Newspaper Page Text
•o von ftbont Poors. -a-h Bltnds.Monlrt.
iac>. Luni» or. shi <gU s andfftl kinds 01
• irnaniunud tt'fltwwork. u rile f>>r ( a f*
alogr.e or E'lmrtie. Ask ut> qaetuous;
we ll answer cneerfnHy.
Augusta. Ga
VOL. 2 .
Bickers & Co.
Grreenestooro, Gra.
•! Yaid Yard wide wide Sheeting.5c Sea Island yard. oods 5c yatd. a
- Best Drilling 6cyard. and grades.
Bleaching all prices yard. *
42 inch Pillow casing 8l<,c each.
. 17x36 Cotton Iluek Towels 5c
EV.. Full size Counterpins 75c yard. worth 5c yard.
44 inch all Wool Serges only 50c ( and yard. *
» All Wool 36 inch Flannel for dresses 29 39*. A
A trimmings clreap.
JkAj- Silks and Velvet for Dresses and
» « Ladies Fast Black Seamless Stockings 18 ° pair ' worth 2..
4 - Childrens Fast Black Seamless Stockings I9c pr
1 --** * A full line ot childrens fast black hose at 10 & 12^0 pair. t
Men’s all Wool Cheviot and Cassimers Suits 87.77 *
suit, can’t be bought elsewlier for less than ’
We have a full line of Childrens and Boyssuits all cheap. j
Overcoats «?i prices, style and sizes. V.
■ 4 1 i i 1*4 x r l Sl.
c U s JAL
$ c;«(ta 1 to 4 only 50c p
a ra Ft
* RE E n;.»o
i. Il**«,
Our Local News.
City and County Items
Brieily Told.
p. Rubin’s Announcements.
Polkas 65 cents.
Jeans 10 cents up.
Good felt hats 60 cents,
Men’s §18,00 suits now §12.
Good Ladies shoes, calf skin, 95cts
per pair.
New lot of Beadsteads at §1 40 just
Men's shoes at 00 cents per pair,
high cut brogais §1,00 per pair,.
Clothing! clothing! clothing! cheaper
prices than any bouse in Middle Geor¬
Furniture of every desciiptloit in¬
cluding a let of cheap bedsteads are
taking the cake.
New line dress goods just received,
also a quantity of 36 inch sheeting
which is going at only 5jc per yard.
Fall goods are beginning to arrive
also a new lot ot Dry Goods are ex¬
pected soon. It Is your duty to buy
the best and cheapest goods, conse¬
quently go to F. Rubin's for bargains
of all kinds.
Mr. Lu ana Hardin, of this city, died
Tuesduy, Nov. 20. An obituary other
will appear in nxt weeks Advocate-Dem¬
rr - -Chapman has returned to
In pursuance to a call byj chwiman
the Executive Committee iflelPeople’s
Party met on the lOtli. Inst, Jrawford
ville. t|f' £
The meeting wa» called r by the
chairmah J. A. Woodall. wmmltteu
believing that a full ax In of the
Populists could best be objji by! hold¬
ing a primary in ©nob t to select
candidates for county offii, the elec
tion in January next. I
It was therefore, order* rue pri
luary for nomination for Frnj tj ptcoun- 7th. day
ty offices be held on
of December 1894, and 1 [primary
be held in accordance it of the
Legislature of 1890 a"-dj| age jened 2M at
and further that the l*sw
9 o’clock a. m. amte 1 'd at 'lock p.
It was also ordered tod tig* V man of
each district commit! urn' lie pri
mary and that those maki'< |rns of
said nomination bring tue si Irawf
ontvilie and consolidate on* Scllow
mg, Saturday Dec- 8. 1804.
it was further that "" Id to
participate in [my
will agree to support the d die
People’s Party. -1
J A \ j u> tan.
ir Cut*
1 Fever
Ullilalns h
ted. posi¬ It
f- gU'tlon
m 1
■ Hip n:.
I sent to
Id for at
In date.
l I*. M.
Bl'ins, [,(V«. ,7. J.
1. II io Cal¬
obi Smith
|il liiary. the open
lollgatlons to
me. Please
limit fnrtlnr
f. Ihim'lpitl.
fc' pn^acturer Mr, J. >
dy ‘»uch'Sood he
lu use that
m t»m whom ha
Wnt i ilties of th*
|A "w ^a trial And
vant it
n t iclm\ it i>* ®
h Htj merit. 25 ana
e V)i
Hei>, Druggist.
iow W Clothing.
(u*‘ is »r« tnov
a. .1 coiinti rs
pur in Iier*.
4», Biel rs A Co.
IT:. !i
sM t iiuo I - A
. -i
\ had at
Rhe de
Sharon Items.
By Humility
When cotton is worth only 5c. lb.
and good healthy Strong men, with no
other ocupation than that of farming
can make but two or three bales of cot
ton to the horse, and comparatively no
corn or grain, would you call those cirs
cuinstances contraction of currency
or congestion of labor? or both?
