The Advocate-Democrat. (Crawfordville, Ga.) 1893-current, February 08, 1895, Image 3
Advocate,nocr t. IC1AL ORGAN OT THE GKEEXE AXO TALIAFERRO COTTXTT F A R M1RSALLIAX' ~ * V i ,j L , 3 T.. i.. , • AT. - - THE OFFICIAL. QRGAX OF THE TALIAFERRO COUNTY ALLIANCE. Q L. Smith. Editor aud Publisher Cia.'foidville. Ga. Feb 8. 18 ______ BtSHTt)TAT0H9. ... As fine . Irish potatoes as can be gro*^c&a b« gfovra in<>8or grUsoiL MagnifioA&t c&bage can b* ^rown here, and yon would littla Oink It butchery, as good Mt« Mt from be r*roauceo m^t-eorgia. Jk*l It require* in plenty of water Our Borgia trucjc .armar# couid prodaoe i» prefab y “ine hotter, eaiekens. eggs, entons . statM*.verr of shou’X ArWte^th^ e.ase* every, stiou.u bo oe pronmea nrodncsJ. right “Why, around if Atlanta. I had » farm, ritnated oon ▼eruent to » •hipping poain, l would not trunk of putting my land in ewtton. I would run the northern and eastern fanners out of the Atlanta market and «K some of the benefit of it myself, Thera are not only some SO or *3 com mission house* in Atlanta which are doing a thriving business, but there are “*“ 4j Atlanta four or five brokers mo represent big producers in the west, .» r »‘ » d •»* a «'4 s * 11 t0 (hs c05UUiis : r-ioa men. foees wokers get a good '**«**«< the . ro.oi er and t (.o is ueoeu •ariiy somewhat»ive before :c u to the consutwr. X acre s prod, ail along the lin« Uoorv.a farmers are located couv.-au u'to a marh.-t ,Mould adt-pt wns suggestion-1 ms tar.h year, atm instead.of piiugmg ^gr«d, their to i. ccttem try this ,ready »<i IOUad ^ ^ Tho Geor^i« farm^rs^ wli° seil ta«r ■ products to the corumtssiou man etc ."5^^ frodnee ~M7X A- Murray, of the of company. eMA that out an a wage week's bums.w of $:!50 nearly $■) p«,cs.-Tt of the-Vale tly. urnclos sold fj»tTT)uHide i* til'd North, treoreix, Adi-afcr” s! d ro« Vxtfcs nrd, ipdd 0gg» V-.r *“‘W I-vWP-vw *- *■_ » *“ tho *' cam r|f ba-fl Market,am. east io4p,sfeo had , . sold a corn the ron mrih mitwr, ‘.-onaa wo'jjft liter* WUstwas ;ar leini., Bai'i --*r. B. B. ^^nleT._ooe.o: c;^v ; *■* burnt known * ~ ‘ C^:ii».issIon Ihelr, “^xriusnps many At; Imt* tDero^ftqtfc ' ana e^.;g . snd^h jhd*.- *1' if-'*® i" i 1%'wuy “ tarnnngtoitn, to (me to sn>vroeuts contusion .•‘My ig-nn no-., -swd ^tianta. acr. o 01 ro ‘ i l I ProrbPrs, did »• business last yc-ir or $35.tx of* ' wo '• got ,J articles Country proyuco. tmtr-ef*:-)m er.,,1 Tvoucssca, xrom A ■ cago and ftp* -fes. iksmt^isbMn! fi}# TjjV*"-'-go butter (rcorsria. It- w fairly goou bp • ifd.w in time. msh pota- is Creamery from™. \, s snip «ot» Cabbage conm > frapi Mobile, .via. #m na and \ ir gp * to 1 .~ fuN blnppetl to us from Otoo. G-ts'MM- fciptdif-o k J»s Wita -ur nips rraettetdly and ~% .»wf%e . -t • Is . told by t. >ry all ci aggregate thecpaimmon i ot; a, taeti-monthly >i coarse the amount smes uiff-r in wnunu ssJfcli - vt their # represent the aFtsjr mage m maudfort -.-r ionod. x_j; ;y are article--ommuivmc.oryt.,me. ! ne demand for them, of course comes from the people through the retail 1^’ ;,rr men, whom te whftlcss r^r co.unussi ■ t wen supply. These ntatiye finos qnot-tmvosci business done by mdea tho cw o; rhe es voium*^ on tea* of the oiij. As can be se i, thousand^ of do.lars pass through ts ohanmds w-rfiy. Th-bulk of the money goes p^^portnjtyiso^edto 2“° th<W " TT SdfSL 8 Tri i This B ma^wt for arym.-A ot j-rmiuce mat er erptf?eorgm term can produce aplen- abun • Itw n u#flodd ngnt ;« :m* of Omorgm farmers, and u, thi»wa of 5-cent and 4 etnt cotton it in especially enticing. -cotton. I asked Mr O. b Stamps why Gear f t'a could no - furnish thy commission -ck. t of Atlanta with to* article* spoki * a of. "i tuo* of no reason,” said h*. “ox cept that the farmers are r-oted and grounded in th» cotton idea. They hav- had it so long that tb“y can’t gat rid of it. It’s an old tradition. Way, there’s much m re money in raising .articles tia' wi have been talk iug o.’