Newspaper Page Text
p. p, p 1
Marveimis Cutrs
I n Blood Poison
and Scrofula
r r i* j.u i. >-v
l»»*J t'f' *■
i i l *>('<• friiHfT fif'd lur!»«r/
!iti)«. 1 "r |iJ*Mrft ft*-!*' (Ifljf, IlMT* Drift .1'
iflfl. ft strut*!)..
1 Drift plt»?i Ilko
. |Mitijt|ci Old fht'jl >*' til'« »*,
r*it <• Jit'flft. IrftU*.
It’t'iN V i tJIbt 8.1 •>. It'Ut "I
tlf CJ*ft| ri I n. Ifitl! I*, i’ I*. I*! fi ri hfl
ji Illfl' f i i fliri W'-rlft. ftrifl tnnri i
>i( lv aiift pcrmW’Dt nib -n
1,3ft Ji«*« vrlt'<*« fnu>m* : r« ft ,
i fiosq MrirxJ lr»»|»«3rp *'
tl'.n 4 . to tn» *.»:
:.r- !•«-'• tll*»ffy l*«-r.rifl’pft by ’ v ••
fr.'-.' r"r
Hoot «»<1
Si j : #■., 110 . 1 .. Me.. 1 ).S- 1 ■
inn Nf>-ri*k m ii)*“ I»*k **♦'•*- t r n
\ - ' < . #ftlrii*«* ('fin rny
V IHffi D’Tirlwjf J u.i« »Dft nflpf't r't tt umattwm \ 4* t*-r
an. lft ft4* )»««t
.id 1 «m t liuriftr^ft* l*y t tft*ry
r. i* v < u HtmJ 1 it n« « frti’i |jent tot-'if
Ur*, Jir s, 11 i <■ • rift , kno w i, r *
«,tll Hnft Unit i Isa’s
il’.ti' «H»f <«f ymir r j i.. *n>i ' *n
cUonrUtUv ho«*rfu *r«r t* f tom* n>< t , to
sroMij thmoMDythlnff I h*vf**» rUkfifi.
jest rm ..tntiitrift yoar
cir®©u county, Mo.
Always Ceres.
MtHI Botanic Blood Balm
The 1 it rut kr me Jv for lh« %f»er,ty *nft nerminent Ukem,
rule of Si t of ala, l/hrutnaihun. t.atarth,
(t ii, th. j<fps. r tj>f i< »f| of an « inriti fif | h\ •» h*D
Ififri i it vi J ri ». iff i ti»df vel-mv < e**% f - •* 4 1 ' V *‘4*f **.
i t |*i f * ’ jHo|)|»* tm« ftenv*n\if.vieft
if )•. t's> f »t Hu i i iniililfng up I mm an t
!' i "D 1 • 4 to t}»e w.iila It H-.iUrs new
if. h Mo i l *nJ {><>»••»»*> almott masculuu*
heallttr pfu|*rrfie»
tvr WRIT* I or HOOK Of wondhri ul
M ilt free* on neptUation.
It not kept t*y your kK*l Jiugglvt, «^ti4 $i oo
(i-f «t latgi 1 tw fox ftlx adA
mtJttSie will writ flight |'«I4 hy
BLOOD Bf\LM T-O., flitanu, Ga.
" *...... •T"*'# 7TTT
Rhfumatic Remedy
hr i
t ft ft, z, Uu*
‘,u.i k I fmmu iii mi • I Mil tllltH, « ft lii i t J i If- I o r i n *
* toy tIt.‘itstnt'l Ml f*ll .81
1‘riffti U* Hllft I'flUtWl If
• •---.••-<• t .ft f'Hilft* j 1 tii itif
t f fait* t»* riir«
Hullsr ii Ih»uI o' * I '
III 10 •111' 1 1,111
M .ill Mm.
fiurang'sRheumatic Remedy Co.
1316 I. lilrppl.Waslilnoitm, !>.C
lit, rr I *.tlm 1,11 . i
Th\ i u nil th ::
IKICS 9 f'Ta f*KX *UI. pt » BOffl J*0i' t >
%k\.% tt oaaouuT.)
• V •* nt Ui’W Itriok.
Iril - - « ) pur
til nil v tit! o. — *«U
it v ♦ x |M* •
««' ••••r f! ACE(\n C *1 - ti " t it, ' * it
tot |m> t qut vs
t it dit. \ t i , |* .
r^K,t,:;i:,: , .:.w , AWTED
IN.II N( I ION «.It \N I I l>
Ht’tttrnttituit ttie lUmrtt from ( *itv*t«
tug l leetIon Return*. *
A Hpeeml from Jnckaonville. Fin ,
wayis Fhere ha* ttevelopeU r new
j liHNt to the eleetiou tuntter in
cx'uoty T he circuit court hn* urautetl
h t% \nporwrv injunction restraining the
FAiiNxhMiig bonril from eanvaMuiiig the
return* oti Tueatlay’a eleetion, on
c(Mint of the alleged illegal act* of tht
iUKpectora- T he lull on which the tu
junction wax obtau»e*l i* on the thoo
r\ that the election iu the county
l* invftlitl. I'he bill cimm* that the
Hi t* of the iUK)Hctor* in reftuung to
epen poll* in four of the eit\ wanU,
beCftUNC t'f the jH’rat nee of tleputv
vote, mvalnlate* the election Th
faction tieOKHl repre*entatum itllegovt
that fraud waa intetnlev! ami thealu rifT
plactnl fieputicF in the poilui^ plaeo*
to prevent it. The iuapertor* cUime*?
