Newspaper Page Text
A F m\r<)< II YT
yi Hi ISIS fell Jr!VI HI F» U)*Y~
; /? f^f*( P n t if if vff fdt
yiif X h Mail Matter.
T’> ■/> >/.i, or a a n ok tub
(JOE XT) FARMERS A 1 - 1.1
/lin a xu ! A
I Ah t NJON,
K I it it # tlflrrl tl dixnn ol I’hI
. I < t o t V'
) ; jj | & IVolinher.
Oct olier 118'»4
VV 5 A ghiriou*
H ur 70 »tKd and Ht(), 0 X)
T f.irt i the liyclUt
Oi er mw in you Ilf
Tift of vlct/iry is
11 a doleful ,
w right in the
hremeJ herself
wmk now and lets*
Watson from die
nil majority.
< arried Taliaferro eoufy
t THil Peek received in
a in Iv a victory for
li Uliil could
11 11 i lion wax
I! H: It look, hard
>ollp" «n a, i p.
rut j' - n >t net Prpsby
■II ^ jor Mf< *rt»gur
{lit hfluru feke
irt h<*m oiiu him
r r< nt mo it? than d did us,
V,\ I*n h n ti dm «>h*m<'iil Umir own
,mjU 1 wiih tho wuy woine
it tin *0 «< U d.
i \ Ui« 11 Batnit r, a do noeridtc
ltd not toll tho truth un
bpgf d {(». ime out Thur*
■ with a “o0,000 ,? headlog*
Ft it dolefnjfy annoiiuecd to lift
rlciiioerats failed to
left to 'iin within 10*
(X»(i vote of AiUiifton.
i i f a a (iirtv u uc« in the morn
Boyonil. Comparison.
Ar«*lht> good jxiMum nil by
Hood '((!",l Ji (4 rill*. A bo vo nil It |'U
i inf the ■ i! t in i x.m iigilu iiing tin
gun » in vta««« thf kKlnm# ntul livor
t URfB d l tlildf tip tb« cut li t* »ya»**m.
mm xcrof.tlfl, J»yr W sm, Odmrh ttiid
Witt uftuilh i 0ft Hood'd ut.d only
tue nil liver Ills, bilN
lotifififfr ptui.dite, Uidigt»thin, Melt
Tlu* B.mitmi Show.
ih .id t but have bci'i)
i l»W ll ti kid Hint Hailey great ext
i »ilh mil * felt Augusta on
nd A i lull to ( )olol#r lft.
rtirof tIn* * xldldlImdhrrn
h nderatile ef ;t change since
ii being (he denhe of (he
II! 0 r« move un fur hn p<*hnI
i i 11 un it * of snying thul
I me old thing. To
lx It jlif sped tide, which Ima
t • - ft lie riiinum .V Km*
«ti t vt rftl n< unuiiii. him been
in* cucus programir.c*
t.lix 1 t } i jtn nati ly lei gJieiitd.
me art n have Uen levlv**
i! otat 1 the toUiftftUKM.U of turn
. tig. W till thi* old fea
Mornrdaiico with the
A ■y ale of magnitude.
u d tr* t»y n Urge comjmny
!*. talking and Hinging
ile theli reAppoftranee,
i t*'inline and acrobatic
ime to inonotH'l yo the
IV jowtift as of old, but the
thin j ster, the low comedy
t tho funny fellow who
lhe t therc'lowiis for laugh*
, Again have place The
uo htmtH*d only an Adorning
j-1 ale everything i ad one with
t rj A Halit y sh«»w *». for there
<»f them it) all. There are
hack rider* and tiny iiuub
rent acts. In the men 1
rt Jolmua, the c = ly
(Vlnjs in c.i X ,i
V t » curvositv hx to
» tor
the entire show l
s will be m le f ■m a
'are for tli nut Irl*
A Wonderful Conqueror
\ Hand iW
Yi C h,
MoroMo.iej U Xfcded
Tii' cl iini of I lie eoxtera banker that
there ii (On much money *iii It.e conn -
try i* n“ Hbxurdly unreasonable a* ibeir
propose*! destruction ol a certain per
cenlasre of the nyCotiil bank currency.
