Newspaper Page Text
occur In all businesses, aed we do not
infallibilitr; but by our thorough and per¬
fect system we have reduced them to a
minimum- If we should make them, tell us
so. and they will be righted - at our expense,
la that satisfactory ?
Doors, Sash, Blind®, Uumbw,
“ Bay of the Maker.” Aug usta, Of.
VOL. 2 .
_—prices Of
Bickers & Co.
O -ree nes’bo^ 0 * Gra.
.-.A ",
Best Drilling 6c yard. ya,d. I
Bleaching all prices ana grace-. i
42 inch Pillow eating U'A* ■■ 5c ■■- each. .
17x36 Cotton Huck Towels I
Wool Cheviot and *7.n *
Men's all o
Weigel'ttl*of prices, style Childrens.and and sizes- Boyssuits all cheap. 7. /
V Overcoats all
In Shoes we Lead the Crowd
Boys Brogans Sizes 1 to 4 only 50«: pair. i
Men’s iliah Cut Brogans only $1-00 pair.
a, Women’s Childrens Snoes from 75c pair up,
r Shoes from 10c pair up. S5
$ (t A big line of Furniture at lowest Prices. 1
1 the Place. J
a . Hgrga^Remember 8
^ecnesboro, ? a <r, Creorgia.
. 1 m .
J r- I si W i
y I
Fall Prices! &
& 8
1 ,
v c 1 I
Never in the History of the country have Dry i
«I Goods and Shoes been offered at s-ich Low Prices.
The Augusta Bee Hive Stores Are I: I
selling Dry Goods at and Lower Prices than one
'j dollar will buy as much as two formerly would. e
% B 8
v All t AH as 1 Wool wool raeie Changeable Serges, Soil'll inches Flannels, Dress wide Whip Good- that Coras, were were 35 20c Sm & 40 king* now c now 12;^. and J9 i
i9'3 6; All and wool 54 changeable in Flannels dress all colors goods that that wer- were 85c 15c now now 4bi;, 10
-,'S 40 Wd berg) s that were 85c are new 4l*c. i 3
\h &■! .
1: 1
I-adip* Ti#k avy riDD°fl shirts that wprvj 35c now the.
Badic het y ribbed shirt® ttiat wt*re 50c now 25c. y,
Ladlt iea ” riifbed shirt* that were35c were 73c now 20c. 3nc t K'
Mens 1. avy bbed shirfs that now
Mens l.ti-yy .ibbed shirts that weie 50c now doc.
5 Kj
L All wooUse 4 flannel 15c. W;'
/All/-. .. (i flannel 15c. gCj'
J5c ■ n*ls 8 } 4 c. vt' ,
hpcieal ya»d" nricia b* Domestics. r
25 yard w ’de Sea Island for ?1. id. Sj'
20 yatfiY Card «' dt ' b, " st *“ a ‘- !ar,ri 1,,T ? 1- Kj
16 vi, j? . 'lianislExtra ?r q Heavy Bleaching at 5- for fl, Ki
Ne ■■ Utri wale at se.
Bt l *R e ck Uotu e 'P°n- 26 inch ft
i ; SHOES" • • SHOES!! jjv R
r fv
!«C. L*
Ladi°s kid huttop „t,oes $1:35 now
Ladies kid button -hrs-s that were IS 25c * 1 '
l.ades kid button shoes tnat were 81.50 now , *>■
L-dies kid button shoes that were 51.75 now f - >•
M-r- calf lace shoe- that were S’.'O now 81-'*' fy
e \ Mens calf ,ace -hoes that we e $1.75 51-50 now Dow 12-’. *i
yieus ealf rongres--’-r-e-that were •
Mens calf corgre hoe h :n
S- H. Myers, ■0
9I9 and 9*21 Broad St., Augusta. (ia, u,
Hr-gpecia I attention given to mail orders. K--
Our Local News.
City and County Items
.B-ieily Told.
F- Rubin's Announcements.
Polkas 65 cents.
Jeaus 10 cents up.
Good felt hats 60 cents,
Men’s 818,00 suits now $12.
Good Ladies shoes, calf skin, 95cts
per pair.
New lot of Beadsteads at $1 40 just
Men's shoes at 90 cents per pair,
high cut brogais $1,00 per pair,.
Clothing! clothing! clothing! cheaper
prices than any house in Middle Ueor^
Furniture of every desciiptlon in¬
cluding a lot of cheap bedsteads are
taking the cake.
