Newspaper Page Text
SlOO Per Year,
Vol. 21.
Paragraphs Picked Up 111
the County.
As Sen by Our Local Keportcr*. wiiat
Our People Are I>oiiii;.
—RayVeazy, of Thomson
here Sunday last.
—Lee Evans made a flying visit
down the road Sunday.
—A. J. Melton spent Sunday
evening lastin Augusta.
—Mr. Alver Holzendorf, of
Thomson, was here Sunday last.
—We welcome “Sam" from Pea
Ridge, among our correspondets.
—Gardens and farms were thrown
back again this week by bad tveath
The best brand of sweet and
sour pickles in kegs at J. IT. Steph¬
—Some farmers in our neigh tar¬
ing counties began planting corn
last week.
Pork sausage, cabbage, lemon,
apples and nice table peas at J. H.
—Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Smith
Barnett attended preaching here
Sunday last.
Nice fashionable fresh stock
spring milinery just received at
Mrs. L. F. Stephens.
—There is a regular bicycle
nament on the streets of
ville almost every evening.
—Miss Mamie Moore, of
Plains, made a short visit to|
tives here first of the week.
—Rev. Mr. Davi^of White
preached a splendid sermon at
Baptist church Monday night.
—Even the farmers are
at the large amount of guano that
being hauled out to the farms.
J110. Stephens is agent for
of the largest tailoring houses in
the world. Give him your order.
—Bring along the news of your
section and tell 11s ataut it so our
readers will know tvhat you are do
—Glen Legwen and Will Hubert
are going into the fish and oytser
trade in our town. We wish them
—Once more we hear of the blue
birds returning to this, our sunny
land; but we have not seen one in
over a year.
—Dt. H. F. White will leave
soon for New York to take a post
graduate course in medicine and
surgical operations.
—The little child of Mr. and
Mrs, Lot Oslins of Barnett was re
ported dangerously ill Tuesday. It
is much better now.
—Always sign your real name to
letters for publication. The editor
will keep it a secret and not let it
he known to any one else.
—Mrs. W. J. Norton is the earli¬
est of our early gardeners having
cabbage plants ready to set out and
other vegatables fully as early.
—We have begun to turn out
some nice job work from our new
press and late style type. If you
need anything in this line cal’ on
_Wc R. Jennings bought a hi
cycle, learned to ride it in a fewmin
uites and within a few days after
learning, rode to Washington 20
V Clipper .
—The arrenton s»ys
that Dr. R. \V Hubert of that
county has been actively engaged
in the practice of medicine for 44
_Dr. H. F. White fell from a
bicycle last Friday and dislocated
his thumb. It was quite painful,
but is getting along very' well at
p resent.
If von want pat-nt medicines at
actual cost goto Dr. II- J- 1 ’u 1 -
Considerable Lok».
Dr. R. C. Biiins. of this place, had the
misfortune to lose his watch and consid¬
erable money one day last week. It is
supposed that some one slipped into the
doctors room at night and took the valua
bles therefrom.
Hea.l Hatlly Cut.
The little girl of Mr. anil Mrs. A. J.
Melton fell Sunday in Augusta and cut
a considerable gash in her head. A phy¬
sician was called in and the wound sew¬
ed up and when hoard from last the lit¬
tle sufferer was doing very well.
A Fine Showing.
The attendance at the Stephens High
School is larger than it lias been in years.
To see the little ones svyirming from the
building puts us in mind of the schools
of the larger cities. The people of this
place should be prond of the school as it
is first-class in evarv respect.
A N ioe Cycle. >
A railroad cycle, a 4-cycle, or some¬
thing to ride on the railroad track creat¬
ed considerable interest at the depot
Saturday. It was made like] a double
seated bicycle and had four flanged
wheels that run 011 the rails like a hand
car. It only weighed 60 pounds.
House and Horae Burned.
The crib and stable of Mr. Sam Per¬
kins, of this county, were burned last
Saturday might. In his crib be had all
his corn, fodder and stock feed and in
his stable was the only horse that Sam
owned, and all were consumed, It was
a heavy loss for him and it is hoped the
parties who are soliciting aid for him
will meet with much succest. The Ori¬
gin of the fire is not known.