hi 1WU>, when we hail ? 5 , 0 f ><>,000
population, wc hnl f », 122 , 437 .S 11 in
cite jlalion; now with . population of
Ho. 000 . 000 , our r iiculalion is only 32 ,-
120,UN|,0 .'{. ' r h»t is to say, our pop
u'mtf.n In* nearly douhlnd in twenty
t ight years, ami our circulation inxt'al
of keeping uace with the. increasing
number of tin- people I*.*** been con
traded to the. extent ol several hundred
millions of iloJars,
Now, lei the ma** <h of the country
bfing t heir plain, common sc-iisc* to bear
in a btinlnesH like way upon the *j'lia~
hon. In 1805 at the dose of the war.
we had nearlv £50 per c.ipi/a ol cur
renev, nnd it slimuhiicd Ilic «imincrcc
mi,I iiiiin*try of the cnUfitry l« Hucli a
degree that the wage wnrkers anil pro.
lim i t' weie p'operly rcwinleil forihcir
loll, tuxl 1 heir money made every
ot buxines" prosperous. That was our
great*st era of progress, 'then, we
built towns and railways, e.sUibliilied
#r reHt enterprises and m t<b* the wilder
IM h blossom as the, rose. \\ hat chang**
> d .ill IhiK, alnli aiixed llie present xlag
minim? The coiitraciion of i ur cur
rency when more was needed to lffius
ar*. Hu* l?u w ine> 'f a rapidly increasing
popuiaHu4i. We con trad (ol our cur
renev and dem<»nr U/.iel silver, lhus in
ere a dtii' the par hnsing power ^»f the,
gold dollar, and thereby causing a d<
ehne in wiwi'H ami eommotHtle*. ,ol«l
hm* depreciated 10 per ocnt, milking it
irnpoaxihlii fill the debtor claaau, to pay
off their bliguiion,. The farmer now
miixt r.iixc m ire wheat ami coftou an !
the laborer miixt work longer to get 11
dollar. As I’rexident Atulruwa, of
Brown Ithvi r-iiy bus said, whon th«
national debt was iw<iaud liinm <iu it
i,-r billions, it couhl have becu paid
with lS jOOO/XjO hah s of (*olton (a.* ««),*
ouoyMH) tons «»i pig iron. When ihv
|, ;|j j ijn ij n luo -I to otn; and a
0 i ter hill 1011 it would take to pay It
off Home H |,U(»0 poo hah ** of rollon or
.'12,000.000 Ions of pig inm.
So much for the work of the houeftt
| | dollar of the eas’i in bauKers!
Hut the men who favor A smaller
! volume of hold that do we.
not tic (id much mou iy, as ho per cent
of the budueftft of Hie country ift douo
<»n credit or with bank check* They
any that when we restore confidence
and credit our preaent supply of cun*
ti-ney will be ample.
The new York Pit** explode* thin
•Iftlonii'tii. ll iixiinmttix ih it ui h'lvit
gii.iKid 000 of our people buy mi l xclt
,, vi , r y <j ft y 0 f 11, »*l r livi'K. Not 10 pur
T „. y
D‘ iii*|i , in their tr.inxiu'ti'Mix. ... in New
v "' k «ly alon* SUO,000.000 in wag.*
mu»U»e I"*'' «ut '' v '"-.v tmmth, in
money, ami not in ttlmckx. The retail
buMiieHs of the country 1* gcncrtd'y
conducted on a can)) basin, an 1 the M’lie
^ 0 j Hie small !ntn*iudioiui nulftid©
of rhe wliolcft il • Ir.ifUe may
!*•' conducted on ci’cbi and with ohcck*
but ilie relail Hallic H c<piiillv large,
\% 11 f i r ,hi nt filin'* i In* iiuniber of Hntis*
nciioiift iHce»».*ry in iho whole-ale
' rnde.
Yievnl in ttiia light, it will be? soon
Hint a hu g<* count i v wlio*o popiilatidn
mail) double* in llnrty yciir* must re.
( | lt i re mote in*(end of lefts money wilh
the increaftiug number of llie people.
The 1 Ye** says:
Hut lot It ho romomhored that ivo live In
ti (and in which the popuUikm inereivsx.
ing wilii uniwtsilolod rapidity, and tho
it-tail htwlno.x Inctoiixos with tho poptihix
non. The re«|uireim*!il!» of thU imtloi),
ti ii tui.■ t uiiiii't d. iii' t ui. it t*\ tin**-*’ ot
ft Kuio|H*an i»Hib»n \vi <»m* populattun dov
,lo t alt atilame It luu^t a!ft'» Ih* noted
that Hit* Hit,all tiofli' i»np«-iaf.vely UNjoin *
small mono) It i. , <b une «t»*H ir |»te**o»
linn.' IIiti o ll i lit , nl.,m » .... ami , i t « i*H , d‘ i * ftf ,it I .