. for which a ready market can be found ail the year round than in raising cotton et even a better price than 5 cents a pound. IHnfttrafe: I knov a f^ruier ^*ho Utw ifift.I ITt-ifS T 'I3'Ar.»i)ta W4C l*tfrr.iiried t ) an .ere ia < i ioffti of m c n. Ta;? re Mil; aniazx.^.*. hixa. Il if a ia ;z iU ih« rou*minion h“rv er’ BOW to true ta*t no s -id iw one jear ff.00 w U' OSxwJk •ff ;r?.: acre, ii aevtam^, the labor of r.rat ^ The -3 ->a vr*» cost of getting ». - seu was pr-jeal a 1,! •.» greater tr.a th - c -t of .•• •- oa - s«*A I at look *!. t?!“ r salt. It k. n f <rl rs t! ia:;d teat vnL pr >-*sov a La. - of . cotton. It l* the exception ~ 1>al« of cotton isn’t worth ra r* thaa |db. Tats with the v»ry brat re¬ sults :. >;;-oa w uld have received $470 iw> p7«*. on h<:s bnc *cr* if b- h% - put tl in wsiftca. Th® onion® can be ■ 9C cSoa« ic*geiber in rowt, tad iaa row-* but V* jet otes* Ckkage- together -let the.t*j jcoSoMitea. idkz-s. Share mwH tenter ooenary be wle let s no than Gecvgta for Iria--. t'** bi «* i . the hcg« Stab U mo. t-y ttat Irisu goe* o-t •f the «v«f wAd»f ys« for j^t* tr^s oorid be ptei-t p-iit-j m Juc the marces. xcv- rs w.aa* i ' 'it t.dft* -.3 ** __ r — I htvft DVf TUi® jrtsa cs. wii; tecCSJu# ?s ! * hoi aiam*r •» r ftf^ U •« •!'.» b* W««,ft,a;ftT 1 A : *i2 Cbtnilttlla i C*-*£ t'^fc Dian%o*# F-^me 4 y ft«i ft * * *.ui. 1 •*' " * wttsc b*vel irftj* ## I wsi *f» ft* f HEft v.‘* ft J ▼ '* ftj't k ^ Hr*. srAb ».-*fis;e *»< J.r it •* Ct} ft *'» f .*4 a •- * '* : .-f ifcift 4 * *.*» " ,«a ft-a. Bkftft C# * H i f *C IS* K J Rt». ^MmU r p :TI'S TILS —^ 55 <UTM 80K2 WAOTIOAl VIBVi - ■ •Mfte— ««" ».». ...d, «W.»lr the fe.*» x.ti»4... •wh*. TheOt»t»<m wtattion -Div«r*:fl%a Cwpj tov (jrma rjin, an4 of i 0 . tfr«t find fwperiMM. D»**tusst op Aomocltcm, ATj-j-NTt, Fr-b. L 1895. The _ painful ioii lesson of > the .v past year hae taught u* t! t there ara cSMaln imincrV&i# law* of our calling wblob ^ ady eaano* paying tranagr^e tho p#nalijr. without For years *T#n*u- w* hare-prasuaied oa the almost uuboimd ^ of 0?J . sect 4 0a u j have eppareafey escapea some- pw»iahBie»t. . tu» the time has come when we cannot h*ser.r*da the issue. And. ’ hotrerer diffionlt the task maj be, we mut, if .. vre would ,, prosper, . he guided by ihe teachings of soma agrt cultural economy, and so regulate fluo- our basutass that no matter what the tnatioae or depression of the market, we are at least secure of au independent nd familios. homo To living enable for ourselves -take , us to this position, it wilt become our duty. not only to study soientifto everything in reach ceassuf pertaining agriculture, to hud sno but to give our at tentlon wail also to m»?questions of poiiti cal as as agricultural eoonomy. Of th8M tlW E : D ™ N it • , ^-.stnov ..erhaps mu,-, important each . arm tne most pres.iug, because farmer must (meld* in to# uoxt weeks, if heue-c already dune hi* individual te-.youstbiUty in this matter, Imvo v alited the error of nefr our pi>nties« hud one laying crop thefouada- aud many Svfaed^i»^‘ *retm. a.c : mn of Twm mam ‘ they Argue th«ftric Jx .h«re ' }* U a ** geiierri l ® USt j Rn< w “ *. th neVtSd "t' bwlo^ 1" J , ’* e ‘ to " ^ “[/uooluriuced .J ™ “^re^T^on* facers ve ."o w'U Xe V>“ ^ uu- r *“ k wly oi.iy as n ir ra *q mdiviJunlly, but a* t' le gt-neral welfare »f their state aud section. We wonld not ha Tllttiejri>t00vl B , advisiog them to run , tler now ^ tui tried «on». far from n. These are gkready many which the southern^urn^runderstands &jid whioh, if h# vtlll CAte that he bestows ou his cotton crop, will pay ft f u tr profit. The past roar th« ^xoSffrtax