Thought It Too Shallow.
A Northern man passiug through here
a few days ago said that he was suppris¬
ed to find that our people cultivated
their lands with one-horse plows and
break the lands so shallow. He said
“wily the land should be thoroughly
broken to 8 or to inches deep.” The
Southern lands do not need, nor will
they stand, as deep breaking as those of
the North. Northerners have come
down here and tried that deep plowing
plan but they found that it would take
severald years for the soil to work back
to the top again,
One Convention.
The State Democratic Ex. Committee
met in Atlanta Saturday and set at rest
the wrangle over the one or two conven¬
tions for the state. The Committee de¬
cided by a vote of 22 to 11 to hold one
convention at Macon, on June 25th to
select delegates to the national conven¬
tion, select presidential electors, nomi¬
nate state house officers and transact all
such business at one time. Primaries
were ordered to tie held 011 June 6th in
each county to select delegates to the
Macon Convention. This result shows a
decided victory for the free coinage
people of the state.
It I>ld Not Come.
Tlie 6th day of March lias come and
gone and the much looked for end of
the world did not come, as was predict¬
ed and hilly expected by some of the
colored people. Early that morning Mr.
Seab Jones arose and thought he would
try a few “notes’’ on his bugle. He be¬
gan to “toot” away on the big tin horn
and tlie sound rang out through the
) leaV y Ramp air. The first notes startled
some of our expecting citizens and cau»
ed them to rush out and investigate if
'hat was reaI r ’ a,jr ' el - Much satisfaction
and relief came over them when they
found that it was only a bugle note in
earthly hands. Many thoughts ran
back to the chicken roosts and water¬
melon patches.
Tri*«l to Rob tho Store.
There was a nice plan laid last Satur¬
day night to rob Holden &Co’s store at
this place, When night came on and the
preparations for closing the store was
being made, Grier Lyle was discovered
: a way in tlie grocery department of
the store. He was snugly crouched be
bind some sacks of flour quietly await
ing tlie closing of the store, lie was
arrested and upon being questioned, he
said that Lincoln Peek offered him five
dollars to conceal himself in the store
and open up the ■window to Peek
when he was to knock on the window
late in the mg ht. It seems that it was
a well arranged plan to take possession
of all they could carry off from the store
night , mt lh eir plan faile.1. They
succeeded in making a *25.00 bond each
and are now out of jail,
Getting Ip a Show.
The young men of our town have
decided to get up a minstral show for
t he benefit of the Presbyterian church
bnilding. Arrangement* are being
made to present the entertainment
some time in April. We have some
good artists in be rut cork aud this
affair will be rich.'
—Dr. W. E, Adams, of Graen esbo
r0> was j n town last week on profess
ional business.
—A Methodist parsonage in
Crawfordville would not only lie a
great benefit to that denomination
but slso to the town as their is no
parsonage here at present,
Dr. It. J. Reid is seliing out, his
stock of Medicines at cost and if you
want bargains callon him.
—Mr. A. P. Peek of this city has
a pocket book which belonged to
one of his ancestors L. R. Peek, in
1621; the name and date are written
011 the flap of the book.—Herald
It would pay you to buy stu b
medicines asyou might need in the
future at the price Dr. Reid is selling
—The friends of Prof. Frank
Little will be glad to know that he
is well pleased with his excellent
posistion as superintendent of the
public schools at Darien, Ga., one
of o ttr progressive sea-coast cities.
—Uncle Seab Jones, one ofTalinfer
ro county’s cleverest called on ns yes¬
terday and gave us substantial
—The type house from which we
ordered ottr new type surely had
them to make before they shipped
them; but they have been on the
road over a week to-day and we
hope to not have to beg exctfSe
from our readers any longer. The
good book says all things come to
him who waits,
Ktt|>ubli<‘!Uii* Meet.
The republicans of this county held
a meeting at the court bouse here Sat¬
urday last, out tho meeting was some¬
what small and very little is known
oi what they did, ns tlvay were very
quiet abont it. Suppose they endors¬
ed MeKinley as be seems to have the
swing with Georgia Republican's.