New line dress goods just received,
also a quantity ot 36 inch sheeting
which is going at only 51c per yard.
Fall goods are beginning to arrive
also a new lot ot Dry Goods are ex
pected soon, It is your duty to buy
the best and cheapest goods, conse¬
quently go to F. Rubin's for bargains
of all kinds.
Buy your hats at tlie Alliance Store
Miss Lucy Griffith, after an exteuded
visit to fneuds in the city, returned to
her home at Union Point last Monday.
Full stock brogan shoes for $1.00 at
the Alliance Store.
Don’t miss the entertainment next
Friday night at 1 I 10 academy.
Jeans at ail prices at the Alliance
Mr. Jno. Stephens carries an 18 kar¬
at smile, this week. A In.e baby hoy
is enough to make_anybody smile.
Buy your ilaunels and liueeys at the
Alliance Store.
Miss Ella Norton has returned trom
a pleasant to the Electric City.
Goto the Alliance store to buy your
winter shoes.
Mr. J. F. Holden visited his brother
Mr. T. C. Holden at White Flams last t
at the Alliance were
There will do Thanksgiving services
at the Baptist church ou Hie 29th iust.
Car load 125 pound seamless sack sa
at the Alliance Store at TOe per sack.
|The Sunbeams had quite au in;ereit
ing entertainment at me Baptist church
last Sunday.
if you want to avoid feeling the hard
times, hoy your winter suits at the
Alliance store.
Kev. Joseph Salles Is in the city to
No business will drift into success.
You have to push it hard it you suc¬
ceed We have coupled 011 the “En¬
gine of low prices” hacked up by the
“Tender” of long experience and right
buying to help us push,
Kimbrough, Bickers & Co.
Robt. Guun, colored, who was want¬
ed iu thi-« county for carrying conceal¬
ed weapons, was caught In Atlanta last
Tuesday. Sheriff Henry brought him
down Wednesday night and assigned
him a room in the county jail.
Populist— “What noi se was tliatl
heard a few days ago which resenihltd
the rumble of distant thunder? ”
Democr; Ui -1 i , u t I gi.'tf* it
was one of those Republican landslides
: occurred on November 6”
Nitroua Oxide or Devitalized Air
J)r. Bethea is now prepared to accom
modate his friends ai d patrons with the
administration of this most wonderful
Ame-thetie for the relief of pain cornier:t
ed with the extraction of teeth. Nitrous
<lxhle is a rapidly acting Anaesthetic,eaus
j ing complete unconsciousness in less than
a min lie's time, and its effects la-t hut
ioity-five seconds. This Anaesthetic has
j been used by Ihe and Dental profession casein which foi
1 nearly fifty years, every
I it has been used, with hardly an exception
i it has given perfect satisfaction to both
! patient and operator. The Dental profes
j s'on vouches for the absolute safety c>f
j this Anaesthetic. We comm.nd the public
! t« the care of this enterprising young man
of Gieeneshoro.
I I r.-ieyarl wide sea Island we had ai
5c yard we have sold it of, the de
mau l has been so gr-at; we wi.l'have
! lt_iu stock again in a few days.
1 Kimbrough, Bickers A Co,
A communication on the death of
Miss Alice Ellington was nfecessaii!)
left out, this week.
Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder
Awwied GolS W«l*i Mslwmtar FAr,-w, Trautaso.
Valuable Information (the
Farming Subje
A Careful Inv«*»tl*»tioT i»t J*o
General Improvoiueiit m the
l T ite of Commercial H| jtefnie
Salt a* a F«rtllUer— ,JB -Hran
toil Coro Meal. As , !
