Newspaper Page Text
o_cuc *u all buiinesF^s, and .ve do not el-L-i
infaJlibilitj; but bv our tborongb and
feet system we have reduced them to a
minimum. If we should make them, tell us
so. and they will be righted- st our expense.
Is that satisfactory ?
co. #
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Uumbff. *«•
“ Bar of the Maker." Augusta, Qa.
YOL. 1.
Bickers & Co.
lt is true times are II ard but we have Cut Prices fo fit
ih times, and that is one things that is bringiii;., us the trade.
We y ill cut the life out of Prices.
Here is tlie way we are doing.
Bays Unlaundried Slnrts-Size 12 and 124. worth oOs now 2oc,
Men’s Laundried Shirts from oOc each to lofl “ach.
Ladies Nursing Corsets worth §1.03 to $1.60, now *5c each.
67 in Bleached Table Damask worth 90'., now Oo- >atd.
SKivS t;3'v»;'.°:s 2oc. raarsed •»»..»». to loc each. -
Men’s Outing Shirts worth 20 and
Men’s Elegant Brown Drill Drawers only 2oc per pair.
Men’s Congress Shoes worth SI 40 down to me.
.\ lot of Childrens and Ladies Shoes at less than 4 puces.
Black 1-2 Wool Grenadine worth 40c now 10c yard.
Bed Ticking in remnants of 4 to 6 yards at half price
Ladies Black and Colored Silk Gloves worth 3o, 53, 7o & 90. now loc
Colored Velvet Ribbon Assorted widths only 5c, yard.
A big line of 8 and 10c Ginghams marked to 6c yaid.
All Summer Muslins Marked down.
In facf these are only a few bar¬
gains that we are giving every day.
If yon cariT com^gMid^orSAMPLES and Prices.
will alvvat •- Five |||lll |lll I TITIHl 1
you lowest prices.
Yours to Serve,
G-reenesboro, Cr£l.
Iii Addressing Our Friends of Taliaferro.
Ami surroundinc counties thro-mli this medium. We take this opp »r
tunity of ‘living them the lowest prices ami best of goods for ih<* least
money, if is our aim to put ourselves on second as deserving the patron
agge we solicit. For tlie coining Fall Trade we are offering special bar¬
gains in
Dry Hoods, Shoes, Hats & Notions
You will find in out store the best selccied stock in tlie city, and beg a
cuuiparisou of prices.
Consisting of Serges. Flannels, Whip Cord -. Cashmeres and Hi urieltas all
36 and 40 inch wool Goods that have always retailed a- 33 and40 cools, are
now reduced to 19 cents. 30 Inch Ladies cloth extra heavy, so.d at.51.2a
reduce t to S3 cents. % all wool Cashmer s in latest fall shade at 10 cents
Double width all wool Cashmeres that were 4) cents now 23 cents.
Best quality at 5 cents. All to cents Ginghams now at 8 cents.
A full and comp!< te line of Jeans, Ker^lys a^-l all wool Ca-him re-at
lowest prices. Our vaid wide >»*a ismnd a‘ T> ee»its i-s the best in Hie <itv.
Extra heavy. Out stocs of Plaids, ilome^puos, « i d Doiih ttic» i^ now
We sre eivina our very tost effort- to this department. O ir 87 cent' iOl¬
dies kid Imituii h -vortli -51 23. <on ladies kill huttoi, i, worth 12.on
o.i 52 to Laities k <1 imUon i- w- rtli 5- : na, <,ui 5i 23 Men s call iae.- is
worm i.’.io. our $1.59 Men’s ealr laee i- worth $c 5o. James M-all’s <-e|e.
orab-d luakeof slroes at reduced prices. Infants shoe. fr. m 19 cents up to
51. to.
E very thin g sis Advertised—Nothing Misrepresented
tu,usfA Be Hive,
919 & 1*21 Broad St- Augusta, Gi •
k.. e II. MYERS, Proprietor.
Our Local News.
City and County Items
B-ieily Told.
P. Rubin’s Announcements.
Polkas 65 cents.
Jeans 10 cents tip.
