Newspaper Page Text
Cji) rul f’cur tj News Brief-J
!g Told.
K*'*» >'*n < P5c*e»! *’) Hire and
Th>*-< f< )r 0, • ?, 11*. ' 1; t ‘.H'il'/ijf
Our K#.ii’» r
hh* r-'A •nr,.- ir<ii I my n^k,
Ar»d ’*»’h 4 f
Atm * bi-.» *1* < *<■*,
On. Trhtr !'iu ( *igbt Ex
fm .litre AIggiD*
Ud Laiig iu £
ti S U1 all ■ ,ui. t or a
fi wttf s' r*:t ' tt, las: Week
» r. '.at rna Ktdg* baa
l iJSff , j C-ta lie i C vWi«
ii* i'A ■ mi •* iv ii fgton ap*n,
t-lLe# ’ !! . u I. at h .1 Uiimt
( H*.
r( ! ! ot Tbocfiiiton
o ling iroro
■ * 8 *.ft iita/.
to U ig* *-1 itf. vnr tba
m r * -L* oali v,'o E*fJ ria
xi y .1 e of Grew
s w ,* the Cl
Dr last rtid.y in
i t.i i:»«.j" lem'l* so
tyf» A all street will poaaibly
I/a %<e * fi w teim-'ii*
D,* UcHCott, who b * b«an visit
I' * t«i Hr, .in Mr,, tt. J
Met r, ,f r 11 - city returned to
h ... u e in 'i »i niile. M -it lay.
church laeaiiwa navvi
1yT&y hi <#J • gtchii a to find **'is
\ urt CO ■ *-u the pa11 of aotne one
t * I njtt.
!,**• jj. -toy ir.nteluK B.1» K*ana a
riegio livug i)**l l.ynevllle. ws*
ft i * i . . i, * bitrged
with l»UI i | iapurv t Co'* gin house
go. Mr . 1'in kei is sill!
1 «'ikiiii(Oi: ! ‘ e case tod will probably
m t(U s amplicsted iu U*a crime.
Mr, • . li ' i liiicke is apimidlhg this
«Tf*'* n the flute City.
Dr. Vt.iU. wud Mr. Hay Andrew,
aitcoded a aiKiable at itohinaon Tue*
•toy night.
One of the convict* who cuciii-ed
frebo ink (irff.u Hroa, gang wm
caught last baturday, ' ear Warran
and af the ftei list rhnir-h at litght.
Mri T. Holden I* over from
If bile Ftoliia mi a tJalt to Ur* Dr.
Air. lYi.i Mltvhall la now much
t.ttvr siiil t« 1 .on tt.e weather t’leara
tip I t will |*l(d 11 iily be able to Colne
vjrfiuu iriqi r >1
•enb* fq«t»»to| uu*i - on uvoi
*?» v o av«ivap(j •( g mu
•1 eq fm *n)ot p*v poqya >ao »***
J u«o| mefaynsM, »nii t\ wwi pares
Ip.ww vrq. J*> * nt-to * |e prtgi *u.> 'W»oi « piia> l«*to gtIM »*B
.......... j« * e|j* MdMa » «! >|* a*4*1 J|S*
»,:i: »| ■. *1 CJ| *11* gaipliqx
l.q ti yuia- uu ttl iitsaejs. J uusq.i
« Ik'ii Am St poa *,0U2s<|to«v» l|*yut«M a»»ff#i*iQ «■*> pu*
»». S., > '. wort niifi
y . »it :*w"t Ot*> lu»>oi'tl*«i pannaJi
1 tt* ) m a jetuuiu. ic a* *J»
,* uiut |l»- t J*D twlil ■ «) **»g i
Yitokb' |P *ti* artjw >*» Ouravarv. friend* and Belghlmi
tal Ikt* ft itD IMf y«»urN«*‘f t»f
e . fh#maiit wtio know trv*m ptifnn*
•*1 fomPmsH:* -tie lualliilr i iwl jieiwt % a tlimg mtov ft ft ! 5'
¥• t wriHadHyou i^UiU WaujN* *r« pm* <»f iu
iUh Wv/ft«l«rft)
Wrerr ( t n't aflfi'f ItotcU ft pfsetp in IhB
ffi^icd A't-U tutl* *i^v<*r l uml it ftftd
Shetlt' be a with ft couirh at
any Thru* t 1 i.l |d or CTi^t troiih t* H-ffi-ur*
a give H a fair trinl.
