Newspaper Page Text
Pabllulted Every Friday.
Entered atlhe lYst Office at Ctawf
t rdvilie a# second class mail matter.
has L. Smith. Editor and Publisher
Crawfordville. Ga. Nov 23.
Democratic “ecooomy” goes mighty
hard wilh us ail.
Our democratic friends are just
siizing that their god.father Grover,
s something of a rascal.
t’ongratuloiiou* are now in order
to ti»e Immigration Society. The re
iuru* of the last electio.i show that in
mine «.( oui stale the ji<»[»ula
l .o i huh more than double L
The people every where arc for bet
ter election law*, We hope ibe legis
iiiture will immediately repeal ihe pres¬
ent laws aud enact ioir,j ibat will not
allow tlie “ politicians” to con
duct tnc elections as th y please to do.
Of all the democrats in the world,
the “daddy democrat” is ihe most de
leslalh 'f every mnw had have. pat
terned after his father hefor., him the
result would have, been that we would
all he wearing fig-lcnf apron* and iiv
mg off of fruit.
A prominent democrat in a recent
letter lo ihe Atlanta Constitution -ays:
t . In every court house in Georgia
there is nmlnature Tan.tnany Hail.
Friend* of all parlies reflect a few
n inutes on tins. Isn’t this true? Are
you willing ior these ring poiticians,
one horse solicitors to rule over you?
for that is wl,at they are doing or at
least trying to do. If you arc satisfied
with Hu* slate of affairs sit still aud
may you he blessed with such.
Black to Watson.
Major Black lias been forced by pub.
lie i j-itiii n to “aiiic up,” Although
he docs not accept Mr. Watson’* prop,
osilioii,but hr proposes to Mr. AVatson
fo have ihe'elccliou over sometime in
March. lie is to resign hi* commis¬
sion on March 3. lbl>6, the time his
second term begin*. Then Ihe matter
will be referred hack to the people.
The following Is Mr. WaDous accep¬
tance of Mr. Black’s proposition.
Special to Daliy Press.
Thomson, Gu., November 20.—I
, gree to refer ilggs-lppi.,-. ' bciweou
lion, J. C. C. Black and myself as to
>who shall represent the Tenth distuct,
hack to the people. Confronted by the
certainty of m.v u**ating him upon a
contest before congress, And the cer¬
tainty of losing tnc scat if he consented
to tny proposition to purge the ballot
boxes, and the certainty of losing the
respect of thousands of honest demo
i tuis unless he repudiated thu /.ugusta
fniuju, ht ha* been forced to lender
his resignation to take effect M.ireh. 3.
1W86. I accept Ins resignation and
will meed him at Ihe tank.
Aukhokkn. O.
Me-srs. Mp( insn Bros., Nsvannah, Ga.
Dear Mrs- I liotight a hotile of your P.
1.1 at lint springs, Ark., and tt >*«,
dene me more good than three months
t-i atmeiit »t ti e Hot .Sprlims.
Have you no agents In this pait of the
country or let tu* know how much it wilt
cost to get three or six bottles from vour
city bt express. Respectfully yoc • .
Aberdeen, . i , *!?*• Urowu M County, Newton, O.
Mmum Llppm.n Br “^Mnu’sh. Ga*' hit I wish to give tny testimonial
In re, ora to your valuable medicine I*. I\
dyspepsia, TV for the rur“ of rheumatism, neuralgia,
hillli u*ne«s ete- In 1NHI I wns
attacteil with hllilous muscular rheuma
tlstu and have been a roatyr to it ever
since. I tried all medlcenes 1 ever heard
heard of and all the doctors in reach hut
were 1 found only bad at tempararv times that relief, l did tlie r.ot patns
so cate
whether I lived or died. My digestion
became so impaired that everything I ate
disagreed »itli me. Mv wife also suffered
intensely »tlh dyajiepeta that tier bf«
w»s a Onrdeu to her, she would th> confins
ed to O' d fer weeks at the time, she also
*h* also suflcreil greatly from giddiness
and io-s of sleep, IStm.e time March 1 was
idvtced to take !* 1* !’ and I (ore we
- " W ^
itnptv% Ms jtiiin* >ub«idkM »»> miu'fa
tfcjkt l svt* b»M'M *b)r to woik and nm
f*'i ■ k; likr A«>u g what 1 haven’t done
©for© 1 « * mimher of year* We will con*
tinua Vaklns I* I* J*. until we art* entirely
orw ui will cheerfully recommended it
W alt aulfcrlng hnmadty.