Good felt hats 60 cents,
Men’s 318,00 suits now $12.
Good Ladies shoes, calf skin, 95ets
per pair.
Men’s shoes at 00 cents per pair,
high cut brogais $1,00 per pair,.
Clothing! clothing! clothing! cheaper
prices than any house in Middle Geor.
Furniture of every desciiptton ii).
eluding a lot of cheap bedsteads are
taking the cake.
New line dress goods just received,
also a quantity of :S i inch sheeting
which is going at only 5jc per yard.
Fall goods are beginning to arrive
also a new lot ot Dry Goods are ex¬
pected soon. It is your duty to buy
the best and cheapest goods, conse¬
quently go to F. Rubin's for bargains
of all kinds.
Fay up your subscription.
(Jet out your overcoats.
Jeans at all prices at the Alliance
Air. Joe Farmer spent Friday in
Mr. J, A. Ilteris is with tlie Ilerald
Journal of Greenesboro this week.
Buy your ll innels and linceys at the
Alliance Store.
Mr. J. II. Chapman, of the Elec¬
tric City spent Sunday in the vill ige.
The Methodist meeting which start¬
ed last Thursday, cios J Tuesday
Go to the Alliance store to buy your
winter shoes.
Editor IF. 15. Patillo, of the Green
esboro Herald-Journal was in the city
A’ice line of men’s uude/shirts at the
Alliance Store.
n.v*< ■». n i nkw« ef Gr -eueslioro,
was an attractive guest of Mrs.
Gee this week.
Car load 12.5 pound seamless sack salt
at the Alliance Store at 73c per sack.
Dr. J. II. Killpatrick, of \V ii.te
Plains, boarded the Crain here for Au->
gust a Friday.
lie id our ad on first page. Kim s
hroiigli, Bickers <fc Co.
Mister Max Johnson who is attend¬
ing school here, visited his homo in
Barnett Sunday.
B H ad Kimbrough, Bickers & Go’s
“a I” if you are 1 inking for bargains. !
Mias B >xiw Andrews, of Holden, lett
last Sunday for an ^aeoded trip to
Couyeis and vicinity.
We will save you money and sell you
reliable goods, Kimbrough. Bickers & I
MissAvi Elunnson, a charming
young lady of Washington, is on a
\isit to Mis. W. R. Reid.
if you want to avoid feeling the hard
times, buy your winter suits at the I
Alliance store. !
Mr. A. D. Me Donald to j
was up see
us all Wednesday. He ret uts j» ditics j
quielt i than ever in Thomson.
The best 50c oiilauudiied ^hirtsto
to found anywhere is at Kimbiough,
Bickers & Co.
Fannie Gh'mmons col., a resident of
this county, was s'-nt to the Stale asys
torn in Milledgevdle last Saturday.
Send us au Older for a pair of those
silk glovi s at 15c a pair. Kimbrough,
Bickers ic Co.
T iousa i ds (if new patrons take
Hood's Sarsaparilla this season and re
idiz il its tonelit blood purified and
bliengtl: realm. J.
You should see these ribbons we are
selling for 25 and 15c a yard, tie y have
bteo going last. Kimbrough, Bickers
A Go.
We are 2 I ul to chronicle the almost
ccrcp’ete receverv of iii »s« who liave
beeu Irouiiled with fever for several
weeks past.
Miss Mar) Jennings, who has been
one of our most attractive visiiors this
summer, ietiirne.1 t*> her home in
Talladega, Ala., last Tuesday.
Rev. R. K L Harris went loGreec
eslwro, to attend the lusera! of Ids
Ii-tie niece, Fannie Lauiie Stroz er,
who died at ti.-r fat her. borne lit
MeUaye M >udav mornii g.
Mr ( ail Holden waSCiltol from the
U. iveis ty in Athens, by tlr* illness
ot his little sister. Ora. A change for
tli#* belt* r r.comr+*\ Monday tie r
llriu^ f i to AthtrfiS IlcdllC.^Jrfy.