that the deputie* were there iu \n*la
tion of the law. aud, upon tht refu**l
of the deputies to withdraw, doaed thr
poll*, thu* dlofranchiMtig alnmt 2 .
voter*. The lull allege* that if the*t
men had Iwn allowtv* vote th*
Fh teller faction would have * leotod
it* ticket. Th# ea*t will M go to
the supreme court.
When B*hr »a» Vck. we *w»e her OsW.'rta.
Wtoea she »» » ChBd. she tried t« Osidoria.
HYkmi Khr briEWntr Mi«. vb* vbuxs 1© l'*i4a>ruc
M ina tOe had itul4l«t. she ft'* them I'wl-tW.
,liltlr*lkui Kfjt^'lnt
Ti Lit uf uikf'Uat^v, sit Hutix
t tL. Huug*: * iqfelt'tl by * ' F
c to 1118. tilt 1 amt tot bill pit
y. tilt' IfiAgril ItAVttgmt
Jvwrah religion
CATARRH , ^M A l. AR’A ,
sni DrTE>SiA
A c r •«' ! rr-I T T f T .3* -I* -
I’rD’./f A-b. Vo¥r !’/.'■» i V"* i»*
itl. • i" 0 ) 1 LiSOd Portlier oa
Aftrn Tjv*. rt, o.. July : 1. l*oi V
V’.*’‘i% Lirl” tt ri Hit< *t. , : >
t - I tri'b-; 1
i t* i’. i. *t ; ift. V ‘ f '
- r ior*' «c- ■ f
T? it
i-: I, WTO?',
/.!. • ■ • 1.1 .
t si't. -*• ' - J- -
To off c/ ; . I l.ere
tr.n nsi^: i
r» vrll h riU uri*
/'• rirnrHW f» ’’U
l;>> > •' °* i trie <• V- t"i kfjfiWil f' lfift*
dy t v,-.i ill ;
. - .
fiii<5 iuh »»"* 1 utirnl ! juir:**'tOS,
(fil/acd by) J.
r,htr> Cttttff r C'sii’t’d.
Tetfiio' frr * • ,'f <jor/f HtifViA Tat .
V ,t 4. Ti . .1 c*ir7 H. 1 ' ''\
?1 .. , i.u i it *. ’ U lot.. .’‘avaitn^h
li ). : i lii»v i' fr*"I y
i. ' i { , r .t rn«<’3«»' - f tho 8kin. tiNUnlljr
; ; ^ - lkT u-i-r/ t thirty yt-nm*
*„.| r >u ft k It
t L h.-.oft tir.ft remove all !r
r • , ti tr- r. !.)•• ' ‘ ■ f Cl" fll"'flrq
w ■ ■;■ ,w .r~;w* >/oV.:
j . • f , -.rjjiftrMif t»i -f on .f:»< r * "*ir*o
\ , i: , a , J' )'- ?.» Of Ntoxiiacu rm»n.v**4
i o :n n f>u'.at. \fjhrr tf>i‘ U HVflT.
yi M.
At tor on y ;»t 1/nx
m w BW'<! Bsces Miict free.
mroic I AN I IMSFAH lllLS.
Sliuii iiit<1 ( rl*|» lt<ms of Oeiiornl
Interest to Our Itenders.
%F I'inguall, a prominent sugar bro*
I j ker in Paris h.»M been arrested charge<l
with «tiibez/hng the snui of 144,000
pounds, which, it is (darned, was due t«»
Baron llirsch, the complftinftnt, s* the
result of recent speculations in sugar .
Tlttilollg delayed settlement with
the creditors of ex Governor Foster
and his partner,lms at last comeabolit.
The assignee has iiiim unoi-il that he
would be able to pay 40 cants un tho
f000. ' ilollatj^jnftthe iIVseTlT.-7neni el si ms anumut to 8213.
wdi. creditors
will Ivcgiii ft*
The mftDngii* of tho American tin
plftto factory at EIwcmnI, IimF, nr**
milking HrmiigetnetiU to complete all
repair* tin* week, and, in iKldtiion to
tin*, they have five extra null* ready
to atftrt up with the r< *t of the plnut
next week. The hi wood window gla**
fuctorv, the hist in the city to coumiiiho
operation*, started up Thur*d*y morn¬
ing with a full force of .TOO hand*.
A fliapfttch front Fort hotii* to ft
newa agency in Loiidou received
Thiimlay, ropcctw the denial previou*
lv made thiit ti bloekadt* of the port*
of MadHgH*cnr liail bi'cn proclaimed.
The diepfttch ltd 1 1* that tin* report*
aroae through tin* imscon*truction »*f
the *tep* taken by the French war
*hip* along the coa*t to preveut the
l*iitling of nriu* ami ammunition for
the Hove*.