Veuri vwf rvipectfal],
J.S. Duprisa.
— —
iit nrj Wilson the postmaster at Welsh
to" F -id*. he cured a case of dm
it: o«e am MlTil »( long botth -lauding of Chamberlains in sta hours Colic, with
< i-o'er* amt Remedv What a
r. ^ssrsfs.s’a'srKys
s. tk th»* r.iuedv. In taany instance*
o- j m, ot two dose* an r.qutred to gt«e
jer is , nt te nd, it ran always be de«
■ -de* up." when reduced with water
it kt t i .-am to take. For sat* bv
ii J Kms Druizgisl.
si.i,.,„hi vrw>.
ll »ou w ifib lo ship vour cotton and
wil! i al Uiis t flic© we will mark and ' nu
*hip proinits',you , ship . to any cotton
„c*.,t sdvtMiitd in Uiis (wjer. Of
ccutf we ciDhot pay freight chargee
but . . will „ attend „ , to the correspondence, .
etc. etc
This will sate you lots ot trouble
and a* we Will accept no advertise
ett t ftvtn a onest dtaler you can
feel easy as to how your rreduce will
be handled,
- «*3a»
Danger From Catarrh.
The roost important feature about that
very common complaint, catarrh in the
bead is the tendency to develop-* into
-ome other more serious and dangerou*
disease. The foul matter dropping from
the head into the bronchial tubes or lungs
N very liable to lead to bronohits or con
sumption that destroy which causes more
deaths in this country than any other dw*
ease. As catarrh originates in impurities do but
in the blood, local applications can method ot
little good. The common sense and for
treatment is to purify the blood
this purpose Hood's there Sarsaparilla. is no preparation The pow¬ su¬
perior action to this medicine upon the
erful of by so
tlood expels every impurity gives a no health to
doing cures catarih aud
the entire organs. lui
DeliqtieiitH Head.
We liave repeatedly reminded you of
the fact that you owe u* by the "Blue
Mars” process, We would again call
uu you to pay up your subscription.
Remember our txpeuses aie tunning
ou just the same now as when times
wwe l e ,.u. r . so help us if possible.
Hut you ue.dn’t nil jour postmaster
lu Slop your p»p* r uuiess your sub~
scrlpllou is paid up to date.
On* Cl»T Nil* Bnwptibla to • Hljn
« f Cultivation.
The weather daring the month ha
been very propitious for gathering crop
aud the work has progressed rapidly.
Notwithstanding the low price of om
staple money crop, there has been n<
tendency to hold for a better market.
aud the bale, as soon as it comes from j
the press, has almost in every instance j
Wm offered for sale.
The discouraging effect of low prices
ia particularly felt when we consider
tk« fact that in our section there has j
been little, if any, increase in the gen- j
■oral yield compared to last year.
Th* report* of correspondent* of Sh*
department will, in our opinion, be ver¬
ified. These reports have at no time in¬
dicated a loach greater yield for this
year than last. That they are correct
are shown by the receipts at our interior
towns, which, notwithstanding the un¬
usually fuir weather, are little, if any.
in excess of last year. In regard to o tit
yield, it is to be regretted that even
though we have no increase the present
year that our increase in the past has
been due to an increase of a. rcag* and
not to an increase in the yield per acre.
»o essential to our success.