It Is t ■ i- ivety time, or money n
f h'i T! n Bui's* fro# aiLucas a
Ham luftc k *n v * r u gftlerrft.
fTK«|M iii a »* r v wm w « w J w mt *. i w PJ
tcri "A* oW \t L-it; ■ ' ftOLCaaafttaJ ft Ho*t 1 * 'i
r> i to'da tj-'fchluma. Mdftom l m —‘k.i Itoeb ffm>4 to
t InHKtw w* frMijataft bottle* of Uw
i*. \Sb»a yea hav* a aoagk sod
ll s >.>U ficyusUnl witi a Irtat U wh»n
i v you scant
f. od of *«.‘b a nwdtslB*. II I* R
r* f j of c* >»t worm and merit, a* atwi
_] b.: it* far a* is by
Dr. R J Ratos Dmgglrt.
— •
( I lty.
!h •
I m = ;
I it front c r
riyut rttd
d; hft?lM|{ t
h MipiKlVt
>r EI >
l itA nmed
< ia
"a nvH
r my ftnd $
KtoiUl ti* %
I •**»* an •- swfi w.vjsa ia 1*4 rwned
•UsUt lu a*. ?-?***£ ik* »*,i YSto]
b» to L*v« c* <•', i-» two** •* taM* u,i
SsTasto M vv CsT* tf"* .
awe •til be kj ;oa tr*a
Walkad from Ho bioaoo , !a*t Tnes
dsy night.
Got toft !aat Sa-Aty night.
VV M ti,« Wvra. •oared, »hs •■>< t or
.»• you** os*a who rau, tba othtr
•rah A
U •• b-. «(bt a brand na* p'atol, and
•vaaitba *ui ktii tba u*i» uevii wo
fitsb m
E-aua tnair eyas open lu prayer-moot
iag. watching tho Soya.
itft i«.t four timee laat **ek.
Hoard* at *fr» Ei.aah Hlepbens.
Thought tbera ware eocno w ild cow*
oat on the str-ot the ther night,
D 1’apa's “LUto tasii,’'
Tito young man was that did such tail
running i n other night cu*
ud of being among those who iuduacd
U» a i raaaid young uiao to get auch
l ump unto hiinrelf on the afoie
Haul ni lit
Said that whan it coirra to horse ■
uadi ,g Ujstar KJ*y la a “buster.
The young U-ly Is who closes the
window Miiida rrerjr time *he changes
. h»;r mind.
I)r. Whit*’* patient w,t* ia*t w«ek.
rtahi ttiat tnt* J s*t of Lt<e Ad*
VWhU lit uioffHt i oukt*} 1 ike an alcna**
Hike ami * Uat y*‘Hrn 4.m»* hc at that.
Or what C'tuj*fd ilia Ad vocatG-DaifiN
o;i*it Ui brt »*d Ia*t w«rk.
1 Tim young man whi who proU'fid* , d
i 1 i«L w*«k Lhat he Unoight a young
loan from Union Uoinf w«« if uti/, to
can o<j liia girl Sunday night.
A delightful ii no in paify wan
(Iven at tlie home of Mr. Ilobeit
Monk, at Jbiblnwiii’* th*a county.
Tueaiiiiy u k *t. A largu numter of
IH-rsort* attende*). Two yuunK man
from C’mwforiiv * lie were tliere, They
went ou the ••picayune,” aiitf came
back liy ■ rali", and got off • very time
a train passed.’’
It Provides Knployrarut, as Well As
It U h f i»ct t*>ut t ho Iwtrfli r Uh* tinn*s the
(^raat4*r thn nrcmlty tor yuunu *•»<*»» hih!
wotmMi t<» lmv« a otliuiatlon it
they iloR#. woiiiil mh urt*. or ititniu, trood poni
Thin papor knows of no ii>iititu*
tutiofi a»ywIion< oflferltnc advauta^oH for
no ttmail thoroughly <1ip»*nut* practical tin* (it-orgm a (rainlug ilnnim'iM at nucb
<»f Macon <•» It will HUf*
prnv*' any vmt*. who will write for pavUt-'
ulan*, lo ft lid now Hiual! the tipciims of a
course l»’ for there at*U*lhet» educaUoa
, %!' 1 nVlin ,i n.:;i'”‘L';d 0 VurLr r l, «li
adttata* a.a belpmi tl go^i poaltiou* -Ull
tie -,Rt any charge, whatever. Urn taagtillnde
i*:t. ,i H »ut and
Mn.S 111* college are a revelation t<>
nyune. »•„ rnartllv *■ couut for its having
instanced all ci m pet Hurt.
