA, lA! I XKI.UHO 1 h! -.TV -
I A si I-.- if. front of fi»w door of tic*
(‘unit Ho ii«* cl *;«01 entitifv, to fhe high
«»*-t b <!d«u for ( ii'li id Ht‘‘ Tups' Dv in !
(>. fob»*r c x v ifuin th" b' .' il hour* of *;»!»•
;«jl that fr.M't or parc»H of hu d confiiinin
two h tud(“ii acrctt ru<*rc or bo*, situatctl
in 'kind di*frJc t G. Af m. <! con my, ‘HM.riif
ed on Nbuthby land# of Mrs G.ivl-n iVr*
kir )»>* I 1 * K 1 -t by bun!* of Mr *» Hart in
>'*• ■ 1 <n, —• *1 u, I.iih.g of Mti-. M try
Gilhfjt aiirt on West by landit i»f Mrs
Mary K Stewart urn! Mr*. Gortlcljfi 14ns
wWi <»r» wuidittavl of lat *1 VV T, jlav
it*si<l**H s,«><( laiul lwid on a.* property of
• t«l 1-«v tn »-i-|y an cx)*<*ution is-u.-ij
I vorofil nun Superior Hull Court of *ai»l county iti fa
anam-t hai-l WUIlnm T.
Hay. Stiui 1 xcenftoo atoi levy vvi »t* free
101 nv mi' fr< m IJ, .Ioi« hm the former
shetiIf «*f said county. s.*i)l .Iordan a*
SIiM df of aid <:o 11 f 1 1v mn)|.' j*l levy ot
* xffut'.mi bn *>tid tract of land oil the
lb'll day of Match INrj IIknht,
l>. I*. Sherifl T. C
AS hVKIKilli:lv\ THEE
We will eml you oy mall j*o*t paid one
■-ni;. 11 • »greMi ?:••)• .niap’iul to our til
Hi;* f * * with iii-t ru<i i< i»s for p’airin^ alid
euiint/ ft*r if, fogetber with our compiute
lHt t*l Ntirserv loek. li you will cut out
thi- n iv* rtiseiii' iit, mark on I* the imine
of fl*is n p 1 , it ml tell how many a ml wmit
l i t! of tr.o'- and phiuts you wtnilil like to
jmie li.ise, s»n«l when you wish to plant
We will >1 mte you lower price# on the
dork y<ni waul than evei have been niter
ed y<» .* Write at once.
Evergreen o Nurseries*
Kvergreen, boot f’o., Wis
Agents Wanted. A great to make eh ft uumex nee
\' 1 | '!> I 1 li I yi / * I * Hv'PU PiO 1 IW t V O ^ Ul I \ U
’ tl
I I I Ii 1 I I k * i\ | V political revolution of
11 * i 1 s ’\v> Crh i\n of 'h;t and *V4
Hvtlb's f«*r llrend < «>\e>iMu, Strik e tin*
Eiiemploved, (t lent Labor I** iea of the
pM 't'id « d tlift future. Ta 1 if! 1 egi.-latlon.
The S'|v»*r fjueduiu. What l*r«ttecth*u
tlttcH for I he* AfiiftiieHu workman. What
1'Tec IT »t»e doc** for him. A ho »k of th *
h air Kvftfyboly wai.t* ii. Price only
$1 AIL .Hell** at sight. i Mo.t libera! term*
to agents. Set) for cl.ctilftr* or rend 20
cent* for agent* outfit once* P W.
Zlcfftf^At G'o., 730 G lies tout ttt , Piiiladel
phlH, Pa.
1 hereby announce rnyst It a
enndidnfe. subject to the HCtiou
of the IVoplt s Party, for 110m
illation for tax receiver of
i if«-rro counts.
|. K. 0 (}l K l IIIu.