Department of Agrk, :i iK '
Do believe Atlanta. the Ne ;J| r { 1894 -
yon that p
fertilizer - has resuited^jfy perma¬
nent improvement of outa|i |
Me regret to reply to • | - ? f ,l Q u ’ r y
that a careful study of t l wr
acre of staple crops does ir| JK&J 1 ' anjr
general improvement rftFs
use of commercial fertilii eg* W °
have simply been teuip,, 'iM ' s *
s isocret of
source of much regret, for
successful agriculture in * £ f on
versification and ineroasoM^^R' the
farm rest is y° ar *6’
year. That this iucrd^RRM Tf' oau }** tl1
vantageonsly be ai\- ”
ously use of to chemical bo questioned fertilH^^MH^ is s ” n
in compost, which at tin BP ama t4m6
supplies organic matter 9ji|if igjolutely lv uieut es¬ ol>
sential to permanent iuffiSj '
land. In reply to an relative to
improving worn sandy lain wo ^ ivo 1,1
this report method • **y a suo "
cessful farmer. Clay solfJ rflKft'ethods yield _ mueli and
more readily to reuovati
rapiiUmprovemmit takifigHr 600
leguminous plants, the hM i®rT ,oa l >ar "
ticular, is used. This, vy( *’ is som,v
what of a digression tpJS r^" 01 ' or *K ij ml
question, as to yiel^W ,M! ns,t • tato ^ l ,,r H,r *
acre being increased th^W* h ' lesson
tilizers it is through I10 ,a
we standing learn from largo tho expend!®* fact Jt* 11 iat <!S notwith¬ no im¬
provement has taken pi’
I 11 the Fertilizer ilul issued by
the department of agrijj Iilture, I.erciai how do
you arrive at the confl value of
the fertilizer ? H. <<4 Cnthbert.
The commercial ml* [of |(till, a fertifizer,
as it appears in The l>i| is obtain
ed in tho following tejj .ik:,T!h- depar^
ment inquires into t|p Hnolesale value
of fertilizer material Ve Jhirts; fruuu
this the value yk ., ■hot the three
I pnorh elements acid, of ^hL nmmeSSpSfrua _ potash, •
are calculated. Then! for the sake of
convenience the value 1 for each unit,
that is, for each per -nt. To this is
added $2. GO for sackiui To find tho
wholesale value of any fertilizer, there¬
fore you multiply the value of ouch
unit by tho per cent of that Ingredient,
add the results together, add to this
fey sacking. For example, to obtain
the value of a plain acid phosphate
running 10 per cent available, you
would multiply the 10 by 80, which
would give 800, and to tins add $2.60 for
Please ^ivo me a method of improving
sandy land. S. L. B.,
Sandy land suffers more from leach¬
ing than clay soil. It is. therefore,
more essential on this class of soils than
any others that it be supplied with an
abundance of humus. The hninus also
has the power of absorbing gases and
retaining moisture, a quality iu which
such srils are deficient. How then is
organic matter to be supplied, and
what is the cheapest method of supply¬
ing this requisite to its feriaiity and fu¬
ture fertilization? Humus can lie sup¬
plied from tlie stable, but compared
with tho rest, rotation of crops into
which the grasses and small grains issue
is more expensive. The planting of
special crops, such as peas, which mid
direct contributions to the plant, food of
the soil, is also an excellent method. In
the application of chemical manures
it is much better on such soils to apply
in the form of compost, thus avoiding
leaching and retaining moisture.
To practically apply these suggestions,
we give you tho form adopted by a suc¬
cessful farmer whose farm is nearly en¬
tirely of a sandy character: "If you
can spare the land let It rest one year,
then in September seed it down to rye,
manure it with anything you eau got
or spare—cottonseed muck, ash ele¬
ments or phosphates. Let the rye ma¬
ture seed, ar 1 then plow in, sowing
peas broadcj-t before plowing. After
the peas die another crop of rye will
come up spontaneously, and the same
procedure can be continued as long as
desirable. Lee the peas mature seed
and gather enough to resow the follow
ing year if you desire to further manure
the land. You could also turn in your
and hogs rye and without let them retard! eat 1 3 *e to of Improvi¬ t be
ment. On the sandy lan. >of Michigan i
sparry is used as a renovator. It re- I j
seed* itself; hut in our opinion, it has
not the advantages of the cowpea as a
renovator in our section.”
fchma.v’h formula.
Will you kindly give me Farish Fur- j
man’s formula of applying for thefe-e? compost and his j
I, C. R, Bremen, Ga.
We know of no better deseripl of
Mr. Furman’s formula and his method :
of applying the same than as given by
himself. He says:
Now to give you the formula upon
which my compost is made, take 30
Dramatic Entertainment
On Friday night, November 23,
the Stephens High School, two plays
will be presented to the public. The
proceeds of the entertainment will bo
or the benefit of the Presbyterian
Church, which is to be built rt Crnw
Both the plays are’good. Kleven per¬
sons will take part in one of them ami
seven in the other. Several of these
persons are well-known actors;‘all are
good. Be sure to attend. See two good
plays and help a good cause,
the prices of admission will he as fol
lows: Persons over loyrs of ago 15 els.
each. Persons under 15 years 10 cts.