The most Important feature iinout tha*
<f l ga « * a. Tt.e feul matter dropjilng from
the head wto tb» hroocnial tubes or limits
i- very tiatiie to i*md to hronchits or mm
aumbtlon In that destroy which cause* mure
dent in this country than any other dis¬
ease. A» catarrh originate* In Impurities
ii the blood, local » plication* can do but
Ittle good The common sense method of
treatment M to purify the iilood ami for
this purpose there Is no preparation Bit'
perlor lo llooit's Saraapariltn, The pow
crful action of tills medicine upon the
blood i-xpi'ls every Impurity and hy *o
doing cures eatatih and gives health to
the entire orgaus. im
Mi Deaf *r«, Llp| man ! Bros , Havaimah, bollle Ua. P.
- tmnght a of jour
1’. F. lit Hot bjifingi, Ark, *ud it ha*
itotia me lueie good than thrre month*
I lent in out at tlie Hot Springs!
Have you to* agent* In Viibi pait of the
country or let tue know * how much it wilt
not to get tliree m six Imitie* from your
elty !A cipre*. . Respectfully Ja*. M. yours,
Aberdeen, Brown Newton,
County, O.
NkfitN ANSVIU.H, Ft.a.
Mi'tnx l.lpi'inaii Bro*.. Navanuah, (.a.
Dear bu I » *>h t« give my testimonial
|n 1 egaril to jour 1 aiushie ue-llilue F. F.
P for (l,. cur. of rhi'Uiualltni, i)eiir*lgia,
dV*pep»(*. t'lill U”lle«* lie. tu tBtil I w*»
attacted with i lilou. inu-euliir rheuma
It'll, a id Inn• t*e«U il llldjt (0 It ever
since, i till’d all iwcillocne* l ever iiearo
ticuid ot and ail the doctors in o ach hut
I fotti tl < ut ly teinpanuy leliel, the jLiHtil*
v oUw_- •I at time* th ... at 1 did 1 ot care
wh«thcr i llv. <| t«r My liitfMtlm.
w* that * v* t \ tiitiu* ate
ftrlUi »ne. Mv aNo Midernt
«o tvitrftiifkty btinifi* nltli her, «»t»«* iimt b^cwiiflfiN hv r lift*
was a to w uUt
eJ tt* tied tor \v» ek n at ‘.he iitue, *>hft HiiMi
»f;r tU»oaufft ifd jjreatiy hiiAfjMRh ii*ai» lit hliuPM#
ft mi hift A of ftlrrn i~z-y ^ci ?i>4»iik« t l «a?t
advlaetl ti» taki V V e w»
iny wife ami 1 l fcua»h tl t)>« s< t'tuitl
tHitiie of P F our A ftrffKjtai ito ^sin U» j
tni|»rt ?; My ii> NUOtti'ltfti 8n» mudi
thut l La\c l*»‘pu «‘>U‘ to w- ik Mtut *un i
ff/lini: hki «l* mic wlmt 1 doi»f \
H ».w iu a hum!, x of \e-' r > \V«* will oan^
tii.u. taking F V P. until wo are entire.)
t ( ^1 tolHl W i l| cht'4 Tf Uil)* rvCUUMU^uUt U It
Ycura very J rvapeetfull, llul l!s
• , *.
Th isis. Business
Kor Uio Suimii'T • TUoruu^h utiulQi ^
UAucmlkH will t*c pljicffti witbiu ih^ ffioh
iViH al» «n:(> ('• fuiUisLiii uiiai ^U
oftlioil !• Itjr
Georgia *W
MACON. ga.
