Newspaper Page Text
ooeur in all ba c iBess«s. and we do not
infallibility; but by onr reduced thorough and
fect system we have them to
minimum. If we should make them, tell
»o, and they will be righted - at our
Is ih&l satisfactory ?
Doors, Sasn, Blinds, Uumbsr, ao.
“ Buy of the Maker.” Augusta,
VOL. 2 .
■ ■ a [ERE are the
Bickers & Co.
e .
Yard wide She"tine .Sc goods yard. yard.
Yaul wide Sea Island Sc
Best Drilling prices Onyard. and grades.
Bleaching all yard.
42 inch Pillow casing 8>a e each.
17x36 Cotton Huck Towels 5c
Full size Counterpins 75c yard. worth iSc yard.
44 inch all Wool Serges only 5'c dresses 29 and 39c yard.
All Wool 36 inch Flannel for
Silks and Velvet for Dresses and 'rimmmgs cheap.
Ladies Fast Black Seamless Stockings 18c pair vorth 2.V.
Childrens Fast Black Seamless Stockings 19c pr worth 23.
A. full lino of childrens fast black hose at 10 & 12*^c pair.
Men's all Wool Cheviot and Cassimers Suits 87.77 & $8.88
suit, can’t be bought else srher-r for less than $10to«i2.
We have a full line of Childrens and Boys suits all cheap.
Overcoats ail prices, style and sizes.
In Shoes wc Lead the
Boys Brogans Siz^s 1 to 4 only 50c pair.
Men’s Hitth Cut Brogan* only $1.00 pair.
Women’s Snoes from 75c pair pair up,
Childrens Shoes from 10c up.
A big line of Furniture at lowest Prices.
the Place.
k: 310 _ SH
Greenesboro, ?• • • Georgia.
In Addressing Our Friends of Taliaferro.
And surrounding counties through this medium. We take this oppor¬
tunity of giving them the lowe.-t prices and be-t of goods for the least
money, It is our aim to put ourselves on second as deserving tlie pairon
agge we soiicit. Fo: tlie coining Fall Trade we are offering special
gains in
Dry Goods, Shoes, Iiafs tfc Notions
You will find in oar store the best selected stock in the city, and beg a
comparison of prices.
Consisting of .Serges Flannels, W’hipCnrd Cashmeres and Henriettas all
36 and 46 inch wool Goods that have a ways retailed a- 35 and40 cents, are
now reduced to 19 cents. 50 Inch Ladies cloth extra heavy, sou] at $1.25
reduce 1 to S3 cents. % ail wool Caslmier s in latest fall -hade at 10 cents
Double width all wool Cashmeres that were 40 cents now 25 cents.
Best quality at 5 cents. Ail 10 cents Ginghams now at 8 cents.
A full and complete line of Jeans, Kendys ami all word Cashmere* at
lowest prices. Our vaid wide -Sea Island at 5 cents in the in the < jty.
Extra heavy. Out stocK of Plaids, Homespuns, < nd Uomestics is now
tYe an> giving our very best r ffirt-to this department. Our 83 cents lo>
dies kid button i» -v.rth 31 27, mir $! La-lie- kid button is worth $2 00
our $2 0J La-lie- k:d liurton i- worth $3.00, ( ur 8! 25 Men’s ca’f lace is
worth $2.00, our $1.50 tl^n’scHfr lace j. w-irrli .30. Janie* 11 ^n's cele
lirated inaseof blnies at reduced prices. Infants Shoes fr* m 19 cents up to
$ 1 . 00 .
Every thing as Advertised—Nothing Misrepresented.
Hu g um Bee live,
^ ^ 1 % ^1 Broad Vll^usts Oici"
S. H. MYERS, Proprietor.
Our Local News.
City and County Items
B-ieily Told.
P- Rubin’s Announcer!.
Polkas 65 cents.
Jeans 10 cents up.
Good felt hats 60 cents,
Men’s $18,00 suits now $12.