The I’uaon foundry ami Fitllman
t’ftr Wheel (*ompatty, of Fnlliuan, 111.,
ha* fili-d article* of *nrrendei* of chur
The capitftl »t«M’k t* $r>00,000,
divided into 5,000 hliHre*. **f which
| t b*i». M. Fit It man owued 4.00T, On
St pletntu r 20th the director* decided
1 on cloning up The n**et* of the com¬
pany were aold ktiil the proceed* di
vidcil among the *ti»ckh(dtler* and the
elmrter *urrendered.
The fhtppiug anti lVlugraph N«*wh
of lri.n.Ion Mty* it lt'Hrn* that h* tc»!iuT
)m* boon obirtcrwl hurt homo to ooti
vey luunitiim* 4 »f w*r to C’htuft. The
freight t*> be p«t»I on the cargo will
«’\eetml the value of the v« n*el, ami the
venture i* inaureu nt three guinea* per
htitiilreii-weight, lhe owner* will
make a mbnII fortune if tht' *teamer
« \a«l 4 * eapture titnUr the foreigu eu
lt*ttneti! mu!
Four of the leading druggists of
I tnuumati ' t «r!i arri’.striil , upon
warrant* iaatunl l»v the futnl iu*ptH'tor,
uh*rguig them with helling aTulttr
■ ateil ilrug* Hu‘ warrnut* were ikmiuhI
I after a chemical atiftlyata of Frofe**«»r
Fennell, of the article* in question
pankoU, viti ntanani Mini uulermentt <1
i vv me Min report i* Mini to have
'Mi nil the*** preparations t*
mhilttTiitctl within the memung of the
f st*tut» * of
A iliripHtch from Bo*loti. Maaa , say*
,1 J. t'Drlnfi has iMuivtl a *tatetnent tv«
tht public m which lit *aya that hi*
tv'ntract- will prevent him from fight
inu SUV b.-totv Julv 1st next Ho
in will immtdiately SIO.tKIO - ,
8*4- p*‘*t
with Uavid Blanchard, »*f Boat**u, a** a
KUarsutvo of wood faith sad I hat ho
»til moot s.I .Nailers for , one weok , after ,
Julv 1st uext lie deviates that ho
will fight one man i'ery night during
'hat week and then retire permanently
frotu the ring
\ ftn\ 11 it s i i < k
He Kali* Hotr to a *\hiI three Million
Through iht agency of the Ctncin
nail, Hsmsllou and Dayton railway
and it* coulee ions, * Cincinnati bank
has furuisiti i >ainu«l Benjamin $1,
5*8* to take himself, his wife, soil and
two daughters U tnsiraha and back
, t,- secure an etatr of $0 thHi.OtHl left
i him by au uncle Iht bank *«vurast
' IfCtl t Vitit‘UtV »*t tlir xiateiice *t ti»c
fttiiian tim tito d 1 m
lort? »dv I iu t V. tv« UjKtUUi
i> * 1 Mt tor a. ti a pnutri
A Hrl<*f Summary of Dally Ifapj»rn
Throughout tli#* World.
Throughout Holland th^re were *ix
Ueo new of cholera the* pftftt
week and fight deathi-- from the din
t nu4i, of whifh number hix new enhen
and one death were in Amsterdam.
I>ftn NieoLa« Talmeron, th<; Hpariiah
republican leader, who van viaiting
Lisbon, was arrested .Sunday evening
mid ordered to leave the country. Ar
rarigementft had been made by hia ad
mirem to entertain him at a banquet.
The London Exchange Telegraph
<'omj»any hhvh that, in order to get
back British tin-plate maker* who
went to America the Welahmau uiwin
facturera, in addition to guarantee jug
them work, prcunine to j»ay their fare»
The Mollenhauer augur refinery at
Brooklyn, N. Y., employing 1,800
men aliut down Monday for au indefi¬
nite time. The Mollenhaiier people
nay that aaingulur feature of the nmr
Let in the fact that they have hold nyr
t]j» and molahUfM ahead, but there in
absolutely no market for refined wigar.
A diapatch from St. I*eter»1mrg
ntatea that a aiidden change for the
wornt ha« taken place in the condition
of the e/ar. The diapatcli ttddn tiiat
the min inter of war haa ordere<l prayera
fur the preaervation of the life of the
czar, to Vie offered up in nil the gnrri
aoii and regimental clmrchea.
Thirty-aix head of fine bluegruHft
trottera were Hold at auction at Lex¬
ington, Ky., Monday morning nt an
average of Home tiling over two hun¬
dred dollars per head. The
h ay the good prices formerly realized
for Kentucky trotter* are returning.
The higheat price whm $700, paid for
tlaughter of (ieorgf WilkeH.
Three men were killed Monday
morning iu an explosion in the Illi
ijoih ateel workw at Chicago and
number of other* injured by the iicci
dental explosion of a hteam pipe,
fragment* of which w» re scattered iu
every direction. The exploded pipe
Wft« one of the largent main
ruuuiuK through tho eutiru pliuit.