*»' ' " 'V ImjHWtuttt funr
tl(‘ll to b«* pel t(*s lilt *1 1 * t ftilver, and tliU ift
one ot the reAWMis why any attempt to
throw ?liver aside oi o eontiHet tlu* vob
ume of sdvei eiirieuev mast t*<* grave \
dotriuietial to the public interest It ift
i.ot true that ill> bulk of oui bOnlneftS is
done with bank che It la not true
that money is Inq immg lefts and leas ux.
ful m modern c«m imeiee, ll is true that
almost every ban i i-Lt eke driwn rejms
Aetds a great tv my small transactions
which could wot L ive veil perfonned
without cash
, draw bis
n»e avcrag b r cin own
Co n cl tlNtOUfk knows Hint ho Hiul
his neighbors - * » *i, » H r r ,xj t < ,n it t\f t i
! tticif buslnfftft Ho known
that if |17 p i « «'.* i«»t suffix
c*icut for the t •xltN i dS u ot ,, o.l,t*Uu »\ it, Ml % UvK ikpi
people ti» l w *o i ,■ , P tU is *b
surdly siiiili ti y hi IWKifilo in
iHU8. When I x upon the gen**
era I nt he may well
womb* w ‘p, is. of poverty
the gold sUmdar en and currency
OOi tract iiioisi * i Torce * him to ex
|>i<>r«i in tlic . ar futiHt*. AtlauU
CouMUutHrt'. -in Till 1 x'.Ki.
Cur !«adacHtN
Ax A I i'll ;i l forms of head
ac Elt • % proron to be
l Uxcli * pot di snoot
a *t ilitiiilrd liabitual
> It s I
c urge a •* afftx'ttsl t pro*
; i ve thl* reiu*Hif a
lair trial, * of habitual con»il
pat ion Elect . <rs cur** ty g
tlx mx-xlni tie o lb# bowel#, and
few ca*et» Id : ’ esdsi th* no© of tin*
y u one#. I.xrge bottles
tv outs Pr. U. J. Britts Drug
Moie. U
The eii^nowiied^s tv
Cfth Whoh World
i.tor Wit...'a >oar li.-acb.
'> /
m WJ
fwoiy fe-A j / ' )'* ~ ) /
* ' \ a
I ti LY i
(Mtf *; {
tfl'Y'. f
'Tiftn sHfiicT' v * Z
f’h <■ - 5 \ ■ X '7 A,
m , \
jfpfr• iin F'ioFTf i s‘: v dv'/ ■; /
— • - ------- J. - - *4* ) kf i \ 2T J
Mfufvtifiic Sl ' id
rp'tiTMiNir.Af/ • \ V l
l l N( fc LOPHUA r i • - i
i ( tiicyoi-toiM, 1 ' ; '' k f y
\ /
S'ti'AnFcAf ; v=" - 'Hi
Stan !' Ir-ii'M a tv,- world of booh)
:: , in ( . al pn ; 11mix jx in
I itirety it
Cntilalnx .'t'-.i i • xiJ'i wtx, J2.oco cages,
or ■ i.i v; | i ■ to r.a i volume :
i ' . (rations, exdu vt of maps
i-1 plans, at which there are O71,
iii irr than one-third of them colwrd
migis. It is the most gigar be as well
most highly esteemed literary
V'.ik that the l rain of man evt-r ac
fumpl'shed. Fifty-two of iti aitai's
on 'i e ( .tl suhjeifs have fieen adopttsl
0 t- f l unks in th;• colleges of the
world. Immediately upon its publua
t in Harvaid f'oll'.'e x»nt to Its pro
j., • ,, | fi a d printed the article on
Architecture, which Is contained in
\ nmie 1 nf this work, and from the
\ -t book thus formed the students
readied the technicalities of building.
This is the bncyclopiedia- this is the
mine of Information which Tuh AT*
I aNTA CONhTirUTlOft now offer*
v no at
u CGfltJ
^ Day.
With this In your possession you will
have the Information of the whol,
world within your reach. Besides,
you will have secured a mean* by
the use of which YOUR CM 1 I-D
WILL BE RAISED in the world to
b lilRtit plane of success than you
woe ,.t le to attain. It wHI equip him
with nil the armament of general
knowledge and specific Information
that has any young man, be be rtch
or poor, who takes up the battle of
life In this generation, and vet It costs
you only 1 1 N CENTS A DAY.
