Newspaper Page Text
u » rd me Father.
After passing three years in Paris, a
French student wrote to his father as
“I hare made np my mind to set to
work, dear father; therefore, I should
like to know whether it was law or
medicine that I came to Paris to
study.”—Le Figaro.
Slop, Thief!
Stop .small malady, which is stealing your
strength, before it outrun. your power to ar¬
rest it. and recover It took from yon. Tne
ssfe- t and promptest recuperator of w&nin*
vitality is Hosieiter's Stomach Bitters, wh ch
i .auss enews itVf^oirs M acM?Uv a ?o T tbMe 1 f t anetlons
Whoso me: I option interferes w tli general
iiealtn. Lae tB tters ror dyspepsia, ma
}*j*lal, rheumatic and kiduey complaints and
A v'llage humorist wa ; asked to suggest a
motto for a new irro ery, and he proposed this:
“Honest tea is the best policy.”
If you are doubtful as to the use of Dobbins'
Electric Soap, and cannot accept the experience
cf million* who use it, after the SI years it has
been on the market, one trial will convince you.
Ask your grocer for it. Take no Imitation.
The man who has gold for his master is
bound with iron fetters,
A Couon Snour.D Not be Nkglectkd.
H Drmcn*» Bronchial Troche*" are a simple rem¬
edy and give immediate relief. Avoid imita
Before *.ve can become truly rich, we must
first obtain the-spirit of content.
Dr. Tvi mer s S w a >( p - ft oot cures
ali Pamphlet Kidney and Bladder troubles.
and Consul tat ion free.
Laboratory Blnarhamton. N. Y.
The richest people are t hose who have treas
ur s which cannot be stolen or burned up.
Dr. J. W. Blosser, (a minister of the Gospel)
who has been treating Catarrh, Bronchitis
and Asthma for 20 years, has at last perfected
a remedy that “goes to the spot’ - and makes a
lasting cure.- It is smoked in a pipe, hut con¬
tains no tobacco. He will mail a trial lample
free to convince any sufferer who will address
him at No. 63 W. Cain St., Atlanta, Ga.
FITS “topped free by Dr. Kline's Great
Nkrvk Restorer. No fits after fl'-nt dav’s u*e.
.Marvelous cures. Treatise and $ 2.00 trial bot¬
tle free. Dr. Kline, i)3l Arch St., Phils,., Pa.
Everyone Knows How It Is
to suffer with corns, and they are not conduc
ve to walking; remove them with Himlercorns
Tour blood In Spring is almost certain to
be full of impurities—the accumulation
of the winter months. Bad ventilation
of sleeping rootos. impure air la dwell¬
ings, factories and shops, overeating,
heavy, Improper foods, failure ot the
kldnej's and liver properly to do extra
work thus thrust upon them, are the
prime causes ot this condition. Xt Is
of the utmost importanoe that you
Now, as when warmer weather eomes and
the tonlo effect of cold bracing air is
gone, your weak, thin, Impure blood
will not furnish necessary strength.
That tired feeling, loss of appetite, will
open the way for serious disease, ruined
health, or breaking out ot humors and
impurities. To make pure, rioh, red
blood Hood’s Sarsaparilla stands un
equalled. Thousands testify to Its
merits. Million* take it as their
Spring Mediolne. Get Hood's, bsoause
IsthaOneTrne Blood Partner. All druggists. $1
Prtpareff onlj br O. L Hood a Co., XewsU, Hsos.
Hood’s Pills
W. L. Douclas
« 3 . SHOE “Wofct.: THE
If you pay *4 to ®0 for shoes, ex¬ s 3.
amine the W. L. Douglas Shoe, and
aee what a good shoe you can buy for
and LACE, made in all
kinds of the best selected
leather by skilled work¬
men. We
make and
sell more
E m $3 Shoes
than any
manufacturer in the world.
None genuine unless name and
price is stamped on the bottom.
