The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, November 23, 1894, Image 3
NUTS. XUl OFAGRI, K. Ktlou About the mon<i. Walnut tearing Trees Ihestnuts. ■cted nut bulletin Ptment of Agri bearly ready for ■printer, though ■ -tri’.mtod f<>r H- a r. ka’dy ■ < throwing Hi of r branch ■.WhetW. Of K destined to be cultivation Lg Imoug tho twentieth the most [ k have is possessed a higher by k pear. They are ie articles of diet ■rains in food Jy F are not perish handled, with This country with nuts from asrly all of them ■oduced in the Leu a source of to planters in Ft has been said ttho peach will ^enough, kin but in most of the W Few attempts Irs east of the kidnoe almonds, re j importation its was made by patents for dis vowel's. Both ■ ly distributed ■Idle States. ■u resulted iu ipt ■arietv, with the ■ctiou owing, of the M The early |H Jg^K fata! c-a . >f - a pi > 111 1 . ■Hi: «r> - Hi. lit: HHB H I hav.. 9) •'Mill.• H mcil plant ^tth «&t-. *ss in Iiutternuts are * catsup when pe. The Divis lopted Lthe the name nut com lsh walnut,” or Ise it seems to riginally lee from species of Kal lOf importance these the Butternut arc l^BsIniit gHi.i has ' V " :1 ’ ^■r • - .. ’ ‘ ■ * '' 1 ||||^^ ■ . I. 1 .".': mmm B wm furope, i “Japi Vi!> i I'COll the trees gat. , will contain- fetch erop th trees do not t! ■ iglit or ten I > aring a walnut rot .he safest aud mm property under p£ all nuts is that Iiown as the pecan, luted States, grow psMppi Valley and | am i finest nuts inches and n ’rs of an inch, ■l \ that Stats ■>wt or. Iri Bee I.s a> grown with c may be crushed ■ nidus' 'y hau ob Hnce. I’honsands Hug Hiauy In athering | tatious H set out, aud are W So long ago as ■nds of the nuts ■an Antonio. O! ■y f the pecan sceme improvement in :y of the fruit, and r. ... hsiisd in this ■i:. r exercising judg >f varieties. Hlurt, is of all nut ^■u , best suite I t j * - Mo th.-- but one ;’jB« gHtuers .1 d: .. Unions i f ^mAO* being ouly the live, only bolt- ! St lies. ion iu this cour. ■ifly confined to the ■s and have been in ■ssfu 1 It is believed ■ f the hazel might be gable in the State of Hiere climatic condi lose of England, of Europe, America lr.-e sti species. I v.«i Migma ly in TUfeL-l rom Asia Mi toer of cli -tnut tree* ^on in United States ■try j . n Califor r.o ,-,f _>o;i :{ij.i pPKii ■ies. There Japanese large and are I * in Delaware, Illinois, c, Pennsylvania, ' Yi/gioia jdy Vaset; demonstrated may be cultivated as I spyn ir pears. By iet <;s ai. grafting “ r. the litlS greatly increased. Japan e and European th imported are Ic4 4 m this country. A iho twentieth eentury npoe the wild crop of thee*, mits. Crosses sc i.l European cats Tea i ii*proved strains. »_• '-an.a especially, plantatiow U tor cMsisat The Value of Politeness. The phase man was dilating on tho value of politeness everywhere, but especially in stores, and remarked that he would discharge a clerk for impo¬ liteness or icatteutiou quicker thau he would for petty theft. Au old resident of Roxlmry over¬ heard the remark and, as an illustra¬ tion of the importance of politeness on the part of salesmen, said: “A good many years ago I went to New York in company with my friend B. One snowy day we strolled into A. T. Stewart’s store- Neither of us intended to make a purchase. Wo merely went there ns a matter of curi¬ osity. by “At the door we were met a po¬ lite gentleman, who insisted that he should take our overcoats and umbrel¬ las to relieve us of tho burden of ear rying them about the store, We told him we were not intending to pur¬ chase anything, but that made no dif¬ ference in his attentions. Another equally polite gentleman insisted on escorting ns through the building. The fact that we did not