\. M. ’Uii"''. i w"U kii"wn cVtIxcn of
Eii',:eii". <» "i:"n, 'in-Ins wife for Jems
i I *.... n in hi ■ cit wth rhri"iir d mi"".i mu}
....... a i rvamdi"* with am.- reih-f nn
in e trh il i rialn'T* i'..lie. ( luili ra
i an.i hi i no, i iT iiu'iiy wile ii i a' i-ureii her
....... "n * well nice it ill!, oni ven
" 11 he ' i (• i"d ' ! *he I't'impt relief it
:l 1 ' 1 • • • "• niihoii:,-for sale ny
L .1 In i*>, 1 imggist
dJSillUfla hUAHANTEEli
tutor vnabl# • . .. Our FRF I* 96 (mk«
| AUiOHU oiil explain why wd ran afford il.
'raibAu's Practical Business College
mshvilie, itNN. < Wiii" farr.»iniT)«u" i
I R«('XI'' hi, SHorttanS, Ponmjiuhi|> ami T.I.
, h«| in the interest or
| joHy vvo sd. more mon« ih h»U tU.‘ lUismest
v u b»n' ■-»u w**t*k* ^ by mrthod
..:*,*!* •■j.k • n , Dtitin.i. 4 wffb our by the
, j.l ' ,ig •, s -X'U'.ii 4500 rnpeU utrut* t ' 12 past y*»a«. no
I || • - •<
Chkap Board XX *- have
,j a » .j .. ii.lly ildapit'd *o
*nt on 60 Dv* trial Wi it*? »* and eiplain
m« * N M \V 1 p.»* $3. n-MoriUl v*
I »*V W<n»p^r* 'l"!>i>i Utaehrts, rhtsriL
1 . iiviilrd wO fit* •atM*.
Megnlm' UrMtlin»(«*«.)
A r «* f h<* U*^ L ! ovf »mt ttt'**i *DvcoMful an,?
t>i |lv« J 0*1
Yftung and roLb
dir age J mrn.
RPthtr k*Wf re
•nun I i <* f .low
out trvAtn
M m» l rui*« •»)
1 ru
i«i «* w i*t-r l «'*»«'
In V... u*»- x»i . ,;r
tf'»* mothtidi ihs
we alone, stst, a
.( ’. T
' ■Wen .
V»eak. uKill
i or ,11
< i orvins, »>r
t x* * •untune
wv ■in I" boiitfi *1 and ci : ■' ever-* r• Ot |
-a h . nrrvuu* J
H/ Inimlrnl.
-^r"" i Mb' fellow -) ml :*• it
" c<i‘ti?empt frlen ta »nl >( ■
HG'* ^
* t* nr »»(*•«* > » i pat)ent«. If they c,»a jH»*siibi\
U»*l • tail . . 1 . ini own imImiIio tretkli mrnl
n» * «l t% enw*.
VV DM LV tv. • V I «rwnf t » <r**t cur*'\t of that
HrgWn •»» » « !re«in. isl lhp| jrutt cam u*«* at
■ ’amcai * t t>ur w .jut- 'u! tr««t
i iher*. VV Ly > .*u t Try tt.
nr % nil 11 . 1 > '• *> •■* ot tie Bi vl
IL »rL 1 1* cr » ! Ki !n » <
OTHIII. f pap!4. an-.t efretlv*
\ » , .f|r ( bin* 4 <Maronlerd.
vki\ m*r \ *i «* . k*.n t» curciC c
e x :ti r * li*ve t»'.R* i
I'UTI IDI, lUat MlKiJI v '-•••:■■
CM* *4 In a b<««i*>rharav. '• ettfu. ThU
m.u d<** >. ret and
vv h*'e cur-**«m - >•* e'*ipi>T*.» r*f«r***4 that
hav<* f* I » < t« u* d at tke HatmU >»f *Hhtr **wvi*i
las* a«4 «*** ! as !*s*UU»te*
— RI UI URRH i* r •-* •<
J l •
vHKatu our treatment ai
e t*<*t and s. .-«•'?*. troatp ■ v as tthd •n:**
. me b Mir an-.J a-Hifu:
i n - mn r«*n»uH m it«*M *• the isJfix'p or
. - d T v»rov i nk r\ v a and car, ful dlas
' :vm la
.Ptom nu V N«v
\ f fo- w N * t r I* mta. ATI c n
.. . •
t rst adtt frt*e fri'm *« w«*rv *
.. nr iw-icti.a. Isaak» aD*’ . aais* a> m- a
AddretM or caU ea
U Ll Sk»«U IlsttaU »Uxcl» A«ia«Uu Ka
flPSt VlClJO j o CC Boilers.