Ask your dealer for our •**
ii, S3. 50, •2.50, 82.25 for boys. Shoes;
•9.50, 82 and 81.75
TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. If send yourdealer to
canr. ____ enclosing t supply price you, and 36 cents fac¬
tory, carriage. State kind, style
to pay plain), size and
of toe (cap or will fill
width. Our Custom om Dept, . Illus¬
your order. Send for new
trated Catalogue to Box R.
W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mast.
‘to d iSTei
dines rapidly. Sometime. Just « little ir
Tsris« tr iira” *th‘ edst lead*
ence of a disorder that nearly always
to the mo t serions ro seqoenee,. In perfect hraith.
Ter. ere r«ry few women in thj
female j;early always there Neileet « *on» of thera weaknjea little tninra
1 . sure orjtanj. o push the soffe-er farther down tn.
hill todi,ea-e. Pata stop to tliem.
2d J& C i 1 T’.*‘^5neS^ ttTe { ^,l£?l^o».n. „ „ .
It cTirc-. by buildinz up who.®
Disease can’t exist in » strong, 7
of CsHd enables women to car.
from ' hen '-" the IV “doc I ,‘o e r D ?ka?kStlf sh.
goes to him for he p.
One Dollar a Bottle.
People are Demanding Crlspi’s Re¬
Advices AJ—, from Home, T,„,_ Italy, state tnat
the ministry announced its resignation
in the chamber of deputies Thursday
and Premier Crispi added that it had
v been accepted . by \ the x .. King,
In spite of the strong force of troops
and police present about the chamber
it was with difficulty that order was
When the announcement r** made
lend cheers rent the very air and was
taken up by those on the ontside and
repeated far and wide. Excited shouts
continued over the city for several
Crispi gazed calmly upon the shout¬
ing, cheering deputies, as if such a
demonstration was quite an ordinary
occurrence, and when able to make
himself heard, said:
“The ministers will remain at their
posts until their successors are ap¬
pointed.” More cheers and shouts
followed this statement, after which
the president of the chamber asked
that the house adjourn until the crowns
decided upon the successors of the
ministers, who had just announced
their resignations.
The “Leftists” raised a storm of
protest against the proposition saying
that tho government should bo im¬
peached, that the public were entitled
to know who was responsible for the
disaster in Abyssinia and that there
w as no excuse for not making public
promptly all the facts in the possession
of the ministers.
But when the protests of the “Left¬
ists” had been exhaused, the house ad¬
journed pending appointment of anew
Story ol tlio Rioting.
The excitement throughout Italy
caused by the defeat of General Bara
tieri at Adowa on Sunday last by the
Abyssinnians, with the loss of from
five thousand to ten thousand men
killed and wounded, according to gen¬
erally credited reports, shows little
signs of abating.
It is true, however, that the disturb¬
ance caused by the news of tho great
disaster and the display of indignation
against the government has been in¬
creased by the calling out < f the thousand many
reserves, which calls eighty
additional men iDto active service.
The great majority of these reserves
are married men whose families can¬
not be deprived.
. Capta _ . , General — . of .
Issued by the n
Cuba, Weyler.
a special from Havana says: The
ca ptain general of Cuba, Weyler, has
j s(m ed another important proclama
tion, of which the following is a trans
l a tion:
.iM y attention has been drawn to
the frequency with which the civil and
military authorities and the army of
fi U ers in the country and towns pro
cee ,t to arrest citizens who are after
wards placed at my disposal to be de
ported from the island without reason¬
able cause for such measures, and,
having pointed out in my previous cir¬
cular the charges pertaining to war, tho
jurisdiction and the formalities for
trials, I have decided to exact, in ac¬
cordance with said circulars, that ar¬
rests must be justified with all reasons
and proofs possible, so as to proceed
with all justice against the prisoners.
“Therefore, the authorities and
army officers will so order in every case
of anyone who is arrested without
proofs enough to establish his guilt.
Written information must be made
with all the facts that can possibly bo
had through verbal or in-
,™ a tlon '
“These , requires . .. will be more ex- „
acting in the towns where all loyal
people must contribute to them, as
safety here is greater and as in, so do
mg they will assist the authorities to
re-establish order and peace by co
operating m a strict compliance with
justice for which a line has been traced
by me. informations and material . .
proofs willl be sent to this offie to pro
ceed accordingly, it being understood
that I will hold strictly responsible
ft ny officer who does not furnish the
proofs ^required in the cases men
tinDfiJ.” --------
National Committee Sends Funds for
the Kultan’fl Subjects.