five oar ttnms (Individual hog that'from crop was ionror as large as onr cotton «:;1 with far >m erpen ie aud worry. Bet ns tush attention to t he profitable coltivAttoo, methods, not by the v..c etu of „ ir ^ sc. v-teb‘whj,dU? perns, pc<;• ux, ' t-, , ,-q., : gda h*a*t, crop,, for man and c,:id o;x supefipr climfitip oendi ehoald forever set at n-jt the motion of home vp-jr^bt'ilVr stn til: .s of 1st,,f. trait , va ohlokous, ^hen lord, Ireteavs pork et& wo accomidisU this t ; ,t,;rad on a sysvsm J -. reasonable agri - c ^) lurej byW-Afch we imt vmlv vrodtiea oottoAW lc-s o., t, but rtre return ia _ t0 our ^ ( o:m ,g JiMiaurSN t he luri'.T oim'h so'h-.rinv'tb,- o* theelen-ents , al; p ImsU f tiiat itrt „ u , wJ w\ of P „ , if ■.v-mand wi. mnt oh ther«'can , u0 - ,/M»of>u lUEfeinita ., «.vuUn/vwtt of eny du • hr ,^a forVea:. ^ uor chZ WMf bxoaJpbmter, ^ ^ L;,, *. forage d *: >s * iarui ' { m L 81 „ v,.., ^ d« bu |>- a nn(1 „ 0 , m & h } o faOlltieA . f w vwhweOw ,'Jr material here at w H ... 1 T } v . v , ^anwXttenQe-.rum ^ . . . j . ix, . «*.*. iXic wUon a „ k . t has redv • -d - tnla d when th ,t source wool to harir ggfOOO.ik import * ftB wo • oPeMsln, a ; theae U904Uaxi , a instead jj,c cotton money is coatani- i and there te nothing emffijpiere* left to keep "Ihe home wheels of and trade moving tbe couseqdbtte nc# is general die- of tresa. At tec convention cotton grower*, brio m Jacav. ii, J.ass., tbe following appaat was made: "The gravity of the conditions con fronting the cotton growers i« rw ag niaad. ao west extent this mar be traced to financial legislation is useless to dtecu *. The overproduction of cot ton ir recognized as one of the ohi-f cantes. 'ihu- most be corrected, or tudker*al bankruptcy v;ll fo-iow. S if Interest rapt- I.very impel farmer the grower appealed to * change. is to not to pltr; so rrim-h ootton. A d» nraase at not less than 25 p-er cent -is If ircmemded; .50 per oent w •• • - or. Tne is raters i-hon.d or, rn*. rr.; b?" 5 ’ -‘ • ' : ~i. pr’tatoea, oa-.?. etc , and raiH-.rtg ;■ n -y of meat. the • «- ,.f i:.-:i-:sgrat.oa torne'i fh.r wa; -,v i. r. .met'.',-:*. «« f.rgt-d r« form o»t;nty or gs.ukZKtioas a-i tne sm.;h to coi-ry ort tkeae r««oint:cn>. ' '-/a tt-g’ag* ; -s, r-• 7f‘ wa r - ^ ... R .. ,. : ru-- fur Vut i-f las re©ocnuueridjtUoiss are < Ov Utt6 mujftNK S a It. A-i A & lifccrft, bi^t ao rori'ft tt, k<’ * *Tt> be p>r?>Epi rotJA iT.-Vt ®.f ' L Krnt>i D.SPt :*ft <w lfW« jx r»a,fc tovj g2 € tire ore t* fmiirely^too U/gft. Ta© priot v . p in' u*r.4 CfcKJkOt rCte-4-:,'.f, v -v ^ fcfipe'i n«5® 6® uuH tacre ‘ui ■ l for tee ? c * ® rm. Ta t , M» a .- ^ ;» a wweaae in rit w;, . hie «M*t -vow r-..‘e; ter f . - safetv ef lh« !»•»** ~ '*• r.od ►'•*>«“- « make * ** (■*«» W »>*■««« two two We Aaawtoans tsrre osujr oaseelwea te tlathe Hr the low pJaattvg or.'** of ecttoa, a □ If "•*» p-rr*l«t as and rs-nog Esg M'g’t C".'.ton tfca'i >is« •t-r'.i ■*»*«. te.i it tesiew ?,•**■. tie* workiaf for a&'Msg aad e-wri og earsUvee. we Ought \<i gaArrw. with hat ..-« aeivea.'* ff# ekow that •• fa’ w» save aw»M«* te faer fe-oas fsraiga .wawpetriioa. . % gvee iae £teio».*g tah-e cf averar* Araeriecri xa-i i-^e-.ja crops ‘or perie ta sf tv* y^art each, fr tel- w - ftl-s* tT ff ft** p, U un i ®4 * a. -ft *ete’ ? -V „j Am?ri ’;i e a i. a J i- w * doubttess tte planter* In lw^u« t »5ti “*nlJ a TkJ It * * P* cent of the cotton growers in 80 per <&nt ot the cotton counties si^u wi« Agreement. In regard to OTHita BXMrs’TSATlv* OKOra, w*publish in another eolnmu extraot* from ex-Govcfuor Kortheu's well oou sidersd artiolo, and also some fuots c2> tained from prominent dea'ora nud C0 ., miBfi()n lt! limit*, v ho daily fsee.e car 1 . . • j .