WOet our prieM
AtU* in<l Erie Engine*, Tank*, .‘-.arks,
Su.i l Pipe* and Sheet-Iron Work; SliatJ
(»„i| 0 „ i.-arini{ Boxen, Hanpim. and Me.
Cotton, Satr. Orta. Oil
?“r & •** h -
|i-,j r 1 1 i-tingB; Itailroad, Mill, M i
>'bifm*T arvi Factory Supplier- I'ic fittings,
JM tie.'. I'•' kihg,.Ir v *fnor*,
Haws, Fil* 1 *, Oiler*, etc
"»»>’ *n'crjr i |«7 . uork4f>0 nan !•*
Lombard Iron Works
and Supply Co.,
Above lb.^x>t AUCUSTA, CA
^ iln
< ■
« I
» «
„ Poor ■
^ Health *
Unr-ans so much more than'
1 tyou imagine—serious and'
'fatal diseases result from 1
' trifling ailments neglected.'
4 ' I )on’t play with Nature’s *
) 'greatest gift—health. *
. If •. > .u ar<- feeling
Brown's out of sorts, weak
and generally e<
■ 5 ,iUut*-C I'-rv on •;
^ have and no appetite
» isn't t
4 begin -t onre tak f
• •Iron l Brown's jog reedi' !<- strengt the nii'M Iron t w! I.t-ning t :• e!i hot Bit liis 1 - ^ t *
tr-rs. A ''vv t
Bitters ties cure- benefit *
; comes from the -
very first d<« »se- it 1
4 t atnin 1
luon your i 4
* tffth, an <1 l •-» '
pleasant lo take. -
It Cures < 1
i Dyspepsia, KiJney and l.iver
1 Neural;;la, - Troubles, )
’ Constipation, Bad Bloml >
► Malaria, Nervous ailments 4
- Women’s complaints.
1 fict only the genuine ii ha crons'*'! red * >
Mine* on tin* wrapper. All others an* .ub
< Hi 11 tit l* s. On retenit of two 2 » stamp «'C »
* will .end set of lea Beautiful World’s'
, Fair View* and book—free. < >
M 1
iwp .* . a
m ..... Hv m /
I, f,U
/•< L"n
o y
Gould Not Sleep.
Prof. L. D. Edwards, of Prestop,
Idaiio, weak, Ha i si and was irritable ad run through clown,
n< rvous
overwork. I suffered from brain fa
tig'ue, mental depression, etc. 1 be
(" eouid 11111 ' so weak and nervous that 1
not sleep. I would arise tired.
discouraged ami blue. I begun taking
Dr. Miles’ Nervine
and now soiindiy, everything 1 feel is changed. I
,s)"t'P I do bright, active
and ambitious. can more in one
day now than I used to do in a week.
For this great,good I g'ive Dr. Miles’
Restorative Nervine the sole credit.
It Cures.”
Dr Mltea* Nervine 1* sold on a positive Wneflt.
gmvrantet' ihut t’m flr-T Invilto vrili
Alldruspct.-t* It will stdl It atll, b1, *» butt receipt Km for of Id, or
bo sent prvpD on j*rlro
by the Dr. Medical Co., Kikhart. Ltd
• w
35 * 1 :
r *n .]• )
i i
TiKV. « V M ft J VfKI,
Tells Htw Gsune usr Has Slossad
H s Honu.
ml**, arh vr uaal i al'T f^
t k 1 «N»>Ui hc. <uv* aav'r-'.x - t*?
ll »ral tlprir# u**r. 1 » »h ev ..r - **er
| c " f** bad acxf** to h*i m Y w !>
a! my .'Hililrm vert eunM of na-ai , a a. sft
ley II I* i* U l *
I* la ajii ! 'h*' ipru*rt-* jam m- i *• ■) •'e
*« t’lt en.Joi$<ki <mr‘% b f th* !*>«vr an,i m- re
lc !<*r»ni *'U* «t of The IU peop> t*om»«tuet tt
a Hi 1 or-era and i!«
fttx nda ex^rvaehccir tiMtt t be \rrx br t
nr*! |‘r»%mnsa*st |w j, > *er* }‘in*-
!*-?e • and bin nWe u»* v’-p it* atT-euiar
incrtTi a usl m.ij w-a ’.*>nc*l < 11 ^
fc ar . 1 » ; t «* jev*vt ip“ • It* r\ <rr\ w here . *
the aafr*»t. wra t atol rwuta.*' known'.
iottitemi e» « for tW rt‘4*f an»* «;♦ *>?