Monday the National Armenian Re¬
lief committee at Sew York sent $10,
000 to Constantinople. It is stated
by the committee that the distri¬
bution of money is now being made
among the Armenians, and that at
present tha greatest obstacle to tha
work of relief is lack of funds rather
than opposition on the part of the sal-
Mr. Stephen E. Barton,of Westerly,
R. I-, has received a cable dispatch
from Miss Clara Barton, at Constanti
nople nop saving J that the Red Cross So
> " t
ciety shipped a large qantity of relief
suppnee b to vw Lbe .u interior of Armenia, to
go by caravan by way ___ of Alexanarttta,
on the Mediteranean.
Miss Barton has forwarded funds to
Htfpoot, Hivas and Marash and says
yeporti from the interior indicate that
the needs of the suffering Armenians
are increasing.
S.pporf the Offer.
It is reported at Pekin, China, that
the French government is supporting
the offer of a syndicate of French fi
nanciera which is < fferiug China the
i., an of 109 000.000 tales, France to
guarantee the interest.
Trolley I'avs anil Tills.
Fivni the Evening tfexes, Eetcarji, .V. J.
Mrs. Anna Burns, of 838 l’iaao Street,
Newark, N. J., is a decidedly pretty brunette,
twenty-six years old, tall, andaplcasant con¬
versationalist. On the ground floor of her
residence she conducts a well-ordered candy
store. When our reporter visited her store,
she in response to n question told him a very
Interesting story. ago,” she began,
“Until about two months
“X enjoyed the very beat of health and could
work night and day if necessary. Suddenly,
and without any apparent cause, X began to
suffer from intense pains tn my distracted hoad, In with my
limbs and temples. Almost ending pain, I tried
this seemingly never nfter proscrip¬
cure after cure, prescription of medicine of all
tion and almost a gallon good. Iu fact I
kinds. Nothing did me knuckles any hands
became worse. Tho of my
soon became cramped and the pain in my
hips became more and moro be
day. Business in tho store had to at¬
tended to, however, and so I was obligod,
suffering as I was, to keep moro or less on
my feet and occasionally I was forced to go
out. This was the ordeal I dreaded. Each
time I went out I trembled when I came near
tho ear traoks for my pain at times was so
severe that I was obliged to stand perfectly
still no matter where X was. On ono occa¬
sion I was .seized in Ibis way while I was
crossing the tracks on Market Street and
(horn I stood perfectly rigid, unable to movo
hand or foot while a trolloy car came thun¬
dering along. Fortunately it was stopped nil
before it struck mo, but the dread of it
lasted as long as my pain, for I tievor know
whan orossing tho tracks, whether X would
not drop to tho ground in my agony and be
crushed to death. My anxiety to get well
grew apaco and I had about given up iu de¬
spair when I saw iu tho Evening A'eics one
day, aajidvertisomont of Dr. Williams' I'iuk
l'ills. Hero was something I hadn’t tried
before and I lost no time in getting to tho
nearest drug storo. There wonderful, I paid ilfty health cents
for a box of those truly X had finished taking
restoring piils. I Beforo began to feel relieved; the
half of tho pills
pains in my hips gradually disappeared and
for the ilrst time in many days 1 felt as if
there was some hope, I continued to take
the pills and the more I took, tho better I
felt. I finished ono box, got another and
now having taken only n few of tho second
flity cents’ worth, 1 am froo from all pain and
as lmppy as the day is long. Since I begau
to tako Dr. Williams’ Pink Tills 1 have gained
thirty pounds and now when I cross tho ear
tracks I don’t care if there is a dozen vohiclea
nearby. It is a great relief, I assure you,
and suffering humanity has a never failing
friend in Dr. Williams’ l'ink Pills for Palo
People. I know what I am talking about. I
speak from experience.” Pink Pills oontain, in con¬
Dr. Williams' a
densed form, all the elements necessary to
give now life and richness to tho blood and
restore shattered nerves. They are also a
speciilc for troubles peculiar tOjfemales.suoh and all
as suppressions, irregularities forms
of weakness. In men they effect it radical
cure in all cases arising from whatever mental, worry,
overwork or excesses of nature.
