Newspaper Page Text
1 let us talk
to vou about Doors, Fash. Blinds.Mould¬
ings. Lumber. Shingles, and all kinds of
Ornamental Woodwork. Write for Cat
alogne or Estimate. cheerfully*. Ask ua questions;
j we ll answer
"Buy of the Maker." Augusta, Ga.
VOL. 2 .
Bickers & Co.
Greenesboro, Ga.
i v * u
Yard wide She' ting -Tc yard. yaid. iSk
3 Yatd wide Sea Island goods 5c
v Best Drilling 6e yard. and grades. ej
■ - 42 17x36 Bleaching inch Cotton Pillow all Huck prices casing Towels 8}j c yard. 5c each. I
Full size Counterpins 75c yard. 75c yard. £
44 inch all Wool Serges only 5hc worth
S9 All Wool 36 inch Flannel for dresses 2!> and 3!>c yard. b
Silks and Velvet for Dresses and trimmings cheap. I
'14 Ladies Childrens Fast Fast Black Black Seamless Seamless Stockings Stockings 18c Wcpr pair worth worth 25a. -o.
A lull line of childrens fast black hose at 10 & l- /2 e pair.
1 I
a Men’s all Wool Cheviot and Cassimers Suits *7.77 & $8.88 &!
suit, can’t be bought else wher ■ for less than :H 0t,p$>-.
H We have a full line of Childrens and Boys suits all cheap.
i Overcoats all prices, style and sizes. a
In Shoes we Lead the Crowd & ft
a m&nSB&SfsaSk K Hj ■
I Women’s Childrens Siloes Shoes from from 750 10c pair pair up, up. Hi ft
a /c! A big line of Furniture at lowest Prices. &
n “^Remember the Place. i
' ;«
Greenes boro, • w m Georgia.
____l b»
IH b
i 1
v c ;
/ 5 Fall Prices! I
.1 I
'8 Never in the History of the country have Dry
4 Goods and Shoes been offered at such Low Prices.
■i 3 The Augusta Bee Hive Stores Are
11 selling Dry Goods at and Lower Prices would. than one
:ca dollar will buy as much as two formerly
' i I
h y
iff '1 Cashmere All Wool Serges, 36x38 inches Flannels, wide Whip that Cords, were 35 Sackings & 40c now and 11*
Ad woo! Changeable Dress tioods Were 20c now 121$.
19 All wool changeable dress goods that were 15c now 10
.>1 52 an*) 54 in Flannels all colors that wer • 83c now 4‘.le, V
! 3 40 Wd Serges that were 85c are now 49c. fN.t ■ Y
t‘. '**!
ii 1 ■ ’
I Judies fgtdies heavy lieary rit.bed ribbed shirts shirts that tliat were were 35c 75c 50c new now 2.V;. 50c. i9c. I
'4 cs Ladles heavy riobed shirts that were now
Mens heavy ribbed shirts that were35- now 4oc.
Men- l.eavy ribbed starts itiat wete 50c now 35c. I
C A H/
< EF,
‘i a
c 4 All wool ted flannel 15c. AL P
wool.white flannel 15c. ,
<:• All flannels 8J^c, B ij
S3 33c cotton Domestics.
Mpeciai price- in for *L r *>■ . K’ r
: 5 yards, yard wide S-a Island SI. Jj;
20 vard-, yard wide best sea island for 6?,
c 16 yards, yard Bieacbmg for ft. Ki
0 Extra Heavy at 5c.
New Uinghams inch wide at oc.
Best Check Home-pons 26 8
>! 3
Si £sa kid ssss w ere 8135 now 95c.
K.V* w B"
Lades kid button shoes that were *' * "<>* *‘ ;
L-dies bid button slates w-re 8..,., n«i» »
i Men- calf lace slioe-, that were $1 60 now 81 * • y
• 51 73 now
Mens calt Dee “lioes that were * J*
r* Mens <-a!f congress-levs tha’ were $l->* » •* - P>
Mens calf congress »l.oe»th t<5 now si ->
> s 1 1
S3 !SS- H. Myers, if
* Z 9 I 9 ar.d 9*21 Broad St.. Augusta. Ga,
«e t-y Special attention given to mail orders.