*->*•*’>>* IH-**#t aU». t » *rrk. Rhc i a- ** -.
.* **-• v 1 : f' *r 1 TV v V *.
jv,vr*i f«wpUiat», Ft* di *n4 ad kalailal
* old S. Pritis-*
Itgt Reiil Sratisw Ca, Vrir'.a. Sv
r| > |j.iCao.vfflilFj / |i
l»reea**«boro, («u..
nonoce that 1 have the N'*\v and laiprov
*d Met hod* ’ tor tqv**ra r b>us in ^’dh.
pr .j, anf< i to survey «.u in a :i-fat L«r$
manner at ail line *
ThisisJ jusine.-ss
Kortlie Snm<«"t a Thorough lumik-ss
p,<lucatUm will be piaceil within Hie reach
every eoy ahd girl
I'rnof or this will lie lurnishetl onappli
cat.'.n ! o tt e
-Tlic- !
: The L'rg* -r. ti c Cheapest, the niost
piacGc 1 n the world, iV'nic* at once t*>
Kdvv.'rd Sh' phord. Hi! rM urg, 511 , hr*.
, ruining -Me »>r» his leg of eight y*'ar
• ruling. I'seo tLr»*e Intttles of Koodsiit
littler> at tl sevtMi boxes of Bin klen’s At
’ niea Siilv« an I hi* leg i- sound ami vvel
! John Speaker, (’araw » *. O. had live ini vc
fvvev sme.s on l“*g, thu'tors - ud lift wit
itictirahlft On.* Nitth* KieCtl ie fitters ami
me box Ijm'klen’* Arniei *aive cured him
, 'iitireiy zxohl by l)i u J ncnl
iGavan School Book Co.
6 Peachtree St.
At'iiiiCii, lilt.
School and College Text.
|,aw and Mt'dical Books. W O
' ytliing known in the
j buy an
'book line, Correspondence;
Solicited, Send -for Circulars,
1 Sometime aso l troubled with an
Attack of rheumatism: s* d Chamber- 1
I lin’d Pain Bulin and was completed
mlvlsoil iitancla .
i eur"il. I Imv aince manv ami ail
■ mill cuatomers to try tli" rcnifiy
1 ,.t"ak lilglily ot it mmos (oimiuviiu,
San Lula liny, Cal. Kor sale l>y
Dr. K. J Kkio, Druggist.
l have associated with me In the j
Practice of Dentistry Da. VV, H
IIari.-is of the ivtianta Dental C’ol
|"U’« who lias had thorough training in
eproative work, He will do extract
ju and tiding teeth while I. with
Thirty Years -
will do the PI. YTE WOK In,
\\h will is* in Crawfordvilla on the
3 rd Monday in each month, to remain
otic week and in \V iiite Plains the 4 .ii
Monday to remain one week.
M. D. I*. D, S
263 -• 4 Ki.-er Building.
Always Cures,
•••••• Botanic Biood Balm
The Great RemeJv f or the speeiy* and permanent
cure x>f Scr >t..-'..I. Rhf.::r.)ti>m. Catarrh. Dicers,
Ectem. i, Fat mg’ anj Spr -adng Sire-. Hruptions.
anj all AKIN VM) BLOOD l>ISti \SES. Made
fr,»m the prescn'pt*"n of an efnlmtnt phys tkin
who useJ it n;th marveU>us - lc» for «a > ears.
anj its continued v*-e fv>r fifteen t v»ars by thou
sanjs of grat-e px*v?p»e has Jefrunstrate .1 that
tt Purifier i- h\- far the? best buiijing up Tonic and Bio J
e*or otfered to the ** tIj. It makes r.ew
rich M h si ar.J p*>ssesse» almost miraculous
healing properties.