Pink Pills are sold in Uoxos (never in loose
bulk) at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50,
and may bo lmd of all druggists, or direct by
mall from Dr. Williams’ Modtoino Company,
Schenectady, N. V.
Heating Freight Oars.
It iB reported by a German for paper the
that successful arrangements
prevention of damage to merchandise
through excessive cold, have been ex¬
perimented with on the railroads from
Goblentz and Wiesbaden to Berlin.
The winter of 1894-’95, which was par¬
ticularly severe through central Eu¬
rope, was responsible for groat losses
of perishable freights in transit. Veg
etableg( fruitgi boer wine , li quors
ttB( j mineral water suffered most,
was, therefore, proposed perishable to heat
f ro jg b j oarg carrying suck
traffic, and up to the [.resent time not u
g j n g) H cage or a barrel containing
liquids has suffered iu transit while on
these cars. A stove in tho eoutral part
0 f the car, which is heated from with
(jU t j supplies tho neoessary warmth,
an( j tkemometor, which 1 b visible
from t h e outside, reveals to tho iu
B ., ec t ori whoso duty it is to ascertain
the temperature of each car at every
station, whether ho has to open the
ventilators on top to reduce the heat,
or whether new fuel ought to be in¬
troduced to keep up tho fire and in
oreasa tho temperature. A Blight ad¬
ditional rato iH chargod, and as ship¬
pers prefer this increase to tho uncer¬
tainty of the woather, the entire sys¬
tem is pronounced a success on all
The Methodist Minister and Ills Plug.
The editor of tho Melbourne Spec
tat, f Lorimer Fi.on, a
minister with some unique
^ (>{ cburacter He 0(litH the pa .
P per with bis coat and boots off and a
.J P J . q Lig mouth He says that
J t fore hig ordination ho was sent
for b * tho of ..jaminers. “Mr.
p , gajd OM o( tha board , “your
ic gr0 eIcol]otlt( but thcre ig ono
J ^ o ,-j to Figon agkc d
wh jt ^ «y ou are addicted to
^ ^ habH Qf Fisou ex
plained that he saw no evil in it; but,
# larf?0 plag f r0 m his pocket
g9 j ( j i «j n deference to your opinion,
t]e j promiHe you this: As
^ ^ p haTfc Bmokcd tbo pIug I bold
. n ^ hand j wU1 cea8e gmok i Dg f or .
Th#y w „ t() satisfied, and he
---ordained was next day. But as he re
fills the big pipe he chuckles and tell«
you; “J’ve kept my word; I’ve got
that yery plug yet.”—WeatmiuBter
How Hold Comes.
“I think gold is being hoarded,” ob
served Manchester.
“Nonsense,” replied Birmingham;
“I waH in a bank yesterday and saw
about two quarts of gold coin on the
“That’s a fine way to speak of gold
coin, measuring it as thongh it were
milk or cider.
“The expression is all right. Gold
comes in quartz.”
There i. more Catarrh in this ,, section of the
,. ongtrr ,i, an ail other disease, pot tovether,
*t.ff until the ».t few year, was yearsffoewr. supposed to
be inrara’.le, for anireat many and pr^wrilxel
ioeal proaonnoeff ita local ff,»ea.e. failing
remedie". and hy constantly arah1<.‘U to
££J r th i^ n ^T« m ^.nSI erefore > ,, i ;
t reqmre,
Toldo. factor*-! by F. J. < ;h«ney
Ohio, i* the only con-t jeafionxl cure
ti** interna It ljrind«*M 4i
dro;* r»nfal.