. S W .ft *
world. Hrita at esc* I
Wvntt tlnrfin f
Macon, t.ecrgia '
p31Si§3^ rj
Cai'.*d by AL*»:*T v uw ■A
m in Apyfl, &A, &r, the first number
u of k* A a! Review* was
printed The new idea of r^r the best that was in I
the other iragaaines m addjfefi to i:5 own fcriiiiant, or%;-
1 BBSS tral arhetes, took Amer^Sm nija^p Stor- (Cte<. a* it had taken ad! vv
England—though the was not at a
L wgrir-t Of the English edi- on.” it dtns rr. >st largely with
n American The Revkw affairs, arJ «f Reviews ts edited with perfect monthly, indeperjence, -nc^|) il'uttntion in its own ar.d office. text, *£•
is ^ t i
!V. and before instantly dreamed alive of to Thouiar.ds the nr»«t cf movement, readers whk. of ti&j|y> dw'k'Aa to commendation*, i degree never
K. among the greatest names m the ww'.ff Sy that the Review ot V*. r 4
I Review, g'/ei them exactly whit they should ki«w abert politics, litera¬
of ture, ail economics creeds and ssti and parties socud have progress agreed The that mo^fcjentiai nUljr afford :r?n an! to women lose its &
no #t
educational value, while for profes
t sionil and busmess, it ts simply Vs? £e m&iM M
M bidisper.sal la Th.s departments are I' wimAMa cckst r«*vrs
conducted by careful specialists, in¬
stead cf cf mere immedb.‘.s!y scissora-wkiders, interesting and £ tr! r khet tht sptzld of thrilling trucks intern! and char* and B 1
scores per. M • tht »eva«w of Reviowo B
i traits and pxteru are h each number. i ifi*h Jir de^uUucnU; 1
- ■
Ail ihc ezpu.’ti' wiiy the Review H Tta MNtHaeWc ?! * An lT!*.«rfb*
el Reviews hit cOS* to a probably fWre «r r>f t»€ «m»t i»r a'tfv'.sH 1
, titrt wa»n c aMjvJ . vfacoea
unprecedented success in the first three ri yoj Ml i« imi jw<jp*r A.g Met*
j 13 j w r t*.ac
m yean of its exLtsnce. For ! Vj> it L«*f It eta* erf tfe« Mawrth.—Tfci* 4*- M
(a Ir4 tfee a -'-red;r.(f t,r>< 1 ho u
w«t be more invaluable titan ever. * the I'r Weay.i . 4 *1 e»l. rr w«a rre.'fOd-/ fi^arttad ll.: kJc* *,.4
I !r.' (h, Acetita UUrJ ut Cv::VT'-r:. tapir,j tmisemt ..!■ Send • proffl:. .1 taou. We 1. !•' law i f.'... Ad i. Aa»rrto*» !?»*< H Md *iwl Lu .'owwitfa, the other m 3 i
& SvtvPt***. *’•,» i c«j .< [ <a'» » *>»!*.ry tr» C*rk*»t#re lJ>ri.j£h ib* chr ■yr pm /Jfll f- ¥
A' kvamI -t— Contj. Ip tumpt r* >,f ;;v ' ' i:k|v/-i» 11 M
a*s>,w is m tMftsieift i hfoujk^t Uff. w-ffkl. &
Reviews bwp|y, rcvv.w • * r r! r.t*» I
*3 r.’LViE'r/.» In t; if .* ! *€■«. !rr4«*« and furt-aba of Ail Afticta* ur»*
■13 A star Placv, New York ! _ t fttfrm msu.
,..... >■ -
mm A
T IlntU, inCn M/rjV afLAK) nr.iivUU0| UrDUnllC
PftilM UUulu ftf nUl fit Olb&P, Rlnon
E. D. Upwards of Preston,
M»to, weak, nervous wy« “I and »« irritable "Lr u ?„f through S
overwork. 1 suffered fnnn brain fa
tlffuc, mental depression, etc. I be
came so weak and oervoua that 1
could not sleep, 1 would arise tired,
discouraged and blue. 1 began taking
Dr. JWttesL N
ltd now everything l#i changn). I
deep soundly, 1 feel bright, act! to
and ambitious. I can dn more in oi>«
day now thau I used to do in a week.
For this great, good I give I>r. Miles'
ltotoratlve Nervine the sole credit
It Cures.”
Tv* Mll«' Nervlae I* sold on a WltW
au*ranU-« th*t the first bottl* will uen*as
Alldrugalsi* sell i» »t ll.a bottl** for la, 0
jl by will tim P* Dr. sent, Milo* prepaid, Modltai on Cto, rwinlp* Jdstoart, of pr* i
if tFEiliCiNG
Poultry. Lawn, Farm. 0*rdan, sad Babbit Oomatary,
, Fencing.
Th.o -au.l# o| mli«* la use. Ont.logn.
FrM. FrsAgl.t 1*1(1. Prlc* Low.
in hchullem woven wire fence cs.