The curtain will rise at seven o’clock
You should see how our Clothing,
Shoes, lists and Dress Goods are uiov
mg from our shelves and count) is
into the homes of our customers.
Kimbrough, Bickers & Co.
Hiicklcits Arnica Salvo.
The best, salve tn tlie world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Itlieum Chilblains Fever
Sores, Tette., Chapped l-lands,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, ami po»l
slveiy cures Piles, or no pay required. If
if guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price;, eontr per
box. For sale by Dr .It. o. Held.
A large amount of Money lout an
rmaly \>y pnrtien purclMning worthlonn
fruit treep roi>eB mol etc. fiet them from
firm t hat gr«»WH their own freon, hernia ou
nothing but good Htock and **oll» a\ mio
honnVilo prievh. He w.ini tho addruHH o
every humor or gardener iu your nee i<>
ut.d will make you u liberal filler, writ
t or partlCUlarH and pi icon at once h»*ii
Satupie tor dencnpiive win* t^taloguo. Agon
wan toil every re.
Addrooa, Ohurochee Nursery
W ttV(*rn«s • H
While at Peeksklll, N- Y.. Mr, J. >
fccrlyen, a prominent manufacturer of
New 5 mk City, purchased u liottle of
Chamberlin's Cough Remedy. Such good he
results wote obtained from Its use that
sent hack so the druggist from whom ha
obtained P, for two morn bottles of the
same remedy. When you have 11 cough
nr coll give this preparation atrial and
like Mr. Seriveu you will want It when
again iu need of lu.'h a medicine, it Is a
ft inarfj‘vn t kt J «#4-a«irUl and merit. 23 and
60 cent bottles for gale Rkjd, by Druggist.
Dr. It J.
Th e
Ten Cents
A Day
in¬ aS|i slit
J m
i* $5^
The most wonderful work of the
XIX Century.
“ // till other book s should he
dostroyetl, the lllhle excepted,
the world would have lost but
little of Its Information."
WSthoiata Paraflflel
In the history of educutloitfll enterprise stands
the- offer tA -«»
The Allnnla Constitution w in
thousands of friends and readers. Suf h
#n oHtf has nnv*r been made be fori.*, and
Should have your < areful consideration.
The nerits of this liberal and mammoth
literary enterprise can only be Judged by
careful Investigation.
Every reader Is therefore earnestly solicited
(o %\ve the attention to this offer that it*
importance and liberality deserve.
It Means That
Th« b*%t *nJ heretofore m'f'kt:
#xpr-n*ive \.u 'yclop »- Ji j r. within ea^y reafh
of even the boy* end ^irK.
Parent*, encourage your children In habit*
of economy for the noblest of all put j ose\—
economy for the *«k** of education. Ion?
think of It! A saving of only 10
will secure you the ^rtj* Rncycloft/v't>M
Jiritmnnicsi, which cover* very lepartment
of kn'/wledjje known to mankind
nan need* any other library; no man tan
have a better one.
That this new edition in 7 %
volume*, an J y {. 5, *
world revi*eJ to date, and offered for
ftt In od uctory rate* to * ubicriher* of s
ConAtitut e>n on y, for e fre
Charge -r- prep. y railroad
*tation in the UnifeJ
Writr for detcripti t
bindlDjC'., pri« lr», *-tr to
Dr> pHc*-* Cream Baking Powder
World's Fsir Highest .Weds', sod Diploma.
The People's Advocate, Establish- d
The Cruwfordvillo Democrat, Estab¬
lished 1876.
Consol iilated Oct. (5, 1893.
Sharon Items.
By Humility
,1/iss Kate Daily has opened a new
store in town: adjoining her .dwelling
is ihe store-room, in which she keeps a
few fancy groceries for salo. Uornpo
tltion is Iiiorsasing*
Dr L- It. Brown and family spent
pait of last week with Dr. Davidson.
Quite a painful accident happened t
Mr, ,1, B\ Fallen last week, While
officiating about the gin, bis band wan
caught and two of bis fingers were so
badly cut that the doctor had to per¬
form quite a painful operaton.
Artion Sliraibuian wont to Augusta,
last wees.
Kev. A, J. Semmes is at the catholic
mu nonage again, aftea spending sever¬
al wteks in Virginia.