Se%t.V'‘ Th« ”dfel
for any <»’» it fall*'» ct»r». f*«n»l for dreo
i*r-and trat^n in It***. A
J. 1 HEi?er Sc C Tr
|WSold fay_Dr *
p iw) -, core I-a wond-rfal orazi and
-Mrs. w. iTcaeia. Vaa SW« Blake
Avoo.. Brooklyn, N. Y-, Oet. 5*. -M.
General Sewell, of New Jersey, is
the only genuine Irishman in the
United States senate. Ho was born in
county Mayo, Ireland, and came to
this country in 1851, a penniless or¬
phan, at the age of sixteen.
The duke of York’s collection of
postage stamps, which he recently sold
to one of the Rothschilds, bore an in¬
surance of $600,000.
I The widow of Alexander Campbell,
| the founder of tho Christian or Oamp
fW. t' bellite jinoty-four, R. church, Thompson, in is Bethany, living, who W. at the Va. for age Mrs. of
was so
many years postmistress of Louisville,
VKy,, is her daughter.
Rain-in-the Face,who was tho leader
tjn the Custer massacre, is now a po
(iceman Ho at the Standing Rock uniform Agency.
wears his govorumont
with as much pride as lie used to wear
tho war bonnet, and is ns netive now
iu preserving the peace ns ho was for
tuorly in breaking it.
Cieorge VondnrltiJ* Vanderbilt lina has iwvilrvhf bought and .»««?
shipped to his great farm, Biltmore,
near Ashvilic, N. O., tho whole herd
of Jersov cattle, 125 in number, of tho
Pittsford farm, near Rochester. The
sale of this famous herd, owned by
-Frank W. Hawley, the third of tho
live owners of great heads of Jerseys
in New York, is due to the action of
the state board of health iu its attitude
as to tuberoulosis iu oattlo and the
confirmation of its action by tho court
of appeals.
Gladness Comes
X A/ith a better understanding of the
VV transient nature of the many phys¬
ical ills which vanish before proper ef¬
forts— gontlo efforts —pleasant efforts-
rightly directed. There is comfort in
tho knowledge that so many forms of
sickness aro not due to any actual dls
ease, but simply to a constipatedcondi
tion of the system, which of Figs, tlx) pleasant
family laxative, That Syrup is why it is tho prompt- only
remedy ly removes. with millions of families, and Is
everywhere esteemod so highly beneficial by all
who value good health. Ha
effects are duo to the fact, that it is tho
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness, without debilitating the
all Important, in order to get itsbeno
ficial effects, to note when you Pin
Which to, that is manufactured you have the Xty genuine tho Califoriiia ajilele,
i’ig Syrup Co. only, und sold by all rep
sifiililo flriiiyijrifit H
tivesor other remedies aro not needed.
If afflicted with any aetiml disottse, one
may bo commonded to the most, skillful
physicians, but If in need of a laxative,
then ono should have the best, and with
the well-informed everywhere, Syrup of
Figs stands highest and is most satisfaction. largely
used and gives most general
•xk Sf 9
!!■ Wall Paper is Unsanitary. m 9
it 9
It won't Kalsomine is tem¬ 9
9 rub off" off porary, and Scales. rots, rubs t
; ALABASTINE ftwt paitor ihftt YHi oat htr». DOCTOR-*" it noi bad ihritit." §ah* tnough, 0i»$ ma* *tu h*9f ftvottr Mata of !
9c&£§i 9 t.i forms a pure and permanent coating and time* docs
. not require to bo taken off to renew from
nm to time. Is u dry powder. Tho latest make A
^nr being adapted to mix, ready for use, witli .
9 ) ► “* - r Le*-/ ^~ =L ”- Cold Water. In Can white bo easily and twelve brushed fashionable on by any f A
- on( ,. Made toall ttylet*
tints. ALABASTIN8 decorating. Isadftptod
m of plain arid relief
II not for sal* In your town, writ* ua for Mini of i
\ vefLCIT**' ” nearest dealer. MjOH.f .
Better use them
this way,
if you don’t usi* Pearline. Give
your tired arms and aching back a
rest, somehow, when you’re scrubbing
4B& \ *" d ^r.Lrd Id-r’ Of cour.,.