The commissioner says in his report
on this subject:
Recently, the department has had un¬
der investigation the yield and acreage
id staple crop, iu the state with a view
of ascertaining whether th* progr -ss
made towards developing the Varied re¬
sources of our soil has been accompanied
by an increased yield of staple products
per acre. AA'e regret to say that the re¬
sults of this investigation have not been
satisfactory, aud that, beginning with
I860, aad np to th* protest fiuie^no ini
provement tu yield ha* i** ‘“ r * n plac? fr
ceptii *mr* urr 1 **
the %i sv Term
y«arr row, id* ha* act been
follow »/ a gaiu lu the suoeeed: <
T*ar, shows an increase fror a la¬
voxoble season rather than permanent
improvement of the soil.
"When we consider the immense sum
of money oxpended annually for fert i-
2 mm, this is far from au encouraging
Statement, and clearly demon.,!rata*
Shat oar expenditure* do uoiaccomplish
l th* proper purpose, i. e . the nnhano*
ment of the valu* of our lauds by in¬
creasing th«lr yielding capacity. In
the distributed literature ot the depart¬
ment, both through th* pres* and iu
pamphlet form, w* have endeavored So
i in pres* th* n**es*fty of upbuilding our
soU; aud. a* before stated, we fe*i *a
sared from th* interest and inquirie* a*
to fertilization, and the use of legumln
0 u* plants, that what has been said ou
this subject has not been . lost, . and . that
the coming year will find more farms in
; (}wr R li ‘ conducted with the end in ■ view
of securing a better yield the following
vt>ar than hitherto in tlie history of th*
j stale. , .. Wo have frequently referred . to
i the '"veptibilily of *ur clay soil,.to a
high stole of •oltivatloa, aad Georgia,
Fran*e and flennanv, should wit
u***a __ gradually _. improved condition .... and ,i
incroaaoU yield through a series of yaar*.
Th* yield of this crop is gratifying,
and from the report, at hand will equal
or exceed 40,000,000 bushels for th©
state. In view of the failuse of the
crop in the west and the low price of
j cotton, our farmers arts fortunate to
have a supply of food on hand with
.. being , dependent , , on the .. crops of , th© .
west. It Is well also to not© in this con
tiectkm the tncreaae in hog product, as
•▼utencmg ricnltural ind^peudeno© that our erort* towards j
is being &ccoiu
j pitched- This increase appears in tlii 4 ra
port uujer the head of statistica. t
A* DOW is the season of the year tr
bet what out the orchard, commissioner we call has attention to j
said as re
. this adjunct to our agriculture which
i* becoming erne of our large sources of
It would seem from th* foregoing,
that la. from the fa--t that w* show no
gain in general vield of staple crops,
**—•»« %
encourofy meni m th» outlook.
bins* . be tABiembarml. , , how*ver. . .. that
improvement has been m th* direct 100
cf ihe amaller. aud what has hitherto
been considered the non essentials, of
ifncnllw. from Thu*, while lh« co^
ton «rof 1W0 lo rh« pre#eol d«l«
1100 tor .TSSSS
, 1 ^ , 000 , orchard aad other
ft-uits !T w* hav# increased to several mil
hold J do oa* £"T alona : fw * w* gen have progressed ing for b oziw until
buvaaaab U n*w th* e*a:er *a one of
Wve true king districts Utat of tb« sooth. W«
Ulnatrsled fruits •< all daaae#
and of th* Ami tamr caa b* grown
with pre«i for th* narthern market,
aad that a few acre* is vegetables can
*• mad* mow pswElabla lhaa a farm l»
*nte pl*aaiag to note also that the ab
amtd th* recant o*nsa» gt United
•talas shbws that Iveorgia pndbeet
ww U* »■
Nr .-Sc" c* wi
_ __ ,
XU 31 (3II S
Young Men’s
Boys and
- •
Suits and Overcoats
Don't care how you look at it.
We have the Largest and
Most Attractive Line of cus
tom-made Clothing ever
brought to Augusta, we
kindly ask you to call and ex -
| of
amine this Superb Stock
Fine Clothing.