• - Thor# are at loasf &> fimw who do au a^rar ^ * busing G f ^ $500 * wo-k eveb; J th ^ col n0ll fruiu IU thft moro important articles of tabls c\ yamptiv.ri- - e butt r. cMokens, onions, Irish potato «, oa0l>ar'<. co’-«ry, turnips. bo*ut, canted corn, t6hmtoes, >i; . . y.raet* r di-rr.-.i ... cr »••••« j,, ;!e of Tho t.-mitu v ! ! ' 'rcorgia ...rmers. wi:.i cc.-n-c • B.wii trait rtatio’-, <!c i. • > { > , ,her cfcu hi- ,\a-. mWl aiviu tof »■ - e these article- ■ good quality. and 4 >., re w „; >,_• no d .'V ;’.ty in iiuding ft ciarhcr. But wo , ,1 ! not a !*. new’uud feastt or i'a-cwnsidf.e i plunge Biudr into the a uutrl- 1 hu ness business, on; siti* v ybnrwif that you 0 aa prodtcie f. a Jrops. Bui that is onivhvf the Vat tie. Tin \v i.; ct s and perfect your arrangements for dUporiug of your products, cro all they an readv to ne marketed; have leave your nr taugomeuts complete; nothing to change. wobk fob tut Koimt T fm’m , s^cSug^s wi ed But ^one by wide awake farmers In the w -} o: repair*, composting aud olear ing fthrH?tmomh laud readv for tho tr nlow rVm-uarv ^ sowing wolf siirintf oa« ’ biU thev wi 1 not on noor tiiju w _ f he sflll should b« good or . m , 0 bT The farm shiuld also U> looked after. 1 ih * te ' 10 " ^ ?°° d : ***>**<*•*%* » subsolier i*i ruu iu each furrow-, so muo U the bettor for a good fc orOp of veg* X .t.blte end «mn l nnity from drouth fect^. la the southern purt of tho stat* Irish pot.tooA green indeed,, peas, all lettnoe, rad oauoages, tlm hardier Vegetables, cat, new be planted in the T 1 ! “ 1 ?" n tbe ),ot bea or under glass. The latter ^ , u r t i H: mouth is safer iu the upper ' Ot the state. Ciovar and grasses ?_ Orudis .... ,...... n.gula^fi .... f) . H tm,, 1 drv eno- gh the dd i-mutli m . ■ r < manr'aues ‘ «},!.„ this '.T./*-.., cover ’* ‘ l " ‘ B *\*t <l8 Vv»m ‘ T A K i 1 * tt * m i m ’’ cm «r w i _ _ V..... rcpAdt *“ ADnPTPn ‘ ____________ e» J th« Cotton convention whieii j.. nk .„„, mu. , j*«. o. ue <'‘-'nimitt(K> .... on organuation _ . . .. and . byiaws t'lXliM , Ruomitted lO -yU-d « i®g ,l d rt, i’; rl l "f K ":' : n.o a mcinhor wc.o w not f ]-gif-mate gr..w..r. Tue Wsoojnriou : Is formm. for one year, and the cx-vni ttvebCpimittoe is given good power results, to con * UJUblt ‘d?*?* if lue agreement to ,;e sent to a , counties in the cotton growing statesforsignatui'es !. l* a<? " t0 ' 4’/ t- ■ > v '*. ‘ r ' °/ . v *"‘, 1 w ''' ,r otParreagti gcowjug in - 80 j» -r c *S?/ , ‘, t ‘ r,l l, ’ u c-muti saifl {u ‘ ‘ de.<«mined , , by the na h ¥ a, IJU '' tl!! a"-» two EaCil cent,, . for " b each " ! '*} twr- . of lm .•••Hon * eU to plant- . I’f , •* lu } b:U ! : " 1)0 n th ‘ J 1 •" .'° h ? 1,1,1 U! , ” ‘> e ‘ r «“ ?i C v ' ; ;;illu,1 ‘‘ 1 : *>&•»** Tne coumy■ : l ,or I'" - a gam;- > ' •. • i . a,: are to , be ■ fonuft . Ota the first Monday of March, I j .■ ; cm! , cxw'.mm < ..mntoo 1 : : ' J 1; ''" ' % ^ 41 K hivnt, w * . 1-* •-■» d:..-.jrtiiau, an-1 v ' thMmiM im/- n- niter !"r ‘b y lo0,owu«d,.:- «. ■ mm , ,m d in «“« tvVial at V OT g.„ir- tiol Shall m J at V ‘ ;m " M d ?*' of Al ! : ' J " J “ 11 ;’ ll f l ... .....j .' : * n ' „ f V nt 11 H1 ^ 11 "' i , . wn. b Tne .•i. ! ,.t',at ; oharg ^. 1 " r . 1 ' '.’;J 1 ■' s f^ K° r 3 ' ' * ur r » " B - ....... ........ q ;K . Tr ,-. !.—now n.n uV.— / phosphoric fc , T .i,( V -:h snd i.itrog- an aw YJJ „ ,, :,,. of ,. or;i up> a , K l wlmt is t - K , p ?s t fertilizer for corn? Answer 1.—I’ho-.phorie, ac.i 1, ateint 7 p/, Ui <; pota h, xHi / poono-; m l yen al-jut 7 poui.d- ■ -.vor.oi indi-Ate & fertilizer a ,nrze pro por. locate fiercentage of nin • ,^en. J'-ut it ha - been *< and that it does not pay ’ 0) , land of average fertility to buy it ; r' • ;:er with a iarg- p-r cent of ijitro y.u for corn. Whether directly the plant as sioiiiate* the nitrogen from the atmosphere or tnrouyii -he i , ■’ fe after the manner ot clov' do know. Tne fact stiii u-mains that, a! though it requires a larrre amohnt of nitrogea. hip-ny ‘ r:;i.z i* f rj B0S p av , fhe foiiowing is a good formula by per mi; Nitrogen a p- r r jv.tasii, 7 ,y.