, But when a person has cleaned
house with Pearline, year in
and year out, and knows how much
work it saves, and time, and rubbing, nothing seems Pearline— more
absurd than to try to dean house without it.
no soap with it—just Pearline—makes house-cleaning easy.
\ \
\ 1
MBjS&mbtY'.v Mm Shooting F > ain.s in any part of §&&&
\ wiiicin are in usually turn is mused < an ' "! by !«•/ a Nf-nral^ia low Mati
^ 8 m |p( the in'j'A. I'nrify the b!oo«l HiT-ttgK \ ’
pains cciisc. Bb'/.vn'h Ikon*
X YuMllik si )purifies the iloud. Wff I t \
** 3 P f" blown CaBMicAi. Co.. im-.r- VI. By
w ® ^
: 7 /
Sfl th« Kertt* H»Jo!c« And
tannin sing. With onr new hardy grasses,
storm and fodder plants the poorest, most
worn oat, toughest, worst pteoo of land oan
bo made as fertile as theralloyof the Nile.
Only takes a year or so to do so! At tho
earns Urns you will be getting big crops'.
Teosints, Qiaut flpurry, Haoallns, Lathyrua,
what a variety of names! Catalogue tells
you I
Ix roc Winn our THte out akd sawn it to
the John A. Salaer Seed Co., La Crosse,
Wls., with 10c. postage, you will get free
their mammoth catalogue and ten grass and
grain and fodder samples (worth (1 to get u
•tart.) (A. O.)
WR1N8, Ga.
J. T. SHnrTRIN*. box ^ Tkt
Sir:—'“Having obtained a of your
TRHiNi which of Hunter Wright, itching of Louisville, piles
Ga., I used on a case of or
five years’ standing. I spent. iSO for different
kinds of remedies and the skill of doctors, all
for no good, until 1 got the Trttkiunx. I am
now well. Accept thanks.” Your*. Kino.
W. H.
By mall for 50o. Iu stamps.
An Atlanta llnnker bn* Wards of Praise
for a Homo Institution.
Mr cantor, at the Atlanta Nn
tional Bank, la very careful with his words,
MOf OIlJ.V fit fi tlAtH'JOFltllf, hilt ill Ills
lion ^uernllv. Like the rest of us, he is sick
sometimes; but, unlike many of us, he knows
,.j | mx o Tyner's indigestion, Dyspepsia have Remedy always in
attack* »r acute ami
‘ """
Price per bottle, 50 cents. For sale by all
Muny Inf! tinners i’otubln® to Reduce Health
to 1 Parker’s he danger UingorTonlo limit. The reviving properties these iHs.
of overcome
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for inflamma¬ children
teething, softens the gums, reduces bottle.
tion, allays pain,cures wind colic. 25c. a
iOreed the A. B. Campbell Co., of Jacksonville, to soil out to tho Freyor & Bradley MuiloCo., of
Atlanta, tia. They hail a groat number ol piano* and organ* tu stock that tho F. & 11. M. Co. do
not handle and ‘hoso mu«t bo sold. Below will ho found a partial lilt ot tlionu tnitrumenU with
tho oaflh pile* If one, or two years should be wanted, tho lesal rate ot Interest (H i*er cent.) will
bo charged, thus placing tho ono wanting time upon the same boats as tho cash buyer. This
is tho first time In tho history of tho music business in tho Smith that this 1ms boon dune. In
writing tho K. AH. M. Co., about tho lnstrumoutii In tho list bolow, rorer to thorn by the numbers.
These Instruments aro NEW. and are guaranteed f»r 6 years, except when otherwise speetflod.
No. Name. Style. Price.