Ul. ll«. U9 tiUfO V Hunt St . CC7ASC. IU.
i \j V
r--» j W iff
: -f*
2*$$' i
r. i-r ■ vt-P
.S*jL 8 I
■ - ' . -.Nr*'
Money Savers in all Lines ot
d»y ^ootl* and cloaks. Sox 5c
pair, Sheeting 5 c yard ate
some ot our Bargains.
Mullwky Harty Co
Augusta, Ga
Dr J. Harvey Moore.
AuJ ftperiftiUI in ftU of the
Ky \ Ear, Throat, Yose,
Such *« Cataract iNerguim*. Cr.w* K>ej,
Weak Fainluior Eye*, lira aula
ted Kvelld*. Neuralgia. Dy-peprU,, IHtzi
nc*. Nansea. Nervous Chorea
or St Vitus'* Dance, I»*afue»s, t.atarih,
and A»tam*.
t r.*» Ki« -traighteuJ by Dr. Moore's
Pais:leas Method.
No Sues of Ume: No ether or chloroform. 1,0 [
d U ^ d r.g or 0 ^iVr'the o^raMor’*' »•«
Uranulatesi Kye: d* used w it. ut cau»^ j
tic* of the Sunday, knife.' Hours *03 and 9 to *H 1 Kiser o'cioek build- d*N j
ly except
lig. Atal U,
('orrwj wftdeiM* wt‘l retire fiwpl ||»
UftUiD ftccor.i|'*UJ «4 fey ftUtaf.
Mifiilmii* KRWUltH.
¥ rom a te* Dtmaodaie, written by Rev J. Cnn
derman, Mash., we arc
prrmittH v Wake this extrad. T have
uu l.esita i ts reeoiiluienrtinK Dr. King’.-,
New Di‘ ery, a* the re-u(ts were •!
niiinl Biaro Ion’s *0 th- case ifi my wife
While I to pastor of the Baptist (Torch
at with Kiwi Pnefi jki etion succeeding slm wsa brought La Gri down
If vma -pe
Tenih iiuttij* e iiivsuot of coughing Would
last wiih little Ioteru lion sod it
feimeda- f ,be could not survive them.
A friend rtreouiiiiended Dr King's New
Diwinerv» ai^t&eiury i wa quick In its work aim
i-lghlv in iu results.'' Trial
t«)ttl*» f at Drug Stole,
Regular i 80c, *nd 91 PO
Four Hiif SuccesKOH
Having tt* needed merit to more than
uiftltpnd I* the advertising Claimed foi
them, the tofowiug four remedies have
reatihml a (t»!nomeu*t sale. Dr. Kings
New Di».s 17, for consumption. Coughs
and cold*, c!h hottie guaranteed—E ec
Iric Bitter the great remedy for Liver
Miimachaist Kidney*. Bueklena Arnica
Salve, the $* lot tu Wm world, and Dr.
King’* Life Fills, w.hlob arc a per¬
fect piljt Ail these regiedtof are guaran
tead UnjiA-ler to <f* *m(t wnat la entfraed for them
and whoae name is attached
Wljti S* «iart yhrrr, In t*H you mere
t hy 4 . jaatw
flOO REWARD *100
The readers that of this paper will taptoas
ed to learn there u at lege 1 Okie
d faded disease ail tlmt itficnce hns Diton able
to cure In it* stages,, Lure and thtl'l.i Ca¬
tarrh. Hall's Catarrh Hype only
positive cure known to the mcdiral fra
(erntty, Cat: r ii h«|ng a constitution il
dined**, requiiea a |(ojaatltii, treat
airut. Hail’s Calarh i «*• is taking in¬
ternal >, acting directly upon the and
morion-suiface* fonndatiii# of the »yMcm, thereuj
<li«trovoB the of thn dl*er>*6
aurt giving the patient tutrenglit by build¬
ing up ttie oousututiorfaurt si-slsting na
tare in doing Its work. The proprietore
have *0 much faith in ita curative powers,
that they offer'in.. Hwired Dollaia for
any «#>!• that It faiia to cure, htjnd for
1st of tfstiniumala,
Address. F. J. CHENEY A CU
I ITSold by druggist T5C Teleodo, O.