-r cent; phosiihor ; s ,i^r cent. NEW FARM 1NDC.STRIES Scope cf Georgia In’roigrgtion tod InTet.trr.ent Bu:oa.j. ALL CLASSES SHOULD 00-0FSEAT2 C1»7»r !**«•» v W ie w Onq Nik bir« —0»»r fc 'Hi Em » iW/nani« 5» gera«u* Ot^m, Wmi*h t» f^aml i» i»* Bk**l K**7 {• **»« Jferfe«t«—AU»*ot«g* «tf ftrsiH a*e timer (T»tf Cell**. W«* hftr» had dl«Ptt##ion and nrjo ar^ni m 4 appHift. s»a4 ftcir^aty ftbnnl redaction &• aus wiHscal araii, «r.ti. we hare net the ► tti grow jner* niton in IS z*ow%zt Scut tea vror’^i caa rtmsaat* us it. whiift w« ffUftkish th# «rc*p l# o%ieJtiai* «rt ir+ 9w co*t of f5td*1a ttom. Wsa* w* **e«i U not o# m« h tkaf rtu .ft* (a,%£****hxa. het Ur# ftf #ail b tees 1 oe 4 oa !.;.#* fer an object ieeeoa. Tareuga u.ree eff vn w# #» bring nazau+r* 9i C*rm+rt WA® w., f r isitftu • gr**- g;**# tl ft jircfts. ft^ ‘^kpor^ii * fft/meri rr.»r *> ;s .ft dooft. **T# »# rj'-w i*»t tftijk# fftn&i1 ws»u ft&i CmHvo* ftft-O. . ----------- - S E rnM wruS iS &k rho 'ffi&d u^n ouAfarma , has **"* the hn neuso outlay of money ueo t^ary to run thucu^ vIjBl' QloTer does tuIn^vWU un in . Ceotg* , as Am native gntMBIBoMl Oeorw of this c:ty, grew lO.OOO pounds of well oared etover hay upon one aoie in oua season in the adjoining county, DuKalh. Our tomer ftaiuunuonor ot agriculture. Dr. JSvaes, gttw quite .«• much upon his farm in Green* Mr liawor savtM aooar h-tl: this amount from During an acre my ou four hi»J[«rni yours m fceauieiioe IlauoociA.. m this city I have semi more hay carted upon the streatu than oottom txrass seeui' to sell rojpily^aud for the cash, mere cuu he uodnlwulty about the s&lo. Ihe mistoi'wfitlo, uoWOt'ar, is the money ior the ,» goes to some ot id- state uud docs not remain in Ucor S ia. * OeorgU . , has a Uo:ai».», . , so to . speak, u in Bermuda grass., It Is equal to the best hay in trio martel*. ope It is labor poreu nial aud requires no or ox oept to savanil iure Xlwfe It grows in marvelous yield. cue Herein Groeno comity there has been saved hay. 18.U35 pounds Such abundant of wellfbed *h,i wotttobto Bermuda crops it trill fanners, bo w^toffeonraB''among mijfcuoh others ouroivu as we may iuduoa to settle uwif umciig us. But we will be promptly with the “Suppose inquiry; everybody *t alnudoas gr4r cotton ' end bcgiiH growing bo cotton. f«Uy“ Indood, “vfdo^tS^"'to wo iwwt uot aUndtn nbaudon cotton, but keep the it as our standard bv itself cron cW Vut a"ttst as aff.K grass grows WHtVowand wo save ‘it Tt will'bo if i witt 3 offeed A & further by those vho do not warn to ho ouu-imv.l policvi that there will, under this farm soon bo more qrassupon thewarket than.Hie other products that will pay more immcv than difference* the gra-s. tW. iteelf. Herein 1ms the ht gwa-s and cotton, tsr.isa other can marketable be rokdily convoBted products. into many Cotton must be alway. p..t upon the market by farmers a, cotton. ‘ ‘"o Uns View, it vv,l! be the fur th-.-r plan 4t this bureau to encourage such industries grwftlmt as w.iU ntiHjw tho posai. r bio ; wirpln* i, eanimt Und mar kot lu , , thw ... 91 o! *UUY FAW*$. Why through not turu dairr some faSlu?- *off onr 1 grass have to mouoy inteh no lM an i of knowing how butter afctfte an(i choose ontsido. are shipped The into .figtiros thin giving from tho tic amount in money (Btauftte of sale - 1 an: quite sure vronla be simply enor mens. The state of Wisconsto hw over 2,. <y- , luorios.