*...... Ebony. 107 00
«...... '• ...............pi Walnut.... ... 211 00
4...... •• ...............ik Walnut.... 211 00
u «• ........ 18
« »« IHKbcny........... 200 00
4 •• ........i*<> 102 »<> 00
N *• ...............12 Mahogany.... Mahogany.... 211 00
» *• ......IK 211 00
10 It”.... ... 44 ...............11 Walnut Mahogany 2 o:i oo
44 ...............Hi
12......Smith A Barnes, K Walnut.,.. i«7 oo
18 “ 44 Walnut..... 104 00
..... Walnut..... 104 00
14 •• *»
15"*. 41 44 K Ebony...... Walnut.... 107 150 00 00
in K <>*lt.......... I OH 00
ii. 11 oak.......... 170 00
IN 207 00
W...... *• 11 ir 44 *’"””",, walnut 2H7 00
|| “..^McCammon .........7 '■■'.I Mahogany. Mahogany. 207 207 00 00
as>...... “
*»...... ” ......... ] ffiS"“* any ' 207 00
"""'"7 Eliony.'""!; 107 00
...... 107 00
no';;;" •< ’........ ........'L’'il 7 oak........ i)"’“' 207 00
«...... ” ll u ' y ""
Jjj..... Mtlionnv' 907 00
......... na 00 H H ,, mtnnr
nu Khoiiy...... 114 00
«,......Btuyv«.*nt...........walnut...... nn 00
M........... i#« 00
ualucs Bros.V.'..'.'....4 Mahogany.... 187 J* »» ;<
M...... ” .......................
« ••• ZZsmmrZZZ. lW 00
.....gnHar Bros.................................. «z «i)
B 40 .....Wheeloek..............5..................... Haines Bros........4 Mlboiioy IIJ I® 4 JO
«»oy............ <• 1 ' ..... J«" «*»
■ •9
w tlllOCHKR, Oeneral Manager,
9.T.MAmzK, * „„ l r HOME OFFICE' C. F. BREWZR. Mgr.,
I 24 E. Forsyth St. 03 Peachtree St. 205 Market Market St St.
growers of fruits, berries,
unci all kinds of vegetables,
know that the largest yields and
best quality are produced by
the liberal use of fertilizers
containing at least 10 % of
Actual Potash.
Without tho liberal use of Pot¬
ash oil sandy soils, it is impos¬
sible to grow fruits, berries and
vegetables of a quality that will
command the best prices.
Our paftiphlett are not advertising; circulars boom*
big spe cial fertilizer*, but are practical ■works, contain
itiK kite est reieftrche* on file iutpieet of fertilization, on, and
arc really helpful to farmers. '1 hey are sent lice c fur
the asking. GERMAN KALI WORKS,
Nasswuviit-. New York.
EGGS! I Strawberries Free!
Hrown L'fihot 1* yittmitli us, tIm Kooks, «t*at -
••Bt. layers ; li»-n. 18 hgfS
the business
troni either #I.0>> and ir»*w hall
85 plants liarly Knrliaat Mite
Strawberry, of both alia
NV Host ; Netting If want
W lit) plants ties. you
J, ( io Ini prove your poultry IWk*
and garden ana know why
chickens pay better than cos a
Jc .f ami how bills, strawberries say*
doctor’s our tree klus
RS^trated ■Rfnot* Kciiimniiw catalogue tails li»»in» unique
Ho* 191, Marietta, Georgia.^
OPIUM mid WHISHT habit, rant*. Bonk .rat
run. ao. itum. u.
No. Name.
47......Krank U <Si Bach .Ebony..........I .Uosuwood... 20 Hit W #11 00
4 H.
40......Kimball............ 07 00
50 Kranich A finch......Walnut......... 210 2D W 00
61 ......Ebony..........