‘1 M
Our Local News.
City 'and County Items
Dvieily Told.
F- Rubin's Announcements.
Polkas 65 cents.
Jeans 10 cents up.
Good felt hats 60 cents,
Men’s 318,00 suits now $12.
Good Ladies shoes, calf skin, 95cts
per pair.
Men’s shoes at 90 cents per pair,
high cut broga is $1,00 per pair,.
Clothing! clothing! clothing! cheaper
prices than any house in Middle Oeor..
Furniture of every description in.
eluding a lot of cheap bedsteads are
taking the cake.
New line dress goods just received,
also a quantity of 36 inch sheeting
which is going at only 5jc per yard.
Fall goods are beginning to arrive
also a new lot ot Dry Goods are ex.
pected soon. It is your duty to buy
the best and cheapest goods, conse¬
quently go to F. Rubin's for bargains
of all kinds.
Mr. films, lteid visited White Plains
Jeans at all prices at the Alliance
Mr. W. R. lteid went to Lexington
Wednesday evening.
Mr. W. O. Holden has been quite
sick for several days pa-t.
Huy your fl miieis and linceys at the
Alliance Store.
If the blue mark is on your paper,
remember it means that you owe us
Go to the Alliance store to buy your
winter shots.
Mr. Jno. Winburn came up Satur¬
day from Angusta, and spent a couple
of days in the city.
A’ic> line of men’s undershirts at the
Alliance Store.
Mr. Lee Gunn who has been located
at Lexington, Ky., is on a visit to his
parents here this week, _
.ysa*... ..ffi lSfc.i—.. . .*,—»» ...i, , t, i
at the Alliance Store at Too per sack.
The young people’s sociable giveu by
J/iss Ella Hall last Friday night was
very much enjoyed by those who at¬
if you want to avoid feeling the hard
times, buy your winter suits at the
Alliance store.
Mrs. Aiex Stephens, of Atlanta,
cante down Thursday to visit telaiives
in the city. She will go to Washing¬
ton from here.
All who wish to make a large salary be¬
tween now and Christinas, see, in another
column, advertisement of S. 1. Bell & Co.,
Philadelphia. Pa.
Misses Ella U ijTan and Mamie
Moore, two fair representatives of
White Plains, visited Mrs, Dr. Reid
last Saturday and Suuday.
Dyspepsia seldom causes death, but per¬
mits us victims to live on In my rn Isery ••
Hood's ha rsa par ilia cures dyspepsia ami
stomach troubles.
“Above the Clouds” Is to be ren¬
dered by the young people at the Aca¬
demy soon, the proceeds to go toward
the budding ot a Presbyterian cltuich.
I would rather trust that medicine than
any doctor f know of, says Mrs. Hattie
Mason of Chilton, Carter Co., Mo , in
speaking of Chamberlains Colic, Cholera
and Dianhoea Remedy. For -ale by
Dr- It. J. It tin, Diuggist,
(2'ilte a number took advantage of
(he cheap rates last Friday and took
in Augusta, ‘on a business trip” but
visited the circus of course while in
1 | the Electric City.
j ' Many of the citizens of Kainsville. lnd.,
are never without a bottle of C hamber
j | Jac.b Isiih Cough Brown, Remedy tue leading in the merehant house, of says the
j place. for Tins colds lemedy and hat proven in children of so much that
, value croup
j f-w mothers who Know its worth are wil¬
ling to be without it. For sale by
It. J. Hun, Druggist
The following persons attended the
Baptist Association at Fishing Greek,
twelve miles below Washington, this
wtex. Itev. R. E. L. Harris. Miss
: Cattle Farmer, Messrs. E. II. Oglelree
and IF. J. Norton and Miss rtusau
j Gunn.