CURLfi, -ent free on appUcatton.
If not kept bv \ ^ur Ix^i Jrjgjjst, sen J fi.oo
(>ri Urge tv-ftle. »r 5<i oo t >r sux bottles, and
i me J wine w d be seat freight paii by
BLOOD BdL,M do., fluanM, Gj.
•V *>
Foa I ■L \L?5TIV£.ifS9
/NDIStSnON ! I / Ncavous- H£AO*:■•£.
Sjudncss &u/a.srrfs\ \ IVLOSS ’JAUNDICE
cf OF
Stomach '? Appcrtrc
N5»cEewU«»£ WITHOUTTi** llKEStSS A.3
Si 3 M*Tus£ oi-M.A.Tkcofcub ok Fson'Or
Each W«ai»pm. M V.Thsdfsbo Mii.S
—- 2 * C--RSVE.GA: i
!■'- ATLANTA hONSTITI TION nake- zn : nr- ••-rt f •’o'' ’r*«r
® - -
eloped-a Rreannic*. ninth < latesri edition, we ar? rnab ! eJ for a short rime * n. .n Km a ;r
with.: • j - . r* a., i i»r e% erv rsaJtr, Tn s r:- on 5 in .nJ 1
And ’s rhe '<r. •••npiete aei unabridged edi:i*- : i of this great work e\ ; s' rf •,i to da*.*.
linin' s o* . f at hn< v.-;..p,-pjia is a nect-ssit* , a:! must ackno-.*if-dge. Tiuit r .«- »r-Bri'.anni*M
Vfrv r-s? fcriv \ f' or.ei d. none !l derou On ! v its £teat enst—$ 12 - for «h* Si hd:c.*n. S
♦!te Hdinburgh EdiC-m- -ha> rreven'ed r ha-e faererororr*. At r 1 * -a > ■ '* o’ • r .ji i*.e n.-'i • ; i
afford to it. We offer I«.r a ' u-i-j titue t’l*- of T • \ an t-d 5 • ;i : >f
t\ eii to she uos*i*. Edinburgh Edition at the unheard of ir.:roduvtor> ra*
Forth)* *mait ouffav you can secure these 28 P-.j’ octa-. j vm;:
revised to date. The Bri annica itself needs no endorsement. For no > c rt "
v. »rk of our English language, the noblest work in all literature, the one only adeo te ref re set- ui • « -f
the advanced thought and >cho!ar«.!iir of the world. It Nthe <>niy iiac. ’•'•ru-d in vhich e.ic!i r'; • ■ ■ : r «,
subject is treated bv art a •knovkut-dged ithoriv. upon Uiat subjevt. N - 1 e>- i v. :U>f.; l»as gi- t
T en Thou-and Dollars for a single article, nor > ; x Hundred Dol.aisa page i >r wruteri matter h
fact that
^ 3 , 000,000
Was expended in i*s preparation, requiring the labor of z.«x» )»r the world’s q*- ate * srfio’ars. fe ; 's the
st-try of its exahei superior.t Over •-'oo Ameri.ran auT- ‘-s-*mp'A -i ■ ■ ■. \-u.-u . an sub; .-s and
American institutions.
To our readers >mprises many features worthy of special mention.
1 . A rhor*)ugh e<|uipment of maps up d:;t.*. - '.sting $; to produce,
7 . Tli<- American CopvrighteJ Ar-icle rewritten to date, by eminent American writers. In r*th.**r
r>- •• t> * s Hi • <»:v is word t-»r '.v*»ri. ir.e for • • page for pag- . identi- a: uh the\ - Kim
burgh Edition, costing $3 .00 per volume.
But the crowning f *atur»* of this Ed icon N its American Additions and Revisions, prepared under
the super • sjon of that u lie known Hoc* clop*edic Editor, W. H. DEPl V, D.D., LL. D., assisted by
a »rps of Trained wrifers. thoroughly rcvuNng the entire work to date.