I. C. LEVY & CO.
Tailor Fit Clothers, Augusta, GA _,
Dy»p*i»* l a, Chronic Blarrhsaa,
DwaHWy, ■ tvwummUem vs Ya&re.
All Yield to a*m *tuer.
"I **1 **Te*ty-nv* v*»r» old. For
nior* than forty year* I vra* a sufferer
What I at* ma<I* aaa tick, and finally
bh* trouble ra* into a
I was r*d»o*d V* a Mat* of great
debility. In this condition, some two
or three years ago, I began to use Dr.
It Am doo* ms men good than all the
medtoine* I hav* *v*r taken. I can
and my general health i« good. I
also had
Rheumatism 10 Years
in my hand and arm, and sines tak
ing the Germi tuer. tliat too, i»entirely
relieved. I liav* recommended Ger
wstuer to aiaay others who have
u**d It with great benefit. I think
if is tkegi*»te«t medicine that 1
of." MKA HaaU-lijm^^L**fl B. PUWiEK,
M,- ]•„i»SrTii the
U. L and J. H. Purser, of N5w
leans, two eminent Baptist minister*. for »■<*). SoW hy Pregswts.
King'* Royal Oerm*tu«r C*., Atlanta, dm
Ten Csnts
A Day
’ 'M is mm
rvTix'T, ,4 t.ik. t
i fcfeMggar I
i T
The mott *r~n3crful t. ork of the
A7.Y Century.
“ If all other books should be
destroyed, the Bible excepted,
the world would have lost but
little ot Its information."
W^hOUt a PamSfie3
In the history of educational aotar^riaa stands
ttie offer of
Tke Atlanta Constitution w it*
•lousaaitof Mo»4t an4 rea4*rs. Cue 4
offer Has fteeer been wade kef^ro. *»4
fbouid ka»« your earoffc! <ooo<4arat1on
Ttva »tr<«« of tfti* Hl»eral aad mancaodk
Bterarv- antorv w cac ooty judged by
careful tttvoet*fatten.
Every reader t* therefore eamatly ao^Cttaft
te f ire tfca artontiou ta this offer that Its
t»p«rta»<« aad iilweality desarva.
It Means That
Tf\% Hit hRTW^fDTl »OSt
Fnc\c^»p»i’« i» *\W-% —,*? r**e?>
•f mn th* K»y» *fti g r
P*r*T\t». »i3coxkr*r* ytKjr (MMrw it» h*Wt»
•f tK©»o»y for tb« »ohl**t «f all
tiouMN for th* »*fc* of *4*c*ViO«i. J\i«
th.oi of fit A **«iOg ef r**!y to cors*> a 2*y
*•rjro yo« th* g^**i BmerxlopmdJt
BrttMJU ito*. vhtch ccvtn *v*rv g*»*rt»*at
of olf* tooNra
|M* »*o4 * »m otltav • Wary »• ba* cm
h*vo a ooa.
Bear in Mind
Tharthk* *4tOO* V* S* it
»*!*»•». as* 1* ta* **tv fia. >*)«*»*'« Is *«
WWtS fs.-ss* W 4*W **4 ts s#«v«S VSa »als
si v*w*4»cmr. ,*<«• » s»ts;r*er» el Ta*
(MiutniM wdv tw »**• »e ew**a
MU'IH wl# St *rs* a 1 » •*» *•>»«**
***c*e i* !W* IMmS Su<m
%ffn far M v|rto*» atys m e#
« u *- - <
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<. >1
DR. J.'
flee at
The fin
day for tl
by Dr.
Mr*. J
fid«* FmR, a
p If 23 iifcri t
MMIMt ** ■
N tkMii orlr UK
II/WI twaro*
MM)» iruifiil
EHstva *pc* aw t*
mj rMlraiiMlMW » i— 4 < mi «f fl
tswaw-a Mta ae*
a •B