A M. -ailcy, a well kn *wu citizen of
Eoggij**, Of#*irim, f*iy* los wife for y**.*#*. )
w:th chrotiU* <i.arbti#*H i*n*i j
many rcumffic* wiih littS#* r#*J**f oh
til -in trn d nam * G’*Jh*. Choi* ra *
and iJiaihfx-a r* nod) wi n h l a- c ured it» r
saiuud ami we!! it a trial and von ;
will to sarpri-ed at the prompt relief it
aff. rd* ; *jr, and bottp* f*«r #a)c by
t Di 1». J litJ >, Druggist
Barnett fRipples. a *
By JfA^rat. ^i
Splendid seasons irv^etlng crops.
Cotton has dropr i nyr a restate r,
The whole world t4 .to be a barber
shop and everybody! fcver.
Candidates are ft >1 % move on them'
next Wednesday WlSSai (Bie tempest.
Mr. Jacob Kook-.■* pf "Norwood, Ua,,
spen* this week Hurts? Hf^riends and rela'
lives in thts section!
Free silver seems 0 Uve been given a
black eye by liqUOfjl deaioe.i fcyfjtpl the distmne
ment of free ij.immi its place,
Mr. John Johns<»i Taliawriosulity w^iresSet} the people
of this end of last Fri
day night. Mr. Jo .ils-'flSjk- teg'slature. tlio People's IBs
l’arty l omineo for she
election is a col t<%Ry.- Mr. John >n
stands upon the i: ae on ail issues
both local, the state fanner hit M the u democratic lie
When endoiseiW^Mpjttts
virtually cotton, ticket
tlie laborer ate wljiPs,, ikxf tjM 'l rod for picking
cotton. I.owey uglier taxes and
less money, alf'Ofjc^pii are detriment .1 to
tlie laboring ol
Farmers geni i to ne d opondent
regarding the prlei '* .yetloji and many
and as varied ure*’ i Vt,*P.!‘'S' s io’o-t von hear
’1 he countrytinertti ail going to feel
i :M 11,1 i ■
well ns the ptw faufte*, hat the latter will
feel It the ...
Whv is it tlfttt mmtrijgr: s of the gospel
soareely cwrprea.i . ^erujim upon extor.
linn and usury. T,i msmo tn think that
extortioner art Ys(|,USUi'gr has a that
meins salfe t%*atL?®|«iWfbdesiies and for
policy's they a, i make any assault
uimii the. fountain $ iiiiVk the teat is at
t.i-h-4. MMWgj*.
The toofmsGfeiie * . ml .hypocrlcy that
has ed lulvoaotes been exhibited of fu-fiViiiklnn. ay nine of tie) pret.nd j
in tills county
Inis heijiie a step t the nostrils of all
i iglili lifting pe< ■ j ally man m set no-1 ol
no II up^quest|i ivlipkaow li I me. in the mi
lity a .,,4 art! tint, willing to tithe will ii the people at the
ballot box are diifdi : into famiticlsiu and
ih',i.a..'Ogery. km i, aeiion.- ol prohilu
tionists have drim from their rank some
ol its once, nioit a ! ut advocates.
Iu Me worlaui.
.On last Min tf* L .September iatu
i ,ri ft\* loMi. Jpj--?i i-4 Firvc-i L
out on the M« am. pifiu laden air, el Ray¬
town, (la. the »| ‘olt ill a young man,whoso
heart was as pure,la,i n-jperi.nnus l whose life w is as
migrant as i of the land
in whlcti he died, ml wlm.e every motive
ami impulse point, It., heno i'mid flm deeds
which noble spirit i e nulata,
I r id B. Moore w h in deed and in truth
a noble fellow, air t ni» heart fairly teemed
with the n-ilk of | whig kimliie-s for Ufa
fellow man.
llow varying ana the lights and shad¬
ows of earth, one moment irrigated by
the sun b.*nun of hope an IJ ty, then next.
obscurred by clou t«of 4 irkiia s a id s O'
row. A few bon s before his spirit whig
ed Its II.glit frem ear It to Heaven he
threw Ids ar.ns at out Ills fathers lie.*It ami
uttered the sn'b's t hot sweetest p'-nyuv
that was ever lip 1 1 by mortal t ingue mid
pa-sed out of iliisijile of pain, so,row ami
death, to that limjaa I where all Is joy, peace
and love.