It’s si d indeed to look about and see
men intoxicated with l'quor, engaged
in heated controversies about politics
with home aud family almost u lerly
Mr. IVilhe C. Brown is quite sick
this week and it is thought that this
spell will prove to be veiy serious.
Misses Marie O’Brien and Floienco
Moore spent last Tuesday night in Sha
ron the guests of Mrs. Kenkrick,
Mr, G F. Ager of Augusta was in
town last week on a business trip.
Miss Mattie Ivy of Washington visi¬
ted Miss Gilbert last week.
Miss D.umris Moore of Raytown
spent several days with Mr. G, T,
Moore’s tarnily this week.
We lieailily reccomineiid that anoth¬
er election for county officers bo dis¬
pensed with as the present one) are
highly satisfactory unless its the sher¬
iff. We have no legal objections to
him, but, whirls the matter with Mr.
H. F. Corry for sheriff,
There was a tacky party at Mrs. J.
A. Kendricks last Tuesday night.
Quite a crowd of the young Hoiks were
In attendance. It was just as funny
as couln be to see the so many differ¬
ent styles of dress and airs.
It was unanimously conceded that
Lewis Moore's white shoo strings and
grey homespun tight pants outmatched
Ruff Kendrick’s frock-cut-gatheied
lail-anU helium coat. But Dr. Albert
Davidson, Aaron Shraibroan Albert
Harnett and several other young dudes
cut handsome figures as well.
We are not well enough aequanled
with ladles’ dress lo undertake a de¬
scription of the very queer and out
of fashion dress.
Uflx ( IJAIH^IA, It, TaliaferreJJCounly. ,J, Mann and U. II.
'in i,lietr petition duly filed and enter, d
11 reisurd, that they have fully aduiin
isieied said estate and executed the
will of suid deceased according to law
and Sold will. This Is the re fort to
elie ml persons concerned to show
cause, if any they can, why said exec¬
utors should not be discharged from
tlie r administration and trust and re¬
ceive letters of dismission on first Mon¬
day in M aicli 1K95.
Geo. 11. Mitchell. Ordinary.
— •
l 3 KOKH I A, i’amvk y. mil County: —
\ X Will be sold In flout ol the door ot the
< null House ef t siiiil county to the lilgheel
Lidd .t t"i etisli on the hint Tuesiliiy In
December next within the legal Iioiiih ot
-ale, all that tract or paicel of land lying and
111 one botlv containing Kiglily-two siluat ei)
three-fourth acres n.ore M, or le-s, ill said county
in ne tub District, u. of T. .1. Purt
adjoining lands formerly
wuod, J- S Aeree, F. N. Brown, II M
fluid n .imfottiers, now of VV. A. f.egwen
Allen Edw ad-, Tim Stewart and mines.
Said laud levhl oil a- the propoity <d Mar¬
tha ft. Blown lo satisfy an execution la
Hued iron the buperior Court of ri.II
county ill favor of Millie A Farmer as
Execefix ol iliela-l will and testament
ui S J. Farmer deceased, a ml lu her own
ilgh against said Mnrtlui It. It own this
24tii dui of October 1*94. Sheriff
D, P Hunky,
Nitrous Oxide or Devitalized Air
Dr. Bethea Is now prepared to accom¬
modate Ids friends a: d patrons with the
administration of this most wondeiful
iMue-thetic for the relief of pam connect¬
ed wlUf the extraction of teeth. Nitrous
Oxide is a rapidly acting A nanthetlc, caus
ing complete uncontciou-iiess In h nH t han
a minute’s lime and its effect* last but
foity five second*. This Awicsthetlc has
taw. used hy the L'e.dal , rotes-l m for !
nearly ftf'y years, and every rase In winch i
j tlias been used, with hardly an except Inn
n | laH g IV en perfect witlsfa dion to both
pa«"in and operator. The Dental profes- ^
siori vouch**,for the Hb->o'mUi «af**ty of t
tlilrt Af)fs«tltetlc* We cowm-nd the
to the care of this enterprising young man
(} ecnesboro,
Croup is a terrof to young mothers, To
po -t them coTicridrig the of lir-t this -yiiitoins item.
and treat inert Indication is the object Is hoarseness.
T e first child of croup
In a wtio is subject Vo croup U may
be taken as a -urc -ign of the approach of
an attack. Following tins ho, r- oie— is a
pecu iar, lough cough. 11 Chtmiierlains
Cough reun-dv Is given as soon as ’ he
child becomes hoarse or even after the
rough cough eas appeared it will oreveot
the attact. U has never been known to
f 1). 23 arid 50 cent bottles for sale by.
Dr. li. J- lihD, Druggist
We lire h.:ri! for the public
well digging, sand pr«n»fing
blasting ‘Hid anything in that
line of business Satisfaction
guaranteed if you are in ne-d
of any thing in this line let us
hear from you.