intend to pur¬ chase goods did not lessen his cour¬ tesy. “Finally to entertain us the courte¬ ous clerks showed us a large invoice of shawls which had just been received. Tho clerk unfolded one after the other, and by and by my friend said he would take a$l,500 India shawl which pleased him, and n little later I purchased a valuable carpet. When we entered the store neither of us bad the slightest intention of making a purchase of any¬ thing, but the politeness of that clerk put more than $2,000 into tho till of A. T. Stewart which would not have been there otherwise. “You are quite right in emphasizing the value of politeness. It is the most valuable commodity a man or woman can carry about. It may sometimes be misplaced, but in the long run it pays. ” —Boston Journal. Uoirtl Mi-ii Profitably Employed. “Yes, sir, we have a numb r of urand, trood men working doing for us, an , they are making than money, too, better for theui.-elve-* they c< uld in any other line.” That is about the way Mr. B. F. Johnson of the tivm B. F. J lumon Co.. Kichmond, advertisement Va., stated the for casein leferriug to devote their all of their representatives the to of their business. or part, time in intere t Ilusiiieas Jleu in n Hurry eat in restaurants and often food insutUctently and cooked. stomach H inns Tabules cure dy^pep relieve la ?om* and immed ately head¬ ache. ________ Mr j . Win-slow’.-iHoothlng Syrupfor children teething, -oftens I he gums, redu es tion, allays pain, cures wind colic 25 a tiottle A m v r wmmm ii . KNOWLEDGE Pv 4 1 Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet tei adapUng* iflan others and enjoy life more, w^h thc world’s being, best products will attest to the needs of physical liquid the value to health of the pure laxative principles embraced in the remedy, exceilcnce Syrup of Figs. due its presenting Its is to in the form most acceptable and pleas' ant to the taste, the refreshing and tru ly beneficial properties cleansing of a perfect the lax¬ ative ; effectually and system, disoelling colds, headaches fevers and permanently curing constipation. millions and It has given satisfaction to met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid noys, Liver and Bowels without weak¬ ening them and it is perfectly free from every Syrup objectionable of Figs i.s for substance. sale by all drug¬ gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but U is man¬ ufactured by the California printed Fig Syrup Co. only, also whose the name is Syrup on of every Figs, package, and being well informed, name, will not oflered. you uicept any substitute if I McELREES | |WINE OF CARBULf s & k V ym. r VF: 4b? r IS ■ tb n \ J A , Diseases, s 7 i f 4 > For Female IMHLIVIMM1 In each county for a few ill days’ j work with, the Saloons; vv pay | $10 to $50, according to locali c . K . H ITCH COCK, I EvansvLfe, ln*I. Ad MX I S U A M 111) TO Sl i d THE Standard Dictionary IN Et'tKY COUNTY IN T1IK -OCTIf. Apply P to N. D. MCDONALD, ,A O. liox J4f> Atlanta t.a. Anti- etarra* umatK CliewinsGum »«»«••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• an-omattatii, i -Care. ,n 1 I'r-veol- i j 4 torn* p«la, Uealtbarn, Cwarrs ...I Asiama. \ Breath, Care, th* Tob«jc«> rt **m. Eo<Sq*m4 ~ A r Um i i'.or » ** by 'toe Me-DcaJ F*CO«jr. l o*tal , Sote. - A A veto pactaiT -. \Ucer,*t'im.p* or >« ¥ Ht.O. ft. FIALM i« West /Ha fiu, w \ 4 (35‘?! S. ' PlSO’S CT. BC fOfi Qki VUrLS fcffwp. toil ?mw/- C.LX fA-L-F* U Highest of all in Leavering Power.