It you wish to obtain this library at
IntroJu, torv rates write tor an applica¬
tion blank to
Tine Constitution
Atlanta, Georgia.
/ 'i BOlbilA, Taliafkhuo
\ I Will !>«• s'»id in front of the door of
Court IImce of nnld county, to the
\ndt\er lor on Hu* tlrat ’rue^dity
Novemiier in'\t with in the legal lioiire
ft 51 le all that tract or parcel nf hind
(.,lnli»g two hundred acre* none or
Hltuat* d in »U>:tr«l dlutr et ti. M . mild
ty * • uintcd on No th l»v lands of
l.avbn Perkinft on the Kant by lands
Mr lluriof Stewart or Sottfh hy
Mi- Mart Hit her t and on Wv+t by
\|i•- Mary E. stexvait md Mrn.
•» b*f«e«H on ulreh tract vul of land VV ■ I,.
ltav r« i-h > s.ud land U on as
j v of ftaid KaywiO sat *sfv a ll
, M1 ,1 f,..m SwpwuMf c.mrUf -alJ «wnt>
in favor of It Hall Again ®t ftai«I
r. Kay. Said exvcutIOI1 end levy
received ny me from L. t!. .1«<r«ta ii
(ottuei Shetiff of said county made
ievy of said execution oil aaid tract
land on the ltith dav of March lffit'
i) l*. Hknhy, Stieritf T
t; • p-OKta V. I'll 1 V»K«HO t'OI NTT —
sold to tie highest bidder f«l ea v lh
tin* legal hours nf sale in front of door
('null House t»f Ha Id count v, on the
Dtx' o in \« vondw i m\t. Ail
traet - Mot of land IMn« in 172
M. •| -aid eeuidv, otmininlll# one
, ' ' •' ; eieft more or less, W
lands of F. 1 . helohtek Ill and i »** \\ I h ...
drick on North In.ids of J j . Itatiie,
. .. j-n.irsoA. on South
road on JmmiUi and East. Sold
t(„. pii'lH'itv I.r Kittkol A»t«u
deceased. This JcUdwr bd 5 . 4
h, >, JACr^i
a x .amtnWtnrti* o» EMnlc of ssM
.<»0'OI( .Uxct . wxl,
Atlanta < re-oi
2U aud -VU K x ‘r ttailding
Thursdav, November 1st
at $ a. m
I** t es *f Crow Eye* calling etc
t4 !a\ "* for the first It 1 days will be
by Dr Moore’s Painless
! t xL
Hours 9 No a. hour* m. to 1 p, m.
In Men’s
Young Men’s m
Boys md
Suits and Overcoats,
Don't care how t u look at it.
We have the largest and
I Most Attractive [.me . of
tom'made Cion! ing ever
brought to Augusta, we
kindly ask you to 'oaH and ev -
I amine this Sup<E Stock of
l ine Clothing.
i. c. lew & co.
Tailor Fit Clothers, Augusta, GA
ArroRXKV yl Law,
Greatiesboro, Georgia^
< • i dn I
( Poor :■
< »
j <
i 1 ! 1 t Health « «
, than
1 * means so much more ‘
'you imagine—-serious and‘
1 result from'
, 'fatal diseases
, 'triflingailments neglected.‘
' Don’t play with Nature’s *
1 gift—health.
' greatest <
If you are feelinj?
out ot aorta, weak
1 : Brown’s ,haUsled, and have generally no nervoui, appetite ex* ( »
1 and can’t, work, »
» begin al oncetak- ^
■Iron the most relia- ^
t hie .tieciicifie.which strengthening is
r'-own * Iran Bit
t A few hot
# ^
Bitters es care-benefit
orn^-s* from the,
fry lirat doae— it' I
I t stain your
n -
*•, a u d take. i t ’ *
•'t to t
It Ci es i
i Dyspepsia, Klv *y 4 and Liver
1 Neuralgia, Tr. *.
' Constipation, Badjiltood 1
, »
« Malaria, Nen oua ailments *
Women’s complaints.
* Get only the genslii* f I* >t»» crossed Ted
r liitet on the wrapper «YH others are sub- *
i siitutrv < in rccr * o/ two ar. stamps wc ,
win send act of «*•» .BMMitlfnl World’* ’
, 1 * Fair View* and boo*4 f<««- 1
(Ilfgnlur 4 .riulu*ic«.>
Arx thx Ixxil'nR wul *• . T.MMfuUpiTlalut. .ui
fill give jrou help.