- • •
Advertised Letters
The following hat of letter* remain
in the poBtofltua at Crawfordville, Tal¬
iaferro (Flinty Georgia, will tie aetit to
the deadletter office if not called for at
tha expiration of 30 days from date,
0. II. Farmer, P. 3d
Jefcrte Dalian, Mr. E. D, New-ene,
Mrs Sim mu Pope, Miss Sarah IVilliauie
Johu Wrast.
C. Jtl. Furmer, P. M.
Feb. b: is;)-).
Tills week those of our friends whose
suUscrlpttoa has expired have the fact
•tamped on their papers. We trust
they will take the hint.
lianu tt KipiileH
bi Jack SFBAT.
The past mouth has been quite wet.
Fnrtuets have begun to put tham
selves in harness for work.
Geese stealing ia the talk of our
Mr. E. S. O’Brien’e store bouse and
F, I*. Johusonsware-house was broken
into last Thursday night by aome un¬
known party. Tlie burglar took ffva
or six barivls of hour to bacco and two
or three Suita of clothes tha guilty
parties l *ve not beaa located yet
The month of a slanderer ia the
dittiest thing permitttd to ramble at
large, It faeds ou vltture and integ¬
rity while it gloats an rejoice* over its
•rimioal effort* to tarnish aud b>»
mirth a pare and untainted character.
toFarmarsara prepsring to aow Spring
oata as alt the fall ones were killed by
the recant oold ar>«I|. '
It is February but people are sti II
mourning ar.i perhAp* «i!i continue
the whole rear.
Court week will ftnoo be upon eur
P«H# «4 Iban lhay osa fri of
"» oourtiug" for put time:
iapasatf mm *0 ff.aopd '<K1
"JT f i Z OKGIA. Tiliafcrro Cmmty,
WUrev ta tViiflaia W. Moore *iec
utor of John A.—nts b*
the court hie p*'tilfon duly md
• '■ter .. . i ri ti, *!.“•• he has fully adV
ministered Joh* A. L'attfooM estate,
Tula is tborafore lu cite a:: pr-rsatse cou*
cern»J, kindred **<4 creditor*, '.tv iliew
f»»a, if any they can, why saai
tor should not be discharged from bis
mi'iisuaiiua, 1 siotJ ud fly-. r-<*i»e M letter* *ic af X di*y
fi O'. the I or. a r i cii
l«*5. Tfiit Not. 2*. I*H.
H. Miiebei!, Ordicary.
/ t EOP.OIA, Taiiafarrc County.
V JT Wiiereaa ii. J, iiann and C. a.
.Vinnn Esnc jt.irs f eetata of j .ba T.
At ana droMSnJ raori-srota to ;h» c. urt
in ..heir pwution duly tii»i and enturu.)
n n-cord, ihat ti es base f".iiy aiiaiiu
istcrwl «iid aat»ts ii.d ut^cabmi the
will of tiiil d?ei.v-d according to L.W
icr.d *.id wi l. Tb s is th^rsfor# lo
cite ail t»’.sn r -» eoncaruad to show
caiif any -bay caa. »by aa.d axec
mors should not l» dcsciiargao from
their ailm n:stratiou lad trust ai d re¬
el v- letters of dismuaioD on Srn Mou
day in .ifu'cti 18yd.
ireo. ti. Mitchell, Ordinary.
f' Lj EORGl.V. Taliafarro Cum'.v.
", h-ifeu-S O t> Mitorn
Siator of vat - to of E. T. Moore repr»
s-niji to tba court in on petition duly
tiled and entered "on raconl, tuat hfl
ims fui.y a.'iu:iii!St#i.d S-.UI iwtate.
This is tiierefoie to cii# nil ti-raom
co* i.ernnl kindred and crcdi'ors ami
i.tiins to showc&us. it my,
th*> cu;i, why said aumioiitrator
should roc tm disciiargud from his a.iv
mis. ration and trust and 1st
trrs * f dismission on 'he flrst Monday
in March 1895
Geo. II. Milcheil, Ordioarv.
( * hORGiA. 'i atiaferri* Cauuty.
Jl Upon application duly made for a
twevli- luontha support fur Hatliet Uaines
ami Ua.idis Gaines widow and minor
Child respectfully of D*nd Gaines ii*r>
c used. Appsiser, were duly appointed
to set apart and a.seign saM^ear* support
utof citato of said deceased, said ap¬
praisers have duly made and filed In my
oT.ce their return. Thefore all person*
concerned are required o make objec¬
tions and aha* caum before me in my of¬
fice on first Monday iu February r.ext
why said application should not b-urar.
led and Saul relurn recorded and made
U a Judgement of thu court.