Every lx; prevented. mother should know that cronp
can The first symptom of
true croup is hoarseness. This is follow
ed by a peculiar rough cough. Jf Chun,
berla ns Cough Remedy is given freely a
-ooii as the cough has developed it will
' the attack. and hot
pi event 25 00 cent
ties for sale by
Dr. 15. J. IIbio, Druggist.
I hereby announce myself a
candidate, subject to the action
of the Peoples Party, for nom
ination for tax receiver of Tal
iaferro county.
J J. R. Ogletrlf.
I WAXT ever, man and woman in the T*nit*d
States interested in the Opinm and V hi-ky
habits to n«ve one of my fVoolteT, books on these d»»
eases. Address B. M. Atlanta, Ua.
Box -S3, and one writ be sent yon free.
One Long^To Be Remem¬
bered Ii Taliaferro.
Hon. T, E. Watson Scores
one tor Po ulism—A Large
NuinHsr 4 Present.
Last Monday was the opening c.un
paigu day in tir Tenth tor the Popu¬
lists. Hm). 1 , E. Watson came up
on the morniug| Speeded rain from Thomson,
and at once/" to work.” A
large ivt,robot him at tne depot
and a still ia ® number &%tited itis
arrival at the 1 irt
The day tva model one except for
being cool wit a stiff wind blowing
which would hale made it difficult for
the speaker to tu heard in the open
air. The cot! house was literally
packed and I I ;S windows and doors
were soon i with anxious ones
waiting to “V ■he unmatched orator
of the Telil* number of ladies also
occupied set’ * t! the front.
Maj Clf i ; H'ar
ir McGregor, of
reuton intiodu. d Mi. Watson with a
few short and appropriate remarks.
Ftom the opening remarks to the
closing peroration, the speech was one
grand burst of uoqueiice, with truth
for its«fov li ajjdJuOet'and tight
as its cause. It was received with
deafening cheer- by the crowd and the
look of determtiation showed, that al¬
though defrauchd of their leader by the
illegal vote of bfchmond county, the
Populists of theOsnth meant toutake a
suffer fight and by honest meins over¬
whelm w ith iegitimat e votes the
illegal ballots Uat may again be cast
in Augusta.
The speaker ommntcsd tiy showing
the progress of the Peoples Party. He
showed that m have gained in every
section ot the efa.e. and not only gam¬
ed in it metiers out have now the re¬
spect of all. The abuse bet. pod upon
tho I’opulisin ' the demooeata two
years ago h *v decreased.
The queati, “social equality”
was tackled speaker ilnd the
accusing ... ists or oWutg to
voi of this * buried to sin no
mere.” Tl of the negro was
called upon t. j question and they
verified Mr. Watsons words with an
emphatic “no |ve don’t want it,”
•‘And now my whiter friends, those
of you who maf ban Utile tender on
this question iiink over Die matter.
This question df color is one to ho set¬
tled and I relieve the best way to set¬
tle it ie to hi tile It tho right wuy.
Would you ra i race me buy them or
by inlimidath methods, make them
vote for me? ‘ No ! would not hold
an office obtain d in Ibis way.”
Mr. li’atsou next commended the
I'opulists in tie manner in which they
had conducted the elections where
they were in po ver and urged them
for the "ike <1T right an! the bene¬
fit of our cause to still continue to con¬
duct them legally god honesllv.
An appeal was also made to the Pop¬
ulist not to to any dishonoinble or
dishonest means whatever in trying to
get votes, but to be open and above
using wlil-key ou money in such a
The speakei ipiaisPd (lie manly stand
ll al a nuntbei of demociatlc papeis
had taken, tl. ‘miling fof the purity of
Hie ballot,
H.D. Wallin of Augusta, and I,
*V. Wimby, of Atlanta, two colored
Pcpulist speakers addressed tho ne¬
groes after Mr: Watson had finished.