A Luxingtort, Ky., Hpcc*i»il hh>h
friendH of Breckinridge are
him out for Henator. Hecretary (’ar-
1 i h 1 «*, Hoimtor BUckbnro,
Brown, Oouersl Buckner and
WatteTHou are among the other
mentioutMl. The friends of
arc inaititing on Senator
taking tbn stump immediately in
Asldiuid district for Owen*.
Iu the federal court at
Miss., Monday, K. L. Tarry, bank, of Stark*
of the First National
ville, which failed last year, was
vlpU „j nu ,j, r action 62119,
Statutes of the United States.
charge w as misapplication of the
credit. The minimum jienalty is
years imprisonment, Other officer*
thebank k* w J»e emkidi a* « .E ■
John Rsvoll, a farmer uear
wood, Mich., together with his
of five, were blown iij> hy an
of giant powder Monday. Kavell
a live year-old son were killed
right, the bodies being mangled in
frightful manner. Mrs. ltavell and
six-year-old daughter will
j die. The others wore not
hurt. Kavell was thawing out
powder iu the oven of a stove,
ing it fur blasting stump".
(iltrnv I II OF THK SOUTH.
I lie Imluxtrlftl Situation h*
for the Fast Week.
The re|>"rt on thu imlustri.l cotidittout of
m- utli for the pant week show* that the
-term w11ia’ti i-immsI ovi r the coiat jsirti<»n«
w< verai of fh<’ •oiitliern states during the w.
hm quite thistruetive to (ho orange crop
Florida, now nearly ready f< r the market,
injured the <l«*orgia ami South Oaroluia
rrop ah ul 10 |*er cent. The Hn niinghaiu
iiiaik'U oontiuuea active Southeiu iron
Krowiug in pqxiDrity and u cotuiiiauding
preiiuuui for many uaea aa it Ih v c nutt* more |y known Cottom groWeri are lidding
hack ootton fiee»l f-»r higher prices, and imh
in* n iay they otunot advance on their pratent
ifttera tjen r*l btisine«« iIikw not improve
rapidly as *a» eipecteit during August an«l
the rt »t part t'f September, but it i* in fa r
dition aud collectiom ate good*
» holy three new imlilslriea were
or incorporated daring the week, together
four enlargements of manuficto. lea, and
|ea*u tmpMtaiit new huilduiK*.
among the new mduatrie* of liras we« k are
I ui'ktapg* l.umU-r t'‘tupxtty, oapi'xl null*
orRiniitkl iu Nt w York to opur* v in
A«hrvil|*», N. i-; tho rt»l « Ming of th*
k(H< iv»tton niilK tit itr lllick-burg, h, 0^ at
ctwi of fi»0iXXt, mot th« Glenn Spdtigx
oxpttxl OlM, t>f UiPitti Spring*, S t’. lt«*i *
*idI *li«rt iron work* on a *rgo *o*lv are to
e*t*bit*hvtl in Now Oiioau*, 1,1, * tobfti’oo
lor> emp’.oying SJAt men in Grven*l*oro, N.
*t>T * rt»jw* *ml twine factory *t Ihwwe 1, tl*.
$22.00 1 ct»non .Miiu rr*. will ! ♦ hu It *t Mt r»
tlian. Mi**.. » fitVtkX) mill huiMing ami
(**'. CAH»p»n> h*» tv en organ xtst »t K-'tt
T«*x*8, un t It*** work* to coat ff4> tXX* *rt*
I hmh »' »«««"». Va Wire Mil
ia«vt *! # .0 (VXt rt |v rt .1 »t 1 rt \ a11« v t»*,.
. h $H'tAX»flonrtug mill *t t^m 1 ntkti. Aik
Th*rr i* nl* 4 i ntp^trd It*** N«vfolk, wiirk* *’ Va.;
*n. V* * barrel factory*!
cotton ix>rnj nv»* * »i Ht>u*ton, Tex**. *iut
auft gnat mill* *1 Mulfttowbriivugh. Ky..
Unft, 14$, Gfiwonvtil*% N. G-, M **y Creek,
Trtin Gra|»ei*nft, l>*lla*. S*n Anton o, 'It
*u t Waco, j| Texa*. A fouudrv ami
•hop w I** built *t Athrvtfie, N. C.,
wriHKlwxvktug plant* at Atb«oa,Ga,. Shreveport,
Water wtwk« *n* to t*« twill at E I'ert n, G* .
livkft».r anft Kulphut S|rmg*, TYvaa.
llayarti, $ Va its# eiiUrgrmeut* imTuftc
furaliitrv factory •« Hunt*v lie, AU . wag n
work* at bateigli. Y t ,a t>»nq>re** at Wi uoi a»
Mia* , ami apoke wotk* at BiHI qiIor, W. Nib.