Good L idies shoes, calf skin, 95cts
per pair.
Men’s shoes at 00 cents per pair,
high cut brogais $1,00 per pair,.
Clothing! clothing! clothing! cheaper
prices than any bouse in Middle Geor..
Furniture of every desciiptlon in¬
cluding a lot of cheap bedsteads are
taking the cake.
New line dress goods just received,
also a quantity of 36 inch sheeting
which is goiug at only 5$c per yard.
Fall goods are !>eginning to arrive
also a new lot ot Dry Goods are ex¬
pected soon. It is your duty to buy
the best and cheapest goods, conse¬
quently go to F. Rubin's for bargains
of all kinds.
Major Roane is at the riotel this week.
Kev. G- W. Garner was In the city Fri¬
Jeans at all prices at the Alliance
200 sacks of salt at lowest ma rket prices
at C. Bergstroms.
Remember Hon. Thos. E. Watson speaks
here Monday the 15th.
Buy your flannels and linceys at the
Alliance Store.
John H. Stephens was at home sick a
couple of days this week.
Go to the Alliance store to buy yonr
winter shoes,
Tobacco an I snuff', wholmal and re¬
tail at C.Bergstroms.
A’ice line of men’s undershirts at the
Alliance Nlore.
Mr. Rubiu took in Augusta on business
Monday and Tuesday.
Car load 125 pound seamless sack salt
at the Alliance Store at 70c per sack.
Mr F. Goiucke returned to work at
Who . ■:.,/« . ’ V
if you want to avoid feeling the hard
times, buy your winter suits at the
Alliance store.
Mrs. John Burke Wlmbum, of Augusta
on a visit to Mrs. llenry Rhodes.
Women’s Sunday shoes only 75c pair
at Kimbrough, Bickers * Co.
Judge E. M. Anthony spent several
of this week in and around the vil¬
Send for one of those $7.77 and $8.88
all wool from Kimbrough, Bick¬
& Co.
Election fur city officer*, Wednesday
in the same ticket being elected
Remember we can sell you dress
cheaper than you ever bought
befoie, Kimbrough, Bickers A
Mrs. O. II. Goiucke, accompanied by
little son Alvin, left for Atlanta
Ladies $2.50. $3 50 end $4 00 Black
and colored snarls andcasiimeres shawls
reduced to 75c at Kimbrough, Bickers
<fc Co.
New line of Calicoes and Dress Goods’
Furniture, (Lolling, <i<:, just received at
C. Bergstrom-.
Yard wide Sea Island only 5c yard,
can’t tie bought for less than Gj to 7c
elsewhere at Kimbrough, Bickers <t
15 cents per pound paid for butter, only
on Klidays, by C. lieig-liom if brought
before 5 o’clock p. in.
Don’t fail to see the elegant Oak
cende, tables that we are selling at $1,
$1.25 and $1.50 each. They are beau
i e8, Kimbrough, Bickers & Co.
Tlie storm and cold snap fortunately did
not do a- much damage hire as in »ouje
.-ectious ol he stale.
Mrs. Harrell, or uusuiau, and Mis
Walter Armor, of Gre-nesboro, are visit¬
ing Mr. ai d Mrs, K. E L. Harris.
1 would rather tru-,t that medicine than
doctor I know ot, .-.ays Mrs IL.ttie
Mason of Chilton, Carter Co.. Mo, in
of Cham.'M-rlaius Colic, Cholera
Diarrhoea Remedy. For -ale oy
Dr- li. J. Kkiu, Diuggist.
Mr. and Mis. Jno. Burke and Mrs. El¬
vira Henery, of Gwinnett county, are on
visit to Mr. and Mrs. W . C. Diodes,
Mr. J. W, Tiinberleck who has been in
Viiginia lor some time past, has brought
family back and will make his future
M ! ss Ava Edmonson, who his been an
visitor at tie- Hotel for several
past, left for H bite l’laiu* Thursday
visit Mrs, Jno. Tappan.