Geo, H. Mitchell. Ordinary.
J an ll 1*9*5.
gf Will ha sold fn front of the door off
the Gouri House of said county within
the legal hours of -a!«, to the highest
bidder fur cash, in th* first Tuesday in
March next the sixth undivided interest
of L. L. Durhaai in »li that tract of land
lying lu 172 District, G M. said County
containing sixty ac*rs more or lee* bound¬
ed on Fast by lands of K 8, O'Brien; ou
-outii by sods of S it. Chapman and
on nortti by land, of F. Darden said oce
aixth indiv.dual intciest i» said tr&et of
laud tniv. it on as tba property of doft-nd
ant L. L- Durhaia by *irttto of an Execu
tlon ivui'd fiom the Juetico Couit of 601
District, G. M. said county.
D. F. Dear Sheriff.
Feb. 8th 18W5.
WOMAN i- aaDteac p»i» Ii u.-trati-I
Ri. hwond, V»; by tha Woman Fublish
ing Luaapanj.
TM* Btugarin* la tutcncLit as the cigap
of ngi atothar*. slatcra, an l »*eet*!,*art*
tha bom.- maker of Uic South and it*
mlasion i. then-fora laaiUbl-.
In. Jackson will be assisted by such
talent *s will rendar ‘•Wotnao" hstarsat
• v.* and useful to every a«,i*r tf the
houseliold, and we preiilct suoerst tut
the ii-agcine.
The nublisbera are making aftenuou*
effort., to gsitlhe people to read their
publication* few months, beileviag ihat
all who ttua try it will i nsuua permanent
iii' tn itiera, and tills is on# of tualr offer#
—all ;
They propose to send a oaileetloa of
Elowei SeH, eonsiating of 200 Savely
Annuals, among them tha following wall
known flowers:
Ageratum. Marsel Marigold, of Peru,
A!) sun-sweet, Four or
A amianthus, Mignonette, O'clock,
Balsams, Najturtiuai.
t'aeodula. Pinks, Pansy,
Candytuft, Flower. P»ppy,
Convolvulus Major, Snutiower,
Californio Poppy, .Sneed PeM,
Larkspur, Zinnias.
All sent with "IV1 min’’ twelve months
for only 30 rent*, the price of the mags
asm* aior.H.
To every young lady who will pron.iae
to saa at leaat a few of h.r friends in tha
inhrest of ■•Women" they will ssi»d
‘•Women” one yeai ai d the collection of
li» Annuals for only 35 cents.
Write to as—
Wom*n Fuhliadin* Richto-nd. Company,
Henry Wilson the p<Mtmaster at W elsh
ton, F.erida, says he cured a case of dia¬
rrhoea of long standing In six hours with
one siatli bottle nf Chamberlains Colic,
< hoi eng and Dtarrhoee Remedy. What n
pleasant surprise that must have been to
the -uffercr, Snch cures are not unusual
*:!h this remedy. In many instances
otiy one or two doses are required to gtve
permanent reiief- It ran always be de¬
pended upon. W hen reduced with water
it is t 'ea-snt to take. For sale by
Dr. It. J. Keip, Druggist.
A large amount of Morey is lost ftC ■
u uaiy by parties j urchasitig worthless
a ruit trees r.-ses *nd etc. Get them from
tl rrn fhat grows their own tree* sends out
nothing but good stock and sells at rea¬
.-onable prices. He want the address or
every farmer or gardener in your section
• nd w il wake v, u a liberal offer, write
for particulars ' and ‘ p-ices at once send n “
Si, m i* . • . .*> _ , la-ilogue. A.a . t
■ .
wauteo cverywh-re.
Address iherccbe* Nursery
w P
Bucklens Arnica Salve.
The beet salve to th* world for Cuts
Bruises, c- res. Vleers, Sait Rheum. Fever
bores. Truer. Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Lores, endallj-km Eruptions, snd po«*
siveiy it cures Piles, or no pay required. It
guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
ho*. For sale by Dr .R. J. Said.
For Malaria, Liver Trou¬
ble, or Indigestion, uaa
. D€tXCT .. m '-%A . .» A > •
tliail CUT£« _ i o^lTCT
rUtft >yll _ Will ”»i DOt Olliy CUTS, u»»i *>Ui if U
takes Is time wQl prevent
Sick He&dach«,
Slywfx3tJWAA, WitOU-Va r i-J atgar*.