—Latest U. S. Gov't Report Absolutely pure He Made a Mistake. One morning a prominent restau rant keeper who . pens at (i o’clock had just entered his store when he heard a rattle at the door. He opened it and let in a man with a verv anxious conn tenance. “Can I get something to eat at once?" he said excitedly. “As soon as it possibly can be got," said the proprietor. “What will you have?” “Eggs boiled,” said the man absent¬ ly. “Quickest thing." “No, for it takes eggs three minutes to boil,and if they are not good they must lie done over. Best have them fried.” “Quickest way! I’m in au awful hurry ” Tho breakfast was eaten in short or der, really bolted down. The man jumped up, hurried to tho counter, and paid the bill. As ho did so he looked up at tho clock and then pulled out his watch. “Good heavens,” he said, “is that eloek right?” He was informed that it was and looked sheepish. I’ve dofic!” he “Do you know what said. “I got up, made a mistake of an hour in the time, abused my wife, swore nt tht ,i, , gill, ■ , iug o ,, r ,i,„ house anil got iny nrcHkdftfit here. Wow I’ve got to loaf around an hour. I’m an infernal donkey !” Inch he certainly "as. ( m nciti Tribune, Seeking a Separation. “Do you give gas hero?” asked a wild-looking man, who rushed into a dentist’s Office on Clark street, yostcr day morning. dentist.” .. YVo do,” replied tlie “Docs it put a fellow to sleep?” it does. “Sound asleep, so you can’t wako * him up?” ‘ „Y ,, “You could break his , jaw . or gouge out his eye and he wouldn’t feel it?” lie would would know Know nothin^ nothing of ot it. it” “How long does it make him stay asleep’” insensibility produce,! “The physical by luhuling the gas lasts a 111 llllltc or probably a little less. ” “I guess ?i„r that’s long enough. Got it all runly _ for .... a fulov #„ii, to take. “Yes. Take a seat in tho chair and show me your tooth.” “Tooth nothing!" H said tho excited caller, beginning rapidly . ,, to , remove liifi , coat and vest. “I want you to pull ft porous plaster off my * back.”— Chicago inounc. rn. ! , False Modesty. v yer tcacb falsejjtadesty. How ex \ T tt,Bl Jjgrtlsurd ' vffiSjy : .'#h a girl that BvantfS^rAaiu, > ' ■ H of no nsol iy whole pros J, otp and happine ncivWtn 1 ! ifo may often , upou tt or u bccom f bonnet; if she has five grains of ( . () nmou 9he will find this „„t. The great thing is to teacli her their proper valu e .—.Sidney Smith. __ What will cure your Headaohe ? or your Dyspepsia ? or your Biliousness ? These Tabules are sure to relieve. Tell your Drug¬ gist you want the Bipans Chemical Co.’s remedy; put up in venient con¬ Tabules Or Send 50 Cents for one Boi. Ripans Chemical Co., IO Spruce St., Mew York. ......... AitriFK IAI. mmiis. ith hu l-hcnrlriv km 1 ’ Joini* r. and pi* ce .isf. T. i . HII.IaS, A - to A. Me I n;u\un i. ■■ r, if» Ac f»lH ( tt d N'o 11L ^ f.Klmr *’■ | «r* ci.. ■ iv * Aid* an-, liH. 1 T he Key f‘ z ] to ^ Success in washing and cleaning is Pearl• V me. l‘,y doing away with the o rubbing, it open., the way to easy work; with Pear line, a o weekly wash can be done by a o weakly woman. It shuts out \ possible harm and danger ; all V things washed with /‘earhne / last longer than if washed with ^ \ soap. Everything is done better with it. These form but a small part of the _Why women use millions upon millions ^Cs'Tand there?. ToTet”of^d?rt doing its \Jn-l" o- A On the peddler, »ixi C er. who Fd »'■’> .v a-.gowl *•." or Ur D g *‘th« «»e m" Tear: n S IA1. Ian..'