Among the tww buihtmga of »h« week arv
mrwa houaa* *■ KnexvjlU, Tenn ,
£r«- °J u h ww - v * ■ * V' 1 ** * ' ,": »
ru.; a fit P ft at , HarovDbarg, I . , h' , a $ vaW c
UpbaUiing at KnoxvilU, IVnn . an
a^oel butlfting at 1 n^Uwton, Ga.. suft w»n>
h«». a, Win.ton, N P.. an.l-vn:h ril-.t-iYS,
Tn>B.—l>sJssaian it haitau - s-a, ltoa >
nit .1 A< hsoNN II I I Ml HDI t
( all Refuses n> stake the
junellou l'ernaancnt.
\t Jacksonville. Fla., Saturday,
Judge R. M. riall refttsenl to
jw-rmaueut the temjvrary injunction
granted the "‘stratgh, til"
faction restraining the returning txmrd
from canvassing and certifying tht r»"
suit of Tuesday's election in the city,
I'he “regular'' demt>cratic faction ln
stsleti that the judge had no juried:,
tion in the matter, and in this opinion
he coincided and disioived the tetu
ponrr injunction. Th< retaraiiig
LwmmtG aiNsmli ngl\ CWlIV XfmsI tbr re¬
turns atd cer.ific! to the eUv
the enure u. ket ,*f the regular
cratic faction
It. O. Dun & ( ft's Report of Business
for the Past Week.
R. G. Dun a < . s weekly review of
trade for the j * week says :
“The lowest ices ever known for
wheat and c< t a necessarily imjilv
somewhat res: t ted resumjition of
other product, With the chief money
ctojih of the west and south sinking in
value, it is not scange that jiurchases
of mann'actnr- <1 jiro lncts are smaller
than was expei i t. Wheat has touch¬
ed the lowest p :nt ever known for op¬
tions, and cotton the lowest ever known
in any form wiih tbe present classifi
(ation, and the aecnmulation of stocks
in both products is discouraging to
f.urchasers for 411 advance. Producers
are'Comjielled to sell at prices below
the ordinary curt of raising crojai, and
in some wester;! states there is also a
lamentable failure of the corn crojj.
Cnder the circs ..stances it would be
\ i ry strange if A he demand for rnariu
factiired jiroib.i t should be qmte as
large as in oth- r year-.
“('utton is oui fflgtith of a ci-nt low
i r, thi- cash j>n< e being tbe lowest
known for folly-live years, ami con
mliriug the |ieruA| iVfferMK-e in classifica¬
tion, it is lower than at any
time in 1849, Ww estimates that the
i-rop is more 10 , 000,000 bales are
more commoncredited now than
'Miniates of 8,-V4i,000 wore two months
ago. With favorable weather the
yield seems liki] to net larger than
ever known.
“Cotton [>rin’i cloths are a shade
•tronger, as tlu^' »s from E'all River
regarding the duration of the strike is
less encouraging, but for other goods
the market ts low, ns might be exj)ect
eil iu view of the heavy decline iu the
raw material. |
“The conditjji of industries is in
some respects n.ore satisfactory. Evi
)lently there is a larger demand for
iron products than there was a month
ago, though tht increase in outjuit has
been somewhat .greater than llio in
creare iu the ..emaud, bo that jirices
steadily tend dostnward. IIS'
“Bessi ini-r iron is selling at 810.
90 at Pittsburg and bar iron at 95 cents,
with steel bars 81.05, while a con¬
tract to siippre -1 the jirincijial western
comjietitor in nail manufacture is ex
pected to hold t)m price at $1 for wire
and 85 cents foaeut nails. The struct
ii rul iron maifilf is fairly active at the
west, without vftange at the east, and
while the coke o itjmt has now
the heaviest evjr known, 149,775
for the week, the price is declining and
stejis are being taken to limit the anp
jily. The volume .if domestic trado in¬
dicated by the -xebanges at the jirinci
jial clearing louses is 11.8 per
larger than a y**r ago, but in compar¬
ison with 1892 shows a decrease of
per cent.
“In the money market more com¬
mercial psjiei is coming into sight,
though mi th vt le the market is hy
no means eneouJiging and goodsingle
named paper hat bum jilaced at 3 jier
eent, the lowest rate on record.
“Cornmeroi iir.rc iu third
ter of 1894 ha ivolved liabilities
$29,361,193 stitutioos and' e] »ve roads, of against banking
489,821 rv|m| -V-ar MfckAyje ago for
.. ma m onth s ,
094,502, 1894 the IinlS^ ngaii pPHve $251,834,865 lieen $131,
year. The laiftufactnring
were $12,331,812), against and in
reported a year •o,
$14,131,280 for je quarter,
$58,814,176 a ur ago. For the
of Hejitember lie liabilities have been
smaller than in any other month
year,only $ 6 ,891,124,of which
373 were of nisi ufacturing and
650,092 of tra.i, ig concerns.
“The failnn for the jiast week
lieen 219 in tin United States,
820 last year. «id thirty-nine in
ada, agaiustfot y-flve last .year."
Himlli Ct»r«| li.i’a Supreme
I'iissi'h I po# the Gu.-stlon Again.
A Columbia oaoial say«: For
"round timed .oruorTillman's
law rann> out . Dh« hands of the
j.ri'ino court ' n.lay rehabilitated. evening, on
occasion com] utely
“ I hc city i micil of Aiken
Holly A (ieoi"' " was the title of
in which JitTiee* Pope aud Gary,
Tilmanites, siutain the dispensary,
reversing the division, jirououueiug
unconstitutional delivered by the
last, wluiu Saminl
lUiti-Tillmamtc, was a m. mber.