Sleep on if . . o% no harm can rea di
thee now, over lily new inid.i grave the
snows ami frost of in my winters may
gather, ths U*tla birdi in ly warble Ihelr
sweet sulbooms »t*ove thee, and tli! stars
will rtilenily ke- p their Holeinn watch above
t.liy tomb, tie* winirf* wuintlo *t!;eir siold s;
refpiiem.the w *rjd move on in unsla.
pace but tliv nt/Uioiy will ever abide hi
v<*rnal f.< hue *1 ri tlie hearts of those who
know thee best end loved thee most.
By Ids fi icn<1,
\V. iiuowN.
Shtroll, Ga., flept. 1 ttli 1 HUf.
Ah Iinportiinl \often.
We have been “holding up” on our
dehquonis, ■ we koowi xome of them
were nearly ,e* hard pushed as we were
through lie d ill season.
Now that cotton is coming in, we
nill have !■* ^tarr in on y .ill again with
uj ue sinrlt.
Don’t joe hate lo see it o r your pa- I
]h-i? Well i! you do, it oiiglif oe we.l i
io call atituud and pay up your suo.
scrip!.oh bef .re next week as we have
obtained a m> p i! and intend to go
to vsoik oniameuting your papers.
Git II aie I -*t • U v . nir deliuq louts can
bca^ Ore l a warm m; :ptiuii.
Cutlon Sii.ipjMMl Fre<5.
j '
j f j. 1)U w gl , to V01ir co t,t 0 „ arj( j |
W| ,j ca „ Hl Ujja (l|li( .„ w ,|, IIJalk a , 1(J
strip it profiled,you slop ta any cotton
factor advertised in Ibis <>f ’
course we c nnot pay frel.lit cl> irg ,
but will attend to the coiieepondeuce,
etc. etc.
This will save you lots of trouble
and as we will accept gar advertlse
merit from a dial ones' dealer you can
It . ej taay aj# lo }uljr lJj(J duce will j
; d
lidiaiy For3a3inoa8. !
Mf- G- ll Uduckc announces that im
... ,s U?1 lit. Be will be pre- j
poe# i Ut iron with h’dfiuiuiZ and
tj, # a»t*f i^v-r your C >ttoa at th*: «l**po
llw is . the tost , and , you an
c#ffta»*of a uiop*. Givi*
him u tt 4 i
The Commissioner Gives Infor¬
mation on Many Subjects.
The Value of I'crtilixera Outside of the
Three Triiit'liml I-ltementH of riant Food
PtM’iiHNod—Warts on llorses Only Eyt
ports The Turning; Under of lVuviues
or Letting; Them Kot on Top.
Atlanta, Sept. 1, 1804.
Can you give me a remedy for its*
moving warts on u horse?
W. B. Mi l)., tiniidu.
Warts are generally only to he eon
sidored as eyesores unless they appear
on certain parts of the horse.
They lire very unsightly, and for this
reason it. is often desirable to remove
them. This may be done by first out¬
ing off the rough outer surface so ius to
make them bleed and then rubbing in
yellow orpiment, wetted with a little
water. l)o this with a stiff brush. It
will at first create considerable inflam¬
mation, but in a few days the wart wi'l
drop off, leaving a healthy sore, which
will sum head. It sometimes happens
that the whole wart does not come away
with the tivst application, in which
event a second application must he
made. A common remedy often ef
fee-live is to tie the wart with a horse
hair, which will, in many instances, out
through and cause the wart to drop
(ill ASH,
What kind of grass will come nearest,
lasting all the year on gray land?
A. Y. H., Boling.
You will not ho able to find a grass
that will last all the year. You can get
one that will answer for summer pas¬
turage or for winter pasturage, hul not
for both. Bermuda would mine nearer i
answering your purpose, though it Is j
for summer pasture and dies down in j
the winter. For winter pasturage mead¬
ow, oat grass, orchard, and wild rye
grass tti'O the best.
I havo sown 10 acres of bottom land
in peas as early as bent my rye waH enrich cut.