--., fearune » the FS- PV e y peddled. JAMBS 1 . L N»w Vurtu neve- ., A Cotton Fertilizer. Purchase only such fertilizers for cotton which contain at least 3 to 4 actual potash. For Corn, Fertilizers should contain 6;t Potash. Poor results are due entirely to deficient w« * o cal :r va \ you \L%L\ WOIK c > % »or*i Milk Precautions. At Herr Belle's famous dairy in | Berlin wire sieve tho milk with is strained cloth, through which u a over gravel is sprinkled. After the milk is strained the gravel is put into «■ hot oven, that any germs that may have been possibly strained from the milk "“W be destroyed. Prayer anil Profanity are all right iu their proper places, lmt if you have Tetter or Eczema, or Halt Bheum, or Ringworm, both r save yc >ur breath and buy “Tettorine. ” It’s 50 cents a box, drug stores or by mail from J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah, Ga. The Cairo museum has seven brooms used by ancient Egyptian women. They are made of straw and closely resemble the same articles in use to day, save that tho handles arc not long enough for purposes of domestic disoipliue. 55 98 % of all cases of colismuptiou can, if taken in the earlier stages of the disease, be cured. This may seem like a bold assertion to those fnmilv.iT only with the means gener a |iy j n ust » foi its tivutment ; as, nasty cod liver oil and its iilthv emulsions, extract Although is by many believed of to hundreds be incurs- of ble, there the evidence living witnesses to the fact that, in all its is a disease. Not every case, but a large per¬ centage of eases , and we believe, Jutlv Holden gS percent, are cured by Dr. Pierce’s Medical Discovery, even after the disease &n^fmnt with copious Oie'im^: expectoration ievem ih^?ing (inchul cough of flesh ingr tubercular matter), great loss ^ reported cured by “Golden leases Med tons as ieal Discovery ” were genuine cases of that dread and fatal disease ? Von need not take our word for it. They have, in nearly every instance, and been experienced so pronounced home by physicians, the best most whatever'in who have no interest mis representing prejudic’d them, and and who advised were against often strongly j - “V,olden Medical Discovery,” a tr nl ()f but who have been forced to confess that P Zk,Z* wUU w |,j c j, tlicy arc acquainted. Nasty cod liver oil,and in filthy “emulsions” and mixtures, had been tried in ncaily all these cases and had cither nttcily failed to h nc fit,orliad oulyseemed to benefit a little for ;l s i, (>11 ( j mc . i; /V uaet of malt, whiskey, and various preparations of tho liynoplios pldtcs had aJsoheen faillifuily liied In vain The photographs of a large number of those cured of eotfkumption, chronic bronchitis, nasal lingering and coughs, kindred asthma, maladies, have been catarrh skillfully which reproduced will he mailed in a book of loo pages to you, on re¬ ceipt of address and six cents in stamps. You can then write those cured and learn their experience. Dufl Address for Book, Worn NTSARV Medical Association, Buhalo, itcMl W-tL Douglas Ht'SV. ^OVLNOeQU^KtNQi »B THE ♦ FRENCH 5. CORDOVAN,’ AENAMEUED CAI.K . V « FlNECAlf&KUNflARDl . % 3.5PPOLICE,3 Soles. * « s S> si. i2jl. 7 ^BOYSSCHOOL5HQES. LiS^BF.So° • LADIES* M0 ^. BL. SBr SEND FOR CATALOGUE! ™ WL'DOUGUAS, BROCKTON, MASS You rnn snvo niormy Ijy ivra rintr llio IV. I.. Ilmiulus Fihoo, Ilfrii ii nr, wo nro Iho larRcsfc mattHflt(‘|urer, of thif Krudu.if n lxi.‘i> lallioworii l, mi. I v.m iruntoo thrtr valUG by ■tamplaft \ tho mui io tind prlc» on tho bottom, which proti-ct you «i; 'ttlriBt Iii^h priced and tho middlcnmn n profit m. Our •her* equal cut tom work In rtylo, flttlnpr ww rlna prlc*«for qUftlltlefl. Wo hftvG them n M everywh < !>• nt lower nt>KUb« th*» value Riven thun nnv otheiF mnk^. Tako •tltuto. if your doalrr cannot nuppfy you, w« cun. ION’SjIE e/foNic Pellets. TREATMENT MM At ill I'orsii, or If mk 1 ijouhi* hot " !>'►*•* •1.00 IIIUMvN »n • <>.. N> tr VorU Clljr. DROPST lu.tny 1 f)OOK of • .m'... «.»».!• •• ’• FRII Ullfl ItOIlK'i' n< .h • mull ' nt Ip NcctlP * | VUIl 1 |f ,ir<- the oc«» ingti’ii'* » • r r : m.ttfiK »'»>'» era 1*. It.l '..hi AUK l' I It. Ifurr.aD ug, K«. A. N. V I < t v-m vch, '04. .