Hon. Patrick Wash, United State-Sena
and Major J C. C. (ilack, United
Uoitgresaman will ap$ ak b*Tn uvxt
Tuesday, October flic 16th at 11 o'clock,
.ill ai e invited. I
Mary of the citizen* of Hainsville, fnd..
n«*v**r without a bottle ttf ( hamber- !
Couflrh ietnpdy in tl»e hoav*. %%y%
Brown, the merchant of the
J t Ce fTr ,i8 ld Bl ^d
ling to be without it. For »an- by
1». J litiD.
Speaks at Ct»vvfoi dville Mono
day the i£lh—All Invited.
Hon. Thos.,, I. Watson as stated
above, 8peake®tte 0 next Monday. Ev¬
erybody is iuyitdijruut to beer him dis¬
cuss issues in*;p\Md in .be oojgress
lonal campaign# A
Remember ( is Monday morn
ing, the 15th. N<fchange will be made.
Come out and he pg your neighbor.
Nitrous Oxide for Devitalized Air
Dr. Bethea is ui: / prepared to accom¬
modate his friend ai d patrons with the
administration ot (his most wonderful
Amesthetic for tin relief of pain commot¬
ed with the extra*- ,on of teeth. Nitrou s
Oxide is a rapidly, ding Anawilietic,caus¬
ing complete unco 1 tciousness in less Ilian
a minute’s time, an I its effects last but
foity-five seconds This Amesthetic hits
been used by the Vntal profession for
nearly fifty years, lid every casein which
it has been used, v th hardly an exception
it has given perft "* satisfaction to both
patient and opernt»/. The Dental profes¬
sion vouches for i. absolute safety of
this Anesthetic.-’ j.T comin.nd the puhlio
to the care of this*i iterprising young man
of Greenesboro,
Speck Effort.
We aro plrasdd'o see that special
efforts are being nude, particularly by
our young people to raise money for
the spend of the tR'spel.
The Sun Beam: in our village, re¬
cently set apart a lay, they called Egg
Day. Each menrW bringing an egg,
or as many as tl ev wished. At the
close of the exert >es they had a nest
containing fifty-three eggs. They rea¬
lized I suppose about 55cts for them.
A nice little sum, and no one feeling
any loss. Hope i., will be repeated
We should not denis * the duy of small
Last Saturday "iilng about eight
might b been seen ladies,
misses and-eh ting in the , 11
recti on of a eo:ton patch,
with their btwkr. wallets and fuucli
flaskets. There wifi depicted on each
face a determ'natlifn |/ to m .ke a special
effort to raise soi money for missions
by the sweat of tf6 brow. The day
was pleasantly and we hope profitably
stun pedtoes and no bioken
but about .50() pounds of coltou
pickel. Tlie Islimm-s expected to rea¬
lise about $1.25 foi tin ir days wotk.
But Mr. Horace M, Holden, out of the
of his heiji-t, paid them $1.75.
IFe think this act of manual labor
in our young people. It
raises them in the rs’itnatimi of otheis
also in their on u: causing tlieqi to
possess a feeling of independence of
which pleasure they are ih privej, when
they aie forced to call on father or
mother for all they- money. Show me
a hoy or girl who Imd rather tarn his
own money limn have si/mo one give it
to him, and I will show you one who
will he likely to succeed in life.
Ob EftVEir
Tne Discovery Saved fits Life.
Mr. G. Cailouetle, Drugists, Bea
versville. III,, say*. To i>r. King's
New Discovery 1 owe my Me. Was
Mkon with LaGrippe and tried all the
ph' vicians for miles aboiP, but of no
avail and was given up and told 1 could
not live, Aaving Dr. King’s Kew
Discovery in my store I sent for a bot¬
tle arm began its use and from the first
dose iiegiin to get bett* r, and after us
Ing three bottles w.*8 up aim about
again 1* is worth its weight iri gold ’
He won’t keep st4re or house without
It. Get a free tr/-«S at Dr, R. J, Reids
Drug Store, It
Election Returns.