What will give the result to
the land - cut the vines and turn the
.•"'if.* AttWrii aW Tdr'tfrcBr Mu.-wiu
ground? S. M. D., Johii-town.
By turning the entire vines under, or
allowing them to remain on the ground,
better results are obtained than by cut¬
ting tlie vims for hay. If, however,
you are in need of a forage crop, would
advise yon to cut, the vines and turn the
stuldilo under, as the value of the hay
would more than compensate for the
loss to the land. When the whole vine
Is turned under it is our practice to turn
them just as they come to maturity.
In experiments conducted at the state
experiment farm, no difference in n
hulls were obtained where tin- vines
were turned under and where they were
allowed to remain on the su.l'am until
you wished to use tlie land.
Please give lie a good formula for a
fertilizer for wheat? K. J. I,.,
Wheat is u plant requiring a-great
deal of nitrogen and this Hhoidil he the
dominant of the fertilizer nse.l iiiden
the land Jinn be n sown ill clover or [Mins,
If this has been done (lie fertiliz -r need
not be so high in ammonia, as lids will
liave toon supplied by these plants. Ill
the first instance, where the clover and
peas 4 have..... toeu .....1, the following
formula will i.o-wer:
Acid phosphate, 670.
Nitrate of soda, LO ).
Kalnit, 7=50.
When Ih.- p>-is r,r clover have been
used, reduced the nitrate of soda 400
pounds, and in its stead put 490 pounds
ofm-id [diosphatc, and while mil ode of
the scope of your qie (ion ■ ink • this
opportunity toi-Jl alt -ntimi io the no*
(a ssity of thorough pr'-parutiou of lit
soil if a goml yield i- < ■■ p*-* ■ i Ah we
have toforo staled in (le v; reports it is
too oft< n t tif? f;o(i tii.'it til* 1 * griiiii evo[iA
that wo how are regard -d entirely as
ride Issues and little |!io odd, or ear-'. Is
stowed upon thorn. Tbit Jiould not to
the cawr with any crop and nsp siially
0||( , m0 value to tie- farmer.
Relative to the use of fertilizers we
should say as we have repeatedly men
that, for KnwH* nwi Krain crops
then? is nothing initter than grourd
bone. Thin Kuppli^H phonphoric ju;hi
ft/id ammonia, ami will !*■ (’Oinxtbrti*, uhh
fertilizer on much of our land, • (s-i-ial
!y our rwl land H. On lands which evince
the fact that they contain but little juit
ash an application of kalnit also will be
found advantageous.
Outside of tin- three principal (!e
ments of plant bsel, d<s-s the ordinary
fertilizer contain any ingredient or mu
U rial of value to land?
< : w. F . (,'a!hou:i.
How ToCure Aii Shin Dimwas
Simply ai r»!y ".‘iVavmn ()i ntmi'.nt.
So iuG'HihI II<*!*, r#'<piirc<l. m#**’
ft. r, «•<•/. ma, all ciuj/Jum.h on 'iW
bami, no**, Ac leaving ibc nkiu ]
) x , white ami ticalfiiy. yrcat fma i
*'"1 curative |m,w.-i arc |>iiwM}sff*(| by*
oilier rcimd y. AfK >«#ur I f
On ac- Oui.t of haMng t*» get tfto ?#%«»
>ti laat « ff, we are a little lute
a well a s fcliort of mailer.
The Pi - i)U'.s Advocate, Established
The Crawfordville Democrat, Estab¬
lished 187(5.
Consolidated Oct. (5, 1899.
30.000 STOCK
Of Goods at
Wo are overstocked and will s -II goods at Panic Prices,
The Ladies should coiue and see our New Lines ol
Our Shoes, Hats, Hardware an d General line of Supplies
art* also "('atching t ho Public's Eye '. We are offering bar
ff a5ns in H .li neSs and Saddles never before known ill this Sec
tiyn. In fact
Gallon us tuul we can easily convince you of this In t.
Wo solicit your patronage not. from favor lint Irom merit only.
Sharon Georgia.
Alliance Store,
When in Cmn lordvillc.