N »t only are ah Scientific and Historical Subjects brought absolutely up to d<re. but a vast fund
or new information > a ided, relating to t!i- material, social, industrial and educa-ional progress of the
w -rid. rogt-Ther with many thousand Now Biographies notin the original Edition nor in any other Ency¬
clopaedia. SHORT TL1E
This i»»eganf Ref.>renc»* Libran wii! bn . f- red to subscribers of THE ATLANTA t .ONS ; ITL
TION at rum.trkab’v low introJuFtory prices, and on terms so easy as to seem almost ludicrous.
There arc four ■•s <>f binding, and ail styles have double-hinged, flexible backs, sewed precisely
like an Oxford Teacher's Bible, so that they are durable and convenient. It is an actual fact that
this book is mitre strong!'.' bound than the Edition which is sold tor $ 8.00 per volume.
[ y in app-.c 1 ". n v '.mil send \ou descript -o and prices of the various >t\ >• < and you mav se'e.t
any style of binding you choose and have the privilege of paying for it at the rate of 10 cents a da",
half the set being delivered to vou at once: or. we will deliver the entire M-t of ?3 volumes on pa\ mem
ol £ 5.00 per month. Ail charges paid by us to any railroad station in the United States.
THE CONSTITUTION, ut.anta,Georgia.
Wanted r.VEfiV OXE
Indigestion. Giver, Shonneh or Kidney Trouble, E**male Complaints, or othe.
hxou\c Diseases to vail at oiu oftiee and see the most
-Wonderful appliance on Earth
for curing diseases. If you can’t call write us. we hive cured hundred* of
casesefter medicine* had fai’ed and li »pc was ipme, WE G VN C'UHS YhkU. Dju 1
delay. Our prices ar»‘ so low that all can be cured who will.
All communications promptly answered,
e^fuixeu electhii ' 1
APPLIANCE CO. 40 Marietta Street.
Atlanta, CISrfXi.
11 E M E M B E 11 5
: still
We are
headquarters for
:£s f Lupines, Boilers
k ^g.-A * P 3
§. Saw Mills, Grist
mm m i M i 11 s, C o 11 o n
J G i ns, Co tt o n
—V. ^ P r e s s e s, a n d
> everything else
iu the Machinery line
J^yl’kas" do not be pursuaded into buying anytliing in our line befors
killing us for prices. BROS, CO., Macon, Ua.
Mention this paper April -A ijns.
Washington an 1
Greeneshoro, fra.
Best of watch mnkintr and
reinii ing.
We do not do any shoddy
Every Jc’d First Class.
Washington office at Corpora I ConJe?
11 stand
IRheumatic Remedy! i
♦ ' * . - • r- ■ i. : x • 4
♦ - ,-f R: TH +
♦ forma
♦ 5- • . i id. *.
♦ Ft l- *n .Tar n C or *fx
♦ ♦
♦ Mm! 4
♦ Durang's Rheumatic Remedy Co.
❖ ♦
♦ 1316 L Slrp D t.Was*!in:' n. D C ♦
♦ Dtarrtng'm l‘t ft* r*- TIi*“ T
♦ ears' Tai •5' * ♦
♦ - ■ -
I PUCE 15 CTS PSX BOX •- 5 » CXE? FC* tl ♦
J roi nils *t zizmzsts A w
♦♦♦ ^ - 4
K. H. Kattenhorn. Th i it V
Regular Meals 25 c.
Oysters in Sea- '
No 4 Wall St. Next to Kil all H> u«
Atlanta, Georgia.
Southern aiul Acclimated
Fruit and Original Trees,
Grape Vines, Shrubs, Roses,
etc., for sale by
11. 15. SMITH.
Woodviiie, Georgia.
— l.i-H a i. a«;kn:s fob—
| \' an. Lism.KY f I'roprieto).
Pomona Hill Nurseries,
Pomona. Gillcrd Co. N. C.
Addie-- E. 3. bMITH
Woodviiie, (»a
Sjwcial rnitueemtnts to large I'latiWr-.
Specimen Class
S H L isTorit, New Fa—**!. W’i*, ttx
n i-ti v» .th Neuraigi;* a »I !• h
- : dU 1 W in d>ordrr**d ’.i- L »rt *
vleftetl to an *Uru in* degree su }*eU
w-i away ai d fce was tenibiy reduc *i
d '-it aud stTe-ugth. Tb.ree b- ttlea •*! t
lt»c fitter-cun-d im.