Young and mid¬
dle aged men.
RemarkaMe re
V aalta ed have follow
our treatment.
varied Many and y « a r * of
tut fsarrlrnc'
A. III She use of c urn
tire methods tha
we i»l«nfdwa»n .
Control for ail
’J T XJk1V. ^ orders of men who
E»’ 1i ayn weak, unde
reloped ed or d 1 s -
jji mm I^BKho m 'hkcm o rprana, or
are fufTerlna
' erro ra of
{ 1 » r 4 Jf Er who aw n en cxcean OUl
. E?.- fkA afefca j \ J ST"*lapnteni,
• |W|F^S§rA \ j l | £^Kk£l J^K^^^K«nowa rt a n of *t l iheir fh*e
friend* an.l com
fix selnalvo if BSrS. treist*ieuA
J„. rnisre 4 » ear »a« *?
I will«e»rr. get cured of thal
A’OHRy’t Don’t yon v ast to
JJJJ f»kn••• with a fWA!t ftit that JT'U on u*f a;
• luttTMsaae *k* Our wandcrfal treat
Ua* raced olhera- V.-ifWoiyou t Try It
rm *irii kSiiy*. 6 t* 4 dMNi of the Skin, Blood.
| | «»'*'h- NYPIIItl* ThffX (^rwfUd. aw.r»»t««L *afc and effective
a f,, w dara y»f>k. «urt! and aafe. Iliw
u»cn»«ie» in*** and (»»»««'»•.(*.
Wt have «ifgl oa*c«
^ai:Mrv HTM that ther^ !• hone
for You C >tWIIU QO*)f-amay wasUJ valuable
: time. OHtalo v*nr traaVBcM. aio«ce.
n f «are of fn>e md diiie tnatroenn We glr*.
ami m-i.wi aeicu ‘on*-.u »*
price* aatow** .*ao Sr «« i 7 and aklllful
j 'Tftomach gMJJjKggf eA^aaaoB •nd'clrefai fBtKR Sui*
N\>. Women. >* SKta P?*«**a<*«A AUcom>
tpoAdTACA AiiaanN pwipl.v ptislncs* afrletly con
Atldrcia or cal) oa
Stono ‘ 5 Bones
& Campbell,
Cotton Factors
Machinery Dealers
jaik^>n Street, opposite Cotton Exchange,
Anies' Krfiin - *r<i Boilers, l.uidell Box. Cotton Pre-s, l.i.Llell Variable Feeri Saw
Mills. Cotton Uln* rist Mi. x. Buckeye Rid mi an.t vValkinit Spring Shore! Cultiva¬
tors Mowers, llav K*k.«, Hay Pnsxi. Buckeye Seed Dtiil, Triamjih Due ilarrows.
PalVevx. HeU. lrj.-.-tors Brasses. Et<^
m j. h! mqncrie fIQi
tireenesboro, Ga..
I wish to return my thanks to a gener
>u» public for paw favors, an I to an ~
riounce tnat 1 have the ‘N'ew ani Iniprov'
s<i Mt-tliix!" for operations in fill in,'teeth,
Am pr pared to aerveyou in a satisfactory
manner at all times
I hereby announce myself a
candidate, subject to the action
of the Peoples Party, for nom*
| na tion for tax receiver of Tal
iaferro county.
• J. R. Ogi.etkkk.
Washington and
Greeriesfioro, Ga.
Best of wi tch making and
repsii ing.
We do not do any shoddy
Every Jot First
Washington office at Corpord
old stand
<91 M m
1 ' mm M
M tl
*/- u 4
* Mfp Jm
v \\^i
r.Sf.iAMP JOXK.1.
Tills How Geraa'uor Has Blsssad
H s Hems.