Their speeches were good and were
the >
listened to attentively by whiles as
well as blacks. They report the col¬
ored man as being with the Populists
all over the st Ae.
Mr. IVatso .left on fast train for
Wr.rrenton, at which place he spoke
to an immeri' : crowd on Tmsday.
Nitrous Oil « or Devitalized Air
Dr. Bethea , now prepared to accom
inodate Ills fri- is aid patrons with Hie
adiuimstration of this n.ost wonderful
Anaesthetic for the relief of pain connect¬
ed with the extraction of teeth. Nitrous
Oxide Is a mpiClyacting Anaisthetic, caus
iug complete in less than
a minute s tii and its effects la-t hut
foity* five mpm <!#, Thin Aiiif^thutic )ia«
i«-en used by • e Dental profes-lon for
nearly f ,f !y \ -, and every case in wtilcli
it has been ♦ |t. with hardly an exception
it has giver ffect satisfaction to both
patl“tit arid fiat nf. The Dental profes
»<on vonti pr tlie absolute safety ef
this An*-* VTe coinin-nd the public
: o the car ■, is etterprlsinz young man
of Ureencsou.
t *“
For Ingeetion
Ijhm <1# to r iff tiff* , fretfulneas, feerlsli
j n<*w f chronic l and ijr^at iiiPMjrv.
i Hood’s ttartHj rilla Irt tho rtttwnly It
ton#** th.; rttom u-h, ettmten an appetite*,
j and Kivprt a rrtgh to f<K#d. It mak«H pur**
i lilood and Jfivi*- bffttfiiy action t<» all th**
! organs of the body. Take Hood's for
. iioed t S»rsap*riil» cures.
Hood s P. s two*.-;.-the , favorite cathar- ,
tie wltl ry owe w j t Wss ilieui. U
Major J. C, C. Hlack and
Hon. Patrick Walsh
Make Speeches.
Last Tuesday, as had been announce
ed for sometime. Major J. C. C. lilack
under Hie protecting wing of Hon. l\,t
Walsh, made the first democratic
speech of the congressional campaign ,
in this county.
soft r.nt;:L autumn brei/.c that rustled - the
leaves of trees alteady changing color i
by the near approach of winter, were ,
the only founds that broke the still- (
ness of the morning air of our village
Wbat a day for a political gathering!
W ho could ask for a better? And the !
crowd moved toward the court house, .
headed by tho speakers amt proceeded
Inside until by actual count 108 per¬
sons, including ladies ami children, a
number of Populists, speakers ami all
were safely lodged beneath its friendly
The speakers commenced with “stand
by the dear old democratic patty”
which being interpreted is. “For
Heaven’s sake don’t turn us out of of
lice,” then jumped ou that old sham,
Tariff Reform and ended upon the!
same thing. order-1
The meeting “was quiet and
ly.” Black (lnd elec- i
Major will not tils
tlon in the tenth as easy as he dteamed
it would be. A stenographer from
Augusta took down the sp-eclies.
Borne hogs dying with red mange. It
is a difficult disease to manage. What |
is its cause and what is the best remedy?
What is the suresdand quickest remedy
for the black or sometimes called blue
lice on cattle? (4. A. U. H.,
Sulphur Springs.
Red mange is caused by an insoot.
To cure it paint tho affected hogs with
a mixture of one part of tar anil four
parts of sweet oil, if yon havont tho
sweet oil lard can lie substituted. For
lice on cattle dust the animals with
Persian insect powder which you can
secure at any drug store. Kero* no oil
will also remove them. j
«W Its!
nrameil and is rioh for some vegetables Where i ■
and will not bring some others.
Can I get it analyzed? H. J. P.
We have ou several occasions reviewed
tho practical value of soil analysis.