The Fourth Quarterly Conference of
the Norwood circuit, was held at Sha¬
ron last Thursday, Q die a crowd was
in attendance, The presiding elder,
Rev. L (1. Johnson preached here Hun -
day morning.
'Vo are glad to report that Misses
Della and Bello Kcudiiuk are quite
well again, this week, after being coll¬
fined several da)s with chills.
Mr, L, S. Jackson's new [intent hack
action store mm terming most all the
• own folks, hut Mr. J h s added moie
to the improvement of lhe town than
anyone. —No, lie’s not married yet, hut
'hey say—
Mis.JJ A. Kendrick succeed'd in
getting the most handsome party of la¬
dies seen this season, at her house to a
quilting and turkey dinner.Jlast Wed¬
nesday ,
Advertised Letters
Tim following list, of letters remalr
in llte poslolllce at Oiawfoiilvllle, Till
lufi-no County Georgia, will ho sent lo
i he deudlelter otlloe if not called for at
the expiration of 30 days from date,
August 1st 1891.
U. I. Farmer. i\ M.
October 1st 1994.
Mr. Ellas Gram, Mrs. ltohins, J. J.
Williams, Nathan Winfrey, (J. I'.lviT
Ihuns. Mrs. Adeline Smi.h, 11. L. Car
Wlh r ~
i’osVAL Cards.
Mi. Clifford Usual, Rev. Itobt Smith
I’ilrs) Piles] Itching Piles
SVMl’ToMs-Molstiirei Intense Itching ami
•tinging; most at night: worse by scratch
ag If allowed 1 1 continue tumors, wh Ic
often bleed ami ulcerate, becoming very
sore- iSwaynk’h OintmkNT slops tlm
tchlng nod bleeding, itineration,z ml
In most cases removes the tumors. A
druggist or by f mall, or r-U cent. Dr
way tm Jk Son, I'liI liuli-1 pli iu.
I *VANT<*v«ry matt and woman tn the Tinltad
Platen interfKted In the Opium and V'hUky
tnihitH to have one otjuf ^ t>ook« on Uieite <))»•
piwi’k. A<I<Ih kh It will V he ooltey, Atlanta* Oft,
liojr S62 ( and one »e»t n you fi-fto.
Awarded Highest Honors-World’s Fak
The only Pare Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of Homes—40 Year 9 tlie Standard.
at the
Alliare 0 Store
WIlDll ill t 4 Tsiwfonlviilc.
We continu" to bo Leaden hii low Price j
piojose to
lie sure you see our L ine ol
Huts, Slums, Juans * Ei.ctury f oods
Our prices Clothing arc R'-in irkttb'.y Lo -v,
o i
V< i y respectfully,
The AiUanco Store.
AO 6
•r'^'syr 1 h
t dubiM* Si
dry Money Savors in ill Linos ol
pair, goods and cloaks. Sox Dc
ol Sheeting 50 yard are
some our Bargains.
Mullarky Harty Co
Augusta, Gi
/ 3 rcoittJlA, I'AMAFiiuin County;—
\ I Will I|<- sold In front of tin
I-ourt House «l said county tU to T^J 1 1 ,. ly
bidder for rash , 0
December on U,„ U ' ) !} ,
next vWUiin tin- legal |„ m ,
sale, all that tract or pare,-I of i a , 0
wood, J. 8. Acree, K. ,V. lirovvn || \i
Said K'Mirais^s’.ivis™ land levht on as tlm q' ‘3
tha It- brown to satisfy properl.y exeeluno,, „i
sued an I a.
from the Mipcrlor Court et said
county in favor of bailie A. Farmer
iSxocuflx of tin) last will and testa a.
'*< h. -S -I ►’armor sa/d dc-eased. am. 1,1 r ........ 1 ,
r ngiinsf Martini It. fjr >wn this
211 I 1 (I.,, of October ihim.
1), P. lliiNiiv, Eherjn
In Men’s
Youn^ Men’s
Hoys and
Suits and Overcoats.
Don't care how you look at it.
Wc have tbu Lai^cst and
Most Attractive Lino of cus¬
tom-made Clothing ever
brought to Augusta, \V()
kindly ask you to call and ex
amine tit is Stijarb Stock of
Fine Clothing.
L (7 LEVY & CO.
Tailor Fit Clothers, Augusta, GA-