For some almost unaccountable tea
son ti e exact results ot the last elec
tion will not tedifli itely known until
next Monday.
On tne inside piges will be found a
demociatic estimate ol the eliction.
They are now only claiming about
twenty thousand, tji mgh we are con
fidebt til l ilie • fit - >1 count will riot
iuii Aikii,eon’s n. ijoiily very little
over ten thousand, i that.
Will give correct count next week’
m - •
Purify your oitw-i tone up the sys¬
and regulate tlie digestive organs
taking Ilond’* -Satsapurilla. tiold
ali druggists. n
A. IS. t (Jeer.
“A. B, C. n aU tj; baa l^en a raaik
a sap*Ti< ■ rtiefe of kind
this case it d#** { at« s tho superior
of tt e Auy * Brewi g Com-
1 s tr er,
If you ooce give it a fair trial, you
^ rti4 * M ^ ^ comrincej that it is
Frduii stiipiaem re c i¥ .,i daily by
Sharon Items.
By Humility
Mr K. U, Roan was In town horsa
ing the first of this week.
News came to town Wednesday
Mr. Jno. I). Flynt is still quite sick.
A considerable apresents! ion from Sir
ron attended the Baptist church at
Cross last Sunday.
Dr. Albert Davison spent a few days i
Atlanta this week,
One of our young: men went n- wheeler 1 -
big beyond Barnett last Sunday, and re¬
turned wiili a smile indicative ol' hope.
B,'i« cot ton is as difficult to got rich upon
as It is for J. A, Kendrick A Bro., to make
a fortune selling granulated sugar at :’>
pounds for $1, but its thus. And If you
don't think Sharon is on a morchantile
boom, just stand on the lull out of ton u
and see how the trade move-. Tell t.'niw
fordvillo, Washington and Norwood to
come over on tlie excursion and visit the
city. The farmers know what a goal
tiling Is and will bo here.
The news of the deal 11 of Rev. M. W,
Arnold, whose remains were interred nt
Norwood Saturday the nth, overwhelms
us with sadness heea.ise no love him SO
much. The death of a good man lu.niims
ns of a new life.
At Raytown M. K church Friday night
12th In-t, undei the ausplclosot Miss Lil¬
lie Barnett, exercises for the promotion
of Missionary work will lie offered to the
puolic, All invited.
idrs. A. W. Mershon is visiting Dr. Da"
visons family tills week.
Aaron Shralbman took n trip to Augusta
DkLkon. Texas,
Messrs, Llppmnn Bros, Savannah, Ga.
Gei ts—I’ve used nearly four bottles of
F. P. 1’ . 1 whs afflicted from the crown of
my head to the sale of my Get. four i>.
P. P. lias cil
sinotliei lug, of the heart and
relieved me of all pain, one nostilal was
closed for ten years, now I can breathe
through I it readily.
have not slept on either side for two
in fact dreaded to see night come
1 sleep soundly in any position nil
1 am 59 vears old, but expert soon to be
to take bold of tlio plow bundles. I
proud I was lucky enough to get 1\
P. and I heartily recommend It to my
and the public generally.
YoUss respectfully,
A. M. Ramsey.
The State of Texas, j |
Before County of Comanche.
the undersigned authority on tills
perfonally after being apnenrod A. M. Ramsey,
foregoing duly sworn on outh Hint
statement made by him re¬
to Die virtue of P. I’. P. medicine is
A. M. Ramsey,
.Sworn to and subscribed before me this
1th 1891. J. M. Lambert, .N P.
Comma hell Co. Tex.
A Strange Freak.
It appeared that Dr. (Fliitu’s Drug
Store had been turned into a col ton
market List Saturday. Mr. O. II. Go
lucke’8 team ran away with a load of
cotton, when opposite tlie Drug Store
they wheeled and tried to enter.
Whether they thought it a better
cotton market than the depot or felt
tlie need of some physic, Is something
yet to be discovered.