**My wtfa, wh'» wa* an Inea 1 f 4 from Perron*
at'klS haadaobc, ha* been aotirely cured I>7
Royal Uertue ner. I ^sh every poor suffer
| g w>t* Had acee*» to liut medlema. T^o
of m»y chfidrea were cura<) of uaoul catari-U
hi Ic. It fi txoif
It lx saidtliM pm»r!Btaty Bvi’ilolno" »re
ywi»ny .nVorfud only by tfi. lewnr ami nu rx
fe width ' .1mm »*e*ptl*n. ot tfi. fM pwplo, omlonwDl Cuniiniuiip »m) its i»
■ #rSinils ;i*uvble *r»,.T»rywHer. smoo, «ti. vory ho t
»nil mst DfOinliwMit pwyln. IU Its "er« tti^pilar plwis
,nt (mu wit h.r»kM Mturs.
mmits and wM«NMCl#iMa mpertortty recom
t»#rul It t» evttrrftrhero ns
ih4 nafWit, Mran a»d k*-ftt romecW known to
for tb# relief nnd cure of Io
igMtfoft. w?d Ca ftrrh, Bladder Rheumatism, Troubles.
erroaftMML KEluev Malarial
)«<#! Complaiuts, roe/rs and all
• for ISXXV. fp\d by DTnpglstt.
i K sg'j Kojral Eermoluer Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Habits CURE9
without stifTerlnu or rexlminl Method original ami
Kullrrly (IIBi r.iil from Doill all a<) all an omors othurs iXo no shlK'k.
.(■«' • rileafto KO throuf; h All desire su*p|)ed h» once.
Address THE TEMPLE REMEDY CO.. Wabash. Ind.
Many peculiar potnts mate Hood's Sap
•aparfila ruperior to all other medicines,
Peculiar In combination, proportion,^
anil preparation ot ingredients,
Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses >
the full curative value of the ^
best vegetable known remedies^^)J» kin6-^r flSo <1 ot
the rntrir > r o m.
Peeullar in strength
anil economy — s*SW. r Hood's Sar
taparllia the only medi
cine of> which can truly
be v f " One Hundred Doses
One ✓ o -Q) Hollar.” and Medicines in
o larger smaller bottles
require larger doses, and do not
produce as good results as flood's.
\ Peculiar ia its medicinal merits,
| TTood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures hith¬
erto unknown, and has won for itself /V
tho title of “The greatest ’ lood ^ (gS,
: purifier ever discovered.'’
Peculiar in its 44 good name S*
some,” — ther' is now rmore
| of Hood's Sarsaparilla sold In
Lowell, where V f it is made,
than of all Z' ^ 'S' other blood |
■ purifiers, pbencme- ♦ t^^^rPcculiar ^al record of in sales its j !
ahroad. a g^reter /no other preparation
has '^^larity attained such popu* j
In so short a time.
: and retained its popularity
• -
confidence among ail classes
steadjistly. ■
|*eople so
Ho not be induced to buy other preparations,
\ut be sure to get the Peculiar Medicins,
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Sold bya!Idni£tc:fLs. gl;aixfor 5 A Frepansdonij
Ny (’, i, HOOD & t\>., Apathecaris . LowalL Maa|
IOO Doses One Dollar
I-rmonse values m SHOES. We carry the largest stock of
Handsome, Stylish Footwear
Carried in tne State. Our Prices are way below what others
f J,. ir ,- r p Mail orders receive prompt attention write us for
ft satisfaction.
t\hat , J'OU want, we guarantee
*27 Whitehall $t. Atlanta, Ga.
Augusta, Georgia.
Call for this Beer and you will
find will want none other.
i !
Augusta; C-n.
Farmers Consignments Especially Solicited.
We have the best cotton market in the
»4YS1« 4 MM*
COtton Factors.
Personal attention given to all Business.
^ prompt Consignments returns.
Augusta, Georgia.
One of the Largest ljii I (voted to H : gh Class
Dental Practice in the United States.
P edged to the Promotion of Scientific Dentistry at Moderate
1 'rices.
Teeth Without Plates.
mm ............ 'Tf?—T Almal * am FUCng. 5
^ ^ Platina Fillings 75c
Gold’Fillings $l.oo up
• * 1 Best Set of teeth eit
. her upper or lower set 8.00
■ 1 A good set of teeth
Ht. 5.50
Extracting Teeth 5 oc,
Crowns and Teeth without Plates at Same Rates.
tt®“Perfect titling Artifieal Teeth and l>est workmanrhio
or money cheerfully refunded; only the Best M -
terial used.
810 Broad Street. * Over Mullarky & Harty, * Angusta, Ga.
AVe are still
headquarters for
gss 1 M Engines, Boilers
Z\ . Saw Mills, Grist
M i 11 s, C o 11 o n
Gins, Cotton
P r e s s e s, a n d
■ is
everything else
In the Machinery line.
g-Pkase do not bepursuaJed into buying anything in our line btfore
•riling us for prices, ~ ,, Macon, Ga, _
Mention this papsr April 23 6 rs.