—on t ipetioa, jauadtee, lorpu
liver aad kindred dieeae— ■
In Men’s..
Young Men’s
Bovs and
OUll5> q • ±. , dil^l i n Uicituata V
Don\ how, look , , at it.
care you
We have the Largest and i
Most Attractive Line of cus
tom'made Clothing ever
brought to |Augusta, r\ve
kindly ask you to tail and ex -
amine this Suptrb_ Stocky of
Fine Clothing.
I. C. LEVY & CO.
Tailor Fit Cfothers
fg i|j.H.-M0NCRiE F|8l
Ureeae3boro, Ga.
I wish to return iny thsnke to a ganer-
3u* public for past favors, anl to an¬
nounce tnat I have the "New and Improv¬
ed Method" for operations in Cluing teeth,
Am prepared ta serve you in » Cdtiafactory
manner at all Unaea.
MTijifii amir
Augusta, Ocorgia*
C ail for this Beer and you wL!
find you will want none other. #
XvT X3; ;
Fail Prices
Never in the History of tliis country have Dry Goods and
Shoes been offered itt such Low Prices *
TheAugusta Bee H: :
selling Dry Goods at an^ Lower Prices than one dollar wil
buy as much as two formerly would.;
Ait Wool Serge- riannels. Whip Cords, Sac^iu^* and 10
Cashmere 36x3* inches wide that a ere 3 S & qy,. now IP.
AU wool Chang able Dress Good" w ero 20c now 12V4,
All wool changeeable dress goods (Cat were 15,: i ow
and M in Flam els all colors that w ire 12c. now 10c
fadies heavy riDD“d -hirts that were life now ,Pc
Ladies heavy ribbed shirt* were We now 23c
Ladles heavy ribbed shirt- that were Tic now 3oe
Mens heavy j ribbed shirts that were 3.5c now 2"c.
items t eav ribbed shirts that weie £0e now 35c.
<11 wool red flannel I5e.
All wool white flannel 15c.
I V cotto n flannels 8Mc.
Ice* In Dome.-ties.
25 yards, yard wide New,IslaDd for $100. jl.
10 yards, yard wide best Bleaching sea :-!and for for 51.
26 j* ia, yard wideest
New Ginghams ExtraHeavy at 5c.
betk Cheek Home-pons 26 inch widest 5c.
Ladles kid button shoeslthat were 5133;now s*Sc.
Ladies ktd button -hoes that were fl 25c now Wo.
Lades kid button shoes tnat were,5l.50 now $1.00. $1.23,
Ladies kid button shoes that were 51.75 now *
Mens eaif .ace shoes that were 51.50 now 51.00.
Mens calf lace shoes that were 51 73 now 5L35.
Mens calf congress shoes that vara (L50 now ftl.OOa
Mens eaif eengre hoe h
919 ar.d 921 Broad St„ Aguu8fs,Ga
5o" Simple?, •jt. .
mm when out Nine put of of we times sorts ten are
I* cur trou
.1 | bles can be
i removed
1 by that re
I liable old
' medicine,
Brown’s ;
Iron Bitters 9 *
which for more than 20 years
has been curing many people
of Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Ma¬
laria, Impure Blood, Neural¬
gia, Headache, Liver and Kid¬
ney troubles. It’s the peculiar
combination of iron, the great
strength-giver, with selected
vegetable remedies of true
value that makes Brown’s Iron
Bitters so good for strengthen
ing and purifying the sy stem.
It is specially good makes for women them
and children it
Strong anu rosy,
^ Iron Bittfr , ls plea9ant to taVe ,
and it will not *tain the teeth nor cause
Live a Hundred Years,” tells all about it,
E ^^“ p Co ., Baltimore, Mo
i W W Sk if a *•
o KM# W&
fc. e/toq-.i XiefT.
Has nude many friends.
Why? Because it is the
best and cheapest lini¬
ment sold. It kills pain! !
% I is sold by all dealers 2y J c
Substitute# are most'y cheap imita
lioni of jo»jd articles Don’t
tt- thrm. Insist 0.1 Salvation
4 } Oil, ar ycu will b« disapi>oiuted.
fiUCU/ ViltaaVw LAKWE’S PLUGS. Th® 6r*it T©btce#
Aniidbl®!—Prk# 10 Ctl. ft tiS iiwilwfc ^
Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder
Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair, San Francisco.