* Th. aitei *▼ is now in . -ia. I : in oorr . ondonre vylip . c Ucs who A i„,iuiu,g f suoh st:U> . !lt lltllt or ate cost. <V* now have or ,, ;vlm . r (-. at; Alpharetta just started n , mid j.i.t; beginning at JSlberton—a Wimn fl . v/ a!r< ady running th'-m in operation at other ,ui places, we got. over .tat' t. orgia fari.mrs will make , tai'dm’d butter and slabdanl oheeso, they utilize many tnroos that two uow w-t.-d on the farm.Hffltl* cohirtrt will be profitable way to snrpins gr:; - into money. M .... s L **f * Th-rc is still mot , to come from tin* <»• v£‘?* $«.<;'Hi,00o „ annually Jl? w r % y f Urns w * i , •.,! :■ horn. to r iw and all mulo^ I he hor.»i See and 3ia major gr fl ,s tlm o'- statfc states ne,'d, ta*t and ,.--for vatsjt%n to #.,vv aip?» C-oeut cm ton rath«r tfiau tfvm. This is es m ■w;t- < y M' ,, f mice fchtv t» gi witiioot■ enro, labor xm,I.F or coco**®. m^aSTw^vCoSJSl! MUTTON ; V Xw ..... at. thSrmorl• ours -Ives buy from who gr ,v. oatt ■ , ste ep und ^#u»det a ^ The ntc!v adm.ruble Grangers. submitted report by lion. p. lirowu, agriculture chairman of the on from" ai >'■" ■ W*s not roe i vert the ram eider 1 mi n the uamU of the press and tbf , «hat its sound common aeiPfe rn::.-,--stioi*i Reserve Our people need p, (i ^ln. ., ; ., vor 4..,i f or futons,elves why they , t i M , great packing houv*s t ii : , evautiy { to Beteoated Where oab| ; . ... ua< j l(i ,, uuwt have ... ,u.<an 1< oi p*m,i-U of food te generate ,.;,,i«iout ru mat heat -to keep them ah. " > winter, - When in Out Ah ; a . ,. v ,. w pound of food , -\ -„ ak-iu ■ :oper yield of ■ ja(tro grnHH in lino at a prof to *. a :nu‘id at tho pre p r. ; ,ir pL jr V cult * tentlon $ iu fruit ft: Trier® in » ; a fr ft • » - ■ w* - . * -ft -V -ip at the R i®r t; 5 a-d ’> n'ft rr -r*:'* ’ • j?’’}* k r* -'*fi # ;• ‘ r '-‘ i rrf fu-'-h TV ;;fa.l7*S ft fiC*l U.i pre A t rift ‘ t a Aft#, for i # * i Aiar*( : » ^ tr * ft fty of a»t-. i» r /. fr*. St e i T«p# titl' ft U fr ft- ff! 1 «=-* &e#t t and fttiT i* or v / ftflUi tb« km *.tt I . wre 0 lift p|Y. fi | «f tfft.f M*p to ftuy ft i. t tn th* 9i ffartf 5,rr.*' ~.r.i 111 |4» ’ # » - ' ft rftm* from tftft |(t Fi «,1o. r%'s ku r***. ;jr Iftl tnf.r* »t*w. X.- fcein f **A **7&f >f, K» V witi a way* ... ff t# niwk T9 Let..* lalta . si- -i an i«P.a* t^«. Fr*»* privug (Ta • •'«%, lit# asfeefi «». art. *ai-jr.•• s&smz oiroulate# Kentucky. The in Lamer | imt. U*™». the mu!, -ho into the extern hands of a mtwo thrift Mutl.’mow tuokv for auothor mon“y to inula. ii in former Ken j a ', wmt4 „ sWo o{ bacon his money g*w ; to Oiudbnali and circulates in Ohio, ftt ,d rite bacon ootnes to Georgia and te | consumed. where is tho difference to tho people ! 0 f this state whether the government ; , Issues $50 per capita or $10. if wo semi aU tbe Georgia per capita to other stales i (<l BUstaiu i^ustries that w- might ourselves encourage, and then*by keep ! nnrmonpvoin'iiliifhuv ^ ^lat/tho «imoM(? ..hviaIvm j j Mon> , h humblest n.igro in i Qeorgia w ho wants to buy a cotton j sidrt, g^pu gathers his raw material, bales it, 1 n to Massachusetts, hue it con yerfedinto cloth and returned to him nt , heaw cost -all this unmv.Msarv * cx | la , fow n , j t otb r K « VswrA KOffKV «knt ABHoaih ! Bmimcrate tho count!. .; thin,vs our Z^\ , f ; .if , , ‘.i, .... , , , i ^ , i'hMr i‘t"ri •Mnattc- „. . ; ,* purchases and ' j h , „ . ' . tnf( .. . | f*li ««»V.*ia If >vo had ft l*':,!' orv ,1^0 in .Tan. to mtmif-iefnro A»Tr,‘. -'sld !••».*« ", i P er wlfhf w fim.wv ! | «nUte VI,* in : "i’Vo‘«.f lf 1 a VV,‘. f ; J Ju il l- ^ , „• < . 1 r i“ m lo use our imr,i ' wood; chaiiN* i-i i l«iVii ho',,. eaSte . f am'-i.'s ' am ‘ road caro, * » ' and cir.-nlato in (ieorgL' , If\vc have ^ '.'..'’tin ........ (Or ,,... tini .. ii v ,,..i • Mam in in this ttn. state lot. tn ini H si...... i.i .,, iu frosts of our poop!., Money n.jd money stays, and ,» r? only I do-nand 1 nan.i a»id aim contr.T'"’"" i tmrr. i Th . mn,n in’m''the tin ,,,’ iTwoItW uH i'w , ti.