52......FarratKl A Votey.....508 A . fin on
58...... •• “ ......508......... .... 4S oo
5 1 " ......rlmpol... .... :isi oo
55 «• ......Walnut.. . 41 oo
50...... 44 44 ......Walnut.. V ..... 41 00
57...... Of « 44 ......Walnut.. .... 41 00
5N 44 ......Walnut...... ..... 41 no
44 ......Walnut...... .... 41 00
44 ......Chapel....... .... its 00
in *• ......Chapel....... .... :m 00
■a 44 ......walnut...... .... 40 00
44 ......Walnut...... .... no oo
114 44 ......Walnut...... .. no oo
44 .....Oak............ .. 11*00
at 44 ......Walnut...... ..... nn oo
(17 44 ......Walnut...... ..... no no
UK 14 ......Chapel....... ..... ill oo
00 44 ......Onk........... ..... 41 tm
70 ......Btory A (Marko............................ $iir» * oo
71 ......MaHoti A Hamlin..... Walnut......... 40 oo
7-‘ KI ml mil .... n oo 6o
72......Kimbsll................... .... 25
.....Oaii............. 5J3
^...... WKli , r|(m ............. 40 0#
77......Frayser............... Ill 1)0
iu oo
7» Klnihsll If,
... 10
8*.....Klmb.ll............. M
These organa are put in gooff shnne . sad
will buoola only tor *|K>te**b, r *». B.
A Ba « mvs di AM Aft
r. o*?i?
Till, AltltMOTOB liusliiiiss, lisiiaUM CO. It lias now railiiaan Saif »*• '•"'“J *?
wln.lmIII It »«» n
wind |WWM i" I <1 rlhiil
_ ,, anuoM. awl - 111 * 1 . 1 *"— It" !iiriit«»
suai/it. - . si lour man-. Article It ' «n for -ml lens d<-» nioosf UiM a
M i _ tiwttsr make# pumping soft
lussrMt, miitn. It
wKJijjgWiiMlmlil#, hieei, TllUng
Htuel 'l ower*, SMRrt Bn** »ww
igibk ormders. Htent AppltcAtlon Feed IliltUrs u will Midl “***• F*J«
on will furii»»h nnN
of mtlrim that » Jt
jAimnry let I /'& Um uauAl price. 1
tkunedd io-ueae
ttoliool of HHortiisuid
AI 44IJHTA. <4A. from lUf of
No t«>t hr»>kN <jw 4. Aotuttl humti*MMi 1
*ut«irlf)tf. iJuHiriMRfi p»|f»r«. hAodnomslf onliAgm IUu«ir»f^ii ourr-oay y AO
Koofiis iAn«f1. Hwrt'l tor oitf. oat*
loffi «. lloArfl oh*»p«r th ah in *ny HonthSFil
WE HAVEJK 2 wIhmmI -S 2 SC 22 ‘hX ;
mr st Ml* |rrU»*. rntim
rtnlM. too dtrlmm of |
riaga*, 9 ** ntyUm Riding5a4* of Mar*
n«M,4i writefer *tyi*0 oateloce*.
. C*rrt*f* * RereM* U% fie*
W. H. I'nATT, 8 *<jt. Rlkhmit. led.
Oivsi. r.ltf-r In FITS mtnuUia. Hand
hrucglfU. ff.r a trial pestkag*. po*tbAld Mold*/
On* Bo* *.n»
on Addr***'raos. roturtpt of $1 .0*1. So s***. *4.ue.
i-uimm, rntu , ra.
HRAP^Y Treated fr**.
f^ltItaly C< XX»
with T-i-U
||||||| 4 bf I IUmMIm. Htrm the*.
N Ail SaiMSM C.f *fc*oiut*ljr *u/#i fee*
iflf ntabo • i we
*!•») U. work and 4**ee fwu from tern
MJlm- work tw ih* 1 «mU 8 t
it&L MOd 4 «/e>uf r'i 4 r«»*.rid will .apiela
emskr aBM iu» fo .y $»*►
nlHr •• * a W work; a etwoieteir «*)*»»/ profli •er.: Of ff for writ. •« -•/’* »»*•.
9. T. MU Mm V, iMMsr, S.« Lf. *KM1«AJL
PARKER’S balsam
hair <’■— u>« OsB.
CI>tn« wd
* iBItlfMfll fft/Win.
m . "JST SrA'fvSSKrcmrn; tAi^eg. '■•rtj
■ Cub;• KA p d.••titan k a*i»
A- N. n Elevoo, TU
U) n PISO S CURt rOR ■ ;u I
g BeeiLouirb aUKEb WHtKF Syrup, , aii Te*te» tun Good. rwio. Vm
fee tiff, 4 * H^.id bT truljgUf• T