No damage was done except tlie
breaking of the wagon tongue and har¬
Trashy Medicinoa.
Manv such Hood the rnnikct. Botanic
Bloon Ha!in Isa cmiscieritioUHli compound¬
ed medicine, the re-li I of forty vests prae
tie by an eniinci.t physiciani ft Is tlm
best blood puritl. r ever offered to the
pub |c and I* guaranteed to rule If given
a fair trial. I ry it for »l skin and blood
diseases, inelumng catarrh a„d rheuu.a
llam in Its worst «orm. One Dottle .»f It
contains more curative and building
“a. .*"* oU "; r
1 ry i in-Old bailable. See
ment elsewhere.
Dixie Interstate Fair.
We are In receipt of the premium
list of the Dixie luteistate Fair, tola*
held at Mscon, Ga., begining October
2drd and closing November the 8th,
U’-der the auspices of the State Agri¬
cultural Society and Macon Exposi¬
tion Coinpony. It Ih elegantly gotten
up and presents an attractive array of
premiums amounting to 810,000" —As¬
surances are given the public that it
will excel by f ir any f irmer State
Fair held in the Central City.
Goo<i Har^aiiiM.
ffith this issue of our paper I.
I>jvy & Co., of Augusta, places an
nouncement before our readers and ask
a fair share of your patronage.
They already have a reputation in
our section for honest and fair dealing
with their customers, and they stand
in the front ranks for baigaiua
clothing. Try them.
Htill Changing.
Our ci! y in about to “noil £ over a^a'M
with bii*in<'MH chaiikC*.’'
Mr. EiilicOunn haa houpht out Mr. A.
1) M< Donald it d will have a Hture erect'*
ed fo r hi A ii m*.
Mr. J m | # fic!p«i !■, havitifl' on#* crcct<*d on
the <;o.rici o;» jo-ite Mr. I'cui’s bar.
Wo learn Mr, A. J M'Jton, of A»';isUl,
will <ccur*y the h *rc vacafid b\ Mr.
Gurio and will f^irry a general line of
rm reliant! ik.
I tatt invtmi+r} eve?7 man ar »4 woir>»n lt> the TTn)t«d
Ptatas io the Opium ar*0 V'bisky
S sod ooe will b« teat you tree.
Tho Pfioplo’s Advocate, Established
The Orawfordville Democrat, Estab
« lished 1876.
Consolidated Oct. 6, 1893.
20.000 STOCK
Of Goods at
We are overstocked and will sell goods nt Panic Prices
The Ladies should come and see our New Lines of
Our Shoes, Hats, Mar Iware and General line of Sitppli tes
are also Latching t,lie 1 ulilics Eye^. We are offering bar¬
gains in Harness and Saddles never before known in this sec¬
tion. In fact
Call on us and we cai > easily convince you of (his fact.
Wo solicit your patronage not, from favor but from merit only.
Sharon Georgia.
Alliance Store p
When in Crawfordvillc.
W<5 propose * «> uunue t( » i Leader* Cr j ( -
Be sure you see our Lino of
flats, Shoes, Jeans # Factory floods
prices on Clothing are Remarkably Low,
Very respectfully,
.Alliance Store.
Closing Out Halo.
On tlie If) li of October Miss O. II.
Farmer will open her stock of milli¬
nery goods at and below cost, Tlie
opportunity for buying goods lor less
than their value, will lie given tie
public foi one mouth. She is going to
close out. Como one, come all.
BucKIcikS Arnlni Salve.
The beat valve l„ tlie world for Cols
Urn isos teUe,,Chapped Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum Fever
corns, and all Skin Eruption*, '.'aiids, Chilblains
and po>|.
U ] eures Hies, or no pay required. It
guaranteed to give per fect satisfaellon
j or Iw*- II)m Forsab-bv „. y re rund,«l. Dr Price R«id. 2» oolite oor
(,'otton Shipped Frcse.