How To Enjoy Good Health,
If yon are suffering with any skin
or blood disease,Rheumatism,Catarrh,
Ulcers, Old Sores, General Debility,
etc., send stamp to the Blood Balm Co,
Atlanta Ga., for book of wonderful re
covevy. Botanic Blood Balm, (B B.
B.Jis manufactured after a long tested
prescription of an eminent physician,
and is the best building-up and blood
purifying medicine in the world. Ho¬
ware ot substitutes. Price $ 1.00 for
large bottle. See advertisement
elsewhere. For sale by Druggists,
Proper Terracing Fays.
We heard it stated a few days ago
from a farmer in our section that if he
should find a man on his premises, terrac¬
ing Iris lands that he would order him off
the land at once. This seems a queer
idea, ft is likely that this farmer had
had some of his lands improperly terrac¬
ed. If that be the case, we do not blame
him for denouncing the .practice; but on
the other hand, if he lias not seen the
results of proper terracing, he should at
once investigate some lands that were
scientifically terraced. There is no
doubt in the world but that proper terrac¬
ing of lands will save much labor, manure
and lands. No farmer should allow his
lands to wash away and go to ruin when
pine brush, trash and a few furrows in
the proper place would save them.
Walked Nix Miles.
Elder W.M. Davis of While Plains,
pastor the Biptist Church at William’s
Creek, filled bis regular appointment
there last Saturday and Sunday and
on Sunday night preached for the Sa¬
lem brotheren at Barnett • Monday
morning, while engaged in conversa¬
tion with a good brother the on¬
ly train for While Plains during
twenty four hours passed, and he was
left behind. He took the matter
very quietly and decided to walk a*
far as Crawfordville, six miles distant
Though well advanced in years
stood the trip finely, and that night
preached with “power and demon
stration of the Sj/irit” much to the
edification and delight of those who
had the good fortune to be present at
the Baptist church.
There are fourteen gold mines in active
operation on tin: line between McDuffie
and Wilk'-s county. The most extensive
and-profitable of t!» is owned and op
crated by Mrn.J, Bell nap Smith, who em.
ployes ta-tween forty and fifty iiands and
who personally tmpervi every '.b tai! of
the bi*sinc&£.—llfciaki Journal.
Or. Davidson, of Sharon, visited
White Plains last Tuesday.
Mr. Barney Marchtnan visited
Otvpvfordvillt last Friday.
Mrs-jDr.K. J. Reid and her little
son, Isaac, are visiting Mrs. T. O
Hojdeu of this place.
Spring time, with all its birds and
flowers, is upon us and such delight¬
ful-weather for gardening.
Col. Battle Hatley, one of tho
leading legal lights of Sparta, visited
our town Monday on business.
Mrs. Jeff Marchtnan and Mrs. A.
IIowoll are visiting the latter's daugh¬
ter, Mrs, C. 11 - Mann, of Norwood.
Mr. J. J, Eley, our geinal tobacco
drummer, came in Friday, night
from a trip down in tho lower coun
The tennis court scents to bo the
cot l'je of attraction for a largo crowd
of young people these long sunny
’lessors. VV, J. and J. J. Howe!
and Mr. G. Jarrel Jernigan visited
friends at Culverton Saturday and
The farmers in this section arc
quite busy preparing their lands for
Rev, Tom West will fulfill, bis
regular appointment at Jennings
next Sunday.
Mr. Jim Meadows’ family is very
sick with measles. We wish them
a speedy recovery.
Mr. J. Ruffin Kendrick paid a
flying trip to Raytown last Sunday;
coate again, old hoy.
Messrs. Cfcas Reid and Bob Had
awfty were among their many friends
or Ridge, last Sunday night.
Annie West, a very charm¬
ing! toung lady of Daniel Springs,
is 'spending sometime with her
aunt, Mrs. George Griffith.
We are glad to know Mr. e
Brown's health will admit him tak
jag a position with the Phoenix
Mutual life Insurance Company.