-nlly without currency until wo c i» wo; . as'wcll t ith of th« 'mflic'e-tii-.. ?iortli rn f. : mii th'-'i , X R |( .* ^Z ‘^ ,r v WO st - Th 0 m0 ney of this country is eon .....1 in Urn east. ........... of the government will evor bring it this way as tlm present industrial rola ,;,„ w ^T,,‘dTl , ' ., f' i* (g positively doman.led. only f ( ot-ton for has been, i> our resource money make pnrclias. s Its prod notion now consumes all the money it brings, mid there is uono loffc for our neetln. There is no recourse .ixow but (change. It in not a matter of oholoo of personal dl m-tioii, it la a burning nooe^ity. Wa must, uot uuooenpjod only ohanje lnmls, our crops aud fill up our but we must; build all sorts and kind,, of HiduHtries to utilize onr raw material; give employ ment to tlio thousands of unemployed, wlm will oroate.wealth Mu. that p.-niutnent to state. A ammonia aotdai, and cotbntul. Question 2—1 nao in the law rognlat log tbe side of fertilisers that e«oh sack must have branded upon it tho naoviut of ammonia I actual know and what potential, t,al What wishto is Is aw aud wh»t potential IT Nashville. AN*u*n 3 Au'micnia is com potted of three nitrogen. parts of When iiyur, tho mn composition and Id parts is of ' nl,rawly effected it is actual ammonia U»i the other hand, if the nitrogen alone is present it is oalculatod to a ba ijs ,, f ftm iuonia, U i,minds of nitrogen jfe being example, equivalent dried to MObd 17 of d ammonia, dW not oon tsln |ined any ft actual ammonia, but If it oom t ppttmte eont^* of nitpogeu it would tSf 7 tBl$Kc.f^|fct iKmiids ( of %for- poten u^Muiou ammonia itToaj^lSoI from »ng that Bluount . pill 4 fllH MJl flfip | I) f1A \ r pljV\\T \ ^rW ••’Cl AMant^Co, ,,i 1 ' ff ia sum, tft! It oTrEE jiato N«m* S'm b, Virflnln, Ohio indl Ollier Htwfe* F»#id m 5 nr <i •«»rarlft Might Whit Su/xpi T i ftnmn Ktfiur#**/ yi iWOUillgo It frotli I lie '■ th*- VitpMvri 10 t(.ml#* if *<l<»» i'rwtlutitm m(-i JTr O, L. F i am p4, " 'do* an an at *u -■ J of m 4>>- X N it lm i*hippo ) to ti.'J from out iftf um prat**. U Vtl i i«MUk, Au* , , ten . mw, - !»' e a *** rk |„d a i hd m<4r«kci am - -mi,.. ,u ,7, f tin - ’tV. it ns wfWi i.rfinf the “ C JrUh •3 a iC'O Kl a QU HJiti t r cone » to IV* ft! ye, New OrHn; fl Mobile, a:*. Early ; > * ^Ab) fr b ttxppiy th -rv i< always itt ft tun# La in the I ill fch jar#* qaanCitK t rJy a#i 1«J'r f Aft- Tent if# ?fc!?Ari» fin - €F fth nntft Kfiriit th ft fft he Hal two irn*. d /q; Yor*, Kia i/i ji-ntty well aup h * -e* }K..t» , '/ 4 ‘a i.v '■ •a.;- 4 . Mr -• vA\t~ ft- a n, - a ft * of country : turned Tua ftf/Q/CTlP ' dnrivg t)v# V ftar, £-' /.injr t« non. 1 ha>r« on th# b*a«l , f a hfdf. nod liar# ner® x .. - a ft ftrertg® month'ft baii ,rv than Tw oar t<*ut of In* pi*ul ft from other CttD># tha-n G-te’ ft. j mi #1 th* bntber ft fid tJ/sn b A fr irn# rrom rn-it I ' *.ft tft tbftt O ft I fUt B V ft Oft-’i-es® Mr ort ii of ebtufc* nut «ad |A - /- wort ie Of » - v i/ .*n p<»* tff/yfi *r« #hipp#d , as fro m Ih* i**irtu ftad ftftei; «4i«l Wt Mud way aioulzuy ».l >**l #<*0v for Vftftl rj-% #** m. W* ban- 4.4 #at .lit « u. er. br? i ia®#i of II eoeist fr®r» 'funu****••■ I ft*to*.4 »ftf fh# a ato a la woui-1 he » g- 1 awiag*. O*. te»» are a* .;sp*rtapt ttaia i* oar trade, aa4 they are slipped to *4 JYota Nrw Tar***t eattrely Vt's Isadie fi, toe worth la * r.«- ;h Tl.e a:S!,*y fer %k4n* o«# ' <HK frb *&£'?'* ft"’. A - tie ft -X .*> THE U SS. wv mJ S "—r r«-, t ............. :;siJS.r" ,.: , -. V 'nc (w. pw; d.‘- r-S. W * Itt , . ... 5 S. Almnlgam Flllp-j-t 50c up -r Fiatina Fillings 75c Up ;s. Golli F i liili ; fl.00 up iW*-’ SEKMEpiii: 4 '■ •i? Best. Set of teeth t it her uppttr or low r ?;«£ 3 .oo -f I A good mt ol tte>t !i r ;■ Extracting Teeth .