Such analyses are expensive and, from
the small quantity of soil determined
and the variable character of the soil in
different parts of the field, may lead to
erroneous deductions. Xu the ease yon
name If you will give as the crops that
can he successfully grown and those that
cannot from tho iIoiiiinantH of thoio
plantH wo think wo will Ihi able to #ivo
you a dotormination an to what in ro
quired that will be comparatively accu¬
For pasturage for milch cows is it he: t
to mix your seed or sow each sort sep¬
arate, and what arc the 1/cst grasses for
pasturage? J. 1. O., Santa Luca.
We would ailvisc a mixture rather
than sowing seed separately. For sum
m«r pasturage tho best grosses are Hcr
mud a and crab grass. On upland Hurd’n
gross and white clover will give a fair
summer pasturage, Rod clover will
furnish a good pasture in spring and
autumn. For winter pasturage mixt¬
ures of the following grasses will make
a good pasture meadow: Oat grass,
orchard, blue and Terrell grass, or wild
rye and red and white clover.
From general re|s.rts wiiat is the lstst
commercial fertilizer to use In our suc¬
tion? J. A. II., Hr <JI<il,l. |
As we have before stated in these re- I
empirical . , rulen . to . fertilization . , .
porta, an 1
ar. difflcrdt, and the farmer kIiovvh )i in
Ski., by his ability, by study and export- !
merit, to determine wliat iw bent, for bin
particular soil. Th t average commercial
fertilizer is prepared on a basis of 8 per
cent phosphoric acid, 2 (mr cent am
monia and 1 js-r cent is.tash. As a g ot
oral plant food for cotton and corn it has
proven efficacious. There are, however,
occasions and soils that demand achange
from this formula; such, for example, .
as where cotton is suhj.s't to rust, when I
more potash is demanded. The farmer.
varying the formula used differ, ,
by on j
c*ut plot* in bin fbrld,h?tH at bin rommuml
an excAilUmt in#ftho<l <>f d« t‘*rrninii*^ tho
needs of his soil and in what of , the ,
principal elements of fertility ii is lack .
ing. This, together with a study of«
plant f'ssl demanded by various crops,
will enable him to fertilize more
gently and with laittcr re nits It should
lie borne in mind that a large amount of
chemical fertilizers cannot Is profitably
applied without a sufficient supply of
humus or organic matter.
worms ox Mr.LONS
What can we do to keep worms from
injuring musk melons and cantalours-s?
They eat into them, causing the melons
to rot Fleas.- give o» a remedy, or,
■ fjetter, a preventative, if possible.
A. II. W., Ah-alom.
Files'. Piles'. Itching Piles
SYMPTOM*-Moisture; Intense ill lung and
iv; mot at uigid: wor-e by % rateii
j if UlioWVii t*> CGiltilillfl lUlIDir*,WllIC 1 *
ofteU bl.e.1 ,.ml id..- a'e. Is • omtng very
i j Iclil-.- a e«tiu 2 . , |.--sis uk-eiat/mp ,!,i
i « mo-t c 'em-. •' «
., r , ; ggi,l . A I.) I mad. «« • * Cut . Dr
wayn z * > *, I' P >D.
Tho roonle's Advocate, Established
Tho Crawfordvillo Democrat, Estab¬
lished 1H7H.
Cimnolidatod Oct. <5, 1893.
20 .< >00 STOCK
Of Groods at
We are overstocked and wil! sell goods at Panic P;i;«s
The Ladit s should come and see our New Lines of
BEss goods and cloth inc r K
alr.O Hats, (Lirlware and General line of Supplies
arc l.-o ‘Patching the Public's Eye'’. We are offering har¬
gains in Harness and Saddles never before known in this sec
tion. In fact
( all on ns and we can easily convince you of this fact. *
Wo r solicit your patronage not from favor but from merit only
Sharon Georgia.
When in Crawford vide.
W« propose to continue to ]>. ' ttlors in Low Pricen
Be sure yo^acu our f uk> •*!, ^ *
Ifftit^, Kliocs, •f uns 4, Factory CmooiIn
Our prices on Clothing are Remarkably Low,
Very respectfully,
TIio Alliance Store.
w. V. CHAPMAN, Mgr'
All Old ( ill/d’ii Dittn.