Warren County Notes,
Mr John Brooks and Miss Ola
Killingsworth, of Pan Han, were
quietly married last Sunday afternoon,
Messrs. Walter Thompson and
Cites. Cnt'4 will take charge of the
Butler Hotel at Madison Ga., April
1st—Warenton Clipper .*
Mr, William Ivey, one ol the old¬
est and m s:, respeeted citizen h of
War,on Co., died at his home in
Elan vicinity on Feb. ‘ 26 th.
Harry Stillwell K<lw»r<l»’ Awarded Flrgt
VrKui In the Kword'n Unit *t
“Htorln* of Mynl^ry” Competition
Oprn U» the World
The Chicago Record with marvelous
cnter|)rise, offers fyo.Otxrin prizes to the
authors of the world for the best “stories
of mystery.” The contest was advertis
ed’in the newspapers of every English
speaking country on the glola-, and 8t6
manuscripts were submitted from all
parts of England, as well as from every
nook and corner of the United States.
Tlie first prize of >10.000 has just been
awarded to Mr. Harry Stillwell Edwards,
of Macon, Ga., and a check for that
amount has been forwarded to him.
The Atlanta Journal has, at, a heavy
cash expenditure secured exclusive right*
to publish Mr. Edwards’great prize story.
“Sons and fathers,” and it will appear in
daily installmentsin Tlie Journal, con¬
temporaneously with its publication in
the Chicago Record. The story will be
gin Monday, March 23d.
In addition to being the winner of the
>to.oooprize. this story a “mystery
throuKh jt u not until the
]tct chapter. Fifty-seven chapters will
unpublished and then publication will be
suspended for one week, during which
Interval the readers of The Journal will
be allowed to guess at the solution of the
mystery, which will be revealed in the
concluding chapter. For the Wst guess
The Journal offers >50 in gold.
The Atlanta Journal will he sent to any
address, for the five weeks through
which the story will run for Joe. Send
postal note or 25 two-cent stamps to The
Journal,Atlanta, Ga.
They Wore Thankful.
Tho good women of the Baptist
church in this place sent the ministe¬
rial students at Mercer a box of nice
things to eat, and tho following is the
acknowledgment from the President’s
Dear histers: —The barrel, though
broken badly, held out ’til it reached
me. 1 assorted the good things ar¬
ranged them temptingly and sent for
the “Club Boys”, There arc tlnco sets;
they were glad grateful hoys and com¬
missioned me to way that they cannot
find words to express their gratitude
but will try to evince it, by hard study
and faithful work. Cod bless] you.
Mus. J. B. Gamhrkll.
A sensational rumor was aflout in At¬
lanta first of the week that Gov. Atkin¬
son would not allow his name to be used
again in connection witli political honors,
but tile report lias beenjdcmed.
Mothers Read This: l!
The Best Hn *AP *
Remedy, h
For Flatulent Cotta, l*larrtm«w,
Itvoenterv, imuoea, ooUKh*. eliol
era In fit iif 11 ii)» IwUilnR I’lilldi'i'ii,
rltolma morlMin, I'nnutiinil ilrnlii
from liownlM, ralitn. I <»«
appetite, and all <!U~
of the utoinaeh A bowel*.
lathe standard. It carried dill- ^
dren over tl»o critical recommended period by of ^
teething,ami in friend of mothers I \
Adults physicians and an children. a It is pleas- U
ant to taste, net <t falls to satisfy. #
A few doses wi I demonstrate Its #
superlative For virtue. sale hv all Price druggists, 2 fic p’r jt x
bottle. bjDr.W.M.I'ltts.
Prepared only ^
Why not liddle-toan? be your
profit between maker and _
Pay bokonn
. SSSw rttainrlB.*'
JR pounds, Istheone-'profltprteeof 40,(100
find tat We ovor It
articles, every tiring you use. send
lor lSoontst that’s not for tho book, but
to pay part, of the postage or oxproHMage, ft
and kuup off lilt 4|>k You can’t got too
111-116 The Michigan .Store of All Avc., the People^ Chicago.