If you wish to ship your cotton and
will call at this office we will mark and
ship It provided, you ship t> a ly cotton
faetor advertised in Ibis pape-. Of
course we c innut pay freight chargis,
but w ill attend to the cm ie.-p uidence,
elc. etc.
Tills will save you lots of trouble
and as we will accept no advertise¬
ment from a dishonest dealer you can
fee! easy as to Imw your produce will
be handled,
F.vr.r y rnotlor should know that croup
can bo pr«*v€)iit<*-d* symptom <»f
Ir no croup U hoarHcnoM^ I’hi U follow
«‘<| i»y h pccntUr roti «li courfl*. I) Chain*
beriairiH C 1 oii(th It *uiedy alveii freely hh
•*o<»n an the coutfh has dev»*lo>>ed it. will
prevent the attack. 25 an I 50 cent b »t
tie* for h«Ip by
Dr. K. J Itf pi, Drujf^i^t
I A 1)1 can make %'l’t weekly t>y fold »
Jlng Hf id a hli< i .iu < iicu’a Addr« »- f <»r o - a!
| homo. Manager* No Imperial cnnvaH-drig. s*
j Toilet Company,
Awarded Highest Honors-World’s Fai>.
The only I’are Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum.
in Millions of Homes—40 Years the Standard-
Tlio AI la ui a Oculist
Dr. J. Harvey Moore, who lias an
office !n the Kiser Building in Atlanta
is to return soon, see his announce¬
ment, and If your eyes need any treat¬
ment I' will tm to your interest to con¬
sult him.
Tirtid Brain an 1 Norvoa.
The quiekest. snfest and sweele t rvllet
fot the t ired brain and nervous system
comes from uslno Dr. Klnv, Itovul Get.
inctorc. As a nerve r.ianqui ! l/.ei and l.mie
It never lias been eqi Haled. |)r. I,. I).
Collins, ColdUiwaite, 'IV k , says « f it; It,
Is the finest nerve Inn quIMzer I have evt —
used.’’ L. tj Coulsoii, DepsCy Oli-i 9
Cireult eniirt, Jacks,‘in Cumity, Alabama,
savs. “I commend it tor M,-rvnilwness
above any tiling I li i v-* ever I rb*d.” Georg- 1
W. A rui intend Editor 111 I ,u.\ .c.ii
ville, Teun . says, it Is mi Invaluable
builder and Invi /orator of the nerve frr
ceH. $1. 6 fur $5,
Tlii*r© Ih no modlci.iD mo Offc ifi
<*v»'» Y lioini* hid) m> to
fin* fnirp»H#*H for wliloli it i.s UiU‘ii.lcil, I* H
< .'ImniLorlHlnM JLun H-itrn, H i w# ■ok
paswFH lint Homo iimmijimm of t lie f t ufly fni *
noerf of it.. A tootliivhi' or icJi * imi*
cunol liv it. A touch ot rmM.m itinm
or milfcd Tlio fteyoro pton of
h burn or mc aid promptly i« i *vi tl and tho
More honied in much tlm^ than when
medicine has to b<* wnt fur A Mtirnin
til h v r ho promptly t rented ‘■*•1
rnfttlon hWh in, wtdcli ticoiron
alK»ut oic • third of Uo* time ot hoi it- -
(julrcd. immediate Cutnaud )nu ics diontd receive
treatment before ih bt*
come Hwolefi, which can only he d ne
when Pain li.ilm !« kept ai hand .\ More
| throat may lie cured tiefore i) l owe*
neriouA A f rou Id emetic corn trny he re*
mo /cd liy applying it twice a day for a
week or t vi o. A I ini»* h
and several day# of val.ja > • t‘n*e mhv< <1
or a p Hu in ill.- -,'lc or i-h> ,t reliev d
3 with^tit paying a <h»cfor hill. Procure a
i b 0 cent bottle hI f.ncc and you will i»$ v *r
ref{rwt it. For *ale hv
I Ir. U .1 U I)pi <-< v