Iver, adhering 6 > his previous
dissents now.
It will be remembered that the
decision was upon an act jiassed
1892. t'u August 1st Gary,
over McGowan last December,
ceeded him, au.l a week previous
eruor Tiliman proclaimed iu foree
sot of 1893, which he had
in April. proclamation the
Since the
saries have lieea running on full
and constables have been seizing
traband sj.irits. When the
at Aiken was reopened the city
cil at once nrrested George, the
jiensir, and Holly, a member of
county board of control, for
of a city ordinance against the sale
liquor. carried the
The state case
l iriviit Judge Aldrich, who
the city council, and then tbe
appealed to the suj.reme court.
sjH'oial session of the latter was
mediately convened.
the International Union In
Sesalot, tn Ixtuliviilf.
Tito forty-sevond annual
of the intrrnatioual
I'm, a opened at Louisville, Ky.,
day morning at Odd Fellows’
W 11 . Prosvi/tt, president of
Union, called the convention to order.
Mayor Taylor delivered an address
welcome to the visitors. Col. K. M
Kelly, editor of the Con nerefa/ w el
Cl tmisl the typos v>n behalf of the
aud H. A. lioles, president of the
typographical union, on i-ehalf of
heal printers.
The union, by a vote of 75 to 25, i
fused to extend tbe terms »f the
fr, m one year to two years, as
me mit,! by th-- president. It also
fused to change the annual meetings
to biennial meetings, as recommended
' - the president and c m suttee
os A nnmtier of minor -hange,
w s of the union *,r lade The
n »ill coattna* *ey*r*l days.
Presenting »n Epitome of the
South’* Progress and Prosperity.
Returns go far from the primary elec*
held in Louisiana Friday indicate
nomination of Ogden in the fourth,
Robertson in the sixth district foi
The large stock yards of Lutz A
in Meridian, Mias., have been de¬
by fire. The loss is $7,000;
the insurance $0,000. The origin ol
the fire is unknown.
The North Carolina crop report,
just iesned, says the storm has not
damaged cotton seriously, and that
the injury to other crops is small.
The returns show that 02 per cent, of
the cotton is unpicked today. Cotton
opened w ith great rapidity.
The fourteenth annual session of the
farmers’ national congress at Parkers¬
burg, W. Va., adjourned Friday night
to meet at Atlanta, Ga., next fall, the
date to be fixed by the executive com¬
mittee. A resolution favoring the
election of United States senators by
the people was indefinitely postponed.
A report reached Galveston, Texas,
Sunday, that the British steamship El
Frida, Burgess, master, was beached
at the mouth of the Brazos river. The
El Frida reached the mouth of the
Brazos from Port Eads for Velasco last
Friday night and in attempting to en¬
ter the river she ran afoul of the west
jetty. She lies head on and is appa¬
rently uninjured. She will probably
be floated without damage.
Under a warrant issued by the trial
justice at Easley, S. G., his constable,
S. N. Wyatt, seized under the dispen¬
sary law, a ten-gallon cask of whisky.
One Couch was at the same time ar¬
rested and charged with retailing and
concealing contraband whisky. This
is the first case in the county under the
dispensary law, the constitutionality
of which it now under consideration
by the supreme court.
Congressman Joseph Wheeler has
been in Florence, Ala., for several
(lays conferring with the Business
League in regard to the proposed re¬
moval of the government office from
that place. A vigorous protest has
SJZ , r£S£x
the interests of river towns by romov
ing the river improvement headquur
ters to a point not on the river.
It has just leaked out that a syudi
cate of wealthy capitalists from Louis
ville and Nashville have purchased or,
at any rate, secured an option on some
*M'“> -res of land, chiefly woodland,
it is on and near the line of the
Louieville and ISashville railroad, in
Escambia county, south Alabama.
The.r plan is to cut the property up
into eiglitv-acro farms and settle it
with westerners who are practical and
experienced fruit farmers.
A Columbia, 8 . C., special says:
Iw e a i-rcj.ui.ih-ao. will acquiesce
and file of the party not
in tho decision of the state executive
committee not to hold a state couven
tion. They will shortly call a conven
tion to consider the political situation
and see whether it is advisable to put
out a state ticket. They declare that
the decision of the committee was for
the purpose of allowing the state chair
muu to retain his office for two years
Preparations for Sending 10,000 Sol¬
diers to tlie Empire.
A cable dispatch from London says:
It can be stated on authority that the
developments of the past week in east¬
ern affairs will lead to concerted action
on the jiurt of the European po wers.
On Monday last, Mr. N. B. O’Connor,
the British minister at Peking, warned
the foreign office by cable that the
condition of affairs in China was such
that the government was not able to
guarantee protection to the foreign
residents at the treaty ports, and the
missionaries in the interior of the
country. The minister in the same
dispatch stated that the Chinese impe¬
rial council was disorganized, and that
the collapse of the government was not
looked uj>on as an impossibility, and
advised that instant action be taken
for the protection of lives and jiroj)
erty of British subjects in China.