News ri'iadies us from Sharon Hint
Mr. Jno. I>. Flynt, an old rosidont of
inis county, died Tuesday and was bur¬
ned Wednesday monuttg at the. M. £.
church ccmctciy.
Mr. FlynI was about 70 years of age
and able ugh having reached the end
of time idiotic I to man. Ids death was
quilo unexpected occurring when il
The deceased was a member o’ the
Mctli idlvL church a id a citizen ot high
standing In his comatiinily.
Trashy Medicines.
Manv witch Hood (lie market. Botanic
It loot. Balm N a coiiHcluiitlo'isl.i compound*
cd im diclin*. the renal’, of forty ft ychik pruc
tie by blood an eiilmei.L purifier phyvlcian offered in the the
bertt ever to
I'", 1 ' 11 '-, and Is gaartti.tecl to cine tf glvall
h Ism trial. 11 y It lor ull skin mid blood
di-dtuseH, inciimingcatarrh and ilmunm-' it
I him in its worH nu in. One uottle *>l
^^TTt.^af'’ 'j “The OJd any* oWkfJ advci ti-n.*
py Nmj
nroit elrtewInTe.
A. 1$. C. |{i(t)r.
“A. B. C.” always tuts been a matk
designate a superior article of any kind
In this case il designates the superior
quality of the Augusta Brewing Com¬
lm „y’» le er,
If you once give it a fair trial, you
ar(t certain to he convince 1 that, it is
lietter lliart any you have evei triad.
Fresh shipments received d lily by
-pi 1(M ‘ Akins
Mr w )t Laudlew the Augusta
| Jx t jj e) , r
Awarded Highest Honors-World’s Fai r .
The only Lure Cream of Tartar Powder.— No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used ia Millious of Homes— 40 Years the Standard
NO ;2
The CliiiiPKO-.IiiptimMe VV;ir.
Has assumed gigmitc proportions,
ami may affect the prices of Southern
Static Cotton Goods, However Hint
remains to be H »en, but there is one
thing that have already been seen, and
Il Is tlds, Kimbrough, Bickers St Co.,
Inis already marked the prices on tin sc
goods so low that the people all over
the country are taking advantage of
the low p Ices and buying quantities of
Sea Island, Sheeting, Bleaching, .leans
Ginghams, Calicos, etc, Itememher
we will not be undersold by any one.
Kimbrough, Rickers Sc Co,
Giernesboro, Ga.
Medium sized horse mule, mouse
color, sho l ou front feet, recently shew¬
ed. hack hand galls [white .pots] on
hack. Liberal reward offered.
Mus. L. A. I'm«ri',#
Union 1’oiut Ga.
<Ictober 1th l8!i|.
Tired Brain and Nerves.
'I’ll#* naf-'-tt an'l n «.'<*<♦!»vlb*f
lor tli»* llr«i! brain ami n«*ryoim ny-ittfin
coniDi4 fun n Urtinir Dr. KltiifN U*»yal <»«$«*»
tnotiiro. An a unrvi* iramiiiili/efr an I tonic
it. Unlluirt, iinv«r baH ;obltliwaib*. t*r|iiafc(l. TfX I>i ,f L. it; I> It
i nay - . •
in tb»* fiiM*rtt n#?rv« IraiRj itii/ *r 1 h ave ever
Ii, (I (/duIhoii, Deputy • :ii*ric
t 'lrcult c.»urt, luckrtuii Ouuuty, Alabama,
HavH. “I <muiiiu**ii< 1 It lor n**:
abtfVH a iythim; I biv“«*v**r t.ri‘*<l," l»«?orif©
W. Ariuirttuail, K-htur lb* I Nitrtb-*
vilb*, Tdiiii.. Hiy» It, la an Invaluable
bulltb r ami lnvi<4 »rator of the nurvt* ft r
ats. ft, <i for -li,