.j R. Micheal •. Gran Evans.
Cra ‘ fordv ,'a
We expect and are in some measure
prepaied for the death of the aged and
in,ll,n . We watch the flickering lamp
of llfB witt ' emotions aaiu to thoie
wtt ** which we look upon the mellow
glow of a summer sunset The grave
looses something of its gloom as we
contemplate it as the testing place of
the weary pilgrim. No hopes are dis¬
appointed, the allotted days are ended,
and though the death of aged friends
bring grief and sadness, we look upon
old age as life’s limit and we bow to the
inevitable law appointed unto man
once to die. But when the young_
the tender idols of our
snatched away, mu finite minds fail to
jsee J goodness and acknowledge of God in whose the wisdom and
hands are
the issues of life and death. In (lie
hours of our grief, and in the weak-.
ness of our nature, unmindful of the
Divine economy, we almost question
the goodness of Go I, aiuljin anguish of
soul ask why might not this loved one
li.tvo been spaied as a merciful ex¬
j|We forget that though “clouds and
darkness are round about Him: right¬
eousness and judgement are the halo
lalions III Ins throne”—etud that God’s
greit name is mystery, but lie is tno
mystery of goodness. The chill finger
of deatu never plucked from the fields
of life a fairer ll iwer than Alice El¬
lington. (Inly fourteen summers had
shed tiled! sunlight on her pure young
life, and yei she possessed a maturity
ot grace and manner seldom seen In one
so young: lovely and attractive in form
and feature sho won the iioarts of alj
with whom she came m contact, and
just as hoi virtues and loveliue.-s were
being more and more felt and acknowl¬
edged, and is tier mind was opening
and expanding, s in falls before the ar¬
row of de,uli: ever I >ves the slim¬
ing mail*.
She h is patBed away “a them 1 mg
star melts away in the sunlight” —
“And life Is all the sweeter that she
And all she loved more sacred for her
sake. ”
4 Awarded HigliMUlonors-World’s Fai r .
■ ■ w • i RiCE’S * - m \
Tlie only Pure Creuin of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used iu Millions of Homes —40 Years tlie Situp-lar&i
Proposes to meet the
WI 1 @
mm mmm
Wo have a lot of shoos on luind whicli m ist
ho sold. I n order to do I his we will let 1 horn
*J^(» at a very small profit. Men’s
hi^li cut kip ties going at I.Od. Ladios
^love grain from Toe up. A man’s g fo'.i
brogan for
We have a small lot of clothing cm hand
wliieh we will almost at at your own priee. If
you nei’d a suit be sure to see our stock before
buy. --i
you also keep full supply of the following
\\ r e a
goods which we are offering very low
Sugar caiFeetcu snuff lobarca che
raatslsalc leather harness leather
IliliU llOrMfllllll lIHlIn »llOtW l»r.l Si»l|»
^ clieese crackers aTui iiiiiuv m
Gllier . f l. 1 ,*^
*”*>' . ,
V* ill'll 3 011 HTC 111 to\YIl «>e Slire to
||S i| Cill
W.C.CJ1 teii i>, Mgr
oocttr In all businesses, end we do not claim I
infallibility fect ; out i>y our thorough and per¬ I
minimum. system we have reduced them to a \
It we s'.ould mukethern, tell as
so, an.i they will be righted - at our expense. \
*o that satisfactory ?
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Lumb«>, A«.
“ Huy of the Maker.” Augusta, Os.
NO 7
At home and at school Alice was an
example of correct deportment. She
carefully studied he Sunday School les¬
sons and the teachings of God's word
she held cs sacred.
Her life was tilled with
“The little nameless unremembered
Of kindness and of love.”
To the sorrowing triends and rela¬
tives we would say, the very trials and
afflictions which God puts upon nis
children have a beniflcent purpose to
accomplish which we shall hereafter
know and acknowledge and we cm
rest assured that
Each care, each ill or mortal birth,
Is sent iu pitying love,
To lift the llugeterlng heart from earth •
And speed its flight above.”
A Fiiie i).
10f W jUtv
ril^ -40*
df ;i|
MW im
Money Stivers and in nil Lilies o!
drygoods clonks. Sox r»c
pair, ^Sheeting 5c yard are
some of our Bargains.
Mullark^ Harty Augusta, Co
G EORGIA. Taliaferro County.
Wheteas O. D Moore tiduiiiiis
trutor of estate of E. ’I’. Moon repro
-enls to the con it i i his petition duly
li ed and entered on record, th it lie
lias fully administered s ml e 'ale.
Tins is therefore to dto i»R persons
concerned kindred and creditors and
others Interested, to show . tone ifuny,
they can, why said intminisiratur
should not he discharged from Ills ail
mlsiral ion and trust mid r. eep o let¬
ters of dlsiiilssiou 1805. on the first Monday
In Mttrch
Geo. H. Mitchell, Ordinary.