The substance of this dispatch was
at once communicated by Lord Rose¬
bery to the governments of France,
Russia and Germany, with the sugges¬
tion that the powers co-operate iu in¬
creasing the guards at the treaty ports
and in measures for the protection of
the missionaries.
When the cabinet met on Thursday,
friendly responses from all three of
the powers named had been received,
and these so thoroughly cleared up the
situation as to enable the ministers to
give the premier aud the earl of Kitn
berlv, secretary of state for foreign
affairs, a free hand to take whatever
steps in the matter they might con¬
sider necessary. No question of inter¬
vention between Jaj>au and China has
arisen, however.
It is reported that preparations are
being made to send 10,000 troops to
occupy tho leading treaty jiorts, and
if the present intention is carried out,
parliament on reassembling will be
asked to grant a credit of £4,000,000
to cover the expenses of the expedi
The offers of mediation between
China and Japan are all widely diver
gent. The truth of the matter is that
it is the general belief in official cir¬
cles that the members of the cabinet
are unanimously against any foreign
interference, and, *« i far as Great
Britain is concerned, favor allowing
the Japanese to reap the full fruits of
their victory, unless, of course, they
seek to injure the commercial interests
of Europe
Securities at Auction.
cv-urt at New 1 rk. ex-L nit. . Mate
Marshal John W. Jacobus will sell at
auetion the interests f the East Teu
neesee Land Company in a misceliau
ecus lot of securities and not Th
sale is to satisfv a i latrn by Herman
Nieuiever for $ 2 c.or* 0 f wstli interest.
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher’s prescription for Infants
and Children! It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance, It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, an«l Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys M orins and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour ( urd,
Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
cures flatulency.
tectliing troubles, cures constipation and
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is tlic Children’s Panacea—the Mother’s Pricin':
“ Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its
good effect upon their children/'
Da. (J. C. Osgood,
Lowell, Mass.
•• Castoria is the best remedy for children cf
which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not
far distant when mothers will consider the real
interest of their children, and use Castoria in¬
stead of the various quack nostrums which ire
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
j.gents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves.”
Du. J. F. Kincheloe,
The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New YcrU City.
Commencing Sept. 2d, 1894 the following schedules will be operated All
, schedules subject to change
trains run by 90th Meridian Time. The fire
without notice to the public. READ UP.
Train night day Train I Train i>ay i night Train
No. IKexpb’s MAiL.jNo. 27 STATIONS. No. 28 mail, expb’s No. 12
L , * 9 30j) 1 OOp 5 15a 7 48a
-’’•’A* Belair 12 34ji 4 48a 7 15a
'* ”I’i“ 7 45a! Grovetown ..... 8 G2p 12 22p 4 3Ga 7 Ola
•> ® ’’J/’ lOpjll :r u-p 12 IS'P 5<p Berzelia .....T2 11 j> 4 24a G 47a
6 20p|12 ngt 1 04p 7 69a! Harlem I.v. 7 30pj 12 04 l*i 4 15 “ 0 37a
80 12 08a j 13 p 8 05a' Hearing 7 06p|ll 22p 11 55a! 4 OGa 48a G G 28a 11
’ 27a 1 30p /)!, 8 19a Thomson 7 38a! 3 a
« J j > ^ Mesena ......11 26a j 3 35n 6 02 a
8 35a Camak C 49p 11 18a 3 27a 5 55a
n n 6f)ft j 57 8 41a Norwood C 43p ll 11a! 3 19a 5 48a
^ l 1 In, 2 12p 8 54a Barnett G 30p 10 56a! 3 02a 5 34a
7 « ^ 25 a 0 J 28p 9 04a Crawfordville 6 18p:10 43a j 2 48a 22a 5 5 22a 00a
j 60ft 50 9 23a Union Point 5 58p If: 19a 2
r 04 9 36a Greensboro 5 45p 10 05a 2 06a
...... ^ op )a 3 ,, 1 31ft
2 3 29 ,, 9 56a Buckhead 5 23p 9 42a
;/*"/ 45p l»09ai MadUAu 5 09j) 9 27a 1 21a 1
/ 2 52a 3 04u^25al 1 ......
3 jp 1 4 4 a
,, ■r&SBS&tf- • • • •
- 3 -^ 9 a *f| Igflfrj 8 a ’ i^f^T^ 2
3 r>2a 4 41ivTO 57a Covington 4 20 17a'l200nt|...... a......
" " 4 j 5 a 5 04p|ll lfia Lithonia Conyers 3 4 Olp 50p 8 8 06a 11 4Gp'......
4 28 a 5 17p ll 27a 26p|......
" ; Mountain 3 33p 7 49a 11
4 49 ,, 5 3fip ll 43a Stone
/ 5 00 a 5 48p 11 52a Clarkston 3 23p 7 40a 11 14p......
5 p 2 a' 5 57 p '12 m Decatur 3 15p 7 31 a 11 03jv......
530 6 15p|l2 15p Ar Atlanta Lv 3 OOp 7 15a 10 45p ! ......