** av0
J ( Paying Doctors’ 5
5 /
J Bills
(P Him toon pbyilolam thoroughly and t«»tod thn by *
omlnniit forty and poo
quickly pl« for grid pennsnsatljr y««m. ourftn
1 RUNNING Alt rn.nn.rof BUKHH KATINO, II I. by HI'KKAlHNO.r,,) fur Ihn bMl tmiK 11 \
i ^ and blood puriflor evor offornd to tho world. V
Prl nn $ I pur bottln, « bottlM for It build* I P
ud For tho dolo hotsith by druggiat*. and atrongth from tho first do*e. ^ 9
vSENT FREE woNi//m»T;i, O 00KEA. ? v
f BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, On.
I have only sold
My lines of^Dry Goods and Shoes.
I will continue
At the same stand with a complete line of Fandy and
Family Groceries, Tinware, Glasware, Crockery and
Hardware, etc. Full line of Crossman Bros’. Garden
Seeds and Eastern seed Irish Potatoes.
A. J. MELTON, Crawfordville, Ga.
On any ButtineH* It Will be to Your IutereHt to nee
Cliectp Casli Store
Anything you want including COUNTRY PRODUCE, can be had then
very cheap.
In Advance-
No. 4.
Official Organ ot Taliaferro Co,
It in possible that lloykin Wright may
represent Richmond in the next state
The Georgia railroad shop men at Au¬
gusta, who have ,been working on short
time, have been hut liaelt on full time,
ten hours per dayv
Ilarry Edwards, a modest looking
young man of Sparta, won the prize of
$ recently for the best, story, writ,
ten for tile Chicago Record.
Notice is hereby given that all legal ad¬
vertisements and notices of the Sheriff,
Ordinary and Clerk of Taliaferro comity
will, on and after Mrridi 1 st, 181 Kb or 80
days after (late, be published published In Crawford¬ The Ad¬
vocate-Democrat ville, at
(la., instead of tlus Cruwfordvlllo
This ttitli, day of Fob. 180 ( 1 ,
D, 1 *. Iloary, Sheriff.
GEO. II. Mitchell, Ordinary.
H. II. Rhodes, Clerk.
” Whereas, Annlo W. Barnett an ad
maniHtratrlx and I*. A. 1 ‘erklnn adminis¬
trator of cubitc of . 1 . YV. Harnett, deceas¬
ed, represents to the Court in their peti¬
tion, duly Hied and entered on record that,
they have fully adunnfsterod said
estate; This Is therefore to cite all per
sons eouc emeu kindred and creditors, to
show cause, If any they can, why said ad¬
ministrator and administratrix should
not ho discharged from their administra¬
tion, and receive letters of dismission on
the first, Monday in May lKfitt. MITCHELL,
Ordinary Taliaferro County.
Twelve Months. Support.
« Mrs. H. . 1 . Nelson, the widow of
Jnscpn F. Nelson, Into of said applied County,
deceased, having in due form for
a twelve months support from the , estate
of said Joseph K. Nelson and the appeals.
url duly appointed; having. Ukd U" n
therefore April, ‘RSO, notify ml
I Ills Is to j * t < r> 1
interested hi till! estate O! said Jovep '
N elson to show cause why said applies
lion should not be granted and said
return recorded and made March the judgement th, RUM.
of the Court. Tills, 4
Gko. h. Mitchell, Ordinary.
Road Notice.
QTATEOKGEORUI A, Taliaferro Oouu
^ly. Office of County Commissioners,
Taliaferro County:
YVIn rctitf, certain petitioners have made
their application to Ibis Court, praying an
order grunting the establishment of :i
Ooielmigli road eonmmneingon tin: Mouth side of the
bridge across the North prong
of the Ogeeltee crock to the public road
at John II. Mitchell's plaee whereon Mr.
Rhymes Taylor now resides, to connect,
wit h the public road that leads to •ordan’s
mill to be made a public load; anil win r e
as Commissioners appointed for that pur
pose have reviewed and marked out said
contemplated road, and will reported of to mueli aid
oourt that said rood be one
public utility and convenience. Now
this Is to cite and admonish all persons
that on and after the first Tuesday granted in if
April, lHiW), salt! road will he
no good cause Is shown to the contrary.
By order of Board of County Commis¬
sioners. Mured fird 1800 .
Gko. If. Mitch km.,
Chirk Comity Cominl»»lon«r.