>oc, Crowns and Teeth without PI n s at Sai-.u ;•• u PoHVvt fU I fll^T " AllMICal it till 'll tVOf kll hip iC!-" Of mmcy cbtX.idully , , r.-h.-i , ■ <)::!>• ! C r: ti rial iHril. 810 Bread Street. Over KuIIark Harty St) n ■ fc— ' " '-iivL - -m mnmM&w, t ^*SPEC, .U; ; .TS<„_ i {IC«' , i;'‘»7(i’>r €i5rt4<4wfkCnB-> , riu-l moil fluccogafal HpcciMldtA tt0‘ ’.1 ”, YftMifFnntl mid* 1 dlo T.'-ximmi. \ Kotnui l?»av iv* i ", suit,', lutvft iPilt'a* \ j. pij \ iif 11, ail. J'iu'V ynn ' fui" 4*1' \T VS < -l Fit* t.lif* m* i. ;v r C'ltil h i £ Gi'ilt'i'k ‘ - i or -x-'X'^ i'" ' orgme 1 . ; 4 . .ti l li»i*u f * hi, ifnll.iivi H M i) 1 11 I* Of tlicF frli’ild, mil I'Oftl ll'fw!'! i guni'ttntco o> till j»uj; nt .■ « tit *»••*»!, pur* owu ' »>ir 'Vowr.M ml b»*tl n cure. ...... ............ ,,,i„r.haf T .V.' ..V',’.;; n../»U,..«V •./, .l V" 1 - ..v * - t < vn.ut -ss . n i ", i.n,-, .„-.i. stPItll.B ..... ms, i.n.i ■■ ...... A ' ' ’ ’ "........ ' ssr »»sw ■' * ,,t dl kl> •!« ewsedeiw. m.u.y ou.e.a i.... n. v';!'d. ‘WT'ni.u. s™ TRiB H ANO .'FACTS !(-?.*tnU.i/rai tn«»itut »**’w ryi , r *. ' •-:- , ...... »..e(«•«». w ■ V.-.V.' S . ,,Ui. 'a iv'm'n-iii,:-!!! Z-VJ ill 1 ">,* , ) .n ‘£T. >t,. . ■ ' ’ 1 ' ■' a A<3ko*a or uUl OU f " v ; . HATHAVAY A CF aa »**■» y »ulh 1 ATI. A TA. CiA j f . ; In iPoor i . ” Health 1 f means so iruich more ih*n ) * you imagine -jnerions fining and dii.'iases refihh ftr'f’.ing hilrTOntf. neglect •i F Don’t play with Nc tore's * gift— S vaini. j - r r„ 'Brown's ’-7 ■fiji......... 3 ] f t Iron • fCtVIl ’ m !eifont' fh-emml !nr-v ! Wfilt J#L fhAi 'Tti rn. ; > a a [Betters «.i- i*. IU / rv fir" ''■>-* l , r. jr. ' ![ k 4.-0, itttfiht RrM. v Uke, * ig ...... , m. !rc^ < • I L ml U i Mlf, 'i V ( Ip: \ * H Mnhirla n f ! re I Fa % i J e.'V.stP > ^ ■> / / A r 7> Fop r c*Ti¥i0iS3 OfSPJtPSfA j Sick vtt 0/C£STWN ( u i 1 f! ZAZ'tiCHC. UQU«tf£Sa \ \ £ ,/< Ut/DfCt m faVAT fir .nss ax Stomach Ax’xfr/r* Kt?*(rGrHt /»TKG > -i «• Afti i f f0NT Dfi H WRAPfj r M. A .Tnca r t> h.fiA. c : . MONC RESIDENT DENTIST Uraeotebom, O*. I WV*> se vstar* *y *1 *.8V» t« e **»w. tw pekoe fer pest f» •»*,»*4 le a» *««>••-* Djfti 1 bnvftttft ! I laspr--v» *4 Mette*l" fer operatjoee IB r/ ;av teetl. As pr<per*4 te e-mj* Its ata*^k*t»ry *t all tS»'e. ! ■,yr &* jic. \\ 1’ id i 2 ,/ -V ? ooonr,. .if ° 8x>u of th* 3 £> » % SUFFER i i ir., M»4 vi Oy«pvp*la f C?*.rr ■» la i Debtiuy, Rhoum m i fear*# All Yield to O' “1 am Hevvtnt) t)‘» * y c m fporn than forty ytfu r \ miff i m v. ith DYS^t-* What T atrt mndt! mo > and finally the t rouhlft ran into- a CHRONIC 1 v. reduce er l great debility. tbj-a in this. .. no 1 ,,r 0 yeaiM a, u Kiiiq’a ROYAL germetusr; It Hat dom* me uiorti tb*»» all the intMlcIrm* 1 liuvo wv i ait on. i can EAT ANYTHING I LIKE, nud my femoral hoalth it good, 1 fdiio had 1 * ^houftiatlfsm Year* = 8iy hand and tu i qc taJfe* C r* t ho OarjiK’ttiEr, l I ty - I h ¥0 J% m HVL it » 9 k .tail' tr«ar is >tht I). I. and .1 H. Or* wo ermm % |1.W, 0 for 18.00. r Ifcleg'# tfrivsii (Jerrn i" / /■- , ; * •• 1 fy M ' 5 m,\ rrf r < 1 ■ -4* T, if..- •.'; 4 \ y ge t. f - Only a Scar ^pela» scnAiln. C'i«C-f “^1 THrHfted . ^MecJ’e »- va.ilia. *C. r. ^V.d * r |.,v --W 9 • wf* j,;. wr.if,« ,. ' m 1 a test W "T- Rft^' ■ 4 fflt IB’y dt- iglit-' au-tTsMoet r**,.vtircgy 1 who It tottmti yvft, • • Affile!.; ; V tYCf I, h tl! E-'J»ibU<l H fir i J? W < It hvl cur-’-l t/ouusd v ia > bottle of H o-, f imrTiir, i' -.' - i ago, it h£4 Only a ter m a Uk-u < tek'aj; but U*# l new *U 9 V(r*‘s lift. lfAftfA 1 Mood r ARE YOU BANKf > constitution u travagance in eat n garding the laws t l n steal capita * nil <rcv NEVER I Eiltel t I ft Tun’s Liver r ) h or sick heao 3 r stomach t, •4 f t « liver, const!pa \!,CV> ■ft and all kindrec Tutt’s L. Fills ’ absolute an