—-- 2 00 ai 1 65pj X 40a Lv Camak Ar ' G 45p 11 15a 12 40a ......
...... j 6 36]> 11 08a 12 "27a
16a 2 03p o;jj, cc 47a Warrenton ......
...... 6 14pj......11 58p
2 gQ ft 2 36p|..... Mayfield 6 OOp......H 39p ......
3 12a| 2 Culverton 5 49 10 35a 11 23p ......
3 32a 2 47j> 9 21a Sjiarta 30p...... ji 10 58p ......
4 02a 3 05p Devereux 5 ......
4 18a 3 13p 9 42a Carrs 5 20j. 10 15a 10 44p ......
4 56a 3 36j) 9 59a Milledgeville 4 57pj 9 59a 10 12p ......
5 27a: 3 53j>...... Browns 4 38j>...... 9 48ji ......
5 47a 4 03p 10 22a Haddocks 4 26pj 9 36a 1 9 31p ......
G 05a 4 14j>...... James 4 45p| 14j>...... 9 80p|...... 10p ......
7 00a 4 45p 11 00a Ar Macon Lv 3 9 00a 8
7~30p lT~ 00 a 2 18p Lv Barnett Ar ! 1 55p X 50ft 6 15p ......
7 43j> 11 12a 2 30p Sharon | 1 1 43 X 37a 6 02p|......
7 52p 11 22a 2 39p Hillman 1 34 X 28a 5 5 Ip ......
g 25p 11 65a 3 13p ! Ar Washington L v 1 t- 55a 5 2Op ......
G 20 p 2 55p Lv l uion 1 out Ar 9 20 08a| a 5 55p ......
6 32p 3 05p Woodville 9 5 44p:......
6 36p 3 09 p Bairdstown 9 04a; 5 40p......
6 49p 3 21p Maxeys 8 51a 5 28p...... j>!......
6 56p 3 27p Stejihens 8 44)i 5 21
7 lOp 3 39p Crawford • • • 8 30a 12a! 5 08p......
! 7 27p 3 55p Dunlap 8 4 51p!......
.. I 7 32p: 3 59p Winters 8 07a! 4 47p 30p!'! _ _ _ B
. 50a
1 7 50p 4 15p Ar Athens Lv 7 4
..... ......
10 30a Lv Union Point Ar....... 2 05 p.....
...... ......
11 22a Siloam ...... 1 42 p.....
42a......I ... .....
n ......|Ar White Plains I.v ......I 1 20p<......I......
“All above trains rail dally, exeept 11 and 12 which do not run on Sunday. Steep ng < Jam be.
tween Atlanta and Charleston. Amrnata and Atlanta. Augusts an 1 M icon, on night 'xpre-w.
Sleeping ears between Macon and New York ou ira n 27,and train caving Macon a' 9 o clock,-i .in
General Manager. Traveling I\i88en,er Agent. General Freight arid Paaa Agent.
First Class Boilers.
MTGet our prices
At :.- and ....... Erie Engines, Tank* N.acks, c ,
Aland Pipes ami Sheet-Iron Work; shat.
ing. Pullevs, 1 tearing, Boxes. Hangers, etc.
omplete Cotton, Saw, (irist. Oil and
Fe tili/er Mill outfits; also Gin, Press,
Mill and Shingle outfits. Furnace and
Building. Bridge, Factory, li a-jiugs; R.ulroa; Mill. Mi
rhini:e< and lactorv Injectors, Supplies. Pipe Fittings,
tk-liiue. Packing,
Saw Files. Oilers, etc
work ISO oanttw
Lombard Iron Work CO
and Supply Go.,
Passenger rv.-oi
j ro* Y \ CSTIV£H£SS Sick on
| iMCICtSTlON dyspcpsia \Ncpvcus
Sourness or rLoss Appct/tc or
-r*C—— WrapPES. M k.TMtrFCWC Mto.®
GOING ,e. i • FKE1
“ Castoria is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
krowoto me/' M. P-,
II. A. ArchE a,
111 So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
«Our physicians in the children's depart
ment bave spoken highly of their experi
ence in their outside practice with Castoria,
and although we only have among
medical supplies what is known as
products, yet we are free to confess that
merits of Castoria has won us to look
favor it "
United Hospital and Dispensary,
Ai.i.en C. Smith, Pres.,
Sometime ngo l wns troubled with «m
attack of rheumatism: 1 used chamber*
iin’s I’ain Balm and was completed filends
■ur>-d. I have since advised main
»nd customers to try the remedy and all
.,|,. ^Luis a k highly of it Mmon Goludauu,
Kev, Cal. For sale by
jy' j { J, Druggist.
! associated with me in the
j Practice of , _ Dentistry . . Dr. ,, ... W. II „
(IaRBIS of the ^Atlanta Dental Col¬
lege who has bad thorough training in
eproative work, lie will do extract*
in and filling teeth while I. with
Thirty Years
will do tbe PLATE OORK.
We will be in Crawfordville on tbe
3rd Monday in each m nth, to remain
oue week and in White Plains the 4th
Monday to remain one week.
M. D. D. D. S