We propose to continiH to be Leaders in Low Prices
Hai.-L ShocN, Jnms & Fnctorv C«ftods
Our prices on Clothing' are Rem irknb'y I „')'.V
Very respectfully,
W. « ’. < II APJH i!*!, .*« SS* <r i* *
To Dr. I‘rice’s at the World's Kail'.
For leave! lug powei, keeping ipmlilies
purity slid general ex -ellenee lie- IV eld’s
p- ltr | r ,„ rj d, t |, nt j )r price's (,'renm
|j M ,„g p,,w<\er had no equal. < n eaeh ot
I M ,.| HimM , t „, ls nwanled a 11 1 I, p.:z- or a
,|||,| mml . A II the baking powdei, enteied
p,, pr|/-s w, re loihjeei to a mo :t r- xliH iih ■
live euimlniitioo, nod the Jury was the
best is|Ulpped to tmikn Hi- derision of a ly
ever got to ether. I heir verdict was sop
ported bv the test............. II. W Wi
ley, chief ehci.dsl of the Bulled Slates
()e|mrliiiee< ef Airri. ultme et llinV -
toll. Dr. Wiley Is mi expert oil fool pie
due's and the Idfilmst authority on Hindi
iniitleil* in Americn 'flex v lie et * e'S
a long deluded question iis lo which >>Hiring
the ninny baking powders i. the Lent. -
Chicago Tribe lie.
A Wonderful Conquoror.
No disesse i“ non e mole common among
the people than scrofula. Handed down
from gcui-nitlor. log.-ncial.lon. it is firind
in nearly eveiy family, in si me f'-im. j, [
may make Its appearance in dreaofid ri I*
nliig sore-, In swel.lugs lo the neck or
gohre, or in eruptions of varied forms.
Attacking the mucous membra nee It may
.)<• (ihowii a* eatitrili. or ib-veb plug H e
Iiiiik i* m»y be, (tu i often is, tlie prime
e nine • f eon » HIptioti.
in va liHteyer■ f »#*hi He r t»f»»l{i may maul
s llM apai !lb’. U if h ill vote I ate
coiaiunror. 'i'liis iui*<liflim ha.*4
nticlt powerful alt<raUv« »ii I vifuMzing
e/feef* niton the bloo/1 that ewry ha a* of
impiirtty is expelled, and (he blood is
made rich, pure and healthy.
Awarded Highest Honors-World’s Fai 1 .
Tlie only Ture Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia, No Aiutn.
Used ia Millions of Homes—40 Years the Sr ? ’ar 4
NO 5i.
To All My Fi'h;o<irt.
After October 1st T. F. Kendrick
will lie interested in tlie lirm of J. A.
f(,r !' ' °“* , '* 11( 1 ' ^ 1,1 11 1 w b do "*■«««*. h.islness strictly
A handsome Hint of ten Dions md
dollars woi III (,!’ gemi ol merchandise
wl11 l "’ offered to the at reason
j ably low ,,| lee/
Uecordially ............ i j.,\|| I ,
and all who wish to pimp ... | ,jj
l() visit and price nor dee!
. , ■ ,.. . ...
| ’j I,, . 1
* ’
, l Ini i ,, ’ 11 ni i stole n ) tile Rout,
0/1) ,*e, wlifii- In- will all end to Co'Gc
tloim and Buying cotton.
J. A. KllN'DttlCK,
Muiron, Go.
A Grand I- o,, ortr.
Of Hood’s S.nsni ,(dlla Mi, i wl ’e it
pnnlies the blood and s- ul j d. coursing
llddilgil the vetoes lull ol ilehoe-i ami
health, it nliai imparls lo w life and
vigor to every (unction id * ! j« bo<]y #
Hence the experience an .,j.u heard.
• Hood’, s, iNiiparilla m,oh a new per
son ol me.” 11 u*i u:i me.; that tiled
feeling i com mo.i now.
Hood’s Bills aie purely vegetable,
perfectly lianuless, .uwaie iTnihla and
•J 4e§,_ I Lrv: y. ou
Ai roitvKY at Lav
(in *.*!h -lmro, < i ‘Oi'igia